MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#924: A brick explodes the head!

Static! The entire world was static seems like frozen by the cold wind generally, side from raising **, because of finishing too quickly, but made people unable to respond in an instant. 静!整个天地静得像是被冷风冻结了一般,方自掀起的**,因为结束得太快,而让人无法在刹那间反应过来。 The newcomer and Flying True Person of rank immortal boundary the contest of between experts, who thinks, by, the youngster because of will hit and not know the immensity of heaven and earth the created failure ends, is who has not actually expected, two moves, merely are only two moves, before unexpectedly then as Sun Yan of nova of gate younger generation, really defeated the Yin two this grade of Flying True Person ranks and god demon wars, has heard three experts. 仙人境的新锐与飞天真人级别的高手之间的较量,原本谁都以为,将会以,少年因蛮撞和不知天高地厚所造成的失败而收场,却是谁也没有料到,两招,仅仅只是两招,作为道门年轻一代之新星的孙炎,竟然真的击败了阴名二这等飞天真人级别、神魔大战之前便已名闻三界的高手。 As throws two, the Yin two severed heads and corpse, fell into below bright permanent sand river. A gifted general side, shakes to raise day cheering, the sound of battle drum resounds again, the deafening sound is actually disorderly, obviously even the person of beating a drum cannot constrain the excitement of heart. 随着扑扑两声,阴名二的首级与尸体,掉入了下方的慧恒沙河。天兵天将一方,震起掀天般的欢呼,战鼓之声再一次响起,震响却是杂乱,显然连擂鼓之人也压抑不住心头的激动。 In the rear area plunders the Wuqu star main and broken army star lord and left Famo to make, right cut down the demon to cause to look one mutually, is astonished in the strength of expert Sun Yan really can strike to kill the Flying True Person rank. 在后方掠阵的武曲星主、破军星主、左伐魔使、右伐魔使互相对望一眼,俱是惊异于孙炎真能击杀飞天真人级别的高手的实力。 By their energies, had seen, Sun Yan has actually seen through the characteristics and weakness that Yin two astral has been mad, just now goes forth to battle the challenge, down to just to Yang also had various special characteristics seven Yuan fires, compels Yin two to give up he secretive and fast merit, to just break softly, by Yang Keyin. 以他们之能,自是都已看出,孙炎其实是早就看穿了阴名二罡气的特性与弱点,方才出阵挑战,以至刚至阳却又藏有各种特质的七元火,硬逼阴名二放弃他诡秘而迅捷的优点,以刚破柔,以阳克阴。 However, obviously is only profound qi of immortal boundary, astral who actually really can break the Flying True Person boundary air/Qi, this had proven his strength, but the computation and confidence before, proved exactly Sun Yan not really extremely arrogant with not the person of stratagem, is seeks, but rear drive. 然而,明明只是仙人境的玄气,竟然真的能够破掉飞天真人境的罡气,这本身就已经证明了他的实力,而阵前的计算与成竹在胸,恰恰证明了孙炎并非真的狂妄与无谋之人,乃是谋而后动。 The scheme with calculating the road is a part of person strength, at Yin two meetings such idea, because he underestimated Sun Yan strength, but Sun Yan dares to execute such idea, because he believes his strength. 计谋与算路原本就是一个人自身实力的一部分,阴名二会中这样的计,正是因为他低估了孙炎的实力,而孙炎敢施这样的计,也正是因为他相信自身的实力。 Without sufficient strength, so-called planning. Then became joke that brings contempt upon oneself even is bringing about own destruction! 若是没有足够的实力,所谓的算计。便成了自取其辱甚至是自寻死路的笑话! About the Wuqu star main and broken army star lord and lei bu cut down the demon to cause, silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch the person who rushes to from the god demon war, was precisely at this kind of time, entrusted with an important task by Heavenly Court. Brings the crack troops to enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata the star, planning of Sun Yan. Will not make them take lightly, instead thought that this child has the stratagem bravely, the future indeed is limitless. 武曲星主、破军星主、雷部左右伐魔使、银牙耀目天君都是从神魔大战闯过来的人,且是在这种时候,被天庭委以重任。带着精兵进入妙喜树的名将,孙炎的谋算。并不会让他们看轻,反更觉得此子有勇有谋,前途的确是不可限量。 Four rear area, Yaoyao Empress will be built on above the stage, both hands insert the waist, laughs: Worthily is my golden boy, a little skill!” 四将后方,瑶瑶帝姬立于高台之上,双手插腰,哈哈大笑:“不愧是我的金童,有点本事!” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden also looks at the back of boyfriend, is delighted beyond measure. Even she has not thought, cultivating of Sun Yan to strive unexpectedly such quickly, what is more important, he studied before, although each one is the big magical powers, but rather crosses mixed excessively chaotic, but he now, unexpectedly is successful fuses in these magical powers together, founds to be his own unique skill, inherits to be easy to link up difficultly. Founding the new move actually linking up is more difficult, this is not the casual what people can achieve. 香香仙子亦是看着男朋友的背影,喜不自胜。连她也没有想到,孙炎的修为竟然精进得这么快,更重要的是,他以前所学,虽然个个都是大神通,但未免过杂过乱,而他现在,竟是成功的将这些神通融合在一起,开创出属于他自己的绝招,继承容易贯通难。开创新招却又比贯通更难,这绝不是随随便便什么人都可以做到的。 Another side, swings the crown prince is also sincerely convinced similarly. If by the supernatural power, becomes Bingling Duke he, can with expert hard anti- of True Person boundary, but really must let the expert who he challenges the True Person boundary, he actually not dare in any event, because the strength is a matter, the strength is a different matter. 另一边,荡成太子同样也是心服口服。若论神力,成为“炳灵公”的他,自是可以跟真人境的高手硬抗一下,但真要让他去挑战真人境的高手,他却是无论如何都不敢的,因为力量是一回事,实力是另一回事。 Has not actually thought that several months ago to save him, but also in hand five moves defeat Sun Yan in fire cloud Xiaosheng. At this moment is in front of three services unexpectedly, merely two moves. Killed Flying True Person. 却没有想到,几月之前为了救他,还在“火云小圣”手中五招而败的孙炎。此刻竟然当着三军之面,仅仅两招。杀了一位飞天真人 lotus lotus is also both hands about harassing in the chest front, lights up with pleasure. Actually really must mention, she is also kidnapping comes by Sun Yan, however in these days being together, she is unconscious, regarded person on one's own side Sun Yan. The Sun Yan victory, makes her feel happy similarly, although fights is not good, but since hit, she naturally hopes that person on one's own side wins. 莲莲亦是双手合扰在胸前,喜笑颜开。其实真要说起,她也算是被孙炎“劫持”而来,但是在这些日子的相处中,她已是不知不觉的,把孙炎当成了“自己人”。孙炎的胜出,同样让她感到高兴,虽然打架是不好的,但既然打了起来,她当然还是希望“自己人”获胜。 Bright permanent sand river, the miraculous glow and bloody water interlock. sand river both banks, a side is jubilant, a side deathly stillness. 慧恒沙河,灵光与血水交错。沙河两岸,一方欢腾,一方死寂。 Since the moment god defeats in a young man junior hand of immortal boundary, the soldier who lets a army zha Leeming king side all will be speechless, suddenly, only thinks that the appearance will not have up. 分阴神主既然败在一个仙人境的后生小辈手中,让军吒利明王一方的兵将俱是无言,一时间,只觉面目无光。 The youngster in field, was actually carries really just, the waist transfers the mortal form, turns around, wears fights the vitality unreliably, treadonned in the fire the golden lotus, as if strolled, under glare of the public eye, toward soldier, strolled to make the song: Tender dragon intends to spit the spirit bead, colorful phoenix carries me sentimental also ; The fire is a Yuan divine sword is the shape, profound ingenious method strange Xuan. Does the day of shining spirit seven Yuan fire, the sword tries the demon monkey to raise ; Cuts again evilly will be cloudy two, great power day chua shone clear(ly)!” 场上的少年,却是身背真刚,腰系转魄,转过身来,身披玄斗元精,脚踏火中金莲,仿佛只是闲逛了一番,在众目睽睽之下,往己方兵阵,漫步作歌:“娇龙有意吐灵珠,彩凤多情载我还;火是元神剑是形,玄中妙法更奇玄。乾天耀灵七元火,剑试魔猴把名扬;再斩邪将阴名二,大威天欻放光明!” He thought that oneself was really cool! 他觉得自己真是帅呆了! The dragon dance phoenix howls, young is excited with deep, is a good omen to deliver auspicious before, win return that greets the master. In the gifted general is crowd of sounds is also boisterous, all cheers. 龙舞凤啸,雏儿与冥儿兴奋莫名,在阵前呈祥送瑞,迎接主人的大胜回归。阵中天兵天将亦是群声哄然,俱是欢呼。 At this moment, a ray from the opposite shore, within transmits upbraiding of young girl air-splitting: Sun Yan, has the skill do not run away, fights with me again!” 就在这时,一道光芒从对岸破空而出,间中传来少女的怒叱:“孙炎,有本事不要逃,再与我一战!” Sun Yan turns around in an instant, sees only departs from blood, two mother gods thanked the nature. His secretly thought is not good, has not thought that two mother gods also hide in opposite party cloud array unexpectedly, and at this time, the anger went to battle, must go bad his attire to compel the important matter. 孙炎刹那间转过身来,只见从血阵中飞出的,正是“二娘神”谢自然。他暗道“不好”,没有想到二娘神竟也藏在对方云阵之中,且在这个时候,怒而出战,要坏他的装逼大计。 Two mother god ages are equivalent to him, is a young girl, if she as soon as jumps out, he then returns to, the graceful cool image that portrays with great difficulty vanished in a puff of smoke immediately, before you said my, manifests a presence, fee/spent completely to consider to lead this easily I? 二娘神年纪与他相当,又是少女,若是她一跳出,他便逃回阵中,好不容易塑造起来的帅酷形象立时灰飞烟灭,你说我阵前显圣、费尽思量帅这一场容易么我? However does not run away, opens the spirit prestige source mysterious real eye, returned day to build because of great power ** the two mother gods of profound merit, was not he at this moment copes absolutely. Especially the two mother gods of law celestial phenomenon place, big brother even/including Li Chen feared that is unable to deal with. 但是不逃嘛,张开灵威道源玄妙真眼,因“回天返日”而修成**玄功的二娘神,绝对不是此刻的他对付得了的。尤其是法天象地的二娘神,连李尘大哥怕是都无法应付。 The battlefield is peaceful! 战场再一次安静下来! The Wuqu star main and broken army star lord, about cuts down the demon makes again looks one, they have not thought that thanks naturally will kill at this time. 武曲星主、破军星主、左右伐魔使再一次的对望一眼,他们也都未想到谢自然会在这个时候杀出。 At this time, thanked the nature to use for the enemy side, and built through some mystique ** the matter of profound merit, has spread. 此时,谢自然已为敌方所用,且通过某种秘法修成**玄功之事,早已传扬开来。 ** Profound merit and 72 change general, in them each profound merit and each change, most can only be 72 techniques category, once cultivates them entire, in the part of great bear 30 six legal codes cultivates the pinnacle to be able except for most several near the top an enemy, any other list alone, is hard in comparison. “**玄功”与“七十二变”一般,它们中的每一种玄功、每一个变化,最多都只能算是“七十二术”的范畴,然而一旦将它们修全,天罡三十六法中除了最靠前的几项修到极致能够一敌,其它任何一项单独列出,都难以与其相比。 But through combination that these magical powers change, can play is equal to various big magical powers the effects, particularly did not fear crowd attacking three heads and six arms, strength doubles „after law celestial phenomenon, or 72 become a revisionist entire, 72 lives that brings, as well as ** the profound merit builds latter several in the diamond not bad protecting body profound merit, causes even beginning of the universe Golden Immortal, will still have a headache facing this grade of enemy. 而通过这些神通变化的组合,更可以起到等同于各种大神通的效果,尤其是不怕群攻的“三头六臂”、实力翻番的“法天象地”、又或是七十二变修全后带来的七十二条性命、以及**玄功修成后几同于金刚不坏的护体玄功,使得就算是混元金仙,面对这等敌人也会头疼。 Two mother god right hands grip tightly three sharp two blade spears/guns, in the volume opens the third eye, looks at Sun Yan stubbornly. Hatred. Angry, is one enters the Immortal World fellow compared with her obviously late, obviously is much worse than her. Probably the God's favored one is the same, from entering Heaven. Annoys many attention, now bluffs and blusters before three services. 二娘神右手紧握三尖两刃枪,额上张开第三目,死死地看着孙炎。怨毒。愤怒,明明是一个比她更晚进入仙界的家伙,明明比她差得多。却像是天之骄子一样,从进入天界起。就惹来众多的关注,现在更是在三军阵前耀武扬威。 Luxuriant flying curls, the god light/only diverges, resenting and envy look like a poisonous snake, is biting her mind, before keeping her from enduring of this fellow, installs to compel. 秀发飞卷,神光发散,愤恨与嫉妒就像是一条毒蛇,咬噬着她的心灵,让她无法忍受这家伙的阵前装逼。 His each success, reminds her of that who suffer the humiliation, is that fire. Was spurted that fire that faints by him, making her from now on three laughingstocks. She gloomy and cold is staring at Sun Yan, three sharp two blade spear/gun revolutions, stock , shakes the turtle mark in the hit of stock downward loudly void. 他的每一次成功,都让她想起那个遭受屈辱的自己,就是那一把火。就是被他喷晕的那一把火,让她自此成为了三界的笑柄。她阴冷地盯着孙炎,三尖两刃枪一转,枪柄往下一顿,轰然间,虚空在枪柄的撞击中震出龟纹。 She sneers saying: What massacred Yin two to be considered as? Has the skill to fight with me!” 她冷笑道:“杀掉了阴名二算得什么?有本事与我一战!” Looks at her ironizing, her Yin offense, Sun Yan determined again, her goal is to ruin his attire to compel the important matter, this smelly woman arrived to his hate simply lost the rational situation. She must not exposed to his self-satisfaction. His two moves cut to kill Flying True Person, before read poems, high-spirited. Happily is insufferably arrogant, a result girl jumps out must fight, he shrank immediately, installed to compel the failure also even, from now on feared that degenerated into the laughingstock. 看着她的冷嘲,她的阴戾,孙炎再一次确定,她的目的就是要毁掉他的装逼大计,这臭女人对他的恨简直到了丧失理性的地步。她已经见不得他的一丝得意。他两招斩杀飞天真人,阵前吟诗,意气风发。得意不可一世,结果一个丫头跳出要战,他马上就缩了回去,装逼失败也就算了,今后怕是就此沦为笑柄。 The two mother god gloomy and cold vision are to cross his shoulder, looks to his behind Wuqu star main and broken army star main and the others, filled with fury changes to cold fierce murderous aura, must freeze the entire world together. 二娘神阴冷的目光更是越过他的肩头,看向他身后的武曲星主、破军星主等人,满腔怒火化作凛烈的杀气,要将整个天地一同冻结。 Broken army star main sinking sound said: „The Wuqu brother, it seems like that this girl still remembered you in the past in Heavenly Court the matter of doing.” 破军星主沉声道:“武曲兄,看来这丫头还记得你当年在天庭所做之事。” Wuqu star main, helpless shakes the head: This mansion is also tells the facts. Although this female has certain talent, but the heart is narrow. Difficult to become an immortal saying that overcomes Heaven. Whets in the world of mortals, or can awaken to know, the recasting immortal way, what a pity this mansion good intention, she did not appreciate kindness rendered, counter- sleep/felt mansion aims in her everywhere. Visits her now this appearance, feared that hated entire Immortal World.” 武曲星主无奈摇头:“本府也不过是实话实说罢了。此女虽有一定天分,但心胸过于狭窄。难成仙道,打下天界。在下界磨砺一番,或能醒悟自知,再铸仙途,可惜本府一番好意,她并不领情,反觉本府处处针对于她。看她现在这个样子,怕是把整个仙界都恨上了。” In two mother god hearts leaps the flaming anger, she is also previous generation Heavenly Emperor in the bloodlines that Mortal World leaves behind, is the true Heavenly Emperor descendant, but Sun Yan is a mortal who Mortal World comes up, however in these immortal god eyes, they actually seems like one in the place, in day. 二娘神心中腾起熊熊怒火,她好歹也是上一代天帝人间遗留下来的血脉,乃是真正的天帝后裔,而孙炎不过是人间界上去的一介凡人,然而在这些仙神眼中,他们却像是一个在地,一个在天。 Because of that fire, each success of Sun Yan, she seems like by him is stepped on the stepping-stone of under foot. However these time was different, had built ** she of profound merit, will be thorough, overturned these to think the cognition of immortal god kept aloof, she will show with the strength, they were stupid and laughable. 就因为那一把火,孙炎的每一次成功,她都像是被他踩在脚下的垫脚石。然而这一次不一样了,已经修成**玄功的她,将彻彻底底的,打翻这些自以为高高在上的仙神的认知,她将用实力来证明,他们是多么的愚蠢和可笑。 She is raising three sharp two blade spears/guns but actually , forces toward Sun Yan step by step. 她倒提着三尖两刃枪,一步一步的,往孙炎逼迫。 After Sun Yan, in the square formation, Yaoyao Empress cold snort/hum, raises the Ru Yi Bang, then must vertical go forth to battle, for the golden boy over, nearby several immortal officers hurries to hold on her. Both armies battle, before such, will fight, what will be more will be is only swayed by personal feelings, but if the commanding general will brave hardships and dangers, that will happen the mistake, the consequence is difficult to predict. 孙炎后方阵中,瑶瑶帝姬冷哼一声,一提如意金箍棒,便要纵出阵去,替金童出头,旁边的几名仙官慌忙将她拉住。两军交战,这样的阵前斗将,更多的只是意气用事,但若主将亲身涉险,那一旦出现差池,后果难料。 Here side from blocking Yaoyao Empress, another side, fragrant wind one volume, is actually Du Xiangxiang vertical goes forward: Brother Sun, I come to fight with her!” The words also said, a sound, the god light/only blasts out loudly, appears ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) multi-colored sunlight. Both armies soldiers will look together, sees only that to fly into Fairy Maiden not to see, appears unexpectedly is a deity golden body of three eight arm. 这边方自拦住瑶瑶帝姬,另一边,香风一卷,却是杜香香纵上前去:“孙大哥,我来与她斗!”话又说完,轰然一响,神光炸开,现出万丈霞光。两军兵将一同看去,只见那飞入阵中的仙子已是不见,现出的竟是一个三面八臂的天神金身。 On this day the god, three first nine items of eight arms, among volumes on each head, is living the third eye, actually assumes respectively red, black and purple tricolor, three appearances, handsome, two fierce. In eight hands holds eight types of almighty troopses or the Buddhist musical instruments respectively, and they are: Sun, moon, the valuable bell and gold/metal seal, bend the bow, lance, halberd and arrow. 这天神,有三头九目八臂,每一颗脑袋上的额间,都生着第三目,却各呈红、黑、紫三色,三张容颜,一张俏美,两张凶恶。八只手上分别持着八样神兵或是法器,分别是:太阳、月亮、宝铃、金印、弯弓、矛、戟、箭。 The god bride's side of three first nine items of eight arms come, then has the phenomenon to appear suddenly, the auspicious sign while the day, red clouds to/clashes, woof and warp world, swings imperial palace. 三头九目八臂的神女方一现身,便有异象骤然出现,紫气乘天,丹霞赫冲,纬经天地,相荡九宫。 Vertical including Sun Yan is also astonished, the fragrant shape, was entirely different from the past. 纵连孙炎亦是惊愕,香香的这种形态,跟以往大不相同。 Before the fragrance fragrant extremely dark day female shape, was three six arms, not really three heads, were short of two arms, magical treasure that holds was also different. But at this moment, the fragrant side comes, the powerful god light/only then overshoots the purple mansion, this is a completely different supernatural power. 以前香香极闇天女的形态,乃是三面六臂,并非真的有三颗脑袋,亦少了两臂,所持的法宝也不一样。而此刻,香香方一现身,强大的神光便上冲紫府,这是一种完全不同的神力。 Behind the goddess golden body, various Jiangyi was surprised, vertical even Yaoyao Empress also opened the eye. 神女金身后方,诸将亦是惊讶,纵连瑶瑶帝姬也睁大了眼睛。 left Famo causes to say in a low voice: This is......” fragrant Fairy Maiden demonstrated at this moment supernatural power that is not common, however, vertical experienced he, had also never seen continually before. With the god of that sparkle light/only, they can judge clearly that absolutely is in The Legend and Hero the purest supernatural power. 左伐魔使低声道:“这是……”香香仙子此刻展示出来的神力,绝非寻常,然而,纵连见多识广的他,以前也从未见过。只是凭着那闪耀的神光,他们可以清楚的判断出,那绝对是封神榜上最纯正的神力。 But when in Heavenly Court has had such a god? 天庭中何时有过这样的一尊“神”? He actually cannot think. 他却是怎么也想不起来。 The Wuqu star main intention actually moves slightly, remembers the godhood that over ten thousand years of some people had not held the post, said in a low voice: Culmination buddhist qi beginning sapphire rune/symbol Gouchen Palace lord!” 武曲星主心念却是微动,想起了一个上万年不曾有人担任的神职,低声道:“中天梵炁始青玉符勾陈宫主!” The broken army star lord, about cuts down the demon to cause to change countenance. In them behind, other gifted generals actually each other look, is thinking what position this does cancel Chen Gongzhu in The Legend and Hero is? Why how many generals all are the inconceivable appearances? Actually does not know the broken army star lord and vibration in Wuqu star main heart. Far exceeds their imagination. 破军星主、左右伐魔使俱是动容。在他们身后,其他的天兵天将却是彼此对望,想着这“勾陈宫主”在封神榜上到底是什么位置?为何几位将军俱是不可思议的样子?却不知破军星主、武曲星主心中的震动。远远超出他们的想象。 Transports about the spirit wind, purple nihility extremely. Understood thoroughly Huachi to shine clear(ly) ; Innate fought the grandmother, purple light gold/metal Zun, circle bright way mother reveres! 运合灵风,紫虚无极。洞彻华池放光明;先天斗姥,紫光金尊,圆明道母号天尊! Another side, two mother gods also stare are jumping to go forth to battle suddenly, appears Du Xiangxiang of deity phenomenon. Everyone is in the fruit position the person, the treatment that two people receive is actually entirely different, this lets her to this girl, similarly is also jealous and hates. Her hand. Tight is grasping three blade two sharp spears/guns, sneers saying: You can on together!” 另一边,二娘神亦是盯着突然跳出阵中,现出天神异象的杜香香。大家都是果位中人,两人所受的待遇却是截然不同,这让她对这丫头,同样也是既妒且恨。她的手。紧紧的握着三刃两尖枪,冷笑道:“你们可以一起上!” Sun Yan said: Incense stick|Fragrant, you draw back! I come to hit with her!” 孙炎却道:“香香,你退下去!我来跟她打!” Appears cancels Chen Gongzhu phenomenon fragrance fragrant Fairy Maiden, although disperses the strong supernatural power, inexplicable gloomy and cold, making him also feel share of cold intent. 现出勾陈宫主异象的香香仙子,虽然散出强大的神力,却有一种莫名的阴冷,让他也感到一股冷意。 He knew in the heart, fragrant is because is worried about him, just now appears this deity golden body, comes for him over, but why does not know. Looks at fragrance at this moment, he instead has an ominous premonition. 他心知,香香是因为担心他,方才现出这尊天神金身,前来为他出头,但不知道为什么。看着此刻的香香,他反有一种不祥的预感。 Cancels Chen Gongzhu center that beautiful cheek looks like to him, brings indescribable ice-cold. But he is actually not able to neglect that ice-cold deep place, she to his worry. Therefore, he shows a faint smile, said in a low voice: Incense stick|Fragrant...... you first go back, I will not have the matter!” “勾陈宫主”正中那美丽的脸蛋向他看来,带着一种难以言喻的冰冷。但他却无法忽略那冰冷深处,她对他的担心。于是,他微微一笑,低声道:“香香……你先回去,我不会有事的!” Cancelled Chen Gongzhu to look at one toward him, jumped in rebound backward, flew in the air, the god light/only flashed, changed the main body. Falls. Turns around, did not feel relieved that looks at her boyfriend. After changing original . She realized oneself do not want to come back, but wants to keep. Fights side-by-side with her Brother Sun. “勾陈宫主”往他看了一眼,向后纵身跳回阵中,飞到空中,神光一闪,变回本体。落在阵中。转过身来,不太放心地看着她的男朋友。变回原来的自己后。她才意识到自己并不想回来,而是更想留在阵中。与她的孙大哥并肩作战。 However in that moment, she, although jumps for her boyfriend to the field, when appears the deity phenomenon, Sun Yan in her mind, actually has become not like that important, she lowers the head, some slightly being flustered. 然而在刚才的那一刻,她虽是为了她的男朋友跳至场中,但现出天神异象时,孙炎在她的心中,却已变得并无那般重要,她低下头去,略有一些心慌。 The Wuqu star main and broken army star main all frowns. Although they do not know when Du Xiangxiang had cancels Chen Gongzhu...... or is fights and circle bright way mother Tianzun this godhood, actually also guessed correctly faintly, this must be Jin's arrangement in secret. 武曲星主、破军星主等俱是皱起眉头。他们虽不知杜香香是何时拥有“勾陈宫主”……又或者说是“斗姆”、“圆明道母天尊”这一神职,却也隐隐猜到,这必是金公的暗中安排。 If there is fragrance fragrant Fairy Maiden of fight of supernatural powers, collaborates with Sun Yan together, perhaps can also with cultivating entire ** the thanking nature war of profound merit, fragrant Fairy Maiden returns to now, thanked the nature to the Sun Yan hatred big wave day, Sun Yan only feared that must die without doubt. 若是拥有斗姆神力的香香仙子,与孙炎一同联手,或许还能与修全**玄功的谢自然一战,现在香香仙子回到阵中,谢自然对孙炎恨意涛天,孙炎只怕已是必死无疑。 The numerous will look at each other quietly, does to decide the plan, once the situation is not wonderful, can ignore so many, in any event the strategic place goes forward, retrieves in Sun Yan, after this rare talent who the time of god demon war, preserving this Immortal World millenniums is difficult to meet. 众将悄然对视,已是作定打算,一旦情况不妙,顾不得那么多,无论如何都要冲上前去,将孙炎救回阵中,为这后神魔大战的时代,保住这位仙界千年难遇的奇才。 Sun Yan actually looks at two mother gods, said: I accept your challenge, but there is a condition. I just two got one with Yin, now the physical strength failure, needs to adjust, you give me three tones time.” 孙炎却是看着二娘神,道:“我接受你的挑战,但是有一个条件。我刚刚才与阴名二打上一阵,现在气力衰竭,需要调整一下,你给我三口气的时间。” The corners of the mouth of two mother gods, are overflowing sneering that fills the hatred and Yin offense: As you like!” She is frank and upright, was in front of everyone to kill him, she must make everyone know, she was the true talent, she must let all misread her person regret. 二娘神的嘴角,溢着充满怨毒与阴戾的冷笑:“随你!”她要光明正大的,当着所有人的面杀了他,她要让所有人知道,她才是真正的天才,她要让所有看错她的人后悔。 The time of three tones, she and others, can wait. 三口气的时间,她等得起,等得住。 Sun Yan flies high to fly there, deep inspiration, adjusts own breath. He stretches out three fingers: Three!” 孙炎凌空飞在那里,深深的吸了一口气,调整自己的呼吸。他伸出三根指头:“三!” The hatred and Yin offense of two mother gods, fill the air to the entire face, is the pretty face, because of hating, but inexplicable distortion, appears exceptionally ugly. 二娘神的怨毒与阴戾,弥漫至整个脸庞,原也算是俏丽的脸,因为怨恨而莫名的扭曲,显得异常的丑陋。 Sun Yan inspires again, long shouted: Two!” 孙炎再吸一口气,长长的呼了出来:“二!” Two mother gods closely grab three sharp two blade spears/guns, stares finger that he is stretching out, murderous aura in pupil, cold is fiercer and gloomy and cold. 二娘神紧紧的抓着三尖两刃枪,盯着他伸出的手指,眸中的杀气,更加的凛烈与阴冷。 Sun Yan inspires again, the right hand stretches out, the last finger, then must receive shortly, the left hand actually touched the waist border quietly. Waits for him to receive the flash of last finger in everyone, exhales the final one breath in him, will soon put out one the flash of character. His vertical sacrifice pounds suddenly! 孙炎再吸一口气,右手伸出,最后一根手指,眼看着便要收起,左手却悄悄摸上了腰际。在所有人都等着他收起最后一根手指的这一瞬间,在他呼出最后一口气,即将吐出“一”字的这一刹那。他突然一纵一祭一砸! Bang!!! 嘭!!! Two mother god heads blossom...... 二娘神脑袋开花…… ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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