MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#969: The hot child reappears!( This volume ends)

The no sex fiend female and deep lonesome ghost demon and southern nest Jiumo, person child demon, the Yin hou silver demon along the surrounding of blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata, fly occasionally toward under., 无色魔母、冥寂鬼魔、南巢酒魔、人偶童魔、阴犼银魔沿着血色妙喜树的外围,往下方飞去。, That flash, the astonishing demon sound resounded through all things a moment ago, that is the indication that a day of demon resurfaced, but suddenly, the demon sound like clutched forcefully general. They do not know that what happened. The demonic nature that even if, is accustomed to plan by their vicious, is unable to know, exactly had anything a moment ago. 刚才那一瞬间,惊人的魔音响彻三千世界,那是天魔复出的征兆,但是突然间,魔音就像被硬生生扼断一般。他们谁也不知道发生了什么事。即便是以他们的凶狠、惯于算计的魔性,也无法知道,刚才到底发生了什么。 That is......” deep lonesome ghost demon changes countenance. “那是……”冥寂鬼魔动容。 They saw, the flame came from under of blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata. They dispersed subconsciously, far away from blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata. In their eyes, the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata from, at the extremely quick speed, burns down one by one upward, the wonderful camptotheca acuminata had, if Tienchu, derived a lot of blood to take the nourishment, to inconceivable. 他们看到,火光从血色妙喜树的下方汹涌而来。他们下意识的散了开来,远离血色妙喜树。在他们眼中,血色妙喜树从下方,以极快的速度,一节一节往上烧去,妙喜树原本就有若天柱,又汲取了大量的血液作为养料,大至不可思议。 However, this fire from the under fever, extends extremely quickly, although dispersed made person scalp tingles, shines entire turned over to the ruins the flame light, but this open fight between factions has not inundated outward, it seems representative blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata her destruction, is unable to resist, is unable to contain, in the short time, has then burnt down half wonderful camptotheca acuminata that has passed through turns over to the ruins, and in unceasing burning down upward. 然而,这火从下方烧起,漫延得极快,虽然散出令人头皮发麻的、照耀了整个归墟的焰光,但这火并没有向外漫出,它仿佛代表着血色妙喜树自身的毁灭,无法抵挡,无法遏制,短短的时间里,便已烧掉了贯穿归墟的半个妙喜树,且在不断的往上烧去。 No sex fiend mother loses the sound said: „The fire of all generations?!” 无色魔母失声道:“万劫之火?!” Are other demon completely all discolorations...... unexpectedly the legend fires of all generations? 其他魔头尽皆色变……竟然是传说中的万劫之火? „Does it want the fever to where?” That flower looks up, looks as in burnt down toward the above, represented world bad tribulation that” all generations fire. “它要烧向哪里?”那蛮花抬起头看,看着依旧在往上方烧去的、代表了“世界坏劫”的万劫火。 No sex fiend mother say/way: Perhaps is...... Heaven!” 无色魔母道:“恐怕是……天界!” ...... …… Whiz, Sun Yan and Aunts Sun, depend on the jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag, was cut an opening that to depart from the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata. 嗖的一声,孙炎与孙姑姑,靠着玉清微尘遁空旗,从血色妙喜树被斩出的一道裂口飞出。 Aunt Sun called out: Small hot, you need......” 孙姑姑叫道:“小炎炎,你必须要……” Sun Yan said: I knew!” 孙炎道:“我知道了!” Aunt Sun called out: I have not said, you need......” 孙姑姑叫道:“我还没说完,你必须要……” Sun Yan said: I really knew!” 孙炎道:“我真的知道了!” Aunt Sun gas channel/angrily said: What did you know?” 孙姑姑气道:“你到底知道什么了?” Sun Yan then looks to her: Prevents burning down of all generations by me to Heaven, is right? I said that you had anything to say earlier, did mystically. Amn't I hot child reincarnation?” 孙炎回头看向她:“由我来阻止万劫之火烧向天界,对不对?我说你们有什么事情早点说嘛,一个个搞得神神秘秘的。我不就是‘火童’转世吗?” Aunt Sun: This......” originally does he really know? 孙姑姑:“这个……”原来他真的知道? Sun Yan looks to the sky. Is feeling the strength in within the body. Fire cloud Xiaosheng the Spiritual God clone also in his within the body, is only except for the strength of real dragon, but also remains gold/metal air/Qi and cyanogen. They remain in his dantian place, although is weak, actually remains. Obviously, this is the air/Qi of golden flower heart and kidney, and air/Qi of azure spirit heart and kidney, with this weak two air/Qi, but also is combining some beginning of the universe supernatural powers and extremely Le Moqi. 孙炎看向天空。感受着体内的力量。“火云小圣”的神灵分身还在他的体内,只是除了真龙之力,还残留着一丝金气、一丝青气。它们残留在他的丹田处,虽然微弱,却依旧是存在的。很显然,这是金华少阴之气、以及青灵少阴之气,随着这微弱的二气,还混杂着些许的混元神力和极乐魔气。 After this is being a happy couple, remains, naturally also in the plan of mother and during black cherry elder sister. If within the body does not have the Spiritual God clone, he can depend on them. Own body vitality, thus enters the beginning of the universe totem, incarnation fire cloud Xiaosheng, or is...... hot child. 这是“比翼双飞”后留下来的,当然也是在老妈和黑樱姐的计划之中。如果体内没有神灵分身的话,他可以靠着它们。将自己的身体“元气化”,从而进入混元图腾,化身“火云小圣”,或者说是……“火童”。 However now, because within the body had the Spiritual God clone, naturally does not need that troublesome. His body in a flash, a Yuan god enters the Spiritual God clone, the explosive of bang, within the body flame light diffusion leaves. The whole person turned into grandson small flame. Sun Xiaoyan flees toward the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata in: Where the fire guides?” 但是现在,因为体内原本就有神灵分身,当然没必要那么麻烦。他身子一晃,元神进入神灵分身,轰的一声爆响,体内炎光散出。整个人都变成了“孙小炎”。孙小炎往血色妙喜树内一窜:“把火导向哪里?” Aunt Sun called out in him behind: Takes in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) furnace to explode all generations ruins!” 孙姑姑在他身后叫道:“收进八卦炉去炸万劫墟!” Got it!” Sun Xiaoyan wielded the hand, takes out that time, the black cherry elder sister gave his five magical treasure last Eight Trigrams (gossip) furnaces. “明白了!”孙小炎将手一挥,取出那个时候,黑樱姐给他的五件法宝的最后一件八卦炉。 Bang! The fire of all generations wells up crazily on, swallows him. The flame to/clashes upward, must run out shortly turns over to the ruins, charges into blood mirror another end dark demon tree., The flame light is suddenly billowing. Falls downward, looks like Red Sea to flow backwards, fire dragon to look back. 轰!万劫之火狂涌而上,将他吞噬。火光直往上冲,眼看着就要冲出归墟,冲向“血镜”另一端的黑暗魔树。忽的,焰光滚滚。直往下坠,就像是红海倒流、火龙回首。 Sun Xiaoyan, the palm of the hand big Eight Trigrams (gossip) furnace, the head is putting one's foot down in his hands. Crashes in the sea of fire, plunders toward the under deep place illness/quick. The fire of all generations in him behind, billowing pursues, by unceasing receiving Eight Trigrams (gossip) furnace. 孙小炎托着在他手中、巴掌大的八卦炉,头下脚上。冲进火海,往下方深处疾掠。万劫之火在他身后,滚滚的追来,又被不断的收入八卦炉中。 The fire of this all generations already with hot virgin supernatural power fusion in one, but he is the hot child. 这万劫之火已经跟火童神力融合在了一起,而他就是火童。 Although is hot child, but he actually has become different, present he, by the Spiritual God that people of ground pay homage, he no longer is what shepherd, he is only he himself, or he now is the fire and cloud, small, Saint. 虽然是“火童”,但他却早已变得不同,现在的他,是被地上的人们所膜拜的神灵,他不再是什么牧羊者,他只是他自己,或者说,他现在是火、云、小、圣。 Even the Eight Trigrams (gossip) furnace, is unable to withstand the fire of all generations, the furnace stack is red, in his hands unceasing inflation. Inhales the Eight Trigrams (gossip) furnace fire of all generations, the volume is fiercer, has, if high density and very intensive blasting explosive. His so direct impact, until all received all fires the furnace, the body retroversion, the entire body counter- tune becomes u suddenly shape, both hands lift up high the Eight Trigrams (gossip) furnace, ruthlessly pounds toward all generations ruins. 就算是八卦炉,也无法承受万劫之火,炉身通红,在他手中不断的膨胀。吸入八卦炉中的万劫之火,越卷越烈,有若高密度、高强度的炸药。他就这般直冲而下,直至将所有的火全都收入炉中,忽将身体向后弯曲,整个身子反曲成“u”形,双手高举八卦炉,狠狠的往万劫墟内砸去。 Bang!!! 轰!!! In all generations ruins, transmits a rock the earth deafening sound, entire turns over to the ruins to sway, looking like can attract the energy large explosion that completely the black hole of myriad things, in gives birth. 万劫墟内,传来一声震天动地的震响,整个归墟就都在摇晃,就像是能够吸尽万物的黑洞、内中生出的能量大爆炸。 In all generations ruins, goes nonstop to turns over to the ruins root, collects remnant wall that the passing dozens tribulations keep, immeasurable boundless. However the fire of all generations, what represented is this bad tribulation, once burns, similarly is also immeasurable boundless. 万劫墟内,直通归墟根源,收集着过往数十劫留下来的残垣,无量无边。然而万劫之火,代表的是此界之坏劫,一旦烧起来,同样也是无量无边。 ten thousand Xuxue in all generations ruins as well as in all, flaming combustion. Any thing, from appearing since that moment, was doomed a day that has demise, bad tribulation exists in each same thing, the person is also good, thing also to be good, five elements also to be good, the world is also good, but the fire of all generations, combustion is the world that it is at bad tribulation. 万劫墟内的万墟血以及内中的一切,正在熊熊的燃烧。任何事物,从出现的那一刻起,便注定了有灭亡的一天,“坏劫”存在于每一样事物之中,人也好、物也好、五行也好、世界也好,而万劫之火,燃烧的便是它所在的世界的“坏劫”。 Sun Xiaoyan flies in in the air, around him, the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata that was almost destroyed completely, because of the peeling of fire of all generations, but becomes burned black, like that Dai sedan chair mountain, although underwent roasting of fire of all generations to roast, sudden coming to an end that because actually burnt down, not because of the bad tribulation, but thorough destruction. 孙小炎飞在空中,在他周围,几乎被全部毁去的血色妙喜树,因为万劫之火的剥离,而变得焦黑,就像那座岱舆山,虽然经受了万劫之火的炙烤,却因为焚烧的突然终断,并未因自身坏劫而彻底的毁灭。 Suddenly, bang, burnt/anxious dust the wonderful camptotheca acuminata toward exploded in all directions, an evil and powerful strength, breaks out in the flying ash, exudes the angry roar: Red child?” The town/subdues Yuan that the whole body scorches, fled from the gloominess unexpectedly, dying blocked Sun Xiaoyan the throat. 突然间,轰的一声,焦灰的妙喜树往四面八方炸了开来,一股邪恶而强大的力量,在飞灰中破出,发出愤怒的吼声:“红孩儿?”浑身烧焦的镇元子,竟从灰暗中窜了出来,死的扼住了孙小炎的咽喉。 Sun Xiaoyan heart is not good, he struggles, desperate struggling, is unable counter-attack that unexpectedly prevents the town/subdues Yuan child to be on the verge of death. Body that the town/subdues Yuan children soil makes in abscissions, but his that angry and evil aura, is sweeping across the entire world as before. 孙小炎心道不好,他挣扎,拼命的挣扎,竟是怎么也无法阻止镇元子濒死的反扑。镇元子息壤造出的身体在一块块的脱落,但他那愤怒与邪恶的气息,依旧席卷着整个天地。 Until at this moment, the town/subdues Yuan child understands finally the card in a hand in willow Goddess of Mercy hand, camouflages the generation of Heavenly Emperor future day demon, to camouflage future Heavenly Emperor of generation of day demons, this should dead, was his side hot child. 直到此刻,镇元子才终于明白了杨柳观音手中的底牌,伪装成下代天帝的未来天魔、伪装成下代天魔的未来天帝,还有这个早就应该要死去的、原本属于他这一方的“火童”。 Sun Xiaoyan grabs the burned black arm stubbornly, difficult say/way: Even if...... killed me...... you still...... to lose!” 孙小炎死死抓着焦黑的手臂,艰难的道:“就算……杀了我……你也……输了!” I will die, but you!” Subdue Yuan child burned black ugly facial features are fierce and fearful, you think that you can escape? I could not control this universe, I could not control these to dare with the idiot who I opposed, but only has you, only to have you not to escape from my palm forever and ever.” “我会死,但是还有你!”镇元子焦黑丑陋的面容狰狞而又可怕,“你以为你逃得掉吗?我控制不了这个宇宙,我控制不了那些胆敢跟我作对的蠢货,但是唯有你、唯有你永生永世也别想逃脱出我的手心。” The ancestor supernatural power floods into Sun Xiaoyan within the body crazily, is driving his within the body the strength of real dragon, is ordinary like the turbulent flow, rolling up and pushing along of hysterical/frenzy. A town/subdues Yuan child laughter, has, if the curse of deity, is more like insolent of crazy demon: Red child! Inherits our wills, destroys this world, destroys this to dare with the universe that we oppose, massacred to dare to revolt against our, millions of people, the death, the destruction, with your both hands, with your fire, ended them, burninged out they!” 地祖神力疯狂的涌入孙小炎的体内,带动着他体内的真龙之力,如同涡流一般,狂乱的卷动。镇元子的笑声,有若天神的诅咒,更像是狂魔的张狂:“红孩儿!继承我们的意志吧,摧毁这个世界,摧毁这个胆敢跟我们作对的宇宙,杀掉敢于反抗我们的、千千万万的人,死亡,毁灭,用你的双手,用你的火,终结它们,烧尽它们!” Turns over to beside the ruins, has escaped from deep of wonderful camptotheca acuminata to plant downward. Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv becomes impatient supports her anxiously: Deep, you how?” 归墟之外,已经逃出妙喜树的冥儿往下一栽。幻琴天女等急急将她扶住:“冥儿,你怎么了?” Deep is gasping for breath: Good, is quite uncomfortable!” Day females and the others saw, gloomy air current, from within the body peeling of deep, is throwing toward the world of mortals. 冥儿喘着气:“好、好难受!”众天女等人看到,一股灰暗的气流,正从冥儿的体内剥离,往下界投去。 Meanwhile, in the world, many foul odor, crazy rushing is turning over to the ruins. 30,000 years world great misfortune, each tribulation will have a shepherd a time, after each shepherd dies, will leave behind the foul odor, these foul odor remain in the world, is in all things gloomy side. 与此同时,天地间,许许多多的恶气,都在疯狂的涌向归墟。三万年一次的天地大劫,每一劫都会有一个牧羊者,每一个牧羊者死后,都会留下恶气,这些恶气残留在天地之间,是三千世界里灰暗的一面。 But now, these foul odor, are rushing turn over to the boy in ruins deep place, before ancestor is on the verge of death, under the frantic curse, they stir with the place ancestor supernatural power and real dragon strength of together. 而现在,这些恶气,都在涌向归墟深处的男孩,在“地祖”濒死前,疯狂的诅咒下,它们与地祖神力、真龙之力搅拌在一起。 The boys struggle, desperate struggling, is actually not able to prevent their supporting to enter, they lead passing all shepherd to destroy day of extinguishes the place big hopes, before they lead the touchdown ancestor dead the curse, roared, wreaked havoc, is destroying the boy self- and came to understand. 男孩挣扎,拼命的挣扎,却都无法阻止它们的拥入,它们带着过往所有“牧羊者”毁天灭地的大愿,它们带着地祖死前的诅咒,咆哮,肆虐,摧毁着男孩的自我和觉悟。 In crazy laughing, a town/subdues Yuan child body is collapsing. In his front, a sound, inherited the ancestor supernatural power and real dragon strength of loudly, and boys of innumerable foul odor, disperse aura of vibration all things, destruction and death, this will be in history, the most powerful shepherd, this will be in history, worst destruction. 在疯狂的大笑中,镇元子的身体正在崩溃。在他的前方,轰然一响,继承了地祖神力和真龙之力,以及无数恶气的男孩,散出震动三千世界的、毁灭与死亡的气息,这将是有史以来,最强大的牧羊者,这将是有史以来,最邪恶的毁灭者。 Bang a sound, the town/subdues Yuan child breaks into pieces, relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, but he had lit soon the volume to three and soon the fever to the universe flaming fire. 嘭的一响,镇元子碎散开来,形神俱灭,但他已经点燃了即将卷向三界、即将烧向宇宙的熊熊大火。 , The boy foul odor to/clashes loudly leaps, in space fearful! 轰然间,男孩恶气冲腾,宇内惶惶! Present age the strongest demon...... was born!!! 当世最强魔头……出世了!!! ( This volume ends) (本卷完) *( to be continued......) *(未完待续……)
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