MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#918: The fruit observes Grand Pure with the Yuan god

Sun Yan is hugging lotus lotus, walks toward the room. 孙炎抱着莲莲,往屋内走去。 In room that seven color colored glazes make, deep rests with young on the outside ice crystal bed, deep rests not rests, young compared with her also very many, two mount beauties turned the bread twist to be the same on the bed, making Sun Yan look somewhat speechless. He hugs the inside room lotus lotus, puts toward the cot on her, lotus lotus in sleep, tight is hugging him, the crawling tree is the same, two show legs cancel on his waist. 七彩琉璃制成的屋子里,冥儿和雏儿睡在外间的冰晶床上,冥儿睡无睡相,雏儿比她也好不了多少,两个坐骑美眉在床上扭成麻花一样,让孙炎看着有些无语。他把莲莲抱到里间,将她往榻上一放,莲莲在睡梦中,紧紧的搂着他,爬树一样,两只秀腿勾在他的腰上。 Sun Yan has the feeling of difference, her lower abdomen next to him, in as if has a mysterious turbulent flow, is attracting him, making him have an inexplicable impulsion. When responded, then has pressed lotus lotus on the cot. Sleeps soundly lotus lotus, actually also receives the seduction to be the same probably, under his body, the small snake is ordinary, sweet and pretty is swaying from side to side the tender body. 孙炎生出异样的感觉,她的小腹紧挨着他,内中仿佛有种神秘的涡流,正在吸引他,让他有种莫名的冲动。反应过来时,便已经将莲莲压在了榻上。熟睡中的莲莲,却也像是受到诱惑一般,在他的身下,小蛇一般,娇美的扭动着娇躯。 This and this are...... 这、这是…… Sun Yan is panting for breath, this situation, reminding him, in that universe, he and Yaoyao was pressed previous time together under the mountain, the Yaoyao mysterious place, as if one internal energy, is also tempting the impulsion of his dantian. At this moment, was at that time the similar feeling. 孙炎喘息着,这种情况,让他想起,上一次在那小千世界里,他和瑶瑶一同被压在山下,瑶瑶的神秘之处,仿佛也有一种气机,在引诱着他丹田的冲动。此时此刻,就是与当时同样的感觉。 Although is suppressing this seduction, but he actually cannot bear, bends down the lower part of the body mouth of own lotus lotus, like that time, he is unable automatic control, to kiss Yaoyao to be the same. 虽然强忍着这种诱惑,但他却还是忍不住,伏下身去亲莲莲的嘴儿,就像那个时候,他无法自控的,去亲了瑶瑶一样。 Calm, calm. 冷静,冷静。 He by the Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, in within the body unceasing revolution, was being maintained heart emptying clear(ly) by himself. He does not think oneself so cannot stand up to the seduction, after all, he is not that type has not seen many beautiful women, or cannot any dwelling male of beauty, let alone, even before mounting Immortal World, his automatic control ability is still very good, otherwise Xiaoman will not once admit defeat in his hands, but was young girl were many afterward, could let loose to the matter of this love. 他以大圣显密真诀,在体内不断的运转,让自己保持着心头的空明。他不认为自己这般禁不起诱惑,毕竟,他已不是那种没有见过多少美女、或者是受不得任何美色的宅男,更何况,就算在登上仙界之前,他的自控能力也是非常不错的,否则小曼也不会曾在他手中吃瘪,只不过是后来身边的少女多了,对这种情爱之事也就放得开了。 However lotus lotus is not his woman, moreover is only the acquaintance is not long with him, he also insufficiently casual, to meeting the girl moves the color center, even if she is the black cherry elder sister gives his birthday present...... to cough, has not arrived at his birthday. 然而莲莲并不是他的女人,而且与他也只是相识未久,他还不至于随随便便,就对遇到的女孩动色心,哪怕她是黑樱姐送给他的生日礼物……咳,还没到他的生日。 Sun Yan sat reluctantly, the lotus lotus eight claw octopuses are common. Entangles him not to put. Two people postures are quite strange, like adjoins that night of Ka's story. 孙炎勉强坐了起来,莲莲却八爪章鱼一般。缠着他不放。两人的姿势颇为怪异,就像“毗那夜迦的故事”一样。 Sun Yan is unable, to sit on the cot, whatever lotus lotus is maintaining such posture. within the body continues the revolution Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, simultaneously silently watches itself. Dantian place the air/Qi of purple magnificence three visceral cavities and gall bladder, looks like by Yang Ci of Yin magnetic attraction, another head of this attraction, very obviously is lotus lotus. Even if under the restraint of Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art, this type enters the impulsion of her within the body is still hard to stop ruthlessly. 孙炎无法,只好坐在榻上,任由莲莲保持着这样的姿势。体内继续运转大圣显密真诀,同时默察自身。丹田处的紫华少阳之气,就像是被阴磁吸引的阳磁,这种吸引的另一头,很显然就是莲莲。就算是在大圣显密真诀的约束下,这种狠狠进入她体内的冲动也难以制止。 However, when two people are away from the clothes, touching when gently, the indescribable feeling of satisfaction, is then in no position to live, not need are at all more. 然而,当两人隔着衣裳,轻轻的碰触时,难以言喻的满足感,便无由而生,根本不需要更多。 lotus lotus becomes peaceful, both hands are hugging his neck, had not waked up, so. Is resting the head on his chest, heavy goes off. 莲莲变得安静下来,双手搂着他的脖子,仍未醒来,就这般。枕着他的胸膛,沉沉睡去。 The youngster lay down backward, feel an inconceivable tranquility, as if all, changed did not have, he forgot all probably, did not have the day not to have, not Yin not Yang, however this all not really vanished, mountain there. Sees the mountain is not the mountain. 少年向后躺下,感受到了一种不可思议的宁静,仿佛所有的一切,都化作了“无”,他像是遗忘了身边的一切,无天无地,无阴无阳,然而这所有的一切又并非真的消失,山就在那里。只是见山不是山。 Before this is him, had never realized feeling, his whole person spatial elusive spirit, the consciousness is limitless, as if with the entire universe fusion in one. From a mysterious angle, is actually overlooking the universe, is overlooking itself. 这是一种他以前从未体会过的感觉,他整个人空空灵灵,意识无边无际,仿佛与整个宇宙融合在了一起。却又以一种神秘的角度,俯视着宇宙,俯视着自己。 Did not shout 31 laws compared with the swallow, did not return to the livestock saliva. It is not the boudoir pill star group consisting of four stars in draco technique, is not pi yellow Dankuang becomes. The gold/metal is the Yuan god silver is the shape, the relationship of form and spirit gets on well together about for. After Yuan god meet real shape . The fruit observes Grand Pure with the Yuan god. 不比燕呼三一法,不是回头口内津。不是闺丹御女术,不是砒黄丹矿成。金是元神银是形,形神相得合为真。元神相遇真形后。果用元神观太清 He observes Grand Pure by the Yuan god, Guanzizai, by one type subtle, the status of observer, is watching among the mysterious connection with universes, is watching own passing. 他以元神观太清,观自在,以一种微妙的、旁观者的身份,观看着自己与宇宙之间的神秘连系,观看着自己的过往。 In childhood that as if carries layer upon layer the mind of heavy burden, making him appear with other children is somewhat incompatible since childhood, however Aunt Sun that always lets the attitude that he does not know whether to laugh or cry, makes him heave a sigh in times, inevitab is accepting devastation of destiny, in any case again how bad, will not compare such a mother to be worse, in idea like this, looked on the contrary pale all. 幼时那仿佛背着层层重负的心灵,让他从小就和其他的孩子显得有些格格不入,然而孙姑姑那总是让他哭笑不得的作风,却又让他在一次次哀声叹气中,无可奈何的接受着命运的摧残,反正再怎么糟糕,也不会比有这样子的一个老妈更糟糕,在这样的想法中,反倒看淡了一切。 The mother that nearly in Xiu funny death, indeed gave him very big attack, however merely is only six months later, the fragrant appearance, took to him, another stretch of mysterious world, making him know that big of universe, goes far beyond own imagination, he starts to know that the black cherry elder sister, steps the immortal saying that the fairy tale heaven event, the brave totem event, the bitter experience of austere cautious world, mixes the experience of desert world, helping the beautiful dance look for her younger sister and demon monkey event, this danger time and time again, lets he is feeling this bewildered destiny at the same time, actually also took to his endless enjoyment., Because he does not know that in the future will have anything, therefore before had various types, has not had anticipation. 老妈那近乎于秀逗般的死亡,的确是给了他很大的打击,然而仅仅只是半年后,香香的出现,就带给了他,另一片神秘的天地,让他知道宇宙之大,远远超过自己的想象,他开始认识黑樱姐,踏上仙道,童话天堂事件,貔貅图腾事件,肃慎世界的遭遇,混漠世界的经历,帮美舞去找她妹妹以及魔猴事件,这一次又一次的危险,让他感受着这莫名其妙的命运的同时,其实也带给了他无尽的享受,因为他不知道将来还会发生什么,于是就有了各种以前不曾有过的期待。 His unceasing backsight own life, in heart suddenly has a marvelous sudden enlightenment. 他不断回视着自己的人生,心中忽的生出一种奇妙的顿悟。 He wants to see oneself with the side person, can have a glorious future, however at this moment, he comprehends suddenly, for these future, but process diligently, is in itself enjoyment. 他希望看到自己与身边的人,能够有一个美好的未来,然而这一刻,他忽的领悟到,为这些未来而努力的过程,本身就是一种享受。 He starts the backsight just now, oneself sit on the golden lotus, voluntarily comprehension entire process. In that time and in the slit of time stagnation, or racks one's brains, sends who incur, in his at this moment onlooking, winding through bit by bit. 他开始回视适才,自己坐在金莲上,自行“领悟”的整个过程。在那一个时间点与时间点停滞的缝隙中,或是苦思,或是发招的自己,在他此刻的“旁观”中,一点一点的流过。 These have studied magical powers, looks like a piece by piece flower petal, flutters in his heart, spatial elusive spirit, seems , if no. His sentiment in the world, actually resembled to be separated from the world extremely, he is looking on these flower petals, the flower petal fell gently, set one after another in the same place, composed a brand-new flower bud, then, the flower bud then seemed like blooming to come suddenly, takes to him mysterious move. 那些自己学过的神通,就像是一片片花瓣,在他的心头飘扬,空空灵灵,似有若无。他极情于天地,却又似脱离了天地,他旁观着这些花瓣,花瓣飘落,一朵一朵的集合在一起,组成了一朵全新的花苞,然后,花苞便像是突然“绽放”开来,带给他一种神秘的感动。 This flash, he knows that oneself became aware. 这一瞬间,他知道自己悟了。 However he has not continued, but exhales the one breath affably, opens the eye, he has remembered mysterious flower blooming feeling, moreover knows oneself will not forget it absolutely. This is his own flower, is his own say/way. 但是他并没有继续下去,而是舒缓地呼出一口气,睁开眼睛,他已经记住了神秘之花“绽放”的感觉,而且知道自己绝对不会将它忘记。这是属于他自己的花,是属于他自己的道。 The idle view blue failing song is beautiful, sometimes passes on the spatial azure beginning air/Qi dense/woods ; gold/metal pill hands over to transport does not have the beginning unreliably, five air/Qi part company air/Qi. 闲观碧落空歌韶,时传空青始气森;金丹递运玄无始,五气分张一气成。 His four limbs stretch/leisurely Shen, further relaxes the body and mind, then gently is hugging, lies on him is sleeping soundly delightfully lotus lotus, oneself also rested slowly. 他四肢舒伸,进一步放松身心,然后便轻轻的搂着,趴在他身上甜美地熟睡着的莲莲,自己也慢慢睡了过去。 A world tranquility, in this tranquil world, no one saw, the body of youngster starts to disperse the red light, but lies in his girl, is dispersing the mysterious azure light...... 天地一片宁静,在这宁静的天地间,没有人看到,少年的身体开始散出红光,而趴在他身上的女孩,亦发散着神秘的青光…… *** *** In another seven treasures tree, acts as the Buddhist temple hall deep place of Empress temporary palace. 另一棵七宝树内,充作帝姬行宫的佛殿深处。 Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden lies down on the cot, is covering frail cloud Guangtan, heavy falls asleep. 香香仙子躺在榻上,盖着单薄的云光毯,沉沉地睡着。 Side her, another girl, the body also starts to disperse the mysterious golden light. 在她身边,另一个女孩,身上亦开始散出神秘的金光。 That has, if the note beats the common golden light, with the distant place youngster and girl's red light and azure light, by the way that no one can perceive, coordinating with each other across a great distance. 那有若音符跳动一般的金光,与远处少年、女孩身上的红光与青光,以谁也觉察不到的方式,遥相呼应着。 In Taichu level that no one can see, three rays shoot up to the sky, have, if the bread twist turns generally in the same place, on straight clouds. 在没有人能够看到的太初层面,三道光芒冲天而起,有若麻花一般扭在一起,直上云霄。 ...... …… *** *** , Sun Yan opened the eye loudly. 轰然间,孙炎睁开了眼睛。 He raised the head, unbelievable where looks at front magnificent scene...... this is? 他抬起头来,难以置信的看着面前的壮观景象……这是什么地方? At this moment, he has placed oneself in palace that in the clouds imagines, the surroundings fill he has never been contacting the air/Qi of Grand Pure, in his front, the inscribed horizontal tablet, writes clear slightly two characters with the immortal seal together, in his under foot, the water splash surges, the fog scatters, the azure Dutch safflower, the day fragrance overflows. 此时此刻,他已置身在一处不过思议的云中宫殿,周围弥漫着他从来不曾接触过的太清之气,在他的前方,一块匾额,以仙篆写着“清微”二字,在他的脚下,水花翻腾,云雾飘散,青荷红花,天香四溢。 By the clear water of under foot, he can see , the Golden Crow raises, under the toad moonset, that obviously is not the moon/month of Mortal World, that clearly is the Immortal World toad moon/month that the beautiful dance is at this moment. 透过脚下的清水,他能够看到更下方,金乌升起,蟾月落下,那显然不是人间之月,那分明就是美舞此刻所在的仙界蟾月。 Is he now, resides above the Golden Crow and toad moon/month unexpectedly high? 他现在,竟是高居于金乌与蟾月之上? Where this and are here?” The right broadcasts a girl timid voice. “这、这里是什么地方?”右边传来一个女孩怯怯的声音。 The left also the person haha said with a smile: Golden boy 1st, what's all this about? How can you here?” 左边又有一人哈哈笑道:“金童一号,这是怎么回事?你怎么会在这里?” The youngster turn around suddenly, then saw lotus lotus and Yaoyao. 少年蓦一转身,然后就看到了莲莲和瑶瑶 lotus lotus is wears the pink bellyband as before, lower part of the body white lined jacket trousers, not the slightest difference that rests sees before him, the waist is slender, the appearance is pretty. 莲莲依旧是穿着粉红肚兜,下身一件洁白的袄裤,与他睡前看到的一般无二,腰身纤细,模样俏丽。 Yaoyao puts on also obviously before the person different, the lower part of the body only then lovable fine small trousers, reveal two exquisite show legs, the upper body is a sleeveless translucent light garment, in that is thinner much the imperial concubine red mark chest to visible faintly, ballooning outward quietly. 瑶瑶穿的也显然与人前不同,下身只有一件可爱的精美小裤,露出两条细腻的秀腿,上身是一件无袖的半透明轻衫,内中那薄得清凉的妃红纹胸隐约可见,悄然的向外鼓胀。 Yaoyao Empress both hands insert the waist: This Empress well sleeps in the palace, who got so far as here me?” 瑶瑶帝姬双手插腰:“本帝姬好好的在宫里睡觉,谁把我弄到了这里?” Sun Yan hurries to raise hand: „It is not we, I and lotus lotus rest in the same place, does not know that what happened.” 孙炎赶紧举手:“不是我们,我和莲莲睡在一起,根本不知道发生了什么事。” lotus lotus doubts is crooked the head: „? I and Young Master Sun rest in the same place?” 莲莲疑惑的歪着脑袋:“啊?我和孙公子是睡在一起的吗?” ...... Is yourself sleepwalks to look for me. 呃……是你自己梦游找上我的。 Yaoyao Empress is pointing at Sun Yan, hee hee said with a smile: Originally you at the back of look for three fragrant slightly.” 瑶瑶帝姬指着孙炎,嘻嘻笑道:“原来你背着香香找小三。” This...... actually small three have...... 这个……其实小三早就有了…… Yaoyao Empress fronts the leg to clap on his shoulder: All right is all right, fragrant also rests with me in any case in the same place.” 瑶瑶帝姬垫着腿拍着他的肩:“没事啦没事啦,反正香香也是跟我睡在一起。” This at all is not a matter. 这根本不是一回事。 Yaoyao Empress looks up to this stretch of vast world, the finger ignites the lovable cheek: But, this what's the matter? Here does not seem like in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata. Did some people catch us?” 瑶瑶帝姬抬头看向这片浩瀚的天地,手指头点着可爱的脸蛋:“但是,这到底是怎么回事呢?这里根本不像是妙喜树内啊。有人把我们抓了过来?” Sun Yan said: We in the seven treasures tree, the surroundings are the gifted generals, moreover by your highness your skill, should no one be able to rush in the seven treasures tree like this, brings to come out you?” 孙炎道:“我们在七宝树里,周围都是天兵天将,而且以殿下你的本事,应该没人能够就这样闯进七宝树,把你带出来吧?” Yaoyao Empress thinks: Also right!...... Doesn't have a dream?” Looks to Sun Yan, suddenly inserts the waist, is pointing at him single-handedly hee hee smiling: Having a dream dream to the man, this is spring. Dream?” 瑶瑶帝姬想了想:“也对啊!唔……难道是做梦?”看向孙炎,忽的一手插腰,一手指着他嘻嘻的笑:“做梦梦到男人,这个就是春.梦吗?” lotus lotus whole person collapses closely, both hands in the chest front, the tender body become stiff: Spring, spring spring spring...... spring. Dream?” 莲莲整个人都崩得紧紧的,双手拿在胸前,娇躯发僵:“春、春春春……春.梦?” The youngster look to their two...... spring. Dream? 少年看向她们两个……春.梦? ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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