MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#925: Blames me?

An entire world peace, in the double square formation, everyone is looking at the sudden different situation dumbfoundedly, suddenly, is who is unable to respond unexpectedly. 整个天地一片安静,双方阵中,所有人都在目瞪口呆地看着突然发生的异况,一时间,竟是谁也无法反应过来。 While everyone is thinking, in cultivating entire 89 profound merit, has the law celestial phenomenon and other under magical powers the three sharp two blade spears/guns of two mother gods, Sun Yan can insist many move of times, or is the crisis that Sun Yan faces was worried in the people, or is waiting for his courting destruction sinisterly time. 正当所有人都在想着,在修全了“八九玄功”,拥有法天象地等各种神通的二娘神的三尖两刃枪下,孙炎能够坚持得了多少招的时候,在众人或是为孙炎所面临的危机而担心,或是阴险地等待着他的自取灭亡的时候。 Suddenly, two mother gods were exploded by Sun Yan! 突然间,二娘神就被孙炎爆头了! This change more than everyone expected, made bright permanent sand river both banks, the entire battlefield fell into the short deathly stillness. A gifted general side starts cheers loudly, most people, cannot see clearly a moment ago what happened, but no matter, at least, everyone saw two mother gods thanked the nature to be exploded the small head by Sun Yan pounding forcefully, the entire head exploded, fell directly toward below blood river. 这超出所有人意料的变化,令得慧恒沙河两岸,整个战场陷入短暂的死寂。紧接着,天兵天将一方掀起轰然的欢呼声,大部分人,根本就没能看清刚才发生了什么事,但是无所谓,至少,所有人都看到了“二娘神”谢自然被孙炎硬生生的砸爆了螓首,整个脑袋爆开,直接往下方的血河坠去。 A army zha Leeming king side, is all scared, thinks, this war can the shame of snow moment god defeat, actually not think, two mother gods who cultivate/repair the entire 89 profound merit, even the law celestial phenomenon and other types give up study not to use with enough time, was exploded the head unexpectedly directly. 军吒利明王一方,则是个个失魂落魄,原本以为,这一战能够一雪分阴神主战败之耻,却是怎么也没有想到,修全八九玄功的二娘神,连法天象地等各种绝学都还没来得及用出,竟然就被直接爆了头。 The Moroccan clouds crown prince in the right corner, hides in the gloom, complexion gloomy and cold and ugly. In his behind, the say/way that the illustrious crime demons in broken high three demon muttered: Your highness, a moment ago that was......” 摩霄太子在右阵角落里,藏身在阴暗之中,脸色阴冷而又难看。在他的身后,破亢三魔中的昭罪魔喃喃的道:“殿下,刚才那是……” Say/Way that the Moroccan clouds crown prince coldly: Curtain gold/metal rope! ; Day seal!” 摩霄太子冷冷的道:“幌金绳!;番天印!” To the area array, Du Xiangxiang, swings the crown prince and star Yi young nun all opens the eye, such reverse is really more than they expected. Almost hung to a throat mouth heart a moment ago, in an instant turned into the great happiness, like this strong contrast, made one feel like having a dream general. 对面阵中,杜香香、荡成太子、星奕小尼姑俱是睁大眼睛,这样的反转实在是太超出他们的意料。刚才还是几乎吊到嗓口的一颗心,转眼变成了大喜,这样的强烈反差,直让人觉得像是在做梦一般。 lotus lotus doubts look right and left, is not very clear, that enters the stage to fight the Sun Yan young girl probably very fierce appearance, in an instant actually gave Sun Yan to smash the head. What's all this about? Moreover this was also too violent, was too bloody, the child is not suitable, this makes her believe firmly again...... fights is not good! 莲莲疑惑地左看右看,不是很明白,那个出场要战孙炎的少女好像很厉害的样子,转眼之间却给孙炎砸烂了脑袋。这是怎么回事啊?而且这也太暴力了,太血腥了,太儿童不宜了,这让她再一次确信……打架是不好的! The Wuqu star main and broken army star main are also stunned, even they have not thought, will really have like this big transition, but they are the non- average men, quick has clarified what happened, has, helpless shakes the head, on the one hand. The exclamation can actually put out curtain gold/metal rope and day seal this grade of magical treasure in Sun Yan, on the one hand also sighed, even if Sun Yan put out curtain gold/metal rope and day seal, properly speaking, must explode to cultivate/repair entire two mother gods of 89 profound merit directly, was not an easy matter, can only say that the intelligence quotients of two mother gods were not really high, such easily say/way. 武曲星主、破军星主等亦是错愕,连他们也没有想到,竟然会有这样的大转折,不过他们都是非常人,很快就已弄清发生了什么事,只得无奈摇头,一方面。惊叹于孙炎竟然能够拿出幌金绳和番天印这等法宝,一方面却也叹息,就算孙炎拿出了幌金绳和番天印,按理说,要直接爆掉修全了八九玄功的二娘神,也不是一件容易的事,只能说二娘神的智商实在不高,这么容易就着了道。 Before entering wonderful camptotheca acuminata, the black cherry moonlight sealed Sun Yan „the strength of real dragon external. Actually gave him five types of magical treasure. 在进入妙喜树之前,黑樱月华封掉了孙炎“真龙之力”的外挂。却给了他五样法宝 These five types of magical treasure, including day seal and pioneer/monarch abuse to jeer the wind resembles and jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag, the curtain gold/metal rope who as well as Sun Yan uses now...... 这五样法宝,其中包括了番天印、辟虐嘲风像、玉清微尘遁空旗,以及孙炎现在用出的这根幌金绳…… Curtain gold/metal rope, was the past laozi refining up. even/including Daluo Golden Immortal even beginning of the universe Golden Immortal may tie up. In the past great sage equal to heaven Western Paradise took on the path, once under the young lad world of mortals by laozi place was the monster, crossed with curtain gold/metal Shengfu. Naturally great sage equal to heaven is skilled in 72 changes, all-resourceful. Shortly after then displayed the magical powers to escape. But at least, great sage equal to heaven also indeed was at that time negligent for a while, by curtain gold/metal Shengkun solidity. 幌金绳,乃是当年太上老君所炼。连大罗金仙甚至混元金仙都可缚得。当年齐天大圣西天取经路上,就曾被太上老君座下的童子下界为妖,用幌金绳缚过。当然齐天大圣精通七十二变,神通广大。没多久便自己施展神通逃了。但至少那个时候,齐天大圣也的确是一时大意,被幌金绳捆了个结实。 However curtain gold/metal rope is also different from day seal and jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag. Only can use one time, are few with one. But the black cherry moonlight to Sun Yan, then only has one. 但是幌金绳又与番天印、玉清微尘遁空旗不同。一根只能用一次,用出一根便少一根。而黑樱月华给孙炎的,便只有一根。 Also therefore, Sun Yan is hiding this depth, only waits to the enemy who on could not deal with truly, just now planned that used it. 也正因此,孙炎将这一根深藏着,只等对上自己真正对付不了的敌人,方才打算去用它。 But two mother gods are the enemies who he could not deal with! 而二娘神便是他对付不了的敌人! Actually, if two mother gods are truly more careful, guard against him to come frequently, even if he flings curtain gold/metal rope, some of her still many means can deal. After all 89 profound merit, the infinitely subtle, through deriving Yuanyang and roaming god controls one's feelings or clone technique and other methods, can always avoid curtain gold/metal Huang. 其实,若二娘神真正小心谨慎一些,时刻防备着他来,那就算他甩出幌金绳,她也有许多办法可以应对。毕竟八九玄功,奥妙无穷,通过导出元阳、游神御气又或是分身术等手段,总能躲开幌金幌。 And 72 change like 89 profound merit, was used to hide the strong merit laws of three tribulations. Even if she cannot defend curtain gold/metal rope for a while, so long as revolves ahead of time several in the diamond not bad 89 profound merit, even if intimate forcefully a day seal, most is still only the severe wound, but also was insufficient to be exploded the head directly. 像八九玄功和七十二变,原本就是用来躲三劫的超强功法。就算她一时没能防住幌金绳,但只要提前运转几同于金刚不坏的八九玄功,就算是硬生生挨上一记番天印,最多也只是重伤,还不至于直接被爆了脑袋。 Finally she really and other Sun Yan counted in that unexpectedly!!! 结果她竟然真的在那等孙炎数数!!! 89 profound merit revolve, several with do not go bad in the diamond, but it is not the diamond does not go bad after all. And the most important point, is the diamond does not go bad it is the driving type, Yaoyao dares to deliberately create trouble in the battlefield like that great sage equal to heaven takes on the path in Western Paradise various security, in the final analysis, because has the indestructible body, even for a while the say/way, still has nothing at the worst. 八九玄功运转起来,几同于金刚不坏,但它毕竟不是金刚不坏。其中最重要的一点,就是金刚不坏本身是主动式的,瑶瑶在战场上敢那般胡闹,齐天大圣在西天取经路上各种有恃无恐,说到底,就因为有金刚不坏之身,就算一时着了道,也没什么大不了的。 However 89 profound merit actually must revolve, can have body like diamond protecting body profound merit. Naturally, even if protects the body profound merit full play, cannot arrive at great sage equal to heaven to eat on gold/metal pill of big old Monarch five bottle gourds , that innate wonderful, the day after tomorrow had foot the diamond not bad degree, but the full play, by a day seal, only injured hardly does not die or can achieve. If she more vigilant, advances with the law celestial phenomenon place, Sun Yan has directly many escapes far, can escape is lucky, where dares to stand in her front? 但是八九玄功却要运转起来,才能有“身如金刚”的护体玄功。当然,就算护体玄功全力运转,也还是到不了齐天大圣吃了大上老君五葫芦的金丹后、那等“先天灵妙、后天具足”的金刚不坏的程度,但全力运转起来,硬挨一记番天印,只伤不死还是做得到的。若她更机警一些,先行用出法天象地,孙炎直接有多远逃多远,能逃得掉就已经是幸运,哪里敢站在她的面前? Actually before entering wonderful camptotheca acuminata, Sun Yan has known, he is very likely to run into two mother gods in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata. 其实在进入妙喜树之前,孙炎就已知道,他极有可能在妙喜树里遇到二娘神。 After all unlike other enemies, two mother gods and he radically is the personal grudge, whatever, two mother gods will look for him. Curtain gold/metal Shengjia day seal, is the best method that he has, because curtain gold/metal rope only has one, must use on two mother gods, he actually is also very hesitant, because only he thought that two mother gods are not worth him using up this only curtain gold/metal rope. 毕竟与其他敌人不同,二娘神与他根本就是私仇,无论怎样,二娘神都会找上他。幌金绳加番天印,就是他所拥有的最好手段,但是因为幌金绳只有一条,要不要用在二娘神身上,他其实也是很犹豫的,只因他觉得二娘神不值得他用掉这唯一的一根幌金绳。 From beginning to end, he has not cared two mother gods! Flaw in the person intelligence quotient, needs to make up with the strong military force, but in his eyes, the intelligence quotients of two mother gods had arrived, even if 89 profound merit, 72 change the situation that the extra-superior big magical powers of this grade of rank could not make up. 从头到尾,他都没怎么将二娘神放在心上!一个人智商上的缺陷,需要用强大的武力来弥补,但是在他眼中,二娘神的智商已经到了就算是八九玄功、七十二变这等级别的超一流大神通都弥补不了的地步。 Pitifully only this time, two mother gods must go bad his attire to compel the important matter, curtain gold/metal rope not to use inadequately. 只可惜这一次,二娘神要坏他的装逼大计,幌金绳不用不成了。 Bright permanent sand river both banks, everyone is visiting him dumbfoundedly, suddenly unmanned speech. 慧恒沙河两岸,所有人都在瞠目结舌地看着他,一时间无人说话。 Sun Yan falls the heads of two mother gods by the day seal direct bang, day seal receives, crosses the hands behind the back to tread spatially, strolls to go toward soldier: Fire is a Yuan divine sword is the shape, profound ingenious method strange Xuan ; Does the day of shining spirit seven Yuan fire, the sword tries the demon monkey to raise. First cuts evilly will be cloudy two, explodes the idiot two mother gods ; The overturning the heavens purple treasure executes the monster to go against, great power day chua shone clear(ly).” 孙炎以番天印直接轰掉二娘神的脑袋,番天印一收,负手踏空,往己方兵阵漫步而去:“火是元神剑是形,玄中妙法更奇玄;乾天耀灵七元火,剑试魔猴把名扬。先斩邪将阴名二,又爆白痴二娘神;翻天紫宝诛妖逆,大威天欻放光明。” Comes again!!! 再来一遍!!! The Wuqu star main and broken army star lord, about cuts down the demon to cause, helpless shook the head...... does not recite poetry will die? 武曲星主、破军星主、左右伐魔使等无奈摇头……不念诗会死啊? Sun Yan behind, a army zha Leeming king side responded finally, the boisterous sound, shouted abuse. Said several three only counted two unexpectedly, depended on this dirty trick and two kinds super magical treasure win also even, unexpectedly also dares to recite poetry? How can a person shameless to this situation? 孙炎身后,军吒利明王一方终于反应过来,哄然一响,纷纷破口大骂。说了数三声竟然只数了两声,靠着这种卑鄙手段和两样超级法宝取胜也就算了,居然还敢念诗?一个人怎可以无耻到这种地步? Suddenly, scolded the sound to rise from all directions, no matter a gifted general side actually so many, instead scolded, two mother gods died in any case died, had the skill to crawl to bite? 一时间,骂声四起,天兵天将一方却不管那么多,反骂回去,反正二娘神死都死了,有本事爬上来咬人啊? Shameless one!” In opposite shore, jumps out of one person, is actually gold/metal pupil gods in eight big god. The gold/metal pupil god shouted: Shameless one, the dirty tricks wins with this and other, is unconsciously ashamed?” “无耻之徒!”对岸阵中,跳出一人,却是八大神主中的金瞳神主。金瞳神主喝道:“无耻之徒,用这等卑鄙手段取胜,不觉羞耻么?” Sun Yan has turned round, disdains saying: How was I despicable?” 孙炎回过身,不屑道:“请问我如何卑鄙了?” Gold/Metal pupil god anger extremely: You let her and others your three......” 金瞳神主怒极:“你让她等你三声……” Eldest child, please recall, I let her and others my three tones time!” Sun Yan stretches out three fingers, I attract the one breath, several three ; Attracts the second tone, several two ; Attracts the third tone......” “老大,请回想一下,我只是让她等我三口气的时间!”孙炎伸出三根指头,“我吸第一口气,数出三;吸完第二口气,数出二;吸完第三口气……” The gold/metal pupil god shouted: Then you acted......” 金瞳神主喝道:“然后你就出手了……” Sun Yan said: Right, the time of three tones have crossed, what don't I make a move to make? I also had not said that I am three, that silly little girl must wait for me to count three, blames me?” 孙炎道:“对啊,三口气的时间已过,我不出手做什么?我又没说我要数三声,那傻妞非要等我数完三,怪我啰?” ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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