MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#927: Lotus flower embryo conceals

Although Sun Yan has known that the Yaoyao Empress back also has the reinforcement surely, has not actually expected, personally this time acts unexpectedly is Bodhisattva's first and Spirit Mountain law prince., 孙炎虽已知道瑶瑶帝姬的背后必定还有增援,却也没有料到,这次亲自出手的竟然是菩萨第一尊、灵山法王子。, Obviously, the law prince hides in the hidden place, is waiting for Kua Fu with the flash that they reappear, by containing the five wisdom secret pleasant precious pearl of powerful Spirit Mountain Buddha strength, and they routed Kua Fu at one fell swoop. It seems like Sister Hou said not wrong, the war in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, regarding Heavenly Court, takes the enormous risk, they use Buddha golden body as the bait, the goal is the town/subdues Yuan, as well as all enemies under town/subdues Yuan mesh catch the whole lot in a dragnet. 显然,法王子藏在暗处,就是在等着夸父与“它们”再现的这一瞬间,以蕴藏了强大的灵山佛力的五智三昧如意宝珠,将夸父和“它们”一举击溃。看来侯姐姐说的并没有错,妙喜树内的这一战,对于天庭,亦是冒着极大的风险,他们以“佛祖金身”为饵,目的就是要将镇元子,以及镇元子座下的所有敌人一网打尽。 Whiz! A shadow from the enemy square formation, cuts obstructs layer on layer/heavily, such as the black rainbow is common, passes through to go toward law prince. On road the thing of meeting, no matter the person is the treasure, performs all the smashing, changes to small square bodies, throws in it behind flies. The rapidness of that shadow speed, making one be flabbergasted, acts, was cut the visible small four directions continually void. 嗖!一道黑影从敌方阵中,划破重重阻截,如黑色长虹一般,往法王子直贯而去。路上所遇之物,不管是人是宝,尽皆粉碎,化作一块块小小的四方体,在其身后抛飞。那黑影速度之快,令人乍舌,出手之间,连虚空都被切割成肉眼可见的小四方。 This person army zha Leeming king!!! 此人正是军吒利明王!!! In order to beat Kua Fu and is attached to Kua Fu blood shadow, the law prince at this moment, the Buddha strength consumes spatially, if can while this opportunity, be quiet after this various Buddha Buddhism's first strikes to kill, to Spirit Mountain and to heaven of heavens, and even to the entire Buddhism will be the enormous heavy losses. 为了击垮夸父和附在夸父身上的血影,此刻的法王子,佛力耗空,若是能趁着这个机会,将这位诸佛沉寂后的佛门第一尊击杀,对灵山、对极乐世界、乃至对整个佛门都将是极大重创。 Actually listens to bang, Fang magnificent blooms, splits the colorful dense cluster of flowers. 却听“嘭”的一声,芳华绽放,绽出五颜六色的花簇。 A beautiful figure grasps the universe blade, the truncation before the army zha Leeming king, such as the black meteor general shadow, cannot break through the interception of universe blade forcefully. After universe blade, Yaoyao Empress said with a smile: „The Son of Heaven, does not see for a long time!” 一个倩影手持太虚刀,硬生生截在军吒利明王面前,如黑色流星一般的黑影,未能突破太虚刀的拦截。太虚刀后,瑶瑶帝姬笑道:“天王,好久不见!” In the shadow transmits cold snort/hum, is greatly abundant blood light. Suddenly, the army zha Leeming king as tornado is common, exits the blood-color turbulent flow, void that cuts unceasingly, presents the black and red two color screws, shatters and crushes. Centered on him, space unceasing contraction and collapse, this is one type destroys all strengths sufficiently, is swallows the myriad things the darkness. 黑影中传来一声冷哼,紧接着便是大盛的血光。骤然间,军吒利明王如龙卷风一般,转出血色的涡流,不断切割的虚空,呈现出黑与红两色螺旋,震裂、粉碎。以他为中心,空间不断的收缩、塌陷,这是一种足以毁灭一切的力量,是吞噬万物的黑暗。 No one knows that this strength came from where, but at this moment, everyone had seen, even has Your Highness Yaoyao of indestructible body, once were involved by the strength of this darkness, feared that can die a tragic death at the scene. 没有人知道这种力量从何而来,但是此时此刻,每个人都已看出,即便是拥有金刚不坏之身的瑶瑶殿下,一旦被这股黑暗之力卷入,怕是都会惨死当场。 Yaoyao Empress by universe blade left Zhuoyou, her diamond does not go bad has innate does not have the day after tomorrow. To still have the flaw, but the army zha Leeming king had found obviously has restrained her method. But his strength, by far strong, when more/complete Loumiao light mountain, gloomy, indifferent, filled with the death and ominous aura, like that time army zha Leeming king, did not feel, was still a living person. He at this moment, is more like one not to have the sentiment, only to know that slaughters machine that and destroys, that darkness inexplicable and rare strength, Yaoyao Empress was also even suppressed by him unexpectedly. 瑶瑶帝姬以太虚刀左拙右支,她的金刚不坏之身有先天无后天。是以仍然是有破绽的,而军吒利明王显然已经找到了克制她的手段。而他的力量,也远远强于在弥楼妙光山的时候,阴暗,冷漠,充满了死亡与不祥的气息,不像那个时候的军吒利明王,给人的感觉,仍然是一个活生生的人。此刻的他,更像是一尊没有感情、只知道杀戮与毁灭的机器,那黑暗莫名、超乎寻常的力量,连瑶瑶帝姬竟也被他压制。 Of bang. The battlefield center, actually crack, appears a female deity, the superhuman. Holds to decide Sun, moon, the valuable bell and gold/metal seal, to bend the bow, lance, halberd and arrow, and at the extremely quick speed, breaks out the enemy ranks. Eight arm chaotic dances, eight precious ingredients simultaneous/uniform uses/gives, the side flesh chaotic powder, the god keeps off the deicide, the demon keeps off to kill the demon. 轰的一声。战场中央,却有一声炸响,现出一尊女性天神,三头八臂。持定太阳、月亮、宝铃、金印、弯弓、矛、戟、箭,并以极快的速度,破出敌阵。八臂乱舞,八宝齐施,身边血肉乱散,神挡杀神,魔挡杀魔。 Unlike the army zha Leeming king, the god who the female deity disperses light/only, filled the light with greatly propitious side, however does not have the emotion killing machine probably, so long as keeps off in her front, with her for the enemy, was ripped the fragment by her. 与军吒利明王不同,那女性天神散出来的神光,充满了光明与大吉祥的一面,然而同样像是没有情感的杀人机器,只要是挡在她的前面,与她为敌的,都被她纷纷撕成碎片。 She at the extremely quick speed, the bang to the army zha Leeming king, received him for Yaoyao Empress unexpectedly, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) make a mistake, the plan service thunder, the slaughter shears the ghost to be crisp, the wind fire not stops, the god who that explodes unceasingly light/only and strength of darkness, makes no one dare easily to be close to them unexpectedly. 她以极快的速度,轰向军吒利明王,竟代瑶瑶帝姬接下了他,八卦相错,策役雷霆,屠割鬼爽,风火无停,那不断爆裂的神光与黑暗之力,竟使得无人敢轻易的接近他们。 Say/Way that the star young nun muttered: Incense stick|Fragrant elder sister is quite fierce!” 星星小尼姑喃喃的道:“香香姐好厉害!” Sun Yan also saw fragrance fragrant great strength that appears the deity phenomenon, however he actually really does not like this appearance. That type does not have the emotion, just like discarding oneself general fight shape, kept him from distinguishing clearly unexpectedly, she and army zha Leeming king at this moment have what difference, indeed, this is the contest of good and evil, however in this earth-shaking contest, except for the good and evil, as if no other again, the human nature, emotion and other disputes, were so abandoned and forget. 孙炎也看到了现出天神异象的香香的强大,然而他却实在是不喜欢她这个样子。那种没有情感,宛如舍弃了自己一般的战斗形态,竟让他无法分清,她和此刻的军吒利明王到底有何区别,的确,这是善与恶的较量,但是在这一场惊天动地的较量中,除了善恶,仿佛已是再无其它,人性、情感等所有纠葛,就这般被抛弃、被遗忘。 Although does not like the appearance of fragrant present, but he is actually not able to make anything. This is the battlefield, but protects itself, to protect the strength of companion, in the battlefield is most prerequisite and most important part. Like that time, to rescue the beautiful dance, he also discarded himself, forcefully the strength of use real dragon, even if clear(ly) knows oneself will lose still refuses to balk. 只是,虽然不喜欢香香现在的这个样子,但他却也无法做些什么。这就是战场,而保护自己、保护身边同伴的力量,在战场上是最先决、最重要的部分。就像那个时候,为了救美舞,他同样也是舍弃了自己,强行使用真龙之力,就算明知道自己会丧失自我也在所不惜。 Is her to think matter that fragrant must do, he also has the duty that he must complete. 香香做着她自认为必须做的事,他同样也有他所必须完成的任务。 Walks!” He while catching fire chi, brings lotus lotus and star, big red lotus flower petal rapid flight that opens upward spatially. Although on the way has the enemy to intercept, is actually not able to block him and swallow Yinchu. “走!”他乘着火螭,带着莲莲和星星,往上空打开的大红莲花瓣疾飞而起。途中虽有敌人拦截,却无法挡住他与燕引雏。 Another side, actually powerful demon air/Qi delimits toward their front, tries to block them, and kills here. Sun Yan looks fast, seeing is the Moroccan clouds crown prince. But the battlefield also in extends toward here, once were intercepted by the Moroccan clouds crown prince, they will then fall into the chaotic war immediately, is hard to escape. 另一边,却有一股强大的魔气往他们的前方划来,试图将他们拦下,并杀死在这里。孙炎快速看去,见是摩霄太子。而战场也在往这边漫延,一旦被摩霄太子截住,他们马上便会身陷乱战,难以逃出。 Does not have the time consideration is too many, Sun Yan takes out at the same time the spirit flag fast, flies high a show/unfolds, is binding and lotus lotus, fire chi and star, changes to the dust particle, at the inconceivable speed, flies into the big red lotus flower petal directly, at the speed of Moroccan clouds crown prince, is unable to block them unexpectedly. 没有时间考虑太多,孙炎快速取出一面灵旗,凌空一展,裹着自己与莲莲、火螭、星星,化作微尘,以不可思议的速度,直接飞入大红莲花瓣中,以摩霄太子的速度,竟也无法阻住他们。 A Moroccan clouds crown prince sleeve robe show/unfolds, snort/hum...... jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag! 摩霄太子袖袍一展,哼了一声……玉清微尘遁空旗! ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan brings lotus lotus and young, walks with the star young nun together in both sides is completely on the mysterious main road of colored glaze tree. 孙炎带着莲莲、雏儿,与星星小尼姑一同走在两旁尽是琉璃树的神秘大道上。 They had entered lotus flower embryo conceals, but not in eight institutes. 他们已经进入了莲花胎藏界,但又并不在八叶院。 Entire lotus flower embryo conceals, its structure has, if a giant lotus flower, the eight institutes in surrounding, look like hold the eight pieces of big tasks of lotus flower. Generally speaking, after entering lotus flower embryo conceals, will enter eight range, what as for entering is, must look at own Buddha reason. Naturally, is pressing the ideas of Buddhist, everyone, is predestined friends with Buddha finally, but is the reason deep reason shallow difference. 整个莲花胎藏界,其构造有若一朵巨大的莲花,外围的八叶院,就像是托着莲花的八片大叶。一般来说,进入莲花胎藏界后,都会进入“八叶”的范围,至于入的是哪一叶,要看自己的佛缘。当然,按着佛家的说法,所有人,最终都是与佛有缘的,只不过是缘深缘浅的区别。 However, some Bodhisattvas, according to own intention, will be opening road of the secret in addition, if predestined friends with, can directly enter the road of this secret, said of pleasant to hear, this door named, is not of pleasant to hear, was actually the back door that said. At that time, Sun Yan redeemed mother crime, the good and evil of everyone, must everyone shoulder, a karmic virtue value of person, cannot forward to another person, but the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva actually opened a leaf of door in the nether world, allowing the children to shoulder the evil debt for the parents , helping karmic virtue that the parents repaid to owe. 但是,一些菩萨,也会按着自己的心意,另开一条隐秘之路,若是与自己有缘的,可以直接进入这条隐秘之路,说的好听点,这个叫作“方便之门”,说的不好听点,其实就是后门。那个时候,孙炎子赎母罪,原本每个人的善与恶,必须每个人自己背负,一个人的功德值,是不能转给另一个人的,但地藏王菩萨却在阴曹地府开了一扇方便之门,允许子女替父母背负孽债,帮父母偿还欠下的功德 They now, is the master cobalt of star prints the Grandmaster, is the legal community void conceals Bodhisattvas the door. 他们现在所走的,就是星星的师父钴印大师、也就是法界虚空藏菩萨所开的方便之门。 However, this leaf, on secret not obvious colored glaze main road, at this moment but actually actually many day of female corpses. 然而,这一扇,秘不可见的琉璃大道上,此刻却倒着许多天女的尸体。 For serveral days the female, the dead shape was pitiful, or **, the extremity/limb was remnant, making one not endure dead to see. 这些天女,死状凄惨,或是**,或是肢残,令人不忍卒睹。 lotus lotus a stark naked day female corpse, covers with the emerald leaf that takes off from the colored glaze tree, unknowingly flows out the tears: Why can go to war? Why does everyone want to kill like this? The world is so big, why can't everyone being together well? Why everyone cannot mediate together, wants you to kill me, do I kill you?” 莲莲将一名一丝不挂的天女尸身,用从琉璃树上摘下的翡翠叶子掩盖,不知不觉流出泪来:“为什么要打仗?大家为什么要这样子杀来杀去?世界这么大,为什么大家不能好好的相处?为什么大家不能一起做个好人,非要你杀我,我杀你?” Sun Yan wants to reply that she this issue, actually discovered oneself did not reply. The war with slaughtering, in this piece of universe, has not stopped. If said that this is the natural disposition of human, how the beginning of the universe god clan outside that this world is? Isn't the monster clan of human is so? So long as in the final analysis, there are your me the division, has the respective benefit, there are all kinds conflicts, although the world is big, but my is my, your also wants to make it turn my, but such conflict of interests, but also is good, faith, belief wait/etc, once reaches the non- rational situation, often frigid. 孙炎很想回答她这个问题,却发现自己也回答不了。战争与杀戮,在这片宇宙,从来就没有停止过。若说这是人类的本性,那这片世界之外的混元神族何尝不是如何?并非人类的妖族又何尝不是如此?说到底,只要有你我之分,就有各自的利益,有各样的争端,天地虽大,但我的就是我的,你的也想让它变成我的,而这样的利益之争,还算是好的了,信念、信仰等等,一旦走到非理性的地步,往往更加的惨烈。 Young said: Master, they were taken off the clothes, by person......” 雏儿道:“主人,她们都被人脱了衣服,难道是被人……” Sun Yan shakes the head saying: Although turns into this appearance, but does not seem like encroached.” 孙炎摇头道:“虽然变成这个样子,但又不像是被人侵犯过。” With their conversations, world suddenly sways. This does not know that is, several vibration that they see all the way. Eight institutes, even is entire lotus flower embryo conceals becomes extremely not steady. They continue to proceed to walk , the star young nun throws to the day of female corpse of roadside on suddenly, weeps bitterly saying: Reflects the silk elder sister, to reflect the silk elder sister......” 随着他们的交谈,天地忽的摇晃起来。这已经不知是一路上他们所见到的,第几次震动。八叶院,甚至是整个莲花胎藏界都变得极其不稳。他们继续往前走去,忽的,星星小尼姑扑到路边的一具天女尸体上,痛哭道:“映丝姐姐、映丝姐姐……” Sun Yan and lotus lotus looks one, very obviously, this day female is her acquaintance. Sees her to cry so mournfully, their also cannot help but low-spirited. Young is urging in that: Why doesn't walk? Why hasn't walked?” 孙炎与莲莲对望一眼,很显然,这名天女是她的熟人。见她哭得这般凄切,他们亦不由得一阵黯然。雏儿却在那催促着:“为什么不走?为什么还不走?” Sun Yan said in a low voice: She is......” 孙炎低声道:“她是……” The star young nun is flowing the lacrimal: Reflecting the silk elder sister is greatly sad Mandala Institute 36 greatly sad Tiannv of one, I am young time peeps she to take a bath......” 星星小尼姑流着泪道:“映丝姐姐是大悲曼荼罗院的三十六名大悲天女之一,我小的时候偷看过她洗澡的……” Greatly sad Mandala institute big sad Tiannv of? Sun Yan is silent. 大悲曼荼罗罗院的大悲天女吗?孙炎沉默。 ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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