MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#932: Industry uses void conceals

He brings back the both legs, two people bodies almost paste in the same place. F, if some people from overlooking the angle downward looks like, lotus lotus is almost equal to sitting on his leg. Because lotus lotus has been cancelling leg, this, her outstanding buttocks are close to his dantian place extremely, set up the time, as if marvelous suctions, are seducing him. 他勾起双腿,两人的身子几乎是贴在一起。f,若有人从俯视的角度往下看来,莲莲几乎等于是坐在他的腿上。因为莲莲本身就已经是勾着腿儿,这一来,她的翘臀与他的丹田处极是接近,立时间,仿佛有一股奇妙的吸力,在诱惑着他。 Has not waited for him to make anything, lotus lotus have sent out sweetly and prettily in the sleep **, turns upwards after on own initiative the buttocks, paste toward him, he only thinks that in head loudly a sound, is spur-of-the-moment, then holds in the arms in the bosom lotus lotus from the back directly, no matter can also awaken her, lotus lotus has not actually waked up, only sways from side to side in the dream, like acting like a spoiled brat general, as if wants. 只是还没有等他做些什么,莲莲自己已是在睡梦中发出娇美的**,主动翘起后臀,往他贴来,他只觉脑袋中轰然一响,一时冲动,直接便将莲莲从后边搂住怀中,也不管会不会将她惊醒,莲莲却也没有醒来,只在梦中扭动,就像撒娇一般,仿佛想要更多。 His hand slid into her clothes, is stroking her lovable jade rabbit, mysterious, wonderful, looks like the negative pole and Yang level pull-in suddenly. Although has not done, but lotus lotus within the body, looks like has an elusive air/Qi, is comforting the dantian that he is moving restlessly, his whole person fell into a mysterious elusiveness, the consciousness is limitless, as if with the entire universe fusion in one, from a mysterious angle, was actually overlooking the universe, is overlooking itself. 他的手滑入了她的衣裳,抚摸着她的可爱玉兔,神秘,美妙,就像是阴极与阳级骤然间的吸合。虽然没有做更多,但莲莲体内,就像是有一种空灵之气,在抚慰着他躁动的丹田,他整个人陷入了一种神秘的空灵,意识无边无际,仿佛与整个宇宙融合在了一起,却又以一种神秘的角度,俯视着宇宙,俯视着自己。 Did not shout 31 laws compared with the swallow, did not return to the livestock saliva. It is not the boudoir pill star group consisting of four stars in draco technique, is not pi yellow Dankuang becomes. The gold/metal is the Yuan god silver is the shape, the relationship of form and spirit gets on well together about for. After Yuan god meet real shape, the fruit observes Grand Pure with the Yuan god. 不比燕呼三一法,不是回头口内津。不是闺丹御女术,不是砒黄丹矿成。金是元神银是形,形神相得合为真。元神相遇真形后,果用元神观太清 He as if placed in vast Taichu, with a keeping aloof stance, is carefully examining itself, is visiting the surroundings. 他仿佛身处于浩瀚的太初,以一种高高在上的姿态,审视着自己,省视着周围。 In he bosom, lotus lotus actually also opened the eye all of a sudden, she perceived that random walk of male palm in her chest pocket, after perceiving, boiling hot that the buttocks contacted. She is charming, timid, but actually one wonderful taste, as if are burning she, making each cell tremble. Her small sound said: Grandson...... Young Master Sun?” 在他怀中,莲莲却也是一下子睁开了眼睛,她觉察到了男子手掌在她胸兜内的游走,觉察到了后臀接触到的滚热。她娇羞,胆怯,但却又有一种妙不可言的滋味,仿佛在燃烧着她,让她每一个细胞都是战栗。她小声道:“孙……孙公子吗?” Sun Yan turns inside out her, presses on her body, is caressing her single-handedly. Is gazing at her face. lotus lotus under his power and influence, there are response that if the timid small white rabbit, the tender body actually does not control self he. Looked like the dry firewood to meet the raging fire, that touched the atmosphere, is lingering the entire secret room. 孙炎将她翻了过来,压在她的身上,一手抚着她。注视着她的脸。莲莲在他的威势下,有若胆怯的小白兔,娇躯却不自禁的回应着他。就像是干柴遇到了烈火,那一触即着的气氛,萦绕着整个密室。 lotus lotus both hands grab the ground: Young Master Sun......” 莲莲双手抓着地面:“孙公子……” Sun Yan visits her: „Were you angry?” Like that time, he and Yaoyao was pressed together when the mountain general, he can perceive, lotus lotus like the then Yaoyao general blaze, actually can also see her shyness. 孙炎看着她:“你生气了?”就像那个时候,他与瑶瑶一同被压在山下时一般,他能够觉察到,莲莲如同当时的瑶瑶一般的炽烈,却也能够看出她的害羞。 He lowers the head, kissed her lip. It is not able to control itself general. lotus lotus wants to resist also to welcome...... 他低下头去,吻上了她的嘴唇。无法控制自己一般。莲莲欲拒还迎…… ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan has not eaten lotus lotus finally. 孙炎最终还是没有吃掉莲莲。 Although this place of touching all touched, this place of bumping also bumped. 虽然该摸的地方全都摸了,该碰的地方也都碰了。 He sits there, is hugging lotus lotus. lotus lotus nearly half-naked, consoles in his bosom, is hugging his waist. Why she does not know, will turn into this appearance, moreover is not angry, seems him to kiss her to kiss her, touches her to hug her. All is naturally same, or does not turn into this appearance is unreasonable. 他坐在那里,搂着莲莲。莲莲近乎半裸,慰在他的怀中,搂着他的腰。她也不知道为什么,会变成这个样子,而且一点也不生气,就好像他亲她吻她,摸她抱她。全都是理所当然一样,或者说,不变成这个样子才是不合理的。 Sun Yan is hugging her, raised the head. Why does not know. After bullying lotus lotus, then one type marvelously and inexpressible elusiveness, even if feels to hug, kisses/intimate is kissing. The Yuan god has seemed like then filled the electricity, at this moment, his god and wisdom. Increased the indescribable altitude, the swarming tips, all were grasped clear by him. Outside day before females hmmm the song, outside the front gate the whisper of flapping and young of deep, the god bans the flowing of banned singing in praise of the Buddha and Sanskrit, all melts into his indoor scene. 孙炎搂着她,抬起头来。不知道为什么。欺负完莲莲后,便有一种奇妙而不可言说的空灵,即便只是摸着抱着,亲着吻着。元神便已像是被充满了电,此时此刻,他的神与智。都攀升到了难以言喻的高度,远远近近的点点滴滴,全都被他掌握得一清二楚。外头天女们的喁喁细语,院门外冥儿的拍动和雏儿的嘀咕,神禁禁制梵音和梵文的流动,全都化入他的内景。 Meanwhile, he perceives, the distant place who is approaching in this direction fast. 与此同时,他更觉察到,远处有谁在往这个方向快速牵近。 He is pulling lotus lotus, sets out slowly: Some people came!” 他牵着莲莲,缓缓起身:“有人来了!” ...... …… *** *** swallow Yinchu defends in the main entrance place of extrication institute., Horizon one line of ten people, the rapid flight comes, to fall on the ground suddenly, is the head, is a buddhist image dignified Bodhisattva, in him behind, fights the arhat with nine. 燕引雏守在解脱院的正门处。忽的,天际一行十人,疾飞而来,落在地上,为首的,乃是一名宝相庄严的菩萨,在他身后,跟着九名战罗汉。 In that flash that they fall to the ground, her master Sun Yan , treads the front door unexpectedly by coincidence, is not bad, mysteriously to letting the person is astonished. 在他们落地的那一瞬间,她的主人孙炎,竟也无巧不巧的,踏出大门,一丝不差,玄妙至让人讶异。 The Bodhisattva grasps the valuable flying in circles waste diamond stick, sits in Ka building, the Ka building native of Romania surface bird body, the bird mouth crest, opens the fiery red pair of wings, appears the shape of indignation. 那菩萨手持宝翔靡金刚杖,坐在一只迦楼罗上,迦楼罗人面鸟身,鸟嘴羽冠,张开火红双翼,呈忿怒之状。 Before Sun Yan treads, the frontline, is waiting on the beautiful chi dragon. He looks the Bodhisattva who Ka building conducts the back, said: May I ask the revering name in religion?” Entire greatly sad Mandala Institute, had been banned the ban to cover by the god, nine that but this Bodhisattva has fight the arhat, obviously originally in greatly sad Mandala Institute. 孙炎踏前,身后一线,侍着美丽的螭龙。他看着迦楼罗背上的菩萨,道:“敢问尊者法号?”整个大悲曼荼罗院,都已经被神禁禁制笼罩,但这菩萨所带的九名战罗汉,显然原本就是在大悲曼荼罗院中。 The Bodhisattva holds the stick to shout: Who are you? When did here happen? Legal community Senior Brother where?” 那菩萨持杖喝道:“你是何人?这里发生了何时?法界师兄何在?” At this time, outside heard the star and imaginary zither | Jean of Tiannv sound to arrive, saw that to sit Bodhisattva on in Jialou, was pleasantly surprised. star Yi called out: Friendly teacher's younger brother!” 这时,听到动静的星星、幻琴天女来到外头,看到那坐于迦楼罗上的菩萨,又惊又喜。星奕叫道:“善德师叔!” The Bodhisattva has doubts looks like to her: You are......” 那菩萨疑惑地向她看来:“你是……” The star young nun rushes to him: I am......” 星星小尼姑向他奔去:“我是……” Sun Yan actually draws all of a sudden her behind. 孙炎却一下子将她拉到身后。 The star said: Brother Sun?” 星星道:“孙大哥?” Sun Yan sinking sound said: lotus lotus...... you asked him, looked at him is the good person or the unprincipled person?” 孙炎沉声道:“莲莲……你问下他,看他是好人还是坏人?” lotus lotus finds out the head from him behind, looks to that Bodhisattva: He...... definitely is an unprincipled person!” 莲莲从他身后探出脑袋,看向那菩萨:“他……肯定是坏人!” Asked that did not ask affirms? 连问都不问就这么肯定啊? Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv said in a low voice: But, this is the Forder institute main...... industry uses the void concealed Bodhisattva!” 幻琴天女低声道:“可是,这位便是福德院主……业用虚空藏菩萨!” Really is in five big void conceals industry with the void concealed Bodhisattva, others, even if the card results in the Bodhisattva position, this moment god bans the ban to open, is unable to come in casually. However the god bans the ban to want five big void concealed Bodhisattvas to open with joint forces, from will not intercept him. 果然是五大虚空藏中的业用虚空藏菩萨,其他人,就算证得菩萨位,此刻神禁禁制打开,也无法随便进来。但是神禁禁制原本要五大虚空藏菩萨合力开启的,自也不会拦截他。 Industry is staring them with the void concealed Bodhisattvas, does not know that is lotus lotus that he definitely is unprincipled person, touched his anger , he sends out the deep thick vicious tendencies, the body week fire of karma is steaming, in the fire brings the strange black silk, he behind these war arhats, are more and more fierce. Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv, star cannot help but drew back one...... he are really unprincipled people. 业用虚空藏菩萨瞪着他们,不知道是不是莲莲那句“他肯定是坏人”,触动了他的怒气,不知不觉间,他散发出深浓戾气,身周业火腾腾,火中带着诡异的黑丝,他身后那些战罗汉,亦是越来越凶恶。幻琴天女、星星不由得退了一步……他果然是坏人。 Industry is gloomy, the say/way that with the void concealed complexion coldly: diamond void conceals where? Is does the god who who starts ban the ban? How do you are open it?” flatter chu Buddha has died, the datura god who needs five big void conceals to get together in can open banned the ban, will be opened unexpectedly, he naturally must ask. 业用虚空藏脸色阴沉,冷冷的道:“金刚虚空藏在哪里?是谁启动的神禁禁制?你们到底是如何将它打开的?”阿閦佛已死,原本需要五大虚空藏齐聚才能打开的曼陀罗神禁禁制,竟然会被人开启,他自然不能不问。 Sun Yan light say/way: You are the unprincipled people, why do I want to tell you?” 孙炎淡淡的道:“你们是坏人,我为什么要告诉你们?” Industry angrily roars with void conceals, leaps suddenly, the figure is imaginary, a stick hits toward them. This stick, passes Mount Tai again, made the extrication institute surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) vibrate. On the stick the fire of karma is billowing. The potential like the sea, has the poisonous dragon -like cruelty, with fierce fierce murderous aura. 业用虚空藏怒吼一声,骤然腾起,身形幻大,一杖往他们打去。这一杖,重逾泰山,直令得解脱院方圆百里都在震动。杖上业火滚滚。其势如海,拥有毒龙般的残暴,与狂烈凶猛的杀气。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv and her behind day female frighten beautiful face changing colors, industry acts with the void concealed Bodhisattvas personally, this strikes, feared that can ruin the most extrication institute, they have not thought, even/including Ye will turn into this appearance with the void concealed Bodhisattvas. 幻琴天女与她身后的众天女吓得花容失色,业用虚空藏菩萨亲自出手,这一击,怕是能够毁掉大半个解脱院,她们怎么也没有想到,连业用虚空藏菩萨都会变成这个样子。 They have desperate, as one of the five big void conceals, the Forder institute institute lord, here radically no one is his rival. They from being separated from the misery, then lost the life. 她们心生绝望,身为五大虚空藏之一、福德院院主,这里根本没有人是他敌手。她们方自脱离苦难,紧接着便又送了性命。 Actually listens to bang a sound, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, the strong winds writings, the steam unfolds suddenly, they startled look, saw only industry with the void concealed Bodhisattvas such as the fire such as the day, vast overwhelming power, in that held up the day of column of flame common treasure to fly in circles under the Moroccan stick. The youngster do not know when had fled, in the sword by the hand, supported unexpectedly forcefully industry used the void concealed Bodhisattva Mount Tai general bombardment. 却听“轰”的一响,天摇地动,狂风大作,热气骤然间铺开,她们惊慌中看去,只见业用虚空藏菩萨如火如日,浩瀚威猛,在那擎天火柱一般的宝翔摩杖下。少年不知何时已窜了上去,竟以手中之剑,硬生生架住了业用虚空藏菩萨泰山一般的轰击。 In pivot that the stick and sword intersect, N the electric light of shape flashes through together loudly. Then stopped there, the space shook the notching, the time actually stagnated probably generally. It looks like all pictures to be framed, then. As if jumped the frame suddenly, is blinking continually without enough time instantly, the picture changes suddenly. 在杖与剑相交的支点,一道“n”形的电光轰然间闪过。然后便停在了那里,空间震开缺口,时间却像是停滞了一般。就像是所有的画面都被定格,然后。仿佛突然间跳了帧,在连眨眼都来不及的刹那,画面突然间改变。 Industry has not moved with the void concealed Bodhisattvas. The youngster have not moved, the stick has not moved, the sword has not moved, however industry with the void concealed Bodhisattvas behind, actually split open the black hot giant lotus magnificent, the lotus flower altogether 12 flower petals, each petal, draw secretive Pictures and text with have the god beast of symbol respectively, has the lion, has the tiger, has the shape, has the dragon, has the peacock, has the redpoll various...... 业用虚空藏菩萨未动。少年也未动,杖未动,剑未动,然而业用虚空藏菩萨身后,却绽开了黑火般的巨大莲华,莲花一共有十二花瓣,每一瓣,都画着诡秘图文与各有象征的神兽,有狮,有虎,有象,有龙,有孔雀,有金翅鸟……各不相同。 Broad and huge, overwhelming power, dignified...... collection 12 buddhist images as one, this is industry gives their impression with the void concealed Bodhisattvas at this moment. 恢宏、庞大,威猛、庄严……集十二种宝相于一体,这就是业用虚空藏菩萨此刻给予她们的印象。 They saw one industry with the void concealed Bodhisattva, actually as if saw 12 industry with the void concealed Bodhisattva, this space dislocation mysterious mysterious, making them subconscious, wants to kneel down to kneel down. 她们看到了一个业用虚空藏菩萨,却又仿佛看到了十二位业用虚空藏菩萨,这种空间错位般的神秘玄奥,让她们下意识的,就想要跪下顶礼。 The youngster actually stand under the Buddha stick, wears fights the vitality unreliably, steps on catches fire the golden lotus, on the sword blade the raging flames, chic and smooth, unlike industry with, lets the space dislocation feeling that the person who the void concealed Bodhisattvas create wants to spit blood, the youngster only has one, but this only, actually twisted the time to be the same probably, he has not moved obviously, but they thought that he seemed like, this type with static, has subtly, letting the person is unable to understand, charm that was actually charmed, strange was actually peaceful, industry took to them, the big overwhelming power fearsome impressions with void conceals., As if by him, a sword was swept clean all of a sudden, making them look at the background of youngster, unknowingly, were many a marvelous heart to tremble and like. 少年却是立在佛杖之下,身披玄斗元精,踩着火中金莲,剑身上烈焰腾腾,潇洒自如,与业用虚空藏菩萨造成的、让人想要吐血的空间错位感不同,少年只有一个,但这唯一的一个,却像是扭曲了时间一般,他明明没有动,但她们又觉得他像是动了,这种动与静之间,有着微妙的,让人无法理解,却又神往的魅力,奇异却是让人安静,业用虚空藏带给她们的、高大威猛的可怖印象,仿佛一下子就被他,一剑扫光,让她们看着少年的背景,不知不觉中,多了一种奇妙的心颤和欢喜。 Is only jumps frame instantly, a body presently Buddha principle, a present big auspicious omen. Two strengths attack in together, created the tearing and stagnation of space and time. 仅仅只是一个跳帧般的刹那,一个身现佛理,一个现大祥瑞。两股力量冲击在一起,造成了空间与时间的撕裂与停滞。 Then is bang a sound, in two people sword stick hands over the fault N shape lightning, expands suddenly, will tear the giant gap void. Industry has vanished with the void concealed the form of Bodhisattva and youngster, strong winds crazy involve, the gap deep place, transmits a series of deafening deafening sounds, bang bang bang bang bang, after several , the visible space, appears the crack of turtle, then is „”, the space was shattered, industry all comes presently with the void concealed Bodhisattvas and youngster, such as the tornados of two mutual dashing fight in the same place. 紧接着便是“嘭”的一响,在两人剑杖交错处的“n”形闪电,骤然间扩大,将虚空撕裂成巨大的缺口。业用虚空藏菩萨与少年的身影都已消失,狂风疯狂的卷入,缺口深处,传来一连串震耳欲聋的震响,嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭的,数声过后,紧接着,肉眼可见的空间,现出龟形的裂纹,然后便是“咣”的一声,空间破碎,业用虚空藏菩萨与少年全都现出身来,如两道互相冲撞的旋风战在一起。 Imaginary zither | Jean Tiannv and others, performed all shocks, this youngster and this call are the Sun Yan youngster, unexpectedly with five big void concealed Bodhisattvas in industry fought evenly with the void concealed Bodhisattvas? Before them, had never heard the youngster, did keep off the Forder institute institute principal work to use void conceals for them unexpectedly?! 幻琴天女等,尽皆震骇,这少年、这个唤作孙炎的少年,竟然和五大虚空藏菩萨中的业用虚空藏菩萨战成了平手?一个她们以前从来不曾听说过的少年,竟然为她们挡下了福德院院主业用虚空藏?! Industry with void concealing one's thoughts, same shock, a youngster, less than a 20 years old of youngster, does not draw back, blocked him forcefully? A so young youngster, does a youngster who takes a quick look around obviously is also only the True Person boundary, actually have the Flying True Person strength? He soars, loudly shouted: Boy, who are you?” 业用虚空藏心中,也同样的震撼,一个少年,一个二十岁不到的少年,一步不退,硬生生挡住了他?一个如此年轻的少年,一个一眼看去明明还只是真人境的少年,竟然拥有飞天真人般的实力?他腾空而起,大喝道:“小子,你到底是谁?” Asked well!” A youngster body spin, the spin draws back half step, the treasured sword returns to into the waist the scabbard, the Daoist robe volume dance, regards the day chapter slowly, fire is a Yuan divine sword is the shape, profound ingenious method strange Xuan ; Does the day of shining spirit seven Yuan fire, the sword tries the demon monkey to raise.” “问得好!”少年身子一旋,旋退半步,宝剑回入腰中剑鞘,道袍卷舞,慢视天章,“火是元神剑是形,玄中妙法更奇玄;乾天耀灵七元火,剑试魔猴把名扬。” Industry changes with the void concealed Bodhisattva complexion: Sun Yan?” 业用虚空藏菩萨脸色微变:“孙炎?” Sun Yan appears the cloak shape fights the vitality to unfold unreliably again, oneself really hot, indoor scene apparent, changes to the township of flowing fire, the court attendant the solar splendor, god light/only hole Sanqing: Does the day of shining spirit fire to get angry Sun Yan!” 孙炎呈披风状的玄斗元精再一次铺开,自身真火,内景外显,化作流火之乡,郎哉太阳辉,神光洞三清:“乾天耀灵火上火孙炎!” The day females look at his back, only thinks the heart to jump madly, the heart hits to keep like the fawn. lotus lotus happy is thinking, Young Master Sun quite leads. 众天女看着他的背影,只觉芳心乱跳,心如小鹿般撞个不停。莲莲开心的想着,孙公子好帅。 swallow Yinchu is thinking...... the attire of master did compel skill to ma? 燕引雏更是想着……主人的装逼技能点到ma了吗? ......( To be continued......) ……(未完待续……) ps:( These days wrote the head to explode, although was not an ending, but the present plot, indeed is the place that various clues and foreshadowing collected, was good to be difficult to write. Looks in the stupid bird such diligently, moreover from unceasingly share, asking the ticket to ask the ticket, recommended the ticket to want!) ps:(这几天写得脑袋都要炸了,虽然不是结尾,但现在的情节,的确是各种线索和伏笔收束的地方,好难写啊。看在笨鸟这么努力,而且从不断更的份上,求票啊求票,推荐票都要啊!)
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