MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#916: An issue

The dwarf, naturally is in 19 people of demons person occasionally child demon. 那侏儒,自然便是十九人魔中的“人偶童魔”。 Side person occasionally child demon, several people, one is the deep lonesome ghost demon, one is south nest Jiumo, one is longer much the female, is Yin hou silver demon that is colored. 人偶童魔身边,又有数人,一个是冥寂鬼魔,一个是南巢酒魔,又有一长得粗壮的女子,乃是“阴犼银魔”那蛮花。 In addition, by them, youth woman, unemotional standing there, is to seal/confer beautiful, to seal/confer beautiful side, one is throwing over sending of elder. 此外,在他们旁边,有一青年女子,面无表情的立在那里,正是封美,封美的旁边,还有一披着长老的发者。 Person child Moshou gets up to pull the informer partner occasionally, sighed: Massacred Boyen, but can't massacre the Moroccan clouds?” 人偶童魔收起扯线人偶,叹气道:“杀掉了文博延,但没能杀掉摩霄?” The deep lonesome ghost demon knits the brows: We place in your person occasionally bomb, is really hot, nine Yin real quicksilvers, to float Li Zhentu and other best quality goods materials to refine with the brass mirror, properly speaking, only if he has the indestructible body, is absolutely impossible to explode him not dead......” 冥寂鬼魔皱眉:“我们安放在你的人偶中的炸弹,乃是以阳燧真火、九阴真汞、浮黎真土等各种极品材料所炼,按理说,除非他有金刚不坏之身,绝无可能炸他不死……” Person occasionally child Demonic Path: He too vigilant, I do not have the time to make the enough fine person occasionally, but makes writing Zuixuan and other body people occasionally, come up by the person skin cover that peels off from her again, in the surface seems like, not the slightest difference from the true article being drunk Xuan, but the Moroccan clouds feared that in clutching her moment discovery is not right, but I started slowly one step.” 人偶童魔道:“他实在太机警了,我没有时间做出足够精致的人偶,只是做出文醉萱的等身人偶,再以从她身上剥下的人皮罩上去,表面上看起来,与真正的文醉萱一般无二,但摩霄怕是在扼上她的那一刻就发现不对劲,而我又发动得慢了一步。” This is in an idea the idea, the Moroccan clouds crown prince was mistaken that article being drunk Xuan is female apprentice to seal/confer beautiful of disobeying crazy demon plays the role greatly, he knows that to seal/confer beautiful is good at changing, but the strength is not strong, does not care, wants to take her one move, has not actually thought that she unexpectedly is the person who person of child demon is occasionally occasionally, outside mask writing Zuixuan person skin, when he, as soon as is close, immediately made its explosion, occasionally and he perishing together. 这本是一个计中之计,摩霄太子误以为“文醉萱”乃是大悖狂魔的女徒弟封美所扮,他知道封美善于变化,但实力不强,自是不放在心上,想要将她一招拿下,却没有想到她竟是人偶童魔做出来的人偶,外面罩着文醉萱的人皮,等他一接近,马上令其爆炸,让人偶与他“同归于尽”。 Only pitifully plan, although is good, the Moroccan clouds crown prince too is strong, the instant vigilance, then makes him avoid this to explode sufficiently. 只可惜计划虽好,摩霄太子却实在太强,刹那间的警觉,便足以让他躲开这一炸。 Another side, to seal/confer beautiful elegantly beautiful say/way: Since the scheme failure, the remaining matters have nothing to do with me!” Turns around to walk. 另一边,封美冷艳的道:“既然计谋失败,剩下的事也就与我无关!”转身就走。 That tall and strong long hair old man hurried to pursue: Rouge......” 那身型魁梧的长发老者赶紧追了上去:“胭脂……” to seal/confer Meinu: Do not call me!” 封美怒道:“不要叫我!” The long hair old man hurries to shut up, for fear that annoys her to be angry. 长发老者赶紧闭嘴,生怕惹她生气。 The deep lonesome ghost demon is actually the ghost flashes, flashes to directly sealing in front of beautiful, cloudy and cold say/way: You have not been able to walk!” 冥寂鬼魔却是鬼影一闪,直接闪到封美面前,阴阴冷冷的道:“你还不能走!” The long hair old man stares: Deep lonesome, what do you want to make to my apprentice?” 长发老者一瞪眼:“冥寂,你想要对我的徒弟做什么?” Deep lonesome ghost Demonic Path: Changes players!” 冥寂鬼魔道:“换人!” The long hair old man said: Changes players? Whom changes?” 长发老者道:“换人?换谁?” Person child demon said with a smile occasionally: Changes the princess! The princess side Sun Yan that boy, Sun Yan also with these gifted generals in the same place, we naturally does not have the means to rush to the life-saving now now directly. Elder Sister to seal/confer is the Sun Yan teacher, so long as with her, exchanges princess, that Sun Yan is without family or friends with the lotus princess, should not reject......” 人偶童魔笑道:“换公主!公主现在在孙炎那小子身边,孙炎现在又跟那些天兵天将在一起,我们当然没有办法直接闯进去救人。封姐姐是孙炎的老师,只要用她,去交换公主,那孙炎跟莲公主无亲无故的,应该不会拒绝……” The long hair old man loudly shouted: „Does anyone of you dare to grasp my disciple?” Looks to to seal/confer beautiful: Rouge, you do not need to fear, will not make them harm you for the master......” 长发老者大喝道:“你们谁敢抓我徒儿?”看向封美:“胭脂,你不用怕,为师绝不会让他们伤害你……” That flower said with a smile: We do not harm her, we are only......” 那蛮花笑道:“我们不是要伤害她,我们只是……” The long hair old man then loudly shouted: Closes your trifling thing?” 长发老者回头大喝道:“关你屁事?” That flower has a scare, she knew in the heart that the strength of this long hair old man, presents in these people only to have deep lonesome eldest child to be able compared with, oneself by far are not his opponent, his was frightened, suddenly does not dare to speak. 那蛮花吓了一跳,她心知这长发老者的实力,在场这些人中唯有冥寂老大一人能够比得,自己远远不是他的对手,被他这一吓,一时间不敢吭声。 The long hair old man laughs saying: Old man, although is one of the 19 people of demons, that princess but who you said that I have actually also never seen, in old man, only with can be called princess only then my treasure disciple......” 长发老者大笑道:“老夫虽是十九人魔之一,但你们说的那位公主,我却也从来不曾见过,在老夫心里,唯一配称得上公主的就只有我的宝贝徒……” to seal/confer Meinu: Shut up!” 封美怒道:“闭嘴!” The long hair old man coughs, does not dare to speak. 长发老者干咳一声,不敢吭声。 south nest Jiumo left hand cancels the wine pot, drank a big mouth happily, said with a smile: Disobeys greatly, your apprentice now is in Immortal World the person, we are the demon, the immortal demon do not coexist. Also, we also went back her, she is your apprentice, Sun Yan is her student, said that is also your disciple grandson......” 南巢酒魔左手倒勾酒坛,痛痛快快的饮了一大口,笑道:“大悖,你徒弟现在已经是仙界中人,我们是魔,仙魔不两立。再说了,我们也就是把她还回去,她是你的徒弟,孙炎是她的学生,说起来也是你的徒孙……” The long hair old man gets angry: disciple grandson? My female apprentice does not permit the male apprentice......” 长发老者怒道:“徒孙个屁?我的女徒弟绝不允许有男徒弟……” Person occasionally child Demonic Path: But their two have done......” 人偶童魔道:“但是他们两个已经做过……” What?” Earth-shaking angry roaring, shakes land one piece to rock. The long hair old man demon air/Qi rises suddenly: Rouge, you, you and you...... Sun Yan, I must kill you, my killed you!” “什么?”一声惊天动地的怒吼,震得大地一片晃动。长发老者魔气暴涨:“胭脂,你、你、你……孙炎,我要杀了你,我这就去杀了你!” Sealed beautiful to call out: „......” Strong winds writings, the long hair old man has not gotten angry flies to go. 封美叫道:“没有……”狂风大作,长发老者已经怒飞而去。 to seal/confer Meiji called out: Comes back!” Hurries to pursue. 封美急叫道:“回来!”赶紧追去。 That others brush, the eye all looks to person occasionally child demon. The person child Mowu stomach laughs occasionally: How would I know is he easily swindled so? Disobeys greatly this fellow, so long as bumps into with his female apprentice related matter , the intelligence quotient will fall into the valley immediately, but this is also good, he helps us cope with Sun Yan, we seize the opportunity to save the princess!” 其他人刷的一下,眼睛全都看向人偶童魔。人偶童魔捂肚大笑:“我哪知道他这么好骗?大悖这家伙只要碰到跟他女徒弟有关的事,智商马上就会跌到谷底,不过这样也好,他帮我们去对付孙炎,我们乘机去救公主!” The distant place, the fog blows, no sex fiend mother comes in the fog: Has an accident? Greatly why disobeys walks such quickly?” 远处,云雾刮来,无色魔母在云雾中现身:“出了什么事?大悖为什么走得这么快?” The person child Mowu stomach continues to laugh occasionally: All right! All right!” 人偶童魔捂肚继续大笑:“没事!没事!” Is all right well!” No sex fiend mother say/way, right, princess's matter ni sovereign has known, she spreads the news, making us capture alive Sun Yan, may not the homicide.” “没事就好!”无色魔母道,“对了,公主的事婗皇已经知晓,她传来消息,让我们将孙炎生擒,不可将他杀了。” The deep lonesome ghost demon knits the brows: „Does the ni sovereign, know this boy unexpectedly?” 冥寂鬼魔皱眉:“婗皇陛下,竟也知道这小子?” No sex fiend mother say/way: „The ni sovereign separate many years of daughters, now with Sun Yan, he are the sons-in-law of ni sovereign!” 无色魔母道:“婗皇失散多年的女儿,现在跟了孙炎,他是婗皇的女婿!” Everyone's vision brushing, looks again to person occasionally child demon. Person child Mozhi stagnated occasionally, suddenly jumps, the illness/quick pursues to go: Disobeys greatly, coming back, I was deceived a moment ago your...... depend!!!” 所有人的目光“刷”的一下,再一次看向人偶童魔。人偶童魔滞了一滞,忽的一跳,疾追而去:“大悖,回来,我刚才是骗你的……靠!!!” ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan receives «Four-dimensional Sword Spectrum», puts out a hand to hold the fragrance. 孙炎收起《四维剑谱》,伸手牵住香香。 The fragrance jumps down from the jade tiger, two manpower are holding hands, each other look. 香香从玉虎上跳了下来,两人手牵着手,彼此看着。 Sun Yan is pulling her, sits in front golden together. 孙炎牵着她,一同在前边的黄金枝上坐着。 Du Xiangxiang is forcing the skirt swayed with the hand, gentle sitting in his side. 杜香香用手勒着裙摆,轻柔的坐在他的身边。 In their front, the void color unusual brightness has, if giant screen, is not glittering the brilliance. In them behind, the crystal room that the colored glaze makes, is reflecting the unusual brightness, sends out the fluttering fireflies gloss. The entire seven treasures tree is high and big, looks from the distant place, they look like lay aside a pair of puppet on tree, an elegant bearing, a beauty as if made by Heaven. 在他们的前方,虚空色的宝光有若巨大的屏幕,内中不是闪烁着光彩。在他们身后,琉璃制成的晶屋,反射着宝光,发出流萤般的光泽。整个七宝树既高且大,从远处看去,他们就像是放置在树上的一对玩偶,一个风度翩翩,一个丽质天成。 Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden say/way gently: Brother Sun, you really to give Yaoyao delivers the sword, comes in?” 香香仙子轻轻的道:“孙大哥,你真的是为了给瑶瑶送剑,才进来的吗?” Sun Yan said in a low voice: Knows that you in this, without the means does not come in!” 孙炎低声道:“知道你在这里面,没有办法不进来!” Fragrance fragrant Fairy Maiden that has guessed correctly actually at heart, lowers the head, hanging both legs gently is kicking, the skirt sways. 心里其实早已经猜到的香香仙子,低下头去,悬空的双腿轻轻的踢着,裙摆晃动。 Sun Yan said: What's wrong?” 孙炎道:“怎么了?” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden turns the face away, smiling: It‘s nothing...... no!” 香香仙子扭过脸来,微笑着:“没什么……没什么的!” Sun Yan puts out a hand, is caressing her cheek lightly: Feels you a little strangely......” 孙炎伸出手,轻抚着她的脸蛋:“感觉你有点怪怪的……” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden splits the lovable smile: Really no!” 香香仙子绽出可爱的笑容:“真的没什么!” Sun Yan puts out a hand, from one side holds in the arms her, fragrant Fairy Maiden is crooked the tender body, partly depends on his chest. Resembles so, static static, gentle wind swayed, the colored glaze color leaf dancing chaotic dance, in their top of the heads, is mixing the light shadow. Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden said in a low voice: Brother Sun! Person, although very bad is very bad, likes making fun of the person very much, lets you sometimes, looks forward to leave her to leave the farther the better, but she is actually the friend who you most are better. However one day, you essential must massacre her, only by doing so, can save everyone...... you to massacre her?” 孙炎伸出手来,从侧面将她搂住,香香仙子歪着娇躯,半靠着他的胸膛。似这般,静了一静,柔和的风吹拂而过,琉璃色的树叶婆娑乱舞,在他们的头顶上,搅动着光影。香香仙子低声道:“孙大哥!有一个人,虽然很坏很坏,很喜欢捉弄人,让你有的时候,巴不得离她离得越远越好,但她却是你最要好的朋友。但是有一天,你必需要杀掉她,只有这样子,才能够拯救大家……你会杀掉她吗?” Sun Yan thinks, said: This...... speaks the truth, I do not know how oneself will do.” Doubts lowers the head, the launching hair bun of young girl is touching his breath lightly, itchy, he said: Why can ask this?” 孙炎想了想,道:“这个……说实话,我也不知道自己会怎么做。”疑惑的低下头来,少女的一起飞髻轻触着他的鼻息,痒痒的,他道:“为什么要问这个?” Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden raised the head, a launching hair bun suspends backward, the elegant face is simple and beautiful, has the smile as deep as a well: Being all right...... asks casually!” 香香仙子抬起头来,一起飞髻向后摆去,俏脸清丽,却又带着难以捉摸的微笑:“没事的……就是随便问问!” Sun Yan holds her cheek with both hands: No matter what happened, needs to help in you, needs to choose, can look for me. I know that I am very weak, many things are unable to achieve, no matter what, I will stand this side you. If the matter that your shoulder is unable to undertake, that makes me help you undertake, I will certainly live up to one's words.” 孙炎用双手捧着她的脸蛋:“不管发生什么事,在你需要帮助,需要选择的时候,都可以来找我。我知道我现在还很弱,许多事情都无法做到,但不管怎样,我都会站在你这一边。如果是你的肩膀无法承担的事,那就让我来帮你承担,我一定会说到做到的。” Du Xiangxiang is sideways to console in his bosom: Brother Sun is very fierce, everyone still said in the back a moment ago, Brother Sun you are a lot of years of rare talent, I listened is very happy.” 杜香香侧身慰在他的怀中:“孙大哥已经很厉害了,刚才大家都还在背后说,孙大哥你是千百年难得一遇的天才,我听了也很高兴。” Sun Yan sighed: But, now in this wonderful camptotheca acuminata the expert are too really many, always felt oneself are very weak.” 孙炎叹气:“但是,现在这妙喜树里高手实在太多,总感觉自己还很弱啊。” Du Xiangxiang said: Because of this fight, but after the god demon war ended, most important and a biggest fight, moreover listened to Jin saying that the result that these fought time was possibly more important than the god demon war. Remote Antiquity True Person that even Yaoyao this type has the indestructible body, not necessarily is safe in this place.” Both hands tight grasps him: Brother Sun knows in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata to be very dangerous obviously, actually must come to ask me...... I to be very happy!!!” 杜香香道:“因为这一次的战斗,可是神魔大战结束后最重要、最大的一次战斗,而且听金公说,这一次战斗的结果可能比神魔大战还重要。连瑶瑶这种拥有金刚不坏之身的太上真人,在这种地方都不一定是安全的。”双手紧紧的将他抱住:“孙大哥明明知道妙喜树里很危险,却还要进来找我……我很高兴!!!” Nonsense!” Sun Yan flexure gently her chignon, you did so many for me, I have not actually added on your anything......” “傻话!”孙炎轻轻的挠了挠她的发髻,“你为我做了那么多,我却从来没有帮上你什么……” Brother Sun......” Du Xiangxiang extends both hands, is hugging his neck. “孙大哥……”杜香香伸出双手,搂着他的脖子。 Sun Yan holds her face again, gentle kissed...... 孙炎再一次捧着她的脸,温柔的吻了上去…… ...... ……
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