MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#959: Hou Yaoqiong: Lay lies!

Sun Yan said: Elder sister, you could rest assured that I am all right!” 孙炎道:“姐姐,你放心,我没事的!” Turning head of: Elder sister, I must go back!” His such a dies, Aunt Sun must face the town/subdues Yuan immediately simultaneously child and converging attack of two mother gods, even if she is the willow Goddess of Mercy, possibly is not their opponents, „the Goddess of Mercy always does not grow perceptibly by the military force let alone, they, calculates in behind the bastard. 回过头去:“姐姐,我必须要回去!”他这么一死,孙姑姑马上就要同时面对镇元子和二娘神的夹攻,就算她是杨柳观音,也不可能是他们的对手,更何况“观音”从来都不以武力见长,她们一个个的,都是在背后算来算去的王八蛋。 Yaoyao and lotus lotus, they had been scattered by the enemy, at this moment, the enemy will think the means surely their defeat in detail, in addition, fragrant and deep and young and star, swing crown prince and the others, does not know that escaped from the wonderful camptotheca acuminata safely. 还有瑶瑶和莲莲,她们已经被敌人打散,此刻,敌人必定会想办法将她们各个击破,此外,香香、冥儿、雏儿、星星、荡成太子等人,也不知是不是平安逃出了妙喜树。 Hou Yaoqiong is actually drawing him: You are the heart are now stave, the immortal body has destroyed, returns to the time line, immediately is dead characters.” 侯瑶琼却是拉着他:“你现在已是心脏破碎,仙体已毁,回到时间线内,马上便是一个死字。” Sun Yan said: Elder sister, you could rest assured that I am really all right, am I my am injured this intentionally...... the elder sister?” He is thrown into confusion treads, is wiping tears on Hou Yaoqiong the face with the hand. 孙炎道:“姐姐,你放心,我真的没事,我是故意让自己伤成这样……姐姐?”他手忙脚乱的踏上去,用手擦着侯瑶琼脸上的泪水。 Own was injured this appearance intentionally?” Hou Yaoqiong is bursting into tears, in time rivers in the past, I cannot massacre the town/subdues Yuan, has made you die one time, now sees you with great difficulty again, you told the elder sister, said that you did suicide intentionally? Although does not know that what happened, but the elder sister actually also sees, kills your person, has entered the demon, you place of dying, has not fresh strategic place, you die there, immediately is relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, is unable to be reincarnated again, like you now, the samsara is not good, the reincarnation is also good, you always, stand before me again, if you die there like that relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, I will unable to see you again.” “故意让自己伤成这个样子?”侯瑶琼流着泪,“在时间河流的‘过去’,我没有能够杀掉镇元子,已经让你死过一次,现在好不容易再见到你,你却告诉姐姐,说你是故意寻死?虽然不知道发生了什么事,但姐姐却也见到,杀你那人,已入邪魔,你所死之处,更是有死无生的险地,你死在那里,马上便是形神俱灭,再也无法超生,不像你现在,轮回也好,转世也好,你总是再一次的,站在我面前,你若是就那般死在那里,形神俱灭,我将会再也见不到你。” In the Sun Yan heart is moved, thinking, to have been jumping out of the time line in any case, arrives at Guishan, that might as well first rest here, even half time. Mother, Yaoyao, lotus lotus. You first wait......, is not right, here is the time off-line, they could not feel. 孙炎心中感动,又想着,反正已经跳出了时间线,来到龟山,那不如就先在这里休息一下,就算是中场休息。老妈、瑶瑶、莲莲。你们就先等一等……啊,不对,这里是时间线外,她们感觉不到。 He is drawing Hou Yaoqiong, sits at the stone table, thinks, touches own forehead, said: Elder sister, how are you bring me? Hadn't I opened nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan a moment ago?” 他拉着侯瑶琼,坐在石桌旁,想了想,摸了摸自己的额头,道:“姐姐,你是怎么把我带过来的?刚才我没有张开九灵太妙金眼啊?” Sister Hou said in a low voice: You, although has not opened too wonderful gold/metal Yan, but that only too wonderful gold/metal Yan as in your within the body. I can induce through it to your approximate position and condition. A moment ago at that moment, I discovered that you placed when life and death one, if you in other places, who calculate knows you had the danger, in the death edge, I have not been able to lead you to here, but you just in turning over to ruins, there was ‚the fault/chasm of time, I can there. When on some time. I worried that on late one step, the time passes, you have then died there , has not thought. Then plunged into turned over to the ruins, led from the time rivers you.” 侯姐姐低声道:“你虽然没有张开太妙金眼,但那只太妙金眼依旧在你体内。我能够通过它感应到你的大致位置和状况。刚才那一刻,我发现你身处在‘生死一线’之际,如果你是在其它地方,谁算知道你有危险,已在死亡边缘,我也无法将你带到这里,但你刚好是在归墟之内,那里乃是‘时间之断层’,我可以在那里。待上些许时间。我担心迟上一步,时间流逝,你便已死在那里,也没有多想。便跳入了归墟,将你从时间河流带了出来。” Sun Yan then understands, before, was when he opened nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan. Sister Hou summon arrived here him through nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan, but this time, because he had not opened gold/metal Yan at that time. Discovered that his situation is not wonderful, at a life and death Sister Hou, ignores the danger unexpectedly, entry again turns over to the ruins, carries over the time rivers him. 孙炎这才明白过来,以前,都是在他张开九灵太妙金眼的时候。侯姐姐通过九灵太妙金眼将他“召唤”到这里,但这一次,因为他当时并没有张开金眼。发现他情况不妙,处在生死一线的侯姐姐,竟是不顾自身危险,再一次的进入归墟,将他带出时间河流。 This is also his time direct presents the reason on cliff. 这也是他这一次直接出现在崖上的原因。 Sister Hou enters in the room, takes out the medicinal herbs, made one cup of herb tea by it. After Sun Yan drank the herb tea, wound fast restoration on chest. Although here is the time off-line, after he returns to the time rivers, how should be, is still this, but Hou Yaoqiong felt better finally. 侯姐姐进入屋中,取出药草,以之泡了一杯药茶。孙炎喝了药茶后,胸口上的伤快速的恢复。虽然这里是时间线外,他回到时间河流后,该是怎样,仍是这样,但侯瑶琼总算好过了些。 She said: Exactly, what happened there? In void assassination town/subdues Yuan that the topmost level and flatter chu of Buddha golden body wonderful camptotheca acuminata is at child? Why will run up to turn over to the ruins?” 她道:“到底,在那里发生了什么事?你们不是要在妙喜树的最高层、阿閦佛金身所在的‘虚空’刺杀镇元子的么?为何又会跑到归墟去?” The Sun Yan forced smile said: We cannot massacre the town/subdues Yuan, what massacred is cool breeze!” 孙炎苦笑道:“我们没能杀掉镇元子,杀掉的是‘清风’!” He will enter the matter after wonderful camptotheca acuminata, 11 said that Hou Yaoqiong sat in his opposite, listening to him to tell. 他将进入妙喜树后的事情,一一说出,侯瑶琼坐在他的对面,听他诉说。 Crossed some little time, Hou Yaoqiong said in a low voice: Next generation day demon, in the future Empress? You by being a happy couple, lead them, flies upwards to the abode of the immortals directly, from Luo Heaven, with Yin-Yang treasure mirror and universe blade ambush town/subdues Yuan? So unusual happening, unthinkable, only I am listening, then thinks that this plans to be absolutely impossible to be defeated, child will actually be guarded by the town/subdues Yuan. However your black cherry elder sister, is not very simple, can actually find out this grade of plan, only pitifully she, although is intelligent, the town/subdues Yuan child unexpectedly is slier.” 过了好一会儿,侯瑶琼低声道:“下代天魔,未来帝姬?你以‘比翼双飞’,带着她们,直接飞升至大罗天,从大罗天上,以阴阳宝镜和太虚刀伏击镇元子?如此奇事,匪夷所思,我单是听着,便觉这计划绝无可能失败,却也会被镇元子防到。不过你那黑樱姐,却也很不简单,竟然能够想出这等计划,只可惜她虽聪明,镇元子竟是更为狡猾。” Sun Yan said: Subdue Yuan child thought of this possibility, but has not as if thought that we really can achieve. His goal from the beginning, should be the Buddha golden body, but completed the backup plan ahead of time, an idea is inadequate, regenerates two ideas. But I actually feel, perhaps this time, the town/subdues Yuan child really must be finished. I have a feeling, the black cherry elder sister also has her backup plan, an idea is inadequate, regenerates two ideas. However no matter what, this war, is not the fish dies, is the net broken, if cannot massacre the town/subdues Yuan, we will collapse completely, if can massacre him, that is our victories.” 孙炎道:“镇元子只是想到了这种可能性,但似乎也没想到我们真的能够做到。他一开始的目标,应该就是佛祖金身,只是提前做好了后备计划,一计不成,再生二计。但我却感觉到,这一次,镇元子恐怕真的是要完蛋了。我有一种感觉,黑樱姐同样也有她的后备计划,一计不成,再生二计。但是不管怎样,这一战,不是鱼死,就是网破,如果杀不掉镇元子,我们将会一败涂地,如果能够杀掉他,那就是我们的胜利。” Hou Yaoqiong said: But, massacred the town/subdues Yuan even, shepherd who this tribulation......” 侯瑶琼道:“但是,就算杀掉了镇元子,还有这一劫的牧羊者……” Sun Yan visits her, said in a low voice: Black cherry elder sister told me, the shepherd of this tribulation hot child, had been massacred!” 孙炎看着她,低声道:“黑樱姐告诉我,这一劫的牧羊者‘火童’,已经被人杀掉了!” Hou Yaoqiong is astonished saying: Was massacred by whom?” 侯瑶琼讶道:“被谁杀掉的?” Sun Yan said: Black cherry elder sister said that massacres hot child the person...... is Sister Hou you!” 孙炎道:“黑樱姐说,杀掉‘火童’的人……是侯姐姐你!” Hou Yaoqiong said stunned: I?” 侯瑶琼错愕道:“我?” The Sun Yan forced smile said: „Did black cherry elder sister say?” He said the matter the black cherry moonlight, said gently. 孙炎苦笑道:“黑樱姐是这么说的?”他将黑樱月华所说之事,轻轻的说了出来。 Hou Yaoqiong lowers the head the ponder, then shakes the head: Was she made a mistake either, either was she is deceiving you! I actually do not remember, I had once massacred anything hot child, in the time line, I had died, dies time 400 years that ago , in you. In the past did not have the means to change, I in in the past, had not killed anyone certainly. When I am more than ten years old, although once intruded Immortal World, has defeated many people, but in my life, has never killed one person. I once, used the person who kills full power only, is ancestor town/subdues Yuan, finally actually also falls short.” 侯瑶琼低头沉思,然后摇了摇头:“要么是她弄错了,要么就是她在骗你!我却不记得,我曾杀掉过什么‘火童’,在时间线上,我早就已经死去,死在了你所在的时间点的四百年前。‘过去’是没有办法改变的,我在‘过去’,绝不曾杀死过谁。我十几岁时,虽曾闯入仙界,战胜过许多人,但在我生命中,从来不曾杀过一人。我唯一曾经,倾尽全力去杀的人,就是‘地祖’镇元子,最后却也功亏一篑。” In hasn't Sister Hou's life, killed one person? 侯姐姐的一生中,从来没有杀过一人? Sun Yan also cannot help but hesitates. He also somewhat suspected, somebody who perhaps Sister Hou massacres accidentally/surprisingly, shepherd who is this tribulation hot child, but if Sister Hou has never killed people, that black cherry elder sister said, hot child dies in the Sister Hou hand, is it possible that is really only a lie? 孙炎也不由得迟疑起来。原本他还有些怀疑,也许侯姐姐意外杀掉的某个人,就是这一劫的牧羊者“火童”,但如果侯姐姐从来不曾杀过人,那黑樱姐说,“火童”死在侯姐姐手中,莫非真的只是一个谎言? If so, that black cherry elder sister, why can also lie? 如果是这样的话,那黑樱姐,又到底是为什么要说谎? Scruple, flickers merely, he then said resolutely: No matter what, I believe the black cherry elder sister, moreover I must go back to help her.” 迟疑,仅仅只是一瞬,他便毅然道:“不管怎样,我相信黑樱姐,而且我也必须回去帮她。” Hou Yaoqiong sits in his opposite, curls with the finger is sending the silk, has turned head, is somewhat discontented: Your black cherry elder sister said, hot child was killed by me, but I have actually never killed anyone. Between she and me, must have one person to lie, you believe her, didn't that believe me?” 侯瑶琼坐在他的对面,用手指卷着发丝,扭过头去,有些不满:“你的黑樱姐说,‘火童’是被我所杀,但我却从来不曾杀死过谁。她与我之间,必有一人在说谎,你相信她,那是不相信我了?” Sun Yan careful say/way: Elder sister, I am not this meaning!” Also said: But, no matter what, this fought to conduct this step, no matter the black cherry elder sister deceived me, had is using me, I must work. Not only I believe her, I must believe her! Arrived with great difficulty this step, to fight with the beginning of the universe god clan, to fight with the shepherd, so many people died, in this last step, in this most essential one step, I must walk!” 孙炎小心的道:“姐姐,我不是这个意思!”又道:“但是,不管怎样,这一战已经进行到了这一步,不管黑樱姐有没有骗我,有没有在利用我,我都必须要进行下去。我不只是信她,我也必须要信她!好不容易走到了这一步,为了与混元神族战斗,为了与牧羊者战斗,那么多人都死了,在这最后一步,在这最关键的一步,我必须要走下去!” Hou Yaoqiong visits him: Even if...... will sacrifice yourself?” 侯瑶琼看着他:“哪怕……会牺牲掉你自己?” Sun Yan visits her earnestly: If sacrificed me, can everyone a better future, I do that. Jade emperor, Buddha and Great Sage...... so many people, for this piece of universe, for does not make human be enslaved and ruled by that so-called god clan again, sacrificed them, if these is one's turn me time, I can also be duty-bound not to turn back does, or I also can only be duty-bound not to turn back does. Has regrettable, some complaints, many matters have not done, when the matter approaches, I will not regret that my choice, I cannot make itself regret.” 孙炎认真的看着她:“如果牺牲掉我,可以给大家一个更好的未来,我会那样做的。玉帝、佛祖、大圣……那么多人,为了这片宇宙,为了不让人类再被那所谓的神族奴役和统治,牺牲掉了他们自己,如果这一次轮到我,我也会义无反顾的去做,或者说,我也只能义无反顾的去做。有遗憾,有抱怨,有很多很多的事都还没有做,但是当事情来临的时候,我不会后悔自己的选择,或者说,我绝不能让自己后悔。” Hou Yaoqiong hesitant, the entry log cabin suddenly, took out a tablet of herbal medicine, soaks into the water. She looks at the youngster: You said a moment ago, you believe me, believes your black cherry elder sister like you?” 侯瑶琼犹豫了一下,忽的进入木屋,取出了一片草药,泡入水中。她看着少年:“你刚才说,你相信我,就像你相信你的黑樱姐一样?” Sun Yan said: Yes!” 孙炎道:“是的!” Sister Hou hands over toward him the herb tea: This is one cup of toxicants, the elder sister has not deceived you, it is really one cup of toxicants. You drink it, will die here, you died here, is unable to return to the time rivers again, with flowing of time line, you in time line, true dying. However, although is it one cup of toxicants, the elder sister wants to make you drink...... you it to drink?” 侯姐姐将药茶往他递去:“这是一杯毒药,姐姐没有骗你,它真的是一杯毒药。你喝下它,就会死在这里,你死在了这里,就再也无法回到时间河流,随着时间线的流动,时间线上的你,也会真正的死去。但是,虽然它是一杯毒药,姐姐还是想让你把它喝下去……你会喝吗?” Sun Yan carries the herb tea, drank it, actually plants downward. 孙炎端起药茶,将它一口气喝了下去,紧接着却是往下一栽。 Hou Yaoqiong snatches to go forward, hugs him in the bosom: Fool...... it is one cup of toxicants, the elder sister really has not really deceived you!” 侯瑶琼抢上前去,将他搂在怀中:“笨蛋……它真的是一杯毒药,姐姐真的没有骗你!” The youngster weak say/way of: I know, you have not deceived me, I also believe that...... the elder sister you will not harm me......” body one softly, is unable to move again. 少年虚弱的道:“我知道,你没有骗我,我也相信……姐姐你不会害我……”身躯一软,再也无法动弹。 ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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