MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#941: Chaotic of Immortal World

Female immortal cloud sleeve of pink clouds magnificent dress strokes, receives Emperor Dongyue to print, the amethyst gold/metal version, making the sweet madame draw back., 彩云华服的仙姑云袖一拂,接收东岳帝印、紫玉金版,令嫣然夫人退下。, That female immortal said: „The say/way gate that various fast life days, the suppression will rebel, I attend Dongyue, gets Dongyue and Kitadake two palace invincible forces, closes on Huashan, simultaneously lets in the Nanyue heavenly palace support the mountain, to guard the mountain to have an accident.” Hesitates saying: Dongyue old Emperor, when does not have the issue, however, after the god demon war, by the present is also dozens years, can say in secret counter-, connects the Huashan heavenly palaces and numerous say/way gates, and hidden such depth, until starting this moment, and others knew by me, in Immortal World, who also has energy so?” 那仙姑道:“速命各部天将,镇压作乱的道门,我亲往东岳,领东岳、北岳两宫天兵,进逼西岳,同时让南岳天宫支援中岳,以防中岳出事。”紧接着沉吟道:“东岳老帝君,当无问题,然而,在神魔大战之后,到现在也不过就是数十年,能够在暗中说反、串联西岳天宫、众多道门,且隐藏如此之深,直到发动的这一刻,才为我等知晓,仙界中,谁还有这般能量?” The purple slightly Great Emperor thinks long time, said: Heavenly Court responsibility from all walks of life is different, except for the Sacred Mountains of China system, other sections will not interfere with matter of the gate on own initiative, said that in gate various factions, many are the surface is harmonious, these schools that the battle, rebels in secret at this moment, many foundation extremely deep big factions, are not harmonious, even if some people can persuade them to rebel, in the past actually could not see that they have the sign that colludes with the Huashan heavenly palace. The gate interferes with the heavenly palace business, is the matter of violating a taboo. Only if there is a person, not only has the extremely high prestige in the gate, can inquire about the business of various heavenly palaces justifiablily, starts visits and discussions with the Huashan heavenly palace, besides the old Emperor, I cannot remember also some people for a while, can achieve this situation.” 紫微大帝思索良久,道:“天庭各界职责不同,除了五岳体系,其它各部都不会主动干涉道门之事,道门中各门各派,多是表面融洽,暗中争斗,此刻作乱的这些门派,其中不乏根基极深的大派,彼此之间并不和睦,就算有人能够说动他们作乱,以往却也看不出他们有与西岳天宫勾结的迹象。道门干涉天宫事务,乃是犯忌之事。除非有人,不但在道门中有极高威望,同时也能名正言顺的过问各天宫的事务,与西岳天宫进行接触,除了老帝君,我一时也想不起还有人,能够做到这种地步。” That female immortal is actually the complexion changes: „The gate leader...... can inquire about the heavenly palace business......” 那仙姑却是脸色微变:“道门领袖……能够过问天宫事务……” Two people remember one person suddenly, all shakes...... this is not not possible! 两人忽的想起一人,俱是一震……这不可能! ...... …… The muddy evening mountain, burns thunder sect. 浑夕山,焚雷宗。 mountain-protecting of entire muddy evening mountain banned that was opened, in the muddy evening mountain, is flustered. 整个浑夕山的护山禁制都被打开,浑夕山内,亦是人心惶惶。 The flame that outside a confusion, explosion continually and soars to the heavens, making people think the 100 years ago god demon wars, no one knows that outside is what situation, but Heavenly Court has issued the ban, everyone bans to go out. However. Outside still saw that many Daoists clash to fly, defies the Heavenly Court ban unexpectedly blatantly, do these people intend what for? 外头一片混乱,连番的爆炸和冲天的火焰,让人想起一百年前的神魔大战,谁也不知道外头到底是什么情形,只是天庭已经发布禁令,所有人禁制外出。然而。外头仍然看到许多道人冲来飞去,竟然公然违抗天庭的禁令,这些人到底意欲何为? Ji Xiaoman stands in the entrance place, outside the ban, the heart startled looks. She sees the distant place, throws the fire to the wind, the thunder clouds rolls up and pushes along , the thunderclap have delimited, that will be thunder Tingbing will be clearly attacking the flame ominous forest, in day flame Sichuan. The flame air/Qi is too heavy, in entire day flame Sichuan, only then two paradises, a muddy evening mountain that is to burn thunder sect is , a flame ominous forest that is the flame ominous sect institute is. 吉小曼立在山门处,在禁制之内,心惊地看着外头。她看到远处,掷火冲风,雷云卷动,又有一道道霹雳划过,那分明是雷庭兵将正在攻打焰凶林,日炎川内。炎气太重,整个日炎川上,只有两处福地,一个是焚雷宗所在的浑夕山,一个是焰凶宗所在的焰凶林。 Does the flame ominous sect plot a rebellion to rebel? 焰凶宗谋反作乱? At this kind of time, the guts where the flame ominous sect came, dares to defy the invincible force unexpectedly, in Immortal World this place, blatantly rebellion? 在这种时候,焰凶宗到底哪来的胆量,竟然敢违抗天兵,在仙界这种地方,公然造反? Several teacher's younger brothers. With one group of Senior Brother Senior Sisters, arrives at the entrance place together, outside looks anxiously. And a humanity: Sister Ji, what can we make?” 几名师叔。与一群师兄师姐,也一同来到山门处,不安地看着外头。其中一人道:“吉师妹,我们能够做些什么?” Others all look like to luck Xiaoman. In the leader or closing up, these days, the concrete affair that burns thunder sect who or travels, all takes responsibility by luck Xiaoman. But ability that she displays, makes the people believe extremely. 其他人全都向吉小曼看来。在掌门或是闭关,或是游历的这些日子里,焚雷宗的具体事务,全都是由吉小曼作主。而她所展现出来的能力,也让众人极是信服。 God demon war to the present, is 100 years. 100 years, regarding the Mortal World mortal, that is matter for a lifetime, but regarding Immortal World the person of immortal cultivation, is actually far remotely. 神魔大战到现在,也不过就是一百年。一百年的时间,对于人间的凡人,那是一辈子的事情,但对于仙界的修仙之人,却是谈不上有多遥远。 In the past Immortal World chaos, world of beings with form 18 days, destroyed directly for ten days, do not know that many people therefore died. At this moment outside confusion, after obviously is the god demon war, the Immortal World biggest disaster, wants them to stay here, anything does not do, indeed is hard to sit still. 当年仙界的一场大乱,色界十八天,直接就毁了十天,不知多少人因此而死。此刻外头的混乱,显然是神魔大战之后,仙界最大的劫难,要他们留在这里,什么都不做,的确是难以坐得住。 Ji Xiaoman is recalling, with the god demon war related record, shakes the head, said: „When god demon war, a day Rubik's cube appearance, entire Immortal World is the demon sound, is the vicious tendencies, various Heavenly Court and various some gate mountain all person of fascinated, Heavenly Court deals everywhere radically without enough time, can only sound directly shakes a day of bell. However this time, the chaotic image space gets up, the Heavenly Court ban issues immediately, it seems like Heavenly Court to this confusion, does not have the preparation time. Heavenly Court issues the ban, making in being correct gate the person defend the entrance close, perhaps to differentiate enemy and ourselves, at this time also dares to go out, will immediately be determined by the lei bu to seek the counter member. This Immortal World confusion, should also during the control of Heavenly Court......” 吉小曼回想着,与神魔大战时期相关的记载,摇了摇头,道:“神魔大战时,天魔方一出现,整个仙界全都是魔音,到处都是戾气,天庭各部、道门各山全都有人入魔,天庭根本来不及应对,只能直接敲响撼天钟。但是这一次,乱象方起,天庭的禁令马上就发布下来,看来天庭对这一次的混乱,并不是全无准备。天庭发布禁令,令所有道门中人闭守山门,恐怕是为了区分敌我,这个时候还敢出门的,马上就会被雷部判定为谋逆分子。这一次仙界的混乱,应该还在天庭的控制之中……” The words have not said, some distant place people fly, they quickly look, is actually the same side Senior Sister governing tender snow,...... or was under the surveillance flew in protection of a group of invincible forces. 话未说完,远处有人飞来,他们急忙看去,却是同门师姐御娇雪,在一批天兵的保护……或者说是监视下飞了过来。 They hurry to let loose the entrance place's ban, commanded the tender snow to put. Is the day of head will ride the cloud to shout: Some Heaven people defy one's superiors, various mountain Ruo do not have the thunder, to fight two written orders, all forbids to go out, disobeying orders kills!” 他们赶紧放开山门处的禁制,将御娇雪放入。为首的天将乘云喝道:“天界有人犯上作乱,各山若无雷、斗二部手令,皆禁止外出,违令者杀!” After warning, on that day will lead troops to fly away. 警告完后,那天将带兵飞走。 Others sphere the governing tender snow, asked that what matter, why at this kind of time, will run over. 其他人围住御娇雪,问出了何事,为何会在这种时候,跑了过来。 The governing tender snow has a lingering fear: I on the nine curves mountain, noticed that this side has the flame to clash, murderous aura completely, but also thinks that the muddy evening mountain has an accident, making others defend there, hurries to fly to have a look, was actually blocked by them, combative, almost thinks oneself must be killed by them, finally after asking the words, they delivered me, on that day will scold me, said that I also ran all over the place at this time, looked for trouble for them. Was good entered day flame Sichuan because of me, knew attack was not we, but was the flame ominous forest, I looked at one from afar, these fellow apprentices in flame ominous forest probably were insane generally, is shouting loudly Chengtian Avenue, turned round my universe, followed not to resemble awfully, several people, often chatted with me before, does not know how they turned into this appearance.” 御娇雪心有余悸:“我在九曲山上,看到这一边有火光冲起,满是杀气,还以为浑夕山出了事,让其他人守在那里,赶紧飞过来看看,却被他们阻住,一个个杀气腾腾的,差点以为自己要被他们杀了,结果问完话后,他们把我送了过来,那天将一路把我骂过来,说我这种时候还乱跑,给他们找麻烦。好在我入了日炎川,才知被攻打的不是我们,而是焰凶林,我远远的看了一眼,焰凶林的那些师兄都像是疯了一般,高喊着‘承天大道,复我乾坤’,一个个跟不要命似的,其中好几人,以前还时常与我说笑,不知他们是怎么变成这个样子的。” Burnt thunder sect other day two paradises, one was the muddy evening mountain, the nine curves mountain that after another was the ice Sky Sword faction escaped, leaves behind. 焚雷宗日前有两处福地,一处是浑夕山,另一处则是冰天剑派逃亡后留下的九曲山。 After nine curves mountain Jingyu basket Goddess of Mercy skilled artist reconstructs, was bought by Xiaoman. The Dongyue heavenly palace has the stipulation, in the world of beings without form, each say/way gate, are most in Heaven can have two paradises, Ji Xiaoman buys the nine curves mountain the goal, for did not make other gates discover half Yin-Yang treasure mirrors that under the nine curves mountain suppress to vanish, because burns the thunder sect current cultivation heart law of already after the significant revision, from the original special training hot department, changes to the Yin-Yang to compromise, the say/way of water and fire blending. 九曲山经鱼篮观音妙手重建后,便被小曼买下。东岳天宫有规定,无色界中,每一个道门,在天界最多可以拥有两处福地,吉小曼买下九曲山的目的,本是为了不让其它道门发现九曲山下镇压的半片阴阳宝镜已经消失,但因为焚雷宗目前的修炼心法已经经过大幅修改,从原来的专修火系,改成阴阳调和、水火交融之道。 The governing tender snow has cultivated to immortal, she planned, after building immortal, then goes to mix the desert world, met with clothes Wei and the others, with ancient flying upwards teacher's younger brother and others is mixing the desert world to accumulate karmic virtue together, but first, mixes the war of desert world to be at the crucial phase, flies upwards, although is mixing the desert world to quarry a mountain, at present actually also recalls the disciple of leaving the mountain, after the situation is clear, said. 御娇雪已经修至“仙人”,她原本的计划,是在修成“仙人”后,便前往混漠世界,与衣薇等人会合,随古飞扬师叔等一同在混漠世界积累功德,但一来,混漠世界的战事正处在关键时期,古飞扬虽在混漠世界开山,目前却也召回了出山的弟子,等形势明朗后再说。 Secondly, from same side these 1-2 years of unceasing efforts, particularly the leader because of massive karmic virtue that demon monkey event obtains, burns the thunder sect no longer to look like originally like that urgent need karmic virtue value, therefore she then first keeps the nine curves mountain , to continue to cultivate. 二来,自同门这1-2的不断努力,尤其是掌门因“魔猴”事件所得到的大量功德,焚雷宗已不再像原来那般,迫切的需要功德值,于是她便先留在九曲山,继续修炼。 Has not actually thought, Immortal World met with the chaos suddenly, she noticed that in day flame Sichuan the thunder clouds rolled up and pushed along, combative, because in day flame Sichuan, only then burnt thunder sect and flame ominous sect two schools, she thinks that was the mountain top has an accident, caught up anxiously anxiously. 却没有想到,仙界突然遭逢大乱,她看到日炎川上雷云卷动,杀气腾腾,因日炎川上只有焚雷宗和焰凶宗两派,她以为是自家山头出事,自是急急赶来。 ...... …… Turns over to the ruins deep place. 归墟深处。 The sea water falls in torrents , the innumerable stars, turned over to the suction of ruins deep place to pull, such as the rain falls into generally. 海水倾泻而下,无数的星辰,被归墟深处的吸力拉扯,如雨一般掉入。 Also many microcosms, after running its own course, crashes into turns over to the ruins, changes to myriad sparks, takes a quick look around, looks like the innumerable star butterflies, the instigation catches fire the common wing. 又有许多小世界,自生自灭后,坠入归墟,化作万千星火,一眼看去,就像是无数的星蝶,煽动着火一般的翅膀。 Here is the time sends, the end of space, the world is lived by it, is extinguished by it. 这里是时间之极致,空间之尽头,世界由之而生,亦由之而灭。 In, any people in thousand world, walk in any direction for a long time, so long as can arrive at the end roadless place, can see to turn over to the ruins, after appears superstitiously, turning over to the ruins by the superstition to be covered, the world no longer turns over to the ruins, crystal wall that but compiles superstitiously, for all that regarding some all-resourceful people, to find to turn over to the ruins, thing that is actually not able to achieve, but turns over to ruins changed/easy Runan to leave, that can attract pulls the myriad things the strength, pulled is crashing into all things, if the ability were insufficient, once entered, again. Do not want to go out. 在许久以前,任何一个中千世界的人,往任何一个方向走去,只要能够走到尽头无路之处,都可以见到归墟,直至天条出现之后,归墟被天条所覆盖,世界之极不再是归墟,而是天条所编造的晶壁,虽然如此,对于一些神通广大的人来说,要想找到归墟,却也不是无法做到的事,只是归墟易入难出,那能够吸扯万物的力量,拉扯着坠入其间的一切事物,若是本领不够,一旦进入,就再也别想出去。 Turns over to the ruins extremely deep place, there is a Jiaoshan. 归墟极深之处,有一焦山。 That is a giant celestial mountain, when the antiquity, has then fallen into turns over to the ruins, countless immortals exhaust the method, is unable to pull back it. 那本是一座巨大的仙山,在上古之时,便已经掉入归墟,无数仙人用尽手段,也无法将它拉回。 Approximately nearly 400 years ago, a female immortal, started the fire of all generations in this celestial mountain, can burning out side world the fire of all generations, almost all fires the ashes this entire celestial mountain, however, at the final moment, does not know when, the fire of all generations was suppressed unexpectedly, this huge celestial mountain, although was fired the earth of Wojiao, was also remained reluctantly, that female immortal, because the duty is defeated, died with great regret, in the meantime, because of the failure of this duty, triggered a series of following. 大约近四百年前,一位女仙,在这仙山上发动了万劫之火,能够烧尽一方世界的万劫之火,几乎将这整座仙山全都烧成灰烬,然而,在最后时刻,不知出了何时,万劫之火竟被扑灭,这座庞大的仙山,虽然被烧成沃焦之土,却也被勉强留了下来,那位女仙,则因任务失败,含恨而死,同时,也是因为这一任务的失败,引发了一连串的后续。 This mountain, was one of the antiquity five Daisensan...... the Dai sedan chair! 此山,便是上古五大仙山之一……岱舆! Outside the mountain the distant place, the falling star like the waterfall, among the star waterfall, Li Chen carries Wu Gou, hides in this, is monitoring in Dai sedan chair Jiaoshan, is setting up a monster. That monster, the left hand holds to do, the right hand holds the dagger-axe, on the neck does not have the head, only the chest front opens both eyes, on the navel is pulling open a blood-stained mouth. 山外远处,坠星如瀑,星瀑之间,李尘身背吴勾,藏身于此,监视着岱舆焦山上,立着的一个怪物。那怪物,左手执干,右手执戈,颈上无首,唯胸前开着双目,脐上拉开一条血口。 This monster, is the serious famine war-god punishment day!!! 这怪物,正是大荒战神刑天!!! ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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