MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#961: Immeasurable wicked reason: Am I the hot child?

Will the black cherry elder sister die? Sun Yan is startled. 黑樱姐会死?孙炎一惊。 Hou Yaoqiong visits him, said: Although your mother, concealed the truth with the black cherry moonlight, but I think, should be makes you know the truth the time. Actually...... red child is the hot child, or your previous generation is the hot child.” 侯瑶琼看着他,道:“虽然你的母亲,和黑樱月华隐瞒了真相,但我想,也应该是让你知道真相的时候。其实……‘红孩儿’就是火童,或者说,你的前世就是火童。” Sun Yan is responding to her vision, without speech. 孙炎回应着她的目光,没有说话。 Hou Yaoqiong said: „Aren't you surprised?” 侯瑶琼道:“你不吃惊?” Sun Yan flexure head: Actually hears hot child these two characters time, I think, definitely is this appearance, but the black cherry elder sister has not stated clearly, I did not ask.” Because nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan relations, he to own in the past, not such as Aunt Sun and black cherry moonlight thought like that knew nothing, but Sister Hou's existence in time off-line, he had not told the black cherry elder sister. 孙炎挠着脑袋:“其实听到‘火童’这两个字的时候,我就想,肯定是这个样子,不过黑樱姐没明说,我也就不问。”因为九灵太妙金眼的关系,他对自己的“过去”,并非如孙姑姑和黑樱月华想的那般,一无所知,而侯姐姐在时间线外的存在,他也一直都没有告诉黑樱姐。 Actually when hears hot child these two characters, he has guessed. 其实在听到“火童”这两个字的时候,他就已经这么猜了。 Fire cloud Xieshen! Fire cloud Xiaosheng! Hot child! Red child! 火云邪神!火云小圣!火童!红孩儿! He must stupid, them will not link? 他得有多蠢,才不会把他们联系在一起? In chaos universe, that fire cloud Xiaosheng the beginning of the universe totem, is actually the red child image, or is hot child image. 混沌宇宙中,那个“火云小圣”的混元图腾,其实就是红孩儿的形象,或者说是“火童”的形象。 Hou Yaoqiong, holds in the arms him again, gentle, making him rest the head on the full milk-white bosom: This is really...... the retribution!” 侯瑶琼再一次的,将他搂住,温柔的,让他枕在自己饱满的酥胸:“这真的是……冤孽啊!” Sun Yan said: Elder sister...... you said that the black cherry elder sister will die?” 孙炎道:“姐姐……你说黑樱姐会死?” Hou Yaoqiong said in a low voice: Actually I think, yourself should also some similar premonitions, your war, needing some people sacrifice! 300 years ago, you have made the sacrifice, but this time, will have the person, sacrificed for you!” 侯瑶琼低声道:“其实我想,你自己应该也有同样的预感,你们的这一战,必须要有人牺牲!在三百年前,你已经做出了牺牲,而这一次,将会有人,替你去牺牲!” Sun Yan said: I will not make the black cherry elder sister sacrifice......” 孙炎道:“我是绝不会让黑樱姐牺牲掉的……” Hou Yaoqiong hesitates saying: Perhaps, does not have the means.” 侯瑶琼沉吟道:“或许,也不是全无办法。” Sun Yan asked: What means has?” 孙炎问:“有什么办法?” Hou Yaoqiong visits him: If matter to not irrecoverable time, tries to make a vow to Divine Dragon.” 侯瑶琼看着他:“如果事情到了无法挽回的时候,就试着向神龙许愿吧。” Sun Yan is stunned: Made a vow to Divine Dragon? But. Elder sister, I did not have the collection simultaneous/uniform eight immortal swords. Moreover you had also once said that only then in too wonderful vestige, can summon Divine Dragon......” 孙炎错愕:“向神龙许愿?可是。姐姐,我还没有集齐八大仙剑。而且你也曾说过,只有在‘太妙遗迹’里,才可以召唤神龙……” Hou Yaoqiong said: Perhaps you can try, first made a vow to Divine Dragon, then collected eight immortal swords. Generally speaking, all things, first appear because of, then presents fruit, normally, collecting eight immortal swords is because of. Summoning Divine Dragon is fruit. Without because , there would be no fruit, without the collection simultaneous/uniform eight immortal swords, is unable to summon Divine Dragon. However, this world, will also present the miracle occasionally. This war, some people will die surely. It is not you, was your black cherry elder sister, the elder sister has known in advance such result.” 侯瑶琼道:“或许你可以试试,先向神龙许愿,再去收集八大仙剑。一般来说,所有的事情,都是先出现‘因’,再出现‘果’,正常情况下,收集八大仙剑是‘因’。召唤神龙是‘果’。没有因,就没有果,没有集齐八大仙剑,就无法召唤神龙。但是,这个世界,偶尔也是会出现奇迹的。这一战,必定有人会死。不是你,就是你的黑樱姐,姐姐已经预知到了这样的结局。” Hou Yaoqiong visits him, is extremely earnest , to continue saying: Must change such result, only has miracle! When something, not irrecoverable time. Tries to summon Divine Dragon. If you sincerely, perhaps. The miracle will really appear.” 侯瑶琼看着他,极是认真的,继续说道:“要改变这样的结局,唯有‘奇迹’!当某件事情,无法挽回的时候。试着去召唤神龙。如果你诚心诚意的话,也许。奇迹真的就会出现。” Summoned Divine Dragon? Really? In the Sun Yan heart is thinking. 召唤神龙?真的可以吗?孙炎心中想着。 In the process of time recollection, Hou Yaoqiong consumed nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan too many spirit strength. 在时光回溯的过程中,侯瑶琼消耗了九灵太妙金眼的太多灵力。 If the spirit strength all consumes the light, Sun Yan still had not returned to the time line, is unable to go back again. 若是灵力全都耗光,孙炎仍然没有回到时间线上,自是再也无法回去。 He stands on the cliff, then looks at Sister Hou. Hou Yaoqiong wears the profound damask silk, stands in his behind, say/way gently: You are careful!” 他站在崖上,回头看着侯姐姐。侯瑶琼身披玄绫,立在他的身后,轻轻的道:“你要小心!” Sun Yan said: I know!” Jumps, jumps toward the cliff outside. 孙炎道:“我知道的!”纵身,往崖外跳去。 ...... …… *** *** In blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata. 血色妙喜树内。 ten thousand Xuxue filled the entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata, becomes above the blood mirror, attacks Heaven the nourishment of demon tree. 万墟血充满了整个妙喜树,成为了血镜之上,直插天界的魔树的养料。 The black demon tree and blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata, look like about inverted image that a mirror isolates, passes is being gloomy and strange, they link in the same place, the penetration turn over to the ruins, across mixing the desert world, pricking the world of desire-driven beings, enter world of beings with form various heaven. 黑色魔树与血色妙喜树,就像是一面镜子隔绝出的上下倒影,无不透着阴森与诡异,它们连结在一起,穿透归墟、穿过混漠世界、刺入欲界、直入色界诸天。 In the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata, Aunt Sun stands above 33 levels of exquisite pleasant buddhist relics gold pagodas, the hand holds the willow net bottle, sobs in a low voice: Small hot......” 血色妙喜树内,孙姑姑立在三十三级玲珑如意舍利子黄金宝塔之上,手托杨柳净瓶,低声抽泣:“小炎炎……” Fokuang under ten thousand Xuxue the oppression, there are, if in the wind the candle, creakies. In its above, a town/subdues Yuan child laughter is wild: „The willow Goddess of Mercy, your, is caught in one's own trap, not only killed your son, but also harmed miserably Empress and demon of Heaven princess, making them walk into a trap, saved old man many times. Designs to make your son cultivate/repair the air/Qi of three visceral cavities and gall bladder unexpectedly, the Yin-Yang compromises, makes the beginning of the universe supernatural power and Le Moqi two air/Qi gathers with extremely, directly enters the abode of the immortals, hides in greatly Luo Heaven, with the universe blade and Yin-Yang mirror sneak attack old man, unexpectedly can find out this means that you indeed are also intelligent, you instead were only harmed pitifully intelligently intelligently, lost their life in vain.” 佛光在万墟血的压迫下,有若风中之烛,摇摇欲坠。在它的上方,镇元子笑声猖狂:“杨柳观音,你这一趟,作茧自缚,不但害死了你儿子,还害惨了天界的帝姬和魔界的公主,让她们自投罗网,省了老夫许多工夫。竟然设计让你儿子去修少阳之气,阴阳调和,令混元神力和极乐魔气二气合和,直接进入大罗天,藏在大罗天上、以太虚刀和阴阳镜偷袭老夫,居然能够想出这种办法,你也的确聪明,只可惜你聪明反被聪明误,枉送了他们的性命。” Aunt Sun holds the willow net bottle single-handedly, takes the handkerchief single-handedly, is wiping tears: Small hot, how you can like this......” 孙姑姑一手托着杨柳净瓶,一手拿着手绢,抹着眼泪:“小炎炎,你怎么能这样……” Under the town/subdues Yuan child ancestor supernatural power continues to press, keeping Aunt Sun from moving, shouted: Killed her!” 镇元子地祖神力继续下压,让孙姑姑无法动弹,同时喝道:“杀了她!” Under of pagoda, the bloodshed separates, on the neck does not have and breast the has eyes two mother gods, the broken blood, in the hand is raising three sharp two blade spears/guns, revolves 89 profound merit, to display the law celestial phenomenon place, combative flushing away to Aunt Sun, the body of her no head starts to increase, more and more greatly, in spreads crazily, the insane insane point smiles, the vicious tendencies are threatening, murderous aura that the god light/only chaotic powder, even/including Wanxu the blood is vibrating, even/including Shenfo will be alarmed and afraid. 在佛塔的下方,血海分开,颈上无首、乳间有眼的二娘神,破血而出,手中提着三尖两刃枪,运转八九玄功、施展法天象地,向孙姑姑杀气腾腾的冲去,她的无首之躯开始变大,越来越大,内中传出疯狂的、癫疯的尖笑,戾气逼人,神光乱散,那连万墟血都在震动的杀气,连神佛都会惊惧。 Three sharp two blade spear/gun spins, the cold light explodes the powder! 三尖两刃枪一旋,寒光爆散! Scoffed, the bloody water splashes! 嗤的一声,血水溅出! The severe pain, transmits from her legs suddenly, her becomes the huge body because of law celestial phenomenon, stagnates directly there. Difficult, bending the waist of pain, she in a spirit prestige source by breasts really goes mysteriously shortly. 剧烈的痛楚,突然从她的腿间传来,她那因为“法天象地”而变得庞大的身躯,直接凝滞在那里。艰难的、痛苦的弯着腰,她以乳间的灵威道源玄妙真眼看去。 A sword, inserting ruthlessly there, the entire sword blade, submerged her within the body, only other sword hilts. 一只剑,狠狠的插在那里,整个剑身,都没入了她的体内,只余下剑柄。 Above the sword hilt, being hanging a villain...... is pleasant at size will change small Sun Yan. 剑柄之上,悬挂着一个小人……以“大小如意”将自己变小的孙炎 Inserts her within the body, was covers the day sword, actually after her revolution method celestial phenomenon, was close to the diamond not bad tenacity, even if covered the day sword, still not necessarily the wound resulted in her. However this sword, pricked actually as the young girl tenderest most and delicate place, is the female student natural flaw. In the body transmits the hoarse stuffy roar, spirit prestige source mysterious real eye unceasing about beat, angry, the shock, not handles, confused, is unable to believe that will have the doubts of this matter, various colors interwine. 插入她体内的,乃是掩日剑,其实以她运转法天象地后、接近于金刚不坏的坚韧,就算是掩日剑,也未必伤得了她。但是这一剑,刺入的却是身为少女最娇嫩的地方,是女生天然的“缺陷”。躯体内传来嘶哑的闷吼,灵威道源玄妙真眼不断的上下跳动,愤怒,震惊,无措,迷茫,无法相信会发生这种事的疑惑,各种色彩交织在一起。 Bang! Sun Yan to cover directly the day sword, blew out the fires of golden lotus thousand tribulation in within the body , two mother gods the body of no head exploded loudly, exploded the innumerable fragments, the flesh and blood flying in all directions, threw, hit to the surrounding bloodshed. 嘭!孙炎直接以掩日剑,在她体内爆出金莲千劫之火,轰然间,二娘神的无首之躯炸了开来,爆成无数的碎片,血肉横飞,扑扑扑的,打向周围的血海。 This sword, destroys the god to extinguish the Yuan directly. 这一剑,直接毁神灭元。 Inherited 72 of great sage equal to heaven continually changed with gold/metal pill of five bottle gourds vigorously, truly had the diamond not to go bad, but has the day after tomorrow not innate demon monkey, the fires of golden lotus thousand tribulation could not stand, exploded directly in two mother god within the body, where was she can withstand? 连继承了齐天大圣的七十二变和五葫芦的金丹大力,真正拥有金刚不坏,只不过是有后天无先天的魔猴,都禁受不起的金莲千劫之火,直接在二娘神体内爆开,又哪里是她所能够承受? A sword explodes the body, will have lost the head, a Yuan god resides temporarily in in Xingzhu two mother gods, destroys the star broken Yuan. 一剑爆体,将原本就已失了头颅,元神寄居于星珠之内的二娘神,毁星破元。 A Sun Yan somersault, falls side mother, sees her to wipe tears with the handkerchief as before, therefore said: Mother, you could rest assured that I am all right!” 孙炎一个筋斗,落在母亲身边,见她依旧在用手绢抹着眼泪,于是道:“妈,你放心,我没事!” Aunt Sun is wiping the corner of the eye with the handkerchief, sobs saying: Small hot, mother really does not remember when teaches this appearance you, feigns death to deceive people, the sword holds that place of female student. Is gentle to the girl, mother had taught you before, can know gently?” 孙姑姑用手绢抹着眼角,抽泣道:“小炎炎,妈咪实在不记得是什么时候把你教成这个样子的,装死骗人,还有剑去捅女生的那种地方。对女孩子要温柔,妈咪以前教过你的,要温柔知道吗?” I said what you must say is this? 我说你要讲的是这个么? ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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