MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#975: The mahatmas do not come back!

Sun Yan said: In other words......” 孙炎道:“也就是说……” The Buddha said: „In the past the Nüwa empress ran into this, outside world, is erupting an epidemic disease, that epidemic disease, making the remaining beginning of the universe god clans all turn into the monster, the strength reduced greatly. However the Great Sage is the monkey is, is not a human, that epidemic disease is unprevailing on the Great Sage. At this moment, all that the Great Sage is at the world that sees at the beginning of the universe god clan, through hoping the strength transmits to this place knows, outside all lifeform, have almost died completely die certainly, these beginning of the universe god clans that although wins finally, once rallied together to attack to the Great Sage, but was exhausted the method by the Great Sage finally, 11 exterminate.” 佛祖道:“当年女娲娘娘逃入此界时,外头的世界,正在爆发一场疫病,那场疫病,让剩下的混元神族全都变成了怪物,实力大减。但是大圣本是猴属,并非人类,那疫病对大圣并无影响。此刻,大圣在混元神族所在的世界看到的一切,都已经通过愿力传达给本座知晓,外头所有的生物,几乎都已死尽死绝,虽然最后胜下的那些混元神族,也曾对大圣群起而攻,但最终都被大圣用尽手段,一一诛除。” Continues saying: But considering that the plague of destroying the beginning of the universe god clan, to human that the cell of by beginning of the universe god clan makes, similarly also possibly has the function, gate may still not open, greatly void still needs to block with all generations ruins. Because of the fire of all generations, burninged out all things in all generations ruins, now the Great Sage can return from here, you need to inform the willow, making her first put in the Great Sage. Once she achieves Buddhahood, no one is able to pass through does not have garden that’ her golden body assumes personal command, even if skilled in the Great Sage who 72 change, is unable to come back again.” 继续道:“但是考虑到那场毁灭了混元神族的瘟疫,对以混元神族之细胞造出的人类,同样也可能有作用,‘门’仍然不可打开,大虚空与万劫墟也仍然需要封死。因为刚才的万劫之火,烧尽了万劫墟内的一切事物,现在大圣才能够从此处归来,你需要去通知杨柳,让她先将大圣放入。她一旦成佛,谁也无法穿越她金身坐镇的‘无相伽蓝’,就算是精通七十二变的大圣,也无法再回来。” Never expected that great sage equal to heaven has not died unexpectedly, and has massacred outside beginning of the universe god clan, although partially is the plague of because that at the beginning of the universe god clan extending, significantly weakened the strength of beginning of the universe god clan, but the monkey of low-rank world, kills off the god in high-rank world, was still makes people to rouse. 没有想到齐天大圣竟然未死,而且已经杀掉了外头的混元神族,虽然部分是因为那场在混元神族中漫延的瘟疫,大大削弱了混元神族的实力,但下位世界的猴子,杀尽上位世界的神,仍是让人大为振奋。 Sun Yan asked again, knew, after Aunt Sun has started constructs does not have garden, the Buddha receives the Great Sage the hoping strength that empty in transmits from all generations, but by him the final this point Buddha strength, was unable to break through does not have garden that” now the mother Buddha demon unites, in addition at this time, the Buddha Buddhist relics have placed on Sun Yan, but transfers uses the Buddha strength. Summoned here Sun Yan. 孙炎再问,得知,在孙姑姑已经开始构建“无相伽蓝”后,佛祖才接收到大圣从万劫虚内传来的愿力,而以他现在最后的这一点佛力,已是无法突破老妈佛魔合一的“无相伽蓝”,再加上这个时候,佛陀舍利已经放在了孙炎身上,只是转为使用佛力。将孙炎召唤到这里。 The Buddha continue saying: Mahatma had fights to defeat Buddha the Buddha fruit, is ordinary with the willow, thinks line of complete. And 72 clone, after he returns . You may hold my Buddha Buddhist relics, told him, let him by clone, blew all generations ruins, had the Great Sage to assume personal command personally, when all generations ruins guaranteed the no worries.” 佛祖继续道:“大圣原本就有‘斗战胜佛’之佛果,与杨柳一般,觉行圆满。且有七十二个分身,等他归来后。你可持我佛陀舍利,告诉他,让他以其中一个分身,镇住万劫墟,有大圣亲自坐镇,万劫墟当保无虞。” Sun Yan hurries saying: My this informs her, puts the Great Sage.” As the matter stands, the mother did not need to turn over to the ruins deep place to defend the vacant room alone. 孙炎赶紧道:“我这就去通知她,将大圣放进来。”这样一来,老妈就没有必要在归墟深处独守空房了。 The Buddha read sound Buddha. Said: This is the old monk for the last time on the body obviously, the old monk barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, consumes at this time, although cannot see with own eyes, the world that we are at promotes the infinite universe, but the foreign enemy has extinguished now, in the trouble has eliminated, that the old monk can also feel at ease. You resulted in the old monk to pass to the exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art of Great Sage, although was accidental/surprised, actually was also the disciple of old monk. The old monk then this final Buddha strength , helping you produce within the body bodhi.” 佛祖念声佛号。道:“这是老僧最后一次应身显化,老僧苟延残喘,耗到此时,虽未能亲眼见到,我们所在的世界升级成大千世界,但现在外敌已灭,内患已除,老僧也可以安心的去了。你得了老僧传给大圣的显密真诀,虽是意外,却也算是老僧的弟子。老僧便将这最后的一点佛力,助你生成体内菩提。” Sun Yan said: Buddha reveres, since you have the Buddha strength. Why is not used to save the life?” 孙炎道:“佛尊,您既然还有佛力。何不用来保全性命?” The Buddha shake the head saying: Old monk encountered a day of demon to raid in the past secretly, the golden body passed away, the other this Buddha strength, on the body, do not only have other uses obviously. The old monk dies pities insufficient, you and other effort, has made the old monk see, without old monk, without Taoist trinity and jade emperor. This world, some people can continuation stand finally. Protects the law for the common people. The greatly spirit bright flexible exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art is immortal Buddha double cultivates, five elements to escape greatly the Buddhist doctrine, when you and that two girl Yin-Yang cross couplings. within the body also leaves leeway some of their beginning of the universe supernatural powers and extremely Le Moqi. But this beginning of the universe supernatural power with Le Moqi, quick will dissipate in your within the body extremely, because of their originally not all your. But if you can in within the body, form bodhi, can keep in bodhi them, although they are extremely weak, but you take them as the foundation, in the future or can the immortals, demons and Buddha three gather cultivates, becomes first of the person Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence, but this *, can borrow you, has continued to inherit.” 佛祖摇头道:“老僧当年遭遇天魔暗袭,金身圆寂,只余下这点佛力,应身显化,已无其它用处。老僧死不足惜,尔等的努力,已让老僧看到,纵然没有老僧,纵然没有三清、玉帝。这个世界,终有人能够继续站出。为苍生护法。大灵明圆通显密真诀乃是仙佛双修、五行大遁之佛法,你与那两个女孩阴阳交感时。体内又留有些许她们的混元神力与极乐魔气。但这点混元神力与极乐魔气,很快就会在你体内消散,因为它们原本就非你所有。但你若能够在体内,结成菩提子,便可将它们留在菩提子内,虽然它们极其微弱,但你以它们为根基,日后或能仙、魔、佛三道合修,成为三教合流之第一人,而本座之*,亦能借你,得已继续传承下去。” Puts out a hand slowly, the hand pinches Fokuang, the point image Sun Yan forehead. 缓缓伸手,手捏佛光,点像孙炎额头。 Sun Yan knew in the heart that the Buddha intention has decided that has not talked too much again, in within the body Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art revolves spontaneously. Fokuang in his space between eyebrows, is enlightened, the diameter clone toward the Spiritual God of his within the body. Sun Yan gets an idea, a Yuan god transfers to the Spiritual God clone, sits cross-legged to sit in the fire the golden lotus, oneself the intelligence, promote to the pinnacle. 孙炎心知佛祖心意已决,未再多言,体内大圣显密真诀自发运转。佛光点在他的眉间,醍醐灌顶,径往他体内的神灵分身。孙炎意会,元神转至神灵分身,盘膝坐于火中金莲,自身之灵性,提升至极致。 He knew in the heart, Fokuang may borrow, but taking advantage of Fokuang, eventually is not own Fokuang. The Buddha do not give him Fokuang, because that is the Buddha strength of Buddha, is not his Buddha strength. 他心知,佛光可借,但借来的佛光,终究不是自己的佛光。佛祖并非要将佛光送给他,因为那是佛祖的佛力,并非他的佛力。 The Heaven world, only I revere alone, the wisdom is spatial, spatial is not only the color. Fokuang of Buddha, looks like directs his pearl, lets his empty-handed with the color body, unprecedented emptying clear(ly), finally in the eyebrow receiving place that the Spiritual God clone, congealed grain of small bodhi, pure bright, unobstructive not bonded. 天上天下,唯“我”独尊,智慧空明,空既是色。佛祖的佛光,就像是指引他的明珠,让他的空身与色身,前所未有的空明,终在神灵分身的眉收处,凝成一粒小小的菩提子,纯净光明,无碍无障。 The Spiritual God clone to continue to lay aside in the fire above the golden lotus, a Yuan god returns to the main body, his both hands together: Many thanks Buddha reveres!” 神灵分身继续放置于火中金莲之上,元神回归本体,他双手合什:“多谢佛尊!” The Buddha said: Salutes Gautama Buddha!” A final Buddha strength has also exhausted, breaks to pieces loudly on the body. The Sun Yan heart is spatial, known is sad and insignificant, counter- to smile to see off. 佛祖道:“南无释迦牟尼!”最后的一点佛力亦已用尽,应身轰然碎去。孙炎心头空明,已知悲伤并无意义,反以微笑相送。 ...... …… *** *** Also when the god has come, Sun Yan returned to turn over to the ruins deep place again, by all generations ruins. 还过神来时,孙炎再次回到了归墟深处,万劫墟旁。 Because was only the god knew the exchange a moment ago, although said with the Buddha, was actually is moved. 因为刚才只是神识交流,虽然与佛祖说了许多,其实不过就是动念之间。 He toward without garden anxiously vertical goes, is shouting loudly: Mother, stops...... stops......” great sage equal to heaven now in all generations hamlet head, once the mother, no garden seals up all generations ruins by the Tathagata golden body and golden pagoda thoroughly, great sage equal to heaven did not have the means to come back. 他往无相伽蓝急纵而去,大声喊着:“妈,停下……停下……”齐天大圣现在就在万劫墟里头,一旦老妈以如来金身、黄金宝塔、无相伽蓝彻底封住万劫墟,齐天大圣就没有办法回来了。 Moreover, so long as great sage equal to heaven returns, fights to defeat Buddha is one of his 72 incarnations, so long as melts one clone, then can blow all generations ruins, did not need the mother to sacrifice. 而且,只要齐天大圣归来,“斗战胜佛”是他七十二化身之一,只要化出一个分身,便能够镇住万劫墟,也就不用老妈牺牲了。 At this time, round high peaked mountains and Dai sedan chair and all generations ruins all by Aunt Sun does not have garden to cover, looking like the mist is ordinary, will soon vanish. He is shouting loudly, desperate is shouting, but is unable to enter does not have the garden, is unable to spread to the sound. 此时,圆峤、岱舆、万劫墟全都被孙姑姑的“无相伽蓝”覆盖,就像是雾气一般,即将消失。他大声的喊着,拼命的喊着,但既无法进入无相伽蓝,亦无法将声音传入。 Aunt Sun turns head, sees the son to shout and call to him outside, turns head, waves to him. 孙姑姑回过头来,见儿子在外头对着他又喊又叫,回过头来,向他挥了挥手。 Sun Yan yelled outside: Stops...... stops......” 孙炎在外头大叫:“停下……停下……” Does Aunt Sun wipe tears...... original small hot not to give up me? However, this is the sacrifice that mother must make, for the final victory, had died so many people, now finally is one's turn mother. 孙姑姑抹着眼泪……原来小炎炎这么舍不得我啊?但是,这是妈咪必须要做出的牺牲,为了最后的胜果,已经死了这么多的人,现在终于轮到妈咪了。 Looks again, seeing the son more called more anxious, she somewhat had doubts, is thinking what small hot can also say to her? Just wants to receive not to have the garden, listening to him to speak. Here, in all generations ruins, a furry big hand stretched out suddenly, grasps in all generations ruins edge. She is startled, what is this furry hand? What thing is, ran from ten thousand ruins hamlets? Presented the new shepherd? Is the brand-new day demon? Was the beginning of the universe god clan comes across the root of universe? 再行看去,见儿子越叫越急,她有些疑惑,想着小炎炎还要跟她说什么?正想收起无相伽蓝,听他说话。就在这里,万劫墟内,一只毛茸茸的大手突然伸出,抓在了万劫墟的边缘。她大吃一惊,这毛茸茸的手是什么?到底是什么东西,从万墟墟里跑了出来?难道又出现了新的牧羊者?难道是全新的天魔?难道是混元神族穿过宇宙的根源进来了? Do I want to play to take off the plan? 难道我又要将计划玩脱掉了? Aunt Sun has a big shock, the golden pagoda offers a sacrifice to loudly, the fast enlargement, a town/subdues, pounds downward ruthlessly in that wild animal common wool hand. That strange hand received anxiously anxiously, all generations ruins deep place, as if has „” spreads, it seems like in really has the monster. 孙姑姑大惊失色,黄金宝塔轰然祭出,快速放大,往下一镇,狠狠砸在那只野兽一般的毛手中。那怪手急急收了回去,万劫墟深处,仿佛有“呀”的一声传出,看来内中果然有怪物。 Saw that the monster in ruins, is promoting the golden pagoda, by the supernatural power of golden pagoda, was also pushed unexpectedly sways, Aunt Sun does not dare to delay again, flying, to think that the line of complete Buddha strength, disperse Fokuang, a sound, she has appeared thousand thousand general unobstructive infinitely merciful Buddhist charms Tathagata of golden bodies loudly, the origin spatial real boundary, the making up place executed clear(ly) entire life. 眼看着墟内的怪物,正在推动黄金宝塔,以黄金宝塔之法力,竟也被推得摇摇晃晃,孙姑姑不敢再耽搁,飞身而起,以觉行圆满的佛力,散出佛光,轰然一响,她已现出千手千眼广大无碍大慈大悲陀罗尼之如来金身,缘起性空真境界,一生补处正法明。 Her flying above the pagoda, the card results in the female buddha, the achievement bodhi , entire does not have the garden to be shone by her Fokuang loudly. Extremely happy Western Paradise, Spirit Mountain has the induction, flutters strange Cai, splits the golden lotus, myriad Bodhisattvas all toward turning over to the ruins lie prostrate in worship. 她飞身于宝塔之上,证得佛母,成就菩提,轰然间,整个无相伽蓝都被她的佛光照射。极乐西天,灵山生出感应,飘奇彩,绽金莲,万千菩萨皆朝归墟顶礼膜拜。 Before executing the bright female buddha Nirvana, finally looked at son one eyes. 正法明佛母涅槃前,最后看了儿子一眼。 Small hot, this time, mother's plan finally success! 小炎炎,这一次,妈咪的计划终于成功了! , Entire does not have garden to seal up loudly, all generations ruins were blocked directly, no one can enter again, no one can leave. 轰然间,整个“无相伽蓝”全都封闭,万劫墟直接被封死,再也无人能进,无人能出。 Turned over to the ruins deep place, Sun Yan to prove shortly executes clear(ly) the mother of Tathagata golden body, having all generations ruins, the round high peaked mountains and Dai sedan chair to vanish together, outflow tears silently. 归墟深处,孙炎眼看着证得“正法明”如来金身的老妈,带着万劫墟、圆峤、岱舆一起消失,默默的流出泪来。 The mother, you did not say that your plan will never succeed? Why needs you to be defeated can you succeed? 妈,你不是说你的计划从来就不会成功么?为什么需要你失败的时候你就偏偏要成功呢? You put the monkey...... 你把猴子放出来啊…… ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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