MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#914: writing Zuixuan status

After the falling deep pool sword departs boldly, Sun Yan brings lotus lotus, the round trip to fly. 陷渊剑豪离去后,孙炎带着莲莲,往回飞去。 On the way, he asked: „Did lotus lotus, what you say to him?” Felt that this , the fellow thoroughly rectifies misdeeds shortly after all of a sudden, adopted outlook on life and values? 途中,他问道:“莲莲,你到底跟他说了什么?”感觉这也没多久啊,那家伙怎么一下子就痛改前非,重新树立人生观和价值观了? I have not said anything,” lotus lotus naive say/way, all was he was saying, originally he was very pitiful, when he was young, the blood mortal form was inborn, is unable to save the god to cultivate, everyone said that he was the waste firewood, even his fiancees ran to renounce the engagement with him, was quite pitiful! He never gives up himself luckily, refining up the sword forcefully, the unexpectedly real swordsmanship has, returns to the hometown, wish makes his fiancee regret, finally his fiancee has married others, even the children lived. He walks on the road, offended several second generations of rich, quarrelled two, result these second generations of rich asked large numbers of killers to chase down him, pursued is pursuing him to fall down the cliff, picked a sword spectrum under the cliff, therefore he......” “我没有说什么啊,”莲莲天真的道,“全都是他在说,原来他很可怜的,在他小的时候,血魄天生不足,无法存神修炼,大家都说他是废柴,连他的未婚妻都跑来跟他解除婚约,好可怜啊!幸好他从不放弃自己,强行炼剑,竟真的剑道有成,重回家乡,想要让他的未婚妻后悔,结果他的未婚妻早就嫁给了别人,连孩子都生了。他走在路上,得罪了几个富二代,吵了两句,结果那些富二代请了大批的杀手来追杀他,追着追着他就掉下了悬崖,在悬崖下捡到了一本剑谱,于是他……” Stops from time to time to stop!” I am not interested in the life of that fellow. Moreover this waste fuel/thin does flow, break an engagement and walks is offended the second generation of rich, chased down the falling down cliff to pick the life experience of secrets by the killer on the road what's the matter? Also got down I to suspect that I was the lead am he am a lead? “停停停停停!”我对那家伙的人生历程不感兴趣。而且这废柴流、退婚、走在路上得罪富二代、被杀手追杀掉下悬崖捡秘笈的人生经历是怎么回事?再说下去我会怀疑到底我是主角还是他是主角啊? Brother Sun!” In their front, Du Xiangxiang welcomed. “孙大哥!”在他们的前方,杜香香迎了上来。 At this time, the fight had ended, the greatly fierce Bodhisattva and magnificence Yi, a qi demon all die, another two demons in Moroccan clouds crown prince and broken high three demon successfully run away, the person who they bring basically also dies completely dies certainly. 此时,战斗已经结束,大勇猛菩萨和正华夷、一炁魔俱死,摩霄太子和破亢三魔中的另外两魔成功逃走,他们带来的人基本上也都死尽死绝。 However also when this war, attacks eight virtue ponds has presented Kua Fu, and inorganic all trades main thousand machines send people to heaven, raw water Jupiter text Boyen and his daughter writing Zuiying have not appeared, Sun Yan suspected, perhaps they are also defending eight virtue ponds, plans to block the gifted general who Yaoyao Empress leads outside eight virtue ponds, preventing Yaoyao Empress to support the seven treasures woods promptly, even might want to use actually in secret day authority Xingzhu who joined the Chengtian Avenue pledge to suppose to frame, tempted the Yaoyao Empress beginning of the dog days of summer. 不过在这一战中,攻打八德池时还出现过的夸父,以及无机门门主千机度人、原水德星主文博延和他的女儿文醉莹都没有出现,孙炎猜想,他们恐怕还守着八德池,打算将瑶瑶帝姬所率的天兵天将阻在八德池外,防止瑶瑶帝姬及时支援七宝树林,甚至有可能想要利用其实早已在暗中加入承天大道盟的天权星主设下陷害,诱瑶瑶帝姬入伏。 They have not thought probably, Yaoyao Empress and sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva, strive the Bodhisattva to cross eight virtue ponds greatly unexpectedly directly, appears here, the clouds crown prince and others dealt a head-on blow to rubs. 只是他们大概也没有想到,瑶瑶帝姬和日光菩萨、月光菩萨、大精进菩萨竟会直接越过八德池,出现在这里,给摩霄太子等来了一个迎头痛击。 Incense stick|Fragrant Fairy Maiden is combing the Flying Immortal hair bun, what the body puts on is honey decorates the side stream immortal skirt about the color gold thread, the waist ties blessings to hang. She looks to lotus lotus, said: This is......” 香香仙子梳着飞仙髻,身上穿的是一件蜜合色的金丝缀边流仙裙,腰间结着吉祥如意挂。她看向莲莲,道:“这位是……” Yaoyao Empress here, Sun Yan cannot say again lotus lotus is Yaochi Jade Woman, fragrant are Yaochi Jade Woman is coming let alone. Therefore explained: Her name was lotus the lotus, was I in the day female who on the road saved.” 瑶瑶帝姬就在这里,孙炎自不能再说莲莲是“瑶池玉女”,更何况香香自己就是瑶池玉女来着。于是解释道:“她叫莲莲,是我在路上救下的天女。” ...... …… *** *** Sun Yan rides to catch fire chi, lotus lotus rides the deep phoenix, Du Xiangxiang is riding her own jade tiger slantingly, three people proceed together. 孙炎骑着火螭,莲莲乘着冥凤,杜香香斜骑着她自己的玉虎,三人一同往前回去。 Sun Yan saw that swings the crown prince to hug star Yi, places on her the stone , helping she examined to sprain ankle area, is thinking at heart...... a moment ago what happened? 孙炎看到荡成太子抱着星奕,把她放在石上,帮她查看扭伤了的脚踝,心里想着……刚才发生了什么事? Sun Yan arrives in front of Yaoyao Empress, Yaoyao Empress flies in the high place, both hands to insert the waist, arrogant appearance: Golden boy 1st, how can you here?” With her question, the scarlet battle dress dances in the air, early morning Ying Guangu on hair bun the sending bunch, hangs loose after the brain. 孙炎来到瑶瑶帝姬面前,瑶瑶帝姬飞在高处,双手插腰,神气十足的样子:“金童一号,你怎么会在这里?”随着她的问话,身后大红战袍飞舞,髻上的晨婴冠箍成的发束,在脑后披散。 Sun Yan held is covering the day sword: I suspected, your highness or has place that needs to use to cover the day sword, therefore brought to come it......” 孙炎捧着掩日剑:“我猜想,殿下或有需要用到掩日剑的地方,所以把它带了过来……” Yaoyao Empress laughs: „The universe blade and golden cudgel in my, cover the day sword not to use in any case now, delivered......” 瑶瑶帝姬哈哈一笑:“太虚刀和金箍棒都在我这,掩日剑反正现在也用不上,就送……” Nearby immortal officer coughs anxiously. 旁边一名仙官急咳一声。 Yaoyao Empress is beckoning with the hand: Lends you to lend you!” 瑶瑶帝姬摆着手:“借给你啦借给你啦!” Sun Yan actually did not hate covering day sword also her, after all he also wanted the volume of simultaneous/uniform eight immortal swords to summon Divine Dragon, saved Sister Hou. 孙炎其实也舍不得把掩日剑还她,毕竟他还要集齐八大仙剑召唤神龙,拯救侯姐姐呢。 He enters the reason of wonderful camptotheca acuminata, was coming to give Yaoyao to deliver to cover the day sword, others also told that naturally must put on airs also, but the Yaoyao insane girl with the golden cudgel with becoming addicted, wants to come not covering the day sword must go back, after all this, brings the universe blade and operates a day of axe, soon did not have the place of moon/month in this type, covered a day sword not to use on, the list discussed broken the effect, operating a day of axe may covering a day sword is much more useful. 只是他进入妙喜树的理由,就是前来给瑶瑶送掩日剑,跟其他人也都是这么说的,当然要装模作样的“还”一下,不过瑶瑶疯丫头已经用金箍棒用上瘾了,想来也不会把掩日剑要回去,毕竟她这一趟,原本就带着太虚刀和开天斧,在这种无日无月的地方,掩日剑也用不上,单论“破界”之效,开天斧可比掩日剑有用得多。 After victory, Yaoyao Empress is getting the gifted general, leading the big de eminent monk and day female to set out toward the seven treasures woods together. 胜战过后,瑶瑶帝姬领着天兵天将,带着众位大徳高僧、众位天女一同往七宝树林进发。 As lotus lotus Sun Yan, with them, Yaoyao Empress and the others think that she is the wonderful happy day female, the numerous position cardinal virtue and day female think that she is Yaochi Jade Woman, no one manages her unexpectedly, so mixed. While others do not pay attention to time, she is drawing Sun Yan quietly: She and are she Yaoyao? Is Heavenly Emperor of next generation?” 莲莲随着孙炎,跟着他们,瑶瑶帝姬等人以为她是妙喜天女,众位大德、天女以为她是瑶池玉女,竟也没有人来管她,就这般混了进来。趁着其他人不注意的时候,她悄悄的拉着孙炎:“她、她就是瑶瑶?就是下一代的天帝?” The Sun Yan nod said: Yes, how?” 孙炎点头道:“是的,怎么了?” lotus lotus tears: Felt that she quite fierce appearance, I thought that I cannot be victorious she!” 莲莲泪目:“感觉她好厉害的样子,我觉得我打不过她!” Why...... do you want to fight her? 呃……你为什么要跟她打? Another side, swung the crown prince to fly at the back of the star Yi young nun, two people said with one voice: Brother Sun......?!” Looks one mutually, resembling knows Sun Yan in the strange opposite party. mreadtype = 039 ; page-split 039 ; num = 039 ; 3039 ; / > 另一边,荡成太子背着星奕小尼姑飞了过来,两人齐声道:“孙大哥……咦?!”互相对望一眼,似是都在奇怪对方认识孙炎。mreadtype=039;page-split039;num=039;3039;/> Sun Yan coughs lightly, since that offering amnesty, the Mount Tai third sons have become his little brother spontaneously, star Yi...... the star is his Little Sister, this is predestined friends the thousand li (500 km) to meet? 孙炎轻咳一声,自从经过那次招安事件之后,泰山三郎就已经自发的成为了他的小弟,星奕……星星又是他的小妹,这个难道就是有缘千里来相会? Here leaves the seven treasures woods is not far, quick, they arrived at the seven treasures woods, protects the cardinal virtue eminent monk in seven treasures woods to know that Immortal World Empress harnesses, hurries to open the ban, welcomed them. 这里离七宝树林已是不远,很快,他们就来到了七宝树林,守护七宝树林的大德高僧知道仙界帝姬驾到,慌忙打开禁制,将他们迎了进去。 On the way, Sun Yan asked Du Xiangxiang, wanted to know why they did arrive such skillfully? Du Xiangxiang said: „After entering the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, our position is complete, could not find eight virtue ponds, informed us until the black cherry elder sister in the mysterious method in secret, knows, originally day authority Xingzhu unexpectedly is the person of enemy. Then we then thwart, paralysis day authority Xingzhu, making him spread the news, makes false appearance that we still received him to hoodwink, while recomputates the double-hour position, results in the sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva comes to meet with us, after the complex technique number calculates, takes a day of axe to start out one to go nonstop to this path.” 途中,孙炎问起杜香香,想要知道他们为什么到得这么巧?杜香香道:“进入妙喜树后,我们方位全乱,怎么也找不到八德池,直到黑樱姐以神秘手段暗中通知了我们,才知道,原来天权星主竟是敌人的人。然后我们便将计就计,一边麻痹天权星主,让他放出消息,制造我们仍然受他蒙蔽的假象,一边重新计算时辰方位,又得日光菩萨与月光菩萨前来与我们相会,经过复杂的术数计算后,以开天斧开出了一条直通这一层的道路。” Sun Yan thought, is really day of authority Xingzhu is being up to mischief. 孙炎心想,果然是天权星主在搞鬼。 Soon does not have the moon/month like this type, is hard to differentiate the double-hour position the place, some errors in technique number, may cause the miscalculation, by position that day authority Xingzhu is, has a mind to attempt to pervert, indeed is virtually impossible to guard against. 像这种无日无月,难以区分时辰方位的地方,术数上的些许误差,都有可能导致计算错误,以天权星主所在的位置,有心做手脚,的确是防不胜防。 However the black cherry elder sister has not disclosed, day authority Xingzhu is the news of traitor within came from him, naturally this also to be safe the idea. 不过黑樱姐并没有透露出,天权星主是内奸的消息来自于他,当然这也是为了安全起计。 ...... …… *** *** In the remote mountain, Boyen is walking slowly and aimlessly the step, the anger snort/hum. 深山之中,文博延踱着步子,怒哼一声。 Side him, is following his daughter writing Zuixuan, as well as more than 20 Chengtian Avenue pledge subordinate. 在他身边,跟随着他的女儿文醉萱,以及二十多名“承天大道盟”的手下。 This, he hides in the hidden place has not acted, for all that in his original tentative plan, the Moroccan clouds crown prince and magnificence Yi and the others attacks, should be absolutely safe. 这一趟,他藏在暗处并未出手,虽然如此,在他原本的设想中,摩霄太子、正华夷等人的出击,应该是万无一失的。 Has not actually thought, should also in golden flower Empress that the next headless fly scurries about, can lead the sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva, to strive the Bodhisattva and thunder unexpectedly to fight two gifted generals to kill greatly suddenly, killed Moroccan clouds crown prince and the others to be caught off guard. 却没有想到,原本应该还在下一层无头苍蝇般乱窜的金华帝姬,竟会带着日光菩萨、月光菩萨、大精进菩萨、雷斗二部的天兵天将突然杀到,杀了摩霄太子等人一个措手不及。 Now, Sun Yan that boy is also living, that young nun has not snatched, instead is the greatly fierce Bodhisattva and magnificence Yi and the others all dies, falling deep pool sword has not returned to the present, feared by the accident/surprise. 现在,孙炎那小子还活着,那小尼姑也未抢到,反而是大勇猛菩萨、正华夷等人俱死,陷渊剑豪到现在也未归来,怕是遭了意外。 With several rumors, sees only the Moroccan clouds crown prince rapid flight to come, met with them. 随着几道风声,只见摩霄太子疾飞而来,与他们会合。 Boyen knits the brows: Why will have this mistake? How golden flower will Empress rush to here?” 文博延皱眉道:“为什么会出现这种差错?金华帝姬怎么会跑到这里来?” The Moroccan clouds crown prince light say/way of: Our fell into a trap, we were mistaken that golden flower Empress still sways on next, making Kua Fu revering and thousand machine gates main sets up the mechanism/organization trap in eight virtue ponds, now looks like, when the opposite party does not know, has seen through day of authority Xingzhu is our people, in turn uses day of authority Xingzhu to mislead us. Thousand machine gates main set up the mechanism/organization trap to become the action of futile effort in eight virtue ponds, instead let us, because fanned out in two groups, created this rout.” 摩霄太子淡淡的道:“我们中计了,我们误以为金华帝姬还在下一层晃荡,让夸父尊者和千机门主在八德池设下机关陷阱,现在看来,对方不知何时,已经识破天权星主是我们的人,反过来利用天权星主误导我们。千机门主在八德池设下机关陷阱成了徒劳之举,反而让我们因为兵分两路,造成这场大败。” If Kua Fu revering sends people to heaven with thousand machines, as well as defends these people in eight virtue ponds, with them about in one, even if golden flower Empress commands troops to kill, the victory and defeat is also the difficult material, will not at least defeat such thoroughly. 如果夸父尊者与千机度人,以及守在八德池的那些人,与他们合在一处,就算金华帝姬率兵杀到,胜负亦是难料,至少不会败得这么彻底。 Boyen said: We first go to advocate peace Kua Fu revering meeting with thousand machine gates......” 文博延道:“我们先去与千机门主和夸父尊者会合……” Late!” Moroccan clouds crown prince cold snort/hum, I escape, apparent is not wonderful, rushes to eight virtue ponds, wish makes thousand machine gate lords continue to guard eight virtue ponds, cannot give support, finally to eight virtue ponds, discovered that eight virtue ponds have emptied, one group of invincible forces are entering from the lower level. I then nose, discovered that is in an institute, has trace that the transmission strategy leaves. If I have not guessed wrong, at that time had the person, using thousand machine gate main discovery is not right, supports our psychology eagerly, in they leave on eight virtue pond Ganlai roads which must be taken, supposes big, Kua Fu revering with thousand machine gates main only feared that has astrayed the strategy, was scattered to other places.” “迟了!”摩霄太子冷哼一声,“我一逃出,便知不妙,赶往八德池,想要让千机门主继续驻守八德池,不可前来支援,结果到了八德池,发现八德池已空,有一批天兵正从下层进入。我回头查探,发现在一种所在,有传送阵法留下来的痕迹。如果我没有猜错,当时有人,利用千机门主发现情况不对,急于支援我们的心理,在他们离开八德池赶来的必经之路上,设下大阵,夸父尊者与千机门主只怕已经误入阵法,被打散到其它地方去了。” Boyen complexion changes: Thousand machines send people to heaven as the inorganic all trades lords, with his knowledge, in addition strength of Kua Fu revering, even if there is a strategy ambush, they are still insufficient unable to see, broken can not......” 文博延脸色微变:“千机度人身为无机门门主,以他的学识,加上夸父尊者的实力,就算有阵法埋伏,他们也不至于看不出,破不得……” The Moroccan clouds crown prince crosses the hands behind the back to sneer: Common strategy, naturally cannot stump them, world this solitary one vast that but if Wang of Immortal World three Chinese, supposes personally, actually how?” 摩霄太子负手冷笑:“寻常阵法,自然是难不住他们,但若是仙界三老中的‘王公’,亲自设下的天地孤渺阵,却又如何?” Boyen changes countenance: Even did Wang arrive?” 文博延动容:“连‘王公’都到了?” The Moroccan clouds crown prince light say/way of: Should say, luckily the one who arrives is the nobility! So the important matter, the Immortal World three Chinese, must have one person to assume Heavenly Court, a person keeps outside the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, plans the army, a person enters the wonderful camptotheca acuminata. Now looks like, the one who enters the wonderful camptotheca acuminata is the nobility, the one who assumes personal command to mix the desert world is Jin, the one who remains behind Immortal World is yellow the woman. Although the nobilities are three old one, but is in itself only the immortal boundary, now Kua Fu main is scattered by him with thousand machine gates, what if comes is fire god wishes friendly Jin, they feared that is one do not want to live.” 摩霄太子淡淡的道:“应该说,幸好到的是王公!如此大事,仙界三老中,必有一人坐镇天庭,一人留在妙喜树外,统筹大军,一人进入妙喜树。现在看来,进入妙喜树的是王公,坐镇混漠世界的是金公,留守仙界的是黄婆。王公虽是三老之一,但本身只是仙人境,现在夸父与千机门主只是被他打散,如果进来的是本为‘火神’祝融的金公,他们怕是一个都别想活。” Say/Way that Boyen has doubts: But they know suddenly, day authority Xing is our people? Before then they know nothing obviously!” 文博延疑惑的道:“但是他们怎么会突然知道,天权星是我们的人?在此之前他们明明一无所知!” The Moroccan clouds crown prince murderous aura imposingly: That naturally is because...... among us has the traitor within!” 摩霄太子杀气凛然:“那自然是因为……我们之间有内奸!” Turns around slowly, looks to the article being drunk Xuan: „Does drunk Xuan miss...... you feel?” 缓缓转身,看向文醉萱:“醉萱姑娘……你觉得呢?” Boyen gets angry: My daughter is impossible to betray us!” 文博延怒道:“我女儿怎么也不可能出卖我们!” The Moroccan clouds crown prince is staring at writing Zuixuan, sneers saying: Premise is, she is really your daughter! You said that...... seals the beautiful miss?” 摩霄太子盯着文醉萱,冷笑道:“前提是,她真的是你女儿!你说呢……封美姑娘?” ...... ……
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