MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#963: Good girl? Bad girl?

Sun Yan understood finally, Aunt Sun and key point of black cherry elder sister one set of plan. 孙炎终于明白了,孙姑姑与黑樱姐一整套计划的重点。 old man, your fell into a trap!” Very much he sympathizes looks at the town/subdues Yuan. “老头,你中计了!”他很同情的看着镇元子。 The town/subdues Yuan child sneers saying: Fell into a trap?” 镇元子冷笑道:“中计?” Sun Yan is gesticulating: Poisonous snake, you wants to ruin it, the bomb, you want to be used to explode others. Therefore, you give completely many cares, must throw into the stove the poisonous snake, must pick up the bomb. However, because of some accident/surprise, you made a mistake the poisonous snake and bomb, finally threw into the stove the bomb, picks up...... you to guess that the poisonous snake what will have?” 孙炎比划着:“有一条毒蛇,你想把它毁掉,有一颗炸弹,你想用来炸别人。于是,你费尽许多心思,要把毒蛇扔进火炉里,要把炸弹抱走。但是,因为某个意外,你把毒蛇和炸弹弄错了,结果把炸弹扔进了火炉,把毒蛇抱走……你猜会发生什么?” Say/Way that the town/subdues Yuan child coldly: What do you mean?” 镇元子冷冷的道:“什么意思?” Isn't like this clear? The youngster sighed the one breath, is bending the waist, is beckoning with the hand: You were too stupid, I do not want to speak to you!” 这样子都不明白?少年叹一口气,弯着腰,摆着手:“你实在太蠢了,我不想跟你说话!” ...... …… In the mysterious main hall, lotus lotus was been locked by six chains, struggles no matter how, is unable to get rid. 神秘的大殿中,莲莲被六条锁链锁着,不管如何挣扎,都无法摆脱。 The immeasurable wicked reason from all generations ruins deep place, crazy gushing out, floods into her within the body, her pain and calling out in alarm, the foul odor is billowing, is attacking her body and spirit. 无量之恶缘从万劫墟深处,疯狂的涌出,涌入她的体内,她痛苦、惊叫,恶气滚滚,冲击着她的体魄。 The bloodstain law and day print, hardship to cut, ancient Lingzhi, thunder Hewu, flatter to bury sea six to fight the arhat, stand in six side stone platform, assume the out of phase respectively. Their surroundings, the temple looks like the silkworm cocoon to be the same, unceasing whirling around upward, broad, vast, passes the depth thick foul odor that all generations are not extinguishing, only waits for somebody to break out of their cocoons, becomes destroys day of female demon who extinguishes the place. 血印法、天都印、度厄斩、古灵指、雷鹤舞、阿葬海六位战罗汉,立在六方石台,各呈异相。他们的周围,神殿就像是蚕茧一般,不断的往上翻卷,恢宏,浩大,又透着万劫不灭的深浓恶气,只等着某人破茧而出,成为毁天灭地的女魔头。 Outside the temple the high place, army zha Leeming king Yinchen is indifferent, the Moroccan clouds crown prince vicious tendencies are dense. They are waiting for this to determine three destinies the moment, in another side wicked fruit, so long as Wang successfully massacres golden flower Empress, a here day of demon reveals itself, even if she is not mature, Chinese olive that but takes off prematurely, is actually no one can make. 神殿外头高处,军吒利明王阴沉冷漠,摩霄太子戾气森然。他们都在等着这决定三界命运的一刻,另一边的恶之果中,只要“王公”成功杀掉金华帝姬,这边天魔出世,哪怕她还并不成熟,只是一颗过早摘下的青果,却已是无人能制。 The immeasurable wicked reason are getting more and more. If the sea is common, floods into girl's within the body, in within the body. Unceasing compression and compression. 无量恶缘越来越多。如海一般,涌入女孩的体内,在她的体内。不断的压缩、压缩。 Why...... can't speak well?” The girl is gasping for breath, why...... can't everyone be a good person well?” “为什么……不能好好说话?”女孩喘着气,“为什么……大家都不能好好的做一个好人?” Accumulates about hundred tribulations the wicked immeasurable wicked reason. In her within the body, crazy agglomeration and unceasing compression. But actually a little mysterious strength, in her Yuan god deep place, to resist immeasurable wicked reason, but inflation slowly. Since you are not the good person, since you are not willing to listen to me to speak, I also only then...... massacres to massacre you again! 积近百劫之恶的无量恶缘。在她体内,疯狂的积聚、不断的压缩。但却有一点神秘的力量,在她的元神深处,为了抵抗无量恶缘,而慢慢的膨胀。既然你们不是好人、既然你们不肯听我说话,那我也只有把你们……杀掉杀掉再杀掉! Supreme unsurpassed, powerful strength, in within the body unceasing forming, its crazy sweeping across. Will flood into immeasurable wicked reason unceasing destroying of her within the body. Although immeasurable wicked reason evil such as sea, but it eventually is not the strength. 一股至尊无上的、强大的力量,在她体内不断的成形,它疯狂的席卷。将涌入她体内的无量恶缘不断的摧毁。无量恶缘虽然邪恶如海、但它本身终究不是力量。 If others, was flooded into by this sea general foul odor, already nervous breakdown, or by this powerful, nearly infinite evil aura controls, degenerates into the devil. However at this moment, gushes out from girl within the body, actually the strength from high-rank, is mediates the good fortune the supernatural power, many foul odor flood into, is unable to conquer it. That mysterious and powerful strength. Is ordinary like the turbulent flow, is involved in them rolling, performs again all swallows and disappears to destroy. 如果是其他人,被这海一般的恶气涌入,早已精神崩溃,又或是被这股强大的、近乎无穷的邪恶气息所控制,沦为恶魔。但是此时此刻,从女孩体内涌出的,却是来自更上位的力量,是斡旋造化的神力,再多的恶气涌入,也无法将它征服。那神秘而强大的力量。如同涡流一般,将它们滚滚卷入,再尽皆吞噬、消毁。 Extremely high place. Does the Moroccan clouds crown prince complexion big change...... have an accident? In his vision, by the distortion main hall, sees, he sees, side the girl, formed the turbulent flow of supernatural power, six fight the arhat to be dispersed suddenly, the strong incomparable supernatural power turbulent flow is pulling, has, if the wind wheel shouted whistling the rotation generally. Six people, six chains. Under drive of supernatural power revolving of high density like the electric fan, six fights the arhat to spit blood. Has not actually been able to throw away. 极高之处。摩霄太子脸色大变……出了什么事?他的目光,透过扭曲的大殿,看到内中,他看到,在女孩身边,形成了神力的涡流,六位战罗汉被突然散出的,强大无匹的神力涡流拉扯着,有若风轮一般呼呼呼的转动。六个人,六条锁链。在神力的带动下像电风扇一样高密度的旋转,六位战罗汉纷纷吐血。却已是无法甩脱。 The immeasurable wicked reason non-stop from the under all generations ruins, by supernatural power turbulent flow inspiration, with wind wheel, howls and spurts toward the above thinly, that immeasurable wickedness, after mediation good fortune when the transformation, spouts from the supernatural power turbine wheel, had washed off wickedly, changed to ordinary profound qi, they in the above of temple, formed the profound qi storm, toward diverges in all directions. 无量恶缘从下方万劫墟不停的,被神力涡流吸入,又随着“风轮”,往上方呼啸、喷薄,那无量之恶,经过“斡旋造化”的改造,从神力涡轮中喷出时,已经被洗去了“恶”,化作了普通的玄气,它们在神殿的上方,形成了玄气风暴,又往四面八方散去。 Is this not possible? The Moroccan clouds crown prince is fearful and apprehensive. Immeasurable wickedness, wickedness eternally, even if the day destroys the immeasurable wicked reason of extinguishing is unable to be destroyed, was being washed by that girl unexpectedly white? 这不可能?摩霄太子心惊肉跳。无量之恶,永劫之恶,纵然天毁地灭也无法被摧毁的无量恶缘,竟然正在被那个女孩“洗白”? But this is the not possible matter, the immeasurable wicked reason, should this universe millions of years, accumulate wicked lives, any strength in its not this universe can the elimination, be able to transform it, only has higher potential surface strength, for example...... beginning of the universe supernatural power? 但这是不可能的事,无量恶缘,是应这片宇宙千千万万年、所积累的“恶”而生,它绝非这片宇宙中的任何力量所能够消灭,能够改造它的,唯有更高位面的力量,比如说……混元神力? Looks at girl supernatural power storm, the Moroccan clouds crown prince entire face changed, is indistinct, he starts to realize. 看着女孩身边的神力风暴,摩霄太子整个脸都变了,隐隐约约间,他开始意识到。 They made a huge mistake...... to be odd, or are the extremely laughable blunder...... 他们犯下了一个大错……一个非常离谱、或者说是极其可笑的大错…… ...... …… Has if in egg shell general closed room. 有若蛋壳一般的封闭空间里。 The evil spirit that dozens are throwing over the dark long gown, divides to make two great-circle, a laevo rotatory, a right-turn, gathers round pours in central, young girl who the pain twists, jumping, dancing. 数十只披着暗黑长袍的妖魔,分作两个大圈,一个左旋,一个右转,围着倒在中央,痛苦扭曲的少女,跳着,舞着。 The bad people running wild, crepes the offense to burn the immortal! They imitate demon that extremely carefree demon demon air/Qi becomes, permeates the body of young girl directly, enters the body to burn the heart, wants to make her burn the heart dead directly. 群魔乱舞,绉戾焚仙!它们仿极乐天魔魔气而成的魔阵,直接渗入少女的身体,入体焚心,欲直接让她焚心而死。 Another side, Wang sits on the stone, looks pours, was being seen the girl of growing up by him since childhood, is everywhere gentle. In order to let all things in this universe, is separated from the evil way, turns back the right track, necessary sacrifice, matter that also does not have the means. Only by doing so, can break from the Taoist trinity beginning, the imprisonment of Heavenly Court to this entire universe, can also the world by the truth, be able to break Heavenly Emperor and Buddha's deceit to everyone. 另一边,王公坐在石上,看着倒在阵中的、被他从小看着长大的女孩,满目慈祥。为了让这片宇宙中的三千世界,脱离邪道,重新走回正轨,必要的牺牲,也是没有办法的事。唯有如此,才能打破自三清始,天庭对这一整个宇宙的禁锢,才能还世界以真相,才能打破天帝、佛祖对所有人的欺骗。 This is for the truth, this is for free, really compares is more important, if a world lost its proper truth, if a world needs to save by the lie, that will be everyone's sorrow. For the truth, for the principle of righteousness, the sacrifice was necessary. 这是为了真相,这是为了自由,真相比所有的一切都更重要,如果一个世界失去了它应有的真相,如果一个世界需要靠谎言来拯救,那将是所有人的悲哀。为了真相,为了大义,牺牲是必要的。 He is smiling, looks to pour the girl , the smile is sighing...... Yaoyao, although I know that you are actually a good girl, but, sacrificed for the truth of this world, this is also necessary, has no alternative. 他微笑着,看着倒在阵中的女孩,微笑地叹息着……瑶瑶,虽然我知道你其实是个好女孩,但是,为了这个世界的真相而牺牲,这也是必要的,是无可奈何的。 The demon air/Qi is billowing, does not have likely invisible, torments the immortal body, tears the beginning of the universe. 魔气滚滚,无象无形,荼毒仙体,撕裂混元。 In billowing, in the poisonous sea common demon air/Qi, the girl is struggling, weak brace. 在滚滚的、毒海一般的魔气中,女孩挣扎着,虚弱的撑地而起。 Nobilities gentle, gentle shaking the head of: Useless, Yaoyao! You cannot escape!” 王公温柔的、慈祥的摇了摇头:“没用的,瑶瑶!你逃不掉的!” The girl is gasping for breath: Sufficed, was really enough!” 女孩喘着气:“够了,真的是够了!” Wang knits the brows: What enough?” 王公皱了皱眉:“什么够了?” The girl said: What truth, anything sacrificed, said that what I am a good girl, said that anything sacrificed is necessary, is...... you who has no alternative are really, enough!” 女孩道:“什么真相,什么牺牲,说什么我是一个好女孩,说什么牺牲是必要的,是无可奈何的……你真的是、够了!” Wang stares at her...... these is being he thinks that but he simply had not said a moment ago. 王公盯着她……这些是他心里想的,但是他刚才根本没有说出来。 The girl started to smile, smiled some crazies: You told me since childhood, must be a good miss, you told me since childhood, must make one to protect everyone, to protect the Immortal World good person, I every did the misdemeanor one time, you helped me find the excuse. You said that I a little want to play all the time, you said, this is the negative effects of beginning of the universe supernatural power, this does not have the means. You said that I am future Heavenly Emperor, is to save everyone's person, a little small problem, is worth forgiving. Therefore, I also said to myself, actually I am a good girl, one day, I must protect Immortal World, to protect everyone......” 女孩开始笑了,笑得有些疯癫:“你们从小告诉我,要做一个好姑娘,你们从小告诉我,要做一个保护大家、保护仙界的好人,我每一次做坏事,你们都帮我找借口。你们说我只是有点贪玩,你们说,这是混元神力的负作用,这也是没有办法的。你们说我是未来的天帝,是要拯救大家的人,有一点小毛病,也是值得原谅的。于是,我也对自己说,其实我是一个好女孩,总有一天,我是要保护仙界、保护大家的……” Has an accident? The nobilities are staring at her stubbornly! 出了什么事?王公死死的盯着她! The billowing demon air/Qi, floods into her within the body, these demon air/Qi not only have not harmed her, instead probably touched some mechanism/organization of her within the body, emitted anything. 滚滚的魔气,涌入她的体内,这些魔气不但没有伤害到她,反而像是触动了她体内的某个机关,放出了什么东西。 For does not disappoint you, therefore I go all out told itself, must be a good person, I controlled myself diligently, did not disappoint everyone, I did the destruction in Immortal World, the unceasing doing destruction, every made the mistake one time, afterward regretted, but I believed you, this temporary, this is because matter that I was Heavenly Emperor, the strength lose control of this not to have the means.” The girl stands there, both hands grip tightly. “为了不让你们失望,于是我拼命的告诉自己,要做一个好人,我努力的控制自己,不让大家失望,我在仙界搞破坏,不断的搞破坏,每一次做错了事,事后都后悔极了,但是我相信你们,这个是暂时的,这是因为我是天帝,力量失控这也是没有办法的事。”女孩站在那里,双手紧握。 Suddenly face upwards to yell: But I actually really want to say that goes to your mothers! This Empress actually wants to be the unprincipled person, not? Saw that Immortal World each thing I want to pound it, saw the immortal god who these put on airs I wants to punch him, actually I want to be the unprincipled person, I want to beat to beat Immortal World again, what fairyism Buddha air/Qi, I see disgustingly, do not ask why I am disgusting they, they look like the excrement to float to flutter before me generally. In Immortal World each same brings the thing of fairyism, makes me uncomfortable, but you educate me since childhood, must cherish it, must treasure it, must go all-out to protect that dog shit same Immortal World, actually I have wanted to say......” 忽的仰天大叫:“但我其实真的想说,去你们的娘啊!本帝姬其实就是想做坏人,不可以么?看到仙界的每一个东西我就是想砸它,看到那些装模作样的仙神我就是想揍他,其实我就是想做坏人,我就是想把仙界打烂打烂再打烂,什么仙气佛气,我一看到就恶心,不要问我为什么恶心它们,它们就像是屎一般在我面前飘来飘去。仙界里的每一样带着仙气的东西,都让我不舒服,但是你们从小就教育我,要爱护它,要珍惜它,要尽全力保护那狗屎一样的仙界,其实我一直就很想说……” Both hands tight grasping in the waist, bends the waist, suddenly waist shouted again stiffly upwards: Protects your younger sister! I want to be the unprincipled person, I am a bad girl, this Empress wants to smash to smash that damn Immortal World again!” Hand bygone days one finger/refers, roared: This Empress is a bad girl, has the skill to divide me! Damn!” 双手紧紧的握在腰间,弯下腰来,突然再次挺直蛮腰朝天一声大喊:“保护你妹啊!我就是想做坏人,我就是一个坏女孩,本帝姬就是想把那该死的仙界砸烂砸烂再砸烂!”将手往天一指,咆哮道:“本帝姬就是一个坏女孩,有本事来劈我啊!操!” Bang! The demon air/Qi such as the tsunami gushes out generally...... 轰!魔气如海啸一般涌出…… ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ... ...
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