MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#964: Extremely Le Moqi? Heavenly Emperor supernatural power?

Has an accident? 到底出了什么事? Nobilities surprised uncertain sees the girl. 王公惊疑不定的看着女孩。 Dozens evil spirit, the arrange/cloth becomes no shape that he designs personally to crepe the offense to burn immortal day demon big, the billowing demon air/Qi rushes to the girl. 数十个妖魔,布成他亲手设计的无象绉戾焚仙天魔大阵,滚滚魔气涌向女孩。 However at this moment, this imitates Le Moqi to make and specifically be used extremely to restrain Yaoyao not looks like the demon air/Qi, actually pours into vain the foreign rivers probably. He even marvelous misconception, think oneself are with the fire that the river water irrigates to extinguish may to explode, has not thought that at all is not the fire, but is the vastness, since oneself violated to irrigate to extinguish vastness with the river water such blunder. 但是此时此刻,这仿极乐魔气而造、专门用来克制瑶瑶的无象魔气,却像是注入枉洋的河流。他甚至有一种奇妙的错觉,原本以为自己是用河水来浇灭有可能爆炸的大火,没有想到那根本不是大火,而是汪洋,自己既然犯下了“用河水来浇灭汪洋”这样的大错。 The numerous evil spirit assemble in the together demon air/Qi, rushes to the girl, not only has not harmed her, instead probably opened the front door of shackles, emitted some fearful monster. 众妖魔集结在一起的魔气,涌向女孩,不但没有伤害到她,反而像是打开了牢笼的大门,放出了某个可怕的怪物。 Yaoyao Empress raised the head, breathes a sigh of relief: Grandpa Wang, really you said is right, the truth is most important, the freedom is most important, I clearly recognized me finally, actually I am a bad girl......” 瑶瑶帝姬抬起头来,舒了口气:“王公爷爷,果然你说的才是对的,真相才是最重要的,自由才是最重要的,我终于认清了我自己,其实我就是一个坏女孩……” Looks at that more and more huge demon air/Qi, looks that as if must break the shackles, but, the turbulent beast of prey, the nobility has a fearful feeling unexpectedly, his hurrying both hands empty press: „, Yaoyao, actually you are not a good child, you are really a good child......” 看着那越来越庞大的魔气,看着那仿佛要破牢笼而出的、汹涌的猛兽,王公竟然生出一种心寒的感觉,他赶紧双手虚按:“不不,瑶瑶,其实你是一个好孩子,你真的是一个好孩子……” „, Grandpa Wang, I only wants to be the unprincipled person without enough time now!” Smiling that Yaoyao narrows the eyes, „, moreover I want to kill people now, whom killing is good? Grandpa Wang? In order to celebrate this Empress new student|life, the deceased person is also necessary.” “来不及了,王公爷爷,我现在只想做坏人!”瑶瑶眯眯的笑,“而且我现在很想杀人,杀谁好呢?王公爷爷?为了庆祝本帝姬的新生,死人也是必要的。” The demon air/Qi rolls, loudly dispersing, combative! 魔气一滚,轰然散开,杀气腾腾! Killed her!” Discovered that not the right nobility, could not have attended, commanded. “杀了她!”发现不对劲的王公,已是顾不得了,一声喝令。 Dozens evil spirit jump, makes threatening gestures, or fierce, crazy. towards is thrown to go by the girl who they surround crazily. 数十只妖魔纵身而起,张牙舞爪,或是凶恶,或是疯狂。朝被它们包围的女孩狂扑而去。 A girl's delicate and exquisite body spin, the colored clothing flutters gently, she uses the slender white hands to hold oneself cheek. It looks like the flowers of motherland to be the same, splits open the smile: „Do you want to kill me? So is such lovable, the attractive beautiful young girl like me. How are you willing to begin? Do not kill me, do you make my puppy dog to be good?” 女孩娇小玲珑的身躯轻轻一旋,彩衣飘动,她用纤纤玉手捧着自己的脸蛋。就像是祖国的花朵一般,绽开笑颜:“你们要杀我吗?像我这么可爱、这么漂亮的美少女。你们怎么舍得动手?不要杀我嘛,你们做我的小狗狗好不好?” Numerous demons in her side, hesitant, scruple. This for a while, at this moment, her each movement, as if there is infinite charm, inverts all living things. Is shining. Her smile, her spoken language, all deep maps their hearts. Demon air/Qi that on them disperses, looks like pulls the chain in girl hand, they in her side, lie to crawl, pace back and forth, looks like listens to her command dog. 众魔顿在她的旁边,犹豫,迟疑。这一时,这一刻,她的每一个动作,仿佛都带着无穷的魅力,颠倒众生。光彩四射。她的微笑,她的言语,全都深深的映入它们的心头。它们身上散出来的魔气,就像是牵在女孩手中的链子,它们在她的身边,趴爬,徘徊,就像是听她号令的狗儿。 Yaoyao puts out a hand, the slender jade refers, aims at the nobility: Dog. Helped me...... kill him!” 瑶瑶伸出手来,纤纤玉指,指向王公:“狗儿们。帮我……杀了他!” The numerous demons are barking wildly, throws crazily toward the nobility. 众魔狂吠着,朝王公疯狂扑去。 This is impossible! Nobility pupil micro, these evil spirit. All is he trains single-handedly, they under his training and control, the cultivation not look like the demon air/Qi, for in this for a while, at this moment, copes with Yaoyao by day demon big. However now, they actually likely insane generally, merely are several words, then all betrayed him. He looks at the demon air/Qi that on the beautiful young girl sets aside. Is the complexion extremely ugly...... extremely Le Moqi? 这不可能!王公瞳孔微缩,这些妖魔。全都是他一手训练出来,它们在他的培养和控制下,修炼无象魔气,就是为了在这一时,这一刻,以天魔大阵对付瑶瑶。但是现在,它们却像疯了一般,仅仅是几句话,便全都背叛了他。他看着美少女身上腾出的魔气。脸色极是难看……极乐魔气? Thinks radically without enough time, the numerous demons throw crazily. In his hand the bamboo pole rapid rotation, exits the primal chaos light shadow. To the front evil spirit was involved in the primal chaos chart, only exploded. He moves the fishhook on silk, the fishhook delimits the corridor say/way cold light, killed one batch. However evil spirit in groups throws, what is worse, the beautiful young girl is smiling to him in the distant place, laughing at him is distracted, almost then wants to put down the fishing pole, whatever these evil spirit tear into shreds him. 根本来不及思索,众魔狂扑而来。他手中竹杆快速旋转,转出太极光影。冲在前方的妖魔被卷入太极图中,一只只炸了开来。他甩动丝上的鱼钩,鱼钩划过道道冷光,又杀了一批。但是妖魔成群的扑来,更糟糕的是,美少女在远处对着他微笑,笑得他精神恍惚,差点便要自己放下鱼竿,任由这些妖魔将他撕碎。 Bang! Wang jumps, does not dare to treat the little while, turning round broken flies to escape. In him behind, the say/way that Yaoyao speaks in a coaxing voice: Grandpa Wang, do not run away, I can make you lick my foot nail!” 嘭!王公纵身而起,不敢多待半刻,回身破界飞逃。在他身后,瑶瑶嗲声嗲气的道:“王公爷爷,你不要逃嘛,我可以让你舔我的脚指甲哟!” The demon sound depending on five view six feelings, intrudes his heart directly. He spouts a blood, burns down itself by in within the body profound fire forcefully, breaks the demon sound to seduce by the fierce pain, flies to escape air-splitting. In him behind, the beautiful young girl is transferring the circle, hee hee keeping laughing. 魔音藉着五观六感,直接闯入他的心底。他喷出一口鲜血,强行以体内玄火焚烧自身,以剧烈的痛感打断外界的魔音诱惑,破空飞逃。在他身后,美少女转着圈子,嘻嘻的笑个不停。 ...... …… Below temple, lotus lotus princess body week gathers the supernatural power turbulent flow, immeasurable wicked reason crazy involve, by the crazy cleaning, was changed among the vast universes most common profound qi. 下方神殿里,莲莲公主身周聚起神力涡流,无量恶缘疯狂的卷入,又被疯狂的洗净,化作浩瀚宇宙间最普通的玄气 Another side, similarly the branch that loans from the blood-color ficus religiosa, that is used to surround golden flower Empress, to not look like the demon air/Qi knitting, but knot, blows out the gap suddenly, a lot of demon air/Qi well up crazily, entire does not have the shape to tie is vibrating. 另一边,同样从血色菩提树上借出的枝头上,那本是用来困住金华帝姬的、以无象魔气编织而起的结界,突然间爆出缺口,大量魔气狂涌而出,整个无象结界都在震动。 The demon clouds crown prince complexion is difficult to see the extreme, where had made the mistake, from the place of most root, had made the mistake. He loudly shouts, breaks to go toward the under temple. This temple, is day demon temple, first-generation day demon wave ten-day period was then born from here, it will absorb in ten thousand Xujie immeasurable wicked reason crazily, the immeasurable wicked reason is the cornerstone that day demon forms. 魔霄太子脸色难看到极点,有什么地方出了差错,又或者说,从最根源的地方,就已经出了差错。他大喝一声,朝下方神殿直破而去。这神殿,乃是“天魔神殿”,第一代天魔“波旬”便是从这里出生,它会疯狂的吸收万墟劫内的无量恶缘,无量恶缘乃是“天魔”形成的基石。 Immeasurable wickedness, wickedness eternally. Day demon collection world immeasurable wicked with extremely Le Moqi as one, destroys the law to extinguish Buddha, the disaster three. 无量之恶,永劫之恶。天魔集世间无量之恶与极乐魔气于一体,毁法灭佛,祸害三界。 However now, the immeasurable wicked reason by the Heavenly Emperor supernatural power and easily accomplished destruction that the Nüwa empress leaves behind, this accumulated the passing about hundred world great misfortune wicked in one group of wicked reasons, once were eliminated cleanly, is equal to destroying the foundation that day demon formed. 但是现在,无量恶缘正在被女娲娘娘留下的天帝神力、摧枯拉朽般破坏,这积累了过往近百次天地大劫之“恶”于一团的恶缘,一旦被清除干净,便等于是毁去了“天魔”形成的基础。 Bang! He brings the billowing demon air/Qi, banged into the temple, void blasting open, the temple collapses. 轰!他带着滚滚魔气,撞入了神殿,虚空炸裂,神殿崩溃。 The avalanche of day demon temple, lets the remaining wicked reasons, no longer wells up toward here, for all that saves the immeasurable wicked reason in all generations ruins, was also destroyed unexpectedly most, remaining, flutters in the above of all generations ruins, fills the air to go toward the two sides Dai sedan chairs and round high peaked mountains two mountains, two celestial mountains were all covered by the foul odor, the Dai sedan chair mountain is the scorched earth, changes not in a big way, the circle Jiaoshan tree and the immortal flower auspicious plant on all over bead gan, are all withering instantaneously. 天魔神殿的崩塌,让剩下的恶缘,不再往这边涌来,虽然如此,积蓄在万劫墟内的无量恶缘,竟也被毁去大半,剩下的,飘荡在万劫墟的上方,又往两边的岱舆、圆峤两山弥漫而去,两座仙山俱被恶气笼罩,岱舆山原本就是焦土,变化不大,圆峤山上的珠玕之树、漫山遍野的仙花瑞草,全都在瞬间枯萎。 The temple collapses, the Moroccan clouds crown prince is pinching the powerful demon air/Qi, goes toward the remnant Kakinaka's girl clash. Girl both hands empty push, the supernatural power like the ball, protects rolling her own, all kept off the demon air/Qi of Moroccan clouds crown prince unexpectedly. Threw...... six sound mistake, the bloodstain law and day prints, hardship to cut, ancient Lingzhi, thunder Hewu, flatter to bury sea six to fight the arhat to be flung, hit the head to split open, has died unexpectedly. 神殿崩溃,摩霄太子挟着强大魔气,朝残垣中的女孩猛撞而去。女孩双手虚推,神力滚滚如球,将她自己护住,竟将摩霄太子的魔气全都挡了下来。扑扑扑扑扑扑……六响过处,血印法、天都印、度厄斩、古灵指、雷鹤舞、阿葬海六位战罗汉全都被甩了开来,纷纷撞得脑袋开裂,竟是早就已经死了。 Under the Moroccan clouds crown prince demon air/Qi presses, below beautiful young girl, supernatural power to become Jian, raised the head, visits him resolutely. 摩霄太子魔气下压,下方的美少女,神力成茧,抬起头来,毅然地看着他。 The Moroccan clouds crown prince then shouted: Hasn't begun?” 摩霄太子回头喝道:“还不动手?” In his above, the army zha Leeming king has not spoken, but stands in the cloud, looks at the distant place cloudy, in his line of sight institute and direction, wear black clothes, have the female of pitch-black elegant long hair, is treading the mysterious moonlight, slowly walks toward him. 在他的上方,军吒利明王却未说话,只是立在云上,阴阴沉沉地看着远处,在他视线所及的方向,一个穿着黑裳、有着乌黑秀美的长发的女子,踏着神秘的月色,慢慢的向他走来。 Black long straight beautiful woman, static visits him, as if for a long time, she had sighed one lightly: Gold/Metal zha...... does not see for a long time!” 黑长直的美女,静静的看着他,仿佛过了许久,她轻叹一声:“金吒……好久不见!” The army zha Leeming king coldly visits her, resembles recognizes, resembles has not recognized, but he actually resembles does not care about these. His body, courage vigor unceasing filling the air, gloomy and cold, the dense/woods are cold, void like the innumerable small four directions that was cut, between the unceasing separate and reorganization, isolates with the world him. The courage vigor fills the air, secret obscure, world dreary, the dim light appears intermittently. 军吒利明王冷冷地看着她,似是认出,又似是未曾认出,但他却似并不在乎这些。他的身上,血气不断的弥漫,阴冷,森寒,虚空如同被切割开来的无数小四方,在不断的割裂与重组间,将他与天地隔绝。血气弥漫,暗暗昏昏,天地萧瑟,幽光隐现。 The black long straight beautiful woman said low-spirited: Sorry, I came lately! I come, said goodbye to you, I know that you do not care, but I must to you say that sound......” her turning around slowly, trod empty goes: Walks!” 黑长直的美女黯然道:“对不起,我来得太迟了!我来,是向你告别的,我知道你已经不在乎了,但我还是要对你说声……”她慢慢的转过身,踏虚而去:“走好!” Bang!!! 轰!!! In her behind, the space explodes, two powerful energies hit mutually in the same place, in the sky shake golden lightnings, innumerable small four directions flashed, the golden lightning, strikes , was cut in the shatter space of square body, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) , and dense and numerous lightning forests cover by this overlapped square body. The square body crazy superposition, myriad lightnings also from gather to come in all directions. 在她身后,空间爆裂,两股强大的能量互相撞在一起,天空中震出一道道金色的闪电,无数的“小四方”闪了开来,道道金色闪电,击在被切割成四方体的破碎空间上,方圆百里,都被这重重叠叠的四方体、以及密密麻麻的闪电林所覆盖。四方体疯狂的叠合,万千闪电亦从四面八方聚集而来。 Two groups of energies curl up the rock the earth profound qi tide in the collision, even the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata of distant place is rocking. Around army zha Leeming king, void in cutting and in overlapping, curls the energy storm, in his opposite, myriad lightnings happened together one bunch, this bunch of electric lights, as if entire will turn over to the ruins to penetrate. In hit loudly, a man who carries Wu Gou appears the trail from Dianguang Li: Big brother! I am deliver you! Was unfair to...... me to come lately!” 两团能量在碰撞中卷起震天动地的玄气浪潮,连远处的血色妙喜树都在晃动。军吒利明王周围,虚空在切割与重叠中,卷出能量风暴,在他的对面,万千闪电交集成一束,这一束电光,仿佛将整个归墟都要击穿。轰然的撞击中,一个身背吴勾的男子从电光里现出形迹:“大哥!我是来送你的!对不起……我来迟了!” Bang! The violent storm, everywhere pounds down, dizzy, brothers remnant! 轰隆!狂风暴雨,漫天砸下,天旋地转,兄弟相残! Kisses/Intimate by the sovereign person 28 machines, to profound to wonderful to faint ; In the primal chaos tribulation sends the Saint to hope, does not cut the demon oath continuous...... 亲受皇人二八机,至玄至妙至幽微;太极劫中发圣愿,不斩邪魔誓不休…… ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ... ...
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