MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#936: Valuable Tan magnificence hall

Sun Yan brings lotus lotus, star and young, as well as imaginary zither | Jean, playing cloud and other various Tiannv, stand before a datura door. 孙炎带着莲莲、星星、雏儿,以及幻琴、嬉云等诸天女,立在一扇曼陀罗门前。 They look to outside leaf world, the mountain tomb collapse, the land disrupts, looks like the destroyed bulletproof glass, jet black rays jump out from the place bottom, if not fall into carefully, feared that will be is curled to the chaos universe in immediately, will lead a pious life slightly badly, will not be the immortal body, will then die there directly. 他们看向外头的叶世界,山陵倒塌,大地碎裂,就像是被打碎的防弹玻璃,一道道漆黑的光芒从地底窜出,若是不小心掉入其中,怕是马上就会被卷到混沌宇宙中,修行稍差,不是仙体的,直接便是死在那里。 Sun Yan said: Walks!” He can induce, deep in this leaf world. 孙炎道:“走!”他能够感应到,冥儿就在这个叶世界里。 When eight institute altogether eight leaf world, they come, what walked is the legal community hides door void, but this door, can only come, is unable to go. Eight leaf world, if entered mistakenly, was hard to meet the fragrance with Yaoyao they. 八叶院一共有八个叶世界,他们进来时,走的是法界虚空藏开的“方便之门”,但这个方便之门,只能来,无法去。八个叶世界,如果进错了,就难以遇到香香和瑶瑶她们。 Sun Yan flies in the frontline, young and star young nun protect in two wings, lotus lotuses and various Tiannv fly in the Sun Yan rear area. Their this, does not dare to fly too high, only to be able between the collapse mountain tombs and mountain tombs low-flying, in order to avoid being discovered by the enemy. 孙炎飞在最前方,雏儿和星星小尼姑护在两翼,莲莲与诸天女飞在孙炎的后方。他们这一路,不敢飞得太高,只能在倒塌的山陵与山陵之间低飞,以免被敌人发现。 However regarding Sun Yan, his lucky discovery , as if can swallow the myriad things common jet black ray that flee, becomes their barriers imperceptibly, the mirror light that the Yin-Yang treasure mirror that because only, he brings, the photo has can penetrate these black rays, the photo arrives at its another side. 不过对于孙炎来说,他幸运的发现,那一道道窜起的、仿佛能够吞噬万物一般的漆黑光芒,无形中成为了他们的屏障,只因为,他所带的阴阳宝镜,照出的镜光能够穿透这些黑色光芒,照到它的另一边。 This enables them to discover the danger ahead of time, bypassed large quantities of bone demons, enemy who as well as wells up. 这让他们可以提前发现危险,也藉此绕过了大批的骨魔,以及涌来的敌人。 In a deep pool valley, did they see large quantities of corpses? The body, these all are the arhat and diamond in lotus flower embryo conceals, in mutual slaughtering died together. When everyone skeleton, spreading across but actually here, who is good, who is wicked, resembles has become does not have the significance, or the good and evil because of living the person exists. 在其中一处渊谷,他们看到了大批的尸?体,这些全都是莲花胎藏界里的罗汉和金刚,在互相杀戮中死在一起。当所有人尸骨,纵横交错的倒在这里,谁是善,谁是恶,似已变得全无意义,又或者说,善与恶原本就是因活着的人而存在的。 Looks the person who these died, various Tiannv all cries. In these war monks, having many are they knows. 看着这些死去的人,诸天女俱是落泪。这些战僧中,有许多是她们所认识的。 lotus lotus was also sad must cry. 莲莲亦是难过得都要哭了。 Although they all the way are extremely discrete, but Sun Yan discovered, they were decorated by the enemy. 只是,虽然他们一路上已经极是谨慎,但孙炎还是发现,他们被敌人缀上了。 He does not know that who these decorate them are, but, although he perceived that existence of enemy, is actually not able to discover the position of enemy, therefore is certain, that surely is a expert. 他不知道那些缀上他们的是谁,只是,虽然他觉察到敌人的存在,却无法发现敌人的位置,所以可以肯定,那必定是高手。 Moreover this expert comes to him. 而且这高手还是冲着他来的。 ...... …… Under the imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv direction. They arrived at a Buddhist temple hall. 在幻琴天女的指点下。他们来到了一座佛殿。 Because although the disaster that the lotus explosion causes tribulations, this Buddhist temple hall had also presented the fissure, but has not collapsed. But from another perspective, has not collapsed in such landslide cracks in the earth, can want to see, its firm. 虽然因为莲般爆炸所引发的天灾地劫,这佛殿也已经出现了裂痕,但并未倒塌。而从另一个角度来说,在这样的山崩地裂中都未塌去,也可以想见,它本身的坚固。 In Buddhist temple hall, consecrated is not five big void conceals, but is a female Bodhisattva, this female Bodhisattva. The appearance abundant circle, wears the flower vine crown, throws over cloud shoulder, plays the part of the string of pearls. The left hand is pinching a white lotus flower, the right hand wrist/skill in the waist slightly curved, the palm dislikes outside the counter- tune, the eye regards toward left. Graceful gorgeous. 佛殿内,供奉的不是五大虚空藏,而是一位女菩萨,这女菩萨。面相丰圆,头戴花蔓冠,披云肩,饰璎珞。左手捏着一朵白色莲花,右手手腕在腰间微弯,掌背向外反曲,目往左视。雍容华美。 The rear area of image of Buddha, was a clear pond, in clear as if there is bright moonlight to rock. Also there is a white lotus, flutters gently. 佛像的后方,是一片清池,清中仿佛有明月晃动。又有朵朵白莲,轻轻飘动。 Is quite secret in Buddhist temple hall, if not for imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv leads them to come here, they feared that could not find it. 在佛殿颇为隐秘,若不是幻琴天女带着他们来到这里,他们怕是根本找不到它。 Sun Yan raised the head, looks at the image of Buddha of this graceful gorgeous female Bodhisattva, said: This Bodhisattva is......” lotus flower embryo conceals, is occupied by several real Bodhisattvas, properly speaking, does not need to reconstruct a Buddhist temple, consecrates another Bodhisattva. 孙炎抬起头来,看着这雍容华美的女菩萨的佛像,道:“这位菩萨是……”莲花胎藏界,原本就住着好几位真菩萨,按理说,没必要再建一座佛庙,供奉另一位菩萨。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv said: This is my master, the valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattvas in Eastern net colored glaze world's top eight Bodhisattva!” 幻琴天女道:“这位是我的师父,东方净琉璃世界八大菩萨中的宝檀华菩萨!” Is Sun Yan suddenly...... the imaginary zither | Jean is the apprentice of valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva? 孙炎恍然……原来是幻琴是宝檀华菩萨的徒弟? Naturally, this is also nothing unusual, the imaginary zither | Jean is greatly sad Tiannv. In lotus magnificence Taicang, the day female is numerous, extrication institute and Fu wisdom institute, has the respective day female. However big sad Tiannv altogether only has 36, these 36 greatly sad Tiannv, the position in lotus flower embryo conceals numerous day female, are extremely high. 当然,这也不足为奇,幻琴乃是大悲天女。莲华胎藏界内,天女众多,解脱院、福智院等,也都有各自的天女。但是大悲天女一共只有三十六位,这三十六名大悲天女,在莲花胎藏界众天女里的地位,算是极高的。 This like Immortal World, Jade Woman is innumerable, Yaochi Jade Woman is also Jade Woman, but Yaochi Jade Woman position, is better than ordinary Jade Woman, such as fragrant this Kitadake princess, the actual status is also Jade Woman, but others are Yaochi Jade Woman. 这就像仙界,玉女数不胜数,瑶池玉女也是玉女,但是瑶池玉女的地位,又远远胜过普通的玉女,就如香香这位“北岳公主”,实际的身份也是玉女,但人家是“瑶池玉女”。 The imaginary zither | Jean as the disciple of valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva, in Abelow raises in the ficus religiosa of the world, is greatly sad Tiannv, is not very strange matter. 幻琴身为宝檀华菩萨的弟子,在阿比罗提世界的菩提树内,做一名大悲天女,并不是什么很奇怪的事。 He said: Imaginary zither | Jean miss, you, since is the disciple of valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva, why doesn't make your teacher lead you to enter the net colored glaze world to practice?” The net colored glaze world and heaven of heavens, with the main world together and said that horizontal third, after said and discussed that the Eastern net colored glaze world and Western heaven of heavens, for second the wings Heaven, can say, is belongs to Heaven, but Abelow raises the world, although is the pure Buddha earth, but belongs to Mortal World eventually. 他道:“幻琴姑娘,你既然是宝檀华菩萨的弟子,为何不让你师尊带你进入净琉璃世界修行?”净琉璃世界与极乐世界,与主世界一同并称“横三世”,佛道并谈后,东方净琉璃世界与西方极乐世界,为天界之两翼,可以说,也是属于“天界”,而阿比罗提世界虽然是清净佛土,但终究还是属于人间 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv said: I am Abelow raised the person who the world was born, and Eastern net colored glaze world, the man are many, the female are few, and all females non- net colored glaze world live......” 幻琴天女道:“我原本就是阿比罗提世界出生的人,且东方净琉璃世界,男子多,女子少,且所有的女子都非净琉璃世界所生……” Right, that is because pharmacist Tathagata 12 big hopes relations. 呃,对了,那是因为药师如来“十二大愿”的关系。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv said: In this leaf world, altogether two valuable Tan magnificence hall who consecrate family/home, another, outside thousand li (500 km). Between these two leaves of valuable Tan magnificence hall, is opening a leaf of door, I can lead the sisters, from here, direct front another treasure Tan magnificence hall. That valuable Tan magnificence hall, situated in lotus flower Yuelunshan, because this road is family/home master Jianlai, provides purifies the mind the cultivation to use to the day female of cultivation treasure Tan magnificence Bodhisattva say/way, therefore is extremely safe, others did not enter. This road, actually only then the female may walk......” 幻琴天女道:“在这一片叶世界里,一共有两座供奉家师的宝檀华殿,另一座,在千里之外。在这两扇宝檀华殿之间,开着一扇方便之门,我可以带着姐妹们,从这里,直接前方另一座宝檀华殿。那座宝檀华殿,位于莲花月轮山中,因为这条路原本就是家师建来,提供给修炼宝檀华菩萨道的天女清心修炼所用,所以极是安全,其他人也进入不了。只是这条路,却只有女子可走……” Sun Yan hear of she said, nods. 孙炎听她说完,点了点头。 Because host Abelow raises world lotus magnificence Taicang five big void conceals, is the male Bodhisattva, its Buddhist doctrine not necessarily suits the female to practice, therefore, the valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva provided a leaf of door here, to the day of Bodhisattva say/way cultivating her bestowing female, a cultivation place, as for valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva, the place of occupying is the net colored glaze world, but arrived here occasionally, therefore manages these two valuable Tan magnificence hall daily, is imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv. 因为主持阿比罗提世界莲华胎藏界的五大虚空藏,全都是男菩萨,其佛法未必适合女子修行,所以,宝檀华菩萨在这里提供了一扇方便之门,给修炼她所赐下的菩萨道的天女、一个修炼的场所,至于宝檀华菩萨自己,所居之处乃是净琉璃世界,只是偶尔来到这里,所以日常主持这两座宝檀华殿的,便是幻琴天女。 He said: Since this, the imaginary zither | Jean miss, you first lead everyone to walk this leaf of door, I find the way to lead away trace our enemies, then met with you to lotus flower Yuelunshan.” 他道:“既然这样,幻琴姑娘,你先带着大家走这扇方便之门,我想办法引开追踪我们的敌人,再到莲花月轮山与你们会合。” Although has not seen the enemy, but that keen feeling, making him believe firmly that they had been decorated by the expert, leads so many Yingying Yanyan's girls, he is unable the throwing away enemy. Ask them to leave this leaf of door, he casts off to trace their people, is a good way. 虽然没有看到敌人,但那敏锐的感觉,让他确信他们已经被高手缀上,带着这么多莺莺燕燕的姑娘,他根本无法甩脱敌人。让她们走这扇方便之门,他来甩开追踪他们的人,也是一个好办法。 Master, I with you together!” Young called out. “主人,我跟你一起!”雏儿叫道。 Sun Yan said: Young, you follow they, if I do not have to rush to lotus flower Yuelunshan promptly, you protect good everyone.” Is saying, while through mind connection, by master the order, repeats these words. 孙炎却道:“雏儿,你跟着她们,万一我没有及时赶到莲花月轮山,你保护好大家。”一边说着,一边通过心灵连系,以“主人”的命令,将这句话重复一遍。 Young discontentedly honk mouth. 雏儿不满地嘟了嘟嘴。 ...... …… *** *** With own eyes look, imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv brings lotus lotuses, young and various Tiannv to step into the image of Buddha rear bright moonlight lotus pond, vanishes in lotus pond, through mysterious gate that the valuable Tan magnificence Bodhisattva leaves behind, went to lotus flower Yuelunshan, Sun Yan had/left valuable Tan magnificence hall, grazed along the way, flew toward the distant place. 亲眼看着,幻琴天女带莲莲、雏儿、诸天女踏入佛像后方的明月莲花池,消失在莲池之中,通过宝檀华菩萨留下的神秘之门,前往莲花月轮山,孙炎出了宝檀华殿,沿途飞掠,往远处飞去。 Everywhere is the cracks that split, because explodes the black ray that leaps void, sometimes will run into groups of experts, flies round. He does not know that which the person of side these are enemy and ourselves, from does not dare to contact casually, all goes round quietly. 到处都是裂开的地缝,以及因为虚空爆炸所腾起的黑色光芒,有时又会遇到一批批高手,飞来飞去。他也不知道这些是敌我哪方的人,自也不敢随便接触,全都悄然绕开。 Resembles so, sneaks, but that tracked feeling, is actually not able to throw away. 似这般,一路潜行,而身后那被跟踪的感觉,却是怎么也无法甩脱。 Front, after is several mountains collapse, the mountain valley that creates, many spirit beasts go all around, they feel the crisis of this world, actually does not know that should flee toward where, can only vast unpurposed, scurries about. 前方,是几座高山倒塌后,所造成的山谷,许多灵兽四处奔走,它们感受到这个世界的危机,却又不知该往何处奔逃,只能茫无目的的,四处乱窜。 Sun Yan flies into the valley, wants to cross the mountain to go. 孙炎飞入谷中,想要翻山而去。 At this moment, the person's shadow came from the distant place together air-splitting, bang, falls on his front, since shakes dust that flies upwards. The dust is billowing, curls toward four sides. Sun Yan there, fixes the eyes on to look, sees only from the dust to leaving, is throwing over the long hair, its modeling looks like " Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber » in golden hair Lion King common old man. 就在这时,一道人影从远处破空而来,“嘭”的一声,落在他的前方,震起飞扬的尘土。尘土滚滚,往四面卷去。孙炎顿在那里,定睛看去,只见从尘土中向出的,是个披着长发,其造型就像是《倚天屠龙记》里的金毛狮王一般的老者。 This old man both eyes stare: „Are you Sun Yan?” 这老者双目一瞪:“你就是孙炎?” ......( To be continued......) i1292 ……(未完待续……)i1292
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