MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#940: In the virtue bandits fragrance

In the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, is in the tangled warfare, outside wonderful camptotheca acuminata, situation actually also very many. 妙喜树内,正在混战之中,妙喜树外,形势却也好不了多少。 Lei bu jade pivot shaft five thunder Yuan ordered Mao Dian, is leading the lei bu soldiers, in in the air arrange/cloth Chengyun, looks below ground seriously. 雷部玉枢五雷院主令茂典,率着雷部兵将,在空中布成云阵,面色凝重地看着下方地面。 Is the bloody water gushes out everywhere, looks like the sea of blood, there are does not know that many bone demons, depart from the bloody water, dense and numerous, innumerable. In addition, many enemies of unknown origin, or demon, outlet , not county magistrate first hides where, suddenly will jump out, making the Heavenly Court soldier damage seriously. 到处都是血水涌出,就像是血的海洋,又有不知多少骨魔,从血水中飞出,密密麻麻,数不胜数。此外,还有众多来历不明的敌人,或是邪魔,或是外道,也不知事先藏在何处,突然窜出,令天庭兵将损伤惨重。 At present those who make the luxuriant standard know, these enemies, all from named „a Chengtian Avenue pledge the organization, they come from each different world, the school is different, the position is different, or just or evil, is correct to have the demon, who also does not know is, their each other connection in the same place, completing such a huge, the past is actually not the organization that Heavenly Court knows. 令茂典目前所知道的是,这些敌人,全是来自于一个叫作“承天大道盟”的组织,他们来自各个不同的世界,门派不同,地位不同,或正或邪,有道有魔,也不知是什么人,将他们彼此连系在一起,建成了这样一个庞大、以往却不为天庭所知的组织。 This Chengtian Avenue pledge side emergence, then launches the crazy attack to a Heavenly Court side, moreover is mixing the deployment of desert world to Heavenly Court, seems like understood extremely, their making a move, will all strike in the Heavenly Court soldier the strategic point, under the impact of sea common bone demon, the gifted general in wonderful camptotheca acuminata surrounding, almost made into a state of disunity. 这承天大道盟方一出现,便对天庭一方进行疯狂的攻击,而且对天庭在混漠世界的部署,似乎是极为了解,他们的出手,全都是击在天庭兵将的要害,在海一般的骨魔的冲击下,妙喜树外围的天兵天将,差点被打成一盘散沙。 Made Mao Dianwang the distant place look, that Tienchu common wonderful camptotheca acuminata, by the bloody water corrosion that gushed out from the place bottom, these blood, like sending ozone spoiled thing, by wonderful camptotheca acuminata absorption and absorbing, the entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata, became is extremely strange and ugly, has lost as ficus religiosa, the proper dignified aura, is more like one to be dispersing the bloody demon tree, even took him cultivating as lei bu five thunder Yuanzhu as, only visits it, then one type felt sick the feeling that wanted to spit. 令茂典往远处看去,那天柱一般的妙喜树,被从地底涌出的血水侵蚀,那些鲜血,就像发着臭气的腐物,被妙喜树吸收、汲取,以至于整棵妙喜树,都变得极是怪异和丑陋,已经失去了身为“菩提树”,所应有的庄严气息,更像是一棵散着血腥的魔树,即便是以他身为雷部五雷院主的修为,单是看着它,便有一种作呕欲吐的感觉。 The thunder clouds roll up and push along, the thunderclap soars, he is getting this soldier, flies toward the distant place. 雷云卷动,霹雳腾飞,他领着本部兵将,往远处飞去。 Has the news to transmit, in that direction, thunder Zunzheng is under siege from large numbers of enemy, he leads the numerous to hurry to the support. 有消息传来,在那个方向,雷尊正受到大批敌人的围攻,他率众赶去支援。 Flies the halfway, the front has two immortals to welcome. Actually is encouraging good behavior Grandmaster of acute communicable disease section, and acute communicable disease taoist priest. The encouraging good behavior Grandmaster, and acute communicable disease taoist priest flies into, met with five thunder Yuanzhu. Made Mao Diandao: How two can here?” 飞到半途,前方有两仙迎来。却是瘟部的劝善大师、和瘟道士。劝善大师、和瘟道士飞入阵中,与五雷院主相见。令茂典道:“两位如何会在这里?” Said with the acute communicable disease taoist priest: „The front thunder reveres the crisis to relieve, thunder Zun made us come, lets make the institute lord bypass empties Xiangshan. Meets with nine days of General Lei.” 和瘟道士道:“前方雷尊危机解除,雷尊令我们前来,让令院主绕过空祥山。与九天雷公将军会合。” Made Mao Dian hear thunder Zun to order, immediately led this change direction, toward emptying Xiangshan flew, will circle the mountain, suddenly. Explodes loudly, bans bombarded greatly, the covering of earth over a surface ore vein as if uncovering was opened, presents large numbers of enemies. Has not thought that will run into the ambush here, five thunder Yuanzhu complexion changes, shouted: Retreats! Ties......” 令茂典闻得雷尊命令,立时率本部改变方向,往空祥山飞去,正要绕山而起,忽的。轰然一声炸向,一道道禁制大炮轰了过来,山皮仿佛被人“揭”开,出现大批敌人。没有想到会在这里遇到埋伏,五雷院主脸色一变,喝道:“退守!结……” „” Character has not exported, two sides astral air/Qi loudly one volume, simultaneously in bang he. He spouts the blood, looks difficultly to behind, side him. The encouraging good behavior Grandmaster with is fierce with the acute communicable disease taoist priest appearance, all sneers...... “阵”字还未出口,两边罡气轰然一卷,同时轰中了他。他喷出鲜血,艰难地看向身后,在他身边。劝善大师与和瘟道士面目狰狞,俱是冷笑…… ...... …… Immortal World. 仙界 yellow the woman assumes the spirit clouds treasure palace, various news come in abundance. 黄婆坐镇灵霄宝殿,各种消息纷纷传来。 In the world of beings without form, below many immortal cultivation schools defies superiors, the manufacture confusion , included seven Tianan cauldron sects and five colors Ziyang palaces this to preserve over a thousand years of prestigious family big faction in Immortal World , many Immortal World prominent figures. 无色界中,许多个修仙门派以下犯上,纷纷制造混乱,这其中,包括了七天安鼎宗、五色紫阳宫这等在仙界已存留了上千年之久的名门大派,亦有许多仙界的知名人物。 Although yellow woman knowledge, this is town/subdues Yuan child final crazy, to seize this opportunity. Will use in hand all board game pieces, these ate the sapodilla plum, by the person of his distant control, had been started in this moment all. However. In some discovery unexpectedly so many people, hides in Immortal World, at this important moment defies one's superiors, she was still startled. 黄婆虽知,这是镇元子最后的疯狂,为了抓住这一次机会。将动用了手头上所有的棋子,那些吃了人参果,早已被他遥遥控制的人,在这一刻尽数发动。然而。在发现竟有这么多人,潜藏在仙界,在这关键时刻犯上作乱,她仍是大吃一惊。 How the town/subdues Yuan child blooms a loose leaf in Immortal World, develops the so huge influence? 镇元子到底是如何在仙界开枝散叶,发展出如此庞大的势力? This does not hide in the hidden place, deceived people to eat the sapodilla plum to achieve. At present by these people who present. Subdue Yuan child not possible, making them eat the sapodilla plum, so many sapodilla plum, even the town/subdues Yuan child and they, cannot consume. 这根本不是潜藏在暗处,一个个的骗人去吃人参果就能够做到的。以目前出现的这些人。镇元子也不可能一个个的,让他们去吃人参果,如此多的人参果,就算是镇元子和“它们”,也消耗不起。 What is more strange, these give birth to the person of rebellion in Immortal World, there are many and does not seem like ate the sapodilla plum, actually probably for the crazy follower who the faith did not want the life, however regarding Immortal World, no matter said that gate or Buddhism, its objective was always rejection believing recklessly, said either was nature, either was no Buddha altruism, the altruism did not have Buddha, normally, should not have the leeway that this type of crazy letter/believes presented. 更奇怪的是,这些在仙界生出叛乱的人,有许多并不像是吃了人参果,却像是为了信念不要性命的狂信徒,然而对于仙界来说,不管是道门还是佛教,其宗旨从来都是拒绝“妄信”,说的要么是“道法自然”,要么是“无佛无我,无我无佛”,正常情况下,根本不应该有这种狂信出现的余地。 Must say that these people are fascinated, but on them also does not have the demon air/Qi. Moreover according to beforehand speculation, the Demonic Path should not launch an attack at this kind of time, if said that they are not the demons, who that is turns into this appearance them? 要说这些人是入了魔,但他们身上又无魔气。而且按照事先的推测,魔道应该不会在这种时候发难,若说他们不是魔,那到底又是谁把他们变成这个样子? In yellow the woman heart unexpectedly is surprised uncertain. 黄婆心中竟是惊疑不定。 Outside the spirit clouds palace, auspicious sign one volume, the purple slightly Great Emperor rapid flight enters. 灵霄殿外,紫气一卷,紫微大帝疾飞而入。 yellow the woman said: Situation how?” 黄婆道:“情况如何?” The purple slightly Great Emperor said: At least 16 say/way gates also start, the day that some days, these will rebel against will say but actually fortunately, removes from The Legend and Hero them, making them unable to make the symbol control the subordinate, they lead the invincible force mostly not to follow they to plot a rebellion. However these gates, even if takes the chief culprit, in the faction the disciple seemed like also brainwashed generally, in abundance the reckless destruction in all directions, or went all around, loudly shouted Heavenly Court to deceive the immortal god, cut off the brutal main road, to forbid to mix the Huang Cheng real goal was to conceal above Heaven to have the infinite universe, Heaven was not the immortal say/way the ultimate fact, said above the numerous immortals, true God. They create the confusion everywhere, profound clear(ly) respectful celebrate heaven, the Tai'an sovereign cliff day, too sovereign yellow Cengtian all had the fire to get up. Moreover, the Huashan autumn hopes the situation in Saint palace very not right, considering that is mixing Bixia female immortal who the desert world rebels suddenly is the people in Huashan......” 紫微大帝道:“至少有十六个道门同时发动,还有一些天将,那些反叛的天将倒还好说,将他们从封神榜上除名,令他们无法以令符节制部下,他们所率天兵大多不愿跟着他们谋反。但是那些道门,纵然拿下首恶,派中弟子也像是被洗脑了一般,纷纷不要命的四处破坏,又或是四处奔走,大呼天庭愚弄仙神,断绝无情大道、禁止混黄成真的目的,是要隐瞒天界之上更有大千世界,天界并非仙道之终极的事实,更言众仙之上,还有真神。他们到处制造混乱,玄明恭庆天、泰安皇崖天、太皇黄曾天皆有火起。另外,西岳金天愿圣宫的情况很不对劲,考虑到在混漠世界突然作乱的碧霞元君原本就是西岳的人……” yellow the woman closely knits the brows: „Does town/subdues Yuan child have energy so unexpectedly?” 黄婆紧紧皱眉:“镇元子竟有这般能量?” The purple slightly Great Emperor said: In god demon war, this/should revolting all revolted, these people of present, surely after the god demon war ended in hundred years, was tempted to surrender to the enemy. Can in secret, win over so many people, this expressed......” 紫微大帝道:“神魔大战中,该叛的全都叛了,现在的这些人,必定是在神魔大战结束后的这一百年里,被引诱投敌的。能够暗中,拉拢到这么多的人,这就表示……” Two people look one...... this said that the Immortal World high level has the issue. 两人对望一眼……这就表示仙界的高层有问题。 yellow woman sinking sound said: According to at present this situation, the thunder fights two, when does not have the issue, although some days will also revolt, but have not had the situation of entire rebellion. Actually when Yaoyao in the world of mortals leads troops, Bixia female immortal with the person who she leads, defies superiors together. Bixia female immortal stems from Huashan, if the entire Huashan heavenly palace has problems, is not not possible. The issue is......” 黄婆沉声道:“照目前这形势来看,雷斗二部当无问题,虽然也有一些天将造反,但并未出现整部叛乱的情况。倒是瑶瑶在下界带兵时,碧霞元君是跟她所带的人,齐齐犯上。碧霞元君出自西岳,若是整个西岳天宫都出问题,也不是不可能的。问题是……” Purple slightly Great Emperor sinking sound said: In Sacred Mountains of China heavenly palace, other four mountains, although manages a side respectively, but the real power is not big, is impossible to stir up that a gate.” 紫微大帝沉声道:“五岳天宫中,其它四岳虽然各自管理一方,但实权不大,不可能煽动那么多道门。” During the speeches, the guarding a gate great general flies into to report: „The Dongyue day reveres the eldest daughter sweet madame to seek an interview!” 说话间,守门大将飞入禀道:“东岳天尊长女嫣然夫人求见!” The purple slightly Great Emperor is astonished saying: Sweet? Let her come in!” 紫微大帝讶道:“嫣然?让她进来!” The guarding a gate great general departs, quick, then the female immortals fly into, Dongyue Great Emperor eldest daughter, swings the crown prince the elder sister sweet madame too. The sweet madame does obeisance toward yellow the woman, presents Emperor Dongyue to print, the amethyst gold/metal version: Immortal World lives the chaos suddenly, my father says him to be aged, has not used, to turn in resignation greatly the duty of Dongyue Benevolent Saint Equalling Heaven Great Emperor, and returns to the tally seal!” 守门大将飞出,很快,便有一名女仙飞入,正是东岳大帝长女、荡成太子之太姐嫣然夫人。嫣然夫人朝黄婆一拜,呈上东岳帝印、紫玉金版:“仙界忽生大乱,家父言他老迈,已无大用,请辞东岳天齐仁圣大帝之职,并还回符印!” Did Dongyue Great Emperor turn in resignation at this kind of time suddenly? 东岳大帝在这种时候突然请辞? yellow the woman and purple slightly Great Emperor set up the knowledge, Dongyue old Emperor this is to avoid suspicion. Said that gates and China , Spain, south and northern four Yue Tianzun, is controls by Dongyue, only if there are offends the superstitious matter explicitly, the thunder will fight two not to meddle the concrete affair of a gate and Sacred Mountains of China heavenly palace generally. 黄婆与紫微大帝立知,东岳老帝君这是为了避嫌。道门及中、西、南、北四岳天尊,都是由东岳管束,除非有明确触犯天条之事,雷斗二部一般不会插手道门和五岳天宫的具体事务。 However now, more than ten say/way gates and Huashan heavenly palaces rebel together, the possibility that the Sacred Mountains of China system has problems is enormous, the Sacred Mountains of China system has the problem, Dongyue is the head of Sacred Mountains of China, and there is the duty of management gate, cannot be inseparable from. 但是现在,十几个道门与西岳天宫一起作乱,五岳体系出问题的可能性极大,五岳体系出现问题,东岳乃五岳之首,且有管理道门之职,自是脱不了干系。 In this case, the Dongyue old emperors were suspected unavoidably, although they all believe the manner of old Emperor, but no one can guarantee, the old Emperor has not eaten the sapodilla plum, after all, like army zha Leeming king loyal and heroic, the result wasn't says instead instead? 在这种情况下,东岳老帝君自是难免被怀疑,虽然他们俱都相信老帝君的为人,但谁也不敢保证,老帝君不曾吃过人参果,毕竟,像军吒利明王一门忠烈,结果不也是说反就反? The purple slightly Great Emperor slightly hesitates, turns around toward yellow woman pays respects say/way: In view of this, then invited mother -in-law, temporarily held the Dongyue tally seal, took over the Dongyue heavenly palace.” 紫微大帝略一沉吟,转身朝黄婆拜道:“既如此,便请婆婆,暂持东岳符印,接掌东岳天宫。” yellow the woman sighed: „, I then first hold Dongyue temporarily, after this matter ended, then presents the tally seal.” Throws toward the under foot the hand stele stick, leaps densely, the flowered floating cyclone, red clouds clouds hikes up. Originally is dark green old she, changed to a female immortal that unexpectedly wears the pink clouds magnificent dress, the appearance is solemn, elegant. 黄婆叹道:“也罢,我便先暂掌东岳,待此事结束之后,再将符印奉还。”将手中柱杖往脚下一扔,氤氲腾起,花飘气旋,霞云飘起。本是苍苍老矣的她,竟化作了一个身穿彩云华服的仙姑,品貌端庄,雍容华贵。 In the virtue bandits fragrance, the group immortal clip hovers ; Sometimes five peaks air/Qi, loose wind such as flying frost. 在德匪馨香,群仙夹翱翔;有时五峰气,散风如飞霜。 The sweet madame flutters the first two steps, kneels to assume Emperor Dongyue to print, the amethyst gold/metal version, in the heart ponders saying: If really the outside world guesses, yellow woman unexpectedly is really she?! However thinks is also, Immortal World three old, although occupies secretly, the status is how honored, if not this had cultivates , the person of enormous karmic virtue extremely high, cannot take on.” 嫣然夫人飘前两步,跪呈东岳帝印、紫玉金版,心中忖道:“果然如外界所猜,‘黄婆’竟然真的是她?!不过想想也是,仙界‘三老’,虽居幕后,身份何其尊贵,若非她这等有极高修为、极大功德之人,也担当不得。” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ( This book collection origin website, the latest chapter invited step pavilion clearly, chapter, no ball window and refresh rate quick) (本书采集来源网站,最新章节请移步阁,章节清晰、无弹窗、更新速度快)
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