MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#926: Bodhisattva's first

The gold/metal pupil god stagnated stagnated, he these profound soldiers will also calm down behind unreliably. 金瞳神主滞了一滞,他身后那些玄兵玄将亦是静了下来。 Truly, what this fellow said is three tones time, but he indeed attracted three tones to act again. Suddenly, they had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly. 确实,这家伙说的是“三口气的时间”,而他的确是吸了三口气再出手。一时间,他们竟是无言以对。 A Sun Yan words saying ended, is disinclined again the many words, turned over to natural, various invincible force calls loudly, deep came back to fly excitedly around him with young. Wuqu star main and broken army star main secretly volume head, no matter what, then first solves opposite party Flying True Person and a powerful enemy who cultivated/repaired entire 89 profound merit before battle, always a good deed. 孙炎话一说完,懒得再多话,潇洒归阵,诸天兵呼声轰然,冥儿与雏儿兴奋地绕着他回来飞去。武曲星主、破军星主等暗自额首,不管怎样,在开战之前便先解决掉对方一个飞天真人、一个修全了八九玄功的强敌,总是一件好事。 To area array, extremely deep place, courage vigor surges, dim, a man sits above the throne, looks at bright innumerable river bank all unemotionally. His face not does not have the anger happily, does not have, because folded a great general and to help have the slight resentful face, did not have, because the morale of one's own side suffered setbacks to have the anger of half a point. 对面阵中,极深之处,血气翻腾,昏昏暗暗,一个男子坐在宝座之上,面无表情地看着慧恒沙河上发生的一切。他的面庞无喜无怒,既没有因为折了一员大将、一名强援而有丝毫的愠色,亦没有因为己方的士气受挫而有半分的愤怒。 He sits there merely, looks at the distant place, the renewal quickest .uus. back of youngster, the jubilation of enemy ranks, cannot arouse the least bit mighty waves in his heart. 他就仅仅只是坐在那里,看着远处,少年的更新最快.uus.背影,敌阵的欢腾,都激不起他心中的半点波澜。 By him, establishes separately is closing the remote city to advocate Sikong azure, copper symbol god section Laiyang, two all will be the complexion will be cloudy, has not spoken. 在他两侧,分立着瞑遥城主司空正青、铜符神主段莱阳,两将俱是脸色阴沉,却也都未说话。 Sun Yan returns to, will accept the numerous to congratulate. He arrives at the army, Yaoyao Empress stands there, haha said with a smile: Golden boy 1st, performs well!” 孙炎回到阵中,接受众将庆贺。他来到中军,瑶瑶帝姬立在那里,哈哈笑道:“金童一号,表现不错嘛!” Sun Yan pats her horse buttocks, said submissively: Used some small methods, if changed your highness to go forth to battle, 2-3 solved them, did that use such troublesome?” 孙炎拍她马屁,拱手道:“还是用了些小手段,若是换了殿下上阵,2-3就将他们解决了,那用这么麻烦?” Yaoyao Empress both hands insert the waist, favorite say/way: That is natural!” 瑶瑶帝姬双手插腰,得意的道:“那是当然的!” Sun Yan continues saying: About entering lotus flower embryo conceals, contacts the cobalt to print the matter of Grandmaster as soon as possible, invited your highness this duty delivery in me, I must not lose to hold!” The black cherry elder sister makes him bring lotus lotus to enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, definitely does not make him stay here to watch the fun, no matter what. Enters lotus flower embryo conceals of wonderful camptotheca acuminata, is imperative, receives this duty would rather on own initiative. 孙炎继续道:“关于进入莲花胎藏界,尽快接触钴印大师之事,也请殿下将此任务交付于我,我必不负所托!”黑樱姐让他带着莲莲进入妙喜树,肯定不是让他留在这里看热闹的,不管怎么样。进入妙喜树的莲花胎藏界,都是势在必行,倒不如主动接下这个任务。 Contacts five big void concealed Bodhisattva matters as soon as possible. Must some people do. 尽快接触五大虚空藏菩萨这种事。总得有人来做。 Yaoyao Empress is just about to speak, an immortal officer rapid flight enters. Reported: Your highness, the front has the mutation, lotus flower embryo conceals feared that must open!” 瑶瑶帝姬正要说话,一名仙官疾飞而入。禀道:“殿下,前方出现异变,莲花胎藏界怕是要打开了!” Lotus flower embryo conceals opens, immediately is decisive battle of both sides. Yaoyao Empress said: Since this, the golden boy, you bring the star, after lotus flower embryo conceals opens, enters lotus flower embryo conceals with her legal community void......” 莲花胎藏界一打开,马上便是双方的决战。瑶瑶帝姬道:“既然这样,金童,你就带着星星,在莲花胎藏界打开之后,用她的法界虚空进入莲花胎藏界……” The words have not ended. Off-balance snatches into one person: Your highness, please let me and Brother Sun enters lotus flower embryo conceals together, protects star little master too, goes to greatly sad Mandala Institute to look for her master!” Snatches into the speech, is the Mount Tai third son. 话还未完。帐外抢入一人:“殿下,请让我与孙大哥一同进入莲花胎藏界,保护星星小师太,前往大悲曼荼罗院找她师父!”抢入说话的,正是泰山三郎。 Yaoyao Empress said: Mount Tai Sanlang, the Wuqu star main must also keep the seven treasures tree you, if not you must go forth to battle, will not make you follow to come here. Entering the matter of lotus flower embryo conceals was too dangerous. These gives your duty time, defends after the army, rescues the wounded person. You give me to look in the back.” 瑶瑶帝姬道:“泰山三郎,武曲星主可是要把你也留在七宝树的,如果不是你非要上阵,根本不会让你跟到这里。进入莲花胎藏界之事太危险了。这一次给你的任务,就是守在后军,救助伤员。你给我在后边看着去。” Actually originally, like swinging crown prince, gold/metal phoenix moonlight and other young military officers, according to Wuqu star main idea. All keeps in the seven treasures tree, keeps safeguards the grain and fodder, to rescue the wounded soldier, to gather skeleton and other logistics, in order to avoid these young generation of military officers, have not grown, then dies in this war. Swings the crown prince to implore urgently, just now makes him follow to come here, was actually after also only permitted remains , the army. 却原来,像荡成太子、金凰月华等青年将领,按武曲星主的主意。是全都留在七宝树中,留作看管粮草、救助伤兵、收取尸骸等后勤之用,以免这些年轻一辈的将领,还未成长起来,便死在这场大战之中。只是荡成太子苦苦哀求,方才让他跟到这里,却也只被允许留在后军。 Swings Prince Edward Road: But......” 荡成太子道:“但……” Yaoyao Empress said: This matter had decided, do not say again!” After saying, leading various Jiang to enter in the accounts. 瑶瑶帝姬道:“此事已经决定,不要再说了!”说完后,率诸将出帐。 Swings the crown prince to look to Sun Yan. Said: Brother Sun......” 荡成太子看向孙炎。道:“孙大哥……” Sun Yan comforts him saying: Swings the brothers, you felt relieved. I will be certainly safe.” Cannot think that the Mount Tai third sons have the loyalty. 孙炎安慰他道:“荡成兄弟,你放心。我一定会平平安安回来的。”想不到泰山三郎还是蛮有义气的。 Swings Prince Edward Road: Asked Brother Sun to protect the good star, making her come back safely.” 荡成太子道:“请孙大哥一定要保护好星星,让她平平安安回来。” Originally what you care is she? 原来你关心的是“她”么? ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan calls deep and young anxiously anxiously. Looked for lotus lotus and star young nun. 孙炎急急唤上冥儿、雏儿。找上了莲莲和星星小尼姑。 Brother Sun!” Another side, Du Xiangxiang transferred. “孙大哥!”另一边,杜香香转了出来。 Sun Yan flew, is holding her hand, said in a low voice: Incense stick|Fragrant......” 孙炎飞了过去,拉着她的手,低声道:“香香……” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden said: Brother Sun, you are careful!” 香香仙子道:“孙大哥,你要小心!” Sun Yan said: My meeting...... you are also!” Gold/Metal phoenix moonlight, azure seventh lunar month magnificent, blue Lin moonlight, red butterfly moonlight and the others were remained rear area, he does not know why fragrant was brought here, moreover looks at like this, feared fragrant must follow Yaoyao to enter lotus flower embryo conceals together. 孙炎道:“我会的……你也是!”金凰月华、青霜月华、蓝麟月华、红蝶月华等人都被留在了后方,他不知道为什么香香却被带到了这里,而且看这样子,香香怕是也要跟着瑶瑶一同进入莲花胎藏界。 Above the battlefield, the sword does not have the eye, he from is unable completely to feel relieved. 战场之上,刀剑无眼,他自也无法全然放下心来。 Thinks, he beckons, called nine nether world phoenixes: Deep, you first follow the fragrant elder sister.” 想了想,他招了招手,把九幽冥凤唤了过来:“冥儿,你先跟着香香姐。” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden said: Brother Sun......” 香香仙子道:“孙大哥……” Sun Yan is holding her hand, visits her saying: Deep has the mind reading with me, even if I really saw the legal community void conceals Bodhisattva, obtained the important intelligence, still needs to contact with you, deep with you in the same place, I also found you at the appointed time well. If by some chance there is any matter, you can also ride deep to look for me.” 孙炎牵着她的手,看着她道:“冥儿与我之间存在着心灵感应,就算我真的见到了法界虚空藏菩萨,得到了重要情报,也还是需要与你们联系,冥儿跟你在一起,到时我也好找到你们。万一有什么事情,你也可以骑着冥儿来找我。” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden no longer rejects, is only gently un. 香香仙子不再拒绝,只是轻轻的“嗯”了一声。 ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan brings lotus lotus, rides the chi dragon, flies the high place, the star governing great-circle Fokuang, flies side them. 孙炎带着莲莲,骑上螭龙,飞到高处,星星御着大圆佛光,飞在他们身边。 The climbing fig flower petal that in the front high place, in the sky presents huge, is in full bloom slowly. Below bright permanent sand river, the miraculous glow had been swallowed by the courage vigor completely, the entire river turned into the blood river, the bloodshed anger rose, a huge turbulent flow, unceasing revolving in bloodshed. The gifted generals, in this side of bloodshed, are alerting intensely, the fight with enemy side is ready to be set off. 在前方高处,天空中出现巨大的、缓缓盛开的大莲花瓣。下方的慧恒沙河,灵光已经完全被血气吞噬,整条河都变成了血河,血海怒涨,一个巨大的涡流,在血海中不断的旋转。天兵天将们,在血海的这一边,紧张地戒备着,与敌方的战斗一触即发。 , In the bloodshed appears a huge form suddenly, that form is Kua Fu's image, actually the whole body is the blood, it brings the giant blood column, leaps since the bloodshed, that billowing blood-color tsunami, is flooding innumerably, the sad and shrill scream and angry roaring, hear person scalp tingles. 忽的,血海中现出一个巨大的身影,那身影乃是夸父的形象,却浑身是血,它带着巨大的血柱,从血海中腾起,那滚滚的血色海啸,充斥着无数的、凄厉的尖叫与怒吼,直听得人头皮发麻。 The Sun Yan complexion changes...... this is they! 孙炎脸色微变……这是“它们”! In ninth dragon child the event matter, he was once captured by them, fully realized these blood shadow fearsomeness, that is in world fearsomest sound, far exceeds the imagination of average person, if were not Monk Tang saves him, placed in them, he is crazy. 在“龙之九子”的事件事,他曾被“它们”擒获,自是深知这些血影的可怖,那是世间最可怖的声音,远远超出一般人的想象,如果不是唐僧救下了他,身处在“它们”之间,他早就已经疯狂。 They wailing, angry roaring, is sending out various types sad and shrill and angry roaring of hatred. They fuse in Kua Fu together, surging forward, forms bigger and bigger blood column, is in full bloom the scarlet lotus flower that to well up toward high place that. “它们”尖啸着,怒吼着,发出各种凄厉与怨毒的怒吼。“它们”与夸父融合在一起,汹涌澎湃,形成越来越大的血柱,往高处那盛开的大红莲花涌去。 Only is listening to them the sound, many invincible forces then could not have insisted, holds to angrily roar, loudly wail. Sun Yan heart bad, according to this appearance, the entrance of entire lotus magnificence Taicang feared that is must and they occupies by Kua Fu, all gifted generals and they will block by Kua Fu. 单是听着“它们”的声音,许多天兵便已经坚持不住,捧头怒吼,放声哭嚎。孙炎心道糟糕,照这个样子,整个莲华胎藏界的入口怕是都要被夸父和“它们”占据,所有的天兵天将都会被夸父和“它们”挡住。 The star young nun actually has the induction, turning head suddenly, startled say/way: That is......” 星星小尼姑却是生出感应,忽的回头,惊道:“那个是……” Sun Yan and lotus lotus follows to turn head, sees only behind them, a spirit bead is binding astonishing Fokuang, cuts the vault of heaven, goes toward the Kua Fu straight bang. That hold of Fokuang, before Sun Yan, has never seen. 孙炎与莲莲跟着回头,只见他们后方,一颗灵珠裹着惊人的佛光,划破苍穹,朝夸父直轰而去。那佛光之盛,孙炎以前从未见过。 Sun Yan subconscious opens nine spirit too wonderful gold/metal Yan, he sees in powerful Fokuang, glittering and translucent carving spirit beads, in spirit bead, partly visible, sits cross-legged youngster Buddhist priest who sits a both hands together. Who he is unable to see clearly that youngster Buddhist priest is, has actually guessed correctly his status faintly. 孙炎下意识的张开九灵太妙金眼,他看到强大的佛光中,有一个晶莹剔透的灵珠,灵珠内,若隐若现的,盘膝坐着一个双手合什的少年僧人。他无法看清那少年僧人是谁,却已隐隐猜到他的身份。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The entire spirit bead bang on Kua Fu, earth body of occasionally Kua Fu revering, broke into pieces loudly, is attached to its bloodshed, a avalanche layer upon layer, in transmits absorbs the angry roaring of will of the people, pain. 整颗灵珠轰在了夸父身上,夸父尊者的土偶之躯,轰然间碎散,附在它身上的血海,一层层的崩塌,内中传来直摄人心的、痛苦的怒吼。 Fokuang in the tumbling that in the bloodshed non-stop, the straight permeating bloodshed deep place , a flowing, presses the bloodshed along with the earth body that Kua Fu collapses, falls unceasingly downward. A Yaoyao Empress side to the spirit jewelry light that this such as it comes suddenly, obviously is prepared early, while this opportunity, kills to go, under the soldier with army zha Leeming throne, will dash and cover under full bloom lotus magnificent kills, the fierce combat, rivers of blood, corpse large expanse of crash, the extremity/limb remnant body breaks, full is bloody. 佛光在血海中不停的翻滚,直渗入血海深处,一波波,一浪浪,压得血海伴随着夸父崩溃的土身,不断往下陷去。瑶瑶帝姬一方对这忽如其来的灵珠宝光,显然是早有准备,趁这机会,直杀而去,与军吒利明王座下的兵将,在盛开的莲华下方冲撞、掩杀,刀光剑影,血流成河,尸体成片的坠落,肢残体断,满是血腥。 Beats Kua Fu and is attached to its bloodshed the spirit jewelry light, delimited, in the precious pearl the Buddhist priest of youngster appearance, jumps out from the unusual brightness, the top of the head auspicious light, the foot steps on the white lotus, seemingly young, is actually the show reality. His facial features flash through blood-color, the precious pearl fall in his hand, is gloomy, obviously this struck a moment ago, was consumes to empty his numerous supernatural powers, the powerful energy and in the precious pearl containing. 击垮夸父和附在它身上的血海的灵珠宝光,划了回来,宝珠中少年模样的僧人,从宝光中跳出,头顶祥光,脚踩白莲,看似年幼,却是秀实。他的面容闪过一丝血色,宝珠落回他的手中,已是黯淡无光,显然刚才这一击,亦是耗空了他的众多法力,以及宝珠内所蕴藏的强大能量。 Sun Yan is the discovery, before that precious pearl him, had seen one time, that is in him with the fish basket Goddess of Mercy, when because of grandmother the matter of fruit position change, enters the Jinling universe, fish basket Goddess of Mercy from the Spirit Mountain bringing down Spirit Mountain most precious object five wisdom secret pleasant precious pearl. 孙炎更是发现,那宝珠他以前曾经见过一次,那是在他与鱼篮观音,因“王母”果位异动之事,进入金陵小千世界时,鱼篮观音从灵山带下界的灵山至宝五智三昧如意宝珠。 The star young nun said in a low voice: Law prince!” 星星小尼姑低声道:“法王子!” The Shao prosperous three treasures cause unceasingly, understands various Foshen the boundary ; A character extremely Buddhist charms, often can gracefully the Szabo Wheel of the Law!!! 绍隆三宝使不绝,通达诸佛深境界;一字曼殊陀罗尼,常能绍佛正法轮!!! Bodhisattva's first, Spirit Mountain law prince!!! 菩萨第一尊,灵山法王子!!! ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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