MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#942: The square dance in battlefield

In the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, the war is tightening ; In Immortal World, chaotic side health/life ; Mixes the desert world, everywhere war clouds, rivers of blood...., 妙喜树内,战事正紧;仙界之中,混乱方生;混漠世界,漫天战云,血流成河。…, But at this time, the enemy in the extraordinary method, the strongest strength and serious famine war-god that from the serious famine period summon came, appeared in this unmanned turning over to ruins deep place unexpectedly? 但就是在这个时候,敌人以非凡手段,从大荒时期召唤而来的最强战力、大荒战神,竟然出现在这无人的归墟深处? Junior Sister the Junior Sister, I really hope that your judgment is wrong! 师妹啊师妹,我真希望你的判断是错的! Li Chen tight frowning. 李尘紧紧的皱着眉头。 Although he has cultivated to Golden Immortal, actually does not dare to provoke punishment day big magical powers. 他虽已修至金仙,却也不敢去招惹刑天这种大神通者。 Like big magical powers of punishment day rank, can say, had exceeded Golden Immortal, greatly Luo Golden Immortal, includes the rank of beginning of the universe Golden Immortal. Especially, the punishment day is war-god that” approves superstitiously, Taoist trinity Heaven, has the really spirit totem, takes, although as the Heavenly Court enemy, will actually not be suppressed superstitiously, counter- can be sheltered superstitiously. 像刑天这种级别的大神通者,可以说,已是超越了金仙、大罗金仙,列入混元金仙之等级。尤其是,刑天乃天条所认可的“战神”,三清天上,有其真灵图腾,是以虽为天庭的敌人,却不会受到天条的压制,反能得到天条庇护。 Naturally, here turns over to the ruins, is unable to infiltrate here superstitiously, but only depends on the punishment day the strength, Li Chen had known, is not his rival. But the punishment day, is only the mountain is ordinary, stands in Dai sedan chair Jiaoshan, motionless, statue that as if ancient does not extinguish. 当然,这里乃是归墟,天条无法渗透到这里,但只凭刑天的自身实力,李尘已是自知,绝非他的敌手。而刑天,却也只是山一般的,立在岱舆焦山上,一动不动,仿佛亘古不灭的石像。 Li Chen looks quietly toward the distant place, distant another mountain, is separated by with Dai sedan chair Jiaoshan far, that mountain, full mountain is the tree of bead gan, the green light is all clear, the smoke wave is vast, the immortal Yushu Manshan extension, after was roasted by the fire of all generations roasts, has become the Dai sedan chair of earth of Wojiao, forms contrast that distinguishes right from wrong. 李尘悄然往远处看去,远方另有一山,与岱舆焦山相隔较远,那山,满山皆是珠玕之树,翠光粼粼,烟波浩渺,仙枝玉树漫山伸展,与被万劫之火炙烤后,已成沃焦之土的岱舆,形成泾渭分明的对比。 That mountain is the round high peaked mountains. 那山便是圆峤。 The antiquity period, in the world this had five celestial mountains, an abbot, a Penglai, a Yingzhou, a Dai sedan chair, round high peaked mountains. The latter two celestial mountains fall into turn over to the ruins extremely deep place, is this Dai sedan chair and round high peaked mountains. 上古时期,天地间本有五座仙山,一名方丈,一名蓬莱,一名瀛洲,一名岱舆,一名圆峤。后有两座仙山掉入归墟极深之处,便是这岱舆与圆峤。 These two celestial mountains, each has ten thousand li (0.5 km) surrounding area, hangs in void, although is turning over to the ruins deep place, why actually does not know the reason, has not fallen again toward under. 这两座仙山,每一座都有万里方圆,悬于虚空之中,虽在归墟深处,却不知因何原因,并未再往下方坠去。 The punishment day has then defended there, the arms have not moved. The cold light first gets up, murderous aura to leaping, regards a day of constitution slowly...... 刑天便一直守在那里,干戈未动。寒光先起,杀气冲腾,慢视天宪…… ...... …… lotus lotus and swallow Yinchu, the star young nun, with imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv, various Tiannv together, had/left valuable Tan magnificence hall, arrives at lotus flower Yuelunshan. 莲莲与燕引雏、星星小尼姑,随着幻琴天女、诸天女一同,出了宝檀华殿,来到莲花月轮山。 They hide in the mountainside place, another side of mountain, everywhere dust, the war cries are shocking, obviously during is ripping to kill. 她们躲藏在山腰处,山的另一边,漫天尘土,杀声震天,显然正在撕杀之中。 Sun Yan has not arrived. They suddenly, does not know that which direction should in walk, Sun Yan here, they however, do not know well-remembered oneself should make anything. 孙炎还没有到。她们一时间,也不知道该往哪个方向走,孙炎不在这里,她们茫茫然然,都不知道自己该做什么。 They crawl quietly the mountain top, looks together toward another side of mountain, sees only the front, over a thousand gifted generals are ripping to kill with the enemy in the same place, the world is tragic situations. Also everywhere is the corpse, is everywhere dismal. After a day will add up totals the person continually, oneself also cleft in two by an almighty troops, a group of profound soldiers rush ahead in the chaotic arrow. Has not rushed to front of the enemy, then the sword has dropped down. 她们悄悄爬到山头,一同往山的另一边看去,只见前方,上千名天兵天将正与敌人撕杀在一起,天地原本就是一片惨况。又到处都是尸体,满目悲凉。一名天将连杀数人后,自己也被一件神兵劈成了两半,一批玄兵在乱箭中冲杀。还未冲到敌人面前,便已纷纷中剑倒下。 The god of death tornado is likely common, harvests, harvesting in the past. 死神像旋风一般,收割过来,又收割过去。 Say/Way that lotus lotus muttered: Why do they want to kill? In this world is most precious. Isn't the life? Why must like this, disregard others' life, disregards own life? Why can like this?” 莲莲喃喃的道:“他们为什么要杀来杀去?这世上最宝贵的。不就是生命吗?为什么要这样子,无视别人的生命,也无视自己的生命?为什么要这样子?” Her issue. No one can reply. 她这个问题。自是没有人能够回答。 lotus lotus stood suddenly, imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv hurries to hold on her: What do you want to make?” 莲莲忽的站了起来,幻琴天女慌忙将她拉住:“你要做什么?” lotus lotus said: I must prevent them!” 莲莲道:“我要阻止他们!” Others looked that the fool did look like to her...... possibly prevents generally? 其他人看傻瓜一般向她看来……怎么可能阻止得了? lotus lotus is actually proceeds to fly, the cyanogen has the profound damask silk that if dances in the air, holding her to proceed to flutter. 莲莲却是往前一飞,青气有若飞舞的玄绫,托着她往前飘去。 Never expected that she really so flies unexpectedly to the battlefield, in imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv heart one tight, is thinking her if by some chance dies here, how oneself do explain to grandson few heroes? The star young nun is also one startled, urgently called out: lotus lotus elder sister!” 没有想到她竟然真的就这般飞向战场,幻琴天女心中一紧,想着她万一要是死在这里,自己怎么向孙少侠交待?星星小尼姑亦是一惊,急叫道:“莲莲姐!” swallow Yinchu badly bad say/way: Her head shattered!” 燕引雏坏坏的道:“她的脑袋坏掉了!” Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv sharply jumps, wants reckless rushing, pulls back lotus lotus. 幻琴天女急跳而起,想要不顾一切的冲上去,将莲莲拉回。 lotus lotus is actually flies high to fly, flies into the battlefield, both hands grip tightly, screamed: Stop!” 莲莲却已是凌空而飞,飞入战场中,双手紧握,尖叫道:“住手!” Her voice, is not loud, above the battlefield, the player and enemy at least more than 2000 people, these people are killing life and death, properly speaking, is impossible to hear her sound. However, with her call, unknowingly, everyone then stopped, or turns head, lifts the head, as if by prior agreement looks like toward her. 她的声音,并不算大,战场之上,敌我双方至少有两千多人,这些人正在杀得你死我活,按理说,怎么也不可能听到她的声音。然而,随着她的呐喊,不知不觉,所有人便都停了下来,或是扭头,或是抬首,不约而同的往她看来。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv and star young nun fly her behind, must pull back her hardly, suddenly , the war cry rose from all directions a moment ago, a stretch of making a big noise battlefield, is all of a sudden quiet, everyone in looks toward them. They are stiff immediately there, the so strange atmosphere, lets their scalp tingles, moves does not dare to move. 幻琴天女与星星小尼姑飞到她的身后,本是要将她硬拉回来,突然间,刚才还喊杀声四起,一片喧腾的战场,一下子就沉寂下来,所有人都在往她们这边看。她们立时僵在那里,如此怪异的气氛,让她们头皮发麻,动都不敢动一下。 lotus lotus flies there, looks at everyone in battlefield, sad say/way: Why can go to war? Why can kill? World obviously so happy, life such precious, in addition the ants drag out an ignoble existence, why doesn't everyone treasure own life? What this world's most important is what? Is the love! So long as in the heart has the love, so long as in the heart has the goodness, anything can solve. You kill like this, hits, what can? Why can't everyone together joyful playing?” 莲莲飞在那里,看着战场上的大家,哀伤的道:“为什么要打仗?为什么要杀来杀去?世界明明是这般的美好,生命是这么的宝贵,蝼蚁尚且偷生,大家为什么就不爱惜自己的性命?这个世界最重要的是什么?是爱啊!只要心中有爱,只要心中有善良,什么事都是可以解决的。你们这样杀来杀去,打来打去,到底能够得到什么?为什么大家就不能一起快快乐乐的玩耍?” Everyone together joyful playing? Say/Way that a day will have doubts: What plays?” 大家一起快快乐乐的玩耍?一名天将疑惑的道:“玩什么?” lotus lotus said: For example and for example...... dances?” 莲莲道:“比如、比如……跳舞啊?” ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan and to seal/confer beautiful, way-opening god, flies together toward lotus flower Yuelunshan. 孙炎、封美、开路神等,一同往莲花月轮山飞去。 Distant place suddenly hears the resounding musical sound, this musical sound is sonorous, felt that looks like the main world Mortal World square dance. 远处忽的传来响亮的音乐声,这音乐声宏亮悠扬,感觉就像是主世界人间的广场舞。 They have doubts looks one...... to have an accident? In such a place, why will have such musical sound? Is a trap? 他们疑惑的对望一眼……出了什么事?在这样一种地方,为什么会有这样的音乐声?难道是陷阱? Sun Yan is in the heart one startled, front is lotus flower Yuelunshan, at this time, lotus lotus and young and star they also almost arrived here. 孙炎更是心中一惊,前面便是莲花月轮山,这个时候,莲莲和雏儿、星星她们也差不多到了这里。 They do not dare to be negligent, is standing guard, while toward front rapid flight, actually all dumbfounded. In their front, a pretty girl in the stage, flings about, is transferring the circle, on the stage, soldier in groups, will have the enemy, has the person on one's own side, imaginary zither | Jean and other days of female, everyone following girl's rhythm, excited, happy, is dancing the square dance together, the harmony happiness, the laughter is jubilant, numerous Zhicheng dances, too happy to think of home and duty. 他们不敢大意,一边警戒着,一边往前方疾飞,紧接着却个个目瞪口呆。在他们的前方,一个漂亮的女孩在高台上,跳来跳去,转着圈子,台上,成群的兵将,有敌人,有自己人,还有幻琴等诸多天女,大家跟着女孩的节奏,兴奋的,开心的,一起跳着广场舞,其乐融融,笑声欢腾,众志成舞,乐不思蜀。 Way-opening god and other gifted generals, stares the big eye, at heart thinking? This , did they have the time to dance unexpectedly? Moreover aren't these enemies? Jumped square dance with the enemy together is to take the wrong medicine? This is the illusion? This is the enemy makes, is used to seduce our illusions? 开路神等天兵天将一个个的,瞪大眼睛,心里想着这是怎么回事?这都什么时候了,他们居然还有时间跳舞?而且那些不是敌人么?跟敌人一起跳广场舞这个是吃错药了么?难道这个是幻觉?这个是敌人造出来,用来诱惑我们的幻象? That girl in stage, they pours is knew that kills on the road in bright permanent sand river from the seven treasures woods, the mysterious girls, with her superb healing technique, treated and cured many wounded person, that female Bodhisattva common girl, is lotus lotus miss who now this leads everyone to dance, dancing is the good deed, but isn't this time right? Isn't this place right? 高台上的那个女孩,他们倒都是认识的,从七宝树林杀到慧恒沙河的路上,有一个神秘的女孩,用她出神入化的治疗术,救治了许多的伤员,那个女菩萨一般的女孩,就是现在这个带着大家跳舞的莲莲姑娘,跳舞是好事,但是这时间不对啊?这地方不对啊? to seal/confer beautiful said near the Sun Yan ear quietly: „Is she that lotus princess?” 封美在孙炎耳边悄声道:“她就是那个莲公主?” Sun Yan said: She is lotus lotus!” 孙炎道:“她就是莲莲!” In the stage, lotus lotus jumps, under the stage, everyone follows to jump together. The way-opening god behind, many invincible forces are not free, as everyone's rhythm turned the waist, the way-opening god turns head, stared them to be the same ruthlessly, making them restrain...... me saying that you do know where this was, what are we making? 高台上,莲莲蹦蹦跳跳,高台下,大家跟着一起蹦蹦跳跳。开路神身后,许多天兵已不自由的,随着大家的节奏扭起了腰,开路神回过头来,狠狠的瞪了他们一样,让他们收敛……我说你们知不知道这到底是什么地方,我们到底在做什么? In musical sound, lotus lotus jumps is turning circle while claps, said loudly: Mediates......! Does good......! Makes full one percentage......! The good people I work as......!” Around the stage, more than 2000 soldiers as well as day of female, turns circle with her together while claps the hands, the imposing manner is magnificent. Even the way-opening god sleep/felt goes well itchy, wants to follow everyone to transfer one revolution, pats a racket. 音乐声中,莲莲一边跳着转圈一边拍手,大声道:“做好人……啪啪!做好事……啪啪!做满一百分……啪啪!好人我来当……啪啪!”在高台周围,两千多名兵将以及诸位天女,跟着她一起一边转圈一边拍掌,气势壮观。连开路神都觉得手很痒,很想跟着大家转一转,拍一拍。 Sun Yan and to seal/confer beautiful look one. Can each other slaughter these, the bloody battle to the player and enemy of life and death situation, draws the same place to dance the square dance, in some sense...... she really worthily is the next generation day demon...... 孙炎与封美对望一眼。能够把这些彼此杀戮,血战到你死我活的地步的敌我双方,拉到一起跳广场舞,在某种意义上……她真不愧是下一代天魔…… ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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