MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#915: Counts the fell into a trap!

seven treasures woods, said that the seven treasures tree, seven set up. 七宝树林,又称七宝树、七重行树。 In the seven treasures woods, the gold , the colored glaze is the leaf, four sides is void color that” the unusual brightness reflects. 七宝树林中,黄金为枝,琉璃为叶,四面俱是宝光反射出来的“虚空色”。 In the sky has gold/metal wheel, wind wheel, such as the galaxy of turbulent flow shape is ordinary, gyrates slowly. 天空中有金轮、风轮,如涡流状的星河一般,缓缓旋动。 Coverage of gold/metal wheel, under wind wheel, the light shadow transforms, has, if dream, the surrounding numerous unusual brightness, is being the difficult minute/share of genuine and fake, or, the seems true|really is not false, resembles false not real, when constructed here initially, effect that wants to achieve? 金轮、风轮的覆盖之下,光影幻化,有若梦幻,连带着周围的重重宝光,亦是难分真假,又或者,似真非假,似假非真,原本就是当初建造此处时,想要达到的效果? Sun Yan stands when a branch, although the seven treasures tree calls makes the woods, but actually be only one row, altogether is only seven valuable trees, each valuable tree also has Qibao, they enter the seven treasures woods, seeing only these seven valuable trees is the common size, before seeming like the gate , dresses up is extremely the luxurious common trees, however after living, discovered that many people, these seven valuable trees also hold again under. 孙炎立在一根枝头上,七宝树虽然唤作树林,但其实只有一列,一共只有七棵宝树,每一棵宝树又有“七宝”,他们方一进入七宝树林时,只见这七棵宝树不过就是寻常大小,就好像是自家门前、装扮得极是豪华的寻常树木,然而住进来后,发现再多人,这七棵宝树也容纳得下。 „A flowered world and a Bodhisattva and Xumi accept Jiezi, mustard seed conceals Xumi the concept, in this seven treasures woods, displays incisively. “一花一世界、一叶一菩萨”与“须弥纳芥子、芥子藏须弥”的概念,在这七宝树林中,发挥得淋漓尽致。 He looks up to the unusual brightness of distant place, in the heart ponders, hesitant is difficult to decide. 他抬头看向远处的宝光,心中沉思,却是犹豫难决。 He does not know should oneself look for article being drunk Xuan! 他不知道自己该不该去找“文醉萱”! Because you can eat, making you live, will eat everyone falls poorly, therefore...... you were dismissed!” “因为你太能吃,让你活下来,会把所有人都吃穷掉,所以……你被开除了!” In eight virtue ponds, article being drunk Xuan suddenly said these words, has a scare him, then he responded quickly, this article being drunk Xuan was actually seals beautiful teacher to play the role. 在八德池中,“文醉萱”突然说出这一句话,将他吓了一跳,然后他很快就反应过来,这“文醉萱”其实就是封美老师所扮。 to seal/confer beautiful joined after counter all kills, then had not appeared, now looks like, infiltrated „the Chengtian Avenue pledge. Day authority Xingzhu is Chengtian Avenue pledge the matter of traitor within, is seals beautiful through him, sends out quietly, this makes Yaoyao Empress be able to thwart, in turn goes round enemy's obstruction in eight virtue ponds, greatly broken opposite party. 封美加入了顺逆皆杀后,便一直没有出现,现在看来,是打入了“承天大道盟”。天权星主是承天大道盟的内奸的事,就是封美通过他,悄悄送出,这才让瑶瑶帝姬能够将计就计,反过来绕开敌人在八德池的阻截,大破对方。 Obviously, at that time, he was surrounded by the enemy of Chengtian Avenue pledge all round, triggering the explosion to help him escape, is to seal/confer beautiful. 很显然,那个时候,他被承天大道盟的敌人团团包围,引发爆炸助他逃脱的,也是封美。 Although at that time, he is hiding jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag in secret, in fact closes right up against itself also to escape similarly, but to seal/confer beautiful does not know, to help him runs away, to seal/confer beautiful does not hesitate to run risks, makes a move to help him quietly. 虽然当时,他暗中藏着“玉清微尘遁空旗”,实际上靠着自己也同样能够逃脱,但封美并不知道,为了助他逃走,封美不惜冒着风险,悄悄出手帮他。 In his heart was worried very much that explosion, ascends the sky again authority Xingzhu by the matter of revealing, even if Moroccan clouds crown prince and the others do not know from the beginning them has the traitor within, now will definitely still have the suspicion, sealed the beautiful teacher danger. 他心中很是担心,那一次的爆炸,再加上天权星主被揭穿之事,就算摩霄太子等人一开始不知道他们之中有内奸,现在肯定也会生出怀疑,封美老师危险了。 But the present issue is, he is unable to add on to seal/confer beautiful. He cannot save others directly, first, he does not know where these people hide , may also appear seals beautiful teacher not to expose the status, because of his saving, instead makes the enemy know that article being drunk Xuan has the situation of issue. 但现在的问题是,他根本无法帮上封美。他不能直接去救人,一来,他根本不知道那些人藏在哪里,二来,也有可能出现封美老师还没有暴露身份,却因为他的“拯救”,反让敌人知道“文醉萱”有问题的情况。 Similarly, he is unable to request reinforcements, the black cherry elder sister day authority Xingzhu is not traitor within this secret informed sources, disclosed that is correct to the approaches of others, because is unable to know whether in the gifted general also has the spy of enemy, since can present a Bixia female immortal, since can present day authority Xingzhu, in the gifted general naturally may also have other traitors within. 同样的,他也无法求援,黑樱姐不将“天权星主是内奸”这个秘密的消息来源,透露给其他人的做法是正确的,因为无法知道,天兵天将中是否还有敌人的奸细,既然能够出现一个碧霞元君,既然能够出现一个天权星主,那天兵天将中自然也有可能还有其他内奸。 If makes the enemy know, the informed sources of this matter are he, that naturally may from he has contacted person on one's own side, guesses correctly Heavenly Court to conceal the spy in Chengtian Avenue pledge. 如果让敌人知道,这件事的消息来源是他,那自然就有可能从跟他接触过的“自己人”中,猜出天庭暗藏在承天大道盟中的奸细。 In along counter all kills, like sealing beautiful this type of infiltrating enemy side hidden department, often is the single track connections, article being drunk Xuan true status, does not have any copy clerk record, the high level that even even/including Shunni all kills not necessarily knows, knows her true status, should that person, only then sends out her, but Sun Yan does not know that who her online is, from does not dare easily to go to and other person contacts, in order to avoid instead in leaked her identity accidentally. 在顺逆皆杀中,像封美这种打入敌方内部的隐系,往往都是单线连系,“文醉萱”的真正身份,没有任何文书记载,甚至连顺逆皆杀的高层都未必知道,知道她真正身份的,应该只有将她派出的那个人,但孙炎并不知道她的上线是谁,自也不敢轻易去和其他人接触,以免反而在无意中泄露了她的身份。 However, in eight virtue ponds, sealing beautiful needs to brave the exposed status the danger, such important matter will make him carry over, this is indicated, she with along counter has all killed loses the liaison? Said, is because, she also just obtained this secret at that time, delivers radically without enough time, can only inform by him? 然而,在八德池中,封美需要冒着暴露身份的危险,将这么重要的事让他带出,这是表示,她已经跟“顺逆皆杀”失去连络了么?还是说,是因为,她那时也只是刚刚得到这个秘密,根本来不及送出去,只能透过他来通知? His discouragement, under such aspect, the ability of single person truly cannot help but limited. He cannot look for to seal/confer beautiful directly, he is unable article being drunk Xuan to be to seal/confer beautiful the matter easily told others, even cannot to know that he was concerned with this matter, in order to avoid some people borrowed this jet braking. 他不由得一阵气馁,在这样的局面下,单个人的能力确实是有限的。他不能直接去找封美,他也无法将“文醉萱”就是封美的事轻易的告诉其他人,甚至不能让人知道他跟此事有关,以免有人借此反推。 At this moment, he except for placing hopes in to seal/confer beautiful the status because of not helping him exposes, does not have any other means unexpectedly. 此时此刻,他除了寄希望于封美的身份没有因为帮他而曝光,竟是没有其它任何办法。 Under restrains by force the worry of heart, he takes out that «Four-dimensional Sword Spectrum» that the falling deep pool sword keeps boldly, reads carefully. He knew in the heart, although oneself with sword, but the swordsmanship indeed is his athletic event in which one is weak, since just has such a sword spectrum, he naturally does not let off, therefore wanted to lotus lotus. 强压下心头的担心,他取出陷渊剑豪留下来的那本《四维剑谱》,仔细翻看。他心知,自己虽然用剑,但剑法的确是他的弱项,既然刚好有这样一本剑谱,他自然是不放过,于是向莲莲要了过来。 During reading, he is having the induction, has turned head, therefore then saw that fragrant Fairy Maiden flies to him. 正自翻看间,他生出感应,扭过头去,于是便看到香香仙子向他飞来。 ...... …… *** *** You said that...... seals the beautiful miss?” The Moroccan clouds crown prince is staring at front youth woman cloudy and cold, or should I call you...... the rouge princess?” “你说呢……封美姑娘?”摩霄太子阴阴冷冷地盯着面前的青年女子,“或者我应该叫你……胭脂公主?” Boyen complexion changes: „Isn't she drunk Xuan? Is this possible? The to seal/confer beautiful and are the rouge princess who you said who actually?” 文博延脸色微变:“她不是醉萱?这怎么可能?你说的这封美和胭脂公主却又是谁?” The Moroccan clouds crown prince light say/way of: „The technique of general change, is absolutely impossible to hide the truth from your me, will be more impossible to make you admit mistakes including own daughter. So superb, even can hide the truth from the change technique of your my eye, this world is few, one, is actually the demon sovereign ni fox changes!” 摩霄太子淡淡的道:“一般的变化之术,绝无可能瞒得过你我,更不可能让你连自己的女儿都会认错。如此出神入化,甚至能够瞒得过你我眼睛的变化术,这世间寥寥无几,其中一个,却是魔皇婗的狐变!” Boyen changes countenance: Demon sovereign ni in new demon three sovereign? Is she person who demon sovereign ni sends?” He sees oneself daughter, hesitates erratically. 文博延动容:“新魔界三皇中的魔皇婗?她是魔皇婗派来的人?”他看着自己的女儿,迟疑不定。 Moroccan clouds Prince Edward Road: She is the Heavenly Court person!” 摩霄太子道:“她是天庭的人!” Is staring at the youth woman, the Moroccan clouds crown prince sneers saying: „The demon sovereign Ni's fox changes the technique to come from where, I do not clarify, she has one set of demon god nine changes, this fox changes is one of them. Afterward, in 19 people of demons greatly disobeying crazy demon and demon sovereign ni transaction, he did three matters for demon sovereign ni, exchanged the fox to change the cultivation heart law of technique, taught his female apprentice rouge princess. The disobeying crazy demon is favors to drown to his this only female apprentice greatly extremely, at that time, his female apprentice does not know that he is the Demonic Path famous demon. Only pitifully greatly the disobeying crazy demon is actually a anomaly, he asks for the fox to change the technique to demon sovereign ni, teaches his female apprentice, but is because wants to look at his appearances of various female apprentice changes. Arrived afterward, the disobeying crazy demon compelled greatly finally insanely his female apprentice, he himself is also insane for a long time, his female apprentice then entered Heaven afterward, now should be fights the section along one that counter all killed!” 盯着青年女子,摩霄太子冷笑道:“魔皇倪的狐变之术到底从何而来,吾也弄不清楚,她有一套魔神九变,这狐变乃是其中之一。后来,十九人魔中的大悖狂魔与魔皇婗交易,他为魔皇婗做了三件事,交换来了狐变之术的修炼心法,教给了他的女徒弟胭脂公主。大悖狂魔对他这唯一的一个女徒弟极是宠溺,当时,他的这个女徒弟也不知道他乃是魔道有名的魔头。只可惜大悖狂魔却是一个变态,他向魔皇婗讨来狐变之术,教给他的女徒弟,不过是因为想要看他的女徒弟各种变化的样子。到后来,大悖狂魔终于将他的女徒弟逼疯,连带着他自己也疯了许久,后来他的女徒弟便入了天界,现在应该是斗部顺逆皆杀的一员!” Boyen said: If she is not the drunk Xuan, that true drunk Xuan where?” 文博延道:“如果她不是醉萱,那真正的醉萱在哪里?” Moroccan clouds Prince Edward Road: Naturally had been killed by her!” 摩霄太子道:“自然已经被她杀了!” Boyen is staring at the youth woman, although he cannot see oneself daughter is really fake, but if she is really Heavenly Court along counter all kills the member, what cultivated/repaired is demon sovereign Ni fox changes the technique, that can hide the truth from him, is not the strange matter. 文博延盯着青年女子,他虽然看不出自己的这个“女儿”到底是真是假,但如果她真的是天庭“顺逆皆杀”的成员,修的是魔皇倪的“狐变”之术,那能够瞒过他,也不是什么奇怪的事。 The youth woman is pale, suddenly in the future will draw back one step, on the foot golden light flashed, the complexion again changes. 青年女子脸色苍白,忽的往后退了一步,脚上金光一闪,紧接着脸色再变。 The Moroccan clouds crown prince sneers saying: You whether in strange, you why also here?” 摩霄太子冷笑道:“你是否在奇怪,你为什么还在这里?” Boyen is staring at her golden light: Gold/Metal lineage/vein transmission?” 文博延盯着她脚下的金光:“金脉传送阵?” Moroccan clouds Prince Edward Road: She naturally also thinks, we may suspect her, therefore got down gold/metal lineage/vein to transmit the law in this Riboux ahead of time, but was a pity, gold/metal lineage/vein transmitted needs two to be able each other gold vessel of resonance, simultaneously buried in underground, just now can form the gold/metal lineage/vein that was used to transmit. But I have let the person, the place that since she passes through inspected the past, at this moment, another gold vessel of distant place had taken out, even if she wants to escape, could not run away.” 摩霄太子道:“她自然也想到,我们有可能会怀疑到她,所以提前在这里布下了金脉传送之法,只是可惜,金脉传送需要有两个能够彼此共鸣的金器,同时埋在地下,方才能够形成用来传送的金脉。但我却早已让人,从她经过的地方一路检查过去,此刻,远处的另一块金器已经被人取出,她就算想逃,也已经逃不了了。” The youth woman volume breaks into sweat, she only knows why she has started the golden light, is actually not able to transmit the distant place immediately. She leaves to escape, Moroccan clouds crown prince cold snort/hum, plundered in an instant, blocks her throat, raised her: Now......” eye suddenly narrows...... the fell into a trap. 青年女子额冒冷汗,她这才知道,为什么她已发动金光,却无法立刻传送到远处。她抽身要逃,摩霄太子冷哼一声,刹那间掠了上去,一把扼住她的咽喉,将她提起:“现在……”眼睛蓦的一眯……中计。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The youth woman exploded unexpectedly directly, in the flash that she explodes, discovered that the improper Moroccan clouds crown prince a hand loosen, has retreated in an instant. The explosion has curled loudly, responded with other Boyen person, directly is involved, is blown to pieces. 青年女子竟然直接炸了开来,在她爆炸的这一瞬间,发现不妥的摩霄太子已是将手一松,刹那间退走。爆炸轰然间卷过,将文博延与其他反应不及的人,直接卷入其中,炸成碎片。 The Moroccan clouds crown prince draws back at the extremely quick speed to the distant place, looks that was exploded the corpse that blows off, looks at the billowing thick smoke, looks very angry, strokes the hand, the demon air/Qi wells up crazily, the complementary waves that will explode depress forcefully, when looks again, that youth woman is the extremity/limb remnant body breaks. 摩霄太子以极快的速度退至远处,看着被爆炸炸飞的尸体,看着滚滚的浓烟,怒容满面,将手一拂,魔气狂涌,将爆炸的余波强行压下,再看时,那“青年女子”已是肢残体断。 Looks at this youth woman broken fragment, his complexion is extremely ugly: Person occasionally?” 看着这“青年女子”残破的碎片,他的脸色极是难看:“人偶?” At the same time, extremely far place, a dwarf helpless received the pulling informer partner in hand: Worthily is the Moroccan clouds, like this cannot massacre him!” 同一时间,极远之处,一个侏儒无奈的收起了手中的扯线人偶:“不愧是摩霄,这样子都杀不掉他!” ...... ……
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