MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#966: Does the day demon reappear? Cuts the sword of emperor!

In blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata. 血色妙喜树内。 A town/subdues Yuan child complexion is gloomy. 镇元子脸色阴沉。 He understood Sun Yan finally a moment ago the meaning of those words. 他终于明白了孙炎刚才那句话的意思。 Poisonous snake, you wants to ruin it, the bomb, you want to be used to explode others. Therefore, you give completely many cares, must throw into the stove the poisonous snake, must pick up the bomb. However, because of some accident/surprise, you made a mistake the poisonous snake and bomb, finally threw into the stove the bomb, picks up...... you to guess that the poisonous snake what will have?” “有一条毒蛇,你想把它毁掉,有一颗炸弹,你想用来炸别人。于是,你费尽许多心思,要把毒蛇扔进火炉里,要把炸弹抱走。但是,因为某个意外,你把毒蛇和炸弹弄错了,结果把炸弹扔进了火炉,把毒蛇抱走……你猜会发生什么?” He sees Aunt Sun, cold say/way: How do you achieve?” 他看着孙姑姑,冷然道:“你是怎么做到的?” Smiling that Aunt Sun narrows the eyes: Actually was very simple...... in the past I compared with the nobility and no sex fiend mother, found that two children early!” 孙姑姑眯眯的笑:“其实很简单……当年我比王公和无色魔母,更早找到那两个孩子!” Sun Yan thought: Really......” actually he, when with Yaoyao and lotus lotus being a happy couple, had perceived that was not right. They, has the beginning of the universe supernatural power, has Le Moqi extremely, however, when their two air/Qi and gather, the body of Yaoyao, has the strong attraction to Le Moqi extremely, but the body of lotus lotus, is actually attracting beginning of the universe supernatural power. 孙炎心想:“果然……”其实他在与瑶瑶、莲莲“比翼双飞”的时候,就已经觉察到了不对劲。她们两人,一个拥有混元神力,一个拥有极乐魔气,然而,当她们二气和合的时候,瑶瑶的身体,对“极乐魔气”有着强大的吸引力,而莲莲的身体,却在吸引着“混元神力”。 Their two, which is future Heavenly Emperor? Which is under the generation of day demons? 她们两个,到底哪一个是未来天帝?哪一个是下代天魔? In order to cope in the future Heavenly Emperor and under generation of day demons, the town/subdues Yuan child has trapped obviously, arrange/cloth good method. 为了对付未来天帝和下代天魔,镇元子显然早就设下了陷阱,布好了手段。 However, if because of a small accident/surprise, being used to cope in the future the Heavenly Emperor method, uses under coped in the generation of day demons, under being used to cope with the method of generation of day demons, uses what appearance, in coped with on Heavenly Emperor...... that to turn into the future? 但是,如果因为一个小小的意外,把用来对付未来天帝的手段,用在了对付下代天魔上,把用来对付下代天魔的手段,用在了对付未来天帝上……那会变成什么样子? For example, by the demon to subdue|grams immortal, no likely day demon big that imitation Le Moqi makes extremely, what tackled is truly has Le Moqi extremely the next generation day demon......, only thinks, Sun Yan feels them very pitiful...... 比如说,以魔克仙,模仿极乐魔气造出的无象天魔大阵,对付的是真正拥有极乐魔气的下代天魔……单是想一想,孙炎就觉得他们很可怜…… Under because of the method of some woman, belonged to side Le Moqi of generation of day demons, was shifted on future Heavenly Emperor. Was the future Heavenly Emperor beginning of the universe supernatural power, was shifted under generation of day demon within the body. However. Because of front being a happy couple, two girls' destiny blend mutually, the beginning of the universe supernatural power and Le Moqi, found their respective masters extremely. 因为某一个女人的手段,原本属于下代天魔的极乐魔气,被转移到了未来的天帝身上。原本属于未来天帝的混元神力,被转移到了下代天魔体内。但是。因为前面的“比翼双飞”,两个女孩的气运互相交融,混元神力和极乐魔气,找到了它们各自的主人。 Therefore, being a happy couple it is only a bait, lures bait that Wang and the others walked into a trap. When he starts to Yaoyao and lotus lotus use being a happy couple, unknowingly, the beginning of the universe supernatural power and Le Moqi returned to their true master within the body extremely, but the town/subdues Yuan child, Wang, army zha Leeming king and Moroccan clouds crown prince and the others cannot have knowledge of this secret, this is most essential odds of success that” the black cherry elder sister hidden. 所以,“比翼双飞”本身只是一个诱饵,诱使“王公”等人自投罗网的诱饵。当他开始对瑶瑶和莲莲使用“比翼双飞”的时候,不经意间,混元神力和极乐魔气回到了它们真正的主人体内,而镇元子、王公、军吒利明王、摩霄太子等人并没能掌握这一个秘密,这就是黑樱姐所隐藏的最关键的“胜算”。 Aunt Sun looks at the town/subdues Yuan. Sighed the one breath: The person who now, you can control, all died in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata either, either exposed all, is suppressing by Jin and Heavenly Court kills, even/including Cang immeasurable wicked reason in all generations ruins, was destroyed similarly by the beginning of the universe supernatural power. What can you also make?” 孙姑姑看着镇元子。叹一口气:“现在,你可以控制的人,要么是全都死在了妙喜树里,要么是尽数暴露,正在被金公和天庭剿杀,连藏在万劫墟内的无量之恶缘,都被混元神力毁得差不多了。你还能做些什么?” Subdue Yuan child sinister and ruthless sneering: Even if the immeasurable wicked reason were destroyed most probably, however the remaining these, must make one day demon, was still enough!” Ancestor supernatural power one volume, the bloodshed surges. 镇元子阴毒的冷笑:“就算无量恶缘被毁了大半,但是剩下的这些,要制造一个‘天魔’,仍然是够了!”地祖神力一卷,血海涌动。 Hidden place, suddenly hears a series of sinister and ruthless and strange laughter: So that's how it is! That girl named Yaoyao, is extremely Le Moqi the actual master. Can become the person of day of demon! Had not finished. All had not finished! Hehe hehe! Hahahaha!”...... 暗处,忽的传来一连串阴毒、怪异的笑声:“原来如此!那个叫瑶瑶的丫头,才是极乐魔气真正的主人。才是能够成为天魔的人!还没有结束。一切都还没有结束!呵呵呵呵!哈哈哈哈!”…… In the Sun Yan heart is one startled...... they? 孙炎心中一惊……是“它们”? A courage vigor and graze toward the blood-color ficus religiosa outside from the bloodshed of Yin offense. These were in the past, two are taken these people of sapodilla plum by, immortal Buddha that the jade emperor and Buddha killed. The Yuan god taking advantage of the courage vigor, in three is living on dishonorably, the hatred, the Yin offense, hates to harm this appearance them Heavenly Court, is hating the whole world. 一股阴戾的血气、从血海中往血色菩提树外飞掠。那些就是当年,被玉帝和佛祖所杀的、仙佛二界中服食了人参果的那些人。元神借着血气,在三界中苟活着,怨毒,阴戾,痛恨着将它们害成这个样子的天庭,痛恨着一整个世界。 In the bright innumerable river bank, they take possession on Kua Fu, wants to seal off lotus flower embryo conceals the entrance, was actually hidden the law prince in hidden place, by five wisdom secret pleasant precious pearl and Spirit Mountain Buddha strength of about hundred years of accumulation, the bang killed all of a sudden most probably, the remaining these, gather , to continue to hide in the hidden place, waits for the opportunity, to wait for is their final victories. 在慧恒沙河上,“它们”附身在夸父身上,想要封堵莲花胎藏界的入口,却被藏在暗处的法王子,以五智三昧如意宝珠和近百年积累的灵山佛力,一下子轰杀了大半,剩下的这些,重新聚集在一起,继续藏在暗处,等待着机会、等待着属于它们的最后的胜利。 They must let this world thorough destruction, they must let the whole world, is buried along with the dead with them together. 它们要让这个世界彻底的毁灭,它们要让整个世界,跟着他们一起陪葬。 Crazy, Yin offense, fierce, hatred. 疯狂,阴戾,凶恶,怨毒。 They depart the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata, in the wailing, is being roared, charges into these scatter wicked reason. Deeply hides the immeasurable wicked reason in all generations ruins, was destroyed by the beginning of the universe supernatural power most probably, the remaining these, fill the air in the Dai sedan chair and circle Jiaoshan. Although is only the short time, the immortal fine jade tree on entire round high peaked mountains, all has then withered. 它们飞出血色妙喜树,在尖啸中,在怒吼中,冲向那些被打散的“恶缘”。深藏在万劫墟内的无量恶缘,被混元神力毁了大半,剩下的这些,弥漫在岱舆与圆峤山上。虽然只是短短的时间,整个圆峤上的仙枝琼树,便已全都枯萎。 The blood taste fills the air, various disorderly sounds, continuously, complained about the roar, cursed. Courage vigor and wicked reason mixed in the same place, changed to the immeasurable wicked blood, dark red billowing, vicious tendencies to leaping. They are coercing the immeasurable wicked reason, non-stop flies to go toward the branch of distant place. 血味弥漫,各种杂乱的声音,在内中此起彼伏,怨吼,咒骂。血气与恶缘混杂在一起,化作了无量之恶血,暗红滚滚,戾气冲腾。它们裹挟着无量恶缘,朝远处的枝头直飞而去。 On the branch, Yaoyao Empress departs in the cry, she since birth, first time so carefree, she sets firm resolve finally, drops out all disregards, she must be a bad girl, from now on, she must be a bad girl, she must make the entire world submit to her under foot, if who dares to refuse to accept, if who dares to oppose, she massacres to massacre them again. 枝头上,瑶瑶帝姬在叫声中飞出,她有生以来,第一次这般的畅快,她终于下定决心,抛下所有的一切不管不顾,她要做一个坏女孩,从现在开始,她要做一个坏女孩,她要让全世界都臣服在她的脚下,谁要是敢不服、谁要是敢反对,她就把他们杀掉杀掉再杀掉。 Her both hands insert the waist, flies in in the air, laughs. 她双手插腰,飞在空中,哈哈大笑。 The immeasurable wicked blood following her evil thought that floods into her within the body crazily. The universe boundless wickedness, mixes in side Le Moqi who a series three and invert all living things together, loudly, the demon air/Qi further to/clashes leaps and spreads, permeated Taishi Taichu and six directions eight sides directly. The evil thought rushes to the entire universe, the 5 billion people in main world, about 200 thousand world, hundreds of thousands of universes and innumerable microcosms, everyone feels the chill in the air that such as it came suddenly. 无量恶血循着她自身的恶念,疯狂的涌入她的体内。宇宙无边之恶,与一统三界、颠倒众生的极乐魔气混合在一起,轰然间,魔气进一步冲腾、扩散,直接渗入太始太初、六合八方。恶念涌向整个宇宙,主世界里的五十亿人、近两百个中千世界、数十万个小千世界、无数的小世界,每一个人都感受到了那忽如其来的寒意。 Immortal World, the demon tree has not eliminated, suddenly, the entire Taoist trinity day and four Brahma are shocked. 仙界,魔树未除,突然间,整个三清天、四梵天都在震动。 Has hurried back to Immortal World Jin, as well as yellow woman, Dongyue Great Emperor, purple slightly Great Emperor and other Immortal World senior statesman completely all discolorations, the world dusk extinguishes, ten thousand stars swing fall, the foul odor to/clashes leaps, the demon sound rises from all directions. All world, under Le Moyin covering, this is being...... the day demon reveals itself extremely?! 已经赶回仙界的金公、以及黄婆、东岳大帝、紫微大帝等仙界元老尽皆色变,天地昏灭,万星摇坠,恶气冲腾,魔音四起。所有的世界,都在极乐魔音的笼罩之下,这个是……天魔出世?! The immortal Buddha look changes, ten thousand Niancheng the ash, trillion lives, perform are all frightened. Endures compared with after the god demon war, the biggest terrifying, covered three, this tribulation, this difficult, who can escape? Who can hide? 仙佛色变,万念成灰,亿万生灵,尽皆惊惶。堪比神魔大战之后,最大的恐怖,覆盖了三界,这一劫,这一难,谁能逃得过?谁能躲得开? Turns over to the ruins deep place, the laughter of new student/life day demon, fills the air to entire turns over to the ruins. Everyone stopped their fight, because their fights do not have the significance. The soon-to-be-born devil, was they cannot control, unable to cope. What destiny can the heaven suffer? What catastrophe will the universe encounter? No one knows, no one knows. 归墟深处,新生天魔的笑声,弥漫至整个归墟。所有人都停止了他们的战斗,因为他们的战斗全无意义。即将出世的恶魔,是他们谁也控制不了、对付不了的。苍天会遭受什么样的命运?宇宙会遭遇什么样的浩劫?无人知道,无人知晓。 Newborn day demon within the body, wicked mortal forms of these surviving, in crazy, in the exciting cry was wiped only, the will of day demon is extremely powerful, in she covers all things under the demon air/Qi, their existences, are tiny have, if ants. However they do not care, finally because only, they succeed will make another, soon to give the demon who the universe brought the destruction, their wickedness, their hates, become spark that lit the entire universe. 新生天魔体内,那些残存的恶魄,在疯狂的、兴奋的叫声中被抹净,天魔的意志太过强大,在她覆盖三千世界的魔气下,它们的存在,渺小得有若蝼蚁。但是它们不在乎,只因为,它们终于成功的造出了又一个、即将给宇宙带来毁灭的魔头,它们的恶,它们的恨,成为了点燃了整个宇宙的星星之火。 Newborn day demon both hands lift up high, she had seen, will soon submit to the trillion people of her under foot, she laughs, the person is turning over to the ruins, the laughter then to vibrate the immortal, demon and Buddha three. Before she remembered golden boy 1st , installs to compel the action, high-spirited, air/Qi to the highest heaven, shouting: „On the day of I want, cannot block from my eye again! I want this place, again also......” 新生天魔双手高举,她已经看到了,即将臣服在她的脚下的亿万子民,她哈哈大笑,人在归墟,笑声便已震动了仙、魔、佛三界。她想起了金童一号阵前装逼之举,意气风发,气冲九霄,大喊着:“我要这天,再也遮不住我眼!我要这地,再也……” Throw! The bloody water splashes, is bright canna flower that seems like in full bloom at midnight. 扑!血水溅出,灿烂得就像是午夜盛开的昙花。 She is well-remembered, lowers the head, looks that strings together the sword that from own milk-white bosoms, that is one, if the common sword, in contains the inexhaustible galaxy at night, looks like in the nighttime sky all galaxy, all converged in the sword. That is gathering ten thousand stars as one divine sword, is the sword of star crack even Heavenly Emperor can also put to death! 她茫茫然的,低下头去,看着从自己酥胸间串出的剑,那是一支,若黑夜一般的剑,内中却蕴藏着无穷无尽的星河,就像是夜空中所有的星河,全都汇入了剑中。那是聚万星于一体的神剑,是连天帝也能够诛杀的星裂之剑! In her behind, appeared three and nine items and goddesses of eight arms, pierced her entire tender body, supreme unsurpassed cutting emperor sword, then holds in this indifferent brutal goddess hand. If the day is guilty, counter may you be punished by heaven emperor, child, if has had, brutally executes the child. Is hanging above Heavenly Emperor, can ask peerless divine sword that the day cuts the emperor, a sword cut off the wicked reason of new student/life day demon within the body, cut to break her diamond not bad tender body. 在她的身后,现出了一个三头、九目、八只手臂的女神,刺穿了她整个娇躯的、至尊无上的斩帝之剑,便持在这冷漠无情的女神手中。天若有罪,逆天诛帝,子若有过,无情诛子。悬挂在天帝之上的、可以问天斩帝的绝世神剑,一剑斩断了新生天魔体内的恶缘,同时也斩破了她金刚不坏的娇躯。 Sword light one volume, the group star explodes! 剑光一卷,群星爆裂! Was cut the new student/life day demon that kills by a sword, so fell...... 被一剑斩杀的新生天魔,就这般坠了下去…… ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ps:( How wants to know things to do after death, and looks to be resolved!) ps:(欲知后事如何,且看下回分解!)
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