MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#937: ten thousand Bei a fist

Between in mysterious channels two valuable Tan magnificence hall., 两座宝檀华殿之间的神秘通道内。, Here is the valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva opened, cultivates her to pass on the Buddhist doctrine the day female location, all the way, performing is the colored glaze marvelous sight, the beautiful fresh beautiful is fresh. 这里原本就是宝檀华菩萨开辟给、修炼她所传佛法的天女的场地,一路上,尽是琉璃奇景,美奂美奂。 The lotus flower blooms everywhere, along the way, often has the Ling River to flow, disperses the miraculous glow, miraculous glow dispersing, has, if in valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva hand white lotus. 莲花处处绽放,沿途,不时有灵河流动,散出灵光,灵光散开,有若宝檀华菩萨手中白莲。 This, various Tiannv is all the way with trepidation, at this moment arrived here, temporarily is relieved. 这一路上,诸天女提心吊胆,此刻来到这里,暂时安下心来。 Although they have not been separated from lotus flower embryo conceals, but, here bystander was at least hard to find, is unable to come. 虽然她们还未脱离莲花胎藏界,但至少,这里外人难以找到,也无法进来。 Once relaxes, the girls words were many, but all topics, mostly cannot leave Young Master Sun. After all this time, Young Master Sun not only rescuing got down their everyone, but when also copes industry uses the void concealed performance, was really charming. 一旦放松下来,姑娘们话就多了起来,而所有的话题,大多都离不开孙公子。毕竟这一次,孙公子不但救下了她们所有人,而且对付业用虚空藏时的表现,实在是太帅气了。 Also young, is charming, the skill is also good . Moreover the hero rescues beautiful, saved them, making them think that did not move difficultly. 又年轻,又帅气,身手又好,而且还英雄救美,救下了她们,让她们想不动心都难。 Many girls start to inquire to young, wants to know what hobby her master has, what girl likes, has the girlfriend? Some girlfriends have not related, does he want to look for three slightly? Has three small four small five not to relate slightly, does he want to look for six slightly small seven small eight? 许多姑娘开始向雏儿打听,想知道她的主人有什么爱好,喜欢什么样的女孩子,有没有女朋友?有女朋友也没有关系,他想不想找小三?有小三小四小五也没关系,他想不想找小六小七小八? Young is actually pursing the lips, pays no attention to them, asked a lot, stared them ruthlessly. If not for the master explains, she wants simply the heads of these fellows picks, so as to avoid they turn into the master incautiously small six small seven small eight. 雏儿却是抿着嘴,不理她们,问得多了,更是狠狠的瞪她们。若不是主人有交待,她简直想把这些家伙的脑袋一个个的摘下来,免得她们一不小心变成主人的小六小七小八。 The appearance of young, making the day females somewhat fear, but also makes them worship Sun Shaoxia. 雏儿的样子,让天女们有些怕怕,不过也让她们更加的崇拜孙少侠。 You looked that Sun Shaoxia is fierce? Also young, is charming, the skill is also good, but also the hero rescues beautiful, his mount is so fierce, has the individuality...... 你看孙少侠多厉害?又年轻,又帅气,身手又好,还英雄救美,就连他的坐骑都这么厉害,这么有个性…… Mount beauty not agrees replied, they asked lotus lotus and star, but lotus lotus was the understanding are actually not many. She biggest impression, was Young Master Sun says her to sleepwalk, swims is swimming, he ran up to her bed, is hugging her, kissed her, she has not been angry. 坐骑美眉不肯回答,她们就去问莲莲和星星,不过莲莲其实也是了解不多。她最大的印象,就是孙公子说她梦游,游着游着,他就跑到她床上来,抱着她,吻了她,偏偏她还不生气。 Moreover, why moreover does not know, when he is pasting her...... thinks of here, her face red. 而且、而且不知道为什么,当他贴着她的时候……一想到这里,她的脸就红了起来。 lotus lotus could not say a reason why to come, they have to ask the star. The star sees them to be interested. Proves from Brother Sun simply touches breast big god to mention, finally hears them to be dumbfounded...... 莲莲说不出个所以然来,她们只好去问星星。星星见她们这么感兴趣。干脆就从孙大哥证得“摸乳大神”说起,结果听得她们一愣一愣的…… ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan retrocedes half step, stares at front this to block his, the golden hair Lion King common old man. 孙炎后退半步,盯着面前这个拦住他的、金毛狮王一般的老者。 „Are you Sun Yan?” Old man devils are staring him, might swallow whole general him. “你就是孙炎?”老者凶神恶煞地瞪着他,好像要把他生吞活剥一般。 Sun Yan sees this person, the demon air/Qi is steaming, stands guard. 孙炎见此人,魔气腾腾,更加警戒。 He said: Senior is......” 他道:“前辈是……” He current most important enemy, is the town/subdues Yuan, although the immortal demon does not coexist, but now in this case. The Demonic Path is not the Heavenly Court priority target, but the big demon who looks like the Demonic Path three sovereign that ranks, to the cause that this fights, wants to come also somewhat some numbers. 他当前最首要的敌人,乃是镇元子,虽说仙魔不两立,但是现在这种情况下。魔道并不是天庭的首要目标,而像魔道三皇那种级别的大魔头,对这一战的起因,想来也多多少少都有些数。 They not necessarily know secret that this piece of universe conceals. However made the god demon war that the immortal demon two almost perished together, was initiated by whom, what character behind this is also secret, some of their definitely also many investigations. They want to weaken Heavenly Court, but does not hope, Heavenly Court collapses completely in this fight. 他们未必知道这片宇宙所暗藏的秘密。但是令仙魔两界差点同归于尽的神魔大战,是由谁引发的,这背后又隐秘着什么样的人物,他们肯定也多少有些调查。他们希望削弱天庭,但绝不会希望,天庭在这一场战斗中一败涂地。 Once the day demon reveals itself. Will certainly replace the position of Buddha, entire greatly void also falls in the Demonic Path hand, downward radiation, all ficus religiosas for Demonic Path all. 一旦天魔出世。必将取代佛祖的位置,整个“大虚空”也都落在魔道手中,向下辐射,所有的菩提树都将为魔道所有。 But before then, the Demonic Path three sovereigns definitely hope that the Buddha golden body can preserve, after all, the main world after god demon war is extremely frail, before the day demon appears, superstitious then first collapses, triggers the catastrophe of main world, does not have the advantage to the Demonic Path, what they want is a complete main world. 但在此之前,魔道三皇肯定还是希望佛祖金身能够保存,毕竟,神魔大战后的主世界极是脆弱,在天魔出现之前,天条便先崩溃,引发主世界的浩劫,对魔道也没有好处,他们想要的是一个完完整整的主世界。 From the demon air/Qi of this person, he can see the opposite party is the demon, but the purpose in coming of opposite party, is not clear suddenly, must ask that asked. 从这个人的魔气,他可以看出对方是魔,但对方的来意,一时间却不清楚,自是要问上一问。 Old man both eyes stare: Brat, dares to bully master Miezu, bold, even your teacher dares to start!” The demon air/Qi one volume. 老者双目一瞪:“臭小子,竟敢欺师灭祖,色胆包天,连你的老师都敢下手!”魔气一卷。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The fierce demon vigor such as the sea curls generally, the oath must embezzle him. 狂烈魔劲如海一般卷来,誓要将他吞没。 Sun Yan has alerted, immediately extracted to cover the day sword, to cover day sword's might, wrapping up his Pure Yang was really hot, kept off the opposite party demon vigor. 孙炎早已戒备,立时抽出掩日剑,以掩日剑本身的威力,裹上他自身的纯阳真火,强挡对方魔劲。 Loudly, air wave crazy volume, one ** outward diffusion. 轰然间,气浪狂卷,一**的向外扩散。 Although holds the Immortal World first sword, Sun Yan is the arm tingles with numbness unexpectedly. 虽然持着仙界第一剑,孙炎竟是手臂发麻。 Verve of this demon strength, indeed is to make him hold in high esteem. 这魔头劲气之刚猛,的确是让他刮目相看。 The old men shouted: A little strength, no wonder dares to do the matter of this bullying master.” Both hands catch, will resemble to cover sword air/Qi forcefully Latvia that the day sword rumbled unexpectedly. 老者喝道:“有点实力,难怪敢做这种欺师之事。”双手一抓一拉,竟似将掩日剑轰出的剑气强行“拉”了开来。 What bullies the matter of master? What bold, even do the teachers under go well? This old man who? Did you find fault the person? Is the person who you must find name surnamed Yang? Is the surname broad good draw? I when to so-called „has teacher gotten down the hand? Am I most touch the small buttocks of my female apprentice to be good? 什么欺师之事?什么色胆包天,连老师都下得了手?这老头谁啊?你是不是找错人了?你要找的人是不是姓杨名过?或者是姓广名良平?我什么时候对所谓的“老师”下过手了?我最多就是摸过我女徒弟的小屁股好不好? This person of demon air/Qi is too strong, Sun Yan does not dare to shake with him hardly, draws back continually seven steps, in the hand the treasured sword brushes makes a sound continually, shaking seven swords is colored. 这人魔气实在太强,孙炎不敢与他硬撼,连退七步,手中宝剑刷刷刷的连响,震出七道剑花。 The sword technique, is not his strong point, that «Four-dimensional Sword Spectrum» that but these days, he falling deep pool sword will have left behind boldly understood similarly, the fire was a Yuan divine sword is the shape, his seven Yuan fire, then displayed in the form of swordsmanship. 剑术,原本并非他的强项,但在这些日子里,他已经将陷渊剑豪留下的那本《四维剑谱》参透得差不多了,火是元神剑是形,他的七元火,便是以剑法的形式发挥出来。 The swordsmanship no longer is his athletic event in which one is weak, in addition covered day sword's might, in seven, cut 24 sword light unexpectedly, four swords, every four swords were a type, each type also contained „, water, wind, fire four concepts, after seven, bang, did a day seven Yuan fire to explode in the sword sharp, the sword blade is completely the roaring flame. 剑法已不再是他的弱项,再加上掩日剑本身的威力,七步之内,竟斩出二十四道剑光,一步四剑,每四剑为一式,每一式又包含了“地维、水维、风维、火维”四种概念,七步过后,嘭的一声,乾天七元火在剑尖炸了开来,剑身尽是烈焰。 Bang bang bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭! The old men such as the chariot advances generally, the tall and strong body forms bunch of tornados, each fist was full of the explosive strength. Sun Yan covered the day companions, the four-dimensional swordsmanship bound is doing a day seven Yuan fire, brandished in the opposite party meteor common demon fist, blasting open, shook flame light. Although he is extremely, but the demon fist of opposite party, presses him unexpectedly, range that can organize getting smaller. 老者如战车一般推进,魁梧的身躯形成一团团旋风,每一拳都充满了爆炸性的力量。孙炎掩日连挡,四维剑法裹着乾天七元火,在对方流星一般的魔拳中挥舞,一声声的炸裂,震出一道道的焰光。虽然他已经极是了得,但对方的魔拳,竟是压得他,可以腾挪的范围越来越小。 Realized that the opposite party martial skill powerful, Sun Yan transfers the swordsmanship immediately, melts the magical powers, a sword wields, the five-star sparkle, five fine day of cremations make the star of five elements, the fire is the Yuan god star is the shape, the five-star circulation, the wind wheel gathers round this demon generally, anxious spin continuous. 意识到对方武技的强悍,孙炎立时转剑法,化神通,一剑挥出,五星闪耀,五精天火化作五行之星,火是元神星是形,五星流转,风轮一般围着这魔头,急旋不休。 The vermilion bird puts down with Guangliang supple teaches him change of the seasons, Singapore that does not melt the more better, his sword the sidereal revolution 360 stars, actually cannot compare a Guangliang's even sword Big Dipper, only because of his 360 stars, between star and star the difference is not big. 朱雀阴柔与广良平教他的“斗转星移”,并非化出来的“星”越多越好,他一剑化出周天三百六十星,其实比不上广良平的一剑七星,只因为他的“三百六十星”,星与星之间差异不大。 This a sword that sends like nine curves ice Sky Sword melts ten thousand sword, each sword air/Qi is completely same, even if the multi- sword air/Qi, actually also including change of the seasons again crossing the threshold is far from. 这就像九曲冰天剑派的一剑化万剑,每一道剑气完全一样,那纵然化出再多剑气,却也连“斗转星移”的入门都谈不上。 Sword he of sidereal revolution 360 stars, actually crosses the threshold. But now, he «after unifies by five virtue profound merit and with Purple Flame Light», purple flame light is the foundation, five virtue profound merit are outside, coordinates spreading all over, melts the gold/metal, wood, water, fire and earth five-star. 一剑化出周天三百六十星的他,其实不过是堪堪入门。而现在,他以五德玄功、跟《紫度炎光经》结合,紫度炎光经是基础,五德玄功是外化,配合“星罗棋布”,化出金、木、水、火、土五星。 In each Singapore, is burning the lava common raging flame, under the guidance of sword air/Qi, whistling gathers round the old demon to attack, the old demon gets angry snort/hum one, even by his powerful demon air/Qi, does not dare to hit the opposite party by the demon fist directly five-star continuous, only because of this five-star, has formed the strategy, he defeats one, then must withstand five strengths simultaneously. 每一颗“星”内,又都燃烧着熔岩一般的熊熊烈火,在剑气的引导下,呼呼地围着老魔头攻击,老魔头怒哼一声,即便是以他的强大魔气,也不敢直接以魔拳去撞对方的“五星连珠”,只因这五星之间,已经形成阵法,他击破一颗,便要同时承受五颗的力量。 Uses five-star to kill by a person of strength, the skill that this youngster is more than he expected. However this demon is not an average man, he bellows, the demon sound howls, the body week presents the strange distortion unexpectedly, five-star confused. 以一人之力用出五星杀阵,这少年的本事大出他的意料。然而这魔头也非常人,他大吼一声,魔音呼啸,身周竟然出现诡异的扭曲,五星错乱。 What do the youngster narrow the eye suddenly...... this are? In his eyes, the body week of this demon, presented a strange air/Qi field, looks like these were full of paradox free-space diagram, one such as demon Beese link, mysterious difficult solution. 少年蓦一眯眼……这是什么?在他眼中,这魔头的身周,出现了一种怪异的气场,就像是那些充满了“悖论”的空间图,一如魔比斯环,神秘难解。 Bang!!! 轰!!! A giant demon fist bang in his front. 一只巨大的魔拳轰在了他的面前。 The time seems like elongates suddenly, the picture seemed framed. The demon fist like the mountain, under the mountain, the youngster covered the day sword to lift horizontally, the right hand held the sword, the left hand presses the sword blade, the leg is assuming the bow step, blocked the demon fist forcefully. This demon fist appears too quickly is too sudden , even his Yin counter Yang Wei almost reacts without enough time. Also covered luckily the day sword is the Immortal World first sword, itself has the powerful strength, otherwise he only feared that will be struck the fragment powder directly. 时间像是骤然间拉长,画面仿佛被定格。魔拳如山,山下,少年掩日剑横举,右手持剑,左手按着剑身,腿呈弓步,硬生生挡住了魔拳。这魔拳出现的实在太快太突然,以至于,连他的“阴逆阳违”都差点来不及做出反应。也幸好掩日剑乃是仙界第一剑,本身就带着强大的力量,否则他只怕会被直接击成齑粉。 The demon changes countenance: Good!” This youngster can actually receive he violates the space general knowledge ten thousand Bei a fist, indeed is more than he expected. 那魔头动容:“不错!”这少年竟然能够接下他违反空间常识的“万悖一拳”,的确是大出他的意料。 The demon fist only had the flash, then breaks into pieces. 魔拳只存在了一瞬间,便自行碎散。 The old demon leaps in the air, shouted: Good! Has such skill, no wonder is bold, dares to bully on own teacher. Ahem, no matter what, the old men could not forgive you!” The demon air/Qi flashes, billowing to become sea, the shape same hibernation of insects bird, resembles the demon god. 老魔头腾到空中,喝道:“不错!有这样的本事,难怪色胆包天,敢欺负到自己的老师头上。哼哼,不管怎样,老夫都饶不了你!”魔气一闪,滚滚成海,形同蛰鸟,更似魔神。 Sun Yan knew in the heart that he must use the big move, yes snort/hum, covered day to receive, was sincere to transfer the soul, really just two swords, a body revolution, the double sword had/left the ray in side shining. Although has not known that who this old fogy is, however lets him do what he pleases? You must fight, that then fights! 孙炎心知他要用出大招,亦是哼了一声,掩日一收,挚出转魂、真刚二剑,身躯一转,双剑在身边耀出光芒。虽然还不知道这老家伙是谁,但是管他呢?你要战,那便战! His both hands toward the back one lost/carrying, the double sword are conducting the back overlapping, gold/metal Tushui the fire clay was five-star, flew, combined to make the frontline in him behind, the Daoist robe volume dance, charming threatening. 他双手往背后一负,双剑在背上交叉,金土水火土五星连珠,飞了回来,在他身后并成一线,道袍卷舞,帅气逼人。 Sneers saying: Dares to touch Yaochi Empress breast, is drunk to ascend broad cold Chang E to shame ; The bang explodes the silly little girl two mother gods, tender chi flatters the phoenix to offer the star bead! How was this few hero bold...... you, to think ?” 冷笑道:“敢摸瑶池帝姬乳,醉登广寒嫦娥羞;轰爆傻妞二娘神,娇螭媚凰献星珠!本少侠就色胆包天了……你、想、怎、的?” ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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