MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#928: The time of testimony miracle?

They will reflect the silk day women's emerald leaf to bury, continue to proceed to walk, because is door, on the road designed many legal communities, however at this moment, all legal communities have all vanished. 他们将映丝天女用翡翠树叶掩埋,继续往前走去,因为是“方便之门”,路上原本设计了许多法界,然而此刻,所有的法界皆已消失。 The star young nun worried secretly, will have this situation, only then two possibilities, were her master legal community void conceals Bodhisattvas had died either, either was he has dropped the Bodhisattva treasure position, becomes the dark Bodhisattva. 星星小尼姑暗自担心,会出现这种情况,只有两种可能,要么是她的师父法界虚空藏菩萨已经死去,要么就是他已经堕下菩萨宝位,成为了暗菩萨。 Although Sun Yan knows her to be worried, actually also can only first comfort several. 孙炎虽然知道她担心,却也只能先安慰几句。 So they depend on this door, crosses eight institutes directly, before entering the extrication branch of greatly sad Mandala Institute . They come here, only in listens to transmit the ghost crying demon to be howling, the star young nun taking advantage of Fokuang, by the technique of void legal community, leading them to fly the top of branch tall wall, in sees only, some numerous image fearsome demon, called out pitifully to cry loudly in the flaming fire of karma. Fire chi flies side them, exciting say/way: Burns them, burns them!” 就这般他们靠着这条方便之门,直接越过八叶院,进入大悲曼荼罗院的解脱分院前。他们方到这里,只听内中传来鬼哭魔嚎,星星小尼姑借着佛光,以虚空法界之术,带着他们飞上分院高墙之顶,只见内中,有众多形象可怖的魔物,在熊熊业火中惨叫嚎哭。火螭飞在他们身边,兴奋的道:“烧死它们,烧死它们!” lotus lotus small sound said: Why can burn them? They even are much longer, actually not necessarily are the unprincipled person......” 莲莲小声道:“为什么要烧死它们?它们就算长得奇怪,却也不一定是坏人……” Star anxious say/way: But, here is greatly sad Mandala Institute, where this multi- demon?” 星星不安的道:“但是,这里是大悲曼荼罗院,哪里的这多魔物?” Sun Yan pulls down the sound said: Is more careful, here is not very right!” At this moment, this is the Buddhism pure Buddha earth, Abelow raised the place of the world ficus religiosa achievement unsurpassed true enlightenment, is the cold wind even/including gets up unexpectedly, the miserable fog is deep. These demon called out pitifully in the fire of karma, the fire of karma actually changed into the Yin fire, astral wind, the phosphorus demon wait/etc, its it!, Suffers back and forth unceasingly. 孙炎压低声道:“小心一些,这里很不对劲!”此时此刻,这原本是佛门清净佛土,阿比罗提世界菩提树成就无上正觉之处,竟是阴风连起,惨雾深浓。那些魔物在业火中惨叫,业火却又换成了阴火、罡风、磷魔等等,将它它!来来回回的,不断折磨。 Sun Yan said: „Isn't this genuine astral wind industry water? If the true astral wind fire of karma, these demon cannot stand up to so burns down......” 孙炎道:“这不是真正的罡风业水?如果是真正的罡风业火,这些魔物根本禁不起这般焚烧……” The star shakes the head saying: These should be the true astral wind fires of karma, but on them was used the stainless void mystique. This stainless void mystique, can resist the injuries of these penalties, but is unable to relieve the pain that they cause. It cultivated/repaired for the profound diamond and arhat is used to whet oneself method, was experienced myriad penalties and many penalties to remain unmoved by oneself, does not know why will be used on this demon.” 星星摇头道:“这些应该是真正的罡风业火,但是它们身上被施展了无垢虚空秘法。这种无垢虚空秘法,能够抵御这些刑罚的伤害,但是无法减轻它们造成的痛苦。它原本是修为高深的金刚、罗汉用来磨砺自己的手段,让自己经历万千刑罚、诸多刑罚而不为所动,不知道为什么会被用在这此魔物身上。” During the speeches, demon is unable to endure such suffering. Bellows, rushed out the extrication institute forcefully, flushed staggering, suddenly exudes one to call out in alarm, falls down, turned into the young girl body. Sun Yan and other rapid flights in the past, fell side her. Sun Yan is astonished saying: She is......” 说话间,一只魔物无法忍受这样的折磨。大吼一声,硬生生闯出了解脱院,踉踉跄跄的冲了出去,忽的发出一声惊叫,倒在地上,变成了少女尸体。孙炎等疾飞过去,落在她身边。孙炎讶道:“她是……” Plays Sister Yun?” The star startled say/way, she is Fu wisdom day female in lucky Chile Branch plays Sister Yun, I peeped she to take a bath before......” “嬉云姐?”星星惊道,“她是福智分院的福智天女嬉云姐姐,我以前偷看过她洗澡……” Sun Yan has not emptied to ask that she peeps many day of females to take a bath, partly kneels on the ground. Will fall down, day female playing cloud Baoru who the whole body naked, suffocates bosom. The tremor of playing cloud pain and is twisting, the life is leaving her distant place fast., The cyanogen flowed in within the body suddenly together, was lotus lotus grabbed her hand. Under the treatment of lotus lotus, playing cloud slowly peaceful, weakly and opened the eye soulless. 孙炎没有空去问她到底偷看过多少天女洗澡,半跪在地上。将倒在地上,浑身赤裸、奄奄一息的天女嬉云抱入怀中。嬉云痛苦的颤动和扭曲着,生命在快速的离她远处。忽的,一道青气流入了她的体内,却是莲莲抓住了她的手。在莲莲的治疗下,嬉云慢慢地安静了下来,虚弱而无神地睁开了眼睛。 The star draws her saying: Plays Sister Yun? Plays Sister Yun?” 星星拉着她道:“嬉云姐?嬉云姐姐?” The playing cloud actually looks at the high place as before a loss, the look is unable to gather. Sun Yan looks to lotus lotus, lotus lotus say/way gently: On her has not been injured. However the soul received very big injury, her soul that I have cured, however her spirit received very big stimulation probably, this I do not have the means to cure all of a sudden.” 嬉云却依旧只是茫然地看着高处,眼神根本无法聚集。孙炎看向莲莲,莲莲轻轻的道:“她身上并没有受伤。但是魂魄受到了很大的伤害,我已经治好的她的魂魄,但是她的精神好像受到了很大的刺激,这个我却是没有办法一下子治好的。” Sun Yan thought. Even can the soul cure all of a sudden? This is very great! Although he knows, the cyanogen of lotus lotus almost can let get a new lease on life, slough to regenerate, has not actually known her actually to be able the direct treatment soul. Moreover listened to her saying that the injury in energetic aspect. She does not have the means to govern, but is does not have the means to cure all of a sudden, the meaning is so long as has the enough much time. Did she also govern? 孙炎心想。连魂魄都可以一下子治好?这已经很了不起了!他虽然知道,莲莲的青气几乎能够让枯木逢春、腐肉再生,却还不知道她竟然能够直接治疗魂魄。而且听她所说,精神方面的伤害。她并不是没有办法治,只不过是“没有办法一下子治好”,意思是只要有足够多的时间。她也是治得了的? The star then looks, opens the eye: These demon in courtyard......” 星星回头看去,睁大眼睛:“院子里的那些魔物……” Sun Yan said in a low voice: Most likely, is the day female in lotus flower embryo conceals.” 孙炎低声道:“十有八九,全都是莲花胎藏界内的天女。” The star is startled. Sun Yan said: We look to inside.” 星星一惊。孙炎道:“我们还是到里边去看一看。” They playing cloud Canghao, will fly the tall wall, fire chi appears the fire of Yin candle, breaks open the front astral wind fire of karma, Sun Yan brings lotus lotus, the star, pursues Yin candlelight chi is crossing these suffer demon. Although wants first saves them, but is what situation, needs first to clarify. They fly into the deep place, looks toward in, seeing only the front is the fog is unexpectedly indistinct, the fairyland general beautiful scene, a big buddha sits cross-legged to sit above the golden lotus, that big buddha always dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, the whole body naked day female, flaunts the obsequious attitude respectively, or crawls or the post, surrenders, various enchantment. That big buddha body presently Fokuang, but is actually a distortion and strange Fokuang, makes them feel compared with the demon air/Qi unexpectedly gloomy and cold. 他们将嬉云藏好,重新飞上高墙,火螭现出阴烛之火,破开前方的罡风业火,孙炎带着莲莲,星星,追着阴烛火螭越过那些受折磨的“魔物”。虽然很想先一个个的把她们救下,但内头到底是什么情况,也需要先弄个清楚。他们飞入更深处,往内看去,只见前方竟是云雾缥缈、仙境一般的美景,一尊大佛盘膝坐在金莲之上,那大佛总有数十丈高,一个个浑身赤裸的天女,各逞媚态,或爬或贴,投怀送抱,各种妖娆。那大佛身现佛光,但却是一种扭曲、诡异的佛光,竟比魔气还让他们感觉阴冷。 The star said: He is......” 星星道:“他是……” Young said: Your master?” 雏儿道:“你师父?” The star said: „It is not my master...... he is treasure wisdom teacher's younger brother, is the diamond void conceals Bodhisattva!” 星星道:“才不是我师父……他是宝智师叔,也就是金刚虚空藏菩萨!” diamond void conceals Bodhisattva? Sun Yan looks, sees that big buddha indeed to disperse Fokuang, it seems like has not turned into the dark Bodhisattva, but this type is extremely ominous, even it can be said that disgusting Fokuang, what's the matter? 金刚虚空藏菩萨?孙炎看去,见那尊“大佛”的确是散着佛光,看来并没有变成暗菩萨,但这种极是不祥,甚至可以说是令人恶心的佛光,到底是怎么回事? What person?” The distant place, the diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas open eyes slowly, looks like toward their side, in the sound was full of the mercy. “什么人?”远处,金刚虚空藏菩萨缓缓睁眼,往他们这一边看来,声音中充满了慈悲。 Sun Yan thought that since discovered by him, asked good directly. Therefore brings lotus lotus and star departs, makes young hide in the hidden place, acts according to circumstances. 孙炎心想,既然已经被他发现,还是直接上前询问的好。于是带着莲莲和星星飞出,却让雏儿藏在暗处,见机行事。 The diamond have void, if the hill is giant, for several days the female had, if sweet and pretty insect, hung on his body, the cheers elegant language, he actually turned a blind eye. The star young nun goes forward, together salutes: treasure wisdom teacher's younger brother!” 金刚虚空藏有若山丘般巨大,那些天女有若娇美的虫儿,挂在他的身上,欢声俏语,他却视若不见。星星小尼姑上前,合什施礼:“宝智师叔!” diamond void conceals said: „Isn't this star Yi? What matter do you come this?” 金刚虚空藏道:“这不是星奕么?你来此何事?” The star said: Teacher's younger brother, my master where?” Here extricates the institute obviously, the extrication institute is legal community void conceals the place of occupying, the diamond void conceals Bodhisattvas occupy must be Fu wisdom institute, he arrived here, has not actually seen own master, inquired eagerly. 星星道:“请问师叔,我师父在哪里?”这里明明是解脱院,解脱院乃是法界虚空藏所居之处,金刚虚空藏菩萨所居应当是“福智院”,他来到这里,却没有看到自己的师父,自是急于询问。 diamond void conceals not does not have the anger happily, said: Your master fascinated say/way, this exorcize demons Protector, already homicide!” 金刚虚空藏无喜无怒,道:“你师父已入魔道,本座降魔护法,已将他杀了!” The star young nun shakes: treasure wisdom teacher's younger brother......” 星星小尼姑一震:“宝智师叔……” diamond void conceals light say/way: You said not again, this good and evil is distinct, the sin that your master violates , there is nothing to do with you, you go, hinders this place to practice not.” 金刚虚空藏淡淡的道:“你莫再说,本座善恶分明,你师父犯下的罪孽,与你无关,你去吧,莫妨碍本座修行。” Star one anxious, but must say again. Sun Yan actually draws her behind, looks up diamond void conceals: May I ask the Bodhisattva, outside the female offender what wrong, do you want so to suffer them for several days?” 星星一急,还要再说。孙炎却将她拉到身后,抬头看着金刚虚空藏:“敢问菩萨,外面那些天女犯了何错,你要如此折磨她们?” diamond void conceals Bodhisattva both eyes stare: „Does outside only have the demon, what Laitian the female?” 金刚虚空藏菩萨双目一瞪:“外面只有魔头,何来天女?” The star said: Teacher's younger brother, outside these suffer hardships obviously is a day of female, isn't the demon?” 星星道:“师叔,外面那些受苦的明明是天女,不是魔头?” diamond void conceals loudly shouted: Day female demons do not divide clearly, you really had eyes but failed to see. Outside these, are the demon, wants by the lust seduction in this, was seen through by this demon, this mercy, only by greatly fearsome suffers them. Your fast retreat, this demon must prove to result in the bodhi immediately, the achievement Buddha body, waits, myriad demons will come to disturb this, you practice insufficiently, if were harmed by the demon carelessly, this place feared that is hard to protect you.” 金刚虚空藏大喝道:“天女魔头都分不清楚,尔等真是有眼无珠。外头那些,本是魔头所化,欲以色欲诱惑于本座,被本魔识破,本座慈悲,只以大可怖相折磨她们。你们速速退去,本魔马上就要证得菩提,成就佛身,等一下,就会有万千魔头前来干扰本座,你们修行不够,若是不慎被魔所害,本座怕是难以保护你们。” lotus lotus from Sun Yan behind, curious finding out small head: „Does Grandmaster want to achieve Buddhahood?” 莲莲从孙炎身后,好奇的探出螓首:“大师要成佛了?” diamond void conceals laughs: This has seen the bodhi real boundary, only waited to pass the demon tribulation, then must achieve Buddhahood.” 金刚虚空藏哈哈大笑:“本座已看到菩提真境界,只等度过魔劫,便要成佛。” Sun Yan said: We whether to stay here, looks at the Bodhisattva to achieve Buddhahood?” 孙炎道:“我们能否留在这里,看菩萨成佛?” diamond void conceals said: „, You, since wants to remain, remains, witnesses this place entire life making up place and degree of illumination three, achievement all living things are willing, to exceed the unsurpassed Buddha strength of Shakya Buddha.” 金刚虚空藏道:“也罢,你们既然想留,就留下来吧,见证本座一生补处、照度三界,成就一切众生愿,超越释迦佛祖的无上佛力。” Sun Yan thought that...... this witnesses the time of miracle?! 孙炎心想……这是见证奇迹的时刻吗?! ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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