MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#967: All generations fire: Big terrifying!

Filled ten thousand Xuxue of blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata continually the demon sound that vibrates and trembles, tows however stops., 连充满了血色妙喜树的万墟血都在震动、战栗的魔音,曳然而止。, A town/subdues Yuan child complexion again changes, in a moment ago, him also felt that to vibrate three, is the strength of day of demon. Although planned is not same as him, in his initial plan, the day demon should be born in the wave ten-day period temple that he constructs, becomes by the strength that he controls. But now appears day demon, although gathered extremely Le Moqi and immeasurable wicked reason, but not, in he designs in the temple that and builds born, she is free, was not controlled by him. 镇元子脸色再变,就在刚才,他还感受到那震动三界的,属于天魔的力量。虽然与他原本的计划并不相同,在他最初的计划中,天魔应该在他建造的波旬神殿中诞生,成为受他控制的力量。而现在出现的“天魔”,虽然集合了极乐魔气和无量恶缘,但并不是在他所设计、筑造的神殿中诞生,她是自由的,是不受他控制的。 However said no matter how, the day demon reveals itself, he drew one game eventually. 但是不管怎么说,天魔出世,他终究是扳回了一局。 However, looks like the side self-ignition has actually according to extinguishing spark, that spread over all things demon sound, vanishes suddenly, he is unable to feel again, the blood-color ficus religiosa there is a rumor that swings to enter, the powerful demon air/Qi...... that immortal Buddha all fears, ten thousand kinds of fearful evil devil air/Qi. 然而,就像是方自燃起却又被人按灭的星火,那传遍了三千世界的魔音,突然间消失,他也无法再感受到,血色菩提树外传荡而入的,强大的魔气……那仙佛皆惧、万类惶惶的邪恶魔气。 In his, Aunt Sun stands in 33 levels of golden pagodas, sighed the one breath: It seems like you were defeated, this, all immeasurable wicked reasons all destroyed, does not know, must collect so many wicked reasons, how long makes the next day demon to need? Can you exactly by that time?” 在他的下方,孙姑姑立在三十三级黄金宝塔上,叹一口气:“看来你又失败了,这一下,所有的无量恶缘全都毁了,不知道,要收集如此多的恶缘,造出下一位天魔需要多久?你能不能活到那个时候?” A town/subdues Yuan child anger exclaimed: What did you make?” 镇元子怒吼道:“你到底做了什么?” Sun Yan also cannot help but looks to his mother, he also wants to know how the mother does achieve? A moment ago that powerful demon air/Qi, even consistently calm he, had a panic that surged from the heart, that was makes entire Heavenly Court sufficiently, even is the entire all things falls into the dark strength, after was this, god demon war time, unrivaled strength. 孙炎也不由得看向他妈,他也很想知道,老妈到底是怎么做到的?刚才那股强大的魔气,即便是一向淡定的他,都有一种从内心深处涌起的恐慌,那是足以令整个天庭、甚至是整个三千世界陷入黑暗的力量,是这个后神魔大战时代,无人可敌的力量。 However suddenly, this strength vanished, that type permeates his three immortal souls and seven mortal forms directly, makes strength that his Yuan god trembles, as if vanishes into thin air all of a sudden. 但是突然间,这股力量就消失了,那种直接渗入他三魂七魄,令他元神战栗的力量,仿佛一下子烟消云散。 Aunt Sun has not spoken, the town/subdues Yuan child is actually the complexion again changes: star crack sword?” 孙姑姑还未说话,镇元子却已是脸色再变:“星裂剑?” Aunt Sun said: Good, is star crack sword. At the beginning of superstitious foundation, fights star crack sword that holds, specifically is used to put to death the Heavenly Emperor star crack sword. Although the beginning of the universe supernatural power is powerful, but regarding human, its side effect is also powerful, that is the vicious tendencies that is hard to eliminate. Zhuanxu Great Emperor to prevent oneself by the vicious tendencies control of beginning of the universe supernatural power, by unsurpassed heavenly prestige, was made this star crack sword. Heavenly Emperor is guilty, counter may you be punished by heaven emperor! Although that girl is a day of demon rather than Heavenly Emperor, but star crack sword. Equally is also effective to her, only has the star crack sword, can break through that child's the body of diamond not going bad directly. What is more important, grasps the person of star crack sword, is in world most unfeeling person, because it from the design, to kill the child by mother, only asked the good and evil, did not ask the kinship. When cancels Chen Gongzhu to put out that moment of star crack sword, she has brutally not wanted, is the true remote antiquity is brutal, therefore. Even the demon sound of day demon, could not seduce her.” 孙姑姑道:“不错,正是‘星裂剑’。天条开创之初,斗姆所持的星裂剑,专门用来诛杀天帝的星裂剑。混元神力虽然强大,但是对于‘人类’来说,它的副作用也同样强大,那就是难以消除的戾气。颛顼大帝为了防止自己被混元神力的戾气控制,以无上天威,制造出了这把星裂剑。天帝有罪,逆天诛帝!那个女孩虽然是天魔而不是天帝,但星裂剑。对她也同样有效,也唯有星裂剑,可以直接突破那孩子的金刚不坏之体。更重要的是,手持星裂剑的人,是世间最冷酷无情的人,因为它从设计之初,就是为了以母杀子,只问善恶,不问亲情。当‘勾陈宫主’拿出星裂剑的那一刻,她已是无情无欲,是真正的太上无情,也正因此。就算是天魔的魔音,也诱惑不了她。” The town/subdues Yuan child occupies a commanding position is staring at her: You, already in preparation at this moment?” 镇元子居高临下的盯着她:“你、早就在准备这一刻?” Aunt Sun said: This is only to prevent the eventuality, actually I do not want to use. After all, that child. I also like, in her, I saw her in childhood. Knows that she must be my daughter-in-law. However, I must make such preparation. Because here is all generations ruins, place that because here day demon wave ten-day period reveals itself, but now, no matter Immortal World and demon and Buddha, cannot withstand the new day demon, particularly like her, no one knows that she will make the day demon that has an accident. Moreover, the star crack sword can scatter the vicious tendencies that the beginning of the universe supernatural power attaches directly, naturally can also scatter this world immeasurable wickedness.” 孙姑姑道:“这只是为了防止万一,其实我也不希望用上。毕竟,那个孩子。我也是蛮喜欢的,在她小时候啊,我一看到她。就知道她是要做我儿媳妇的。但是,我必须要做这样的准备。因为这里是万劫墟,因为这里正是‘天魔波旬’出世的地方,而现在,不管是仙界、魔界、佛界,都承受不起新的天魔,尤其是像她这样的、谁也不知道她到底会做出什么事来的天魔。另外,星裂剑能够直接打散混元神力所附的戾气,自然也能够打散此世界‘无量之恶’。” Sun Yan startled say/way: Mother, that Yaoyao she......” 孙炎惊道:“妈,那瑶瑶她……” Aunt Sun said: This you felt relieved that the star crack swordhas one to strike to Heavenly Emperor kill the effect, when it pricks that moment of Heavenly Emperor within the body, entire superstitious will press above, eliminates Heavenly Emperor directly ‚’ the emperor body, it to prevent Heavenly Emperor does evil to use. But first, here is turns over to the ruins, the star crack sword unable to obtain the superstitious addition function , the child after all is not Heavenly Emperor, the star crack sword can rout her within the body wicked, but it specially does not design after all to the almighty troops who day demon strikes to die!” 孙姑姑道:“这个你就放心啦,星裂剑对‘天帝’有一击必杀之效,当它刺入天帝体内的那一刻,整个天条都会压在上面,直接剥夺‘天帝’的帝体,它原本就是为了预防天帝作恶所用。但一来,这里是归墟,星裂剑不会得到天条的加成作用,二来,那孩子毕竟不是天帝,星裂剑能够击溃她体内的‘恶’,但它毕竟不是专门设计来对‘天魔’一击必死的神兵!” Sun Yan relaxes: In other words, is Yaoyao also living?” 孙炎松了口气:“也就是说,瑶瑶还活着?” No matter what, he does not hope that Yaoyao really died like this, perhaps, she is actually the next generation day demon, but until now, she has not done any unpardonably wicked matter truly, even can say, until now, she also to defend Immortal World, defends the common people to fight......, because she thinks that she will be future Heavenly Emperor! 不管怎样,他都不希望瑶瑶真的就这样死去,或许,她其实是下一代天魔,但直到现在,她也不曾真正做过什么十恶不赦的事,甚至可以说,直到现在,她也一直都在为保卫仙界、保卫苍生而战……因为她以为自己是未来天帝嘛! Aunt Sun is nipping the handkerchief: This mother cannot affirm, where this must go to a buddhist temple to enjoy the celebrations the fragrant this sword to puncture, without puncturing the strategic point, should can also be saved, if like you a moment ago to two mother gods, ruthlessly comes......” 孙姑姑咬着手绢:“这个妈咪也不敢肯定耶,这得看香香这一剑刺在哪里,如果没有刺到要害,应该还有救,如果像你刚才对二娘神那样,狠狠的来一下……” Finally don't you actually know? 结果你其实也不知道吗? Also, what person did you regard fragrant? Won't she puncture Yaoyao that place again? 还有,你到底把香香当成什么人了?她再怎么也不会刺瑶瑶那种地方吧? If the fragrance in ordinary day, is naturally impossible really to be cruel-hearted, kills Yaoyao. However turns into cancelled palace lord the fragrance, is actually who cannot affirm. The remote antiquity is brutal, only asked the good and evil, but a moment ago at that moment, even if were here, he can still feel to disperse from Yaoyao within the body wicked. 如果是平日里的香香,自然不可能真的狠下心来,杀死瑶瑶。但是变成了“勾阵宫主”的香香,却是谁也不敢肯定。太上无情,只问善恶,而刚才那一刻,即便是身在这里,他也能够感受到从瑶瑶体内散出来的“恶”。 Outside the blood-color wonderful camptotheca acuminata, appearance/allow Chenggong is also fearful and apprehensive. 血色妙喜树外,容成公亦是心惊肉跳。 As the Heaven immortal who fights from the first god demon, panic that at that moment, his clear feeling, the day demon was born a moment ago. Compares them the excitement and crazy, compare them, because sacrificed itself to let wild with joy that the day demon reveals itself to produce, in his heart actually alarmed and afraid. 作为从第一次神魔大战过来的天界仙人,刚才那一刻,他清晰的感受到了、天魔出世的恐慌。相比起“它们”的兴奋和疯狂,相比起“它们”因为牺牲自己让天魔出世而产生的狂喜,他的心中却只有惊惧。 The uncontrolled day demon, to him, is not a good deed. However now, the side from the new student/life day demon, struck back suddenly the primary form, although is unable to clarify, among this exactly had anything, but without a doubt, this side them, failed again. 不受控制的天魔,对他来说,并不是一件好事。但是现在,方自新生的天魔,突然间又被打回了原形,虽然无法弄清,这中间到底发生了些什么,但毫无疑问,他们这一边,再一次的失败了。 But he now, must face, liberates oneself strength, to cultivate/repair for the black cherry moonlight of sudden rise. 而他现在,仍然必须要面对,解放了自身实力、修为暴涨的黑樱月华。 Bang! In their above distant places, that throws off energy big dashing of Sacred Mountains of China sufficiently, a thunderclap inspires grazes spatially, is the golden light interweaves all over the sky, the cut void reorganization, in transmit a stuffy roar of out-of-control. 轰!在他们的上方远处,那是足以掀翻五岳的能量大冲撞,道道霹雳振空飞掠,满天都是金光交织,被切割的虚空一次次的重组,内中传来一声失控的闷吼。 The army zha Leeming king suffered a defeat and fled! 军吒利明王败亡了! Suffering a defeat and fleeing of army zha Leeming king, lets in the broken temple, tries to seize lotus lotus the Moroccan clouds crown prince to be frightened flees to the horizon, however Li Chen actually tightens pursues to go, he cannot let clouds crown prince two girls truth carries off. 军吒利明王的败亡,让残破的神殿中,试图擒下莲莲的摩霄太子惊惶地逃往天际,然而李尘却紧追而去,他不能让摩霄太子将两个女孩的“真相”带走。 The death of army zha Leeming king, making in the pupil of black cherry moonlight flash through a sadness. 军吒利明王的死,让黑樱月华的眸中闪过一丝哀伤。 But she coldly as before is gazing in her front, terrified appearance/allow Chenggong: Who is bright moonlight......?” 但她依旧冷冷地注视着在她前方,惶惶不安的容成公:“明月……是谁?” appearance/allow Chenggong looks to the distant place, everywhere electric light, such as the sea spreads generally. Even by the strength of Moroccan clouds crown prince, is unable to escape from Li Chen chasing down unexpectedly, the lightning thunderclap interweaves the electrical network, the Moroccan clouds crown prince looks like the fish that in the net puts up a last-ditch struggle. 容成公看向远处,漫天的电光,如海一般铺去。即便以摩霄太子的实力,竟然也无法逃出李尘的追杀,闪电霹雳交织成电网,摩霄太子就像是网中垂死挣扎的鱼。 The strength of Moroccan clouds crown prince, in the Demonic Path, is five emperors that rank, once facing the expert of true Golden Immortal level, escapes unexpectedly continually is hard to escape. 摩霄太子的实力,在魔道中,乃是“五帝”那一级别,然而一旦面对真正的金仙级的高手,竟也连逃都难以逃脱。 The electrical network of interweaving, such as the tide flaps generally, the mutual shuttles and dense and numerous thunderclap, curl up big wave day the monstrous waves. 交织的电网,如浪潮一般拍动,互相穿梭、密密麻麻的霹雳,卷起涛天的巨浪。 Faces the black cherry moonlight such as it to come suddenly, the oppression of strong big dragon air/Qi, appearance/allow Chenggong tries to calculate, opportunity that oneself can escape from, obtained actually desperate. Black cherry moonlight that promotes suddenly, strength absolutely above him, even if he wants to run away, should still tie down by her surely, will then be quick, her companion to return. 面对着黑樱月华忽如其来的,强大龙气的压迫,容成公试图计算着,自己能够逃脱的机会,得到的却只有绝望。突然间升了级的黑樱月华,实力绝对在他之上,就算他想要逃走,也必定会被她缠住,然后很快、她的同伴就会杀回。 The army zha Leeming king Hemo clouds crown princes are not the Golden Immortal level character of his opponent, when he, as soon as arrives, the opportunity that he withdraws does not have. 连军吒利明王和摩霄太子都不是其对手的金仙级人物,等他一到,他就连脱身的机会都无。 He wants to strengthen oneself faith, he wants for the truth and fights freely. However, similar words, although once said that listens repeatedly to others, but he himself believes that what degree, actually oneself does not clarify. Among the life and death has the big terrifying, when places on the idea and belief the balance, with the life conducts the weight time, actually has been signifying their collapse. 他想要坚定自己的信念,他想要为了真相与自由而战。然而,同样的话,虽然曾经一遍又一遍的说给其他人听,但他自己到底相信到什么程度,其实自己也弄不清楚。生死之间有大恐怖,当把理念和信仰放在天秤上,与生命进行衡量的时候,其实就已经意谓着它们的崩溃。 Because a moment ago the demon sound presented the fear, in facing the choice of life and death, further vacillated, another side, the Moroccan clouds crown prince has exuded the roar that was on the verge of death shortly, he opened the mouth: Bright moonlight is......” suddenly, his sound hoarse, the blood in within the body such as steam common ebullition. 刚才因为魔音出现而生出的恐惧,在面临生与死的抉择中,进一步动摇,眼看着另一边,摩霄太子已发出濒死的吼声,他张开口:“明月是……”突然间,他的声音嘶哑,体内的血液如蒸汽一般沸腾。 It is not good! Black cherry moon/month Hualong air/Qi one volume, puts out a hand to grasp toward him, tried to rescue from the death line him. 不好!黑樱月华龙气一卷,伸手往他抓来,试图将他从死亡线中救回。 Bang...... appearance/allow Chenggong the immortal body exploded, toward blows out the blood plasma in all directions! 嘭的一声……容成公的仙体炸了开来,往四面八方爆出血浆! ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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