MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#960: Hou Yaoqiong: Time recollection!

Outside time rivers, Guishan cliff. N, 时间河流之外,龟山山崖。n, Hou Yaoqiong hugs in the bosom to have, if rests the common youngster, sighed one lightly, lowers the head, kissed in his volumes. 侯瑶琼搂着怀中有若睡死一般的少年,轻叹一声,低下头来,吻在了他的额间。 The golden light from among the youngster volumes diverges, class/flow to her within the body. She hugs into the youngster the room, returns to the cliff, looks at the time rivers of distant place. 金光从少年额间发散,流至她的体内。她将少年抱入屋中,回到崖上,看着远处的时间河流。 Although you have had the mind set on had sacrificed your consciousness, but how can the elder sister, visit you to sacrifice? In the final analysis, because of my past failure, made today's aspect, no matter what, I will not make you die. 虽然你已经抱定了牺牲自己的觉悟,但姐姐又怎么能,看着你牺牲?说到底,是因为我当年的失败,造成了今天的局面,不管怎样,我不会让你死去。 Finally no matter how this world turns, at least, I hope that you can be safe. 不管这个世界最终变成怎样,至少,我希望你能够平平安安。 The black cherry moonlight, who are you? What is your plan? In your plan, what role is he playing? 黑樱月华,你到底是谁?你的计划又到底是什么?在你的计划中,他又到底扮演着什么样的角色? Shepherd in this tribulation...... hot child? 这一劫中的牧羊者……火童? Looks at outside Guishan, the time rivers of distant place, Hou Yaoqiong knew in the heart, must clear off all these, must know, in oneself die these 300-400 years, something that happened. 看着龟山之外,远处的时间河流,侯瑶琼心知,要理清这一切,就必须要知道,在自己死后的这300-400年间,所发生的一些事情。 Some many things, are she do not know that is also he does not know. If cannot grasp these secrets, her anything busy is unable to add on, she can only visit him, steps into the time rivers again, struggles in the dense fog and confusion, in dying and living in edge diligently. 有许多事情,是她不知道的,同时也是他不知道。如果不能掌握到这些隐秘,她就什么忙也无法帮上,她就只能看着他,再一次踏入时间河流,在迷雾和混乱中挣扎,在死与生的边缘中努力。 She has died in in the past, was separated from her of time line, the remaining lives do not have the significance. 她已经死在了“过去”,脱离了时间线的她,剩下的人生全无意义。 Here, endlessly and does not have the place that others can arrive in this, is waiting for his appearance, looks at his arrival, is she above Guishan, only anticipation. She can accept her own sacrifice, but she is actually not able to accept the future that his might die. 在这里,在这个无始无终、也无他人能够到来的地方,等着他的出现,看着他的到来,已经是她在龟山之上,唯一的期待。她可以接受她自己的牺牲,但她却无法接受、他那有可能死去的未来。 If must see clearly his in the future, that must know his passing. 如果要看清他的“未来”,那就必须要知道他的“过往”。 She jumps to leap, leaps forward the end place of time rivers...... the fault/chasm of that time, to turn over to the entrance of ruins. 她纵身一跃,跃入时间河流的尽头处……那时间之断层、归墟之入口。 Closes right up against youngster within the body the sensations of nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan, she appears side the youngster. At this moment, the entire time is to stagnate, youngster side self was killed by two mother gods, the chest was shattered. Falls toward below bloodshed. 靠着对少年体内的九灵太妙金眼的感知,她出现在少年身边。此时此刻,整个时间都是停滞的,少年方自被二娘神所杀,胸膛破碎。往下方血海坠去。 She changes to the nihility the golden light, flies into the youngster forehead, there is his place of Yuan god induction, is nine spirits is too wonderful the gold/metal eye to be. 她化作虚无的金光,飞入少年眉心,那里是他的元神归纳之处,也是九灵太妙金眼之所在。 Depends on nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan, she starts jolts Yin but actually Yang the big magical powers, along the youngster soul in the trace that in the time stays behind, is going against the time the line. 靠着九灵太妙金眼,她发动“颠阴倒阳”的大神通,沿着少年魂魄在时光中留下的痕迹,逆着时间而行。 Passing of youngster, is ordinary like the slide, presents in her eyes, she sees the youngster these years efforts. She sees his side these shape all kinds girls, the time flows backwards at the extremely quick speed, she saw, when the youngster is small, two girls draw him to jump into the river, a big girl, wears the attractive eyeglasses, appears in his front, in his mind, left that mysterious and good memory. 少年的过往,如同幻灯片一般,呈现在她的眼中,她看到少年这些年的努力。她看到他身边那些各形各样的女孩,时光以极快的速度倒流,她看到在少年小的时候,两个女孩拉着他要去跳河,一个大一些的女孩,戴着漂亮的眼镜,出现在他的面前,在他的心中,留下了那神秘而美好的记忆。 The time continues to flow backwards. Flows backwards his previous generation, no matter how struggles, sea of bitterness that finally can only perish, that no matter what diligently. Finally only ends up the pitiful sorrow. Third does evil, seventh does good deeds, tenth can not die a natural death one after another, in her heart brokenhearted. Why can make him bear such pain? Why can make him experience suffering such suffering? 时光继续倒流。倒流回他的前世,那不管如何挣扎,最终都只能沉沦的苦海,那不管怎样努力。最后都只落得凄惨的悲哀。三世作恶,七世行善,接连十世不得善终,她的心中一阵心碎。为什么要让他承受这样的痛苦?为什么要让他受尽这样的折磨? , In her heart moves suddenly slightly, has returned. She sees, in another head of time, the similarly person, is gazing at him silently, that is a beautiful young girl, she looks at his struggling, looks at his perishing, is bursting into tears, sobbing, sadly. 忽的,她的心中微微一动,回过首来。她看到,在时光的另一头,同样有一个人,在默默的注视着“他”,那是一个美丽的少女,她看着他的挣扎,看着他的沉沦,流着泪,哭泣着,悲伤着。 This flash, she that young girl, with, wears the girl of eye the Sun Yan in childhood runs into, as well as black cherry moonlight overlapped in one. 这一瞬间,她将那个少女,与孙炎幼时遇到的、戴眼睛的女孩,以及“黑樱月华”重叠在了一起。 Originally...... is she? 原来……是她? Although the time recalls extremely quickly, but returns to her in time line, the god mortal form is facing the unceasingly torn pain, even if resides temporarily in that not in too wonderful gold/metal eye that” in the time line destroys on, is still same, but she also wants to notice that and are more. She continues to proceed to recall, „during he actually suddenly and spatial when disappears. 虽然时光回溯得极快,但回到时间线上的她,神魄面临着被不断撕扯的痛楚,即便是寄居在那不曾在时间线上毁去的“太妙金眼”上,也是一样,但她还想看到更多、更多。她继续往前回溯,“他”却突然在时与空之中消失了。 In the chaos, she found, with him that as weak as the extreme, seems a connection that if no, that is one hangs this solitary one in the totem of chaos deep place, that is, the totem of boy she passing once knew well. 在混沌中,她找到了,与“他”那微弱到极点的、似有若无的一丝连系,那是一个孤悬在混沌深处的图腾,那是一个她过往曾经熟识的、男孩的图腾。 This was he has said that that fire cloud Xieshen totem? Who is, can actually in such chaos, make such totem? Before tenth why his sea of bitterness perishes, the connection arrives is actually here? 这个就是他所说过的,那“火云邪神”的图腾?到底是谁,竟然能够在这样的混沌之中,造出这样的图腾?为什么他那苦海沉沦的十世之前,连系到的却是这里? Her god mortal form was torn to break to pieces almost, but she also wants to know. 她的神魄被撕扯得几乎要碎去,但她还想要知道更多。 She continues to proceed to jump, turns over to the ruins deep place in that in that full is on the Dai sedan chair mountain of scorched earth, she saw him again, or saw him of previous generation. 她继续往前跳跃,在那归墟深处,在那满是焦土的岱舆山上,她再一次看到了“他”,或者说,看到了前世的他。 Around him, the falling star like the rain, ten thousand kinds turns over to the ruins, on that burned black land, he is hugging a female, has almost fired the scorched earth, was only left over on the left half face, actually even the corpse of that eye also dug out female immortal, is gaining ground, to the sky, sad howl who sends out the pain. 在他周围,坠星如雨,万类归墟,在那焦黑的土地上,他搂着一个女子,一个几乎已经烧成了焦土,只剩下了左边的半张脸上,却连那眼睛也被挖出的女仙的尸体,抬着头,对着天空,发出痛苦的悲吼。 Originally, more than 300 years ago...... he had found me! 原来,三百多年前……他就已经找到了我! In this has elapsed and only left the memory in passing of historical rivers the afterglow, looks at the youngster angry and sorrow no use, her silently...... flows out the tears! 在这早已经逝去、只在历史河流的过往中留下记忆的残光中,看着少年愤怒、无助的悲恸,她默默的……流出泪来! ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan opened the eye suddenly. 孙炎猛然睁开了眼睛。 After opening eyes, he has a headache to want the feeling of crack, looks to the surroundings, he in Sister Hou's log cabin. 睁开眼后,他有一种头痛欲裂的感觉,看向周围,他在侯姐姐的木屋内。 In log cabin, not too many things, a sandalwood wooden bed, several crude furniture. Getting out of bed of he staggers along, had/left the log cabin, outside arrives, sees Hou Yaoqiong who wears the beautiful clothing, falls on the front cliff. In his heart one startled, hurried to rush, turns inside out her, hugs in the bosom. 木屋里,并没有太多东西,一张檀木床,几张简陋的家具。他跌跌撞撞的下了床,出了木屋,来到外头,见身穿霓裳的侯瑶琼,倒在前方的崖上。他心中一惊,赶紧奔了上去,将她翻了过来,搂在怀中。 His heart startled say/way: Elder sister, you how?” 他心惊道:“姐姐,你怎么了?” In he bosom, Hou Yaoqiong opened the eye weakly. 在他怀中,侯瑶琼虚弱地睁开了眼睛。 Sun Yan said in a low voice: Elder sister, has an accident? Why will you faint here?” 孙炎低声道:“姐姐,出了什么事?你为什么会昏倒在这里?” Sister Hou one is hand-held his chest, supports single-handedly, difficult sitting up, some little time, restores. She said in a low voice: I a moment ago since time rivers, to in the past!” 侯姐姐一手扶着他的胸膛,一手撑地,艰难的坐起,好一会儿,才恢复过来。她低声道:“我刚才进入时间河流,到了‘过去’一趟!” Sun Yan startled say/way: Elder sister, you not awfully?” 孙炎惊道:“姐姐,你不要命了?” Hou Yaoqiong said: I take that too wonderful gold/metal Yanwei of your within the body to be sent the body, the recollection time, in the rivers of history, that gold/metal eye has not destroyed. It is my eye, therefore I can also insist.” 侯瑶琼道:“我是以你体内的那一颗太妙金眼为寄体,回溯时光,在历史的河流中,那颗金眼并没有毁去。它原本就是我的眼睛,所以我还能够坚持一下。” Sun Yan asked: Elder sister, what did you see?” 孙炎问道:“姐姐,那你看到了什么?” Hou Yaoqiong looks to him, say/way gently: I saw your passing, saw your past tenth, before seeing your tenth, many people of your side.” That last gold/metal eye, the Yuan god induction place of situated in youngster, her god mortal form takes that last gold/metal eye as to send the body, proceeds to recall in the trail that in the historical rivers stays behind along his soul. 侯瑶琼看向他,轻轻的道:“我看到了你的过往,看到了你过去的十世,看到了你的十世之前,还有你身边的许多人。”那最后一颗金眼,位于少年的元神归纳之处,她的神魄以那最后一颗金眼为寄体,沿着他魂魄在历史河流中留下的足迹往前回溯。 Also therefore, she can see clearly his in the past. 也正因此,她才能够看清他的“过去”。 Reason that must make the youngster drink her poisonous tea, is to know for certain the youngster to her trust, the trust is also hopes the strength one, without such trust, in recollection time process, his soul, once repels her, she will be separated from his soul immediately in the remnant mark that in the time rivers leaves behind, and because of being unable to obtain and inlay in place of his Yuan god induction the protection in too wonderful gold/metal Yan, was torn to pieces in the time rivers, true relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. 之所以要让少年喝下她的“毒茶”,是要确知少年对她的信任,信任本身亦是愿力的一种,没有这样的信任,在回溯时光的过程中,他的灵魂一旦排斥她,她马上就会脱离他魂魄在时间河流中留下的残痕,并因无法得到、镶在他元神归纳之处的太妙金眼的保护,在时间河流中被扯成碎片,真正的形神俱灭。 The youngster said in a low voice: My past?” 少年低声道:“我的过去?” Hou Yaoqiong puts out a hand, holds in the arms his neck, his head, hugs her gentle chest, outflow tears slowly: Yes! I saw was more, saw your past, saw your root, saw you once for all that I made. Meanwhile, I also saw that woman, saw she for all that you make, I think that I am this world most like your person, but I made a mistake, she and in me not in these days, she has been visiting you......” 侯瑶琼伸出手,搂住他的脖子,将他的脑袋,搂进她温柔的胸脯,缓缓的流出泪来:“是的!我看到了很多很多,看到了你的过去,看到了你的根源,看到了你曾经为我所做的一切。同时,我也看到了那个女人,看到了她为你所做的一切,我以为我是这世间最喜欢你的人,但是我错了,还有她、在我不在的这些日子里,还有她一直在看着你……” She shoves open the youngster, is paying attention to his eye earnestly: You said not wrong, you must go back! They in you, are only, the matter, I must make you know.” 她将少年推开一些,认真的注意着他的眼睛:“你说的并没有错,你必须回去!她们在等你,只是,有一件事情,我必须要让你知道。” The youngster said: Elder sister you said!” 少年道:“姐姐你说!” Your black cherry elder sister...... will die!” “你的黑樱姐……会死!” ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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