MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#923: Does the day of shining spirit seven Yuan fire

Bright permanent sand river, the courage vigor and miraculous glow interweave, each other entanglement, entangles turbulent flows. Both sides cloud array to striking, blood red distinguish right from wrong with Fokuang. 慧恒沙河,血气与灵光交织,彼此纠缠,缠出一股股涡流。两侧云阵对擂,血红与佛光泾渭分明。 cloud array who unfolds, has, if magnificent cloud Jie, layer by layer, the atmosphere constrains the extreme., A Heavenly Court side, cloud array disperses suddenly, several days will support, a army zha Leeming king side , cannot help but intense. army zha Leeming king side soldier/weapon looks at simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform, sees only to square formation vanguard dispersing, first appears dragon Yifeng, the dragon present god light/only, the phoenix sends seven colors, practices to soar white/in vain, auspicious clouds is vast. 铺开的云阵,有若壮观的云阶,一层又一层,气氛压抑到极点。忽的,天庭一方,云阵散开,数名天将拥了出来,连带着军吒利明王一方,也不由得紧张起来。军吒利明王一方兵将齐齐看去,只见对方阵前兵阵散开,先是现出一龙一凤,龙现神光,凤发七彩,白练腾空,祥云浩渺。 dragon and phoenix separates before, one on the left and other on the right , the youngster carries the treasured sword, the valuables conducted the person immortal ribbon, throws over the heaven to fight the vitality, treads to catch fire the golden lotus, the ray scatters in all directions, yin yin, the arrogance is everywhere threatening, treads empty comes, to fly high to make the song saying: Divine Dragon intends to spit the pearl, the color moon/month illuminates me sentimental also ; The fire is a Yuan divine sword is the shape, profound ingenious method strange Xuan. Does the day of shining spirit seven Yuan fire, the sword tries the demon monkey to raise ; Before three services, cuts evilly, if counter wicked crouches/submits demon commonplace!” 龙凤在阵前分开,一左一右,又有一少年身背宝剑,腰缠仙绦,披上玄斗元精,踏着火中金莲,光芒四散,氤氤遍地,傲气逼人,踏虚而来,凌空作歌曰:“神龙有意吐明珠,彩月多情照我还;火是元神剑是形,玄中妙法更奇玄。乾天耀灵七元火,剑试魔猴把名扬;三军阵前斩邪将,逆恶伏魔若等闲!” Youngster behind, flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes, rear area, four will bring up the rear again, is the Wuqu star main and broken army star lord and left Famo makes, right cut down the demon to cause respectively. 少年身后,龙飞凤舞,再后方,四将押阵,分别是武曲星主、破军星主、左伐魔使、右伐魔使。 The treasured sword pulls out, the overshooting bullfight, the sword air/Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the hero does the wind and cloud. A youngster body revolution, treads slantingly half step, the confrontation shouts: Yin two, but dares to go forth to battle with me fights?” 宝剑一抽,上冲斗牛,剑气纵横,侠干风云。少年身子一转,斜踏半步,对阵喝道:“阴名二,可敢出阵与我一战?” Pass! Pass! Pass! Pass! Passing...... 通!通!通!通!通…… In his rear area high place, strikes the battle drum, the flags waves, the thunderclap flies spatially! 在他后方高处,擂起战鼓,旌旗舞动,霹雳飞空! The rear distant place, Du Xiangxiang Du Fairy Maiden, swings crown prince and other rapid flights to come, to perform all stunned. They know that Sun Yan was called to distribute the duty by Empress, however suddenly, Sun Yan then enters the stage to challenge the enemy to battle, moreover pointed out that is the strength is obviously strong in him, at least is cultivating of Flying True Person for the moment god, suddenly, they and these gifted generals are common, all does not know that what happened. 后方更远处,杜香香仙子、荡成太子等疾飞而来,尽皆错愕。他们都知道孙炎帝姬叫去分派任务,然而突然间,孙炎便出场叫阵,而且点明的,是实力明显强于他,至少已是飞天真人之修为的分阴神主,一时间,他们与那些天兵天将一般,全都不知道发生了什么事。 Arrives at the above stage the Du Xiangxiang rapid flight to Yaoyao, wins Yaoyao losses both hands, is built in the stage, occupying a commanding position before looking at the double square formation , is turning away from them to the youngster who the enemy side challenges the enemy to battle, startled say/way: Yaoyao, what is this is making?” 杜香香疾飞到瑶瑶到上方高台,见瑶瑶着双手,立于台上,居高临下的看着双方阵前、背对着她们向敌方叫阵的少年,惊道:“瑶瑶,这是在做什么?” Yaoyao Empress said with a smile: Golden boy must request a combat assignment on the 1st may not, I cannot block him!” 瑶瑶帝姬笑道:“金童一号非要请战不可,我也拦不住他啦!” During the speeches, in opposite shore transmits cold snort/hum: Yourself court death, that do not blame me!” A sound, courage vigor dispersing, a person leaps to empty loudly, the primal chaos robe, the fish tail crown, is moment god Yin two. 说话间,对岸阵中传来一声冷哼:“你自己找死,那就不要怪我!”轰然一响,血气散开,一人跃空而出,太极袍,鱼尾冠,正是分阴神主阴名二。 Yin two stand there, the body is lanky, the imposing manner like the mountain, has not acted, then has suppressed the youngster faintly, lets Du Xiangxiang, as well as flies that the high place observes the crown prince and star Yi and others is completely all worried. 阴名二立在那里,身躯瘦长,气势如山,还未出手,便已隐隐将少年压制,让杜香香、以及飞到高处观战的荡成太子及星奕等尽皆担心。 Right the opposite shore, in the darkness, another person, is staring at two people of bright innumerable river bank side, appears intermittently to ridicule the color of jeering. 对岸右侧,黑暗之中,另有一人,盯着慧恒沙河上方的两人,隐现讥嘲之色。 This person rubs clouds crown prince. Although only has met that time with Sun Yan, but at that time, Sun Yan also depended on the jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag, forced to save that young nun named star from his hand, if not Yaoyao Empress rushed promptly, Sun Yan has killed for him. 此人正是摩霄太子。虽然与孙炎只会过那一次,但那个时候,孙炎也不过就是靠着玉清微尘遁空旗,勉强从他手中救下那个叫星星的小尼姑,若非瑶瑶帝姬及时赶到,孙炎早已为他所杀。 By the skill of Moroccan clouds crown prince, only that had then seen, Sun Yan does not have the Yin two opponents of strength of Flying True Person, even can say, he in Yin in front of two, most share that only then escapes, however two armies pitted against each other, the boy challenges the enemy to battle on own initiative, if escapes on the way distressedly, can say that does not serve as the person. 以摩霄太子之功力,单是那一眼,便已看出,孙炎绝非拥有飞天真人之实力的阴名二的对手,甚至可以说,他在阴名二面前,最多只有逃的份,然而两军对垒,那小子主动叫阵,若是途中狼狈而逃,可以说再也不用做人。 Say/Way that the Moroccan clouds crown prince ridiculed: It seems like you did not have the opportunity to revenge personally!” 摩霄太子嘲弄的道:“看来你是没有机会亲手报仇了!” In his corner of the eye institute and place, a young girl who fills the air/Qi of Yin offense, tight is grasping the three sharp two blade spears/guns in hand, looks at the youngster, in the vision was full of dense killing intent. 在他眼角所及之处,一个充满阴戾之气的少女,紧紧的抓着手中的三尖两刃枪,看着阵中的少年,目光中充满了森然的杀意。 Yin two are staring at the youngster of front challenge, the right sleeve strokes, makes noise loudly, was alarmed including the sound of opposite battle drum, he sneers saying: „Before is several days, petty people but who also escapes before me everywhere randomly, now then dares to provoke to court death, it seems like you really do not want to live.” 阴名二盯着面前挑战的少年,右袖一拂,轰然作响,连对面的战鼓之声都被惊扰,他冷笑道:“不过是几日之前,还在我面前四处乱逃的鼠辈,现在便敢挑衅找死,看来你果然是不想活了。” The back row detains the Wuqu star main and broken army star lord and left who Famo fight to make, right cut down the demon to cause to look one. 后排押战的武曲星主、破军星主、左伐魔使、右伐魔使对望一眼。 Yin two this flicks the sleeve, has the positive result extremely, with the air/Qi demolition battle drum, suppresses the Sun Yan war intent and momentum directly, he as Flying True Person, to is the junior of immortal boundary, plans deep conceals, does not allow the least bit leeway as before. Even if Sun Yan is the peak of immortal boundary, even because of some chance, can jump the ranks the expert who challenges the True Person rank, but to the powerful enemy on Flying True Person this rank, only feared that still has the defeat not to live. 阴名二这一拂袖,极有名堂,以气爆破战鼓,直接打压孙炎的战意与声势,他身为飞天真人,对上不过是仙人境的小辈,却依旧心机深藏,不留半点余地。就算孙炎已经是仙人境之巅峰,甚至因为某种机缘,能够越级挑战真人级别的高手,但对上飞天真人这种级别的强敌,只怕也是有败无活。 Wuqu star main secret regret, this youngster, although has the talent, but young extremely arrogant, does not know the depth, the reality should prevent his requesting a combat assignment a moment ago recklessly. Your Highness Yaoyao also deliberately creates trouble, to fighting the both sides strength differs such big, how Sun Yan to have the talent again, after all is young, how under possibly to win, will can be called be under the army zha Leeming throne most is strong the moment god? 武曲星主暗暗后悔,这少年虽有天分,但年少狂妄,不知深浅,刚才实应该不顾一切的阻止他的请战。瑶瑶殿下亦是胡闹,对战双方实力相差如此之大,孙炎再怎么有才华,毕竟年轻,怎可能赢得下,称得上是军吒利明王座下最强干将的分阴神主? This war, feared that must fold an originally promising say/way gate newcomer spatially, simultaneously at this important moment, frustrates our morale unavoidably greatly. 这一战,怕是要空折了一位原本极具前途的道门新锐,同时免不了在这关键时刻,大挫我方士气。 Another side, silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch saw with own eyes that our battle drum is chaotic, the rushing ahead stage suddenly goes, has snatched the double thump, strikes the battle drum personally. 另一边,银牙耀目天君眼见我方战鼓已乱,忽的抢上台去,抢过双捶,亲自擂起战鼓。 Silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch in the lei bu, is the thunder reveres the vice general, this battle drum wraps with the skin of kui cow.!!!!! Battle drum rallying, shakes the world, feeds the thunder voice, rushes to the fire to soar. However the opposite shore enemy also does not show weakness, cried out with one voice, the destiny assembles, the momentum is shocking. Constrained with the deathly stillness atmosphere, raises to the high tide suddenly, like having the invisible fire, extends to the entire wonderful camptotheca acuminata, the strong winds chaotic volume, four-dimensional rocks, the upsurge is turbulent, arrogance big wave day. 银牙耀目天君在雷部,乃是雷尊之副将,这战鼓又是以夔牛之皮所包。嗵!嗵!嗵!嗵!嗵!战鼓重整,撼动天地,噉雷发声,奔火腾空。然而对岸敌军亦不示弱,齐声呐喊,气运集结,声势震天。本是压抑与死寂的气氛,骤然间掀至高潮,就像有无形的火,漫延至整个妙喜树,狂风乱卷,四维晃动,热潮汹涌,气焰涛天。 Between two, moment god Yin two astral air/Qi sweeps across, the sound such as thunder severe, however laughs Yin: You, if the present begs for mercy, I may also be bountiful you not dead!” 两阵之间,分阴神主阴名二罡气席卷,声如雷厉,阴然大笑:“尔若现在求饶,我还可饶你不死!” The youngster left Quzhuan mortal form, right sincere just, really just the sword transferred to the chest, transfers the mortal form sword to hold behind. The Daoist robe volume dance, sends the silk to move in the eye forward flight: Gentleman don't on the 3rd, when holds in high esteem, kills you only to need...... three moves!” The sword air/Qi circulation, as if the naked eye obvious sword wave, assumes the circular to split open, puts in the upsurge. 少年左取转魄,右挚真刚,真刚剑转至前胸,转魄剑倒持身后。道袍卷舞,发丝在眼前飞动:“士别三日,当刮目相看,杀你只需……三招!”剑气流转,仿佛肉眼可见的剑波,呈圆形绽开,在热潮中盛放。 The moment god anger snort/hum, in the pupil flashes through the gloomy anger. Obviously is only one, couple days ago also in front of him the mouse in the junior who escaped generally randomly, now is actually in front of three services, as if regarded him, if did not have the thing. 分阴神主怒哼一声,眸中闪过阴沉怒火。明明只是一个,前几天还在他面前老鼠一般乱逃的小辈,现在却当着三军之面,仿佛视他如无物。 Is so dissolute and arrogant, made his three corpses hot tempered, will send out the nameless fire including Buddha. 如此的放肆与傲慢,直令得他三尸暴躁,连佛都会发出无名之火。 Extremely arrogant!” A moment god both hands stroke, astral of high density air/Qi in the body week disperses loudly, changes to the billowing circle, pure yin air/Qi, divides into two, day soul mortal form, astral Yuan pill mother. “狂妄!”分阴神主双手一划,高密度的罡气在身周轰然间散开,化作滚滚的圆,纯阴一气,一分为二,天魂地魄,罡元丹母。 Kun Yin moon/month dark, god astral main road root. 坤阴月将晦,神罡大道根。 Although has hit several surface with Sun Yan, but has not had one time, he uses his one absolute technique truly. Only because of before then, Sun Yan saw that he then runs away at risk of life, cannot escape dies, but is the mongoose is ordinary, chases down with the chased down difference. 虽然与孙炎撞过几次面,但至今还未有一次,他真正用出他一身绝学。只因在此之前,孙炎都是一见到他便拼死逃窜,逃不掉就是死,不过是猫鼠一般,追杀与被追杀的区别。 However now, two people finally start to meet the tough head-on with toughness, cultivating of his Flying True Person rank is, before three services, shows truly, astral Yuan pill mother air/Qi densely, the cloud of gloom sweeps across the gloomy day pass/test. 然而现在,两人终于开始以硬碰硬,他飞天真人级别的修为,在三军阵前,真正展现出来,罡元丹母气森森,愁云席卷黯天关。 astral of moment god air/Qi, what hidden is the strength of Yin magnetism. He strength of Yin magnetism into profound qi, picks the wages constantly, achievement True Person, practices to the Yin Gold Dragon hu body, the card results in Flying True Person. 分阴神主的罡气,隐藏的乃是阴磁之力。他将阴磁之力化入自身玄气之中,采得辛金一昧真,成就真人,练至阴金龙虎体,证得飞天真人 Depends on the strength of Yin magnetism, he can without borrowing any art of making oneself invisible art of making oneself invisible and imperial palace secret, in Yang Ci the strength of taking advantage of the world, having, if the miracle is common, the space jumps , without the mark may seek. At this moment, he takes himself as astral Yuan pill mother, between both armies, the big piece space in bright sand river, all under the sweep of his Yin magnetism astral strength. 正是靠着阴磁之力,他才可以在不借用任何奇门遁甲、九宫秘传的情况下,借天地间的阳磁之力,有若奇迹一般,空间跳跃,无迹可寻。此刻,他以自身为“罡元丹母”,两军之间,慧沙河上的大片空间,全都在他阴磁罡力的笼罩下。 He resembles has not acted, has actually acted, the day opens the subsidence of the earth, secret obscure. 他似未出手,却已出手,天开地陷,暗暗昏昏。 The Wuqu star main and broken army star lord and left Famo makes, right cut down the demon to make the complexion change, although under army zha Leeming throne eight big gods, but has died the Yuan indistinct god in Jin's hands, at this moment with the moment god that Sun Yan confronts, is actually in eight big gods strongest two people, is under the army zha Leeming throne the strongest combat general. But now, they finally saw with own eyes the strength of moment god demonstrated that is Flying True Person that deserves, but is Sun Yan of immortal boundary, how possibly is his rival? 武曲星主、破军星主、左伐魔使、右伐魔使脸色微变,军吒利明王座下虽有八大神主,但已经死在金公手中的元惚神主,与此刻跟孙炎对阵的分阴神主,却是八大神主中最强的两人,乃是军吒利明王座下最强战将。而现在,他们终于亲眼见到了分阴神主的实力展示,乃是当之无愧的飞天真人,只不过是仙人境的孙炎,怎可能是他敌手? Bang!!! 嘭!!! A Sun Yan body revolution, five groups of flames split, has, if five-star, in him with the moment god surrounding fast circulation, his left Chizhuan mortal form, right held really just. On the sword was really just leaping the fire of flaming purple magnificent, transfers on the mortal form sword to disperse the dense candle Yin fire, the flame light that the double sword sends out presents the perfect circle, as if his both hands wave, is two Yin Yang, mysterious light balls. 孙炎身子一转,五团火光绽了开来,有若五星,在他与分阴神主周围快速流转,他左持转魄,右持真刚。真刚剑上腾着熊熊的紫华之火,转魄剑上散着森森的烛阴之火,双剑发出的焰光呈现出完美的圆,仿佛他双手舞动的,乃是两颗一阴一阳,神秘的光球。 Meanwhile, disperses in surrounding five-star, similarly is also the circle to the pinnacle, is flowing the flame of high density, but is actually the white, azure, blue, scarlet and yellow five colors, these five fires, are five fine day of fires, namely aurin day fire and wood alcohol day fire and nymph day fire and Pure Yang day fire and earth fine day fire. 与此同时,散在周围的五星,同样也是圆到极致,内中流动着高密度的火光,但却呈白、青、蓝、赤、黄五色,这五火,正是“五精天火”,亦即金精天火、木精天火、水精天火、纯阳天火、土精天火。 Just like five thunder execute five thunder, assume gold/metal wood water the fire clay five shapes respectively, Sun Yan take the secret of his most source to be really hot for the foundation, with, has five elements profound qi of profound real boundary the Heavenly Emperor precious book on the remote antiquity more/complete high Jade Emperor five virtue profound merit cultivate/repair to fuse wonderfully in together, synthesizes five fine day of fires, he to inherit from the vermilion bird supple moving star trades the technique of fighting, sword five-star, oneself grasped poured into the fire of purple magnificence three visceral cavities and gall bladder really just the sword, to pour into transferring mortal form sword that closed the dark nine Yin fires, the fire was the Yuan. The divine sword is the shape, does the day of shining spirit seven Yuan fire, seven Yuan mercury, the Big Dipper shines. 正如五雷正法中的“五雷”,各呈金木水火土五种形态,孙炎以他最本源的三昧真火为根基,与天帝宝典“太上弥罗高上玉皇五德玄功”修出的、妙有玄真境之五行玄气融合在一起,合成“五精天火”,他以传承自朱雀阴柔的移星换斗之术,一剑化五星,自己手持灌注了紫华少阳之火的真刚剑、注入了瞑晦九阴之火的转魄剑,火是元神剑是形,乾天耀灵七元火,七元流珠,七星辉映。 Swarming, the Moroccan clouds crown prince and Wuqu star main and broken army star lord and left Famo makes, right cut down the demon causes and hide in closes the remote god, the gold/metal pupil god and copper rune/symbol Shenzhu and other entirely Xianya the colors. 远远近近,摩霄太子、武曲星主、破军星主、左伐魔使、右伐魔使、藏在阵中的瞑遥神主、金瞳神主、铜符神主等俱现讶色。 This is an profound wonderful mysterious feeling, the Sun Yan double sword circulation, disperses five-star, takes itself in the moment god as astral Yuan pill mother obviously, covers the audience after the Yin magnetic astral strength. 这是一种玄奇奥妙的感觉,孙炎双剑流转,散出五星,明明是在分阴神主以自身为“罡元丹母”,以阴磁罡力笼罩全场之后。 This one after the other the feeling is so obvious, however suddenly, their realizing suddenly, actually they complete during the same period of time. 这“一先一后”的感觉是如此明显,然而突然间,他们忽的意识到,其实它们是在同一时间里完成的。 Therefore they give birth quickly clearly become aware, knew in the heart youngster in mysterious method his body week time twisted, created this misconception marvelously. 于是他们很快就生出明悟,心知少年是以神秘的手段将他身周的“时间”扭曲了,造成了这种奇迹般的错觉。 Others actually unceasing is rubbing the eye, as if oneself misread anything, has the illusion. 其他人却是不断的搓着眼睛,仿佛自己看错了什么,生出幻觉。 The moment god air/Qi by Yin magnetic astral is controlling the audience, the entire space seems like crashing fast, single layer single layer presses toward the youngster. However the youngster focused on really just, transferred mortal form double sword star, took five fine day of fires and moves the star traded the technique of constitution fighting five-star for star, the Big Dipper seven Yuan, seven Yuan mercury, really just such as the day, transferred the mortal form such as the moon/month, the livelihood took turn, five-star gathered the scenery, as if in constructed surrounding and spatial. 分阴神主以阴磁罡气控制着全场,整个空间都像是在快速崩塌,一重又一重的往少年压去。然而少年以真刚、转魄双剑为主星,以五精天火及移星换斗之术构成的五星为辅星,七星七元,七元流珠,真刚如日,转魄如月,日月交替,五星聚景,仿佛在重新构建成周围的时与空。 The moment god complexion big change, he starts to realize, passes beforehand several time escape, Sun Yan has seen through his Yin magnetic astral strength, his Yin magnetic astral strength by fast cutting and blocking. 分阴神主脸色大变,他开始意识到,通过以前的几次逃亡,孙炎已经看穿了他的阴磁罡力,他的阴磁罡力正在被快速的切割、阻断。 Although the strength of Yin magnetism mysterious invisible, but eventually is space part, the star and land have the magnetic force, Sun Yan actually to reconstruct the livelihood and five-star in this stretch of battlefields, this is jolts Yin but actually Yang and moves to the star trades to fight the fusion. So gets down again, his Yin magnetic astral strength must be slivered the smashing by the opposite party, home game that the entire battlefield must turn into the opposite party, even if the opposite party is only the immortal boundary, can still steady takes him. 阴磁之力虽然神秘无形,但终究是空间的一部分,星球、大地都带着磁力,孙炎却在这片战场间重建日月与五星,这是“颠阴倒阳”与“移星换斗”的融合。再这般下去,他的阴磁罡力都要被对方切成粉碎,整个战场都要变成对方的主场,就算对方只是仙人境,也可以稳稳的将他拿下。 Does not dare to wait again, the moment god drinks one coldly, first acts, the Yin magnetic astral strength turbulent flow general curls fast, the volume to his palm, pats like lightning toward the youngster. This racket, lays out to destroy day of a turbulent flow that extinguishes the place, outside all person eyes, the front of moment god, very intensive air current has the high-density the vortex, was crushed continually void, the powerful turbulent flow illness/quick volume goes, must rip the fragment the youngster. 不敢再等,分阴神主冷喝一声,抢先出手,阴磁罡力涡流一般快速卷来,卷至他的手心,闪电般朝少年拍去。这一拍,拍出毁天灭地的涡流,在场外所有人眼中,分阴神主的前方,高强度的气流生出高密度的漩涡,连虚空都被粉碎,强大的涡流疾卷而去,要将少年撕成碎片。 „The first move!” The youngster loudly shouted. “第一招!”少年大喝道。 The double sword is binding five-star, bringing his whole person bang to enter the Yin two Yin magnetic swirl classes, the Ziyang fire, the candle Yin fire, the aurin fire, the wood alcohol fire, the nymph fire, the Pure Yang fire and earth fine fire, seven fires unite, change to great power hot sun. 双剑裹着五星,带着他整个人轰入阴名二的阴磁涡流,紫阳火、烛阴火、金精火、木精火、水精火、纯阳火、土精火,七火合一,化作大威烈日。 Remote antiquity more/complete, has wonderfully unreliably really ; Mahatma exoteric and esoteric buddhism, safe profound simultaneous/uniform heaven! 太上弥罗,妙有玄真;大圣显密,泰玄齐天! The wonder has the profound real boundary and Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, further helped rise the vast invincible might of seven Yuan uniting great power hot sun. This he unified Yin counter Yang Wei, to spread all over, the purple flame light, five virtue profound merit and Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism and other absolute technique, kills to incur seven Yuan to do hot bang to that originated! 妙有玄真境与大圣显密真诀,进一步助涨了七元合一之大威烈日的浩瀚神威。此正是他结合了阴逆阳违、星罗棋布、紫度炎光、五德玄功、大圣显密等一身绝学,首创出的至强杀招“七元乾火轰”! When seven Yuan dry fire, counter disobeys the day, the enormous and powerful invincible might, executes bends down the demon wickedly...... the bang!!! 七元乾火,逆时违天,浩荡神威,诛恶伏魔……轰!!! Although the Yin magnetic swirl class/flow of moment god is powerful, great power hot sun that but little witch under probably big witch, is actually not able to rumble together with the sword Sun Yan swallows, he exhausts the whole body to cultivate/repair is, unceasing increases the Yin magnetic swirl class/flow range and velocity of whirl, however more/complete on big has the wonderful real boundary and under the dual function of Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art wonderfully, the might of great power hot sun not only has not reduced, the negative image is turning time of general. 分阴神主的阴磁涡流虽然强大,但却像是大巫之下的小巫,怎么也无法将孙炎连人带剑一同轰来的大威烈日吞下,他用尽全身修为,不断的增加阴磁涡流的范围与旋转速度,然而在大上弥罗妙有妙真境和大圣显密真诀的双重作用下,大威烈日的威力不但未减,反像是在翻倍一般。 The moment god volume breaks into sweat, he knows finally oneself already fell into a trap, before Sun Yan challenges, is to compel him to kill the move to spell hardly, to Yang Zhigang seven Yuan hot sun, broke his supple astral air/Qi, and kept him from using the strength of Yin magnetism to flee. 分阴神主额冒冷汗,他终于知道自己已经中计,孙炎阵前挑战,就是要迫他以杀招硬拼,以至阳至刚的七元烈日,破他阴柔罡气,并让他无法利用阴磁之力遁走。 However, how beforehand he can expect, but is the youngster of immortal boundary, can actually get the absolute winning side in such powerful collision? A newcomer of immortal boundary, with method, for only to kill the move to hit with a strong expert of Flying True Person rank hardly, such scheme, said that no one believes. 然而,事先他又如何能够料到,只不过是仙人境的少年,竟然能够在这样的强力碰撞中占据绝对的上风?一个仙人境的新锐,用上手段,只为了跟一个飞天真人级别的超强高手以杀招硬撞,这样的“计谋”,说出去都没人相信。 Outside battlefield, completely silent, silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch stands on the stage, like the mountain, his numerous strikes the hand greatly also there, as if forgot the drum thump in hand. The opposite shore stopped the call similarly, everyone's vision, all concentrates on the scene great power hot sun, with trying to reduce and solve great power hot sun in the Yin magnetic swirl class/flow. 战场之外,鸦雀无声,银牙耀目天君立在台上,伟岸如山,他身边的众擂手也都顿在那里,仿佛遗忘了手中的鼓捶。对岸同样停止了呐喊,所有人的目光,全都集中在场中的大威烈日、与试图化解大威烈日的阴磁涡流上。 Is only the first move, is the centralized full power life and death fights, suddenly, the vertical even Wuqu star main and broken army star main and the others also turned very quiet. 仅仅只是第一招,就是集中全力的生死斗,一时间,纵连武曲星主、破军星主等人也都屏住了呼吸。 In their eyes, great power hot sun is getting bigger and bigger, with a deafening sound, the powerful energy proceeds to attack to go loudly. 在他们眼中,大威烈日越来越大,随着轰然一声震响,强大的能量往前冲击而去。 The Yin magnetic swirl class/flow breaks into pieces loudly, moment god blowout blood, backward flying upside down. His chest pain wants to crack, the vitality surges, is actually staring at Sun Yan, not startled counter- happy. 阴磁涡流轰然碎散,分阴神主喷出鲜血,向后倒飞。他胸痛欲裂,气血翻腾,却是盯着孙炎,不惊反喜。 Although is seriously injured, he got rid of this to kill to incur eventually clashing, in his eyes, on the collar of youngster, had/left one grain small water stain. 虽然身受重伤,他终究还是摆脱了这等杀招之间的对撞,在他的眼中,少年的衣领上,多出了一粒小小水渍。 This is his another secret gives up study moment to explode. 这是他的另一秘传绝学“分阴爆”。 If normally, he needs to take referring to as the sword, the approach, is centered on quietly that water stain triggers the explosion. However at this moment, he could not have attended to so many, spurts a blood unexpectedly again, the strength of inspiring Yuan god, puts together a Yuan god to be damaged, silent uses/gives technique. However the technique has not ended, his left hand suddenly one tight, his lowering the head suddenly, when sees only on own left wrist not to know, were unexpectedly many a careful sword silk, does the pupil in his pupil shrink suddenly...... hangs Jian sword? 若是正常情况下,他需要以指为剑,悄悄作法,以那水渍为中心引发爆炸。但是此时此刻,他已顾不得那么多了,竟是再喷一口鲜血,引动元神之力,拼着元神受创,无声施术。然而术还未完,他的左手忽的一紧,他蓦的低头,只见自己的左腕上不知何时,竟是多了一条细细的剑丝,他眸中的瞳孔骤然一缩……悬翦剑? Another side, the youngster is the left hand pulls, the moment god threw the body that flies backward, immediately hung Jian Jianying is close toward him. 另一边,少年已是左手一扯,分阴神主原本向后抛飞的身子,立时被悬翦剑硬拉着往他接近。 The right hand really just the sword, in in the air exited a circle like lightning, the sword flower blooms, gorgeous, all captured the past everyone's attention. It so dazzling, so bright, as if stagnates in the space and time only the beautiful picture, stagnated in that flash of being in full bloom, presents the unbelievable beauty. 右手真刚剑,在空中闪电般转出一个圆,剑花绽放,美仑美奂,将所有人的目光全都吸引了过去。它是如此的炫目,如此的灿烂,仿佛是凝滞在时空中的唯美画面,在盛开的那一瞬间停滞了下来,呈现出难以置信的美。 The sword light of stop, splitting open of acceleration, splits brilliantly purple and red in the sky. When everyone responded, under fireworks sword light, youngster already with moment god wrong body. Shocking, only the beautiful color, covers up wipes the cold light that flashes passes. From the sky when everyone's vision is separated from the sword flower that puts, stays when the youngster body, the youngster had lived in the figure, at the same time, moment god Yin two, stopped in him behind the high place. 停顿的剑光,加速度的绽开,在天空绽出姹紫嫣红。等所有人反应过来时,烟花般的剑光下方,少年已经与分阴神主错身而过。惊艳的、唯美的色彩,掩住那微闪即逝的一抹冷光。等所有人的目光脱离在空中盛放的剑花,停留在少年身上时,少年已经顿住了身形,与此同时,分阴神主阴名二,亦停在了他身后高处。 Has an accident? 到底出了什么事? Both armies soldiers, all look two people who on the field stop suddenly. 两军兵将,全都看着场上突然停顿下来的两人。 The youngster are actually slowly, in the sword back sheath, will really just turn away from Yin two, light say/way: Sorry! I underestimated myself, originally kills you...... only to need two moves!” 少年却是缓缓的,将真刚剑送回鞘中,背对阴名二,淡淡的道:“抱歉!我低估了自己,原来杀你……只需两招!” Yin two motionless, stands dangerous in void, both hands closely are grasping, as to resist anything, suddenly, his head toward neck next one crooked, slid, the bright red blood splash, from breaking the neck place shot up to the sky, replaced the side from the quiet sword flower, changed to that bright red scenery...... 阴名二一动不动的,悬立在虚空,双手紧紧地握着,仿佛想要抗拒着什么,忽的,他的脑袋往颈下一歪,滑了下去,鲜红的血花,从断颈处冲天而起,取代了方自消停的剑花,化作那艳红的风景…… ...... ……
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