MR :: Volume #16

#1579: Memory of disappearance

Yang Jian has not thought that Ye Zhen vanishes a half year of anything not to do, but treats a person in Fu Shou Yuan is alone dispirited, moreover looked that his appearance as if suffered very big attack. 杨间没想到叶真消失半年什么也没干,只是待在福寿园内独自一个人颓废,而且看他这个样子似乎遭受到了很大的打击。 He a little did not understand, what attack can turn into this appearance Ye Zhen? 只是他有点不理解,什么样的打击能将叶真变成这个样子? Now your appearance like beforehand you, the strange time has not arrived, you should buoy up, returns, a lot also wait for you to be done.” “现在你这个样子可一点都不像之前的你,灵异时代已经到来,你应该重新振作起来,重新回归,很多事情还等着你去做。” Ye Zhen continues to sit down exhausted on the sofa, he is motionless, said worn out: Works as a waste very well sometimes, I am not good, do not urge me, when Ye Zhen has died in process that and the king organization fought.” 叶真继续瘫坐在沙发上,他一动不动,有气无力道:“当一个废物有时候也挺好的,我已经不行了,你不要劝我了,就当叶真已经死在了和国王组织交手的过程中吧。” From now henceforth strange circle only then your Yang Jian, did not have Ye Zhen again.” “从今以后灵异圈就只有你杨间,再无叶真了。” He does not want to see such top Ghost Controller to leave the strange circle, particularly are many a like Ye Zhen in this time, are many a stability. 他可不想看见这么一个顶尖的驭鬼者就此退出灵异圈,尤其是在这个时期多出一位像叶真这样的人,就多一份稳定。 Between -meal snack position is a little but far, Ye Zhen puts out a hand unable to reach, finally sighed to receive the hand, then changed a posture to continue to lie down. 可是零食的位置有点远,叶真伸手够不着,最后叹了口气又把手收了回来,然后换了个姿势继续躺着。 „The beforehand matter had happened, what do you make now dispiritedly?” Yang Jian asked. “以前的事情早就已经发生了,你现在颓废做什么?”杨间问道。 He also looks comes out this Ye Zhen to have a mind to tie, if Ye Zhen does not untie this heart knot, then he really possibly idly spends in this Fu Shou Yuan lifetime, finally asked itself a place to bury casually. 他也看的出来这个叶真有心结,如果叶真不解开这个心结的话,那么他真的可能在这福寿园内虚度一生,最后随便找个地方把自己埋了。 Ye Zhen has not responded, he as if fell asleep. 叶真没有回应,他仿佛睡着了。 Yang Jian turns around not to walk several steps, felt that in the garbage heap of under foot has anything. 杨间转身没走几步,感觉脚下的垃圾堆里有什么东西。 Pushes aside looks, unexpectedly is the Ye Zhen strange weapon, that special long sword. 扒开一看,竟然是叶真的灵异武器,那把特殊的长剑。 Yang Jian picked the long sword this, then drew out to come to see one. 杨间将这把长剑捡了起来,然后拔出来看了一眼。 Immediately. 立刻。 One type terrifying must the dead curse direct appearance. 一种恐怖的必死诅咒直接出现。 But regarding present Yang Jian, curse that this type must die has been not enough to kill it, even Luo Wen loosen that overlay must dead curse he still be able complete anti-. 可是对于现在的杨间而言,这种必死的诅咒已经不足以将其杀死了,即便是罗文松那种叠加的必死诅咒他也能完全的抗下来。 Full is the long sword distortion of rusty stain does not take shape, but can as before clear sees this to carve one side of sword really character, obviously is representing Ye Zhen. 满是锈迹的长剑扭曲不成型,但是依旧可以清晰的看见这把剑的一面刻着一个“真”字,显然是代表着叶真 However the other aspect of sword is actually carving one military character, wants to come is Ye Zhen to hold a memorial service for his dead little brother military. 不过剑的另外一面却刻着一个“武”字,想来是叶真为了祭奠他那个死去的小弟阿武。 Military is the guide who Ye Zhen enters the strange circle, simultaneously is in itself the sea city predecessors is also responsible, among relational also master Yiyou with Ye Zhen. 阿武算是叶真进入灵异圈的引导人,同时本身也是大海市前人负责,和叶真之间的关系亦师亦友。 Pitifully only this military dies in hand that finally, in the king organized. 只可惜这个阿武最后还是死在了国王组织的手中。 The long sword returns to the sheath, strange curse that must die vanishes. 长剑回鞘,必死的灵异诅咒消失。 Yang Jian loses at will, this flew the long sword directly, then sewed on nearby wall. 杨间随意一丢,这把长剑直接飞了出去,然后钉在了旁边的墙壁上。 You sleep well.” “你好好睡觉吧。” The Yang Jian sound resounds again. 杨间的声音再次响起。 Afterward Ye Zhen only hears sound of footsteps to be increasingly estranged, until could not hear clearly the least bit finally, but at the same time, his eyelid also sank more and more, a sleepiness unable to resist welled up 随后叶真只听见一个脚步声渐行渐远,直到最后再也听不清半点了,不过与此同时,他的眼皮也越来越沉,一种无法抵抗的睡意涌了上来 He has not resisted this sleepiness, but hit the yawn, changed a more comfortable posture to rest. 他没有抗拒这种睡意,而是打个了哈欠,换了一个更舒服的姿势睡了过去。 However Ye Zhen falls asleep later Yang Jian actually not to leave, but stands in sofa not far away looks at him. 然而叶真睡着之后杨间却并没有离开,只是站在沙发不远处看着他。 I to know that what matter can make this Ye Zhen be unable to recover.” In Yang Jian heart secretly thought/passage. “我到想知道什么样的事情能让这个叶真一蹶不振。”杨间心中暗道。 He was using strange of ghost dream a moment ago, dragged into the middle of Ye Zhen the ghost dream world. 他在刚才动用了鬼梦的灵异,将叶真拉入了鬼梦世界当中。 The world in dream according to the Ye Zhen memory, will weave a real dream. 梦中的世界会依照叶真的记忆,编织出一个真实的梦。 Yang Jian also followed at this moment was entering in the dream. 杨间此刻也跟随着进入了梦中。 Falls asleep. 一入梦。 Yang Jian arrived in the middle of a sea city obsolete home for the elderly. 杨间就来到了大海市一处老旧的养老院当中。 Here should have certain things to make Ye Zhen life-long, because here all most realities of construction in dreamland. 这里应该发生了某些事情让叶真终生难忘,因为在梦境之中这里的一切构建的最真实。 Yang Jian has the wicked dog hidden to observe in secret. 杨间带着恶犬隐藏在暗中观察。 But Ye Zhen at this moment looks like a person who lost the memory, as if returned to the initial time again, simply had not realized that here is the world of ghost dream, because ghost dream shielded his one to remember strange. 而此刻的叶真就像是一位失去了记忆的人,仿佛再次回到了当初的时候,根本没有意识到这里就是鬼梦的世界,因为鬼梦的灵异屏蔽了他某一段记忆。 Trades to make beforehand Yang Jian cannot achieve, however in a half year of his deep sleep, he is getting deeper and deeper to the ghost dream strange control, has been able finer control dreamland. 换做之前的杨间是做不到的,但是在他沉睡的半年当中,他对鬼梦灵异的掌控越来越深,已经可以更加精细的操控梦境了。 Even he can also let the dreamland and reality overlaps, making the person who enters the dreamland unable to distinguish clearly the dream and reality. 甚至他还能让梦境和现实重叠,让进入梦境的人根本分不清梦与现实。 Quick. 很快。 Yang Jian saw a bus to drive from the distant place, then stopped before this home for the elderly. 杨间看见了一辆大巴从远处驶来,然后停在了这所养老院前。 Quick. 很快。 Has the young student one after another from that bus. 有年轻的学生陆陆续续的从那大巴上走了下来。 Ye Zhen is also one of them. 叶真也在其中。 Yang Jian sees a stature to smile tenderly, very lively female student has been chatting with Ye Zhen, simultaneously urged he hurries to get out, seems very intimate with the relations of Ye Zhen. 杨间看见有一个身材娇笑,十分活泼的女生一直在和叶真聊天,同时催促他赶紧下车,似乎和叶真的关系很亲密。 Vacant of Ye Zhen also face, after as if enters the ghost dream world, at this moment too has a little not adapted, but with shouting of that female student, Ye Zhen then recovered. 叶真此刻还一脸的茫然,似乎进入鬼梦世界之后还有点不太适应,但是随着那个女生的呼喊,叶真这才回过神来了。 Present Ye Zhen is also only an average person, even has not become Ghost Controller.” In Yang Jian heart secretly thought/passage. “现在的叶真还只是一个普通人,甚至都没有成为驭鬼者。”杨间心中暗道。 Afterward chatted he to know through these students, this group of people were come this home for the elderly to be the voluntary worker, to take care of the old person of retirement group, but that Ye Zhen side that very close female student is Feng Sisi, with the Ye Zhen acquaintance for a long time, could be friends from childhood. 随后通过这些学生聊天他得知,这群人是来这家养老院当义工的,为的是照顾养老团的老人,而那个叶真身边那个很亲密的女生叫冯思思,和叶真相识许久,算得上是青梅竹马了。 Although Yang Jian can control the ghost dream to be strange, but he has not controlled the ghost dream, truly those who control the ghost dream to be strange is the side wicked dog, therefore he does not have the means to gain all information in ghost dream world directly, can only through observe slowly. 杨间虽然能操控鬼梦灵异,但他本身并没有驾驭鬼梦,真正驾驭鬼梦灵异的是身边的恶犬,因此他也没办法直接获取鬼梦世界里的所有信息,只能通过慢慢观察。 In story development with dreamland. 随着梦境中的故事开展。 Ye Zhen and one group of male schoolmates, when cleaned one to abandon the building to discover a box accidentally/surprisingly. 叶真和一群男同学在打扫一栋废弃大楼的时候意外的发现了一个箱子。 But the nightmare also starts from this. 而噩梦也就由此开始。 One group of students try to turn on this box, but dreadful matter also happened. 一群学生试图打开这个箱子,而可怕的事情也就此发生了。 The strange strength of scapegoat overflows to disperse from the leather suitcase, this will go to the student to shift to all that this box will make to body of others. 替死鬼的灵异力量从皮箱之中溢散出来,这去学生对这口箱子所做的一切都将转移到其他人的身上 Therefore in this home for the elderly some people one after another died. 于是这家养老院内陆陆续续的有人死亡。 Ye Zhen discovered the strangeness of box, tries to ruin the corpse in box, wanting a fire to burn down the box. 叶真发现了箱子的古怪,试图毁掉箱子里的尸体,想要一把火将箱子烧毁。 But this trades is periphery the one by one person is actually burnt. 可是这换来的却是周围一个个人被烧死。 Even Ye Zhen personally saw Feng Sisi dead before oneself. 甚至叶真亲眼看见冯思思死在了自己面前。 Simultaneously Ye Zhen also realized the approach of own to corpse killed others, he could not accept the collapse brought the corpse to jump down from downstairs together. 同时叶真也意识到了自己的对尸体的做法害死了其他人,他接受不了崩溃的带着尸体一起从楼下跳下。 But this also bumping into made Ye Zhen control the scapegoat. 而这也误打误撞让叶真驾驭了替死鬼。 Because nearby person died certainly, was only left over Ye Zhen and scapegoat. 因为附近的人都死绝了,只剩下叶真和替死鬼。 Moreover Ye Zhen and scapegoat leap off a building together. 而且叶真和替死鬼又是一起坠楼的。 This makes him bump into to become Ghost Controller 这让他误打误撞成为了驭鬼者 Originally is this.” Yang Jian understood Ye Zhen this painful experience. “原来是这样。”杨间明白了叶真这一段痛苦的经历。 However the time of this matter is a little long, Ye Zhen is insufficient now to be dispirited. 但是这件事情发生的时间有点长,叶真不至于到现在才颓废。 Afterward Yang Jian with dreamland continued him to be clear. 随后杨间随着梦境的继续他才明白了。 After Ye Zhen stupor, military that was caught up with rescues, military or the head in sea city, it is estimated that was detected at this time the strange aura caught up in a hurry, but he has not seen the ghost, only saw Ye Zhen that becomes Ghost Controller. 叶真昏迷之后被赶来的阿武所救,阿武这个时候还是大海市的负责人,估计是察觉到了灵异气息才匆匆赶来,只是他没有见到鬼,只见到了成为了驭鬼者叶真 Two people are acquainted, but after Ye Zhen wakes up, is unable to accept this fact as before, almost collapse. 两人就此相识,而叶真醒来之后依旧无法接受这个事实,几乎崩溃。 Military used the strange strength to make Ye Zhen put behind this remembering. 阿武动用了灵异力量让叶真忘却了这段记忆。 Ye Zhen only remembers oneself like drinking the milk, because that girl named Feng Sisi urged him to drink the milk long stature frequently. 叶真只记得自己喜欢喝牛奶,因为那个叫冯思思的女孩叮嘱他经常喝牛奶长个子。 However in fact Ye Zhen does not like drinking the milk. 然而实际上叶真并不喜欢喝牛奶。 Military died, he also disappeared to the strange influence that Ye Zhen had, the Ye Zhen dust-laden memory can regain consciousness, therefore he was unable to recover.” Yang Jian understood at this moment all. “阿武死了,他对叶真产生的灵异影响也随之消失了,叶真尘封的记忆得以苏醒,所以他才一蹶不振。”杨间此刻才了解了所有的一切。 At this time he started to ponder how should make Ye Zhen restore. 这个时候他开始思考起来,应该如何让叶真恢复。 Three means. 三个办法。 First erases or revises his some memories directly, does with military is the same. 第一直接抹除或者修改他那部分记忆,和阿武所做的一样。 Second makes Ye Zhen change the pitiful result in the dreamland, but Yang Jian actually cannot change the reality, afterward Ye Zhen will discover the truth. 第二让叶真在梦境之中改变悲惨的结局,但是杨间却改变不了现实,事后叶真还是会发现真相。 Third resurrects that female student named Feng Sisi. 第三复活那个叫冯思思的女生。 Yang Jian thinks, his which method has not elected, but was he substituted the beforehand military, has not made Ye Zhen lose this remembering, but enlightens him. 杨间想了一下,他哪个方法都没有选,而是他替代了之前的阿武,并没有让叶真失去这段记忆,而是开导他。 This is not your mistake, all these are create strange, so long as strange also, will be similar to such matter also unceasing occurrence.” “这不是你的错,这一切都是灵异造成的,只要灵异还在,类似于这样的事情还会不断的发生。” But Ye Zhen does not have the means to accept as before, he is in the middle of the pain. 可是叶真依旧没办法接受,他还是陷入痛苦当中。 However Yang Jian also understood, after all Ye Zhen kills the female student who oneself liked indirectly, moreover looks at that female student tragic death face to face, this experience simply is the hell, wants to come out of this shadow, is not easy. 不过杨间也理解,毕竟叶真间接杀死了自己喜欢的女生,而且还当面看着那个女生惨死,这种经历简直就是地狱,想要走出这种阴影,并不容易。 Yang Jian not again incarnation military enlightening, but makes him continue the pain in the ghost dream world. 杨间没有再化身阿武开导,而是让他在鬼梦世界里继续痛苦。 After all the time can cure all, hopes that some Ye Zhen moment can want to understand, then puts down all these. 毕竟时间能治愈一切,希望叶真某一刻可以想明白,然后放下这一切。 Like this only then he can change is more powerful. 只有这样他才能变的更加强大。 If Yang Jian chooses three revisions to remember, also or makes Ye Zhen buoy up with the method of some deceit, then Ye Zhen will never grow truly. 如果杨间选三修改记忆,亦或者是用某种欺骗的手段让叶真振作起来,那么叶真永远都不会真正的成长。 In the ghost dream world even the time can affect, seems like that Ye Zhen sleeps, in fact he actually stayed in the ghost dream world day-by-day. 鬼梦世界里连时间都能影响,看似叶真只是睡了一觉,实际上他在鬼梦世界里却呆了一天又一天。 When solved this heart knot, when wakes up again.” “什么时候解决了这个心结,什么时候再醒来吧。” Yang Jian left the ghost dream world, he does not want to wait here, because he also has other things to do. 杨间离开了鬼梦世界,他不想在这里等下去,因为他还有其他的事情要做。 Therefore he left this villa quietly, left Fu Shou Yuan. 所以他悄无声息的离开了这栋别墅,也离开了福寿园。
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