MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#977: The reconstruction hell said

Sun Yan is holding Yaoyao , to continue to fly upward. 孙炎抱着瑶瑶,继续往上飞去。 Du Xiangxiang is riding the jade tiger, pursues in his side. 杜香香骑着玉虎,追在他的身边。 Under, the wonderful camptotheca acuminata is cracking unceasingly, it had been burnt burned black, after burning down of fire of all generations, had been destroyed most probably, because Sun Yan in the final moment, directed the fire of all generations, like the Dai sedan chair, retained the approximate shape, now Li Chen by the strength of Golden Immortal, one layer upon layer destroyed. 下方,妙喜树正在不断崩裂,它原本就已被烧得焦黑,经过万劫之火的焚烧,已被毁了大半,只是因为孙炎在最后关头,引走了万劫之火,才像岱舆一样,保留了大致形状,现在李尘以金仙之力,一层层的毁去。 Is torn to pieces, was roasted has roasted the wonderful camptotheca acuminata by all generations fire, naturally could not withstand. 早已支离破碎,又被万劫火炙烤过的妙喜树,自然是承受不住。 Brother-in-law brother-in-law......” a voice of little girl, from far to near. “姐夫姐夫……”一个小女孩的声音,由远而近。 little Le?” Sun Yan and Du Xiangxiang all are stunned. “小乐?”孙炎杜香香俱是错愕。 Small has the zither | Jean to have, if in the wind the elf is ordinary, flew, the body is dim, visible does not have the nature. 小有琴有若风中精灵一般,飞了过来,身体朦胧,有形无质。 little will Le, how you rush to here?” Sun Yan is astonished visits her. “小乐,你怎么会跑到这里来?”孙炎讶异地看着她。 Small has zither | Jean Leimu: My following master, runs up to the wonderful camptotheca acuminata to play secretly, almost could not come out.” 小有琴泪目:“我偷偷跟着师父,跑到妙喜树里玩儿,差点就出不来了。” I said that place can play? 我说那种地方是可以去玩的吗? Small has zither | Jean say/way: „Does brother-in-law brother-in-law, have an accident? Why can this tree in reverse? Here turns over to the ruins? Was a day of demon appeared a moment ago? Is the day demon the lotus princess? What thing is that many many blood? Also has......” like the curious small kitty, keeps calling. 小有琴道:“姐夫姐夫,到底出了什么事?这棵树为什么会倒过来?这里就是归墟吗?刚才是天魔出现了吗?天魔是莲公主吗?那好多好多的血到底是什么东西?还有还有……”像好奇的小猫咪一样,叫个不停。 Hey...... 喂喂…… Du Xiangxiang said: little Le, your master just separated with us, you are more careful, should not be seen by her. She thinks that you had forgotten your older sister......” 杜香香道:“小乐,你师父刚跟我们分开,你小心些,不要被她看到。她以为你早就把你姐姐忘了……” Small has zither | Jean say/way: Now she is also the Yin demon, I am also the Yin demon, I do not fear her!” 小有琴道:“现在她也是阴魔,我也是阴魔,我又不怕她!” Sun Yan said: You first hide, said to other places again.” Now the immortal demon two, do not know that many people nose rushing, was discovered he with slightly has the words that the zither | Jean contacts, after all is improper. 孙炎道:“你还是先躲起来,到了其它地方再说。”现在仙魔两界,不知多少人在赶往这边查探,被人发现他与小有琴接触的话,毕竟不妥。 He opens the three treasures bottle gourd, the young Yin succuba changes to wisp of light breeze, flew into the bottle gourd. conceals. Helpless Sun Yan shakes the head, I open the bottle gourd you to fly toward, as the Yin demon your is not careful, did not fear that the brother-in-law does sell out you? 他打开三宝葫芦,小阴魔女化作一缕轻风,飞入了葫芦中。藏了起来。孙炎无奈摇头,我打开葫芦你就往里飞,身为阴魔你这也太不小心了,也不怕姐夫把你卖掉? Sun Yan and Du Xiangxiang continue to fly upward, the distant place has cloud array to surge suddenly, in being possessed by a demon air/Qi is billowing. Sun Yan and Du Xiangxiang are in secret vigilant, does not know that the demon soldier demon of which demon sovereign this will be which demon emperor. Here, the above thunder and thunderclap soar, large numbers of gifted generals drop from the clouds, protects all round them. 孙炎杜香香继续往上飞去,远处忽有云阵涌动,内中魔气滚滚。孙炎杜香香暗中警惕,不知这又是哪一魔皇、哪一魔帝的魔兵魔将。就在这里,上方电闪雷鸣、霹雳腾空,大批天兵天将从天而降,将他们团团护住。 The demon soldier demon of distant place. Sees the Heavenly Court soldier to rush, does not dare to battle, draws back to go anxiously. In the gifted generals, a heroic woman transferred: Incense stick|Fragrant?” 远处的魔兵魔将。见天庭兵将赶到,不敢作战,急退而去。天兵天将中,一名女将转了出来:“香香?” Du Xiangxiang said: Gold/Metal phoenix elder sister!” 杜香香道:“金凰姐!” The gold/metal phoenix moonlight flew, sees Sun Yan at the back of Yaoyao Empress, in the heart one startled: Your highness how?” 金凰月华飞了过来,见孙炎背着瑶瑶帝姬,心中一惊:“殿下怎么了?” Sun Yan said: She is all right, Wang was the traitor within, your highness almost by the nobility violent treachery, luckily when black cherry elder sister and her helper extremely rushed.” 孙炎道:“她没事,‘王公’是内奸,殿下差点遭了王公毒手,幸好黑樱姐和她的帮手极时赶到。” Gifted general arrange/cloth good battle formation. The retreating in fear demon soldier demon, the thunderclap will dodge, a man of big overwhelming power appears the figure, such as the mountain peak generally is unexpectedly gigantic. Nine days should Yuan god of thunder general Huatian revere. Nine days should Yuan god of thunder general Huatian revere the sinking sound said: What matter turns over to the ruins exactly to have?” 天兵天将布好阵势。吓退魔兵魔将,霹雳一闪,一个高大威猛的男子现出身形,竟如山峰一般硕大。正是九天应元雷神普化天尊。九天应元雷神普化天尊沉声道:“归墟内到底发生何事?” Sun Yan shakes the head saying: Does not clarify below, only knows ancestor dead, Wang betrays Heavenly Court, wants to plot to murder your highness. Also has suffered extreme penalty, but had anything specifically, I actually do not clarify.” He knew in the heart. Li Chen has arranged the excuse, these things, oneself on should better not to involve outwardly too deeply. 孙炎摇头道:“在下也弄不清楚,只知‘地祖’已死,王公背叛天庭,想要谋害殿下。亦已伏诛,但是具体发生了什么,我其实也弄不清楚。”他心知。李尘早已备好了说辞,这些事情,自己明面上最好不要牵涉太深。 During the speeches, a sound, the entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata is cracking loudly...... 说话间,轰然一响,整个妙喜树都在崩裂…… *** *** Under aiding that in nine days should Yuan god of thunder general Huatian revere, Sun Yan and the others returned to mix the desert world. 在九天应元雷神普化天尊的接应下,孙炎等人回到了混漠世界。 Appeared in mixing the desert world, attacks the dark demon tree of Heaven, because of the destruction of under blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata, as well as disappearance of all generations ruins, lost the root, is withering fast. However, because of this fierce battle, mixes in the desert world, is the disaster tribulations everywhere, position that particularly the original wonderful camptotheca acuminata is , the heaven was shattered, under a lot of astral wind fire of karma billowing volume. 原本出现在混漠世界中、直插天界的黑暗魔树,因为下方血色妙喜树的毁灭,以及万劫墟的消失,失了根,正在快速枯萎。然而,因为这一场恶战,混漠世界内,到处都是天灾地劫,尤其是原妙喜树所在的位置,苍天破碎,大量罡风业火滚滚卷下。 At this moment, the gifted general was still hunting down and chasing down these rebellion the rebellious parties of Chengtian Avenue pledge everywhere, and remnants of faction of army zha Leeming king. As for Heaven, although was pierced by the dark demon tree, but in has a false alarm well finally, has not had any big disaster tribulation, at present Heavenly Court also in fast eradicates the remnant party of nobility. 此刻,天兵天将仍在四处搜捕、追杀那些叛乱的承天大道盟的乱党,以及军吒利明王的余党。至于天界,虽然被黑暗魔树刺穿,但好在最后只是虚惊一场,并没有发生什么大的灾劫,目前天庭也在快速将王公的残党连根拔起。 Ruins is jolted the counter- wonderful camptotheca acuminata by appearance/allow Chenggong, lets the person, even if the reentry turns over to the ruins, is unable to find event concrete is, as well as after all generations ruins, round high peaked mountains and Dai sedan chair hidden approximate position, Li Chen kisses/intimate Heavenly Court, in the Hao of court clouds Heaven world of beings without form, gives the explanation to Jin. 毁掉被容成公颠反的妙喜树,让人就算再入归墟,也无法找到事件发生的具体所在,以及万劫墟、圆峤、岱舆被隐藏的大致位置后,李尘亲上天庭,在无色界之皓庭霄度天上,向金公作出解释。 Knew that the black cherry moonlight and town/subdues Yuan child perish together, the willow Goddess of Mercy Nirvana achieves Buddhahood, after golden body suppression all generations ruins, Jin also sighs deeply. The matter of willow Goddess of Mercy achieving Buddhahood, Spirit Mountain also has the induction, can say, after this is the god demon war, the appeared first Buddha, Buddhism that this pair of law prince is murdered, similarly is also a celebration. Naturally, goal that the willow Goddess of Mercy achieves Buddhahood, is to suppress all generations ruins the matter, Jin will not disclose outward, after all, all generations ruins existence, with greatly void general, should not let the matter that the person knows. 得知黑樱月华与镇元子同归于尽,杨柳观音涅槃成佛,以金身镇压万劫墟后,金公亦是长叹。杨柳观音成佛之事,灵山亦有感应,可以说,这是神魔大战之后,出现的第一位佛,这对法王子遇害的佛门来说,同样也是一件喜事。当然,杨柳观音成佛的目的,是为了镇压“万劫墟”之事,金公自不会向外透露,毕竟,“万劫墟”的存在,就与“大虚空”一般,都不是应该让人知道的事。 Hao court clouds Heaven, Jin has, if the great-circle hot sun, faces Li Chen, said: That child named Sun Yan, who is also, with making the master also has what relations?” 皓庭霄度天上,金公有若大圆烈日,朝向李尘,道:“那个叫孙炎的孩子,又是何人,与令师又有何关系?” Li Chen naturally also knows, with Heavenly Court in afterward to cleaning up of various clues, in the demon monkey event, puts to death Sun Yan that in ancestor and other matters had once shown off, similarly also brings to the attention unavoidably, therefore said: „Before Sun Yan tenth, actually is my Junior Brother red child, in the past he presented the life of jade emperor, went to demon, tried to contact with my father, latter entered turns over to the ruins, looked for the whereabout of Heavenly Queen, finally bumped into, knew existence of all generations ruins, but he did not have to bring back to Heavenly Court the news with enough time, had been discovered by the place ancestor, the ancestor wants to control him by the sapodilla plum, in making him be the ghost to harm the family/home master, but red child has not received a town/subdues Yuan child control completely, unexpectedly was reckless suiciding.” 李尘自然也知道,随着天庭在事后对各种线索的清理,在魔猴事件、诛杀地祖等事中都曾出过风头的孙炎,同样也不免引起注意,于是道:“孙炎十世之前,其实便是我的师弟红孩儿,当年他奉玉帝之命,前往魔界,设法与家父联络,后又进入归墟,寻找王母娘娘的下落,结果误打误撞中,得知了万劫墟的存在,只是他还没有来得及把消息带回天庭,就已被地祖发现,地祖想以人参果控制他,让他做内鬼去害家师,但是红孩儿并未完全受到镇元子的控制,竟是不顾一切的寻死。” Continues saying: „After red child dies, but also remains a soul, gave shelter by the family/home masters, perishes after tenth, side the going home master, that is present Sun Yan, but he himself does not know this past events, even to the present, does not know that his mother is the willow Goddess of Mercy, achieved Buddhahood matter. As for the black cherry, she is actually my Junior Sister dragon Er, in the past to seek for the truth of red child death, cut actually three corpses, afterward by the life of family/home master, the reincarnation for the black cherry moonlight, was ambushed in Immortal World.” 继续道:“红孩儿死后,还残留着一点魂魄,被家师收留,经过十世沉沦,才回到家师身边,那便是现在的孙炎,只是他自己并不知道这段往事,甚至到现在,也不知道他的母亲乃是杨柳观音,已经成佛之事。至于黑樱,她其实是我师妹龙儿,当年为寻找红孩儿死亡的真相,斩却三尸,后来受家师之命,转生为黑樱月华,潜伏于仙界。” These matters basically real, but hid was related with Sun Yan, further inside story. Jin had not naturally suspected. He said: Red child is fascinated, ate the sapodilla plum, unexpectedly not relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish?” 这些事基本都是真的,只是隐藏了与孙炎有关的,进一步的内幕。金公自然也未怀疑。他道:“红孩儿既已入魔,又吃了人参果,竟未形神俱灭?” Li Chendao: Although relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, is actually not similar! The family/home masters once, hears Mozun tried Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence along with the jade emperor and Buddha greatly together, if the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence completes, even the demon, can still the reincarnation in six samsara. Although red child dies, the mystique that but the family/home masters pass on by the Buddha, forced to leave behind a wisp of soul for him , was extremely weak. Reluctant, can enter the samsara, fully suffered the tenth tribulation, tenth can not die a natural death one after another, this has the opportunity immortal cultivation to say again.” 李尘道:“虽未形神俱灭,其实也差不多了!家师曾随玉帝、佛祖、大闻魔尊一同尝试‘三教合流’,若是三教合流完成,就算是魔,也能够在六道轮回中转生。红孩儿虽死,但家师以佛祖所传的秘法,勉强为他留下了一缕魂魄,却也极其微弱。勉勉强强,才能进入轮回,饱受了十世磨难,接连十世不得善终,这一世才有机会再修仙道。” Jin sound of talking like thunder: To protect Immortal World, unexpectedly as for this, the reality is lamentable. In the past he by the jade emperor and Buddha life, gave self up to fascinated, almost relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. Today the accomplishment, Heavenly Court will not once treat unjustly him surely.” 金公语声如雷:“为了守护仙界,竟至于此,实是可叹。当年他受玉帝与佛祖之命,舍身入魔,几乎形神俱灭。今日又曾建功,天庭必定不会亏待他。” Li Chendao: He although before was red child, but this life was only he himself, can say. With has nothing to do with red child, if makes him know the previous generation all sorts, the disciple fresh worry, will instead affect him this life to practice. This matter, but also asked Jin to know well then. With family/home masters and black cherry related matters, please hide the truth from him. Exempting him is sad.” Although he has long known. 李尘道:“他十世之前虽是红孩儿,但今生只是他自己,可以说。与跟红孩儿无关,若让他知道前世种种,徒生烦恼,反会影响他今生修行。此事,还请金公一人知道便好。与家师、黑樱有关的事,也请瞒住他来。免他悲伤。”虽然他早就已经知道了。 Jin dao: Old man pays attention.” 金公道:“老夫理会得。” ...... …… *** *** Mixes in the desert world, Sun Yan turns into fire cloud Xiaosheng again, in calling the sovereign is crazy, Zhuge An, the heart sparkling stone female immortal and Danyang Daoist priest and others, discussed the current important matter. 混漠世界内,孙炎再次变成“火云小圣”,召集中皇狂、诸葛暗、心莹仙姑、丹阳道长等,商量当前的要事。 At this moment, his within the body by without strength of real dragon, is unable to use the strength of real dragon, conducts 72 changes. However, in Yaoyao and lotus lotus being a happy couple in the process, his within the body remains some beginning of the universe supernatural powers and extremely Le Moqi. 此刻,他体内以无真龙之力,也就无法利用真龙之力,来进行“七十二变”。但是,在与瑶瑶、莲莲“比翼双飞”的过程中,他的体内残留着些许混元神力与极乐魔气。 Because at that time, two girls was voluntary being a happy couple, separated the body cross coupling with him, and two people supernatural powers and demon air/Qi, used his dantian the air/Qi of Ziyang as the bridge gather continually, from will not repel him. According to the normal condition, this supernatural power and demon air/Qi, quick will consume, but now, he by them, attracts into oneself bodhi. 因为当时,两个女孩是自愿与他“比翼双飞”、隔体交感,且两人的神力与魔气,以他丹田的紫阳之气为桥梁进行连合,自也不会排斥他。按正常情况,这神力和魔气,很快就会消耗,但是现在,他以将它们,吸引入自己的菩提子内。 The beginning of the universe supernatural power mediation good fortune, extremely happy demon disposition becomes infinite, although is only weak some, but takes them as the seed, displays 72 changes, the effect is really even better than the strength of real dragon. In addition the Spiritual God clone as in his within the body, turns into grandson small flame, is not the troublesome matter. 混元神力斡旋造化、极乐魔气分变无穷,虽然只是微弱的些许,但以它们为种子,施展七十二变,效果甚至比真龙之力还真好。再加上神灵分身依旧在他体内,变成“孙小炎”,并不是什么麻烦的事。 The matter that the imaginary dark green fire cloud army must do at present are many, on the one hand, must assist Heavenly Court, chases down the Chengtian Avenue gate and army zha Leeming king odd/surplus evil , after taking advantage of opportunity the receive army zha Leeming king and eight big god destruction, blank influence that keeps, on the other hand, must assist Heavenly Court, mixes the desert world shatter crystal wall by the superstitious cultivation , each region must treat and cure the common people who suffer hardships full power. 幻苍火云军目前要做的事很多,一方面,要协助天庭,追杀承天大道门和军吒利明王的余孽,顺势接收军吒利明王和八大神主覆灭后,留下来的空白势力,另一方面,既要协助天庭,以天条修炼混漠世界破碎的晶壁,也要全力救治各地受苦的百姓。 Although matter are many, but with these matters conducts, the influence of imaginary dark green fire cloud army, is mixing the desert world also to further expand, fire cloud Xiaosheng becomes mixes the lord of desert world, is almost the inevitable matter. 事情虽然很多,但随着这些事的进行,幻苍火云军的势力,在混漠世界也进一步扩大,“火云小圣”成为混漠世界之主,几乎已是必然的事。 Zhuge Anbing: In addition, two matters, do urgently needed, one of them is reopens the hell to say. Patches the crystal wall of this world in Heavenly Court, and netherworld of this world, before eight big hell connections get up, mixes the desert world to need own hell saying that accepted these days, life of dying, enabling them in the future to re-enter the samsara, but was insufficient daily in the world of the living, by the wind and rain, the soul was dispersed. We planned that uses Abelow to propose the hell of the world saying that and expands, but Abelow proposed the hell of the world saying that in process that in mixing the desert world forms, was divided into many, had actually lost the ability of automatic absorption ghost, by, on the one hand, must patch the hell to say full power, on the other hand, must in mixing the desert world, holds an amphibious congress, surpasses the ghost, lets in the innocent ghost that in this big disaster died, throws toward the netherworld.” 诸葛暗禀道:“此外,还有两件事,急需去做,其中之一便是重开地狱道。在天庭修补此世界的晶壁,并将此世界的阴间,与八大地狱连系起来之前,混漠世界需要有自己的地狱道,收容在这些日子里,死去的孤魂野鬼,让它们日后可以重入轮回,而不至于日日在阳间,饱受风吹雨打,魂魄飞散。我们打算采用原阿比罗提世界之地狱道,并进行扩充,只是原阿比罗提世界的地狱道,在混漠世界形成的过程中,被分成了许多块,却已失去了自动吸收亡魂的能力,是以一方面,要全力修补地狱道,另一方面,亦要在混漠世界里,举办一场水陆大会,超度亡魂,让在这场大劫难中死去的无辜亡魂,自行投往阴间。” Sun Xiaoyan looked that reveres to sovereign ghost. 孙小炎看向中皇鬼尊。 The sovereign leaves ranks to say crazily: „The matter of renovation hell say/way, is greatest karmic virtue, Heavenly Court has given me and others, from, when does full power. Before then, must first mix the desert world, establishes was similar to the nether world being driven to death after suffering an injustice city and so on is, first all ghosts accepted, such was , was actually difficult to look. After all now, the beforehand hell said, mostly the gloomy leak, before the improvement, even/including Guilei is unable to take shelter.” 中皇狂出列道:“整修地狱道之事,乃是莫大功德,天庭既已交给我等,自当全力去做。只是在此之前,必须要先在混漠世界,建立一个类似于阴曹地府‘枉死城’之类的所在,先将所有亡魂收容,这样的所在,却是难找。毕竟现在,以前的地狱道,大多阴气外泄,在完善之前,连鬼类也无法容身。” Sun Xiaoyan stands in the step, after both hands lost/carrying, hesitates saying: Is mixing the desert world, where constructed being driven to death after suffering an injustice city...... the selected location?” 孙小炎立在阶上,双手负后,沉吟道:“在混漠世界,建枉死城……选址在哪里?” Others also start the much discussion, actually could not find the right place. Either is the gloom is insufficient, either is the gloom, although heavy, but the space is too small. Although life does not eat does not gather, does not need to occupy too many spaces, but these 1-2 years, are mixing the desert world really dead too many people. Moreover, after being driven to death after suffering an injustice urban construction, but must send out under the sovereign crazy place the ghost soldier to guard, after all, there are many perhaps to turn into ominous soul severe mortal form. 其他人亦开始纷纷议论,却都找不到合适的地方。要么是阴气不够,要么是阴气虽重、但空间太小。虽然孤魂野鬼不吃不合,不用占据太多空间,但这1-2,在混漠世界实在是死了太多的人。而且,枉死城建后之后,还得派出中皇狂座下鬼兵看守,毕竟,有许多恐怕已经变成了凶魂厉魄。 Even does not consider others. Some many ghosts, were an imaginary dark green fire cloud army side, or Heavenly Court soldier, if makes these people die is mixing the desert world, always can not be reincarnated, they are also in the heart difficult secure. Constructed the matter of being driven to death after suffering an injustice city, the matter in must be good, but mixed the desert world disaster tribulation as before unceasingly, before crystal of wall this world made up, was difficult the institute of security. In such a case, must look for one suited the construction being driven to death after suffering an injustice city was, indeed was the difficulty. 即便不考虑其它人。有许多亡魂,原本是属于幻苍火云军一方,又或是天庭的兵将,若是让这些人死在混漠世界,永世不得超生,他们自己亦是心中难安。建枉死城之事,事在必行,但是混漠世界天灾地劫依旧不断,在此世界之晶壁补好之前,难有安全之所。在这样的情况下,要找一个适合建造枉死城的所在,的确是困难。 Listens to people respective establishment, Sun Xiaoyan is also the headache: Doesn't have a better place?” 听完众人各自的建立,孙小炎亦是头疼:“难道就没有更好的地方?” The numerous will shake the head in abundance, a post-war mixing desert world piece in confusion, in this case, even if seeks help Heavenly Court, will not have any good way. The present condition is this appearance, no one is able. 众将纷纷摇头,战后的混漠世界一片狼藉,这种情况下,就算是求助天庭,也不会有什么好办法。现实情况就是这个样子,谁也无法。 Helpless fire cloud Xiaosheng said: So...... !” 火云小圣无奈道:“既如此……唔!” Others together look like to the small Saint. 其他人一同向小圣看来。 Fire cloud little Via Sacra: This place thinks of one actually...... the bottomless pit!” 火云小圣道:“本座倒是想到一处……无底洞!” The heart sparkling stone female immortal reported: Bottomless pit? The bottomless pit deep is difficult to bottom. The inner space is enormous, truly can be used to hold myriad ghost mortal forms, but it is not a netherworld, in does not have the gloom. It is not able to act as being driven to death after suffering an injustice city.” 心莹仙姑禀道:“无底洞?无底洞深难见底。内部空间极大,确实可以用来容纳万千鬼魄,但它并非阴间,内中更无阴气。无法充作枉死城。” Fire cloud little Via Sacra: This you have not to know! Bottomless pit not really bottomless, its bottom, what connection is scarlet lotus flower hells in eight cold hell, although in process that in mixing the desert world forms. The bottomless pit breaks around the middle, on the half remained mixed the desert world, second half interruption in scarlet lotus flower hell. But in the demon monkey event, 19 people of demons between two sections, started out a channel secretly, they through the bottomless pit, are also thanked the nature by two mother gods who they catch, carries over the scarlet lotus flower hell. That channel, although was blocked by five muddy air/Qi, but can break out with the universe blade, in addition the Immortal World space folds the technique of barrier, constructs step of the nether world, is not difficult. Once made a connection with the bottomless pit, can the nether world gloom in scarlet lotus flower hell, put in the bottomless pit, bottomless pit internal intriguing, however the outward exit|to speak only then , helping control, just may make being driven to death after suffering an injustice city.” 火云小圣道:“这个你们有所不知!无底洞并非真的无底,它的底部,连通的是八寒地狱中的大红莲花地狱,虽然在混漠世界形成的过程中。无底洞拦腰而断,上半截留在了混漠世界,下半截断在了大红莲花地狱。但在魔猴事件中,十九人魔早在两截之间,暗暗的开出了一条通道,他们也正是通过无底洞,将被他们擒住的二娘神谢自然,带出大红莲花地狱。那条通道,虽然被‘五浊之气’阻断,但以太虚刀可以劈开,再加上仙界的空间叠障之术,建造一条幽冥之阶,并不困难。一旦打通了无底洞,便可将大红莲花地狱内的幽冥阴气,放入无底洞,无底洞内部错综复杂,但是朝外的出口只有一个,便于控制,刚好可作枉死城之用。” Zhuge Andao: So happen to! This matter also needs to discuss with the lord of big red lotus lotus flower treasure palace, files in Heavenly Court again, this is big karmic virtue, wants to come them not to reject.” 诸葛暗道:“如此正好!只是此事还需要与大红莲莲花宝殿之主商量,再在天庭备案,这是大功德,想来他们也不会拒绝。” Fire cloud little Via Sacra: Lord of loyal Madame brave scarlet lotus flower treasure palace, with burning thunder sect sovereign Sun Yan has old, burns thunder Zongyi to quarry a mountain on treasure jade tablet, this matter asked him to act is.” Also said: What matter do other have?” 火云小圣道:“大红莲花宝殿之主贞英夫人,与焚雷宗宗主孙炎有旧,焚雷宗亦已在宝圭上开山,此事请他出面便是。”又道:“其它还有何事?” Zhuge fans secretly said: In addition has the incident, although the imaginary dark green island is our places of dispatching troops into battle, but with the big expansion of our military influence, now is not suitable to take on the king the place of principle politics. We suggested, moves mixes the hot temple in the Weimojie city, Weimojie was Abelow raised the cultural center of gravity of the world before, now has also started to construct the hot cloud temple. Reveres not only need make being driven to death after suffering an injustice city by the bottomless pit, bottomless pit and is close to the Weimojie city extremely, fears inauspicious......” 诸葛暗摇扇道:“此外另有一事,幻苍岛虽是我方的起兵之处,但随着我军势力的大扩展,现在已不适合作为王上理政之处。吾等本是建议,迁混火神殿于维摩诘城,维摩诘以前原本就是阿比罗提世界的文化重心,如今也已开始兴建火云神庙。只是,尊上既要以无底洞造枉死城,无底洞又离维摩诘城极近,恐不吉利……” Sun Xiaoyan said with a smile: I and others the extraordinary person, the matter of fairy, to ordinary people, has various death anniversary dark, how will this place care about this? However the name of Weimojie, the Buddhism implication is too heavy, this is not Buddhists, but must change them in addition.” 孙小炎笑道:“我等都非凡人,神鬼之事,对凡夫俗子来说,自有各种忌晦,本座岂会在意这个?不过维摩诘之名,佛教意蕴太重,本座并非佛门弟子,还需另改它们。” Zhuge An said with a smile: This is the natural matter! Abelow raises the world is India, the Weimojie city is Abelow raises the place of the world view doing missionary work, names Weimojie, is the normal matter. However what now we must construct is not India, but belongs to the god country that reveres, changing name is also the inherent connotation.” 诸葛暗笑道:“这是当然的事!阿比罗提世界原本是佛国,维摩诘城乃阿比罗提世界说法传教之处,取名‘维摩诘’,乃是正常的事。但是现在我们要建的并非佛国,而是属于尊上的神国,改名也是应有之义。” Also said: In addition, valuable Guishan west side, the big piece region, was still the bad people running wild, refused to accept king change/transform, although the knowledge was unable to fight with our military, actually still wants to delimit supports oneself, divided and ruled with our military, these influences, as soon as after the Heavenly Court soldier will evacuate, still needed 11 to exterminate......” 又道:“此外,宝圭山更西边,还有大片地带,仍是群魔乱舞,不服王化,他们虽知已无法与我军争锋,却仍想划地自立,与我军分而治之,这些势力,一等天庭兵将撤离之后,仍需一一剿灭……” ...... …… *** *** After Zhuge An, the sovereign crazy and the others discussed the proper business, Sun Xiaoyan brings dragon Er, deep and young, returns to the imaginary dark green island together, enters mixes fire Shenfu. 在与诸葛暗、中皇狂等人商量完正事后,孙小炎带着龙儿、冥儿、雏儿,一同回到幻苍岛,进入混火神府。 Sees to revere the safe return, big Si life/command, few Si Mingyi relax. 见到尊上平安归来,大司命、少司命亦是松了口气。 Then, Sun Yan then dragon Er and young, kept mixed fire Shenfu, oneself bring deep, in the stellar lines of mausoleum chamber through the azure radish mountain, passed through dropped every well. 然后,孙炎便将龙儿与雏儿,留在了混火神府,自己带着冥儿,通过青萝山内地宫的星线,穿过了堕凡井。 The side from having the mirror Yin mirror, then saw Luo Lingshou in cave entrance. Sees him to come back, Luo Lingyi is pleasantly surprised. 方自出了镜阴镜,便看到骆玲守在洞口。看到他回来,骆玲亦是又惊又喜。 Sun Yan said in a soft voice: Ling, I came back......” to open both hands, held in the arms to throw to him bosom Luo Ling. 孙炎轻声道:“玲儿,我回来了……”张开双手,搂住扑到他怀中的骆玲。 In a while, Ji Xiaoman also rushed, saw that he comes back safely, is very happy, throws to him. 没过多久,吉小曼也奔了过来,看到他平安回来,亦是喜上眉梢,向他扑来。 Sun Yan holds in the arms her together, say/way gently: Xiaoman...... was laborious you!” 孙炎将她一同搂住,轻轻的道:“小曼……辛苦你了!” ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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