MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#917: Racks one's brains the unique skill

Du Xiangxiang departed.[,] 杜香香离去了。[,] Border very special period, she follows Yaoyao Empress to enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata together, has many things to do. 际此非常时期,她跟着瑶瑶帝姬一同进入妙喜树,自是也有许多的事情要做。 Sun Yan calmly looks that she rides the back that the jade tiger goes. Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden turns head, waves to him, his, gentle smiling of slightly, is then escorting her with the line of sight, visits her to fly to another side seven treasures tree. 孙炎静静地看着她骑玉虎而去的背影。香香仙子回过头来,向他挥了挥手,他微微的、温柔的笑了一笑,然后便用视线护送着她,看着她飞往另一边的七宝树。 After she walks, Sun Yan crosses the hands behind the back to stand there. 在她走后,孙炎负手立在那里。 Has the concern fragrant!!! 香香有心事!!! With fragrant temper, if not very important matter, this has not hidden at heart, did not say to anyone. 以香香的性子,如果不是很重要的事,她绝不会就这样一直藏在心里,对谁也不说。 Although does not know, she is worried about anything, but I actually cannot put her not to manage. If I can become stronger, perhaps, I can add on her busy, I can give her many support and consolation. 虽然不知道,她在担心什么,但我却不能放着她不管。如果我能够变得更强,或许,我就能够帮上她的忙,我就能够给她更多的支撑和慰藉。 He sits cross-legged to sit down, both hands about in the dantian place, close eyes the ponder. 他盘膝坐下,双手合在丹田处,闭目沉思。 In his body week, has the hot light diffusion to leave faintly, opens five fights of canopies, wears seven early morning profound essences, gets down Fang Jinlian to bloom, picks up him gently, there is a five colors flying rosy cloud, everywhere unfolds. 在他的身周,隐隐有火光散出,张开五斗华盖,身披七晨玄精,下方金莲绽放,将他轻轻托起,又有五色飞霞,漫天铺开。 The day for my room, for my bed, the Sacred Mountains of China mountains, for my bridge, fights the vitality unreliably, for my clothes, hides in seven Yuan, the township of flowing fire, too serves You, white Yuan does not have brave! ” 天为我屋,地为我床,五岳山川,为我桥梁,玄斗元精,为我衣裳,藏身七元之内,流火之乡,太一务猷,白元无英!” You have not created, belongs your own, studies to fuse in together killing to incur your institute.” “你还未曾创出,属于你自己的,将你一身所学融合在一起的杀招。” You can use five elements profound qi, but like your so usage, what cultivates and has with ordinary profound to distinguish? Cannot play the role of five elements minoring. You can by the sword gasification sword star, although, five virtue profound merit why but does not study you, with the skills of this sword numerous star link? You use the hot point to be sharp as the sword, but couldn't swordsmanship your manager, have divided others' fire sharp sword also to have what using? You have various types absolute technique, but equally same uses/gives to come, your opponent only need equally same decoding, you study so many things, counter- might as well be expert in one.” “你能够用出五行玄气,但像你这般用法,和普通的玄修又有什么区别?根本未能发挥出五行兼修的作用。你能够以剑气化剑星,虽然了得,但为何不将你所学的五德玄功,与这一剑化众星的本事结合在一起?你以火尖为剑尖,但剑法根本未你所长,劈不到别人的火尖剑又有何用?你拥有各种绝学,但一样一样的施来,你的对手只须一样一样的破解,那你学这么多东西,反不如专精于一项。” Sun Yan has actually realized clearly, no matter he learned many things. These things, actually all inherit or imitate from others there, except for from the beginning, the black cherry elder sister lets «Purple Flame Light that he studies after». Although it is Sister Hou writes, what Sister Hou writes down is only the magic arts of foundation, remaining all comprehends depending on he himself, other, all come in various accidents of sorts. 孙炎其实早就已经清楚的认识到,不管他学会了多少东西。这些东西,却全都是从别人那里继承或是模仿来的,除了一开始,黑樱姐让他学的《紫度炎光经》。它虽是侯姐姐所写,但侯姐姐写下的只是基础的道法,剩下的全凭他自己领悟,其它的,全都是在各种机缘巧合中得来。 Star fights revolutions is Guangliang even teach. Spreading all over and galaxy pours is Guangliang's even master vermilion bird passes on supple, the Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art directly in the true meaning without the garden coming, 72 change the mnemonics not to learn many to the present, although remote antiquity Jade Emperor five virtue profound merit, but it similarly is also the jade emperor homemade merit law. “星多斗转”是广良平教的。“星罗棋布”与“星河倒泻”是广良平的师父朱雀阴柔所传,大圣显密真诀是直接在无相伽蓝中得来的真意,七十二变口诀到现在也没有学会多少,太上玉皇五德玄功虽然了得,但它同样也是玉帝自创的功法。 This pot hodgepodge, each same is very strong, in his front, developed a broad avenue. However in the final analysis, this is others for the road that he unfolds, but now. He needs hodgepodge to fuse in these together, founds to be his own say/way. 这一锅大杂烩,每一样都很强,在他的前方,拓开了一条宽广大道。但是说到底,这都是别人为他铺开的路,而现在。他需要将这些“大杂烩”融合在一起,开创出属于他自己的“道”。 He sits above the golden lotus, wears fights the vitality unreliably, the profound fire has, if gold/metal Ling, turns round on his body. Among his volumes, opened nine spirit too wonderful eyes, in his eyes, all seemed frozen generally, the time stagnates, myriad things solidification. 他坐在金莲之上,身披玄斗元精,玄火有若金铃,覆在他的身上。他的额间,张开了九灵太妙之眼,在他的眼中,所有的一切仿佛都被冻结了一般,时间停滞,万物凝固。 In this moment. in Shijian selects and between time crevices, he sits there, actually stood, he is taking a walk obviously. Actually jumps. If there is a person, is skilled to jolt the Yin but actually Yang technique, can look at such time slit, that must discover, in such a time slit, the youngster sits cross-legged Yu Jinlian. Body present auspicious omen, motionless. Meanwhile, there are many him, some in walks while swings and ponders diligently, some are pulling out the sword to dance in the air, flies in circles like the crane. 在这一刻。于时间点与时间点的空隙间,他坐在那里,却又站了起来,他明明在走动。却又跳跃。若是有人,精通颠阴倒阳之术,能够看进这样的时间缝隙,那必会发现,在这样一个时间缝隙中,少年盘坐于金莲。身现祥瑞,一动不动。与此同时,又有许多个他,有的正在边走边摇、冥思苦想,有的正在抽剑飞舞,有如鹤翔。 Many Sun Yan, stagnated the twinkling of time in this, matter that is being them, or uses the thick ice to be really hot, then frowns tightly, wields the week Sky Sword star, then looks at the star to hesitate. 许多个“孙炎”,在这停滞了时间的瞬息,做着他们自己的事,或是用出玄冰真火,然后紧皱眉头,或是挥出周天剑星,然后望星沉吟。 The golden lotus under his body, the circulation, under also has the five colors to unfold slowly. He moved, has not actually moved, he thinks, actually waits and sees. 金莲在他的身下,缓缓流转,下方又有五色铺开。他动了,却又未动,他思索,却又观望。 Resembles so, crossed for a long time, by time line that in that as if delays infinitely, finally jumped time to select. All he, disappears suddenly, like has not appeared. He sits above the golden lotus, holds worriedly...... unable these skills that oneself learn, fuses. 似这般,过了许久,直至在那仿佛无限延缓的时间线中,终于又跳了一个时间点。所有的“他”,骤然间消失,就像从来没有出现过一样。他坐在金莲之上,捧头苦恼……还是无法把自己学到的这些技能,融合起来。 He is hopes oneself can be successful, however in this world the matter, is impossible so to be everywhere simple. Even if he was called as gate nova outside and gate talent, but the buddha, needs to sit even many years on the ficus religiosa, just now grasps principles. Inherits others' giving up study, its display, grasps principles and founds with, at all is not a matter. 他原本是希望自己能够成功的,然而这世上之事,自不可能处处都这般简单。纵然他在外头被人称作“道门新星”、“道门天才”,但即便是释尊,都需要在菩提树上坐上许多年,方才悟道。将别人的绝学继承过来,将其发挥,与自己悟道、开创,根本不是一回事。 He knew in the heart, if demands, is not only useless, instead may overstate, therefore stood, regains the mood, under restrains by force the setback of this failure, actually smiles. 他心知,若是强求的话,不但无益,反有可能走火入魔,于是站了起来,收复心情,强压下这次失败的挫折,紧接着却是笑了一笑。 Thinks is also, after entering wonderful camptotheca acuminata, is the Moroccan clouds crown prince and Yin two, falling deep pool sword bold such experts, although before them, he can only escape, how many years but others practiced, how many years did he practice? Let alone the black cherry elder sister also sealed his external, cannot he use the strength of real dragon......, doesn't the black cherry elder sister, you make me open to hang in this place? 想想也是,自进入妙喜树后,遇到的都是摩霄太子、阴名二、陷渊剑豪这样的高手,虽然在他们面前,他只能逃跑,但是别人练了多少年,他练了多少年?更何况黑樱姐还封了他的外挂,不许他使用真龙之力……唉,黑樱姐,在这种地方你也不让我开下挂? Helpless turning around, will return to the room to sleep...... my mother! 无奈的转过身,正要回屋睡觉……我的妈呀! lotus lotus does not know when has stood in him behind, silent, having, if the demoness is common, has a scare him unexpectedly. Although was pondering unique skill a moment ago issue, but Sun Yan ponders has not wallowed the situation that some people arrive at themselves not to know behind, does not know how she achieves. 莲莲不知何时已经站在了他的身后,无声无息,有若女鬼一般,竟将他也吓了一跳。虽然刚才正在思考“绝招”的问题,但孙炎自忖也没有沉迷到有人来到自己身后都不知道的地步,也不知她是怎么做到的。 He looks down: lotus lotus?” 他低头看去:“莲莲?” lotus lotus looks to begin at a loss, visits him at a loss. 莲莲茫然地看起头来,茫然地看着他。 Sun Yan puts out a hand to shake before her eye shakes: lotus lotus? lotus lotus?” 孙炎伸出手在她的眼睛前晃啊晃:“莲莲?莲莲?” Although the eye is opens, but the eyeball does not transfer. 眼睛虽然是张开的,但眼珠子都不转一下。 Sun Yan: „......” Sleepwalk? Will this girl same sleepwalk with Yaoyao unexpectedly? 孙炎:“……”梦游?这丫头居然跟瑶瑶一样会梦游? lotus lotus at this moment, what put on is a pink bellyband, the bellyband after the waist lateral circles, makes the knot in the back, her slender stature, outlined takes in everything at a glance, the slightly raised chest was being turned round by the upper extreme of bellyband, the jade lotus root arm and jade truncated the fragrant shoulder, had, if jade fat. Pair of beautiful eye does open the eyes, has, if the lamb of wrong path. 此刻的莲莲,穿的是一件粉红色的肚兜,肚兜从腰侧向后绕去,在后背打出绳结,将她纤细的身材,勾勒得一览无遗,微凸的胸脯被肚兜的上端覆着,玉藕般的手臂与玉削般的香肩,有若玉脂。一对美丽的眼睛似睁非睁,有若迷途的羔羊。 Sun Yan is helpless, the left hand is hugging her waist, bends the waist, the right hand brings back her leg curved, sends to toward the room in...... 孙炎无奈,左手搂着她的腰,弯下腰,右手将她的腿弯勾起,往屋内送去…… *** *** Du Xiangxiang left the Sun Yan room, is riding the jade tiger, goes toward the forward flight. 杜香香离开了孙炎的屋子,骑着玉虎,往前飞去。 The distant place, the thunder, fights the gifted general who two send in the recuperation, distant place, several teams of people go on patrol back and forth. 远处,雷、斗二部派下的天兵天将正在休整,更远处,又有几队人来回巡逻。 Front, a piece of auspicious clouds flies, in the cloud two people are speaking, sees her to come, one of them greeted: Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden!” Another humanity: Incense stick|Fragrant elder sister!” 前方,一片祥云飞来,云上两人正在说话,看到她迎面而来,其中一人招呼道:“香香仙子!”另一人道:“香香姐!” They are actually swing the crown prince and star Yi. 他们却是荡成太子和星奕。 Du Xiangxiang returned to greeting to them, said after several, three people divide. 杜香香向他们回了招呼,说了几句后,三人分来。 Du Xiangxiang rides the jade tiger to continue toward the forward flight, turns head on the way, looks to chat, flies together toward the distant place, has, if golden boy Jade Woman common two people, thought: Brother Sun's Little Sister, originally probably...... boy?” 杜香香骑着玉虎继续往前飞,途中回过头来,看着说说笑笑,一同往远处飞去,有若金童玉女一般的两人,心想:“孙大哥的这个小妹,本来好像是……男孩子吧?” She flies in the front another seven treasures tree, the seven treasures tree in her eyes, by slightly is increased. From afar, but is the common person generally high seven treasures tree, flies into, then must have greatly, if Mount Tai. 她飞到前方的另一棵七宝树中,七宝树在她的眼中,由小变大。从远处看,不过就是与寻常人一般高的七宝树,一飞进,便大得有若泰山。 The front has a Buddhist temple hall, is the place of Bodhisattva view, now temporarily changes to the Empress temporary palace. Before she flies the palace, jumps the ground, receives the jade tiger. Surroundings, several groups of day females come and go, will see the sunlight Bodhisattvas, the moonlight Bodhisattvas, several immortal officers and days will have the palace to diverge, therefore knows, the next step operational conference just opened. 前方有一佛殿,原本是菩萨说法之处,现在临时改成了帝姬行宫。她飞到殿前,跳到地上,收起玉虎。周围,几批天女来来去去,又见日光菩萨、月光菩萨、几名仙官和天将出殿散去,于是知道,下一步的作战会议刚刚开完。 Entered the temporary palace deep place, Yaoyao Empress called out: Incense stick|Fragrant, where did you run up to?” 进入行宫深处,瑶瑶帝姬叫道:“香香,你跑到哪去了?” Under several day female taking care, Yaoyao Empress has unloaded early morning Ying Guan, changes the pajamas. 在几名天女的服侍下,瑶瑶帝姬已经卸下晨婴冠,换上睡衣。 Du Xiangxiang said: I......” 杜香香道:“我……” Yaoyao Empress haha said with a smile: Ran to look for golden boy 1st?” drawing she is walking toward in: Walks, takes a bath!” 瑶瑶帝姬哈哈笑道:“是不是跑去找金童一号了?”拉着她往里走:“走啦,洗澡去!” Although one is Empress, one is Jade Woman, but Yaoyao with her Jade Woman, became integrated with. They go to the bathing pool, takes a bath, here they are not also familiar, two people then rest simply in one. The fragrant tent/account puts down, the valuable tent/account dances, Ambergris disperses, a quietness. 虽然一个是帝姬,一个是玉女,但瑶瑶与她身边的玉女们,原本就是打成一片。她们前往浴池,洗浴完毕,此处她们亦不熟悉,两人干脆便睡在一处。香帐放下,宝帐婆娑,龙涎香散,一片静谧。 Du Xiangxiang lies down on the cot, is covering the same strip cloud light blanket with Yaoyao, fragrant Fairy Maiden turns head to look saying that sees Yaoyao then to fall asleep quickly, both hands stretch out from the blanket, the cheek of naive no flaw, under glimmer that in the off-balance dragon whisker candle infiltrates, fresh-faced. 杜香香躺在榻上,与瑶瑶盖着同一条云光毯子,香香仙子扭头看云,见瑶瑶很快便已睡着,双手从毯中伸出,天真无瑕的脸蛋,在帐外龙须烛透入的微光下,粉粉嫩嫩。 Yaoyao...... 瑶瑶…… ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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