MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#976: The demon army press to

When fragrant Fairy Maiden found Sun Yan, Sun Yan is hitting the tree. 当香香仙子找到孙炎的时候,孙炎正在撞树。 Do not ask where he sets up from comes, he caught a tree in any case, with head knocking ruthlessly in the past. Missed little, only missed little, mother, you did not need to sacrifice obviously, why you always die such rare and beautiful flowers......, was not right, achieves Buddhahood does not seem able dead, on the other hand, should I have a female buddha mother to be proud for myself? The mother, I are proud for you, but can you first put great sage equal to heaven? Others in the outside laborious fight currently, have the opportunity to go home with great difficulty, how can you road that the monkey goes home blocking? 不要问他树是从哪来的,反正他抓了棵树,用脑袋狠狠的敲过去。就差了一点点,就只差了一点点,妈,你明明是不用牺牲的啊,你为什么总是死得这么奇葩……啊,不对,成佛好像不能算死,话又说回来,我应该为自己有一个佛母老妈感到骄傲吗?老妈,我为你感到骄傲,但你能不能先把齐天大圣放出来?人家在外头辛辛苦苦的战斗到现在,好不容易有机会回家,你怎么能就把猴子回家的路给堵了呢? Wait, said, I am falling a empty mountain sword to explode that demon monkey of head, probably is the son of great sage equal to heaven is actually coming. 等等,说起来,我在陷空山一剑爆头的那只魔猴,好像其实是齐天大圣的儿子来着。 If after Great Sage return, wants to revenge for his son......, mother, kept off the Great Sage outside is right, this was really laborious you! 如果大圣归来后,想要替他儿子报仇……哎呀,妈,原来把大圣挡在外头才是对的,这真是辛苦你了! Brother Sun, you how?” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden in him behind, asking gently. “孙大哥,你怎么了?”香香仙子在他身后,轻轻的问。 All right, I want the crying meeting silently!” “没事,我就是想默默的哭会!” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden is bursting into tears: „Can I cry with you?” 香香仙子流着泪:“我可以和你一起哭吗?” Sun Yan turns head, sees flutters fragrant there, looks up him, has tears streaming down the face, hurries to rub her pretty cheek with both hands: How? Does the fragrance, have an accident?” 孙炎回过头来,见香香飘飞在那里,抬头看着他,泪流满面,赶紧用双手搓着她俏丽的脸蛋:“怎么了怎么了?香香,出了什么事?” I seem like, massacred Yaoyao,” Du Xiangxiang is bursting into tears, Yaoyao died, was I massacres her......” “我好像,杀掉瑶瑶了,”杜香香流着泪,“瑶瑶死了,是我杀掉她的……” Sun Yan hurries to enclasp her, comforts saying: „, Your Highness Yaoyao is not all right, she also lives well, all right, all right!” 孙炎赶紧把她抱紧,安慰道:“不不不、瑶瑶殿下没事,她还活得好好的,没事,没事!” Du Xiangxiang continues to burst into tears: I really massacred her!” 杜香香继续流泪:“我真的杀掉她了!” Sun Yan said: I know me to know, but she is really all right!” 孙炎道:“我知道我知道,但是她真的没事!” Is comforting fragrant, while looks, sees only the distant place. Li Chen rapid flight comes: Brothers, the army of Heavenly Court and Demonic Path, in catches up toward here. First Palace brings back to Immortal World to go Emperor Yaoyao. The princess of demon must give back to them.” 一边安慰着香香,一边看去,只见远处。李尘疾飞而来:“兄弟,天庭和魔道的军队,都在往这边赶来。先把瑶瑶帝殿带回仙界去。魔界的公主也必须要还给他们。” Du Xiangxiang opens the eye: Demon princess?” 杜香香睁大眼睛:“魔界公主?” Sun Yan said in a low voice: lotus lotus is the demon princess.” 孙炎低声道:“莲莲就是魔界的公主。” Du Xiangxiang said: Demon princess? In demon three sovereigns the princess of which sovereign? Also, we are the immortals. She is the demon, should we really send back her?” 杜香香道:“魔界的公主?魔界三皇中哪一皇的公主?还有,我们是仙。她是魔,我们真的应该把她送回去吗?” Sun Yan knew in the heart, something are not good to explain, complied ambiguously, said: She comes to here, is helps us cope with the ancestor, can't we dismantle the bridge after crossing?” 孙炎心知,有些事情不好解释,含糊的应了一下,又道:“她来这里,是帮我们对付地祖的,我们总不能过河拆桥?” Du Xiangxiang said: „......” 杜香香道:“哦……” Li Chen raised the head, looks at already to become Jiaotu, nearly the wonderful camptotheca acuminata of collapse. Said: Brothers, that several demons in 19 people of demon have pursued, you deliver that girl named lotus lotus, then flies along this tree upward. This tree must ruin!” Turns over to the ruins deep place, the position to be complete, so long as ruined this tree , even if others enter turn over to the ruins, was still hard to look for a steed with the aid of its picture, found here. 李尘抬起头来,看着已成焦土、近乎崩溃的妙喜树。道:“兄弟,十九人魔中的那个几魔头已经追下来了,你们把那个叫莲莲的女孩送过去,然后沿着这棵树往上飞。这棵树必须要毁掉!”归墟深处,方位全乱,只要毁掉了这棵树,,其他人就算进入归墟,也难以按图索骥,找到这里。 Sun Yan said: Knew!” 孙炎道:“知道了!” He jumps to fly into the hot cloud main hall. Since, sees dragon Er and young has waked up. dragon Er sees him, outflow tears gently. Young called out: Master......” 他纵身飞入火云大殿。进入内中,见龙儿和雏儿都已醒来。龙儿看到他,轻轻的流出泪来。雏儿叫道:“主人……” They once short return black cherry moonlight within the body. By her cutting, had been understood all past again. Although their initial itself/Ben is a body, but now, is actually two people, two people stand in the same place, having, if the twin sisters are common. 她们都曾短暂的回归黑樱月华体内。再被她重新“斩”出,都已经明白了所有的前尘往事。虽然她们最初本是一体,但现在,却已算是两人,两人立在一起,有若孪生姐妹一般。 Sun Yan holds in the arms them together, said in a soft voice: You first stay here, after we go back, said.” Aunt Sun has achieved Buddhahood, the black cherry elder sister had died in fact. Now, only has him to open this hot cloud main hall. But hot cloud main hall. Has the means to move. 孙炎将她们一同搂住,轻声道:“你们先留在这里,我们回去以后再说。”孙姑姑已经成佛,黑樱姐实质上已经死去。现在,唯有他一人能够打开这座火云大殿。而火云大殿。是有办法移动的。 Dragon complied with one gently. 龙儿轻轻的应了一声。 Yaoyao and lotus lotus, has not woken up. Sun Yan at the back of Yaoyao. Is hugging lotus lotus, the vertical getting angry cloud main hall, then hidden the hot cloud main hall with the incantation thoroughly. Fire cloud Dadian once after the jade emperor and Buddha, greatly hears Mozun the transformation, was Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence the test point, its principle, said and discussed, promoted superstitious was perfect, even if did not have the sex fiend mother like this Yin demon, is unable to find or sneak it. 瑶瑶和莲莲,都还没有醒来。孙炎背着瑶瑶。抱着莲莲,纵出火云大殿,然后以咒语将火云大殿彻底隐藏。火云大殿曾经经过玉帝、佛祖、大闻魔尊的改造,是“三教合流”的试验点,它的法则,比佛道并谈后升级的天条还要完美,就算是无色魔母这样的阴魔,也无法将它找到或是潜入。 Yaoyao?” Sees Sun Yan the Yaoyao belt/bring to oneself in front, Du Xiangxiang is pleasantly surprised. 瑶瑶?”见孙炎瑶瑶带到自己面前,杜香香又惊又喜。 We walk!” Sun Yan and fragrant together, flies upward. Here turns over to the ruins, will lose incautiously, they naturally do not dare far away from the scorched wonderful camptotheca acuminata. So flew, Sun Yan had the induction, looked toward another side. He first gives Yaoyao is hugging fragrant, oneself jump, cloud Kaiwu present, the no sex fiend female and deep lonesome ghost demon and silver soft hail Jing demon, that flower come presently. “我们走!”孙炎与香香一同,往上飞去。这里是归墟,一不小心就会迷失,他们自然不敢远离被烧焦的妙喜树。就这般飞了一阵,孙炎生出感应,往另一边看去。他将瑶瑶先交给香香抱着,自己纵身过去,云开雾现,无色魔母、冥寂鬼魔、银霰景魔、那蛮花等现出身来。 Silver Tyrant Jingmo sees him, snort/hum. 银霸景魔看到他,哼了一声。 No sex fiend mother looks that by he is hugging lotus lotus, said: Black cherry where? A moment ago exactly what happened? Ancestor where?” 无色魔母看着被他抱着的莲莲,道:“黑樱在哪里?刚才到底发生了什么事?地祖又在哪里?” Sun Yan said: lotus lotus is all right, the black cherry elder sister...... has perished together with the place ancestor.” 孙炎道:“莲莲没事,黑樱姐……已经跟地祖同归于尽了。” various demon looks one, no sex fiend mother changes countenance saying: „Did black cherry die?” 诸魔对望一眼,无色魔母动容道:“黑樱死了?” Sun Yan looked at one toward the horizon, sees only there, has the demon air/Qi to come in waves: These are......” 孙炎往天际看了一眼,只见那里,有魔气滚滚而来:“那些是……” No sex fiend mother say/way: That is the demon sovereign reckless Zun army, just now, the powerful demon sound sweeps across all things, that is the trillion of day of demon birth, perhaps at this moment, the immortal, demon and Buddha Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism leader had been alarmed.” Looks to Sun Yan: Exactly what happened?” 无色魔母道:“那是魔皇胡尊的大军,适才,强大的魔音席卷三千世界,那是天魔出世之兆,此刻,仙、魔、佛三教首领恐怕都已被惊动。”看向孙炎:“到底发生了什么事?” The deep lonesome ghost demon and silver soft hail Jing demon and others all looks like toward him. 冥寂鬼魔、银霰景魔等全都往他看来。 Sun Yan said low-spirited: Subdue Yuan child held lotus lotus, wish made her second by day demon that he controlled ‚’, has not actually thought that praying mantis catches cicada, canary , the black cherry elder sister took lotus lotus as the bait, tempted him, a town/subdues Yuan child fell into a trap was killed, the black cherry elder sister actually cannot come back.” 孙炎黯然道:“镇元子抓住了莲莲,想要让她成为第二个被他控制的‘天魔’,却未想到螳螂捕蝉、黄雀在后,黑樱姐原本就是以莲莲为饵,将他诱出,镇元子中计被杀,黑樱姐却也没能回来。” various demon looks one, all changes countenance, if that spread over all things a moment ago the demon sound, is really lotus lotus emits, she indeed is the day demon of next generation. 诸魔对望一眼,俱是动容,如果刚才那传遍三千世界的魔音,真的是莲莲放出,那她的确是下一代的天魔。 Sun Yan hugs lotus lotus: „The Heavenly Court soldiers and horses will also catch up, you hurry to take away her!” 孙炎将莲莲抱过去:“天庭的兵马也会赶来,你们赶紧将她带走吧!” The deep lonesome ghost lonesome narrows the eyes to focus: You had determined, she is the day of demon future, but also dares to return her?” 冥寂鬼寂眯着眼:“你既已确定,她是未来之天魔,还敢把她交还?” Sun Yan is smiling: I believe that under her leadership, new demon certainly will have one happily, happy, bright future.” Gives that moves to come to be colored lotus lotus, turns around to fly away. 孙炎微笑着:“我相信,在她的带领下,新魔界一定会有一个美好的、幸福的、光明的未来。”把莲莲交给移上前来的那蛮花,转身飞走。 Demons: „......” 众魔头:“……” The distant place, demon flag one volume, the person child Moxian comes to come occasionally: „The army of demon sovereign reckless Zun that old fox arrived, the crack troops of fierce sovereign also in catch up toward here. I have contacted with the ni sovereign, four under ni sovereign place is catching up to be close to us!” 远处,魔旗一卷,人偶童魔现出身来:“魔皇胡尊那老狐狸的大军到了,猛皇的精兵也在往这边赶来。我已经与婗皇联系过,婗皇座下的四摩柯正赶来接近我们!” No sex fiend mother say/way: Cannot make the lotus princess fall in reckless Zunhe fierce sovereign hand, several other demon emperors at this time, feared that is also ready to make trouble in the hidden place, must meet with four as soon as possible.” 无色魔母道:“绝不能让莲公主落在胡尊和猛皇手中,其它几位魔帝这个时候,怕是也在暗处蠢蠢欲动,必须要尽快跟四摩柯会合。” The demon sound spreads over all things just now, can say, this surpasses the strength of new demon Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Once determined, the one who triggers the trillion of day of demon is lotus lotus, she is the entire Demonic Path treasure, everybody can want to control her in own hand. 适才魔音传遍三千世界,可以说,这是远超出新魔界三皇五帝的力量。一旦确定,引发天魔之兆的是莲莲,那她便是整个魔道的“宝”,谁都会想把她控制在自己手中。 New demon has three sovereigns, these three sovereigns, respectively are fierce sovereign hou and demon sovereign reckless Zun, demon sovereign ni, three sovereigns, only have the ni sovereign are person demon, the fierce sovereign and reckless Zunju is evil spirit. Under three sovereigns, five emperors, this five emperors, then yes: Emperor martial Yumo and Emperor yellow Jiemo, nine fox empress and demon ritual azure, flying inexpensive demon Saint. 新魔界有三皇,这三皇,分别是猛皇犼、魔皇胡尊、魔皇婗,“三皇”之中,唯有婗皇是“人魔”,猛皇与胡尊俱是“妖魔”。三皇之下,还有五帝,这五帝,则是:武狱魔帝、黄劫魔帝、九狸娘娘、魔礼青、飞廉魔圣。 Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, struggle, because outside has the immortal Buddha two oppressions, does not dare really to have no consideration for face by everyone, erupts the Demonic Path civil war. But regarding 19 people of demons, in new demon fights secretly, is unable to achieve completely neutrally, with similarly is person demon demon sovereign ni, is roughly the same camp. Especially, 19 people of demon head of nine of burns Zhou demon, was blown out unexpectedly is in the situation of traitor within, without the true big backer, they in new demon feared that is the foothold do not even want again. 三皇五帝,明争暗斗,但因为外头有仙佛二道的压迫,是以大家都不敢真的撕破脸,爆发魔道内战。而对于十九人魔来说,在新魔界的暗斗中,也无法做到全然中立,与同样是“人魔”的魔皇婗,大体算是同一阵营。尤其是在,十九人魔之首的九焚纣魔,竟然被爆出是内奸的情况下,如果没有真正的大的靠山,他们在新魔界怕是连立足之地都别想再有。 Walks!” Person child demon shows the way occasionally, quietly the army that they avoid demon sovereign reckless Zun, flies toward another end...... “走!”人偶童魔领路,他们悄然避开魔皇胡尊的军队,往另一端飞去…… ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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