MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#938: Can this world normal?

Suffices to be crazy, suffices absurdly!” The old demon laughs saying that „your extremely arrogant histrionics, the old man appreciates very much, but for fat, the old man must make you die here!” “够狂,够妄!”老魔头大笑道,“你这狂妄的作派,老夫很欣赏,不过为了脂儿,老夫还是要让你死在这里!” The both arms wield, demon air/Qi one volume, assembles the high density loudly the ring, the ring twists, in surrounding area one zhang (3.33 m) space, constructs not to stop the mysterious screw of no boundary. 双臂一挥,魔气轰然一卷,集结成高密度的圆环,圆环扭曲,在一个方圆一丈的空间内,构造出无止无境的神秘螺旋。 Looks at not the clear space structure facing this letting person completely, Sun Yan remains unmoved, a double sword revolution, the township of flowing fire dispersed. The average people save god profound qi by oneself, forms the profound feeling with the outside world, he actually climbs to profound qi has the profound real boundary wonderfully, causes five fine day of fires to be released externally it, in the bodies of his five virtue, as well as in the foundations of remote antiquity more/complete five virtue profound merit, manpower but sometimes was poor these words not to suit him. 面对这种让人完全看不明白的空间构造,孙炎不为所动,双剑一转,流火之乡散了开来。一般人是以自身存神玄气,与外界形成玄感,他却是将自身玄气升至妙有玄真境,造成五精天火将它外放,在他的五德之体,以及太上弥罗五德玄功的基础上,“人力有时而穷”这句话早已不适合他。 Does not form the induction with profound qi, but unfolds by own profound qi, it is estimated that also only then he and Yaoyao this innate circulation, all the bodies of self sufficient five virtue, dare so to waste. 不是与外界玄气形成感应,而是以自身玄气铺开,估计也只有他和瑶瑶这种先天循环、悉数自足的五德之体,才敢这般浪费。 The high place, the demon air/Qi screw twists, transfers the chariot common demon wheel ; The low spot, the double sword such as the day such as the moon/month, each other transferred with five fine flame stars mutually, seven Yuan mercury. 高处,魔气螺旋扭曲,转成战车一般的魔轮;低处,双剑如日如月,与五精炎星彼此互转,七元流珠。 Two people have not acted, then the earth shook and heavens spun shook, had appeared the torn to pieces land, thundering one after another, the disaster tribulations, inspires the startled thunderclap, the demon leaps the sea to boil, treasured sword shining front. 两人还未出手,便已是天摇地动,原本就已显得支离破碎的大地,一波又一波的轰鸣,天灾地劫,振惊霹雳,魔腾海沸,宝剑耀锋。 Suddenly, two people flush away toward the opposite party loudly, to/clashes slantingly, welcomed but actually on, the spiral demon round and did a day seven Yuan fire, is binding an demon immortal, must hit shortly in the same place. 骤然间,两人轰然朝对方冲去,一个斜冲而下,一个倒迎而上,螺旋魔轮与乾天七元火,裹着一魔一仙,眼看着就要撞在一起。 A beautiful shadow flushed to come, to call out horizontally: You two, stop!!!” 一个丽影横冲而来,叫道:“你们两个,住手!!!” In an instant, the spiral demon round and does a day seven Yuan fire to live, because only, they do not stop, will bang into among them the youth woman dead forcefully. 刹那间,螺旋魔轮与乾天七元火全都顿住,只因为,他们再不住手,硬生生撞入他们之间的青年女子就会死去。 The high place, the old man stops there, the spiral demon round in his body week laevo rotatory, resembles the dextrorotation. Only look, then makes one want to spit blood, this is one type completely goes against the common sense the paradox, like that unceasingly downward, actually the association/will returns to the home position the steps, or is just counter- and counter- is the demon Beese link. 高处,那老者停在那里,螺旋魔轮在他身周似左旋,似右旋。单是看着,便让人想要吐血,这是一种完全违背常理的悖论,就像那不断向下,却又总会回到原位的阶梯,又或是正即是反、反即是正的魔比斯环。 Low spot, youngster double sword, one horizontal slanting, one holds, the Ziyang fire and candle Yin fire composition hangs upside down the livelihood. Five fine day of fires synthesize the mercury five-star, seven yao shine, seven Yuan mercury, seemed full of the strength of flame exploding, powerful to the microcosm that the energy can gush out momentarily. 低处,少年双剑,一横斜,一倒持,紫阳火与烛阴火组成倒悬日月。五精天火合成流珠五星,七矅辉映,七元流珠,仿佛一个充满了炎爆之力、强大到能量随时都会喷薄而出的小宇宙。 Among two people, a wear long wide sleeve class/flow immortal skirt, the female who the volume combs pack of hair buns flies there, conducts the back to open because of the pure white both wings that the change technique brings, looks like angel that drops from the clouds. 在两人之间,一个穿着广袖流仙裙,额梳叠髻的女子飞在那里,背上张开因变化术而带来的洁白双翅,就像是从天而降的天使。 Sun Yan does a day seven Yuan fire to receive, is astonished saying: Teacher to seal/confer?” 孙炎乾天七元火一收,讶道:“封老师?” The old man called out: Rouge. Did you come? Do not protect this bold brat, dares to bump my apprentice unexpectedly, today I must rumble surely the trash him!” 那老者叫道:“胭脂。你怎么来了?你不要护着这色胆包天的臭小子,竟然敢碰我的徒弟,今日我必定要将他轰成渣渣!” Originally this old fogy is in 19 people of demons greatly disobeying crazy demon? Sun Yan understands finally. 原来这老家伙就是十九人魔中的“大悖狂魔”?孙炎终于明白过来。 However this demon is really fierce, in 19 people of demons. Perhaps cannot compare the heads of 19 people of demon nine to burn Zhou demon, but feared that does not lose in Mingji the ghost demon. 不过这魔头果然厉害,在十九人魔中。或是比不得十九人魔之首九焚纣魔,但怕是已不输于冥寂鬼魔。 to seal/confer Meifei in in the air, face malignant influences, very ill-humored appearance: „Will you believe the person of occasionally child demon words? He said that I and others have done. Has really done, are you an idiot? Even if let alone really has the relations to close your anything matter......” 封美飞在空中,一脸煞气,很没好气的样子:“你怎会相信人偶童魔的话?他说我和别人做过。难道就真的做过,你是白痴么?更何况就算真的有关系又关你什么事……” The disobeying crazy demon scratches the head greatly yelled: „Have you really done with him?” 大悖狂魔抓头大叫:“你真的跟他做过么?” to seal/confer Meinu: „Are you really an idiot?” 封美怒道:“你真的是白痴么?” Sun Yan both hands hang, what situation long sighed the one breath...... this? 孙炎双手垂地,长长地叹一口气……这到底什么情况? ...... …… *** *** Mountain top high place. A dwarf bursts out laughing to say with a smile: What situation is this? Triangle love?” 山头高处。一个侏儒捧腹笑道:“这是什么情况?三角恋?” By him, a female demon said: „Can you also smile? If disobeyed greatly really killed Sun Yan a moment ago, you did not need demon.” This female demon Yin hou silver demon that is colored. 在他旁边,一个女魔头道:“你还笑得出来?要是大悖刚才真的杀了孙炎,你就再也不用回魔界去了。”这女魔头正是“阴犼银魔”那蛮花。 Side them, is setting up the deep lonesome ghost demon and southern nest Jiumo, silver soft hail Jing demon. 在他们身边,又立着冥寂鬼魔、南巢酒魔、银霰景魔。 Person child demon said with a smile occasionally: Relax, I have inquired, the Sun Yan body is hiding the jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag, the can be victorious words, he can run away momentarily, depends on the jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag, disobeys greatly do not want to block him.” 人偶童魔笑道:“放心,我已经打探过,孙炎身上藏着玉清微尘遁空旗,打不过的话,他随时都可以逃走,就靠着玉清微尘遁空旗,大悖就别想拦得住他。” Also muttered: But, do we really want to put him like this? This boy progresses is too quick, so gets down, sooner or later will turn into the archenemy of my Demonic Path, did not take advantage to kill him now, wants to kill unable to kill with the lingering fear.” 紧接着却又喃喃道:“不过,我们真的要这样放了他么?这小子进步实在太快,这般下去,早晚会变成我魔道之大敌,再不趁现在杀了他,以后怕是想杀也杀不了。” south nest Jiumo drinks one greatly, said: Now feared that couldn't kill? You looked that he shook the ability that disobeys greatly a moment ago hardly, words that fights a hard battle, feared that is the deep lonesome eldest child and disobeys to be able with him to fight greatly hardly, on him also brings the jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag......” 南巢酒魔大饮一口,道:“现在怕是也杀不了吧?你看他刚才硬撼大悖的能力,打硬仗的话,怕是只有冥寂老大和大悖可以跟他硬斗,他身上又带着玉清微尘遁空旗……” Person child Momi focuses occasionally: In the situation of preparation, the jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag is not cannot decode ahead of time. His named Du Xiangxiang girlfriend, if side him, we naturally does not have the opportunity, but he alone, the illusion of silver soft hail adds my art of making oneself invisible, by having to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, his in dire straits, definitely is unable to achieve, naturally also needs to consider the covering day sword in his hand, therefore needs to kidnap to seal/confer beautiful, letting him to escape......” 人偶童魔眯着眼:“在提前准备的情况下,玉清微尘遁空旗也不是不能破解。他那个叫杜香香的女朋友要是在他身边,我们当然没有机会,但就他一个人,银霰的幻境加下我的奇门,以有心算无心,将他困死,也不是完全无法做到,当然还需要考虑到他手中的掩日剑,所以需要劫持封美,让他不能逃……” Say/Way that the deep lonesome ghost demon coldly: Then we face the anger that he and disobeys greatly together!” 冥寂鬼魔冷冷的道:“然后我们就一起面对他和大悖的怒火吧!” Person child Mozhi stagnated occasionally. 人偶童魔滞了一滞。 That ikebana: ni sovereign! But he now the son-in-law of ni sovereign!” 那蛮花道:“还有婗皇!他现在可是婗皇的女婿!” Person child demon sighed occasionally: What is this with what?” 人偶童魔叹气:“这都是什么跟什么啊?” During the speeches, the hidden place gushes out the fog, appears the demon of no sex fiend mother: Surroundings had not found the lotus princess, does not know where was hidden by him!” 说话间,暗处涌出云雾,现出无色魔母的魔相:“周围没有找到莲公主,不知道被他藏哪去了!” The deep lonesome ghost demon knits the brows: Lotus princess with him together, entered lotus flower embryo conceals absolutely, how can not in his side?” 冥寂鬼魔皱眉道:“莲公主绝对是跟他一起,进入了莲花胎藏界,怎会不在他的身边?” Say/Way that person child demon muttered occasionally: Said that really...... we really do need to look for the lotus princess?” 人偶童魔喃喃的道:“说真的……我们真的需要把莲公主找回来吗?” No sex fiend mother shouted: Person occasionally......” 无色魔母喝道:“人偶……” Person child demon is raising hand occasionally: I know, I know, the princess is our demon future hope!” Small sound said: Said, before then, the Moroccan clouds also discovered lotus princess in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, he sent out the falling deep pool sword to kill the lotus princess boldly. The falling deep pool sword bold this person, is addicted to the sword like the life, regards the human life such as the inexpensive insect, is always cruel and merciless, and has cultivating of Flying True Person level is. Afterward I found time, finding the falling deep pool sword was bold, you guess that what he is making?” 人偶童魔举着手:“我知道,我知道,公主是我们魔界未来的希望!”紧接着,小声道:“说起来,在此之前,摩霄也发现了莲公主在妙喜树内,他派出了陷渊剑豪去杀莲公主。陷渊剑豪此人,嗜剑如命,视人命如贱虫,一向心狠手辣,且已有飞天真人级的修为。后来我抽空,找到了陷渊剑豪,你们猜他在做什么?” The deep lonesome ghost demon and southern nest Jiumo, silver soft hail Jing demon is all unemotional. 冥寂鬼魔、南巢酒魔、银霰景魔全都面无表情。 Person child demon said with a smile occasionally: He is going all out, from these bone demon hands, rescues the small creature that suffers distress......” 人偶童魔笑道:“他正拼了命的,从那些骨魔手中,抢救受难的小动物……” That flower said with a smile: In other words, he wants the assassin who assassinates the lotus princess to be the same with new demon these, turned into the good person?” Although the lotus princess is the demon future demon lord, but not everyone approves such in the future, even some people suspected, she is only the board game piece that certain influences lift, in recent years, is ordered to come to kill her expert, innumerable, their strengths are various, finally actually all same...... they all turned into the good person! 那蛮花笑道:“也就是说,他跟新魔界那些想要刺杀莲公主的刺客一样,变成了好人?”虽然莲公主是魔界的未来魔主,但并不是人人都认同这样的“未来”,甚至有人怀疑,她只是某些势力抬出来的棋子,这些年来,受命前来杀她的高手,数不胜数,他们的实力各不相同,结果却全都一样……他们全都变成了好人! Immortal World Empress is cunning and unreasonable, the princess of demon naive good...... can this world normal? 仙界帝姬刁蛮任性,魔界的公主天真善良……这个世界能不能正常一点? ......( To be continued......) i1292 ……(未完待续……)i1292
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