MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#922: Requesting a combat assignment

This all the way, some unexpectedly many gifted generals greeted to lotus lotus, actually originally, these in days, the good-hearted lotus lotus by her mysterious cyanogen, cured the injured gifted general. Her cyanogen was extremely, the person who so long as had not died at the scene, can be pulled back by her unexpectedly, at this time, from had by the person who she saved, felt grateful. 这一路上,竟有许多天兵天将向莲莲打招呼,却原来,这几日里,心地善良的莲莲以她那神秘的青气,治好了许多受伤的天兵天将。她的青气极是了得,只要是没有当场死去的人,竟都能够被她拉回,此时,自是有许多被她救下的人,心存感激。 Arrives at the army in cloud array, Sun Yan young will tie up with deep before the stronghold, keeps here lotus lotus. 来到中军所在云阵之中,孙炎将雏儿与冥儿拴在寨前,又将莲莲留在这里。 As fragrant enters in the stronghold together, at this moment, a day will happen to walk from another side, on that day just he sized up one, slightly strokes must say steadily: „Are you grandson leader who burns thunder sect?” 随着香香一同进入寨中,恰在这时,一名天将正好从另一边走来,那天将将他打量一眼,略拂长须道:“你就是焚雷宗的孙掌门?” Sun Yan sees this military commander big overwhelming power, is impressive, responded, saluted submissively, said: Sun Yan has seen the Wuqu star lord!” 孙炎见这武将高大威猛,气度不凡,反应过来,拱手施礼,道:“孙炎见过武曲星主!” The Wuqu star main long said with a smile: Had heard that your name, sees today, is really uncommon. The present say/way gate, during the 100 years after god demon war, is extremely decayed quick, actually can also have your grade of talent, this mansion is really gratified.” 武曲星主长笑道:“早已闻你之名,今日一见,果然不凡。如今的道门,自神魔大战后的一百年间,腐朽极快,却还能出你这等人才,本府甚为欣慰。” Sun Yan said: Star lord overpraised!” 孙炎道:“星主过誉了!” Two people toward the main tent/account line, on the way, the Wuqu star lord intend to try Sun Yan together to the opinion of magic arts magical powers. Sun Yan naturally knows, writing bent/tune and Wuqu, although is fights the section, but manages the civil and military matter, to select three talents in Heavenly Court, is not common stars, all questions will be answered. The Wuqu star main is really satisfied, said: Does not know after this matter, can the virtuous nephew have the interest in enter Heavenly Court will be?” 两人一同往主帐行去,途中,武曲星主有意试了试孙炎对道法神通的见解。孙炎自然知道,文曲与武曲虽属斗部,但在天庭主掌文武之事、选拔三界人才,并非寻常星官,自是有问必答。武曲星主甚是满意,道:“不知此事过后,贤侄可有兴致进入天庭为将?” Sun Yan said: Many thanks star main good intention, but the Jade Emperor congress is about to begin, some sect gate also many business need to process below, is difficult the free time.” Can be recommended by Wuqu general personally, entering Heavenly Court will be, is a glorious matter, however, he indeed will have no interest too many in to become the day, the matter of wonderful camptotheca acuminata ended after let alone, he must go to the collection simultaneous/uniform eight immortal swords, summoned Divine Dragon...... 孙炎道:“多谢星主好意,只是玉皇大会在即,宗门还有许多事务需要在下处理,难有空闲。”能被武曲将军亲自举荐,进入天庭为将,原本就是一件荣耀的事,然而,他对成为天将的确是没有太多的兴趣,更何况妙喜树的事结束后,他还得去集齐八大仙剑,召唤神龙…… The people are ambitious respectively. The Wuqu star main naturally also thinks little, after encouraging one, with him together enters in the tent/account. 人各有志。武曲星主自然也不以为忤,勉励一番后,与他一同进入帐中。 Account mouth place, bustling with activity, thunder Jiangcheng. In the tent/account, after Yaoyao Empress crosses the hands behind the back is situated in the case, the both sides respectively set up silver moon eye-catching day Monarch and lei bu left Famo to make, lei bu right cut down the demon to make and fight the broken army star main and other senior generals. All is in Heavenly Court the illustrious god. 帐口处,龙腾虎跃,雷将逞威。帐内,瑶瑶帝姬负手立于案后,两侧分别立着银月耀目天君、雷部左伐魔使、雷部右伐魔使、斗部破军星主等诸位大将。皆是天庭中赫赫有名的神将。 When Sun Yan enters in the tent/account, their vision , all falls on his body as if by prior agreement. 孙炎进入帐中时,他们的目光,也不约而同的,全都落在他的身上。 God demon war time after this. Can sit in their positions, can it be that to experience the stars of god demon wars and many disasters, but Sun Yan was just one in gate new generation, usually, naturally cannot their many pay attention. 在这后神魔大战时代。能够坐在他们这个位置上的,莫不是经历了神魔大战及诸多劫难的名将,而孙炎只不过是道门新生代中的一员,平日里,自然不会被他们多加注意。 For all that in this say/way gate the reputation bird to promising youth who has recently, they from also many pay attention. After all, when they are young, may not have this youngster is so sparking. 虽然如此,对这个道门中近来声名雀起的后起之秀,他们自也不免多加关注。毕竟,他们年轻时,可没有这少年这般闪亮。 After sizing up. Cannot help but nods secretly, by their energies, is all skilled to look at the technique of air/Qi, after all in fight. Air/Qi and transporting is quite important component. Although this youngster is also only the immortal boundary, but its air/Qi ponders the principle to be continuous, the purple Shenrui air/Qi, it cultivated/repaired to fear has reached certainly the boundary of True Person. In his age, then can have this achievement, no wonder was known as that is in a gate the millennium rare talents. 及至打量之后。不由得暗暗点头,以他们之能,俱是个个精通望气之术,毕竟在战斗上。“气”、“运”乃是相当重要的组成部分。这少年虽然还只是仙人境,但其气运神理绵绵,紫神瑞气,其修为怕是已达准真人之境。于他这个年纪,便能有此成就,难怪号称是道门中千年难得一见的人才。 These people of here Sun Yan to standing. From does not dare to have any slightly peeps, because only, stands before him now, is the Heavenly Court renowned general, cultivate/repair to profound also of next, what is more important knows well the military tactics, is skilled in say/way of various god machine ghost conceals and ground beetle flying upwards, person who and other catastrophes rushes to from the god demon war. 孙炎对站在这里的这些人。自也不敢有任何小窥,只因为,现在站在他面前的,无一不是天庭的著名将星,修为高深还在其次,更重要的是深通兵法,精通各种神机鬼藏、步甲飞升之道,是从神魔大战等各种浩劫闯过来的人。 Before Sun Yan stands is on record, salutes saying: Your highness!” 孙炎立在案前,施礼道:“殿下!” Yaoyao Empress said: As soon as lotus flower embryo conceals opens, the duty, or needs to arrange to give you.” 瑶瑶帝姬道:“一等莲花胎藏界打开,有一个任务,或是需要安排给你。” Sun Yan said: Asked your highness to tell!” 孙炎道:“请殿下吩咐!” Yaoyao Empress beckons, nearby immortal officer goes forward to explain to him. 瑶瑶帝姬招了招手,旁边一名仙官上前向他解释。 Actually originally, above lotus flower embryo conceals, there are stage eight institutes, in stage eight institutes in this, there is greatly sad Mandala Institute, is five big void concealed Bodhisattvas the place of occupying. However, what situation at this moment in this lotus flower embryo conceals is, actually also no one knows. 却原来,在更上方的莲花胎藏界内,又有中台八叶院,在这中台八叶院内,又有大悲曼荼罗院,乃是五大虚空藏菩萨所居之处。然而,此刻在这莲花胎藏界内到底是什么样的情形,却也无人知晓。 various people believes that the star Yi's master cobalt prints the Grandmaster, namely the legal community void conceals Bodhisattvas should not be controlled by the enemy, therefore needs after lotus flower embryo conceals opens, has the contact with it fast. 诸人相信星奕的师父钴印大师,亦即法界虚空藏菩萨应该未被敌人控制,因此需要在莲花胎藏界打开之后,快速与其取得联系。 In the stage eight institutes, road of the trial, is the legal community void conceals Bodhisattvas conducts the place of trial to his lineage/vein successor, only grasps void legal community is passable, they planned that makes Sun Yan escort the cobalt to print the female apprentice star of Grandmaster, after lotus flower embryo conceals opens, through the road of this trial, goes to contact with the legal community void conceals Bodhisattvas fast, in clarifies the situation fast. 中台八叶院中,有一条试炼之路,乃是法界虚空藏菩萨对他这一脉的传人进行试炼的地方,唯有掌握“虚空法界”的才可通过,他们打算让孙炎护送钴印大师的女徒弟星星,在莲花胎藏界打开后,快速通过这条试炼之路,前去与法界虚空藏菩萨联系,快速弄清内中情况。 That immortal official explained that if only Sun Yan the answer got down. 那名仙官方自解释完毕,孙炎自要答案下来。 Lei bu silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch leaves ranks saying: Your highness, although does not know in lotus magnificence Taicang the current situation, when is the present seals up, then has the deep thick vicious tendencies to pass, in the bad risk can be imagined, making Sun Yan be so separated from our military, since, solid is unsafe.” 雷部银牙耀目天君出列道:“殿下,虽然不知莲华胎藏界内目前的情况,但便是现在封闭之时,便已有深浓戾气透下,内中凶险可想而知,让孙炎就这般脱离我军,进入内中,实不安全。” He knows in the heart this duty, although is necessary, the person but who sends has most likely not fresh. 他心知此趟任务,虽是必要,但派去的人十有八九有死无生。 In his idea, no matter Sun Yan, Du Xiangxiang, swings Crown Prince to become, or several young heroic women of five acute communicable disease departments wait/etc, all will be the Immortal World future talent, bad risk, but the bad risk in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, but must be more does not know many, such as the punishment day, the labor and Kua Fu, nine will burn Zhou demon never to appear, will be because, the true decisive battle will be in lotus flower embryo conceals, does not hope these future plastic materials, will die in like this war. 在他的想法中,不管是孙炎,还是杜香香、荡成太子,又或五瘟司的几位年青女将等等,皆是仙界未来的人才,此间凶险,而妙喜树内的凶险,还要更甚于此间不知多少,如刑天、共工、夸父、九焚纣魔等始终不出现,就是因为,真正的决战乃是在莲花胎藏界内,自是不希望这些未来的可塑之材,死在这样一场战争中。 Yaoyao Empress said hesitant: Must some people go to contact with five big void concealed Bodhisattvas as soon as possible, in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, is the domains in five big void conceals, whom if cannot clarify as soon as possible is this side us, who has become the enemy, the consequence is difficult to predict. Several generals need to lead the combat, the arrangement by stage eight institutes, since later, is hard to give dual attention, few generals lead similarly improper. Now can send, only then Mount Tai third son, but the Mount Tai third son strength is less than this Empress golden boy 1st, the golden boy also brings this Empress covering day sword let alone on the 1st, in lotus flower embryo conceals, covered the day sword always to play some roles.” 瑶瑶帝姬犹豫道:“总得有人尽快去跟五大虚空藏菩萨接触,妙喜树内,原本就是五大虚空藏的地盘,如果不能尽快弄清谁是我们这一边的,谁已经成了敌人,后果难料。几位将军又都需要领军作战,以中台八叶院的布置,进入之后,彼此之间都难以兼顾,没有几位将军领军同样不妥。现在能够派出去的,就只有泰山三郎,但泰山三郎实力不及本帝姬的金童一号,更何况金童一号还带着本帝姬的掩日剑,在莲花胎藏界内,掩日剑总能起到一些作用。” Silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch looks to the broken army star lord and Wuqu star lord: Two do feel?” 银牙耀目天君看向破军星主、武曲星主:“两位觉得呢?” The Wuqu star main also knows, once this plan is implemented, Sun Yan bigger possibly then dies on the road, is unable to see including the surface of five big void concealed Bodhisattvas, the heart arouses pity meaning. Treads the previous step, said: Your highness, according to end looks like, not only Sun Yan and Du Xiangxiang and Mount Tai third sons and others should not enter lotus flower embryo conceals, then your highness should not go to the danger. Also asked your highness to remain behind here, making me and others enter lotus magnificence Taicang, shouldered the great trust surely......” 武曲星主亦知,这计划一旦实施,孙炎更大的可能便是死在路上,连五大虚空藏菩萨的面都无法见到,心生怜才之意。踏前一步,道:“殿下,依末将看来,不但孙炎杜香香、泰山三郎等都不该进入莲花胎藏界,便连殿下也不该亲身赴险。还请殿下留守此处,令我等进入莲华胎藏界,必定不负重托……” Yaoyao Empress both hands insert the waist, said with a smile: Grandpa Jin said personally, without me who is inadequate, if who refuses to accept, now returns to Heaven to ask for instructions Jin to go.” 瑶瑶帝姬双手插腰,笑道:“金公爷爷可是亲口说了,没有我谁都不成,谁要是不服,现在就回天界请示金公去。” Wuqu star main road: But......” 武曲星主道:“但……” Yaoyao Empress beckons with the hand saying: This Empress called you, was studies golden boy No. 1 the apprentice who brought the cobalt to print the Grandmaster, first step a plan that entered lotus flower embryo conceals, did not make you prevent this Empress to enter lotus flower embryo conceals, relax felt relieved that this Empress was so fierce, will not have the matter.” Thinks, looks at Sun Yan saying: You, since opposes......” 瑶瑶帝姬摆手道:“本帝姬把你们叫来,是研究金童一号带着钴印大师的徒弟,先一步进入莲花胎藏界的计划,不是让你们来阻止本帝姬进入莲花胎藏界的,放心啦放心啦,本帝姬这般厉害,不会有事的。”想了想,看着孙炎道:“不过你们既然反对……” Sun Yan treads again one step, said: Your highness, before then, Sun Yan has my presumptuous request, hopes that your highness consented.” 孙炎再踏一步,道:“殿下,在此之前,孙炎有一不情之请,希望殿下应允。” Everyone looks like to him, Yaoyao Empress is astonished saying: My presumptuous request? What my presumptuous request?” 所有人都向他看来,瑶瑶帝姬讶道:“不情之请?什么不情之请?” Sun Yan said: I think that...... requests a combat assignment!” 孙炎道:“我想……请战!” ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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