MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#972: Divine Dragon originally female?

With youth's summon, the time stagnated suddenly, the surrounding all, including profound qi that the pearly luster of flashing, flies upwards, all probably was frozen general. Void, as if has thunderclap together to drop from the clouds, the billowing thunder clouds mistake, a gorgeous ray shoots up to the sky. 随着少年的召唤,时间突然间停滞了下来,周围的一切,包括闪动的珠光、飞扬的玄气,全都像是被冻结一般。虚空中,仿佛有一道霹雳从天而降,滚滚的雷云过处,一道艳丽的光芒冲天而起。 Among the thunderclap, Divine Dragon drops from the clouds, the time and space, as if do not have the significance to it, it is beauty like that azure scale, dragon body of circling, from inconceivable, resembles to having, if dust particle. Or greatly with small, to it and does not have any significance, it is aloof in the space and time's miracle. 霹雳间,神龙从天而降,时间、空间,对它仿佛全无意义,它是那般的美丽,青色的鳞片,盘旋的龙身,大至不可思议,又似小至有若微尘。或者说,大与小,对它来说并没有任何的意义,它是超脱于空间与时间的奇迹。 Has not thought that Divine Dragon will really appear unexpectedly, Sun Yan also somewhat stares dumbfounded. Although Sister Hou has said that when there are any important thing is beyond any help, can try to summon Divine Dragon, but Divine Dragon really presented...... Divine Dragon really to present! 没有想到“神龙”竟然真的会出现,孙炎也有些瞠目结舌。虽然侯姐姐说过,当有什么重要的东西无可挽回的时候,可以试一试召唤神龙,但神龙真的出现了……神龙真的出现了耶! Mortal, you summoned me, had what desire?” “凡人,你召唤吾,有何愿望?” Helps me save the black cherry elder sister!” Hurries to make a vow. “帮我救黑樱姐!”赶紧许愿。 Cannot achieve!” Divine Dragon flatly refuses. “做不到!”神龙一口拒绝。 Cannot achieve...... cannot achieve...... cannot achieve...... 做不到……做不到……做不到…… I said that you aren't Divine Dragon? I said you cannot realize any desire, very busily very busy Divine Dragon? I to your admiration have, if the torrential river water is continuous, the Yellow River is in flood beyond redemption, now I make a vow you to tell that me to you you could not achieve me to say you were really qualified for Divine Dragon? What since can't achieve that you also to appear before me makes? Does the preparation make me ridicule? 我说你不是神龙吗?我说你不是可以实现任何愿望的、很忙很忙的神龙吗?我对你的景仰有若滔滔江水连绵不绝、黄河泛滥不可收拾,现在我向你许愿你跟我说你做不到我说你真的有资格做神龙吗?既然做不到那你还出现在我面前做什么?准备让我嘲笑吗? On the other hand! 话又说回来! Is because I have not collected seven dragon beads...... am not, is the Eight Immortals sword, doesn't have the means to realize the desire? 难道是因为我还没有收集好七龙珠……不是,是八仙剑,才没有办法实现愿望吗? Therefore what are you make? 所以说你到底是来做什么的? Looks again, actually the discovery, this Divine Dragon, does not know why has a familiar feeling unexpectedly. It is beautiful and beautiful, the whole body is emitting the dream general gloss. The left eye is flashing the miraculous glow, in nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan with his volume enhances one another's beauty, the right eye is actually gloomy. 只是,再行看去,却发现,这只神龙,不知为何竟是有一种熟悉的感觉。它美丽、婀娜,浑身散发着梦幻一般的光泽。左眼闪着灵光,与他额上的九灵太妙金眼交相辉映,右眼却是黯淡无光。 The heart within grows a clear(ly) became aware. He looks at beautiful Divine Dragon, flows out the tears: Sister Hou! The black cherry elder sister soon died...... to save her!” 心中生起一丝明悟。他看着美丽的神龙,流出泪来:“侯姐姐!黑樱姐快要死了……救救她!” Brush! Time lived suddenly. Divine Dragon flings the tail, during the changes, he has ridden in Divine Dragon conducts the back, departs toward the hot cloud main hall outside. 刷!“时间”突然间活了过来。神龙甩尾,变化间,他已经骑在神龙背上,往火云大殿外飞出。 Hot cloud main hall, flame actinic fire. 火云大殿,焰光化火。 Pinches the wind and thunder, Divine Dragon at the thunderclap speed, the electric light is putting on, in airborne rapid sways from side to side the sweet and pretty dragon body. Downward cracking-off. The youngster ride in the dragon conduct the back, the speed of Divine Dragon is much faster, but regarding opening nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan him, each time selects, probably static slide. 挟着风雷,神龙以霹雳般的速度,电光般穿出,在空中快速的扭动娇美的龙身。往下折去。少年骑在龙背上,神龙的速度快得不可思议,但对于张开了九灵太妙金眼的他来说,每一个时间点,都像是静止的幻灯片。 He sees below abyss, flaming, can the flame of combustion world, he see that falls to the hot deep pool, the black long straight beautiful woman. The black cherry moonlight crashed into the hot ruins, Divine Dragon carried the youngster who Divine Dragon is conducting the back, soared extremely quick being close, in black cherry moonlight by that flash of fire of combustion all generations. Divine Dragon looks back, under the youngster searched to hold her. 他看到下方深渊内,熊熊的、能够燃烧世界的火光,他看到那坠向火渊的、黑长直的美女。黑樱月华坠入了火墟,神龙载着神龙背上的少年,飞腾间极快的接近,就在黑樱月华被万劫之火燃烧的那一瞬间。神龙回首,少年下探抓住了她。 The Divine Dragon left eye lightens the golden light suddenly. The time stagnates and backflows, all, probably rewound movie, time and nihility of fragmentation space, Divine Dragon when in the air maneuver, Dragon's Tail anger racket. 紧接着,神龙左眼骤然间闪出金光。时间停滞、回流,一切的一切,都像是被倒带的电影,碎片化的时间、虚无化的空间,神龙在时与空中回旋,龙尾怒拍。 The golden light changes hopes the strength, extends to go...... 金光化作愿力,漫延而去…… *** *** Time off-line, Guishan! 时间线外,龟山! Black cherry moonlight surprised looks to the surroundings: Here is......” 黑樱月华惊讶的看向周围:“这里是……” Also looks to Hou Yaoqiong and Sun Yan: You......” 又看向侯瑶琼和孙炎:“你们……” Sun Yan treads the first two steps, hugs her directly in the bosom. 孙炎踏前两步,直接将她搂在怀中。 Black cherry moonlight quite some vacant. She has held the consciousness that must die obviously, has not thought suddenly. Appeared here, in her front. Is also standing unexpectedly the second-generation Heavenly Queen, as well as Sun Yan. She does not know completely what happened, however the youngster closely grasps her, even some appearances of trembling, make her one love dearly. 黑樱月华颇有一些茫然。她明明已经抱着必死的觉悟,没有想到突然间。就出现在了这里,在她的面前。竟然还站着第二代王母娘娘,以及孙炎。她完全不知道发生了什么事,然而少年将她紧紧抱住,甚至有些发抖的样子,却又让她一阵心疼。 Black cherry elder sister,” Sun Yan actually is also a heart pain, how can you this?” “黑樱姐,”孙炎却也是一阵心痛,“你怎么能这样做?” Feels his startled and frightened, black cherry moonlight feelings one soft, said in a low voice: Matter that this does not have the means!” 感受到他的惊慌和恐惧,黑樱月华心肠一软,低声道:“这也是没有办法的事!” Sun Yan loosens her, looks to Hou Yaoqiong: Elder sister, this saves the black cherry elder sister?” 孙炎将她松开,看向侯瑶琼:“姐姐,这算是救下了黑樱姐吗?” Hou Yaoqiong actually shakes the head: No, she has fallen into all generations ruins, fell into the fires of ten thousand ruins, in the time line, she had died!” 侯瑶琼却是摇了摇头:“不,她已经掉入了万劫墟,掉入了万墟之火,在时间线上,她已经死去!” Sun Yan one startled...... wasn't that like Sister Hou? 孙炎一惊……那不是跟侯姐姐一样了么? The black cherry moonlight also somewhat is puzzled: This what's the matter? Are you...... the empress?” 黑樱月华却也有些困惑:“这到底是怎么回事?你是……娘娘?” Sun Yan starts to explain to her! The black cherry moonlight left hand link chest, right hand on the left hand, the finger is knocking on the lower jaw, listens while to nod: In other words, the flame younger brother you can overcome nature to take a sunbath, turn into the bodies of five virtue, learns the Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art and 72 changes the mnemonics, all depends on empress's assisting in time off-line? That time demon monkey event, is the empress directs in the back your?” 孙炎开始向她解释!黑樱月华左手环胸,右手支在左手上,手指叩着下颚,一边听一边点头:“也就是说,炎弟你之所以能够补天浴日,变成五德之体,又习得大圣显密真诀和七十二变口诀,全都是靠着娘娘在时间线外的相助?还有那次的魔猴事件,也是娘娘在背后指点你的?” Hou Yaoqiong her hand, was saying: In the time line, I had died, no longer has been the grandmother, let alone, your I have ended up so the situation, do not call my empress again, called my elder sister to be good.” 侯瑶琼拉着她的手,道:“在时间线上,我早就已经死去,早已不再是王母,更何况,你我都已落得这般地步,你也不要再叫我娘娘,就唤我一声姐姐好了。” The black cherry moonlight said: „Do you know me?” 黑樱月华道:“你知道我?” Hou Yaoqiong sighed one lightly: I have used laws of nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan and time recollection, saw clearly his past, simultaneously in his past, saw you. I know that you once were dragon Er, present you, cut actually three corpses, not good, not wicked, did not have itself. Before you no longer are that dragon, even cannot be the black cherry moonlight.” 侯瑶琼轻叹一声:“我已经利用九灵太妙金眼和时光回溯之法,看清了他的过去,同时在他的过去,看到了你。我知道你曾经是龙儿,不过现在的你,斩却三尸,既没有善,也没有恶,更无自身。你已经不再是以前的那个龙儿,甚至也不能算是黑樱月华。” Sun Yan said: Not not does not have itself good wickedly...... the elder sister, what meaning is this?” 孙炎道:“无善无恶无自身……姐姐,这到底是什么意思?” Hou Yaoqiong looks to him, said: This is in one cultivation way in tribulation, through the mysterious method, cuts actually own charitable disposition and evil thought that finally also cuts together including ‚’. Theoretically, after cutting actually three corpses, but then free of birth and death, with world same longevity. However, no matter the immortal is also good, Buddha is also good, the demon is also good, so long as exists in the vast universe, definitely will have the good and evil view, will definitely have ‚’. Cuts actually the people of three corpses, although theoretically has the endless life span, because loses actually , without to base on, finally will often change to the world not to have the spiritual energy of self-awareness, cuts actually self- significance that the immortal, in fact has no, slowly, cultivates the say/way of this type of immortal on no one again.” 侯瑶琼看向他,道:“这是上上劫中的一种修炼方式,通过神秘的手段,斩却自己的善念、恶念,最后连‘自己’也一同斩去。理论上,斩却三尸之后,便可无生无死,与天地同寿。但是,不管是仙也好,佛也好,魔也好,只要存在于浩瀚宇宙之中,就必然会有善恶观,就必然会有‘自身’。斩却三尸的人,理论上虽然拥有无尽的寿命,但因为失却自己,无可凭依,最后往往都会化作天地间全无自我意识的灵气,斩却‘自我’的长生,实际上没有任何的意义,慢慢的,也就无人再修这种长生之道。” Sun Yan said: But black cherry elder sister she......” 孙炎道:“但是黑樱姐她……” Hou Yaoqiong said: She, although cut actually three corpses, but did not have to base on. Her basing on, all in your, you, if lives, she then lives, if you die, she then dies. Your disaster, is her disaster, therefore, at that moment, her can die for you a moment ago!” 侯瑶琼道:“她虽然斩却了三尸,但并非全无凭依。她的凭依,全在你一人身上,你若生,她便生,你若死,她便死。你的劫难,便是她的劫难,也正因此,在刚才那一刻,她才能够代你去死!” Sun Yan shakes, looks to the black cherry moonlight: „Is black cherry elder sister...... really this appearance?” 孙炎一震,看向黑樱月华:“黑樱姐……真的是这个样子吗?” Black cherry moonlight both hands one: If I have not cut actually three corpses, my dragon clan, by my life span, radically exactly less than now.” 黑樱月华双手一摊:“如果我没有斩却三尸,那我就还是龙族,以我的寿命,根本活不到现在。” Hou Yaoqiong continues to look at Sun Yan: Dragon and swallow who Yinchu you know, is her good body and wicked body, actually they should the life span be near, because of her existence, they can live now. Her basing on, in your, their lives also on but therefore is on your body. If you died, your black cherry elder sister and dragon Er, young, will all die.” 侯瑶琼继续看着孙炎:“你所认识的龙儿和燕引雏,是她的善身与恶身,其实她们都应该寿命已近,但因为她的存在,她们才能够活到现在。她的凭依,在你一人,她们的生命也就因此而系在你的身上。你若死了,你的黑樱姐、龙儿、雏儿,也全都会死。” Unexpectedly...... is this appearance? 竟然……是这个样子? Sun Yan said in a soft voice: Sister Hou, why can't we save a moment ago directly the black cherry elder sister?” 孙炎轻声道:“侯姐姐,为什么我们刚才不能直接将黑樱姐救下?” Hou Yaoqiong shakes the head saying: „It is not does not think, but is I cannot achieve! Because of this time, some not person of collection simultaneous/uniform eight immortal swords, made a vow in too wonderful vestige directly, I from am unable through hoping the strength, changed reality. In addition, even if saved her at that time, is still useless. The strength and place real dragon the ancestor supernatural powers and innumerable foul odor all on her, saved her, she will also explode the body to perish, then these foul odor will all return to the world, is not only unable to save her, made her sacrifice on the contrary does not have the significance. I can only in her living and dying that flash, carries over the time line her, lets her dying in the real world, living in time off-line, is ordinary like me.” 侯瑶琼摇头道:“不是不想,而是我根本做不到!因为这一次,并不是有人集齐八大仙剑,直接在太妙遗迹里许愿,我自也无法通过愿力,改变‘现实’。此外,就算当时把她救了下来,也是无用。真龙之力、地祖神力、无数的恶气全都在她身上,救下了她,她也会爆体而亡,然后这些恶气全都会回归天地,不但无法救下她,反倒让她的牺牲变得全无意义。我只能在她‘生’与‘死’的那一瞬间,将她带出时间线,让她‘死’在现实世界,‘活’在时间线外,就像我一般。” Sun Yan thinks, low voice say/way: But, Sister Hou...... can you be Divine Dragon unexpectedly?” Originally Divine Dragon side me? 孙炎想了想,小声的道:“但是,侯姐姐……你竟然会是神龙?”原来神龙就在我身边啊? Moreover I never know original Divine Dragon female...... 而且我从来不知道原来神龙是母的…… ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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