MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#939: Punishment day where

Sun Yan sits on the ground, looks at the distant place bored., 孙炎坐在地上,无聊地看着远处。, In there, to seal/confer beautiful was cursing that greatly disobeying crazy demon, greatly disobeying crazy demon actually in unceasing greeting with a smile, coaxing her is happy. 在那里,封美正在大骂大悖狂魔,大悖狂魔却在不断的陪着笑,哄她开心。 What does Sun Yan think this with what? 孙炎心想这都什么跟什么啊? Crossed some little time, to seal/confer Meipiao, said: We walk!” 过了好一会,封美飘了过来,道:“我们走!” Sun Yan jumped, crosses the mountain to go with her. Turning head, seeing only the disobeying crazy demon is greatly timid, follows the extremely far place behind them. He said: Teacher to seal/confer, when eight virtue ponds......” 孙炎跳了起来,与她翻山而去。回过头来,只见大悖狂魔唯唯诺诺的,跟在他们后方极远之处。他道:“封老师,在八德池的时候……” to seal/confer Meidao: I indeed once camouflaged the existing writing being drunk Xuan, mixes in the Chengtian Avenue pledge, that article being drunk Xuan that but you meet in eight virtue ponds, is actually not I. She is the person who person of child demon makes occasionally occasionally, outside wrapped the person skin that lives to peel from the article being drunk Xuan. Person child demon controls that person in the distant place occasionally occasionally, I at that time then in his side, using you day authority Xingzhu will be traitor within matter divulging to a Heavenly Court side, and exposed weaknesses intentionally, making clouds crown prince be close to that person occasionally, then triggers the explosion, making that person go to perish together with the Moroccan clouds crown prince occasionally, what a pity the Moroccan clouds crown prince was extremely vigilant, cannot kill him.” 封美道:“我的确是曾伪装成文醉萱,混入承天大道盟,不过你在八德池遇到的那个文醉萱,却已经不是我。她是人偶童魔做出的人偶,外面套了从文醉萱身上生剥下来的人皮。人偶童魔在远处操控那个人偶,我当时便在他的身边,利用你将‘天权星主是内奸’的事泄漏给天庭一方,并故意露出破绽,让摩霄太子接近那个人偶,然后引发爆炸,让那人偶去与摩霄太子同归于尽,可惜摩霄太子太过警觉,没能够将他炸死。” In Sun Yan heart dark cold, 19 people of demons are the method are indeed infinite, tiny bit can not negligently. 孙炎心中暗凛,“十九人魔”的确是手段无穷,一丝一毫都让人大意不得。 He looked at one toward the rear distant place. 他往后方远处看了一眼。 to seal/confer Meidao: It seems like you also discovered, other demons in 19 people of demon, are monitoring you.” 封美道:“看来你也发现了,十九人魔中的其它魔头,正在监视你。” The Sun Yan doubts said: What do they monitor me to make? Heavenly Court this goal, is time army zha Leeming king and mixes in nine of Demonic Path to burn Zhou demon, as well as behind them the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, doesn't this matter Demonic Path absolutely need to mix? Especially now, in lotus flower embryo conceals is extremely the bad risk, even entire lotus flower embryo conceals almost collapses, what do they run up to here to make?” 孙炎疑惑道:“他们监视我做什么?天庭这一次的目标,是军吒利明王和混入魔道的九焚纣魔,以及他们背后的幕后黑手,这件事魔道根本没必要掺和进来吧?尤其是现在,莲花胎藏界里极是凶险,甚至整个莲花胎藏界都差点崩溃,他们跑到这里头来做什么?” to seal/confer Meidao: They planned sits mountain Guanhu to fight in the hidden place, is best your both sides to be mutually wounded, making the Demonic Path have the opportunity is not missed, the present issue is, that princess in demon. Was kidnapped by the water Xiuyan demon, now in lotus flower embryo conceals.” 封美道:“他们原本是打算在暗处坐山观虎斗的,最好你们双方两败俱伤,让魔道有可趁之机,现在的问题是,魔界里的那位公主。被水秀艳魔劫持,现在就在莲花胎藏界里。” Sun Yan stares the big eye: Demon princess? I know that demon has Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the is princess who you said the daughter of which sovereign which emperor?” 孙炎瞪大眼:“魔界公主?我知道魔界有三皇五帝,你说的这位公主是哪一皇哪一帝的女儿?” to seal/confer Meidao: „It is not that three sovereigns or the daughter of five emperors, but is the entire demon princess, is referred to as the day demon of next generation!” 封美道:“不是那三皇又或五帝的女儿,而是整个魔界的公主,被认定为下一代的天魔!” In Sun Yan heart one startled...... my grass! 孙炎心中一惊……我草! By the demon princess who the black cherry elder sister kidnaps? 被黑樱姐劫持的魔界公主? The day demon of next generation? 下一代的天魔? Now in lotus flower embryo conceals? 现在在莲花胎藏界中? These demons at this kind of time, entry lotus flower embryo conceals that did not fear death, is staring at me? 这些魔头在这种时候,不怕死的进入莲花胎藏界,盯着我来? His low voice say/way: That demon princess is......” 他小声的道:“那位魔界公主是……” to seal/confer Meidao: They called her the lotus princess...... are that lotus lotus of your side!” 封美道:“他们都叫她莲公主……就是你身边的那个莲莲!” Sun Yan has a dizzy feeling...... the black cherry elder sister, originally you do not give the birthday present to me, did you give me a time bomb? 孙炎有种晕眩的感觉……黑樱姐,原来你不是给我送生日礼物,你是给了我一颗定时炸弹啊? lotus lotus can be the new demon princess unexpectedly, the day demon of next generation? Sun Yan discovered oneself are how unbelievable. 莲莲竟然会是新魔界的公主,下一代的天魔?孙炎发现自己怎么都难以相信。 That delicate. Liking asking that others are the little miss of good person or unprincipled person, can be unexpectedly, in the future must lead the entire Demonic Path to capture Immortal World, kills rivers of blood latter series all things day demon? Can this world be too crazy? 那个柔柔弱弱的。喜欢问别人是好人还是坏人的小姑娘,竟然会是,将来要带领整个魔道攻入仙界,杀得血流成河后一统三千世界的天魔?这个世界会不会太疯狂了点? Waits, considering that Immortal World will really have Yaoyao such future Heavenly Emperor, somehow demon will have a lotus lotus such future day demon I unexpectedly not strangely...... 等一下,考虑到仙界竟然有瑶瑶这样子的未来天帝,不知怎的魔界有莲莲这样一个未来天魔我竟然一点也不奇怪…… ...... …… *** *** Although knows that these demons follow in the back, but Sun Yan has not gone to manage them. 虽然知道那些魔头在后边跟着,但孙炎并没有去管他们。 In the demon monkey event, 19 people of demons loss is enormous, after all. Their original eldest children nine burn Zhou demon to be the town/subdues Yuan child apprentice cool breezes unexpectedly, only this point, then lets their amitosis. 在魔猴事件中,“十九人魔”损失极大,毕竟。他们的原老大九焚纣魔竟然会是镇元子的徒弟清风,单是这一点,便让他们直接分裂。 Although no sex fiend mother uses the demon monkey event, all wipes out the traitor within. But strength almost also buckle most probably. 虽然无色魔母利用魔猴事件,将内奸全都拔除。但实力几乎也折损了大半。 By his present ability, 19 people of demons in the remaining these demons, independent combat, can fight with him. Then deep lonesome ghost demon and greatly disobeying crazy demon. Although no sex fiend mother is fierce, but after all is the Yin demon, is unable to act directly. 以他现在的能力,“十九人魔”剩下的这些魔头中,单打独斗,能够与他一战的。便只有冥寂鬼魔和大悖狂魔。无色魔母虽然厉害,但毕竟是阴魔,无法直接出手。 What must be feared is person of occasionally child demon. Silver soft hail Jing demon who as well as excels at the illusion, but brought to cover the day sword in him and jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag, has known that they hid in his surrounding situation, if they want to surround him, or killed or seizes to him, was not an easy matter. 必须可虑的是人偶童魔。以及擅长幻境的银霰景魔,但在他带着掩日剑、玉清微尘遁空旗,又已经知道他们藏在他周围的情况下,他们要想困住他,对他或杀或擒,绝不是一件容易的事。 In this case, believes that they do not dare casual making a move, if they kill people the failure, in turn enraged him, he goes first this after their princesses that...... 在这种情况下,相信他们也不敢随随便便的出手,如果他们杀人失败,反过来触怒了他,那他就去对他们的公主先这个后那个…… ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan and to seal/confer beautiful hide in quarry stone. 孙炎与封美藏身在一处乱石之间。 In their front, although a tranquility, but Sun Yan actually perceived that the indistinct murderous intention, making him not dare to act rashly. 在他们的前方,虽然一片宁静,但孙炎却觉察到隐约的杀机,令他不敢妄动。 He takes out the Yin-Yang treasure mirror, illuminates quietly, sees only the front, the dense fog surges. 他取出阴阳宝镜,悄悄照去,只见前方,迷雾涌动。 He receives the Yin-Yang treasure mirror, that flickering dense fog is not then able to see again. 他收起阴阳宝镜,那幢幢迷雾便再也无法看到。 Obviously, the front has the illusion and ban, is a trap, this trap naturally not in view of his, because only, the so big range, aims at surely is over several hundred people teams. 很显然,前方藏有幻境和禁制,乃是一个陷阱,这陷阱当然不是针对他的,只因,如此大的范围,针对的必定是数百人以上的团队。 The hidden place, no sex fiend mother dives quietly, Jie Jie smiles strangely: Ambush in the front, is one of the army zha Leeming tortoise big gods closes remote god Sikong to be just blue.” 暗处,无色魔母悄然潜来,桀桀怪笑:“埋伏在前方的,是军吒利明王八大神主之一的瞑遥神主司空正青。” Sun Yan knits the brows: Whom do they want to ambush?” 孙炎皱眉道:“他们想要伏击谁?” No sex fiend mother say/way: Front has one group of gifted generals, pursued the enemy to kill, which group of invincible forces as for was, the old body actually does not know.” 无色魔母道:“前方有一伙天兵天将,追着敌人杀了过来,至于是哪路天兵,老身却是不知。” Sun Yan thinks, with sealing beautiful together, bypasses the front ambush quietly, really will see one team of Heavenly Court soldiers, is pursuing the remnants, then must enter Sikong shortly the ambush area that will suppose azure, will immediately fly a booklet, will fall on these gifted general front. 孙炎想了想,与封美一同,悄悄地绕过前方的埋伏,果然看到一队天庭兵将,追着残兵,眼看着便要进入司空正青设下的埋伏圈,立时一飞一折,落在那些天兵天将前方。 What person?” A day will grasp the broadsword to jump, but quick then recognizes him, originally is the grandson leader.” “什么人?”一名天将手持大刀纵身而出,但很快便将他认出,“原来是孙掌门。” Sun Yan said: This general is......” 孙炎道:“这位将军是……” On that day will arm with knife to cup one hand in the other across the chest: Itself/Ben is Jupiter subordinate way-opening god Xue, why is the grandson leader blocking us?” 那天将持刀拱手:“本将乃太岁部下开路神薛相,孙掌门为何拦着我们?” Sun Yan said: Your front have the ambush, the enemy closes the remote god.” 孙炎道:“你们的前方有埋伏,敌人乃是瞑遥神主。” Way-opening god one cold, hurries to collect the soldiers and horses, arrange/cloth Haofang, the security looks, was locked in a stalemate a meeting, sees the front imaginary air/Qi to surge. Obviously Sikong is seeing them to bog down azure, deploys troops treats changes, known ambushes is seen through, retreats quietly. 开路神一凛,赶紧收束兵马,布好防阵,警戒看去,相持了一会,果见前方幻气涌动。显然司空正青见他们停滞不前,摆阵待变,已知埋伏被看穿,悄然退走。 The way-opening god wipes the cold sweat, a heart close call, if not the Sun Yan prompt interception notice, they already the ambush of enemy. 开路神抹把冷汗,心道好险,如果不是孙炎及时拦截通知,他们已经中了敌人的埋伏。 Sun Yan said: „Is general why island of resistance thorough? Your highness and others?” 孙炎道:“将军为何孤军深入?殿下和其他人呢?” Opening Shintoism: „A bright permanent sand river war, the player and enemy consume seriously. After entering lotus flower embryo conceals, was scattered in the eight leaf world of eight institutes. This with your highness is, because is the vanguard great general, in the front leads the way, does not want to present one big cataclysm that makes the earth-shattering, I and others is unexpectedly separate with your highness, now is the position is complete, can only see that the enemy will hit.” 开路神道:“慧恒沙河一战,敌我双方都消耗严重。杀入莲花胎藏界后,又被打散在八叶院的八个叶世界里。本将与殿下本是一路,因为是先锋大将,在前方开路,不想出现了一场令天崩地裂的大灾变,我等竟与殿下失散,现在更是方位全乱,只能看到敌人就打。” So that's how it is!” Sun Yan hesitates saying that side Du Xiangxiang Du Fairy Maiden, brings my phoenix mount. Between I and it have the induction, but Du Fairy Maiden is always the attendant side your highness. Found my phoenix mount, should then be able to find your highness, the general may probably go with me together?” “原来如此!”孙炎沉吟道,“杜香香仙子身边,带着我的凤凰坐骑。我与它之间存有感应,而杜仙子又是一向随侍在殿下身边。找到我的凤凰坐骑,应该便能找到殿下,将军可要与我一同前往?” The way-opening god is happy: Is so best!” 开路神喜道:“如此最好!” At that moment, they turn around together, flies toward the distant place. 当下,他们一同掉头,往远处飞去。 In them behind, the deep lonesome ghost demon and southern nest Jiumo, silver soft hail Jing demon, person child demon, the Yin hou silver demon stand occasionally in the hidden place, looks gifted general who together Sun Yan and goes far away. The silver soft hail person demon knits the brows: „Our, let Sun Yan and will meet with golden flower Empress for several days. Even also helps him come?” 在他们身后,冥寂鬼魔、南巢酒魔、银霰景魔、人偶童魔、阴犼银魔立在暗处,一同看着孙炎和远去的天兵天将。银霰人魔皱眉道:“我们就这样,让孙炎跟金华帝姬和那些天将会合。甚至还帮着他来?” No sex fiend mother flew: Only by doing so, can make him meet with the lotus princess earlier.” 无色魔母飞了过来:“只有这样,才能让他早点跟莲公主会合。” That ikebana: You did not fear that he disclosed the lotus princess's status, making Heavenly Court know?” 那蛮花道:“你不怕他将莲公主的身份透露出去,让天庭知道?” Does not have the sex fiend mother: Lotus princess is the black cherry gives him, betrayed the lotus princess. To him was equal to betraying the black cherry, I believe that he will not do such matter, do not forget, he also gave to have a concubine the daughter of ni sovereign. If this matter makes Heavenly Court know, he does not have the good end. According to currently speaking, this Sun Yan, although is in Immortal World the person. But his back, should the bright demon female and black cherry.” 无色魔母:“莲公主是黑樱交给他的,出卖了莲公主。对他来说就等于出卖了黑樱,我相信他不会做这样的事,不要忘了,他还把婗皇的女儿也给金屋藏娇了。这件事要是让天庭知道,他也同样没有好下场。照目前来看,这孙炎虽然是仙界中人。但他的背后,应该是正明魔母和黑樱。” Say/Way that the deep lonesome ghost demon coldly: What does this have to distinguish?” 冥寂鬼魔冷冷的道:“这有什么区别?” No sex fiend mother say/way: „The Heavenly Court goal is to exterminate the Demonic Path thoroughly, the goal of bright demon female and black cherry, is actually Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence.” 无色魔母道:“天庭的目的,是要彻底剿灭魔道,正明魔母和黑樱的目标,却是‘三教合流’。” The deep lonesome ghost demon sneers saying: Nowadays, but also some people believe that Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence can be successful? In the past greatly hears Mozun as the demon main age, was the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence most was close to the successful time, as for the present, Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence? First did not discuss after god demon war, the immortal demon two are the water and fire is intolerable, first Demonic Path does not have the means to unify.” 冥寂鬼魔冷笑道:“这年头,还有人相信‘三教合流’能够成功?当年大闻魔尊作为魔主的年代,是三教合流最接近成功的时候,至于现在,三教合流?先不谈神魔大战后,仙魔两界已是水火难容,首先魔道就没有办法统一起来。” No sex fiend mother say/way: Old body from does not believe that the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism confluence also has the successful possibility, no matter but the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism can each other coexist, first town/subdues Yuan child and his side influence, is in itself the Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism altogether enemy. Wonderful camptotheca acuminata war, to the Demonic Path, similarly is also a fishing in troubled waters opportunity, but three demon sovereigns all hold troops, did not look for Heavenly Court to be troublesome at this kind of time, was because they know, who was the true archenemy.” 无色魔母道:“老身自也不相信三教合流还有成功的可能性,但不管三教能不能彼此共存,首先镇元子和他的这一方势力,本身就是三教共敌。妙喜树这一战,对魔道来说,同样也是一个混水摸鱼的机会,但三位魔皇全都按兵不动,不在这种时候找天庭麻烦,就是因为他们都知道,谁才是真正的大敌。” Continues saying: In the past hears Mozhu child was killed by the town/subdues Yuan greatly, causes the Demonic Path chaos, after that day demon reveals itself, a series Demonic Path, counter-attacks Heaven, its consequence is, although removed Immortal World Golden Immortal, ruined the world of beings with form ten days, but the entire day also collapses because of the counter-attack of Heavenly Court, demon that for several thousand years complete with great difficulty, become the flying ash, the Demonic Path expert casualty are innumerable, has to open new demon in addition, degenerates into stray cur that does not dare to make an appearance again, but behind this, also has a town/subdues Yuan child shadow, three demon sovereigns take into consideration in this, Was not a drag on Heavenly Court at this time. Although the old body does not know why the black cherry must lead into the wonderful camptotheca acuminata lotus lotus, but this war, the key point is void, but lotus lotus that is in flatter chu Buddha golden body actually can also enter void.” 继续道:“当年大闻魔主就是被镇元子所杀,才导致魔道大乱,其后的天魔出世,一统魔道,反攻天界,其后果是,虽然除掉了仙界的诸位金仙,毁掉了色界十天,但整个摩罗天也因为天庭的反击而崩溃,数千年来好不容易建成的魔界,也成飞灰,魔道高手死伤无数,不得不另开新魔界,再次沦为不敢露面的丧家之犬,而这背后,同样也有镇元子的影子,三位魔皇就是顾及于此,才不在这个时候拖天庭的后腿。老身虽不知,黑樱为何非要将莲莲带入妙喜树,不过这一战,关键点乃是在阿閦佛金身所在的‘虚空’,而莲莲却也是能够进入‘虚空’的。” south nest Jiumo knits the brows: „The water show counted on that the lotus princess does kill the town/subdues Yuan?” 南巢酒魔皱眉道:“难道水秀指望莲公主去杀镇元子?” No sex fiend mother raised the head, the say/way that muttered: I do not know! However I believe, the town/subdues Yuan child will have the method not as we expected surely, but the method of black cherry, has not used up, at present in all that in this wonderful camptotheca acuminata has, is only a probe.” 无色魔母抬起头来,喃喃的道:“我不知道!不过我相信,镇元子必定会有更出乎我们意料的手段,而黑樱的手段,也还没有用完,目前在这妙喜树里所发生的一切,都还只是一个试探。” Person child demon looks at the broken land occasionally, sighed the one breath: Makes into this appearance, both sides do not know how many people, unexpectedly is also only the probe? Did this also make one play well?” 人偶童魔看着残破的大地,叹一口气:“都打成这个样子,双方都不知死了多少人,居然还只是试探?这还让不让人好好的玩了?” No sex fiend mother say/way: Other first did not discuss, only point...... punishment day where?” 无色魔母道:“其它先不谈,单凭一点……刑天在哪里?” The numerous demons look one...... truly, punishment day where? This time, town/subdues Yuan child side Yigong resurrected four big magical powers, but is most troublesome fearfully, actually by war-god that” Heavenly Court approves punishment day. However, both sides have killed this situation, this serious famine war-god, has not appeared. 众魔对望一眼……确实,刑天在哪里?这一次,镇元子一方一共复活了四位大神通者,而其中最麻烦最可怕的,却是被天庭所认可的“战神”刑天。然而,双方已经杀到了这种地步,这位大荒“战神”,却始终未曾出现。 Punishment day where? 刑天到底在哪里? ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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