MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#971: Appearance, Divine Dragon!

Sun Yan had a dream. 孙炎做了一个梦。 His dream to oneself small time, two little girls draw the situation that he is jumping into the river together. 他梦到了自己小的时候,两个小女孩拉着他一起去跳河的情形。 In the dream, two girls turned into the huge evil spirit suddenly, said that must fall the homicide kills again massacres again, said him, or mediates with her together, she dies to him looks. 在梦中,两个女孩突然间变成了巨大的妖魔,一个说要把他杀掉再杀再杀掉,一个说他要不跟她一起做好人,她就死给他看。 They are drawing him, jumped in the bloodshed together, was the vast bloodshed, is tearing his soul, he struggled in the bloodshed, could not come ashore. 她们拉着他,一起跳到了血海中,紧接着便是汪洋的血海,撕扯着他的魂魄,他在血海中挣扎,却怎么也上不了岸。 Red child! Inherits our wills, destroys this world, destroys this to dare with the universe that we oppose, massacred to dare to revolt against our, millions of people, the death, the destruction, with your both hands, with your fire, ended them, burninged out they!” “红孩儿!继承我们的意志吧,摧毁这个世界,摧毁这个胆敢跟我们作对的宇宙,杀掉敢于反抗我们的、千千万万的人,死亡,毁灭,用你的双手,用你的火,终结它们,烧尽它们!” The innumerable sounds, reverberate in his soul deep place, roar, he is unable to get rid of them. These sounds, are destroying his will, leaves behind the despair that brought to die together merely, as well as anger of this whole world all destruction. 无数的声音,在他的魂魄深处回荡,咆哮,他怎么也无法将它们摆脱。这些声音,摧毁着他的意志,仅仅留下了、带着所有的一切一同死去的绝望,以及将这一整个世界全都毁灭的愤怒。 Love desire that as well as...... such as it comes suddenly. 以及……忽如其来的爱欲。 In the bloodshed, as if two sweet and pretty bodies, are hugging and kissing him, is accompanying him, spirited, tangled up, looks like two lotus flowers that in the blood drifts, he vicissitude in bloodshed, he in loving desire vicissitude. 血海中,仿佛有两个娇美的身体,拥吻着他,陪伴着他,激昂,缠绵,就像是鲜血中飘浮的两朵莲花,他在血海中浮沉,他在爱欲中浮沉。 Blurry, he opened the eye, this, is not having a dream only. 迷迷糊糊中,他睁开了眼睛,唯独这个,并不是在做梦。 Two *, but sweet and pretty *, is hugging him, with his happy love, accompanies about him, that delightful feeling, has, if permeates the honey of his heart's core, keeping him from giving up, is unable to forget. In bloodshed that the death and destruction...... the inexhaustible negativity made, they went all out to contact him, is guiding him. 两具*而娇美的*,拥抱着他,与他欢爱,伴他左右,那甜美的感觉,有若渗入他心灵深处的蜜,让他无法放弃,无法遗忘。死亡、毁灭……无穷尽的负面情绪造出的血海中,她们拼命接触着他,引导着他。 dragon Er...... 龙儿…… Young...... 雏儿…… All, along with him to their loving tenderly, look like inflation from now on expression, broke in their within the body. 一切的一切,伴随着他对她们的怜爱,就像是膨胀过后的宣泄,冲入了她们体内。 ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan turning over suddenly. 孙炎蓦的翻身而起。 He looks to the surroundings. Sees only here, before is him, main hall that once had been to...... hot cloud main hall. 他看向周围。只见这里,是一座他以前曾经到过的大殿……火云大殿。 In his side, is pouring two young girls. Unexpectedly is really dragon Er and young, their bodies. The foul odor is steaming, performs all dimly. In his heart one startled: Dragon? Young?” 在他的身边,倒着两个少女。竟然真的是龙儿和雏儿,她们的身上。恶气腾腾,尽皆昏暗。他心中一惊:“龙儿?雏儿?” In his opposite, sound gentle resounding: They will not have the matter!” 在他的对面,一个声音轻柔的响起:“她们不会有事儿!” Sun Yan covers the head, the headache is wanting to crack, he at this moment, is common with dragon Er, young, is stark naked, in their legs also remains his trace. It seems like they indeed had done a moment ago. 孙炎捂着脑袋,头痛欲裂,此刻的他,与龙儿、雏儿一般,都是一丝不挂,她们的腿间还残留着他的痕迹。看来他们刚才的确是做过一场。 He silently watches himself, discovered that the brave space in within the body is not, five exquisite shape cauldrons, as well as placed all profound qi and crystal in ore brave space to be laid aside in the other places of hot cloud main hall. within the body fire cloud Xiaosheng the Spiritual God clone also, but the strength of real dragon has completely vanished. 他默察自身,发现体内的貔貅空间已经不在,五精妙象鼎、以及原本放在貔貅空间里的所有玄气、晶矿都被放置在火云大殿的其它地方。体内“火云小圣”的神灵分身还在,但是真龙之力已经完全消失。 He jumped, looks to the opposite party: Black cherry elder sister...... what happened?” 他跳了起来,看向对方:“黑樱姐……发生了什么事?” In his opposite party, the black cherry moonlight stands slim and graceful there, beautiful hair light breeze that in the profound qi circulation with the palace, gathers, gentle fluttering, the black receiving waist skirt, the skirt suspends the volume dance. 在他的对方,黑樱月华袅娜地立在那里,秀发随着殿内玄气流转、聚成的轻风,轻柔的飘动,黑色的收腰裙,裙摆卷舞。 The black cherry moonlight said: Subdue Yuan child his place ancestor supernatural power. The foul odor that and shepherd of passing dozens tribulation remains, all input your within the body, stirs with your within the body the strength of real dragon together. He attempts by this, making you be shepherd, making you inherit him to destroy the will of the world. They, transfer reason by albizzia julibrissin luckily the law, all inhaled their within the body the foul odor of your within the body. They currently, have, if person cauldron, all foul odor, including real dragon strength and place the ancestor supernatural power, all deposit in their within the body, in addition has to be real dragon part brave.” 黑樱月华道:“镇元子将他的地祖神力。以及过往数十劫的牧羊者残留下来的恶气,全都输入了你的体内,与你体内的真龙之力搅拌在一起。他试图以此,让你重新做回‘牧羊者’,让你继承他毁灭世界的意志。幸好她们两人,以‘合欢转缘’之法,将你体内的恶气全都吸入了她们体内。她们现在,就有若‘人鼎’,所有的恶气、包括真龙之力、地祖神力,全都存放在她们体内,另外还有属于真龙一部分的‘貔貅’。” They......” “那她们……” You felt relieved by all means. This is also part in plan, they will be all right!” “你只管放心好了。这也是计划中的一部分,她们都会没事的!” Black cherry elder sister. You have long known that will turn into this?” The youngster arrive in front of the black cherry moonlight gently. “黑樱姐。你早就知道会变成这样?”少年轻轻的走到黑樱月华面前。 The black cherry moonlight said: I am naturally unascertainable, but. I am unable to rule out such possibility. Since is unable to remove, that naturally is needs morning a point to make the preparation. Also has such preparation luckily, before the town/subdues Yuan child curse, indeed almost makes you change the shepherd at the point of death. If really presents such matter, perhaps we will die in your hands.” 黑樱月华道:“我自然不能确定,但是。我也无法排除这样的可能性。既然无法排除,那自然是需要早一点做出准备。也幸好有这样的准备,镇元子临死前的诅咒,的确是差点让你重新变回牧羊者。如果真的出现那样的事,我们恐怕都会死在你的手中。” Sun Yan breathes a sigh of relief: That now, was all things finished?” 孙炎舒了口气:“那现在,是不是所有的事情都结束了?” The black cherry moonlight said: Yes, or...... only remained the last step!” 黑樱月华道:“是的,或者说……只剩了最后一步!” Sun Yan visits her, one of the in the heart being in no position tight: In a final step?” 孙炎看着她,心中无由的一紧:“最后一步?” The black cherry moonlight said: „All generations fire in all generations ruins is still burning, now, needs some people the strength and place real dragon the ancestor supernatural power, as well as these all, torments the foul odor of the world, leads into all generations ruins, making them be destroyed...... this by all generations ruins together is the first step. In addition, but also needs some people to achieve Buddhahood, blows all generations ruins, making it no longer be used...... this by others is the second step!” 黑樱月华道:“万劫墟内的万劫火还在燃烧,现在,必须要有人将真龙之力、地祖神力,以及这些所有的、荼毒天地的恶气,带入万劫墟中,让它们一同被万劫墟摧毁……这是第一步。此外,还需要有人成佛,镇住万劫墟,让它不再被其他人利用……这是第二步!” Sun Yan startled say/way: Black cherry elder sister...... black cherry...... elder sister......” his body one soft, plants in the black cherry moonlight bosom, weak say/way. 孙炎惊道:“黑樱姐……黑樱……姐……”他身子一软,栽在黑樱月华怀中,虚弱的道。 The black cherry moonlight is hugging him, is smiling gently: Therefore...... the black cherry elder sister comes to say goodbye to you!” 黑樱月华搂着他,轻柔地微笑着:“所以……黑樱姐是来向你告别的!” Black cherry elder sister, you cannot...... this! This obviously is...... my responsibility......” “黑樱姐,你不能……这样做!这明明是……我的责任……” No, this is not your responsibility, you have done enough many, for everyone in this world, for everyone!” The black cherry elder sister kneels down slowly, making him rest in own water generally gentle bosom, „should not be sad, some of your also many matters must do, at least and at least this time...... you should obtain the happiness.” “不,这不是你的责任,你已经做得够多了,为了这个世上的所有人,为了大家!”黑樱姐缓缓跪倒在地,让他睡在自己水一般温柔的怀抱中,“不要难过,你还有许多事要做,至少、至少这一次……你应该得到幸福。” But, the black cherry elder sister, you had said...... you had said after this matter ended, you with me...... in together...... you have guaranteed......” “可是,黑樱姐,你说过……你说过在这件事结束后,你会跟我……在一起的……你保证过的……” In the hot cloud main hall, the fluorescence passes, the confounded nuisance dances, lays aside in the crystal ore of distant place, disperses the colorful brilliance, with fluttering in in the air profound qi and spiritual energy, interweaves mutually, each other shines. 火云大殿内,荧光流转,宝气婆娑,放置在远处的晶矿,散出五颜六色的光彩,与飘荡在空中的玄气、灵气,互相交织,彼此辉映。 The black cherry moonlight is smiling: Dragon and young in your status, they will be accompanying you...... like me!” 黑樱月华微笑着:“龙儿和雏儿都在你的身份,她们会陪着你……就像我一样!” Different! Sun Yan shouts wildly in the heart, in the heart the feeling of surging stabbing pain, the gentleness of black cherry elder sister, the beauty of black cherry elder sister, making him as if place oneself in the most wonderful red light district, but he actually wants to struggle and sober in such red light district, because he is very clear, like this after is gentle, oneself will lose anything, how this is he regardless of also the unacceptable matter. 不一样的!孙炎在心中狂喊,心中涌起刺痛的感觉,黑樱姐的温柔,黑樱姐的美丽,让他仿佛置身在最美妙的温柔乡中,但他却想要在这样的温柔乡中挣扎、清醒,因为他很是清楚,这样的温柔过后,自己会失去什么,这是他无论如何也不能接受的事。 Rests! Rests! After this thinks, you will forget me, the black cherry elder sister has never existed, she was only one...... once preserved the dream in your heart!” The black cherry moonlight lowers the head, kisses on his lip. The sweet kiss, along with I hope the pledge, enters his heart, making him look like by the baby who mother coaxes, must then go off, that is in world gentlest bosom, that is world is most beautiful...... actually the most dismal prospect. “睡吧!睡吧!这一觉过后,你就会将我忘记,黑樱姐从来不曾存在过,她只是一个……曾经存留在你心中的梦!”黑樱月华低下头来,吻在他的唇上。甜甜的吻,伴随着“我愿”的誓约,进入他的心头,让他就像是被母亲哄着、便要睡去的婴儿,那是世间最温柔的怀抱,那是世间最美丽……却又最悲凉的愿景。 Although unceasing summon in heart, but the sleepiness is stubbornly, intrudes his body and mind, the sleepy eyes are hazy. Blurry, he felt that the black cherry moonlight is going far away, the heart seems like dropping the blood, her image, actually in his mind and in his eyes becomes fuzzy. 虽然在心中不断的呼唤,但是睡意还是死死的、闯入他的身心,睡眼迷蒙。迷迷糊糊中,他感觉到黑樱月华正在远去,心头像是在滴着血,她的影像,却在他的心中、在他的眼中一齐变得模糊。 After this thinks, he will forget her, but how can he forget her? 这一觉过后,他就会将她遗忘,但他怎么能够将她遗忘? The black cherry moonlight smile visits him, the retreat, falls on ground dragon and swallow Yinchu slowly, changes to two rays, flies into her within the body. At this moment, in his hazy eye, she turned into dragon Er, to turn into swallow Yinchu, or their three people were a body. 黑樱月华微笑地看着他,缓缓后退,倒在地上的龙儿和燕引雏,化作两道光芒,飞入她的体内。这一刻,在他那迷蒙的眼中,她变成了龙儿、变成了燕引雏,又或者说,她们三人原本就是一体。 Her static standing there, in the hand holds the startled salamander sword, wields the sword light, while is transferring the tender body, the beautiful skirt clothes, exit the top dazzling color, one such as the elf in dream, the cold light on sword, flashes in that charming dazzling color passes. dragon Er and swallow Yinchu, cutting from her, rest again before her foot, is actually like that pure, looks like lily that bashful has not split. 她静静的立在那里,手中持着惊鲵剑,一边挥动剑光,一边转着娇躯,美丽的裙裳,转出陀螺般的炫彩,一如梦中的精灵,剑上的寒光,在那迷人的炫彩中一闪即逝。龙儿与燕引雏,再一次从她身上“斩”下,睡在她的脚边,却是那般纯净,就像是含羞未绽的百合。 All foul odor, all shift to her body, her retreating slowly, falls back on the edge in main hall. The smile visits him, beckoning with the hand of gently. The pearly luster overflows, dreamlike, brings shocking that is wiping and soon pass finally, she toward the palace outside, poured. In her , the raging fire is billowing, immeasurable boundless. 所有的恶气,全都转移到她的身上,她缓缓的退却,退到大殿的边缘。微笑地看着他,轻轻的摆了摆手。珠光流溢,如梦似幻,带着那最后一抹、即将流逝的惊艳,她往殿外,倒了下去。在她的下方,烈火滚滚,无量无边。 Said goodbye, my once lover, at least this time, wanted happily............ 再见了,我曾经的爱人,至少这一次,一定要……幸福…… Black, cherry and elder sister!!! 黑、樱、姐!!! The youngster in being stranded intent and with the pain of in being hard to contain soon forgetting, in his volume, opens nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan, in the mouth sends out weakly, weak, sound of tremor: Appearance...... Divine Dragon!” 少年在难以遏制的困意、与即将遗忘的痛苦中,他的额上,张开九灵太妙金眼,口中发出虚弱的、无力的、颤动的声音:“出现吧……神龙!” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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