MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#929: Repent and be saved!

Sun Yan wait/etc. fell back on the distant place to look, sees only for several days the female side diamond void conceals, to the utmost the seduction and appearance strong point, diamond void conceals sits cross-legged to sit, remains unmoved tiny bit. 孙炎等退到远处看着,只见那些天女在金刚虚空藏身边,极尽诱惑与色相之能事,金刚虚空藏盘膝而坐,一丝一毫不为所动。 , Myriad demon sounds, well up suddenly in all directions from the tsunami , will then appear myriad demon soldier demons, these demon soldiers will shoot him with the arrow, the arrow arrow will fall on his surrounding three zhang (3.33 m) far in abundance, the arrow cannot shoot, therefore, all demon soldiers presently fearsome, such as the sea will flush away toward him generally, diamond void conceals will actually disperse Fokuang, steadily like mountain. 忽的,万千魔音,从四面八方海啸般涌来,紧接着,便现出万万千千的魔兵魔将,这些魔兵用箭射他,箭矢纷纷落在他周围三丈之远,箭射不着,于是,所有魔兵现可怖相,如海一般往他冲去,金刚虚空藏却散出佛光,稳如山岳。 No matter how these evil spirit change, the diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas always the sitting quietly absorption in meditation, a fiendish person come presently in the group demon, shouted abuse to him, the diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas turned a deaf ear, did not move the help. 不管这些妖魔如何变化,金刚虚空藏菩萨始终安坐禅定,一个魔王在群魔中现出身来,对他破口大骂,金刚虚空藏菩萨充耳不闻,毫不动援。 lotus lotus in say/way of doubts: „Are these really the demons?” 莲莲在疑惑的道:“这些真的是魔吗?” Sun Yan knits the brows: Why I thought that these pictures somewhat look familiar, where probably looks at...... or has listened to the appearance?” 孙炎皱眉:“为什么我觉得这些画面有些眼熟,好像在哪里看过……或者是听过的样子?” Star small sound said: This is in the Buddhist literature records, the buddha thinks line of complete, before the card results in the Buddha, the fiendish person leads the numerous demon soldier demon the story that comes to invade.” 星星小声道:“这是佛经里所记,释尊觉行圆满,证得佛祖之前,魔王率众魔兵魔将前来侵扰的故事。” , Myriad days of female simultaneous/uniform flying, flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky, the wonderful color is suddenly floating, demon sound entirely leisurely/scatter, there are numerous days to come to protect the law, making the demon soldier demon not dare to invade again. The horizon starts to present the morning star, the diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas stares suddenly, body week Fokuang greatly hold. In all directions, appears layer upon layer the pagoda, Spirit Mountain appears intermittently, having the treasure is colored, has the rare bird, seven treasures spreads out on the floor, the buddhist temple is the mountain, often makes a day of happiness, the smallpox is riotous, has, if, a India, middle school myriad things, strict only bright. 忽的,万千天女齐飞而下,天女散花,奇彩飘飘,魔音俱散,又有众多天将前来护法,令魔兵魔将不敢再侵扰。天边开始出现晓星,金刚虚空藏菩萨蓦一瞪眼,身周佛光大盛。四面八方,现出层层宝塔,灵山隐现,有宝花,有珍禽,七宝铺地,佛刹为山,常作天乐,天花缤纷,有若,一界佛国,国中万物,严净光明。 The diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas loudly shouted: This has proven unsurpassed Fokuang, achievement all living things hopes, hahahaha!” 金刚虚空藏菩萨大喝道:“本座已证得无上佛光,成就一切众生愿,哈哈哈哈!” Sun Yan and do lotus lotus and star look one...... this? 孙炎、莲莲、星星对望一眼……就这样? diamond void conceals Bodhisattva both hands together, the whole body is bright, said toward them: You witnesses this card to result on the bodhi most agreement and universe basis of own eyes, this is you with the Buddha reason of this place, you have what desire, may say that this place knows. This universal restoration, wisdom Tathagata illuminates spreads all.” 金刚虚空藏菩萨双手合什,满身光明,朝他们道:“尔等既亲眼见证本座证得菩提最上契、宇宙之根本,这是你们与本座的佛缘,你们有何愿望,可说予本座知晓。本座普度众生,智慧如来照遍一切。” lotus lotus pokes head from Sun Yan behind, low voice say/way: That...... can I ask a Grandmaster matter?” 莲莲从孙炎身后探出头来,小声的道:“那个……我能不能问大师一件事?” diamond void conceals Bodhisattva over the face kind light: You said!” 金刚虚空藏菩萨满面慈光:“你说!” lotus lotus said: Excuse me, are you a good person?” 莲莲道:“请问,你是好人么?” Sun Yan and star turn head to look together to lotus lotus. 孙炎与星星一同扭头看向莲莲。 The diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas opened the opens the mouth, wants to speak, silent suddenly, opened one. 金刚虚空藏菩萨张了张口,想要说话,忽的又闭口,紧接着又张了一张。 His face suppressed gradually red, jumped suddenly, looked very angry: This is the good person unprincipled person, pass/test and other trifling things?” 他的脸渐渐憋得通红,忽的跳了起来,怒容满面:“本座是好人坏人,关尔等屁事?” Sun Yan and star: „......” This becoming angry out of shame feeling what's the matter? 孙炎、星星:“……”这种恼羞成怒的感觉是怎么回事? diamond void conceals gets angry snort/hum one. Hum/Snort like thunder: Was, you must be sees a moment ago this place after the numerous disasters, opened India, reconstructed Spirit Mountain, proved the unsurpassed bodhi, had the envy, you envied this, this did not blame you, this has achieved Buddhahood......” 金刚虚空藏怒哼一声。哼声如雷:“是了,尔等必是看到刚才本座历经重重劫难,开辟佛国,再建灵山,证得无上菩提,心生妒忌,你们嫉妒本座,本座不怪你们,本座已经成佛……” Star young nun both hands together. Anxious say/way: But, treasure wisdom teacher's younger brother, was basic on no demon soldier demon a moment ago, has not presented the true god country. All that you experienced a moment ago, is the foreign minister who your own heart demon has appears, you were deceived by your own heart demon. You have not proven to result on the bodhi most agreement, you do not have achievement all living things to hope. Has not achieved Buddhahood, treasure wisdom teacher's younger brother, you......” unknowingly flow out the tears: You were fascinated!” 星星小尼姑双手合什。不安的道:“可是,宝智师叔,刚才根本就没有什么魔兵魔将,也没有出现真正的神国。你刚才所经历的一切,全都是你自己的心魔具现出来的外相,你被你自己的心魔骗了。你没有证得菩提最上契,你也没有成就一切众生愿。更没有成佛,宝智师叔,你……”不知不觉流出泪来:“你入魔了!” diamond void conceals bang. Drew back continually three steps, both eyes anger stares, was startled the long time, suddenly angrily roared: Was, you must be a day of demon send to invade the demon in this place, this place has not achieved Buddhahood, all was you harms, you were common with outside these demons, want to harass me to harm me......” 金刚虚空藏嘭的一声。连退三步,双目怒瞪,怔了半晌,忽的一声怒吼:“是了,你们必是天魔派来侵扰本座的魔头,本座还没有成佛,全都是你们害的,你们就跟外头那些邪魔一般,想要扰我害我……” At this time, what matter Sun Yan has also seen exactly had, he shakes the head: Grandmaster, outside these, are the true day females, on you these...... actually by the white bones that you kill!” 此时,孙炎也已经看出到底发生了何事,他摇了摇头:“大师,外头的那些,才是真正的天女,你身上的这些……却是被你害死的白骨!” With his revealing, the foreign minister broken goes, crawls on diamond void conceals Bodhisattva these, where is what charming day female? Had died all unexpectedly, actually by the diamond void conceals Bodhisattva demon air/Qi influence, incarnation demon the essence of white bones, their pain and scream, went all out hiss to nip the diamond void conceals Bodhisattva flesh. 随着他的揭穿,外相破去,爬在金刚虚空藏菩萨身上的那些,哪里是什么妩媚天女?竟全都是早已死去,却被金刚虚空藏菩萨魔气影响,化身邪魔的白骨之精,它们痛苦、尖叫,拼命嘶咬着金刚虚空藏菩萨身上的血肉。 The diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas lower the head, visits them dull, suddenly bellows, makes an effort to cast off them, holds to drink greatly: „It is not right, is not right, you are deceiving me! Hehe, was, you were that three succubas who the fiendish person sent, hahahaha, this not on your working as, you looked, you looked, this was Fokuang of this place. If this place is fascinated, Fokuang where that comes?” 金刚虚空藏菩萨低下头来,呆呆地看着它们,忽的大吼一声,使劲甩开它们,捧头大喝:“不对,不对,你们在骗我!呵呵,是了,你们是魔王派来的那三个魔女,哈哈哈哈,本座不会上你们的当,你们看,你们看,这是本座的佛光。如果本座入了魔,那哪来的佛光?” His both hands open, Fokuang scatters in all directions, the photo spreads the entire extrication institute. 他双手张开,佛光四散,照遍整个解脱院。 The star young nun sobbed: But, but this Fokuang is......” both hands together, throws kneels down, cries unable to speak. 星星小尼姑哽咽道:“但是、但是这佛光是……”双手合什,扑得跪倒在地,哭得说不出话来。 Sun Yan sighed one lightly, stood side the star, touches her head, raised the head, looks to diamond void conceals: Grandmaster! The sea of bitterness which knows no bounds...... repents and is saved!” 孙炎轻叹一声,立在星星身边,摸了摸她的脑袋,抬起头来,看向金刚虚空藏:“大师!苦海无边……回头是岸!” diamond void conceals shouted: What did you say?” 金刚虚空藏喝道:“你说什么?” The star young nun lies to kneel on the ground, has tears streaming down the face: treasure wisdom teacher's younger brother, you then looks, I asked you...... then, to look that...... I asked you......” 星星小尼姑趴跪在地上,泪流满面:“宝智师叔,你回头看一下,我求求你……就回头、看一下……我求你……” diamond void conceals stayed one dull, slowly , turns head slowly, toward looks behind , is the whole person is stiff there. 金刚虚空藏呆了一呆,慢慢的、慢慢的,回过头来,往身后看去,紧接着,却是整个人都僵在那里。 The star cries saying: Disperses Fokuang after...... is the death of my master, golden body!” 星星哭道:“散出佛光的……是我师父的死后金身啊!” A diamond void conceals blowout blood suddenly, the blood disperses a beach to be bright red on the golden floor tile, these white bones essences howled to throw, fought for in the bloody water, bright red and interwined palely, was ugly and strange. In diamond void conceals that huge body behind, actually the skinny old monks, sit cross-legged to sit, although had died, is over the face is gentle, Fokuang that the golden body disperses, turned round the huge body of diamond void conceals. 金刚虚空藏蓦的喷出一口鲜血,鲜血在黄金地砖上散出一滩艳红,那些白骨精呼啸着扑了上去,在血水中争抢,艳红与惨白交织在一起,丑陋而又怪异。在金刚虚空藏那庞大身躯的身后,却有一个枯瘦的老僧,盘膝而坐,虽已死去,却是满面慈祥,金身散出的佛光,覆住了金刚虚空藏的庞大身躯。 The star cries saying: treasure wisdom teacher's younger brother, the master has been helping you suppress the demon air/Qi, even if died, he is still using his Fokuang to direct you, you, repents and is saved, he has been waiting for you...... he to wait for the teacher's younger brother you then......” 星星哭道:“宝智师叔,师父一直都在帮你压制魔气,就算死了,他也在用他的佛光引你、度你,回头是岸,他一直在等你……他一直在等师叔你回头……” diamond void conceals is trembling the body, turns around, looks at that powder the full institute golden light old monk, his demon air/Qi is steaming, twists and struggles under shining of Fokuang, he lowers the head, looks at itself, looks at itself, suddenly cries, prostrates oneself before the body of old monk, sad howled: senior brother...... the cobalt prints the Senior Brother...... cobalt seal...... the Senior Brother......” sad howl, knocking on stubbornly on the ground. 金刚虚空藏颤着身子,转过身来,看着那散出满院金光的老僧,他的身上魔气腾腾,在佛光的照耀下扭曲、挣扎,他低下头来,看着自己,不停的看着自己,忽的一声大哭,在老僧的尸体前拜倒下来,悲嚎道:“师兄……钴印师兄……钴印……师兄……”一声悲吼,死死的叩在地上。 ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan brings candle Yin fire chi, outside these will fully suffer the day female who suffers to rescue. 孙炎带着烛阴火螭,将外头那些饱受折磨的天女救了下来。 They will turn into demon, all due to the diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas in the demon apparent, made illusion, in the diamond void conceals Bodhisattva that flash of then, he saw clearly own heart demon finally, for serveral days the female also no longer was demon, but changed their original appearance. 她们之所以会变成魔物,全是缘于金刚虚空藏菩萨内魔外显,造出的幻相,在金刚虚空藏菩萨回头的那一瞬间,他终于看清了自己的心魔,这些天女也不再是魔物,而是变回了她们的本来模样。 Although saved them, but by suffered they, is weak, particularly the soul is wounded, if not for there is a lotus lotus to treat for them here, even if rescued, feared that will be will still get sick dead greatly. 虽然将她们救了下来,但饱受折磨的她们,一个个俱是虚弱,尤其是魂魄受创,若不是有莲莲在这里为她们治疗,就算救了下来,怕是也会大病而死。 For all that day female who these fortunately survive, in numerous day girls'school is also cultivates for high with the strength in meditation, the strength in meditation is bad, has died because of the demon air/Qi of diamond void conceals, changes to the essence of white bones, or by tossing about of astral wind fire of karma, the will was collapsed, the broken institute, then dies on the road forcefully, after dying, just now turns into the original appearance. 虽然如此,这些幸存下来的天女,在众天女中也已经算是修为和定力较高的了,定力差的,早就已经因金刚虚空藏的魔气而死,化作白骨之精,又或是受不住罡风业火的折腾,意志崩溃,强行破院而出,然后死在路上,死后方才变成本来模样。 Outside the institute, the day females are rolling up the body, sits there weakly, each other support. 院外,天女们蜷缩着身子,虚弱地坐在那里,彼此扶持。 Although likes completely suffering, but at this moment, they known were rescued, many were more relieved. Only has day of female playing saying that although because of the treatment of lotus lotus, still living, but the spirit was still in the collapse. 虽然爱尽折磨,但此刻,她们已知自己被救了下来,多少安心了些。唯有天女嬉云,虽然因为莲莲的救治,仍然活着,但精神仍然处在崩溃之中。 Their clothing, had burninged out by the fire of karma, oneself depend on stainless Fokuang, can live at this time. 她们身上的衣物,都已被业火烧尽,自身靠着无垢佛光,才能活到此时。 In sad Tiannv, calls greatly makes the imaginary zither | Jean, is greatly sad Tiannv the head, compares other day of females, the will is firmer. She seeks the Buddha curtain, rips open it, forces to shade the body for everyone, then arrives in front of Sun Yan, did obeisance did obeisance, said: Many thanks the young master helps one another, young master honored name?” 内中一名大悲天女,唤作幻琴,乃是大悲天女之首,相比其他天女,心志更为坚定。她寻来佛幔,将它撕开,勉强为大家蔽体,然后来到孙炎面前,拜了一拜,道:“多谢公子相助,请问公子尊姓大名?” ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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