MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#962: Immeasurable wicked reason: Your fell into a trap!

Sun Yan so will not be certainly easy to be killed by two mother gods! 孙炎当然不会这么容易被二娘神杀死! He has not died , because on him has one quite heaven Spirit Mountain leafiness symbol. 他之所以没死,是因为他身上带着一张“好生上玄灵山青叶符”。 This symbol, in the demon monkey event, the black cherry elder sister gives to him, to prevent to execute the demon monkey failure, is used to maintain life. However Sun Yan under Sister Hou's plan, changed the plan of black cherry elder sister quietly, explodes the head an demon monkey sword, this Zhang Haosheng Heaven Spirit Mountain leafiness symbol, was saved. 这张符,是在魔猴事件中,黑樱姐送给他,原本是为了预防诛魔猴失败,用来保命之用。但是孙炎在侯姐姐的谋划下,悄悄更改了黑樱姐的计划,将魔猴一剑爆头,这张好生上玄灵山青叶符,也被省了下来。 This magical amulet, the biggest role, can unconditionally for dying! 这张灵符,最大的作用,就是能够“无条件替死”! Two mother gods sneak attack in Sun Yan behind, Sun Yan knows. Actually before then, he had suspected, two mother gods are very possible not dead cleanly, although he once exploded the head two mother god bricks with day seal, but day seal and is unable to rumble to fall the souls of two mother gods directly, considering that two mother gods ate the sapodilla plum mostly, she had the possibility to be the same to the immortal jade feather space very much at that time, after dying, became them part. 二娘神在孙炎身后偷袭,孙炎是知道的。其实在此之前,他就已经怀疑,二娘神很可能“没死干净”,虽然他曾用番天印将二娘神一砖爆头,但番天印并无法直接轰掉二娘神的魂魄,考虑到二娘神多半吃了人参果,她很有可能与仙玉羽宇那个时候一样,死后成为“它们”的一部分。 On the other hand, his Yin counter Yang Wei, did not fear any sneak attack, after all the quick sneak attack, is requires time, can between him who the time and time walks randomly, in that flash that two mother gods make a move, already the sensation to her existence, the angle that as well as her position, acted. 另一方面,他的“阴逆阳违”,原本就不怕任何偷袭,毕竟再快的偷袭,都是需要“时间”的,能够在时间与时间之间游走的他,在二娘神出手的那一瞬间,就已经感知到了她的存在,以及她的位置、出手的角度。 At that time if insisted to hide, hid. But even hid, how can also? Repairs entire * the two mother gods of profound merit, he at all is not her opponent, let alone, here is a town/subdues Yuan child home game, he does not have the time, goes to pester with that silly little girl. Therefore he depends quite the heaven Spirit Mountain leafiness symbol for dead effect, directly by oneself dying in her hands. 当时如果硬要躲,是躲得了的。但就算躲了,又能怎样?修全*玄功的二娘神,他根本不是她的对手,更何况,这里是镇元子的主场,他也没有时间,去跟那傻妞纠缠。所以他仗着好生上玄灵山青叶符的替死效果,直接让自己“死”在她的手中。 Own dying, frightened Sister Hou of time off-line unexpectedly, discovered that he placed, in died lived one Sister Hou in condition, actually ignored her danger, leapt forward turns over to the ruins. Draws Guishan him, this is he has not expected, but this does not affect his plan. 只是,自己的“死”,竟然吓到了时间线外的侯姐姐,发现他身处在“死生一线”的状况中的侯姐姐,竟然不顾她自身的危险,跃入归墟。将他拉到龟山,这个是他所没有料到的,但这不影响他本身的计划。 Two mother gods kill him to be inadequate. Was instead sneak attacked to go well by him, angle of making a move. He also plans, matter that naturally chooses such angle not to have the means that two mother gods who after all, the revolution * the profound merit, starts to display the law celestial phenomenon place, other places he cannot puncture. 二娘神杀他不成。反被他偷袭得手,出手的角度。他也是算计好的,当然选择这样的角度也是没有办法的事,毕竟,运转*玄功,开始施展法天象地的二娘神,其它地方他也刺不进去。 Thinks the willow Goddess of Mercy must die without doubt, finally his son not only has not died. Unexpectedly instead killed thanked the nature. 没有想到,原本以为杨柳观音必死无疑,结果他的儿子不但没死。居然反杀了谢自然。 Subdue Yuan child cold vision by mother and child who strength of Fokuang and four seas protects, the complexion is gloomy, in Fokuang, the youngster is sincere according to the water sword, illuminates water sword one stroke, broke out the bloodshed some. 镇元子冷视着被佛光和四海之力护住的母子二人,脸色阴沉,佛光中,少年挚出照水剑,照水剑一划,将血海又劈开了些许。 The town/subdues Yuan child angrily roars, is binding the bloodshed, curls up the dreadful turbulent flow: Even if you can live this, there is what using? Heaven Empress must die immediately in our hands, the day demon of new generation. Will soon be born, you were finished, you will follow Immortal World to destroy together. Your these ants that is doomed to be enslaved. Really thinks what can oneself revolt against? Hehe hehe, hahahaha......” 镇元子怒吼一声,裹着血海,卷起滔天的涡流:“就算你们能够多活这一阵,又有何用?天界帝姬马上就要死在我们手中,新一代的天魔。即将出世,你们完蛋了,你们将跟着仙界一同毁去。你们这些注定要被奴役的蝼蚁。真以为自己能够反抗得了什么?呵呵呵呵、哈哈哈哈……” Aunt Sun actually raised the head, visits him, said: I think! Must kill Yaoyao Empress, is not an easy matter, must understand extremely the person of her magical powers and merit law, after many years of layouts, can under the arrange/cloth specifically be used to restrain her big. This big, is imitates extremely Le Moqi mostly, will have innate does not have to lose the day after tomorrow does not have the shape. Le Moqi does not have extremely likely, to not look like system beginning of the universe. By the demon air/Qi to subdue|grams immortal body, making the opportunity that Yaoyao acts continually not have. Is not? But not only understands Your Highness Yaoyao, and can arrange this grade of strategy, making a move surely is appearance/allow Chenggong, is Wang?” 孙姑姑却是抬起头来,看着他,道:“我想想!要杀瑶瑶帝姬,并不是一件容易的事,必须要极其了解她的神通和功法的人,经过多年的布置设计,才能布下专门用来克制她的大阵。这个大阵,多半是仿极乐魔气而成,有先天无后天者失去无象。极乐魔气正是无象之极,以无象制混元。以魔气克仙体,让瑶瑶连出手的机会都没有。是也不是?而既了解瑶瑶殿下,又能够布置这等阵法,出手的必定是容成公,也就是‘王公’?” Sun Yan said in a low voice: Nobility?” Although knows the Immortal World high level, has a town/subdues Yuan child that side person surely, but cannot think, can be unexpectedly three old one. 孙炎低声道:“王公?”虽然知道仙界高层,必定有镇元子那一边的人,但想不到,竟然会是三老之一。 Aunt Sun said: Wang, should be the Chengtian Avenue pledge hegemon, by his status, if not in situation that in this had victory in the hand, he will not come out. As for the lotus princess of demon, must hold her, first needs to avoid her side Le Moqi influence, Le Moqi invisible does not have the shape extremely, can invert all living things and poisoning people's minds, but she practice was still shallow, or she has not had the consciousness cultivated own ability, to avoid her extremely Le Moqi influence, was actually not the too difficult matter, sealed five feelings, certainly the five desires, she after all was not the true day demon, is unable the direct being puzzled god and being puzzled heart. So long as is not puzzled for her side Le Moqi, she is also in the cage the bird.” 孙姑姑道:“‘王公’,应该就是承天大道盟的盟主,以他的身份,如果不是在这等胜券在握的情况下,想必他也不会出来。至于魔界的莲公主,要抓住她,首先需要避开她的极乐魔气的影响,极乐魔气无形无象,能够颠倒众生、蛊惑人心,但她修行尚浅,或者说,她从来没有有意识的去修炼自己的能力,要想避开她极乐魔气的影响,其实也不是太困难的事,封五感,绝五欲,她毕竟不是真正的天魔,无法直接惑神、惑心。只要不为她的极乐魔气所惑,她也不过就是笼中小鸟。” The town/subdues Yuan child sneers saying: Good!” 镇元子冷笑道:“不错!” Aunt Sun continues saying: „ Demon and Buddha, are body both sides of say/way of bareness, what cultivated/repaired is from greatly void permeates this piece of universe the void strength. From discussed, the Buddha was born, making the Buddha golden body the superstitious part, after blocking was greatly void, properly speaking, this world should not have a day of demon born again. However, this piece of universe, actually has one gate, two hole. That only gate kept off by the abode of the immortals, is guarded by the jade emperor, greatly void by Buddha golden body suppression, but in fact, actually, only then the shepherd can open all generations ruins, greatly void peak situated in universe, the root of bottom situated in universe and nonstop universe of all generations ruins. 孙姑姑继续道:“魔与佛,原本是空无之道的一体两面,修的是从‘大虚空’渗入这片宇宙的虚空之力。自佛道并谈,佛祖出世,让佛祖金身成为天条一部分,挡住大虚空后,按理说,这世界本不应该再有天魔出世。但是,这片宇宙,其实是有一个‘门’、两个‘洞’。那唯一的‘门’被大罗天所挡,由玉帝镇守,‘大虚空’由佛祖金身镇压,但实际上,却还有一个,只有牧羊者才能打开的‘万劫墟’,大虚空位于宇宙的最高点,万劫墟位于宇宙的最低点、直通宇宙的根源。 Truly with the world that the beginning of the universe god clan is at interlinked gate, only then, but greatly void looks like this shackles with all generations ruins, two blowholes that remains. All generations ruins situated in turning over to ruins deep place, universe most, normally, it opens every 30000 years one time, opens each time, is the world great misfortune, the immeasurable wickedness that in the world great misfortune erupts, will be absorbed by it, is turning over to the ruins deep place, becomes the immeasurable wicked reason. “真正与混元神族所在的世界相通的‘门’只有一个,但是大虚空与万劫墟就像是这位牢笼,所留下来的两个气孔。万劫墟位于归墟深处,宇宙的最下方,正常情况下,它每30000年才打开一次,每次打开,便是天地大劫,天地大劫中爆发出的无量之恶,都会被它吸收,在归墟深处,成为无量之恶缘。 100 years ago, you then emit this immeasurable wicked reason, making it take in the Buddhist literature forge fiendish person wave ten-day period to originate for the image, makes a day of demon, the immeasurable wickedness that the day demon wave ten-day period collection in the past about hundred world great misfortune accumulated, to Le Moqi, a series Demonic Path, then capture Immortal World extremely, created a time for 30,000 years world catastrophe. If not for the jade emperor and grandson monkey kill demon Luo heaven recklessly, massacred wave ten-day period, wave ten-day period feared already series all things. After the previous generation day demon dies, that immeasurable wickedness, returned to all generations ruins again, Le Moqi kept Mortal World extremely. Because, only if to 30,000 years a time world great misfortune, otherwise, you, still without the means made day demon be born even directly, can only leave behind a day of demon to inherit, just like resulted in beginning of the universe supernatural power is Heavenly Emperor, must extremely Le Moqi, then had the opportunity to become day demon.” “一百年前,你便是放出这无量之恶缘,让它以佛经中伪造的魔王‘波旬’为形象来源,造出天魔,天魔波旬集以往近百次天地大劫中积累的无量之恶,以极乐魔气,一统魔道,进而攻入仙界,造成了三万年一次的天地浩劫。若不是玉帝与孙猴子不顾一切杀上魔罗天,杀掉了‘波旬’,‘波旬’怕是早已一统三千世界。在上一代天魔死后,那无量之恶,再一次回到了万劫墟,极乐魔气则留在了人间。因为,除非到了三万年一次的天地大劫,否则,就算是你,也没有办法直接令‘天魔’出世,只能留下天魔传承,正如得混元神力者即为天帝,得极乐魔气的、便有机会成为‘天魔’。” You are really intelligent,” town/subdues Yuan child sneers dark, extremely in Le Moqi and all generations ruins immeasurable wicked reason about in the same place, then for day demon, but the day demon entered greatly void, destroyed the Buddha golden body, actually could not cope with Heavenly Emperor. After all 30,000 years world catastrophe has crossed a time, the beginning of the universe supernatural power is the high-rank strength. Once the day demon reveals itself, Immortal World will make their Empress Heavenly Emperor immediately, assumes the abode of the immortals and an ambush day of demon. However now, you actually think oneself clever, before that two girls deliver to this all generations ruins together, so long as massacred future Heavenly Emperor, the day demon reveals itself, who can make?” “你果然是聪明,”镇元子阴阴冷笑,“极乐魔气与万劫墟内无量之恶缘合在一起,便为‘天魔’,不过天魔进得了大虚空,毁得了佛祖金身,却对付不了‘天帝’。毕竟三万年一次的天地浩劫已过,混元神力又是更上位的力量。一旦天魔出世,仙界马上就会让他们的帝姬成为‘天帝’,坐镇大罗天、狙击天魔。但是现在,你却自作聪明,把那两个女孩一起送到这万劫墟前,只要杀掉了未来的天帝,天魔出世,谁人能制?” Aunt Sun said: Therefore, you had opened all generations ruins thoroughly, emitted in all generations ruins the immeasurable wicked reason, making them enter lotus lotus within the body, makes the new generation day demon?” 孙姑姑道:“所以,你已经彻底打开了万劫墟,放出了万劫墟内无量之恶缘,让它们进入莲莲体内,制造新一代的‘天魔’?” The town/subdues Yuan child shouted: Good!” 镇元子喝道:“不错!” Aunt Sun sees the son, sobs saying: Son, the day demon must appear, we must be finished, 55555...... mother quite feared!” 孙姑姑看着儿子,抽泣道:“儿子耶,天魔就要出现了,我们都要完蛋了,55555……妈咪好怕!” The Sun Yan both hands sagging, is bending the waist, the long sighing one breath...... I said that you, were really enough! 孙炎双手下垂,弯着腰,长长的叹一口气……我说你、真的是够了! Raised the head, looks at the town/subdues Yuan, said: old man...... your fell into a trap!!!” 抬起头来,看着镇元子,道:“老头……你中计了!!!” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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