MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#930: Motionless valuable earthen bowl

Sun Yan returns a courtesy said: „Below Sun Yan, is under the Goddess of Mercy place garden Protector, presents the life of golden flower Empress, enters greatly sad Mandala Institute to nose here situation.” 孙炎回礼道:“在下孙炎,乃观音菩萨座下伽蓝护法,奉金华帝姬之命,进入大悲曼荼罗院查探这里的情况。” Before the wonderful camptotheca acuminata remote inactivity calm bead hidden, although Sun Yan is gate nova, but also is far from move three, the wonderful camptotheca acuminata is the Buddhism pure earth, the matter understanding outside world are not many, imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv has not naturally listened to the Sun Yan name, but he, since is under the Goddess of Mercy place Protector, imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv felt relieved. 妙喜树被渺渺无为定心珠隐藏之前,孙炎虽已是“道门新星”,但还谈不上名动三界,妙喜树又是佛门清净之土,对外界的事了解不多,幻琴天女自然不曾听过孙炎的名字,不过他既然是观音菩萨座下护法,幻琴天女放下心来。 Sun Yan said: May I ask Fairy Maiden, does here have an accident?” 孙炎道:“敢问仙子,这里到底出了什么事?” Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv said in a low voice: Abelow raises the world to encounter the catastrophe, everyone in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, the life and death is difficult to predict, the diamond void conceals Bodhisattva card results on the bodhi most agreement eagerly, replaces flatter chu Buddha to protect this, because of finishing in a hast, instead lost the heart of quiet wisdom. The legal community void conceals Bodhisattvas earnestly advised him painstakingly, was killed by him unexpectedly, and others all regarded as the demon me. In the demon taking advantage of the supernatural power of diamond void conceals Bodhisattva apparent transforms, luckily after legal community void conceals Bodhisattva Nirvana, the golden body Fokuang, protects me by the stainless Buddha strength greatly presently and others. However still many sisters, emptied the demon air/Qi influence that the concealed Bodhisattvas disperse because of gold/metal conceals, enters fascinated evilly, lost the stainless Buddha strength protection, degenerated into the essence of white bones. The diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas and others were stranded me in the astral wind fires of karma, to is the diamond arhat whet own not bright fire of karma to suffer us, although there is a stainless Fokuang to look, but some strength in meditation insufficient sisters, nervous breakdown in not bright fire of karma, escaped.” 幻琴天女低声道:“阿比罗提世界遭遇浩劫,妙喜树里的大家,生死难料,金刚虚空藏菩萨急于证得菩提最上契,代替阿閦佛守护此界,但因急于求成,反失了清静智慧之心。法界虚空藏菩萨苦苦劝他,竟被他所杀,又将我等全都视作邪魔。内魔借金刚虚空藏菩萨的法力外显幻化,幸好法界虚空藏菩萨涅槃后,金身大现佛光,以无垢佛力保护我等。然而仍有许多姐妹,因金藏空藏菩萨散出的魔气影响,入魔入邪,失了无垢佛力保护,沦为了白骨之精。金刚虚空藏菩萨将我等困于罡风业火之间,以原本是金刚罗汉磨砺自身的无明业火折磨我们,虽有无垢佛光照护,但一些定力不够的姐妹,在无明业火中精神崩溃,逃了出去。” Sun Yan said: „The day female who these escape, entire t died on the road......” 孙炎道:“那些逃出去的天女,全t都死在了路上……” Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv said low-spirited: „This not bright fire of karma, is the strength in meditation profound war monk was used to test itself to use, miserable peerless, although there is a stainless Fokuang to protect, if the nervous breakdown, the fire of karma launches a psychological attack, changes to the nameless pent-up anger, makes one burn the heart dead directly. This and other practicing methods. Often was these practices the resulting in Senior Brother to use, in the past but had the diamond and arhat to practice with such method, we must guess him whether through test, how long also or can insist, has not actually thought of also to now by this tribulation.” 幻琴天女黯然道:“这无明业火,原本就是定力高深的战僧用来考验自己所用,凄苦绝伦,虽有无垢佛光保护,但一旦精神崩溃,业火攻心,化作无名心火,直接让人焚心而死。这等修行手段。往往都是那些修行了得的师兄所用,以往但有金刚、罗汉用这样的手段修行,我们还要猜他能否通过考验,又或是能坚持多久,却未想到如今自己也要经此一劫。” Sun Yan thought that no wonder these die the day female on road, 1 scar does not have, cannot see the encroached sign, originally is the fire of karma burns the heart. 孙炎心想,难怪那些死在路上的天女,身上一点伤痕都没有,也看不出被人侵犯的迹象,原来是业火焚心。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv looks toward the inner courtyard: diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas......” 幻琴天女往内院看去:“金刚虚空藏菩萨……” Sun Yan said: He, although is fascinated deep, but the cobalt prints the Grandmaster always he to spend him in by Buddha light guide. The sea of bitterness which knows no bounds, repents and is saved, at this moment he had clearly recognized from the body and mind demon, replies the intelligence.” Also asked: Fairy Maiden may know, now in greatly sad Mandala Institute, what situation other branches are?” 孙炎道:“他虽然入魔已深,但钴印大师始终在以佛光导他度他。苦海无边,回头是岸,此刻他已认清了自身心魔,回复神智。”又问道:“仙子可知道,现在大悲曼荼罗院里,其它各分院到底是什么情况?” Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv shakes the head saying: I do not clarify, only outside in knowledge eight institutes, many fellow apprentices already or fascinated, or demented. I and other day females. Does not have the strength of self-preservation, runs into, is wanted several void concealed Bodhisattvas to shelter.” 幻琴天女摇头道:“我也弄不清楚,只知外头的八叶院中,许多师兄都已或是入魔,或是癫狂。我等天女。多无自保之力,逃入此间,原本也是想要得几位虚空藏菩萨庇护。” After the imaginary zither | Jean day feminine appearance finishes talking, Sun Yan again enters the inner courtyard. In there. The legal community void conceals Bodhisattva Nirvana golden body disperses Fokuang as before, the star young nun stands side the master, is falling the tears. diamond void conceals both hands together, performing is guilty and lamentation. Sun Yan arrives at side the diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas. Salutes saying: Grandmaster, outside these days females have rescued.” 与幻琴天女相谈完后,孙炎再次进入内院。在那里。法界虚空藏菩萨涅槃金身依旧散出佛光,星星小尼姑立在师父身边,落着眼泪。金刚虚空藏双手合什,尽是愧疚和悔恨。孙炎来到金刚虚空藏菩萨身边。施礼道:“大师,外面的那些天女都已救下。” Legal community void conceals long sighed one: Is I do not do right by them!” 法界虚空藏长长的叹了一口:“是我对不住她们!” Sun Yan said: Grandmaster, does not know several other void concealed Bodhisattvas......” 孙炎道:“大师,不知其它几位虚空藏菩萨……” Legal community void conceals raised the head. Looks to void, crossed good one, helpless say/way: Can full Yuan, uses/gives Yuanyuan oil lamp entirely to extinguish, the unusual brightness and lotus magnificent two fellow apprentices seem like killed. Although Forder institute oil lamp, but strange inexplicable, does not know that what matter industry had with the Senior Brother.” 法界虚空藏抬起头来。望向虚空,过了好一阵,无奈的道:“能满院、施愿院青灯俱灭,宝光与莲华两位师兄看来都已被人所杀。福德院青灯虽在,但怪异莫名,不知业用师兄发生了何事。” Sun Yan thought, according to this appearance, in five big void concealed Bodhisattvas, legal community void conceals, unusual brightness void conceals and lotus magnificent void conceals had died, five big void conceals had died in, diamond void conceals although at this moment has sobered, but oneself have not been able to send out Fokuang, turned into the dark Bodhisattva, final industry likely also has problems with void conceals. He said: May I ask the Grandmaster, according to the younger generation knows, the Grandmaster as the diamond void conceals Bodhisattva, there is ‚a Fu wisdom and to love respect the name, this time unexpectedly will be why fascinated?” 孙炎心想,按这个样子,五大虚空藏菩萨中,法界虚空藏、宝光虚空藏、莲华虚空藏都已死去,五大虚空藏已死了其中,金刚虚空藏此刻虽然已经清醒,但自身已无法发出佛光,变成了暗菩萨,最后的业用虚空藏很可能也出了问题。他道:“敢问大师,据晚辈所知,大师身为金刚虚空藏菩萨,又有‘福智’、‘爱敬’之名,此番为何竟会入魔?” Legal community void conceals sighed: Before once listened to look like the Senior Brother to raise fragrant, if the situation is urgent, has the law of alternative achieving Buddhahood, I was doubtful at that time. However this time, the Buddhism by this catastrophe, outside the wonderful camptotheca acuminata is completely a demon, my original wishes protect everyone, tries to try......” 法界虚空藏叹道:“以前曾听香象师兄提过,若是事态紧急,有另类成佛之法,我当时半信半疑。然而这一次,佛门遭此浩劫,妙喜树外尽是魔头,我本愿守护大家,试上一试……” Sun Yan said: Originally the Grandmaster has not known, the fragrant shape Bodhisattva Buddha demon double cultivates, he is actually the nine buddhist Zhou demons of heads of Demonic Path 19 people of demon!” 孙炎道:“原来大师还不知道,香象菩萨佛魔双修,他其实是魔道十九人魔之首的九梵纣魔!” diamond void conceals shook shook, the forced smile said: Originally...... so!” Looks to the surroundings, by numerous day of female dense white bones that he kills, has tears streaming down the face: Was I harmed them!” 金刚虚空藏震了一震,苦笑道:“原来……如此!”看向周围,被他害死的众多天女的森森白骨,泪流满面:“是我害了她们!” Sun Yan revolving said: If I guess the unmistakable, fragrant Bodhisattva teach Grandmaster alternative to achieve Buddhahood the law, to tempt the Grandmaster is fascinated, this demon non- real demon, is the mourning god loses the demon of wisdom, after the Grandmaster mental loses thoroughly, he controls the Grandmaster by this again, uses for him. Although the Grandmaster is fascinated, but the calamity stops at present reaches to the extrication institute, is unfortunate lucky.” After all lotus flower embryo conceals is the domain that five big void conceals manages, if diamond void conceals uses for the enemy thoroughly, the created calamity fear is not limited to this. 孙炎细思道:“若我所猜无误,香香菩萨教大师‘另类成佛’之法,就是为了诱大师入魔,此魔非真魔,乃是丧神失智之邪魔,等大师心智彻底迷失之后,他再以此控制大师,为他所用。大师虽然入魔,但目前祸止及于解脱院,乃是不幸中的万幸。”毕竟莲花胎藏界原本就是五大虚空藏所主持的地盘,若是金刚虚空藏彻底为敌人所用,造成的祸害怕是不止于此。 diamond void conceals shakes the head saying: If not for the cobalt prints the Senior Brother to cross me in by Fokuang throughout, I feared that has trod the extrication institute, is unable to turn head.” He looks to Sun Yan and star: When outside happened, how do you come here?” 金刚虚空藏摇头道:“若不是钴印师兄始终在以佛光渡我,我怕是早已踏出解脱院,更无法回头。”他看向孙炎与星星:“外头发生了何时,你们又如何来到这里?” Sun Yan outside the matter of will say. He said: „The goal of enemy, is to mount the highest place of wonderful camptotheca acuminata, void to be , after capturing flatter chu Buddha dies the golden body, flies upwards again utmost void, ruins the Buddha golden body.” 孙炎将外边发生的事说了出来。他道:“敌人的目标,乃是登上妙喜树的最高处、虚空之所在,夺取阿閦佛死后金身,再飞升至大虚空,毁掉佛祖金身。” diamond void conceals hesitates saying: If so, they must try to seize above the greatly sad Mandala Institute wisdom round altar/jar surely, the wisdom round altar/jar, is to void must by it place. However theoretically, even if were on the wisdom round altar/jar, without the boundary of Buddha, no one can enter void. Even if the fragrance looks like the Senior Brother Buddha demon double to cultivate/repair, most is still only Bodhisattva rank.” 金刚虚空藏沉吟道:“若是这般,他们必定要设法夺下大悲曼荼罗院上方的智慧圆坛,智慧圆坛,乃是通往‘虚空’的必经之处。但是理论上,就算登上了智慧圆坛,若是没有佛的境界,谁也进不了‘虚空’。就算香象师兄佛魔双修,最多也只是菩萨这一级别。” Sun Yan said: I think that they must have the means! According to at present so the condition, greatly sad Mandala Institute and wisdom round altar/jar, may be occupied by the enemy. Heavenly Court wants all enemies, all annihilates in lotus flower embryo conceals, greatly sad Mandala Institute cannot fall in the enemy hand......” at this point, cannot help but smiles bitterly, according to at present looks, greatly sad Mandala Institute is impossible to defend. 孙炎道:“我想他们必有办法!只是,照目前这般状况,大悲曼荼罗院和智慧圆坛,都有可能被敌人占去。天庭想要将所有敌人,全都歼灭于莲花胎藏界中,大悲曼荼罗院不可落在敌人手中……”说到这里,不由得苦笑一声,照目前看,大悲曼荼罗院根本就不可能守住。 The diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas actually visit him: I observe you, not only the Buddha reason is grave, and body as if has same Fubao......” 金刚虚空藏菩萨却是看着他:“我观你,不但佛缘深重,且身上似乎有一样佛宝……” Sun Yan thinks, said: Grandmaster said that but this tower?” He takes out the seven-story pagoda exquisite pleasant buddhist relics gold pagoda, this is loyal Madame brave husband, since obtaining, did not have phenomenally toward the scarlet lotus flower hell, gives back to loyal Madame brave it. 孙炎想了想,说道:“大师说的可是这座塔?”他取出七级浮屠玲珑如意舍利子黄金宝塔,这本是贞英夫人的“丈夫”,自从得到后,一直都没有空前往大红莲花地狱,将它还给贞英夫人。 diamond void conceals said: Originally is this pagoda!” He said: I have a law, could defend this greatly sad Mandala Institute, is only star Yi, this actually needed you to make the sacrifice!” 金刚虚空藏道:“原来是这座宝塔!”他道:“我有一法,或许能够守住这大悲曼荼罗院,只是星奕,这却需要你做出牺牲!” The star young nun wipes the tears, visits him saying: Teacher's younger brother, you said by all means!” 星星小尼姑抹去泪水,看着他道:“师叔,你只管说!” diamond void conceals said: Greatly sad Mandala Institute, some single layer datura gods ban the ban, is protection greatly sad Mandala Institute and wisdom round altar/jar does not harm it to use for the demon, but this heavy god bans the ban, needs flatter chu Buddha, or the extrication institute and Fu wisdom institute, can full Yuan, uses/gives Yuanyuan, the Forder institute five institute institutes lord simultaneous/uniform Shifo the strength on the body, just now can open. These five institute institute lords, are I and other big void conceals. However now, flatter chu Buddha has died, even if has not died, after god demon war, various Buddha is quiet, no longer likes to appear on the body in world. But I and other people, only remain me now with industry with the Senior Brother, this god bans the ban, is unable to open. But has this buddhist relics gold pagoda, or may try.” 金刚虚空藏道:“大悲曼荼罗院,本有一重曼陀罗神禁禁制,乃是保护大悲曼荼罗院与智慧圆坛不为邪魔所害之用,只是这重神禁禁制,需要阿閦佛之应身、又或是解脱院、福智院、能满院、施愿院、福德院五院院主齐施佛力,方才能够开启。这五院院主,便是我等五大虚空藏。但是现在,阿閦佛已死,纵然未死,神魔大战后,诸佛沉寂,也不再有如来应身出现于世间。而我等五人,现在就只剩了我与业用师兄,这层神禁禁制,本是无法开启。但有这舍利子黄金宝塔,或可一试。” The star young nun said: How should I do?” 星星小尼姑道:“我该怎么做?” diamond void conceals said: This pagoda itself/Ben has 33, at this moment only then seven, other 26 had been sealed up. I to give self up to hope greatly, restores the primary form it, lets its 33 entirely release/place radiance, you bring it, enters five institute centers, there is the Buddha column is , before putting flatter chu teacher is achieving Buddhahood, uses motionless valuable earthen bowl. You hold the tower to enter the earthen bowl, in in Fozhu mobilize the datura god to ban the ban, the god bans the ban to start, then, can full, uses/gives Yuan, the Forder five institutes and wisdom round altar/jar of high place all protects the extrication and Fu wisdom. Must enter motionless valuable earthen bowl, must have the arhat golden body.” 金刚虚空藏道:“这佛塔本有三十三层,此刻只有七层,其它二十六层都已被封闭。我将以舍身大愿,将它恢复原形,让它的三十三层俱放光华,你带着它,进入五院中心,那里乃是佛柱之所在,放着阿閦师尊成佛前所用‘不动宝钵’。你持塔入钵,于佛柱之内发动曼陀罗神禁禁制,神禁禁制发动,便会将解脱、福智、能满、施愿、福德五院和更高处的智慧圆坛全都护住。只是,要入‘不动宝钵’,必须要有罗汉金身。” Continues saying: You are the ninth holy child, after this, gets down first, the automatic card will result in the arhat golden body. Before you , the eighth pains practice, but sentiment tribulation not, but firmly matter of this to the love is quite a lot. I may help you open the arhat blood forcefully , helping you become the arhat temporarily. Although only need short flicker, however your sentiment tribulation not, forcefully achievement arhat golden body, after this matter, the sentiment tribulation is heavier, later will lead a pious life difficult over a hundred times, incautiously, first eighth will lead a pious life completely abandoned, can you want?” 继续道:“你本是九世灵童,这一世过后,下一世,原本就会自动证得罗汉金身。你前八世苦心修行,但是情劫未过,固而这一世对情爱之事颇多好奇。我可帮你强行开启罗汉血,助你暂时成为罗汉。虽然只需短短一瞬,然你情劫未过,强行成就罗汉金身,此事过后,情劫更重,以后修行将会难上百倍,一不小心,前八世修行尽弃,你可愿意?” ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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