MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#974: Mahatma return?

Small...... the flame...... the flame......” Aunt Sun bites the handkerchief, is visiting him who the tearful eyes dance. “小……炎……炎……”孙姑姑咬着手绢,泪眼婆娑的看着他。 Sun Yan silent: Mother, are you...... earnest?” 孙炎沉默一阵:“妈,你是……认真的?” Aunt Sun said: Did not have again earnestly! By the present, so many people sacrificed, mother is unable to stay out. The mother now, is not only the willow Goddess of Mercy , the bright demon mother, in fact, the Buddha demon double cultivates. Must achieve Buddhahood, needs to prove to result in the ficus religiosa, first makes the ficus religiosa appear, then achievement bodhi. However turns over to the ruins to be different from other places, here is the deep pool of universe, is unable to prove to result in the bodhi, therefore mother here, will make does not have garden, places oneself the entire all generations ruins without the garden, the golden pagoda that however leaves behind by the Buddha again, sweeps the void entrance, mother without the garden, achieves Buddhahood, blows not to have the garden, lets everyone, is unable to find again, close to all generations ruins.” 孙姑姑道:“再认真也没有了!到了现在,这么多人牺牲,妈咪也无法置身事外。妈咪如今,既是杨柳观音,又是正明魔母,实际上,佛魔双修。原本要成佛,需要证得菩提树,先让菩提树出现,再成就‘菩提’。但是归墟与其它地方不同,这里乃是宇宙之渊,无法证得菩提,所以妈咪会在这里,造出‘无相伽蓝’,将整个万劫墟置身于无相伽蓝中,然而再以佛祖留下的这座黄金宝塔,扫住虚空入口,妈咪在无相伽蓝中,就地成佛,镇住无相伽蓝,让所有人,都再也无法找到、靠近万劫墟。” Sun Yan startled say/way: You will also be like other Buddha, is quiet, isn't able to wake up?” 孙炎惊道:“难道你也会跟其它佛一样,就此沉寂,无法醒来?” Aunt Sun is nipping the handkerchief: Yes, only if Buddha will be born in the future, otherwise mother is unable to appear again. Moreover, this is also only expedient measure. The mother can block all generations ruins, but turns over to the ruins theoretically is not ‚the world, but is the universe abyss, superstitious not because mother will achieve Buddhahood to cover here. Only if after is the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence, superstition that promotes again, otherwise all generations ruins still might be found. The town/subdues Yuan child has died, although the bright moonlight does not know the status, but her cultivating for should differ not many with the cool breeze, as for in the boundary, the far inferior mother , she is still the Buddha demon double cultivates in this case even, cannot break mother no garden. However cannot affirm, in the future will not appear can break the protection of mother, person who opens all generations ruins again, therefore, the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence was still necessary, in the future Buddha must be born.” 孙姑姑咬着手绢:“是的,除非未来佛出世,否则妈咪也无法再出现。另外,这也只是权宜之计。妈咪可以挡住万劫墟,但是归墟理论上并非‘世界’,而是宇宙的深渊,天条并不会因为妈咪成佛而覆盖到这里。除非是三教合流后再次升级的天条,否则万劫墟仍有可能被人找到。镇元子已死,明月虽然不知身份,但她的修为应该和清风相差不多,至于在境界上,远不及妈咪,这样的话,就算她也是佛魔双修,也破不了妈咪的无相伽蓝。但是不敢肯定,未来就不会出现能够破掉妈咪的防护,再次打开万劫墟的人,所以,三教合流仍然是必要的,未来佛也必须要出世。” Sun Yan headache: Matter that this anything Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence and future Buddha reveals itself. You did not need to count on me.” This task was really arduous. 孙炎头疼:“这什么三教合流、未来佛出世的事。你就不用指望我了。”这个任务实在是太艰巨了。 He said in a low voice: „Doesn't mother...... really have other means?” According to this view, before the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence, or is the future Buddha will be born, she is unable again to wake up. Although is mother of so rare and beautiful flowers, but said no matter how is also his mother...... 他低声道:“妈……难道真的就没有其它办法?”按她这说法,直到三教合流、又或者是未来佛出世之前,她都是无法再醒来的。虽然是个这般奇葩的妈,但不管怎么说也是他妈…… Aunt Sun visits him miserable: Or...... you asked Hou Yaoqiong. Looked that she can help me think the individual ideas?” 孙姑姑楚楚可怜的看着他:“要不……你去问下侯瑶琼。看她能不能帮我想个别的主意?” Sun Yan ill-humored say/way: „The too wonderful gold/metal Yan spirit strength consumed up, at least took several months to restore.” 孙炎没好气的道:“太妙金眼的灵力耗光了,至少需要几个月才能恢复。” Aunt Sun tears: Now, everyone is paying attention to here, does not hide immediately all generations ruins, the Demonic Path three sovereigns might find here. Here is not the range that Heavenly Court can control, is not under superstitious coverage, to compete for ten thousand Xujie, might trigger the new god demon war. In addition. The mother cannot affirm that another head of all generations ruins, some anything, we are very actually limited to its understanding, we radically several months.” 孙姑姑泪目:“现在,所有人都在关注这里,不马上把万劫墟隐藏起来,魔道三皇就有可能找到这里。这里不是天庭能够控制的范围,也不在天条覆盖之下,为了争夺万墟劫,很可能就会引发新的神魔大战。此外。妈咪也不敢肯定万劫墟的另一头,到底有些什么,我们对它的了解其实很是有限,我们根本等不了几个月。” Sun Yan clenches teeth: Since this, mother, that can only sacrifice you, I will find the way to find in the future Buddha as soon as possible.” 孙炎咬了咬牙:“既然这样,妈,那就只能牺牲你了,我会尽快想办法找到未来佛。” Aunt Sun startled say/way: Even do you want to sacrifice mother?” 孙姑姑惊道:“连你都要牺牲妈咪了么?” Sun Yan gets angry: „Is this plan good that you want to come out?” 孙炎怒道:“这个计划原本就是你们想出来的好不好?” Aunt Sun squats in that side, bites the handkerchief sobs saying: But mother beforehand plan has not succeeded, I also think that the black cherry definitely is also same, I have not thought will arrive this step.” 孙姑姑蹲在那边,边咬手绢边泣道:“但是妈咪以前的计划从来没有成功过,我还以为黑樱肯定也是一样,我就没想过会走到这一步。” Never counted on that own plan success that I said what you do arrange the plan to make? Is the only goal that you cause the plan to visit it plays to take off? 从来不指望自己的计划成功那我说你安排计划到底是在做什么啊?你弄出计划的唯一目的就是看着它玩脱掉吗? At this moment. Aunt Sun opening eye suddenly: What is that?” 就在这时。孙姑姑忽的睁大眼睛:“那是什么?” They look, sees only in all generations ruins, as if has anything to struggle. At this time, the fire of all generations has not burnt down in all, after outburning, all generations fire also oneself extinguishes, now looks when unlike it just opened completely, looks like unlimited black hole. However now, in the black hole has anything to surge., In should be burnt in completely all generations ruins obviously, obviously is also hiding what unknowable thing. This makes their scalp hemp and heart send coldly. 他们看去,只见万劫墟内,仿佛有什么东西正在挣扎。此时,万劫之火已经把内中的一切都已不烧光,烧完后,万劫火亦己熄灭,现在看去,跟它刚打开时完全不同,就像是一个无限黑洞。但是现在,黑洞中有什么东西正在涌动。明明、内中应该已经被焚尽一切的万劫墟内,显然还藏着什么不可知的事物。这让他们头皮麻、心底发寒。 Sun Yan said: Mother......” 孙炎道:“妈……” Aunt Sun said: Mother must immediately its seal and controlling.” Takes out a thing from the pocket, grabs son's hand. Hands over in his hand: Small hot, later yourself must take care. This. When this was the Buddha in the past or Buddha, buddhist relics that kept, in the past before preparing the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence and promotion to be superstitious, the Buddha it gave me, this time, the black cherry also depends on it, won Jin's trust, let Jin and Heavenly Court full power coordinates her plan. The mother does not know why the Buddha will make such arrangement in the past, I think that should have what implication, now mother gives you this Buddha Buddhist relics, the usage-style of hot cloud main hall. Hot cloud main hall, although is your previous generation red child uses, but the jade emperor and Buddha, hears Mozun once took it as the test point greatly, the attempt promotion is superstitious, it is in all things rare, place that day after day the demon and Yin demon are also hard to go into.” 孙姑姑道:“妈咪必须要马上将它封印、镇住。”从口袋中取出一物,抓着儿子的手。交到他的手中:“小炎炎,以后你自己也要保重。还有这个。这个是佛祖当年还是佛陀时,留下来的舍利子,当年准备三教合流、升级天条前,佛祖将它交给了我,这一次,黑樱也是靠着它,取得了金公的信任,让金公与天庭全力配合她的计划。妈咪也不知道,为什么佛祖当年会做出这样的安排,我想应该是有什么意蕴,现在妈咪将这佛陀舍利交给你,还有火云大殿的使用方式。火云大殿,虽然是你的前世红孩儿所用,但玉帝、佛祖、大闻魔尊曾以它为试验点,尝试升级天条,它是三千世界中少有的,连天魔、阴魔也难以闯入的地方。” Explains all things, she flies to the round high peaked mountains and above between Dai sedan chair two mountains, starts uses/gives technique, does not know that she made anything, two celestial mountains start to twist, Sun Yan was repelled outside. In his eyes, is centered on position that Aunt Sun is, all are similar to the line to twist generally. Buddha cultivates, demon to cultivate/repair not to have spatially, both add together are the bareness, but does not have, the Buddha demon that garden knows at present can only succeed unites the secret technique. 将诸事交待完毕,她飞至圆峤、岱舆两山之间的上方,开始施术,也不知她做了什么,两座仙山开始扭曲,孙炎被排斥在了外头。在他眼中,以孙姑姑所在的位置为中心,一切都如同线条一般扭曲。佛修空、魔修无,两者相加便是空无,而“无相伽蓝”则是目前所知的,唯一能够成功的佛魔合一之秘术。 Aunt Sun is not only „the willow Goddess of Mercy, is bright demon mother, in the past once, hears Mozun conducted Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence with the jade emperor and Buddha greatly together, regarding the say/way of Buddha demon uniting, the far ultra cool breeze is many. She offers a sacrifice to the golden pagoda, the golden pagoda in the sky of all generations ruins, splits ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) radiance, does not have garden to take the golden pagoda as uses/gives technique the Buddhist musical instrument, the fast construction, this was she has also prepared the good matter. 孙姑姑既是“杨柳观音”、又是“正明魔母”,当年更曾与玉帝、佛祖、大闻魔尊一同进行“三教合流”,对于佛魔合一之道,远超清风甚多。她祭出黄金宝塔,黄金宝塔在万劫墟的上空,绽出万丈光华,“无相伽蓝”以黄金宝塔为施术法器,快速构建,这本也就是她早就准备好的事。 In all generations ruins, there is any thing, surges fiercely, looks like some not well-known monster, attempts the broken ruins, this makes her not dare to have the hesitation of moment again. 万劫墟内,有什么东西,涌动得更加厉害,就像是某个不知名的怪物,试图破墟而出,这让她不敢再有片刻的犹豫。 Sun Yan looks, if the mist is common, gradually desalinates no garden that and vanishes, as well as did not have the garden to cover, then must shortly with two celestial mountains and all generations ruins that without garden vanish together. The meaning of garden, is round forest of Buddha, does not have the garden, as the name suggests, is botanical garden of Buddha invisible does not have, unable to seek for. Therefore invisible, solid not obvious, therefore does not have. Firmly insignificant. 孙炎看着有若雾气一般,逐渐淡化、消失的无相伽蓝,以及被无相伽蓝笼罩,眼看着便要与无相伽蓝一起消失的两座仙山和万劫墟。伽蓝的意思,乃是“佛的圆林”,无相伽蓝,顾名思义,则是“无形无相、无法寻找的佛的园林”。因此无形,固不可见,因此无相。固无意义。 By without garden, draws in botanical garden of Buddha all generations ruins invisible does not have, unable to seek for, achieves Buddhahood again. Assumes with the golden body of Buddha, essentially. Assumes personal command void with various Buddha is a truth. But various world void existed, but does not have garden, is actually she makes by the secret technique. 以无相伽蓝,将万劫墟拖入“无形无相、无法寻找的佛的园林”,再在内中成佛。以佛之金身坐镇其中,本质上。与各佛坐镇“虚空”是一个道理。只不过各世界的“虚空”是原本就存在的,而“无相伽蓝”,却是她自己以秘术造出。 Sun Yan knew in the heart, once does not have the garden to complete, the mother achieves Buddhahood, not only others are unable to find all generations ruins again, vertical including oneself, only has, when the future Buddha will be born, or the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence completes. May see her again, in heart also cannot help but low-spirited. 孙炎心知,一旦无相伽蓝完成,老妈在内中成佛,不但其他人无法再找到万劫墟,纵连自己,也唯有等到未来佛出世、又或是三教合流完成。才有可能再次见到她,心中亦不由得一阵黯然。 At this time, in his hand had Fokuang to flash through suddenly, his stunned, looked down, saw only Aunt Sun to give his Buddha Buddhist relics a moment ago, suddenly split weak radiance. In his heart has doubts, is thinking has an accident? 就在这个时候,他的手中忽有佛光闪过,他一个错愕,低头看去,只见孙姑姑刚才交给他的佛陀舍利,忽然绽出微弱的光华。他心中疑惑,想着又出了什么事? , The light shadow turns suddenly, as if has a giant finger citron. Grasps toward him. His intention moves slightly, does not struggle, whatever oneself were held by the finger citron. Draws in the unknowable space. 忽的,光影一扭,仿佛有一只巨大的佛手。往他抓来。他心念微动,并不挣扎,任由自己被佛手抓住。拖入不可知的空间。 , The surrounding scene starts to change loudly, he looks suddenly to the surroundings, when does not know, he arrived at one to be similar to Spirit Mountain unexpectedly, the world of mysterious Buddha. In his front, golden body of the Buddha sits cross-legged to sit on Yu Lianhua throne, a finger day, finger place. In his heart shakes loudly: You are......” 轰然间,周围的情景开始变化,他骤然看向周围,不知何时,他竟到了一处与灵山相似的,神秘的佛之世界。在他的前方,一座佛之金身盘膝坐于莲华宝座上,一手指天,一手指地。他心中轰然一震:“你是……” That golden body said: This Gautama Buddha!” 那金身佛道:“本座释迦牟尼!” Does Sun Yan stare dumbfounded...... he unexpectedly is the Tathagata Buddha? 孙炎瞠目结舌……他竟然是如来佛祖? Hasn't the Tathagata Buddha died unexpectedly? 如来佛祖竟然未死? The Buddha said: Little friend, did not discuss regardless the past. This life, you had also once seen my one time. How you forgot!?” 佛祖道:“小友,抛开前尘往事不谈。今生,你亦曾见过我一次。你如何忘了!?” The light shadow starts to rock, has turned round, Sun Yan saw, the opposite party changed the appearance unexpectedly, turned into itself in great power returned to day the process, oneself in the bodhi old ancestor who „the past time point saw. At that time, nine burnt Zhou demon to return the technique of day by the great power, now and in the past linked in the same place, reappeared great sage equal to heaven in the past that acknowledged as teacher in Bodaisen, nine burnt Zhou demon the goal, was to make that demon monkey inherit the great sage equal to heaven past strength, made Sun Yan benefit accidentally, with the Great Sage together, learned the Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, as well as 72 changed the mnemonics, only the technique of he not innate change, 72 changed to the present also only realized a small part pitifully. 光影开始晃动,回过身来,孙炎看到,对方竟然变了模样,变成了自己在“回天返日”的过程中,自己在“过去的时间点”见到的菩提老祖。当时,九焚纣魔以回天返日之术,将“现在”与“过去”连结在一起,重现齐天大圣当年在菩提山拜师的那一幕,九焚纣魔的目的,乃是要让那魔猴继承齐天大圣当年的力量,却也让孙炎无意中得到了好处,跟着大圣一起,习得了大圣显密真诀,以及七十二变口诀,只可惜他自身并无先天变化之术,七十二变到现在也只练成了一小部分。 Thinks already by the Gautama Buddha Buddha who day demon wave ten-day period killed, will appear before oneself unexpectedly, Sun Yan was dumbfounded, he said: What's all this about?” 没有想到,原本以为早已被天魔“波旬”所杀的释迦牟尼佛祖,竟然会出现在自己面前,孙炎目瞪口呆,他道:“这是怎么回事?” The Buddha heaved a deep sigh: In the past, the day demon was born, this place took advantage for him when dies lived one, left behind this last Buddha strength. This point Buddha strength uses up, this place will then dissipate thoroughly. I want this point Buddha strength, to use in the key, but now, the ancestor has died, this point Buddha strength, does not need to do to retain again, firmly and calls the little friend, calculates that talked about old days.” 佛祖长叹一声:“当年,天魔出世,本座为他所趁,死生一线之际,留下了这最后一点佛力。这一点佛力用完,本座便会彻底消散。我本想将这一点佛力,用在关键之处,但如今,地祖已死,这一点佛力,也无需再做保留,固而将小友唤来,也算叙旧。” Say/Way of Sun Yan doubts: Why is I?” 孙炎疑惑的道:“为什么是我?” The Buddha said: You and Hou Yaoqiong together, returned day because of great power the technique, when saw this, this place because of your existences, but counter knew this to make the this/Ben place see clearly in the future. This place by the time point that you are, calculated that some cause and effect, found unexpectedly, you are at in the future, might complete the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence only hopefully, will bring the future of hope to this world......” 佛祖道:“你与侯瑶琼一同,因‘回天返日’之术,见到本座时,本座因你们的存在,而逆知到这一条能够让本座看清的‘未来’。本座以你们所在的时间点,推算出了一些前因后果,竟是发现,你所在的‘未来’,很可能是唯一有希望完成三教合流,给这个世界带来希望的未来……” The Buddha start to explain to him. Under his explanation, Sun Yan finally starts to understand. 佛祖开始向他解释。在他的解释下,孙炎终于开始明白。 In Buddha incarnation bodhi old ancestor, teaches the Great Sage the merit law the time, unexpected discovery, own front not just Sun Wukong, meanwhile from future youngster. Depending on this youngster, he guessed, in the future many things that might have. Because of counter knowledge in the future, has the enormous shortcoming, like the stone that throws together, he can foreknowledge be able to fall to the stone in some point, but, in the stone falls to that points truly, process is not obvious. 在佛祖化身“菩提老祖”,教大圣功法的时候,意外的发现,自己的面前并非只有孙悟空一人,同时还有一个来自未来的少年。藉着这个少年,他猜测出,未来有可能发生的许多事情。但因为“逆知未来”,也有着极大的缺点,就像一块扔出的石头,他能够“预知”到石头会落在某一个点上,但是,在石头真正落到那个点之间,“过程”是不可见的。 Naturally, at that time, he is capable of changing that Sun Yan is at in the future, but after the calculation, he starts to discover, although this in the future not best, but at least is not worst. Therefore, on the one hand, he still, conducted the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence as far as possible, tries to prevent the world great misfortune truly, on the other hand, he also starts to make the subsequent hand, gives the willow the Goddess of Mercy the Buddha Buddhist relics, whatever then the willow Goddess of Mercy runs amuck. 当然,在那个时候,他是有能力改变孙炎所在的这个“未来”的,但是经过推算,他开始发现,虽然这个“未来”并非最好,但至少不是最坏的。于是,一方面,他仍然尽可能的,进行三教合流,试图真正阻止天地大劫,另一方面,他也开始做出后手,将佛陀舍利交给杨柳观音,然后任由杨柳观音胡作非为。 All efforts of Buddha, cannot prevent the world great misfortune and day demon born, because in counter knowledge in the future in process , he although is unable to see clearly the future entire process, but actually knows oneself could die, therefore concealed a Buddha strength ahead of time. Because Monk Tang had also once done similar matter, therefore Sun Yan to his method, can understand. 佛祖的一切努力,都未能阻止天地大劫、天魔出世,但因为在“逆知未来”的过程中,他虽然无法看清未来的整个过程,但却知道自己可能会死,于是提前暗藏了一点佛力。因为唐僧也曾做过类似的事,所以孙炎对他的这一手段,自是可以理解。 Therefore, in the world eyes, Buddha, although has died in the day of demon hand, but he is actually surviving the last Buddha strength as before, and after is observing in secret all of god demon war time. 于是,在世人眼中,佛祖虽然已经死在了天魔手中,但他其实依旧残存着最后一点佛力,并在暗中观察着后神魔大战时代的一切。 The Buddha said: Because of you when the matter of demon monkey, returned dayto arrive in front of this through great power, this can counter knowin the future, as yet, behind will have anything, this place was not also clear, but hopes, perhaps oneself final Buddha strength, but can also add on 1 busily. This place in observing wonderful camptotheca acuminata the matter of occurrence, had once thought that whether should through the Buddha Buddhist relics, relate the willow Goddess of Mercy, puts the ancestor to enter greatly void, this place launches an attack by this final Buddha strength suddenly, is surely big ancestor to expect, or can him, as soon as strikes to kill, at least, can infiltrate the chaos him, even if such does, because cannot find all generations ruins, from is unable to guarantee, will not have many future troubles. Afterward roughly guessed that named black cherry moonlight and predecessor are Chang E Fairy Maiden the plans of female, thought that this skewer of series ideas, the successful possibility was large, to not have meddled, until now, has died because of the place ancestor, had another matter, this place just now by this final Buddha strength, called the little friend.” 佛祖道:“因你是在魔猴之事时,通过‘回天返日’来到本座面前,本座所能够逆知到的‘未来’,也就到那时为止,后面还会发生什么,本座亦不清楚,只是希望,或许自己最后的这点佛力,还能够帮上一点忙。本座一直在观察着妙喜树内发生之事,也曾想过,是否应该通过佛陀舍利,联系杨柳观音,放地祖进入大虚空,本座以这最后的佛力骤然发难,必定大出地祖预料,或能够将他一击杀死,至不济,也能够将他打入混沌,但就算那样做,因为未能找到万劫墟,自也无法保证,不会有更多的后患。后来大致猜测出,那名为黑樱月华、前身乃是嫦娥仙子的女子的计划,觉得她这一串连环之计,成功的可能性颇大,是以就未插手,直到现在,因地祖已死,又发生了另一件事,本座方才以这最后的佛力,将小友唤来。” Sun Yan said: Another matter?” 孙炎道:“另一件事?” The Buddha said: This, induced the aura of Great Sage.” 佛祖道:“本座,感应到了大圣的气息。” Sun Yan again startled: Great sage equal to heaven? He now where?” 孙炎再惊:“齐天大圣?他现在在哪里?” The Buddha said: In all generations ruins!” 佛祖道:“万劫墟中!” Sun Yan is astonished saying: All generations ruins?” 孙炎讶道:“万劫墟?” The Buddha said: Counter knowledge in the future a big shortcoming is, is unable to know ahead of time arrives at that to know in advance the time entire process that after is not also able to know that time, matter, but its merit is, once succeeds contact knew in advance to the past years the future, can the round trip counter push, thus before figuring out itself, matter that does not know. In the past when this place taught Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, sees future you are smooth, when the matter of demon monkey, the Heavenly Queen led you to enter the great power to return day, making you appear in the face of this goes against. After the matter of demon monkey ended, gathers along the antiphase, this has been able from that point, the round trip to calculate the passing many matters.” 佛祖道:“‘逆知未来’的一大缺点是,无法提前知道到达那个预知到的时间点的整个过程,同时也无法知道那个时间点以后发生的事,但它的优点在于,一旦成功的‘接触’到当年预知到的未来,就可以往回逆推,从而算出自己以前所不知道的事。当年本座传授大圣‘显密真诀’时,看到未来的你是顺,在魔猴之事时,王母娘娘带着你进入回天返日,让你出现在本座面前是逆。在魔猴之事结束后,顺逆相合,本座已能够从那一点,往回推算出过往的许多事。” Continues saying: Originally in the past the jade emperor and Great Sage killed demon Luo heaven together, although succeeded put to death a day of demon, by the day demon with massive wicked reasons, was actually started destroys day of an incantation that extinguished the place was willing, to bind day of collapse, as well as in jade emperor, Great Sage wait/etc, flooded into all generations ruins together. However the Great Sage has not died in all generations ruins, the final moment, the jade emperor sacrificed itself to protect the Great Sage, wants to stay behind for this world will resist the strongest strength of shepherd in the future.” 继续道:“原来当年玉帝与大圣一同杀上魔罗天,虽然成功的诛杀了天魔,却被天魔以大量的恶缘,发动毁天灭地的咒愿,裹着崩溃的摩罗天,以及内中的玉帝、大圣等等,一同涌入了万劫墟。但是大圣并未死在万劫墟,最后的关头,玉帝牺牲自己保护大圣,想要为这个世界留下将来对抗牧羊者的最强战力。” Sun Yan said: Therefore, the Great Sage has been closed in all generations ruins? Hadn't he been burnt by all generations fire unexpectedly?” 孙炎道:“所以,大圣一直被关在万劫墟中?他竟然没有被刚才的万劫火烧死?” The Buddha said: Not! Even the Great Sage, still resulted in all generations fire irresistibly, anything extinguished since birth, so long as has the bad tribulation, by all generations fire burning down. However when all generations burn down completely in all generations ruins all things, the Great Sage is not in all generations ruins, but in...... outside!” 佛祖道:“非也!就算是大圣,也无法抵抗得了万劫火,任何事物都有生有灭,只要是有自身坏劫的,都会被万劫火焚烧。但是万劫火烧尽万劫墟内一切事物之时,大圣并不在万劫墟内,而是在……外头!” Sun Yan changes countenance: In other words, ‚are all generations ruins in fact above the infinite universe with our universe , the world that the beginning of the universe god clan is are the connection?” 孙炎动容:“也就是说,‘万劫墟’实际上跟我们这片宇宙之上的大千世界、也就是混元神族所在的世界是连通的?” The Buddha said: „! Although the mahatmas do not guard void, has not belonged to his own ‚the botanical garden of Buddha, but he has the person of Buddha fruit. He with the old monks, can through hoping the strength, exchanges. Actually originally, in all generations ruins, is connecting our world and above the infinite universe with us. Because it is the place of all generations gathering, even the beginning of the universe god clan, is unable to come in through it. But at that time, the jade emperor final supernatural power added on 72 lives that Great Sage oneself indestructible body, as well as 72 changed brings again, made him rush to all generations ruins unexpectedly, through the root of infinite universe, arrived in our high-rank world.” 佛祖道:“正是!大圣虽然不镇守虚空,没有属于他自己的‘佛之园林’,但他却是有佛果的人。他与老僧之间,能够通过愿力,进行交流。却原来,万劫墟内,连通着我们的世界、与我们之上的大千世界。但因为它原本就是万劫汇聚之处,就算是混元神族,也无法通过它进来。而那个时候,玉帝最后的法力再加上大圣自己的金刚不坏之身、以及七十二变带来的七十二条性命,竟让他闯过万劫墟,通过无限宇宙的根源,到达了我们的上位世界。” Sun Yan said: Beginning of the universe god clan......” 孙炎道:“那混元神族……” The Buddha said: Had been killed all by the Great Sage!” 佛祖道:“已全都被大圣所杀!” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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