MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#965: A body really such as how commonplace?

The world of beings with form's first day, the nihility more weighs the day. 色界第一天,虚无越衡天。 Outside a confusion, that passed through mixed the desert world and world of desire-driven beings six days of dark demon trees still to grow, has passed through the world of beings with form next day, reached the world of beings with form's third day, and extended toward mountain heavenly palace. Although Immortal World exhausted the method, is actually not able to prevent its growth, is everywhere flustered. 外头一片混乱,那贯穿了混漠世界、欲界六天的暗黑魔树还在生长,已经穿过了色界第二天,伸向了色界第三天,并往中岳天宫伸去。仙界虽然用尽了手段,却都无法阻止它的生长,到处人心惶惶。 In the muddy evening mountain, Ji Xiaoman is receiving Senior Brother Senior Sisters the news that spreads unceasingly from the entrance. At present that demon tree pierces, the range of growth, mainly more weighs the day in the nihility the middle, temporarily has not affected day flame Sichuan and moon/month glacier, but presents such a giant demon tree with no reason at all, is impossible not to have the reason, what will then have? She naturally must be worried. 浑夕山内,吉小曼不断的接收着师兄师姐们从山门传来的消息。目前那魔树刺穿、生长的范围,主要是在虚无越衡天的中部,暂时还没有影响到日炎川和月冰川,但是无缘无故出现这样一棵巨大魔树,绝不可能全无来由,接下来又会发生些什么?她自然不可能不担心。 The back side of the mountain, Luo Ling and dragon Er sit in the bedhead. 后山,骆玲与龙儿坐在床头。 Sun Yan the most dangerous place, mother -in-law is also disappearing without a trace. Busy cannot add on regarding oneself anything, Luo Lingzi has depressed. She even remembers, before mother -in-law departs, smiles to the words that she spoke: „Can't you help? That was right! If you could help us be finished!” 孙炎正在最危险的地方,婆婆也不知去向。对于自己什么忙都帮不上,骆玲自是不免有一丝沮丧。她甚至想起,婆婆离去前微笑地对她说的话:“你帮不上忙?那就对了啊!你要是帮得上忙我们就完蛋了!” What meaning is that? Luo Ling has doubts is thinking. 那到底是什么意思?骆玲疑惑地想着。 At this moment, she looks suddenly to the one side, side her, on dragon Erjie dispersed a mysterious gloss, dreamlike, looked like the bubble in dream, beautiful, but was not real. She one startled: Dragon elder sister?” Grasps to her, actually gets nothing for one's effort. 就在这时,她忽的看向一旁,在她身边,龙儿姐身上散出了一层神秘的光泽,如梦似幻,就像是梦中的泡影,美丽,但不真实。她一惊:“龙儿姐?”向她抓去,却抓了个空。 dragon Er is smiling: You worried not, I am only something, must go toward the world of mortals! I will come back finally!” The moonlight flashes, throws directly toward the world of mortals. 龙儿微笑着:“你莫担心,我只是有些事儿,要往下界去一趟!我终会回来的!”月光一闪,径直往下界投去。 At the same time, mixes in the desert world, deep also looks at young surprised, on young disperses the mysterious ray, the Yin offense, is actually beautiful, illusory, is indistinct. Originally is this appearance?” swallow Yinchu holds the head, resembles to cry to resemble to smile: Originally is this appearance? swallow Yinchu, dragon...... I am she, she is I. I am they, they are I!” 同一时间,混漠世界里,冥儿亦是吃惊地看着雏儿,雏儿身上散出神秘的光芒,阴戾,却是美丽,虚幻,却又缥缈。“原来是这个样子?”燕引雏捧着脑袋,似哭似笑:“原来是这个样子?燕引雏、龙儿……我就是她,她就是我。我就是她们,她们就是我!” Young?” Deep calls out in alarm to grasp toward her. The dim light flashes, swallow Yinchu changes to a ray, leaps forward turns over to the ruins. Vanishes does not see. “雏儿?”冥儿惊叫着往她抓去。幽光一闪,燕引雏化作一道光芒,跃入归墟。消失不见。 ...... …… *** *** The nobilities bypass the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata, goes toward the broken temple rapid flight of another end. 王公绕过血色妙喜树,往另一端的残破神殿疾飞而去。 Since Yaoyao will disperse extremely Le Moqi, how that this moment Moroccan clouds crown prince and six, the demon princess lotus lotus that fights the arhats to cope actually? 瑶瑶既然会散出极乐魔气,那此刻摩霄太子和六位战罗汉所对付的、魔界公主莲莲却又怎样? In his heart has the ominous premonitions! 他心中生出不祥的预感! Even if has not massacred Yaoyao, at least must make day demon reappear . Has conducted this step, if anything does not do, they will collapse completely finally, this war, their all chips have exposed, main road Chengtian pledge all board game pieces, had turned, so long as originally massacres Yaoyao, controls day demon, all during they grasp. 就算没有杀掉瑶瑶,至少也要让“天魔”再现,或者说。已经进行到了这一步,若是什么也不做,他们终将一败涂地,这一场战争,他们所有的筹码都已经暴露,大道承天盟所有的棋子,都已经翻了开来,原本只要杀掉瑶瑶,控制“天魔”,一切就都在他们掌握之中。 Where however had makes a mistake. He has even started to realize that is an enormous mistake. However, what kind of giant no matter this mistake is, at this moment, he must make anything, his status has exposed, if cannot ruin Immortal World, from now, hugely big, will not have his place of taking shelter again. 但是有什么地方出错了。他甚至已经开始意识到,那是一个极大的错误。但是,不管这个错误是如何的巨大,事到如今,他必须要挣回一些什么,他的身份已经曝光,若不能毁掉仙界,从此以后,天大地大,将再没有他的容身之处。 He has delimited the ray. Flies toward the temple, actually suddenly in in the air. In his front, the moonlight unfolds together, the everywhere wonderful flower falls gently. A beautiful female. Has if treading the moonlight: Non- immortal non- demon non- saints and sages, a body really such as how commonplace? The imaginary body just like the Heaven moon/month, the bright nature wins in Qi to spend!” 他划过光芒。往神殿飞去,却又忽的顿在空中。在他的前方,一道月色铺开,漫天奇花飘落。一个美丽的女子。有若踏着月色而来:“非仙非魔非圣贤,一体真如岂等闲?幻身犹如天上月,慧质更胜琪中花!” The nobility complexion changes: Black cherry moonlight?” 王公脸色一变:“黑樱月华?” The black cherry moonlight said: „Should nobility...... call your appearance/allow Chenggong?” 黑樱月华道:“王公……或者该叫你容成公?” appearance/allow Chenggong sneers visits her: „Do you dare so to keep off in my front unexpectedly?” He is very clear, this beautiful, but actually the narcissistic female, is opposite party all the chief instigators of plan, calculates that calculates. Counts the fell into a trap, just like ancestor captures flatter chu Buddha golden body, to enter destroys Buddha golden body greatly void is only a pretence, she arranges, the ambush and assassination of big Luo Heaven unexpectedly are also only a bait, sharp knife that wields, unexpectedly is only a fishhook. 容成公冷笑地看着她:“你竟然敢就这般挡在我的面前?”他很清楚,这个美丽但却自恋的女子,就是对方一切计划的主谋,算中算。计中计,正如地祖“夺取阿閦佛金身、进入大虚空破坏佛祖金身”只是一幌子,她所安排的,大罗天上的埋伏和刺杀竟然也只是一个诱饵,挥出的利刀,竟然只是一个鱼钩。 If not believe firmly that this is a being sure of success fight, he certainly not by the board game piece that oneself and main road Chengtian pledge will lay down, will stake everything on a single throw of the dice in such fight. However now, although does not know how she achieves, but they obviously were her trick. 如果不是确信这是一场稳操胜券的战斗,他绝不会让自己和大道承天盟埋下的棋子,在这样的战斗中孤注一掷。但是现在,虽然不知道她到底是怎么做到的,但他们显然是中了她的伎俩。 The black cherry moonlight left hand light issue silk, beautiful hair such as the water falls generally: I appear before you, to give your opportunity!” 黑樱月华左手轻拔发丝,秀发如水一般滑落:“我出现在你面前,是为了给你一个机会!” Say/Way that appearance/allow Chenggong coldly: What opportunity?” 容成公冷冷的道:“什么机会?” The black cherry moonlight visits him: Told me, bright moonlight who was, I put you to walk!” 黑樱月华看着他:“告诉我,‘明月’是谁,我就放你走!” appearance/allow Chenggong is staring at her beautiful appearance: How you can determine, I know bright moonlight who is?” 容成公盯着她那绝美的容颜:“你怎么能够确定,我会知道‘明月’是谁?” Black cherry moonlight light say/way: Cool breeze infiltrates the Buddhism and Demonic Path, bright moonlight hides in Immortal World surely. I believe that the person who you have not taken the sapodilla plum Chengtian Avenue pledge, mostly has not taken the sapodilla plum, you with nearly the method of brainwashing, stir up rebellion and control them. No matter the Heavenly Court goal is anything, it to deceiving of all immortal gods real, above this piece of universe also has higher potential surface matter also real, in your status and method, so long as grasps these issues to make an issue, wants to establish an organization that in secret opposes Heavenly Court, is not a difficult matter. However, these so-called ‚is truth, who also tells you from the beginning?” 黑樱月华淡淡的道:“‘清风’打入佛门和魔道,‘明月’必定藏在仙界。我相信,你并没有服食人参果承天大道盟的人,大多都没有服食人参果,你是用近乎洗脑的手段,策反和控制他们。不管天庭的目的是什么,它对所有仙神的欺瞒是真的,这片宇宙之上还有更高位面的事也是真的,以你的身份和手段,只要抓住这些问题做文章,要在暗中建立一个反对天庭的组织,并不是一件难事。但是,这些所谓的‘真相’,从一开始又是谁告诉你的?” She looks at appearance/allow Chenggong, said: Who no matter bright moonlight is, she is using you. I hope that you will not be stupid, for she opportunity that gives up this going on living only.” 她看着容成公,道:“不管‘明月’到底是谁,她都是在利用你。我希望你不会蠢到,为了她放弃这唯一活下去的机会。” Black cherry moonlight rear area high place, thunder, void shatter. The contest of Golden Immortal level, creates one ** astonishing phenomenon. Under, the temple explodes, the demon air/Qi of Moroccan clouds crown prince attacks such as the cocoon to bind the beginning of the universe supernatural power of lotus lotus generally. appearance/allow Chenggong rear area distant place, in broken knot, hears the Yaoyao mysterious and self-satisfied laughter, the mysterious demon air/Qi soars to the heavens. 黑樱月华后方高处,电闪雷鸣,虚空破碎。金仙级的较量,造成一**惊人的异象。下方,神殿爆开,摩霄太子的魔气冲击着如茧一般裹着莲莲的混元神力。容成公后方远处,破开的结界中,传来瑶瑶神秘而得意的笑声,神秘魔气冲霄而起。 appearance/allow Chenggong looks at the black cherry moonlight, sneers saying: Said, you do come to extort evidence to me? Pitifully only......” both arms inspire, astral air/Qi sticks out suddenly: Only pitifully, you are bring death! The well-known old man Yin-Yang Taoist skill and strategy, cultivating for were actually only the immortal boundaries, actually does not know that the old man has been concealing oneself strength, the old man has broken through Flying True Person. The black cherry moonlight, do you currently have the confidence to keep under me?” The strong winds howl, air wave volume. 容成公看着黑樱月华,冷笑道:“这么说,你是来向我逼供的?只可惜……”双臂一振,罡气暴起:“只可惜,你是来送死的!世人皆知老夫阴阳道术和阵法了得,修为却只是仙人境,却不知老夫一直都在隐瞒自己的实力,老夫早就已经突破到飞天真人。黑樱月华,你现在还有信心留得下我么?”狂风呼啸,气浪卷荡。 The black cherry moonlight said: So that's how it is, does the strength hide? Happen to...... I am also!” In sky loudly a sound, two rays air-splitting, one like moonlight, one such as Yin hot, beautiful, quiet and beautiful, such as the dream, resembles imaginary. They such as the comet is common, entrains the tail, interweaves in in the air such as the screw generally, whiz whiz two, all entered black cherry moonlight within the body. 黑樱月华道:“原来如此,实力隐藏么?正好……我也是!”天空中轰然一响,两道光芒破空而出,一如月色,一如阴火,美丽,清幽,如梦,似幻。它们如彗星一般,拽尾而下,在空中如螺旋一般交织,嗖嗖两声,全都进入了黑樱月华体内。 What is this? appearance/allow Chenggong erratically looks at this woman surprisedly. This flash, her whole person resembled changed, mysterious cloud Qi everywhere rolled up and pushed along, the beautiful moonlight unfolded everywhere, in her behind, the dragon shape appeared intermittently. 这是什么?容成公惊疑不定地看着这个女人。这一瞬间,她整个人都似变了,神秘的云气漫天卷动,美丽的月色满地铺开,在她身后,龙形隐现。 Her closing eye gently, the entire world becomes dark, she opens the eye slowly, in the world replays the light. It closes is dark, it regards is bright, chuo dragon Xizhi, immeasurably deep. This flash, she becomes beauty all the more, looks like Chang E in legend, broad cold profound, brilliant, unknowingly, mixed the string day sound. 她轻轻的闭上眼睛,整个天地都变得幽暗,她缓缓睁开眼睛,天地间重放光明。其瞑乃晦,其视乃明,逴龙赩只,深不可测。这一瞬间,她变得益发的美丽,就像是传说中的嫦娥,广寒幽深,光彩照人,不经意间,搅动了地弦天音。 The astonishing dragon air/Qi, is binding the candle Yin fire, the powerful and Yin offense, is charmingly beautiful . The beautiful female in the moonlight, calmly looks astral who on him disperses suddenly air/Qi: I do not like bullying, bully the elderly man, hopes the strength that you hide...... is not limited to this!” 惊人的龙气,裹着烛阴之火,强大、阴戾,却又美丽、妩媚。美丽的女子在月色间,静静地看着他身上骤然散出的罡气:“我不太喜欢仗势欺人,欺负老人家,希望你隐藏的实力……不止于此!” appearance/allow Chenggong the complexion changed...... became extremely ugly! 容成公的脸色变了……变得极其的难看! ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ( This book collection origin website clear, no ball window and refresh rate quick) (本书采集来源网站清晰、无弹窗、更新速度快)
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