MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#978: Does not forget intentionally

Outside the muddy evening mountain, the ray appears intermittently, the god is only exuding seven colors, in sky static circulation., 浑夕山外,光芒隐现,神光泛着七彩,在天空静静的流转。, Nearby several times, under the pretext of closing up, leaving Heaven is different, this time, who knows that Sun Yan attended the war in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, frank and upright entry mixes the desert world, naturally also this/should frank and upright, comes back from the exceedingly high step. Reason that and drops every well first to come here through the stellar lines, but to report one to them and secure, making them know own safe/without matter. 跟前几次,以“闭关”为借口,离开天界不同,这一次,谁都知道孙炎参加了妙喜树内的战事,光明正大的进入混漠世界,自然也该光明正大的、从通天阶回来。之所以通过星线和堕凡井先到这里,只是为了向她们报一声并安,让她们知道自己无事。 From Ling and Xiaoman this, Sun Yan knew, these days, the beautiful dance also often came, inquires his news. But this time, the beautiful dance obtained Yaoyao Empress and Du Xiangxiang returned to the news of Yaochi, therefore went to the show to ban the heaven happily, wanted from fragrant Fairy Maiden that knows that his whereabouts, actually just missed his return finally. 从玲儿和小曼这,孙炎得知,这些日子,美舞也时常前来,打探他的消息。而这一次,美舞得到了瑶瑶帝姬杜香香都回到了瑶池的消息,于是去了秀乐禁上天,想要从香香仙子那,知道他的下落,结果却刚好错过了他的归来。 With Ling and Xiaoman, said some words, accompanied their meeting, Sun Yan left the muddy evening mountain, is riding the mount younger sister, returned to the azure radish mountain through the stellar lines. 与玲儿和小曼,说了一些话,陪了她们一会,孙炎离开浑夕山,骑着坐骑妹妹,通过星线回到青萝山。 Then, he then by 72 changes, first will get will make the female body, then magical girl will change body, will turn into Divine Dragon elder sister, will continue the shuttle stellar lines, will enter the too wonderful heavenly palace of Jinling world. Arrives at the too wonderful heavenly palace, saw to become Gongzhi Jone, Teacher little moe and bow day flower bud and Zhu Shiqing. 然后,他便以七十二变,先将自己变作女身,再“魔法少女变身”,变成神龙姐姐,继续穿梭星线,进入金陵世界的太妙天宫。来到太妙天宫,见到了成公智琼、小萌老师、弓天蕾、竺诗青。 The day flower bud and sees the beautiful elder sister green, is excited. 天蕾与青青看到妍姐姐,自是兴奋。 Sun Yan asked the business of some magical girl alliances, knew, Baochai, Daiyu, pick, cold, six to spend five people to form a squad, went to explore the treasure and black two female previous time finding, that unmanned world, has not returned now. 孙妍问了一些魔法少女联盟的事务,并得知,宝钗、黛玉、采采、凛、六花五人已经组成一个小队,前去探索宝、黛二女前一次找到的、那个无人的世界,现在还未归来。 To receive to mix fire Shenfu the treasures and black two females, has a concubine them, since they have not come back, temporarily is also forced to give up. 原本想将宝、黛二女接到混火神府去,将她们金屋藏娇,既然她们还没有回来,暂时也就只好作罢。 ...... …… *** *** After leaving the too wonderful heavenly palace, Sun Yan previously toward good Changshan, through the exceedingly high step of good Changshan, entered in Immortal World the mountain heavenly palace. 离开太妙天宫后,孙炎先前往良常山,通过良常山的通天阶,进入仙界中岳天宫。 At this moment, the mountain heavenly palace is also one group of confused hurry. On the same day, from mixing the desert world inserted the demon tree that the day came, extended the mountain heavenly palace unexpectedly, what matter was good because of does not know to have finally, lost plant, was only damage some places, needs to patch, in addition, Heaven also chaotic, although at this moment stabilized. Questioning is strict. 此刻,中岳天宫亦是一团忙乱。当日,从混漠世界插天而来的魔树,竟伸展到了中岳天宫,好在最后不知发生何事,又自行枯死,只是有些受损的地方,需要进行修补,再加上,天界也乱了一阵,此刻虽然安定下来。盘查却严。 The side from having the mountain heavenly palace, saw only the front, beautiful Fairy Maiden, static standing there. Her sycophancy is inborn, what put on is the honey about the color gold/metal Baidie Chinese-style jacket paperhanging skirt, what department is all colors entangles the silk the dragon ribbon, what lining is blessings the pink stomacher, was a rose purple flowed cloud Baifu the arm damask silk. 方自出了中岳天宫,只见前方,一个美丽的仙女,静静的立在那里。她媚骨天生,穿的是蜜合色金百蝶对襟褙裙,系的是五彩缠丝的龙绦,衬的是“吉祥如意”的桃红抹胸,系了一条玫瑰紫流云百福的臂绫。 On her hair bun inserts the gold hairpin of dragon and phoenix falling bead, the space between eyebrows is igniting water drop elegantly simple light yellow. The lip does not select to be deep red, the eyebrow does not draw to bend, the star pupil white teeth, floats sends raised. Only look, then gives people one type to have, if the spring breeze sneaks, snow spends friendly the aesthetic sense. 她的髻上插着龙凤坠珠的金钗,眉间点着水珠形的淡雅鹅黄。唇不点而绛,眉不画而弯,星眸皓齿,浮凸有致。单是看着,便予人一种有若春风潜入、雪融花开般的美感。 Before mountain heavenly palace, many immortal gods come and go, each passing by person. Actually cannot help but looks like toward her, her smart-alecky, water general vision. Actually only falls , on youngster who since the imperial city gate goes out, as if this world, does not have others except for him again. 中岳天宫前,许多仙神来来去去,每一个路过的人。却都不由自主的往她看来,她那略带俏皮,水一般的目光。却只落在方自从宫门走出的少年身上,仿佛这个世间,除了他就再无别人。 Sun Yan arrives at her front, said in a low voice: Beautiful dance...... I returned!” 孙炎来到她的面前,低声道:“美舞……我回过来了!” Has zither | Jean Meiwu to visit him, is revealed to make the surrounding everyone heart swing the god fully to move, the vertical even deity unable to block her charm the smile: Un!” 有琴美舞看着他,绽露出足可令周围每一个人都心摇神动、纵连神仙也无法挡住她的魅力的笑容:“嗯!” Has not paid attention to the vision of others, Sun Yan pulls to have zither | Jean Meiwu, first day flies directly toward the world of beings with form's. In his hands, her sprout/slender white hand slides tenderly like the jade. 没有理会旁人的目光,孙炎牵上有琴美舞,直接往色界第一天飞去。在他的手掌中,她的柔荑滑嫩如玉。 Since meets in the game space, two people have also experienced together did not know many matters, at this moment, hand in hand, also has not needed saying that are too many. 自从在游戏空间里遇到,两人亦已共同经历了不知多少事儿,此时此刻,手牵着手,亦已无须说上太多。 On the way, has zither | Jean Meiwu say/way gently: „Can you know Shuyan elder sister and good Young Master even matter?” 途中,有琴美舞轻轻的道:“你可知道淑艳姐和良平公子的事?” Sun Yan knows, the Shuyan elder sister in her mouth, is Guangliang's even master and lover vermilion bird is then outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, therefore said: „Is my coming back, preparing to visit them, how they?” 孙炎知道,她口中的淑艳姐,便是广良平的师父兼恋人朱雀阴柔,于是道:“我这次回来,正准备去拜会一下他们,他们怎么了?” beautiful dance Fairy Maiden said in a low voice: They have entered the samsara.” 美舞仙子低声道:“他们已经进入轮回了。” Sun Yan hovering there, the Daoist robe dances in the breeze, he looks at the beautiful dance, surprised say/way: Enters the samsara? Were you say...... the good even brother and his master together?” Although knows, the vermilion bird was injured by the Taichu crime air/Qi supple, must enter the samsara, the world manner, has not actually thought again, Guangliang even Jingran with. 孙炎悬停在那里,道袍飘舞,他看着美舞,惊讶的道:“进入轮回?你是说……良平兄和他师父一起?”虽然知道,朱雀阴柔被太初罪气所伤,必须要进入轮回,再世为人,却没有想到,广良平竟然跟了下去。 The beautiful dance Fairy Maiden body is petite, stands in his front, raised the head, is gazing at his face: „Can you once hear seven reason red threads? That is an extremely special red thread, by person who that type of red thread ties up, no matter how to perish in the sea of bitterness, finally can meet, dear friend and falling in love, is not loose after seventh. Good Young Master even participates in the demon monkey event, to make the transaction with Heavenly Court, trades seven reason red threads. A month ago, after he and Shuyan elder sister gets married, is accompanying Shuyan elder sister, entered the samsara together, was reincarnated together.” 美舞仙子身躯娇小,立在他的面前,抬起头来,注视着他的脸庞:“你可曾听说过‘七缘红绳’?那是一种极其特殊的红绳,被那种红绳绑上的人,不管在苦海中如何沉沦,最终都能够相会、相知、相爱,历经七世而不散。良平公子参与魔猴事件,就是为了与天庭做交易,换得一根七缘红绳。在一个月前,他与淑艳姐成亲之后,便陪着淑艳姐,一同进入了轮回,一起转世去了。” Although in the heart actually also somewhat had a premonition somewhat, but Sun Yan has not thought, Guangliang puts down really gives up oneself this unexpectedly the immortal way, is accompanying his master, enters the bustling place together. Remembers Guangliang to put down with him exchanges absolute technique, at that time, he thinks that has made decision that enters the samsara, in heart cannot help but low-spirited. 虽然心中其实也多多少少有些预感,但孙炎仍是没有想到,广良平竟然真的放弃自己这一世的仙途,陪着他的师父,一同进入红尘。想起广良平与他互换绝学,那个时候,他想必就已经做出了进入轮回的决定,心中不由得一阵黯然。 Actually is not cannot understand, beautiful dance Fairy Maiden lowers the head, like that time, little Le, if has an accident, I also rather accompanied her dead together......” “其实也不是不能够理解,”美舞仙子低下头来,“就像那个时候,小乐若是出了事,我也宁愿陪着她一起死去……” Sun Yan grabs her hand, said: Do not say that such words, do not have little Le even, you still have me...... and other, little Le?” What did I forget probably? 孙炎抓住她的手,道:“不要说这样的话,就算没有小乐,你也还有我……等一下,小乐?”我好像忘掉了什么? beautiful dance Fairy Maiden looks up him: What's wrong?” 美舞仙子抬头看他:“怎么了?” Sun Yan said: Aiya!” drawing she, is flying toward unmanned place, until falling into a bamboo grove, looks to the surroundings, does not have others. 孙炎道:“哎呀!”拉着她,往无人之处飞去,直至落入一片竹林,看向周围,已无他人。 The beautiful dance Fairy Maiden face is red: What you and do you want to make?” For, why so anxious? 美舞仙子脸红红的:“你、你要做什么?”为、为什么这么猴急? Sun Yan said: Brought a gift to you!” Takes out the three treasures bottle gourd, opens it. 孙炎道:“给你带来了一件礼物!”取出三宝葫芦,将它打开。 Brought the gift to me? beautiful dance Fairy Maiden curious looks to the three treasures bottle gourd, saw only a head of little girl visionally to flee from the bottle gourd, screamed: Dead brother-in-law, how long can you close me?” 给我带来了礼物?美舞仙子好奇的看向三宝葫芦,只见一个梦幻般的小女孩的脑袋从葫芦里窜了出来,尖叫道:“死姐夫,你到底要把我关多久?” beautiful dance Fairy Maiden is astonished saying: Younger sister?” 美舞仙子讶道:“妹妹?” „? Elder sister?” Small had the zither | Jean to drill, called out, elder sister, you also here?” “呀?姐姐?”小有琴钻了出来,叫道,“姐姐,你也在这里?” Young Yin succuba exciting throwing in the past, is hugging elder sister's neck with that mist common demon body. The beautiful dance has not thought, the younger sister was actually also led by Sun Yan, is pleasantly surprised. Small has the zither | Jean to make a confused noise, said a big pile to the elder sister. beautiful dance Fairy Maiden joyful say/way: little Le, you how with brother-in-law in the same place?” 小阴魔女兴奋的扑过去,用那雾气一般的魔身搂着姐姐的脖子。美舞没有想到,妹妹竟然也被孙炎带了上来,又惊又喜。小有琴叽哩呱啦的,跟姐姐说了一大堆。美舞仙子欣喜的道:“小乐,你怎么会跟姐夫在一起?” Small has zither | Jean take the eyes slanting brother-in-law: I do not know that was closed many days by the brother-in-law in this damn bottle gourd, he definitely forgot me.” 小有琴拿眼睛斜姐夫:“我都不知道被姐夫在这个该死的葫芦里关了多少天了,他肯定是把我忘掉了。” Sun Yan both hands chaotic swayed: „, Don't I possibly forget little Le? This is not possible, haha. This is to make the pleasant surprise to you, you looked, you now are very pleasantly surprised?” 孙炎双手乱摆:“不不不,我怎么可能把小乐忘掉呢?这是不可能的嘛,哈哈。这是为了给你们制造惊喜,你们看,你们现在很惊喜吧?” The two sisters took the eye to be slanting he...... definitely to forget together!!! 姐妹两人一起拿眼睛斜他……肯定是忘掉了!!! ...... …… *** *** The show bans in the heaven and Yaochi happily. 秀乐禁上天、瑶池之中。 Yaoyao Empress and Du Xiangxiang soak together in Onchonri. 瑶瑶帝姬杜香香一起泡在温泉里。 Yaoyao Empress is delicate and exquisite, the flesh is perfect seems like the jade to be common, the chest front jade rabbit, is some slightly growth. 瑶瑶帝姬娇小玲珑,肌肤完美得像是玉一般,胸前玉兔,已是略略有些发育。 Du Xiangxiang soaks in the water, the full milk-white bosom, floats obviously in the water, in a flash in a flash. She sits in Yaoyao behind, helping her rub the back. 杜香香泡在水中,更显饱满的酥胸,漂浮在水中,一晃一晃。她坐在瑶瑶身后,帮她搓着背。 Distant place. The gold/metal phoenix moonlight defends in the mountain top, the high place, the multi-colored sunlight unfolds, the color dust is overflowing the flowing light in the horizon, the green mountain surrounds, auspicious. 远处。金凰月华守在山头,更高处,霞光铺开,彩尘在天际溢着流光,翠山环绕,一片祥和。 Du Xiangxiang in Yaoyao behind, searched a head: Yaoyao, do you still remember, is turning over to the ruins deep place what happened?” 杜香香瑶瑶身后,探了一下脑袋:“瑶瑶,你还记不记得,在归墟深处发生了什么事?” Yaoyao Empress ignites the cheeks with the finger. Raising the head of: „...... Does not remember that I and golden boy 1st and lotus lotus, defeated the punishment day together jointly, afterward had anything, how unable to record. Probably has a dream to be the same, the detail could not remember completely.” 瑶瑶帝姬用手指头点着脸颊。抬起头来:“唔……就记得我和金童一号、莲莲,一起联手打败了刑天,后来发生了什么,怎么都记不起来。就好像做梦一样,细节完全记不住了。” Du Xiangxiang said: Right?” 杜香香道:“是吗?” Yaoyao both hands one grasp toward the both sides, vicious tendencies eruption: Remembers that whom seemed to hold my sword, does not know that was who did. When I found him, must fall the homicide, peels his skin. Drew out completely his muscle.” 瑶瑶双手往两侧一握,戾气爆发:“就记得好像有谁捅了我一剑,也不知道是谁做的。等我找到他,一定要把他杀掉,剥完他的皮。抽光他的筋。” Du Xiangxiang is crooked the head, hehe say/way: „Is......?” 杜香香歪着脑袋,呵呵的道:“是是……是吗?” Yaoyao from the back, the look quite some melancholily. Although that time matter, she also somewhat records is unclear, but remembers vaguely, then Yaoyao, the body demon air/Qi was steaming, everywhere inundated is the demon sound, as cancelled Chen Gongzhu she, rushes unexpectedly recklessly. 从后边看着瑶瑶,眼神颇有一些忧郁。虽然那个时候的事,她也有些记不清了,但依稀记得,当时的瑶瑶,身上魔气腾腾,漫天漫地全都是魔音,身为“勾陈宫主”的她,竟是不顾一切就冲了上去。 On Yaoyao, why will have the demon air/Qi? She is somewhat flustered unexpectedly. 瑶瑶身上,为什么会有魔气?她竟是有些心慌。 Yaoyao hee hee say/way: Incense stick|Fragrant, golden boy on the 1st also fierce, moreover what magical treasure on him definitely hid?” 瑶瑶嘻嘻的道:“香香,金童一号也蛮厉害的嘛,而且他身上肯定藏了什么法宝?” Say/Way of Du Xiangxiang doubts: magical treasure?” 杜香香疑惑的道:“法宝?” Yaoyao is turning away from her, raised the head: Why does not know, as soon as he bumps me, I will feel hot, strange......” 瑶瑶背对着她,抬起头来:“不知道为什么,他一碰我,我就会觉得热热的、怪怪的……” Du Xiangxiang opens the eye...... hot, strange? 杜香香睁大眼睛……热热的、怪怪的? The distant place, gold/metal Huangyue Hua Li in the mountain top, another side, the azure seventh lunar month magnificent and blue scale moonlight flew together, falls on her side. 远处,金凰月华立在山头,另一边,青霜月华与蓝鳞月华一同飞了过来,落在她的身边。 Three moon/month Huashen will look together toward bluish green Xianchi in, sees Yaoyao and fragrant, chatted there, kept chatting. The blue scale moonlight said with a smile: „Won't Yaoyao also be saying the fragrant boyfriend?” 三位月华神将一同往碧仙池中看去,见瑶瑶和香香,在那里说说笑笑的,聊个不停。蓝鳞月华笑道:“瑶瑶不会又在说香香的男朋友吧?” Three people look one, helpless shakes the head, since this return, Yaoyao indeed is once for a while will mention the fragrant boyfriend, naturally she has not realized anything. But from their perspectives, actually very few saw before, Yaoyao so frequent chatting to some man, is many pays attention. 三人对望一眼,无奈摇头,自从这次归来后,瑶瑶的确是时不时的会提起香香的男朋友,当然她自己并没有意识到什么。但从她们的角度来说,以前却是很少见到,瑶瑶这般经常的聊到某一个男人,自是不免多加注意。 Mentioned that fragrant boyfriend, they actually have to be discouraged. Wonderful camptotheca acuminata war, Sun Yan cuts Yin two, to explode two mother gods before three services, the critical moment success opens greatly sad Mandala Institute god to ban the ban, although with is character in Immortal World young generation, but the fragrant boyfriend, indeed shows off, but they also with into wonderful camptotheca acuminata, the function reality that but plays is limited. 只是,提到香香的男朋友,她们却也不得不气馁。妙喜树这一战,孙炎在三军阵前斩阴名二、爆二娘神,关键时刻成功开启大悲曼荼罗院神禁禁制,虽然同为仙界年青一辈中的人物,但香香的男朋友,的确是大出风头,而她们虽然也跟入了妙喜树,但起到的作用实是有限。 The gold/metal phoenix moonlight said in a low voice: Matter, you have not possibly known, the black cherry is actually the fragrant boyfriend's guide on immortal say/way.” 金凰月华低声道:“有一件事,你们可能还不知道,黑樱其实是香香的男朋友在仙道上的引路人。” Black cherry? The azure seventh lunar month magnificent and blue Lin moonlight look one. The azure seventh lunar month magnificent hesitates saying: Black cherry?” 黑樱?青霜月华、蓝麟月华对望一眼。青霜月华沉吟道:“黑樱?” The gold/metal phoenix moonlight said low-spirited: This morning, the purple slightly day revered to call the spirit clouds treasure palace me, he said, the black cherry betrayed Heavenly Court on the same day, entered the matter of Demonic Path, was actually the arrangement of Heavenly Court, the black cherry has not betrayed Immortal World, it is necessary to scrub the wrongful treatment for her.” 金凰月华黯然道:“今日上午,紫微天尊将我唤到了灵霄宝殿,他说,黑樱当日背叛天庭,进入魔道之事,其实是天庭的安排,黑樱并未背叛仙界,有必要为她洗刷冤屈。” The azure seventh lunar month magnificent and blue Lin moonlight all look that stunned she...... the original black cherry presents the Heavenly Court decree, infiltrates the Demonic Path? 青霜月华、蓝麟月华俱是错愕地看着她……原来黑樱是奉天庭的旨意,打入魔道的么? Azure seventh lunar month magnificence say/way: Where can she, come back now?” 青霜月华道:“她现在在哪里,可还会回来?” gold/metal Huangyue Huaqing sound said: Black cherry had died, in wonderful camptotheca acuminata war, she has perished together with the secret chief instigators of enemy side.” 金凰月华轻声道:“黑樱已经死了,在妙喜树这一战中,她已经跟敌方的幕后主谋同归于尽了。” The azure seventh lunar month magnificent and blue Lin moonlight shake again, perform all low-spirited. 青霜月华、蓝麟月华再次一震,尽皆黯然。 Azure seventh lunar month magnificence say/way: This matter...... can the fragrance know?” 青霜月华道:“这件事……香香可知道?” The gold/metal phoenix moonlight shakes the head: Had not told her!” 金凰月华摇了摇头:“还没有跟她说!” The azure seventh lunar month magnificent and blue Lin moonlight all are silent. The black cherry is also their five acute communicable disease lunar coronas one, suddenly knew that her sad news, they naturally must be sad. 青霜月华、蓝麟月华俱是沉默。黑樱原本也是她们这“五瘟月华”之一,突然得知她的噩耗,她们自然不可能不难过。 Continues to look downward, sees Yaoyao and fragrance is laughing and playing in the water is making the water splash. The gold/metal phoenix moonlight shift topic, said with a smile: Said, few days ago, when the fragrance just came back, Chang E Fairy Maiden also runs to inquire the life and death and whereabouts of her boyfriend to her. For these days, Yaoyao, will mention once for a while accidentally her boyfriend, fragrant was actually not angry......” 继续往下看去,见瑶瑶与香香在水中嬉笑地弄着水花。金凰月华转移话题,笑道:“说起来,前些日子,香香刚回来时,嫦娥仙子还跑来向她打听她男朋友的生死和下落。这几天,瑶瑶时不时的,无意中都会提到她的男朋友,香香竟然也不生气……” Three people look one, together sighing. Incense stick|Fragrant is...... the mind is really broad!!! 三人对望一眼,一同感叹着。香香真的是……胸襟宽广啊!!! *** *** Sun Yan returns to the muddy evening mountain, then received fiery welcomes of numerous same side, came out to welcome including abdicated Hong. 孙炎一回到浑夕山,便受到了众同门的火热迎接,连早已退位的洪老都出来相迎。 This is also the natural matter, first has to execute the great merit of demon monkey, participated in the war of wonderful camptotheca acuminata, constructed the distinguished merit. Sun Yan as new leader, not only depending on a person of strength, to burn thunder sect built up innumerable karmic virtue, lets originally already burning thunder sect who declines, spills over the brilliance. 这也是当然的事,先有诛魔猴之大功,又参与了妙喜树之大战,还有其中建了奇功。身为新任掌门的孙炎,不但凭一人之力,为焚雷宗建起了无数功德,更让原本已经没落的焚雷宗,重新泛出光彩。 Burns on the thunder sect to chat the banquet, world of beings with form's first Heaven various factions, comes to celebrate, a liveliness. 焚雷宗上大摆宴席,色界第一天上的各门各派,亦前来相贺,一番热闹。 After the banquet diverges, knew the boyfriend returned fragrance fragrant Fairy Maiden. Also went to Yaochi, comes to seek him, after knowing slightly has the zither | Jean to be taken Immortal World by the boyfriend unexpectedly, stares the big eye all of a sudden. But here Immortal World Immortal World, does Brother Sun, take Immortal World really not to have the issue the succuba? 宴席散去后,得知男朋友归来了的香香仙子。也下了瑶池,前来寻他,在得知小有琴竟然被男朋友带上仙界后,一下子瞪大眼睛。这里可是仙界仙界,孙大哥,把魔女带上仙界真的没问题吗? Sun Yan hehe say/way: This to give them is pleasantly surprised, you looked that they are pleasantly surprised?” 孙炎呵呵的道:“这都是为了给她们惊喜,你看她们多惊喜啊?” Having zither | Jean the sisters continued to take the eye to be slanting he...... to forget obviously! 有琴姐妹继续拿眼睛斜他……明明就是忘了! After quiet at dead of night . Has zither | Jean Meiwu to lead everyone, together since the moon/month boundary Moon Palace. Because the younger sister is the Yin demon, is unable to bring. Only can first hide to enter the Sun Yan three treasures bottle gourd, then comes up by the Sun Yan belt/bring. After Sun Yan mounts the moon/month boundary, immediately slightly will then have the zither | Jean to emit, the smile said: You looked, I haven't forgotten you?” 深夜人静之后。有琴美舞带着大家,一起进入月境广寒宫。妹妹因为是阴魔,原本是无法带上去的。只能先藏入孙炎的三宝葫芦,再由孙炎带上去。孙炎登上月境后,马上便将小有琴放出,微笑道:“你看,我没有把你忘掉吧?” Everyone takes the eye to be slanting together he...... 大家一起拿眼睛斜他…… In Moon Palace, eighth heavy and between the ninth heavy moon gates, there are zither | Jean Meiwu to suspend the case to make tea, Sun Yan, the fragrance and Luo Ling, Xiaoman sit in Lin together, slightly has the zither | Jean to have, if the wind elf, floats to flutter everywhere. The bay has in the air, under grains of sprinkling, there is the star grain that if dances in the air, left uncultivated 300 years of garden, because also beautiful dance these days handling, the brocade variety all round, under the sweep of moonlight, is dispersing mystically to the inconceivable aesthetic sense. 广寒宫内,第八重与第九重月门之间,有琴美舞摆案泡茶,孙炎、香香、骆玲、小曼一同坐在麟文席上,小有琴有若风的精灵,到处飘来飘去。月桂有空中,一粒粒的洒下,有若飞舞的星粒,原本荒废了三百年的花园,亦因为美舞这些日子的打理,锦簇团团,在月华的笼罩下,散着神秘至不可思议的美感。 Sun Yan has not concealed them, will turn over to the matter of ruins, said roughly. Hearing Aunt Sun is the previous generation Goddess of Mercy that the past volume treasure ran away, the beautiful women has a scare unexpectedly, until knowing, the black cherry moonlight was actually the former Chang E's true body, was dumbfounded. 孙炎并没有隐瞒她们,将归墟发生的事情,大致上说了一下。听到孙姑姑竟然是当年卷宝逃走的上一代观音,美女们吓了一跳,及至得知,黑樱月华其实是前任的嫦娥的真身,更是目瞪口呆。 Incense stick|Fragrant startled say/way: Brother Sun, you said, the black cherry elder sister is actually...... dragon Er?” 香香惊道:“孙大哥,你是说,黑樱姐其实是……龙儿?” Has zither | Jean Meiwu also to open the attractive big eye: Dragon elder sister who we see, is actually her clone?” 有琴美舞亦是睁着漂亮的大眼睛:“我们所见到的龙儿姐,其实是她的分身?” Sun Yan said: Dragon and swallow Yinchu, respectively is her good body and wicked body, I know that this matter is hard to explain, what she uses when was cuts three corpses this ancient times way, now this cutting actually, a body really such as the cultivation method, no one has used.” 孙炎道:“龙儿和燕引雏,分别是她的善身与恶身,我知道这种事难以解释,她用的是‘斩三尸’这种远古时的方式,现在这种斩却自身、一体真如的修炼方法,早就已经没有人用了。” Ji Xiaoman kneels to sit there, raised the head: Cuts three corpses the matter, I indeed have also seen in some ancient Jieli, but has not thought that can actually see with own eyes.” 吉小曼跪坐在那里,抬起头来:“‘斩三尸’之事,我的确也在一些古藉里见到过,只是从来没有想过,竟然能够亲眼见到。” Du Xiangxiang holds the teacup, is lowering the small head: „Did Brother Sun, the black cherry elder sister she...... really die?” 杜香香捧着茶杯,低着螓首:“孙大哥,黑樱姐她……真的死了?” Sun Yan said: How can I say? Died in the time line, is also living in the time off-line!” He took away the black cherry elder sister from the time line Sister Hou, goes to the matter of Guishan to say. The beautiful women more listen more wonderful, this is really strange matter has year after year, this year are very many. 孙炎道:“怎么说呢?在时间线内死了,在时间线外还活着!”他把侯姐姐将黑樱姐从时间线上带走,去了龟山的事说出。美女们越听越奇,这真是怪事年年有,今年特别多。 Sun Yan said: At that time the time press, some facts in related in detail without enough time, but listens to Sister Hou's meaning, the black cherry elder sister can rescue, the most essential point, the volume of simultaneous/uniform eight immortal swords, on finding on the tribulation was too wonderful the too wonderful vestige that a clan left behind. In eight immortal swords, covers day , to hang Jian, the startled salamander, to extinguish the soul according to the water and revolutions mortal form, really just seven swords now here, was actually short of one only evilly actually. Perhaps the fragrant and beautiful dance, actually the whereabouts of evil sword, want you to help nose. little Le, the evil sword may also not in the immortal sword, but the resembles really just the sword was common, fell in the Demonic Path hand, after you returned to new demon, remembers that helped the brother-in-law inquire.” 孙炎道:“当时时间紧迫,一些事实在是来不及细说,不过听侯姐姐的意思,黑樱姐还是能够救回来的,其中最关键的一点,是要集齐八大仙剑,找到上上劫中太妙一族留下的太妙遗迹。八大仙剑中,掩日、照水、转魄、悬翦、惊鲵、灭魂、真刚七剑现在都在我这里,却独独少了一支却邪。香香、美舞,却邪剑的下落,恐怕要你们来帮忙查探。小乐,却邪剑也有可能不在仙剑,而是像真刚剑一般,落到了魔道手中,你回到新魔界以后,也记得帮姐夫打听一下。” Small has the zither | Jean elf general to stand floating in the table head, is extending the small hand: I knew, I will not forget intentionally!” 小有琴精灵一般飘立在桌头,伸着小手:“我知道了,我不会故意忘掉的!” Is your meaning you must forget intentionally? 你的意思是你要故意忘掉吗? Has zither | Jean Meiwu to hurry saying: little Le......” 有琴美舞赶紧道:“小乐……” Small has the zither | Jean hee hee the say/way: Knows that knows!” 小有琴嘻嘻的道:“知道啦知道啦!” Sun Yan also said: In addition must find the too wonderful vestige, according to Sister Hou, in tribulation, world great misfortune the main world collapses, too wonderful clan whereabouts, were separated from the main world, but has not completely destroyed, becomes a world, but must find that world, is actually an extremely difficult matter, it in the chaos, had not been covered superstitiously, at present can know that only, is in the too wonderful vestige, there is a five colors stone. In the legend, Nüwa overcame nature in the past, leaves behind the last five colors stone not to use, after that each has Nüwa to overcome nature the world of this legend, has one final five colors stone. Depending on can between the air/Qi of spirit strongly fragrant overcoming nature the five colors stones and five colors stones pass through, might be able to find the too wonderful vestige......” 孙炎又道:“另外还要找到太妙遗迹,据侯姐姐所说,上上劫中,天地大劫时主世界崩溃,太妙一族所在之处,脱离了主世界,但未完全摧毁,自成一个世界,但是要找到那个世界,却是一件极其困难的事,它还在混沌之中,并没有被天条覆盖,目前唯一能够知道的,就是太妙遗迹中,也有一颗五色石。传说中,当年女娲补天,留下了最后一颗五色石未用,自那之后,每一颗拥有‘女娲补天’这一传说的世界,就都有一颗‘最后的五色石’。靠着能够在五色石与五色石之间穿越的灵郁补天之气,有可能能够找到太妙遗迹……” Has zither | Jean Meiwu saying: But has the world of Nüwa overcoming nature legend, was really many......” 有琴美舞道:“但是拥有女娲补天传说的世界,实在是太多了……” Sun Yan sighed: Therefore, this method actually also looks for a needle in a haystack.” 孙炎叹气:“所以,这法子其实也只是大海捞针罢了。” Small had zither | Jean calling out suddenly: Seeks for the forgotten world in the chaos, but this specialty of Demonic Path, I know, in new demon many many this experts in aspects.” 小有琴忽的叫道:“在混沌中寻找被遗忘的世界,这个可是魔道的专长,我知道,新魔界里好多好多这方面的专家。” In the Sun Yan heart moves, thought that truly, regarding the Demonic Path, each was lost the world in chaos is the treasure, this talent in aspect naturally also has many. In the god demon war, many world were scattered in the chaos, the appearance of new demon, depended on these scattered world finding similarly, the combination. 孙炎心中一动,心想“确实”,对于魔道来说,每一个被遗落在混沌中的世界都是珍宝,这方面的人才自然也有不少。在神魔大战时,许多世界被打散在混沌之中,新魔界的出现,同样也是靠着将这些被打散的世界一个个的找到,组合。 He looked that to slightly has the zither | Jean: little Le, that this matter also asked you similarly.” 他看向小有琴:“小乐,那这件事同样也拜托你了。” ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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