MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#921: Circle bright way mother Tianzun

Although is one strange, Qi's color dream, however in wonderful camptotheca acuminata at this moment, such dream is the embellishment that flashes passes., 虽然是一个怪异的、绮色的梦,但是在此刻的妙喜树内,这样的梦不过就是一个一闪既逝的点缀。, Bloodshed from next unceasing passes, outside the seven treasures woods, everywhere is the bloody water, does not know many bone demon departs from the bloodshed. Takes the broken army and Wuqu two big stars main as the commanding general, gold/metal phoenix moonlight, azure seventh lunar month magnificent, blue scale moonlight and red butterfly moonlight for auxiliary another Heaven crack troops, after taking over eight virtue ponds, from eight virtue pond fast shifts to the seven treasures woods. 血海从下一层不断的通来,七宝树林外,到处都是血水,不知多少的骨魔从血海中飞出。以破军、武曲两大星主为主将,金凰月华、青霜月华、蓝鳞月华、红蝶月华为辅将的另一支天界精兵,在攻下八德池后,又从八德池快速的转移到七宝树林。 At this moment, the entire eight virtue ponds had been submerged by the bloodshed. 此刻,整个八德池都已被血海淹没。 Sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva, although suppresses by Fokuang, is actually not able to block extending of bloodshed, only efficiency a group of cardinal virtue eminent monks, under arrange/cloth legal community, the rise of constraining bloodshed as far as possible. Meanwhile, Yaoyao Empress leads the broken army and Wuqu, to strive the Bodhisattva, the lei bu that about be building up to come from the other side to cut down the demon to cause, silver tooth eye-catching day Monarch greatly , to continue one to march upward, all the way, experienced the multiple obstructions, until with the army zha Leeming king elite separates the river to confront in bright permanent sand river. 日光菩萨、月光菩萨虽以佛光镇压,却也无法阻住血海的漫延,只能率着一批大德高僧,布下法界,尽可能的拖住血海的上涨。与此同时,瑶瑶帝姬则率着破军、武曲、大精进菩萨、从另一方集结而来的雷部左右伐魔使、银牙耀目天君,继续往上一层进军,一路上,自是经历了多次阻截,直至与军吒利明王的精锐在慧恒沙河隔江对峙。 Bright permanent sand river, names the innumerable bright river, in the legend, is various Bodhisattva tears. Naturally is, is actually also hard to talk clearly, only because of the Buddhism classics, sometimes, indeed first has the legend, then goes to verification, to fake, fabricated, to publicize the Buddhist doctrine compiles Buddhism classics matter, indeed has, or not only has, but also many. 慧恒沙河,又名恒沙慧河,传说中,乃是诸菩萨眼泪所化。当然是或不是,其实也难以说清,只因佛门经典,有的时候,的确是先有传说,再去“印证”,以假作真,无中生有,为宣扬佛法而编造佛门“经典”的事,的确是有的,或者说,不但有,而且很多。 Naturally, the genuine and fake, regarding Buddhism not importance like that read sound Amitabha at the worst, hit allegorical words again, said that the sound was really false, the false was real, did not have has, had does not have. No matter hits wisely debates the eloquence, the Buddhism never fears. 当然,真真假假,对于佛门并非那般的重要,大不了念声“阿弥陀佛”,再打个禅机,说声真即是假,假即是真,无即是有,有即是无。不管是打机锋还是辩口才,佛门都是从来不怕的。 Sun Yan rides to catch fire chi, with riding the lotus lotus of deep phoenix, is flying together in in the air, looks toward the front. 孙炎骑着火螭,与乘着冥凤的莲莲,一同飞在空中,往前方看去。 Bright permanent sand river at this moment, miraculous glow and bloody water mixed in the same place, is flashing the pure and ugly ray. As if representative in this mortal world the good and evil that is hard to differentiate. Another side of bright permanent sand river, army zha Leeming king side Yunzhen and covers by the courage vigor gloomily, the vicious tendencies are dense. 此刻的慧恒沙河,灵光与血水混杂在一起,闪动着洁净与丑恶的光芒。仿佛代表着尘世间难以区分的善与恶。慧恒沙河的另一边,军吒利明王一方云阵被血气与灰暗覆盖,戾气森然。 At this moment, has verified, the day disaster god that besides had been killed the Yuan indistinct god of in Yuanhu city, dead Mr. Yang god by Jin and gold/metal Biao Shenzhu in Yaoyao Empress hand, by fire cloud Xiaosheng in Zhenqian cuts to kill, other four big gods are all following the army zha Leeming king, to area array, including the moment god Yin two, gold/metal pupil god fast brilliant plans, to close remote god Sikong azure, copper symbol god section Laiyang. 此时此刻,已经探明,除已经被金公杀于元惚城的元惚神主、死于瑶瑶帝姬手中的君阳神主与金彪神主、被火云小圣于阵前斩杀的天殃神主之外,其它四大神主皆跟随着军吒利明王,在对面阵中,其中有分阴神主阴名二、金瞳神主速良策、瞑遥神主司空正青、铜符神主段莱阳。 In this side of river bank, the gifted general forms the battlefield, protects by Fokuang. Was not affected by the courage vigor. 在河岸的这一边,天兵天将结成战阵,又以佛光护住。不受血气影响。 Here each other confronts, is crack troops of both sides, however at this moment, although is close, has not actually acted rashly. Regarding a Yaoyao Empress side, army zha Leeming king, although has appeared, but the enemy side has the arrangement of what deeper level, temporarily was unable to know, let alone. The punishment day, the labor has not altogether appeared, nine buddhist Zhou demons also hide extremely deeply. 在这里彼此对峙的,原本就都是双方的精兵,然而此刻,虽然近在咫尺,却是都没有妄动。对于瑶瑶帝姬一方来说,军吒利明王虽然已经出现,但敌方到底有什么更深层次的布置,暂时还无从知晓,更何况。如刑天、共工都还未出现,九梵纣魔也藏得极深。 To army zha Leeming king Yifang, he clearly also has deeply has scruples extremely, or has to calculate. Finally, two side main forces are close, at daggers drawn, actually holds troops. 对军吒利明王一方来说,他显然也有极深顾忌,又或是另有盘算。结果,两方主力接近,剑拔弩张,却又都按兵不动。 Sun Yan crotch. chi dragon called out: Why hasn't hit? Why hasn't hit?” 孙炎胯下。螭龙叫道:“为什么还不打?为什么还不打?” Sun Yan shakes the head saying: „The army zha Leeming king appeared, but big magical powers of opposite party has not appeared, we naturally cannot attack casually.” 孙炎摇头道:“军吒利明王出现了,但对方的大神通者还没有出现,我们自然不能随便攻过去。” The chi dragon also called out: „Don't why they hit?” 螭龙又叫道:“那为什么他们不打过来?” Sun Yan said: You really felt. Is the strongest strength that such important matter, Heavenly Court sends out Your Highness Yaoyao? Let alone, the truly important place, is on lotus flower embryo conceals, now lotus flower embryo conceals has not opened, the time drags for a long time, outside the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, Heavenly Court clears away the barrier, at the appointed time will have more reinforcements to enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, more is also favorable for us. If drags, drags to only to be they who finally cannot tow.” He is explaining, while branches out the mind, was pondering in own heart already unique skill that” gradually forms. 孙炎道:“你难道真的觉得。这么重要的事,天庭派出的最强战力就是瑶瑶殿下?更何况,真正重要的场所,是更上一层的莲花胎藏界,现在莲花胎藏界还没有打开,时间拖得越久,妙喜树外,天庭扫清障碍,到时会有更多的援军进入妙喜树,对我们也就越有利。如果只是拖,拖到最后拖不下去的只会是他们。”他一边解释着,一边分出心神,思考着在自己心中已经逐渐成形的“绝招”。 The idle view blue failing song is beautiful, sometimes passes on the spatial azure beginning air/Qi dense/woods ; gold/metal pill hands over to transport does not have the beginning unreliably, five air/Qi part company air/Qi. 闲观碧落空歌韶,时传空青始气森;金丹递运玄无始,五气分张一气成。 That evening, in lotus lotus touching, he entered a thing I two to forget, the mysterious boundary of unceasing backsight life accidentally, all that passing learned, in his heart's core, successed when conditions are ripe and achieve mastery through a comprehensive study all of a sudden, looked like the flower of mind to bloom generally. 那个晚上,在与莲莲的“触碰”中,他无意中进入了一种物我两忘、不断回视自己人生的神秘境界,过往所学到的一切,在他的心灵深处,一下子水到渠成、融会贯通,就像是心灵之花绽放了一般。 This comprehension suddenly, lets in his heart, started to have completely own unique skill the embryonic form, and in these days, unceasing revolving, pondered over. 这种突然间的领悟,让他的心中,开始有了完全属于自己的“绝招”的雏形,并在这几日里,不断的细思,琢磨。 To accumulation and breakthrough that various institutes study, usually requires lots of time, once broke through, looks like brand-new front door that opens suddenly, inundating the eye is the unusual brightness, remaining instead is easier. Sun Yan knew in the heart, an own evening grasps principles has the enormous lucky ingredient, but grasps principles this matter, did not have many truth to say, became became, the non- achievement was inadequate. 对各种所学的积累和突破,往往需要大量的时间,而一旦突破了,就像是骤然打开的全新大门,漫眼都是宝光,剩下的反而容易许多。孙炎心知,自己的一夕悟道是有着极大的幸运成份的,不过悟道这种事情,原本就没有多少道理可讲,成了就是成了,不成就是不成。 Brother Sun!” Another side, fragrant Fairy Maiden rode the jade tiger to fly, Yaoyao made you see her to army, several generals also there.” “孙大哥!”另一边,香香仙子骑着玉虎飞了过来,“瑶瑶让你到中军去见她,几位将军也都在那里。” Sun Yan stunned: I?” Although he suspected very much, that time dream, Yaoyao whether is also the same as him and lotus lotus, similarly also has. However at this time, Yaoyao apparently did not have the time to ask him to discuss such matter. 孙炎一个错愕:“我?”虽然他很怀疑,那个时候的“梦”,瑶瑶是否也跟他和莲莲一样,同样也有。不过这种时候,瑶瑶显然没时间来找他讨论这样的事情。 The present is both armies separates the river to confront, the war is ready to be set off momentarily, but he here, more is miscellaneous personnel. In fact, even the gold/metal phoenix, the azure frost , the blue Qilin and red butterfly four moon/month Huashen five acute communicable disease departments, is still arranged at present in the rear area, remains behind the seven treasures woods, his brings two mounts let alone, will not have without the soldier, will have no person of immortal duty in Heavenly Court. 现在是两军隔江对峙,大战随时一触即发,而他在这里,更多的属于“闲杂人等”。事实上,即便是五瘟司的金凰、青霜、蓝麟、红蝶四位月华神将,目前也都被安排在后方,留守七宝树林,更何况他这个就带着两只坐骑,无兵无将、在天庭也没有任何仙职的人。 Sun Yan knows, at this kind of time, will call the army him, has the duty to distribute to him mostly, but can be what duty, he cannot think for a while, must take dragon and phoenix, as fragrant flies together toward army. 孙炎知道,在这种时候,会把他叫到中军去,多半是有任务要分派给他,不过会是什么任务,他一时也想不出来,只得带上龙凤,随着香香一同往中军飞去。 On the way, takes out the handkerchief fragrant, opens it: Brother Sun, this is, the amethyst grape of net colored glaze world gold/metal Huangjie they bring secretly, you eat several.” 途中,香香取出手绢,将它打开:“孙大哥,这是金凰姐她们偷偷带来的、净琉璃世界的紫玉葡萄,你吃几个。” Sun Yan hey has collected the face with a smile: You feed me!” 孙炎嘿笑着凑过脸去:“你喂我!” Is blushing fragrant, looks to the surroundings, ascended one grain to squeeze in his mouth quietly. Sun Yan ate with a smile, thought that the flavor is really good, thinks, asking suddenly: Right, fragrant, in The Legend and Hero has culmination buddhist qi beginning sapphire rune/symbol Gouchen Palace lord this godhood?” 香香红着脸儿,看向周围,悄悄拾了一粒塞入他的嘴中。孙炎笑着吃了,觉得味道果然不错,想了想,忽的问道:“对了,香香,封神榜上有‘中天梵炁始青玉符勾陈宫主’这个神职吗?” The Du Xiangxiang side ascended one grain, toward the boyfriend mouth stopper, listening to him to ask suddenly, such as was been ordinary by the thunder, the entire tender body shook shook, the amethyst grape in hand falls down. The Sun Yan doubts visit her: What's wrong?” 杜香香方又拾了一粒,正要往男朋友嘴里塞,听他突然问起,如遭雷霆一般,整个娇躯震了一震,手中的紫玉葡萄掉了下去。孙炎疑惑地看着她:“怎么了?” Du Xiangxiang receives the handkerchief flustered, both hands is pressing the jade tiger: Why did Brother Sun you, ask this suddenly?” 杜香香慌张地收起手绢,双手按着玉虎:“孙大哥你为、为什么突然问起这个?” Sun Yan said: This, but does not know where sees this godhood, but in Heavenly Court also does not have this god probably......, therefore curious asked.” 孙炎道:“这个,只是不知在哪里看到这个神职,但好像天庭里又没有这个神……所以好奇的问一下。” Du Xiangxiang looked to the one side, the left hand pulls up gently issued the silk: This is because, this godhood, only at the beginning of Heavenly Court opens, when fairy two construct initially some people hold the post, in the Heavenly Court history, has only had one. At that time and held the post of this godhood at that time, is the first-generation Heavenly Emperor mother, was called ‚first Heavenly Dao grandmother and likely mother of say/way, had the alias in the gate, was called circle bright way mother Tianzun......” 杜香香看向一旁,左手轻轻的撩了一下发丝:“这是因为,这个神职,只在天庭开辟之初,神鬼二道初建之时有人担任,天庭的历史中,只出过一位。当时、当时担任这个神职的,乃是第一代天帝的母亲,人称‘先天道姥’、‘象道之母’,在道门中另有化名,称‘圆明道母天尊’……” Sun Yan stunned: First mother of Heavenly Dao grandmother and doesn't the shape say/way...... this fight?” 孙炎一个错愕:“先天道姥、象道之母……这不是斗姆么?” Du Xiangxiang low voice say/way: Actually is first-generation fighting!” 杜香香小声的道:“其实就是第一代的斗姆!” Sun Yan suddenly. 孙炎恍然。 At the beginning of Heavenly Court opens, the godhood on The Legend and Hero is not perfect, at that time also had no lei bu, to fight the section, the hot section, the water section, the acute communicable disease section, but there is gold/metal God, a wooden god, water deity, fire god and local land god, there are fight to command crowd of stars. 天庭开辟之初,封神榜上的神职并不是非常完善,那个时候还没有什么雷部、斗部、火部、水部、瘟部等,只是有金神、木神、水神、火神、土神,又有斗姆统率群星。 After the Shintoism gradually improve improves, fights the highest gods of section is the purple slightly Great Emperor, fights this godhood a long time is the hovering flight, what are more is a symbol, after said and discussed that starts with day fruit position fusion. 神道逐渐完善后,斗部的最高神乃是紫微大帝,‘斗姆’这一神职在很长一段时间都是空悬,更多的是一种象征,直至佛道并谈后,开始与摩利支天这一果位融合。 These have what secret, Sun Yan actually did not understand, however Heavenly Court had the unknown secret, something, do not go into seriously too many good. 这其中到底有什么机密,孙炎其实也并不了解,然而天庭原本就有许多不为人知的秘密,有些事情,还是不要去深究太多的好。 ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……)
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