MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#931: The gods ban the ban

The star cries saying: Disciple, although wants, but the teacher's younger brother you use to give self up to hope greatly......” 星星哭道:“弟子虽然愿意,但是师叔您使用舍身大愿……” diamond void conceals sighed: I have killed too many people, is sinful, outside these people, live with great difficulty in my demon tribulation, if the enemy kills in advance, they feared that is no one can return alive, I refuse stubbornly importantly, only hope these remaining day females, can be safe, only hope this disaster, can pass smoothly.” 金刚虚空藏叹道:“我已经害死太多人,罪孽深重,外面那些人,在我的魔劫中好不容易活下来,若是敌人先行杀来,她们怕是无一人能够生还,我死不要紧,唯希望这些剩下的天女,能够平平安安,唯希望这场劫难,能够顺利度过。” Star young nun crouches/submits body prostrates oneself. 星星小尼姑伏身拜倒。 ...... …… *** *** Outside Sun Yan arrives. 孙炎来到外头。 Knew that diamond void conceals must use to give self up to hope greatly, in imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv is busy at leading the day females to enter, pays a visit diamond void conceals. 得知金刚虚空藏要使用舍身大愿,幻琴天女忙带着众天女入内,拜见金刚虚空藏。 diamond void conceals sits cross-legged in the place, sighed: Was this place harmed your sisters, made you by this tribulation.” 金刚虚空藏盘坐于地,叹道:“是本座害了你们的姐妹,又令你们受此磨难。” Imaginary zither | Jean day women lacrimal: Lotus flower embryo conceals cannot do without the revering management, but also please revering consider 12 again!” 幻琴天女流泪道:“莲花胎藏界不能没有尊者主持,还请尊者再考虑一二!” diamond void conceals said: I have lost Fokuang, falls down the Bodhisattva throne, this is I can for the last matter that you do. After the god bans the ban opens, you stay here, insisted that Empress commands troops the arrival, the selfenergy is safe!” 金刚虚空藏道:“吾已失去佛光,跌下菩萨宝座,这是我能够为你们所做的最后一点事。等神禁禁制打开后,你们留在这里,坚持到帝姬率兵到来,自能平安!” A hand request, the star young nun completely all flies with seven levels of exquisite pleasant golden pagodas, his drinks greatly, to give self up to hope greatly, displays Fokuang forcefully, with one crack, appears 18, holds the string of pearls, precious pearl, colored glaze, canopy, the valuable tree respectively and other Fubao, the unusual brightness and Bodhisattva blood about * becomes a body, the photo approaches the star and pleasant pagoda. 将手一托,星星小尼姑与七级玲珑如意黄金宝塔尽皆飞起,他一声大喝,以舍身大愿,强行施展佛光,随着一声炸响,现出十八手,各持璎珞、宝珠、琉璃、伞盖、宝树等诸多佛宝,宝光与菩萨血合*成一体,照向星星与如意宝塔。 Sees only the pleasant pagoda, the spin is quicker, turns into 13 from seven, turns into 19 from 13, turns into 27 from 19, finally appears 33 buddhist monk real shapes finally, has Buddha layer upon layer, Yanyan is bright. Meanwhile, the star young nun is also one crack, appears the arhat golden body, sits well above the god deer. The left hand holds the book, the right hand holds the stick. 只见如意宝塔,越旋越快,从七层变成十三层,从十三层变成十九层,从十九层变成二十七层,最后终现出三十三层浮屠真形,层层有佛,艳艳光明。与此同时,星星小尼姑亦是一声炸响,现出罗汉金身,端坐于神鹿之上。左手持书,右手持杖。 diamond void conceals drinks one: Goes!” 金刚虚空藏喝一声:“去!” The body sits the deer arhat presently star Yi, holds 33 exquisite pleasant buddhist relics gold pagodas, flies into five institute central Buddha columns , is centered on the Buddha column loudly, Fokuang hold , splitting open layer upon layer, will extricate the institute and Fu wisdom institute, to be able full Yuan, uses/gives Yuanyuan, the Forder institute all covers to enter greatly. Also there is a singing in praise of the Buddha to rise from all directions, light shape Sanskrit revolving. 身现坐鹿罗汉相的星奕,捧着三十三层的玲珑如意舍利子黄金宝塔,飞入五院中央的佛柱之中,轰然间,以佛柱为中心,佛光大盛,一圈圈,一层层的绽开,将解脱院、福智院、能满院、施愿院、福德院全都罩入。又有梵音四起,光形梵文一圈圈的旋转。 The star flies into the motionless valuable earthen bowl, mobilizes the god to ban the ban , has the exquisite pleasant buddhist relics gold pagoda of Buddha to put in the motionless valuable earthen bowl 33 levels layer upon layer, jumps to return, falls on the ground, turns into the original appearance. Looks again, the diamond void conceals Bodhisattva golden body has broken to pieces, be with smile on the face. Had passed away. 星星飞入不动宝钵,发动神禁禁制,将三十三级、层层有佛的玲珑如意舍利子黄金宝塔置于不动宝钵,纵身而回,落在地上,重新变成本来模样。再行看去,金刚虚空藏菩萨金身已碎,面带笑容。已是圆寂。 The star kisses the ground to cry, various Tiannv suppresses the tears, flew, the handbasket falls to pieces. Inundates the institute unrefined resin, floating strange Cai, Fokuang blooms, propitious complete. It is not spatial and spatial. 星星伏地大哭,诸天女强忍泪水,飞了起来,提篮散花。漫院生香,飘飘奇彩,佛光绽放,吉祥圆满。不空而空。 Sun Yan stands golden body that before the diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas crush, both hands together, pays homage to slowly. Although was once puzzled for the heart demon. Dropped the Bodhisattva throne, but in this moment, diamond void conceals hoped at big of rising above self finally, split Fokuang, the card results in the reason to think completely, re-entered the Bodhisattva throne. 孙炎立在金刚虚空藏菩萨粉碎的金身前,双手合什,缓缓膜拜。虽然曾为心魔所惑。堕下了菩萨宝座,但在这一刻,金刚虚空藏终以舍己为人之大愿,重新绽出佛光,证得缘觉圆满,重回菩萨宝座。 ...... …… *** *** Taking advantage of the exquisite pleasant buddhist relics gold pagoda, and sacrifice of diamond void conceals Bodhisattva, entire greatly sad Mandala Institute, was banned the ban to cover by the god. 借着玲珑如意舍利子黄金宝塔,以及金刚虚空藏菩萨的牺牲,整个大悲曼荼罗院,都被神禁禁制笼罩。 lotus lotus starts to treat for playing cloud Tiannv, sees only with playing cloud Tiannv who she non-stop speaks, was frightened excessively, is playing cloud Tiannv of nervous breakdown, first is well-remembered, has one not to have responding, looks at her such, feared that is she does not know oneself complied with anything. However with two people conversations, her train of thought also jumps over to link up unexpectedly, scattered in disorder intelligent also restoration slowly, sobers finally, supports a sob with other day of females. 莲莲开始为嬉云天女治疗,只见她不停的跟嬉云天女说话,原本受到过度惊吓,已是精神崩溃的嬉云天女,先是茫茫然、有一句无一句的应着,看她那样子,怕是连她自己也不知道自己应了些什么。但是随着两人的交谈,她的思绪竟然也越来连贯,散乱的神智也慢慢的恢复,最终清醒过来,与其他天女拥头哭泣。 Sun Yan really does not know how lotus lotus achieves, what immortal technique magic also without seeing her uses? 孙炎真不知道莲莲是怎么做到的,也没看到她用出什么仙术魔法啊? What to do then should? Sun Yan sits cross-legged to sit there, lowers the head the ponder. 接下来该怎么办?孙炎盘膝坐在那里,低头沉思。 The Yaoyao Empress arrangement gives his duty, is comes to contact the legal community void conceals Bodhisattva, clarifies the lotus flower embryo conceals condition, at present but he knows, is legal community void conceals, diamond void conceals, unusual brightness void conceals and lotus flower void conceals four Bodhisattva entirely Wang. Although opened the god to ban the ban, plays some roles, how long but the god banned the ban to block enemy, did not say, but what situation outside greatly sad Mandala Institute was, he has not clarified. 瑶瑶帝姬安排给他的任务,是前来接触法界虚空藏菩萨,弄清莲花胎藏界的状况,但他目前所知的,就是法界虚空藏、金刚虚空藏、宝光虚空藏、莲花虚空藏四位菩萨俱亡。虽然打开了神禁禁制,起到了一些作用,但神禁禁制到底能够阻住敌人多久,并不好说,而大悲曼荼罗院外头到底是什么样的形势,他也还弄不清楚。 How now should do? Stays here, the protection extrication institute and these days female, are waiting for Yaoyao Empress and Wuqu and broken army, about cut down the demon to cause and the others the arrivals, depends on with the deep mind connection, goes to seek for the fragrance, thus found Yaoyao Empress and the others? 现在该怎么做?是留在这里,守护解脱院和这些天女,等着瑶瑶帝姬与武曲、破军、左右伐魔使等人的到来,还是靠着与冥儿的心灵连系,前去寻找香香,从而找到瑶瑶帝姬等人? Because is unable to control the entire situation, therefore, many things do not have the means concrete analysis, how to choose, the result of choice is better is worse, to a great extent also can only depend on the luck. 因为无法掌握住整个局势,所以,许多事情并没有办法具体的分析,怎么样选择,选择的结果是更好还是更糟,很大程度上也就只能靠运气。 He sits in extricating the palace a corner, defends the heart to be spatial by the god knowledge, as far as possible was calmed down by oneself, careful thinking. 他坐于解脱殿内一隅,以神识守着心头空明,尽可能的让自己冷静下来,细心思索。 In another side, lotus lotus treats for the day females, consumed too many strengths...... right, is not profound qi, is not her mysterious cyanogen, but is the strength. Mysterious cyanogen that her even soul can treat, is almost infinite, does to her physical strength only to be able with two characters to describe delicately...... 在另一边,莲莲为天女们治疗,也消耗了太多力气……没错,不是玄气,不是她的神秘青气,而是力气。她那连魂魄都可以治疗的神秘青气,几乎是无限的,奈何她的体力只能用两个字来形容……柔弱。 Her physical strength, is not really better than the average person on many. 她的体力,实在不比普通人好上多少。 At this moment, she has been exhausted, has been curling up the tender body, bends in another side corner, is working as the pillow with both hands of closing up, the pillow under the cheek, happy falling asleep. 此时此刻,她已经累坏了,正蜷着娇躯,弯在另一边的角落里,用合拢的双手当着枕头,枕在颊下,甜甜蜜蜜的睡着。 Also presses her in this environment, unexpectedly can also fall asleep. 也难为她在这种环境下,居然也睡得着。 Here is extricates the side hall in institute, the star outside, defends corpse who her master cobalt is printing the Grandmaster, for several days the females are comforting her. As for young, guards in the front gate place of extrication institute, even if bans the protection of ban brightly, actually cannot affirm that here certainly is safe, needs some people to defend. 这里乃是解脱院的偏殿,星星正在外头,守着她师父钴印大师的尸身,那些天女们在安慰着她。至于雏儿,则在解脱院的院门处把守,就算有神禁禁制的保护,却也不敢肯定这里就一定是安全的,需要有人守着。 He is pondering the following action, only pitifully, no matter how he pondered, as before is one group of messes. He no doubt is in suspense fragrant and deep, wants with them in the same place. However, they only feared at this moment also just mounted lotus flower Mandala Institute is not long, eight institutes, although is called as the institute, is actually equivalent to eight microcosms to put together the lotus flower shape, must meet with them, definitely wants one on the way, encounters many enemies, that following, he brings lotus lotus and star starts off together, keeps them? 他思考着接下来的行动,只可惜,不管他如何思考,依旧是一团乱麻。他固然放心不下香香和冥儿,想要与她们在一起。但是,她们此刻只怕也是刚登上莲花曼荼罗院未久,“八叶院”虽然称作院,其实相当于八个小世界拼成莲花形状,要与她们会合,途中必然要一,遭遇到许多敌人,那接下来,他是带着莲莲和星星一同上路呢,还是把她们留下来? Leads them to start off together, is unsafe ; Remaining same is not unsafe. Moreover, what method the town/subdues Yuan child, do nine burn Zhou demon and army zha Leeming king and others also to hide? Why their killer copper punishment day and hasn't the labor, altogether appeared? What is the black cherry elder sister's dealing method? 带她们一同上路,不安全;留下来也一样不安全。另外,镇元子、九焚纣魔、军吒利明王等到底还隐藏着什么样的手段?为什么他们的杀手铜刑天和共工,始终没有出现?黑樱姐的应对手段又是什么? Headache!!! 头痛啊!!! In the infinite worry, he is unconscious, looks toward lotus lotus. 无限的烦恼中,他不知不觉的,往莲莲看去。 At that time, lotus lotus sleepwalk, he hugged on lotus lotus the bed, two people post in the same place, in that moment, his whole person entered one type god to observe Grand Pure accidentally, the boundary of spatial elusive spirit deep level, comprehended to complete beautiful to fuse in the together means an institute directly, and found out can break, collection Yin counter Yang Wei who Yin two mysterious astral was mad, to spread all over, purple magnificence Zhuyin, five virtue profound merit and Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism to be equal to a body seven Yuan did hot bang! 那个时候,莲莲梦游,他把莲莲抱到床上,两人无意中“贴”在一起,在那一刻,他整个人进入了一种“神观太清”,空空灵灵的深层次的境界,直接领悟到将一身所学完美融合在一起的办法,并想出了能够破掉阴名二神秘罡气的、集阴逆阳违、星罗棋布、紫华烛阴、五德玄功、大圣显密等于一体的“七元乾火轰”! Although does not know that what's the matter, but he was clear that boundary, is lotus lotus takes to him. 虽然不知道是怎么回事,但他清楚,那种境界,是莲莲带给他的。 At this moment, recalls merely, he has one type indescribable, marvelous aftertaste! 此时此刻,仅仅只是回想一下,他都有一种难以言喻的、奇妙的回味! He sets out to arrive at side lotus lotus, lies down on the ground, is facing the surface with her, looks at she charming lovable cheek. Her flesh water is likely common, playing musical instruments broken, she rests very soundly, what the body puts on is the fragrance to her gold/metal hundred butterfly one-piece dresses, the beautiful butterfly reflects on the clothes, she looks like the snow lotus flower of Spirit Mountain deep place, so long as if moves gently, these butterflies will then fly general. 他起身来到莲莲身边,躺在地上,与她面对着面,看着她娇媚可爱的脸蛋。她的肌肤像水一般,吹弹即破,她睡得很香,身上穿的是香香给她的一件金百蝶连衣裙,美丽的蝴蝶映在衣上,她就像是灵山深处的雪莲花,仿佛只要轻轻一动,这些蝴蝶便会飞起一般。 Sun Yan pasted, can draw close to near with her elegant face, but, only such being close, does not seem able to look for by that time feeling, lotus lotus bends the leg to be curved, making him unable further contact. 孙炎贴了过去,与她的俏脸贴得近近的,不过,单是这样的接近,似乎无法找到那个时候的感觉,莲莲又是弯着腿弯,让他无法进一步“接触”。 Therefore he lifts the body, sees the back of lotus lotus, with the walls, is away from may reluctantly for the space that a person pushes. Therefore moved cautiously, transfers to her behind, depends on the wall, reluctant, lay down. This, his chest, is almost pasting the fragrant back of lotus lotus, that attractive virgin frankincense, making his breath itchy. 于是他抬起身子,见莲莲的背后,与墙壁之间,隔着勉强可供一人挤下的空间。于是小心翼翼的移了过去,移到她的身后,靠着墙壁,勉勉强强、躺了下去。这一来,他的胸膛,几乎是贴着莲莲的香背,那诱人的处子乳香,让他的鼻息痒痒的。 ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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