MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#970: Past

Vol. 14. «Purple Profound Hole Photo» 第14卷.《紫玄洞照》 *** *** Past 前尘往事 In the memory, that is a tranquil night. 记忆中,那是一个宁静的夜晚。 Entire Immortal World, is probably peaceful the empty garden. The Heaven toad moon/month, lost all rays, looks like the sketch of lonely floating star, lonely hanging that no depends on the Immortal World nighttime sky. 整个仙界,都安静得像是空空洞洞的伽蓝。天上的蟾月,失去了所有的光芒,就像是孤独飘伶的剪影,寂寞的、无依的悬挂在仙界的夜空。 She, lies down in the broad cold deep place, is thinking that person, is bursting into tears silently. 她独自一人,躺在广寒深处,想着那个人,默默地流着泪。 A star will go to the Moon Palace, places by a burden the moon gate. 一名星将上了广寒宫,将一个包袱放在月门旁。 This is his fire sharp spear/gun, although has broken to pieces looked awful, but gave you to bring,” that star will be turning away from her, has not turned head, I know that you hated us, but we did not have the means.” “这是他的火尖枪,虽然已经碎得不成样子了,但还是给你带过来了,”那名星将背对着她,没有回头,“我知道你恨我们,但我们也是没有办法。” He was insane, that time he was really insane, everywhere is the blood, we were injured many people...... more by him,” star will be smiling bitterly, „, but discovered afterward, no one dies. Obviously by the homicide everywhere is the blood, finally unexpectedly all lives well, what does? Moreover is the secret really hot? Where was his secret really hot?” “他疯了,那时候的他真的疯了,到处都是血,我们被他伤了很多人……很多很多,”星将苦笑着,“但事后发现,没有一个人死。明明被他杀得到处都是血,最后居然全都活得好好的,搞什么嘛?而且三昧真火呢?他的三昧真火哪去了?” His cave mansion, we cannot go, have the secret really to keep off hot.” star will be scratching the head, words that naturally must go , is also not cannot achieve, is a secret really hot wants to keep off us? Underestimated us? But...... no one wants.” “他的洞府,我们进不去,有三昧真火挡着。”星将挠着头,“当然非要进去的话,也不是做不到的,一层三昧真火就想挡着我们?太小看我们了吧?只不过……没有人想要进去罢了。” This matter...... does not ravel time completely, but Heavenly Court is this appearance, a lot our these underlings, are do not ravel, only knows that this matter has much to do with time with the Demonic Path...... actually does not ravel also well, knows that so many to do what? You have a look at him......” “这一次的事情……完全弄不明白,不过天庭就是这个样子,很多事情我们这些底下人,都是弄不明白的,只知道这一次的事情跟魔道有很大关系……其实弄不明白也好,知道那么多干什么?你看看他……” Very uncomfortable...... is very uncomfortable! Since insane charged into us, then on happy fights one. Isn't is fascinated? Turned into the demon, what did that also manage so many to make? To kill many people, that kills many people, we, will kill people and are killed in any case for serveral days. The homicide do we, what we kill him...... result appearance are? Really wants to catch...... to punch one him again......” “很不爽……真的很不爽!既然疯了般冲向我们,那就痛痛快快的打一架吧。不是入了魔吗?都变成魔了,那还管那么多做什么?想杀多少人,那就杀多少人,反正我们这些天将,就是杀人和被杀的。他杀我们,我们杀他……结果这个样子算什么?真的想把他抓出来……再揍一顿……” His soul did not have. Relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish...... is fascinated! Actually we cannot comprehend, why isn't without a fight? How is fascinated can? In devils of Heaven, does before was demons and monsters, were many went, did not miss his one, why need dead? It is not clear! Should have anything non- to refuse stubbornly the reason of being possible...... in any case we are not clear......” “他的魂魄也没了。形神俱灭……入了魔嘛!其实我们也搞不懂,为什么不束手就擒?入了魔又能怎样?天界的凶神恶煞中,以前是妖魔鬼怪的,多了去了,也不差他一个,为什么一定要死?不明白!应该是有什么非死不可的理由吧……反正我们是不明白的……” Ok, does not say!” star will stand, right, some people made me tell you, his matter...... do not go to the manages again. Everyone will not go to the manages again, although is not clear, but...... considers as finished. If you also same go crazy...... our very difficult office with him......” “算了,不说了!”星将站起来,“对了,有人让我告诉你,他的事情……就不要再去管了。大家都不会再去管,虽然不明白,但还是……算了吧。你要是也跟他一样发疯……我们会很难办的……” Walking that outward he strides greatly. 他大跨步的往外走去。 In his behind, named Chang E's Fairy Maiden, silent bursting into tears. 在他的身后,名为嫦娥的仙子,无声的流着泪。 Hates own weakness, hates own being incapable, wants to add on him obviously, anything is actually not able to achieve. 痛恨自己的软弱,痛恨自己的无力,明明想要帮上他,却什么也无法做到。 What...... is unable to achieve...... 什么也……无法做到…… *** *** In many days after that she has lain down there. Is bursting into tears silently. 在那之后的许多天里,她一直躺在那里。默默地流着泪。 The moon/month boundary is a beautiful gold thread birdcage, looks like the beautiful dreamland, the sweet-scented osmanthus in the sky, falls gently like the star generally. The weeds outside palace. Because no one handles, extends like the seaweed generally. Lonely, is a poisonous snake of heartrending, is thinking him. Is loving him, except for from the sorrow and from the resentment, anything is unable to achieve. 月境是一个美丽的金丝雀笼,就像是美丽的梦境,桂花在天空,如同星星一般飘落。宫外的野草。因为无人打理,像海藻一般漫延。寂寞,是一条钻心的毒蛇,想着他。恋着他,除了自哀、自怨,什么事也无法做到。 Such day. Is desperate, grey. Every day, crossed on the day before compares pain, every day, as if compared with the day before long. On that beautiful cheek, the tears have only done, but the tears of blood of heart, have not actually stopped. 这样的日子。是绝望的、灰色的。每一天,都过得比前一天更加的痛苦,每一天,都仿佛比前一天更加的漫长。那唯美的脸蛋上,泪水已干,但内心深处的血泪,却从来也不曾停过。 Therefore, on that day, she stood weakly before the mirror, looks beautifully that thin and pale, look weakly that helpless. She took out the startled salamander sword, under the fluorescence of that dream general non- night bead, is revolving the body, is wielding the sword. 于是,那一天,她虚弱的立在镜前,看着那美丽的、憔悴的自己,看着那软弱的、无助的自己。她取出了惊鲵剑,在那梦一般的不夜珠的荧光下,旋转着身子,挥动着剑。 The beautiful skirt clothes, exit the top dazzling color, one such as the elf in dream, the cold light on sword, flashes in that charming dazzling color passes. 美丽的裙裳,转出陀螺般的炫彩,一如梦中的精灵,剑上的寒光,在那迷人的炫彩中一闪即逝。 She stands in the mirror, as before is beauty like that but actually gloomy and cold and firm and resolute. 她立在镜内,依旧是那般的美丽,但却阴冷、坚毅。 Her under foot, is lying down another she, that soft, weak she. She cut actually oneself weakness, cut actually own goodness. 她的脚下,躺着另一个她,那个柔软的、无力的她。她斩却了自己的软弱,斩却了自己的善良。 She starts to cultivate to hide candle dragon Xinfa in back garden, that is the evil merit different law that should not contact. However she does not care, 50 years passed by, for 100 years to pass by. She is enduring more than 100 years of loneliness, she is bearing more than 100 years of pain. 她开始修炼藏在后园的烛龙心法,那原本是、绝不应该去接触的邪功异法。但是她已经不在乎,五十年过去了、一百年过去了。她忍受着这一百多年的寂寞,她忍受着这一百多年的痛苦。 Until she builds the evil merit, hundred years that he died many years later, again trod the Moon Palace. 直到她修成邪功,在他死去的这一百年多年后,再一次的踏出了广寒宫。 She arrived at the world of mortals, she tracks down his footsteps, tries to clarify his cause of death. Why non- refuses stubbornly to be possible? Why cannot live well, is accompanying her, or is...... makes her accompany...... 她来到了下界,她追寻他的脚步,试图弄清他的死因。为什么非死不可?为什么不能好好的活下来,陪着她,或者是……让她陪着…… Cut good and weak her, becomes the Evil Dragon of stopping at no evil, raised the reign of terror. She wanted to find with his death related clue, perhaps, that indeed should not let the matter that the person knew, perhaps, knows these, she same will also go crazy with him. However she does not care, because thought of that...... has made her crazy, has made her desperate. 斩去了善良和软弱的她,成为了无恶不作的恶龙,掀起了腥风血雨。她想要找到与他的死有关的线索,也许,那的确是不应该让人知道的事,也许,知道了那些事后,她也会跟他一样发疯。但是她不在乎,因为想念……已经让她疯狂,已经让她绝望。 The discovery has the Evil Dragon to rebel in the world of mortals, Heavenly Court sent out the gifted general, but she all does not care, since is unable to clarify his cause of death, since is unable to make him return to itself side, that and he is the same by oneself, but crazy and desperate died, she does not care, without his day, she...... anything has not cared. 发现有恶龙在下界作乱,天庭派出了天兵天将,但她全不在意,既然无法弄清他的死因,既然无法让他回到自己身边,那就,让自己与他一样,但疯狂与绝望中死去,她已经不在乎了,没有他的日子,她已经……什么都不在乎了。 Until that day, will soon be sent that moment that the gifted general in the world of mortals looks for before her by Heavenly Court, a woman, looked for her in advance. 直到那一天,直到她即将被天庭派下界的天兵天将找上的那一刻前,一个女人,先行找上了她。 ...... …… *** *** When sees him again, when fourth in his samsara. 再一次看到他时,正值他轮回中的第四世。 At that time, is in June the intense summer heat, is the Mortal World burning hottest day, in the sky, actually had the heavy snow suddenly. The common people well up the street in abundance, wrongful treatment everywhere. 那个时候,原本是六月酷暑,是人间最炎热的日子,天空中,却突然下起了大雪。百姓纷纷涌上街头,冤屈漫天。 He was imprisoned in the prison van, was pushed to the city mouth, the cool bureau of June, and in everywhere snowflake, was cut to fall a beach hot blooded. The weeping sound of common people fills the air to the entire small town, but that is also only the beginning of their pitiful life. 他被囚在囚车中,被推向了市口,在六月的酷署、和漫天的雪花中,被斩落一滩热血。百姓的哭声弥漫至整个小城,但那还只是他们悲惨生命的开端。 She wants to rush, saves him, but that woman actually held on her. She said that is the tribulation that he must shoulder, because he no longer belonged to this world, therefore the vertical this world is also even repelling him, to oppress him. 她想要冲上去,将他救下,但那个女人却拉住了她。她说那是他必须背负的磨难,因为他原本已不再属于这个世界,因此纵连这个世界也在排斥他、压迫他。 That woman told her, matter that many, she does not know, she told her, the truth of this piece of universe, with him refuses stubbornly reason that may. 那个女人告诉了她,许许多多,她所不知道的事,她告诉了她,这片宇宙的真相,和他非死不可的原因。 Sob again, no use again. 再一次的哭泣,再一次的无助。 In the following several years, she in the hidden place, visits him perishing in sea of bitterness, visits him struggling in destiny vastness. She, gives him quietly and stays in the Moon Palace, that good and weak she pulled the red string, she wanted to rescue the sea of bitterness him, however exploding of god demon war, making seventh do good deeds dead, this has the opportunity to leave him of samsara, fell into that dark swamp again. 在接下来的数十年中,她在暗处,看着他在苦海中的沉沦,看着他在命运汪洋中的挣扎。她悄悄的,给他和被留在广寒宫里的,那个善良而又软弱的“她”牵上了红线,她想要将他救出苦海,然而神魔大战的暴发,让七世行善而死、本有机会脱出轮回的他,再一次跌入了那黑暗的沼泽。 The god demon war, making numerous world vanished in a puff of smoke, making countless people die a violent death, makes him unable to see to leave the hope of sea of bitterness again. 神魔大战,让众多的世界灰飞烟灭,让无数的人死于非命,也让他再也看不到脱出苦海的希望。 Perhaps, except for you, no one can save him!” That woman, said to her like this. “或许,除了你,再也没有人能够拯救他!”那个女人,这样对她说。 Therefore, in the boundless sea, she draws out the startled shark sword again, cut own evil, cut another she. She found that woman who takes the tower as the husband, that evil she, gives her to take care. 于是,在茫茫的大海上,她再一次拔出惊鲛剑,斩掉了自己的邪恶,斩出了另外一个“她”。她找到了那个以塔为夫的女人,将那个邪恶的“她”,交给她来保管。 She gives that her to name to call...... swallow Yinchu! 她给那一个她取名叫……燕引雏! Cuts the charitable disposition, does not moisten world dust ; Cuts the evil thought that does not annoy Mortal World all things not. 斩善念,不沾天地一点尘;斩恶念,不惹人间万事非。 Finally, she also cuts her own together actually, she abandoned nicely, abandoned evilly, she even abandoned her own, from now, she is only willing to live for him, is only willing dead for him. She will become his teacher, becomes pearl that illuminates in others way out all gloomy. 最后,她连她自己也一同斩却,她抛弃了善良、抛弃了邪恶,她甚至抛弃了她自己,从此以后,她只愿为他而生,只愿为他而死。她将成为他的导师,也将成为照亮他人生路上一切灰暗的明珠。 The non- immortal non- demon non- saints and sages...... a body really such as no longer turns over to...... 非仙非魔非圣贤……一体真如不再归…… ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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