MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#913: „Intimate younger sister” lotus lotus?

The powerful enemies eliminate, strives the Bodhisattva to enter the enemy ranks greatly directly, sweeps away all obstacles. However, the ground is turning round as before the bloody water, still many corpse demons emitted from the blood, as if forever does not have a end. 强敌一除,大精进菩萨直接杀入敌阵,所向披靡。然而,地面依旧覆着血水,仍有许多尸魔从血中冒出,仿佛永远没个尽头。 Actually listens to one immeasurable thousand light, broken, actually two Bodhisattvas, after following closely the thunder clouds departs, the side has 12 medicine forks to protect along with. Two Bodhisattva disperse the sunlight, a loose next month light, the livelihood takes turn, Fokuang shines, bloodshed everywhere will drive back forcefully, these two, pharmacist Tathagata about coerces to wait on the sunlight to spread spreads the photo Bodhisattva according to the Bodhisattva and moonlight, called the sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva. 却听一声“无量千光,普破冥暗”,却有两位菩萨,紧随雷云之后飞出,身边有十二名药叉护随。两位菩萨一个散出日光,一个散出月光,日月交替,佛光普照,硬生生将满地的血海逼退,这两位,正是药师如来的左右胁侍日光遍照菩萨与月光遍照菩萨,又称日光菩萨、月光菩萨。 The sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva are brothers , before is the Eastern net colored glaze world pharmacist Tathagata achieves Buddhahood two sons, under the protections of net colored glaze world 12 medicine forks, they display Fokuang together, such as the day such as the moon/month, synthesized immeasurable thousand light, under Fokuang shone, the bloody water retreated, the corpse demon is unable to regenerate, the gifted general had, if the tsunami were ordinary, by the easily accomplished potential, is destroying front the remaining corpse demons. 日光菩萨与月光菩萨乃是兄弟,亦是东方净琉璃世界药师如来成佛前的两个儿子,在净琉璃世界十二药叉的保护下,两人一同施展佛光,如日如月,合成“无量千光”,佛光普照之下,血水退走,尸魔无法再生,天兵天将有若海啸一般,以摧枯拉朽之势,摧毁着面前剩下的尸魔。 qi demons in broken high three demon were involved to kill, meets a cruel death directly, the Moroccan clouds crown prince connects Yaoyao Empress Ru Yi Bang several moves, does not dare to prolong contact, two, breaks the Xun trigram demon and illustrious crime demon to fly to escape with Yin to go. They lead the person also to defeat in abundance escape, how are the gifted generals willing so to let off them? Chases down crazily, leaves behind numerous corpses along the way. 破亢三魔中的一炁魔被卷入杀阵,直接粉身碎骨,摩霄太子连接瑶瑶帝姬如意金箍棒数招,不敢恋战,与阴名二、破巽魔、昭罪魔飞逃而去。他们所带之人亦纷纷败逃,众天兵天将又怎肯就这般放过他们?疯狂追杀,沿途留下众多尸体。 Brother Sun!” A young girl departs from the void crack, is actually Du Xiangxiang. “孙大哥!”一个少女从虚空裂缝中飞出,却是杜香香 ...... …… *** *** At the same time. 同一时间。 The inorganic all trades main thousand machines send people to heaven, lead the inorganic disciple, goes toward the seven treasures woods direction rapid flight. 无机门门主千机度人,带着无机门弟子,往七宝树林方向疾飞而去。 In them behind, breaks an arm, on the right arm is entangling two yellow snake giant, closely follows they. The giants grasp gold/metal blade, within the body is flowing the dark-red blood, each drop of blood fills has, if incantation resentful general hatred angry , this giant is also lending the ominous aura. 在他们身后,一名断去一臂,右臂上缠着两只黄蛇的巨人,紧紧的跟着他们。巨人手持金刀,体内流动着暗红色的血液,每一滴血液都充满着有若咒怨一般的怨毒所愤怒,连带着,这巨人也散发着不祥的气息。 Thousand machine sending people to heaven complexions are cloudy, he brings Kua Fu and entire inorganic gate, sets up the numerous mechanisms/organizations in eight virtue ponds, the intention intercepts golden flower Empress with the gifted general who she leads, during according to their original deductions, golden flower Empress will fall into them to plan surely. Has not actually thought, golden flower Empress had discovered unexpectedly they place the traitor within in gifted general, at this moment crosses eight virtue ponds, cuts the mysterious channel with the universe blade, crosses eight virtue ponds directly. 千机度人脸色阴沉,他原是带着夸父与整个无机门,在八德池设下重重机关,意图拦截金华帝姬与她所率的天兵天将,按他们原先的推演,金华帝姬必定会落入他们算计之中。却没有想到,金华帝姬竟已发现了他们安插在天兵天将之中的内奸,此刻更是越过八德池,以太虚刀斩出神秘通道,直接越过八德池。 As the matter stands, they and Kua Fu were instead flung by golden flower Empress after behind, the front Moroccan clouds crown prince and Boyen, magnificence Yi, greatly fierce Bodhisattva and the others instead become the danger. 这样一来,他们与夸父反被金华帝姬甩在身后,前方的摩霄太子、文博延、正华夷、大勇猛菩萨等人反而变得危险。 Must lead Kua Fu, hurries to the support , helping one another Moroccan clouds crown prince and the others to capture the seven treasures woods...... thousand machine sending people to heaven scopes presently the color of Yin offense. 一定要带着夸父,赶去支援,相助摩霄太子等人攻下七宝树林……千机度人面现阴戾之色。 , They all stopped suddenly. 忽的,他们全都停了下来。 Sees only in their front, when does not know, blocks a giant stone, on the stone is sitting an old man. The old man shape type is old, wears the bamboo coolie hat, wears grass suo, in the hand takes a long fishing pole, the fishing pole to them, anhydrous is without fish obviously, he actually resembles to be carefree and content, without the fish anhydrous place brings on oneself Clarks. 只见在他们的前方,不知何时,阻着一块巨石,石上又坐着一位老翁。那老翁形样苍老,头戴竹笠,身披草簑,手中拿着一根长长的钓竿,钓竿正对着他们,明明无水无鱼,他却似悠然自得,于无鱼无水处自取其乐。 Thousand machine sending people to heaven eyes narrow the eyes, in this season, this institute is , the fishing old man will keep off in their front unexpectedly, is really somewhat strange. He flies there, the mechanism/organization arm shouted whistling the rotation: This old seniors are......” 千机度人眼睛一眯,在这种时节,这种所在,竟然会有一个垂钓老翁挡在他们前方,实在是有些怪异。他飞在那里,机关手臂呼呼呼的转动:“这位老前辈是……” The fishing old man grasps the bamboo pole, the bamboo pole is extremely long, presents curve slightly, the silk thread of bamboo pole head straight is letting fall. He sits there, inundates the sound to recite: Originally is Panxi hangs the bamboo pole old man, on the clear imperial edict assigns/life to seal/confer Xianzhi ; Donghua lifts the Xihua lord, sat fishes the universe day rabbit.” 垂钓老翁手持竹竿,竹竿极长,呈现出微微的弯曲,竿头的丝线笔直的垂落着。他坐在那里,漫声吟道:“本是磻溪垂竿翁,上清敕命封仙职;东华升举西华主,坐钓乾坤日月精。” Thousand machine sending people to heaven brow tight wrinkles, suddenly remembers one person, sneers saying: Nobility?” 千机度人眉头紧皱,忽的想起一人,冷笑道:“王公?” The fishing old man said: Old man?” 垂钓老者道:“正是老夫?” Unexpectedly is Immortal World three old a nobility? Others completely all change countenance. Thousand machines send people to heaven are actually continue to sneer: As far as I know, although and called three old, but during three were old, the strength of senior was actually weakest, by the present is just the immortal boundary, has not broken through to True Person, but depends on the miracle drug, lives now.” 竟然是仙界“三老”之一的王公?其他人尽皆动容。千机度人却是继续冷笑:“据我所知,虽然并称三老,但三老之中,前辈的实力却是最弱,到现在都只不过是仙人境,从未曾突破至真人,不过是靠着仙丹妙药,活到现在。” Fishes Anda: Old man lacks the strength to truss up a chicken, does not kill the chicken, the body is of no help firm long, cannot put the sheep, is useless, can only fish.” 垂钓老翁道:“老夫手无缚鸡之力,杀不得鸡,身无补牢之长,放不得羊,最是无用,只能钓鱼。” Thousand machines send people to heaven cold snort/hum: Here does not have the fish!” 千机度人冷哼一声:“此处无鱼!” The fishing old man sighed: Here does not have the fish, why you can make in this water the fish?” 垂钓老翁叹道:“此处既无鱼,尔等何必非要来做这水中之鱼?” Thousand machines send people to heaven to sneer saying: Here does not have the water!” 千机度人冷笑道:“这里也没有水!” Fishing old humanity: High and low vicissitude inverts, what Lao wastes time the horizon ; Lead flying snow wave mercury revolutions, main road popular heaven! Here anhydrous, this is the good deed, the sea of bitterness which knows no bounds, repents and is saved!” 垂钓老人道:“上下浮沉颠倒间,何劳蹉跎遍天涯;铅飞雪浪流珠转,大道流行遍上天!此处无水,这是好事,苦海无边,回头是岸!” Kua Fu angrily roars, does not need thousand machines to send people to heaven with this old man continues to speak, gets angry vertical on, flies high, giant gold/metal Daozhan to the fishing old man, must under the big stone him and body cuts the meat together half. The fishing old man sighed: This...... hoping takes the hook!” The bamboo pole flings, the entire world looked like stagnated generally, vertical arrived at Kua Fu in midair, the entire body is reducing, as if oneself sent to toward the hook of that fishing pole. 夸父怒吼一声,不待千机度人与这老者继续说话,怒纵而上,凌空之间,巨大金刀斩向垂钓老翁,要将他与身下大石一同斩成肉半。垂钓老翁叹道:“此正是……愿者上钓!”竹竿一甩,整个天地就像是凝滞了一般,纵到半空中的夸父,整个身子都在缩小,仿佛自己往那钓竿的钩头送去。 Thousand machine sending people to heaven complexion big changes, the flying on, the mechanism/organization arm rumbles to explode the shell unreliably, the bang to the nobility. The nobilities touch the nose, sneezes., The bead turns the wave to roll suddenly, as if had the inexhaustible sea to rise, sent people to heaven, the inorganic all trades numerous to submerge Kua Fu, thousand machines. The appearance of the water rises extremely quickly, falling is extremely also quick, suddenly, the fishing old man sits above the giant stone as before, in his front, is actually the nobody left...... 千机度人脸色大变,飞身而上,机关手臂轰出玄爆炮弹,轰向王公。王公摸摸鼻子,打了个喷嚏。忽的,珠翻浪滚,仿佛有无穷无尽的大海升了起来,将夸父、千机度人、无机门门众全都淹没。水势升得极快,降得也极快,骤然间,垂钓老翁依旧坐在巨石之上,在他的前方,却已是空无一人…… ...... …… *** *** Although Yaoyao Empress leads the sunlight Bodhisattva and moonlight Bodhisattva, to strive the Bodhisattva, fragrant Fairy Maiden and thunder to fight two gifted generals to kill greatly promptly, but Sun Yan does not have the happy expression. 虽然瑶瑶帝姬率着日光菩萨、月光菩萨、大精进菩萨、香香仙子、雷斗二部天兵天将及时杀到,但是孙炎却是全无喜色。 He rides to catch fire chi, outside the rapid flight toward the battlefield goes, because only, lotus lotus and deep that direction. Although depends on the mind to feel, he knows deep is also living, but their two people rectify conduct to be in the danger, he worried that oneself saves them without enough time. 他骑着火螭,往战场之外疾飞而去,只因为,莲莲与冥儿正在那个方向。虽然靠着心灵感觉,他知道冥儿还活着,但是她们两人正身处在危险之中,他担心自己来不及救她们。 The fire chi speed is extremely fast, in an instant crossed several mountains, arrives at a Yanfeng. 火螭速度极快,刹那间翻过了几座山,来到一处岩峰。 Then he noticed that lotus lotus stands there, the falling deep pool sword kneels to bend down boldly before her body, cries loudly. 然后他就看到莲莲立在那里,陷渊剑豪跪伏在她的身前,放声大哭。 Deep sits in lotus lotus behind, feels the head, looked received some wounds, but had been cured by lotus lotus. 冥儿坐在莲莲身后,摸着脑袋,看上去原本受了一些伤,不过已经被莲莲治好。 lotus lotus is drawing the falling deep pool sword bold big palm, flows out the tears unconsciously: Although you are very pitiful, but carelessly the murder is incorrect. Must live for own swordsmanship, but you must live for yourself, happy lives is being most important, why can be so laborious? Why must such tired......” bird say several hundred characters. 莲莲拉着陷渊剑豪的大掌,不觉也流出泪来:“虽然你很可怜,但是胡乱杀人是不对的。要为自己的剑道活着,可你也要为你自己活着啊,开开心心的活着才是最重要的,为什么要这么辛苦?为什么要这么累……”鸟雀般的说了数百字。 Sun Yan thought, is it possible that lotus lotus is the intimate elder sister in legend...... is not, is the intimate younger sister? 孙炎心想,莲莲莫非就是传说中的知心姐姐……不是,是知心妹妹? The falling deep pool sword bold sound yowled: I made a mistake, I know that I really made a mistake! I persist errors in the swordsmanship, completely had actually forgotten oneself comes to study the sword for anything. I had forgotten initially protected small and weakly, protects that heart of family member, originally I had deviated my swordsmanship, until now, I know that originally I am such a good person.” 陷渊剑豪放声恸哭:“我错了,我知道我真的错了!我执迷于剑道,却已经完全忘记了自己到底是为了什么才来学剑。我早已经忘掉了当初保护弱小,保护家人的那一颗心,原来我早就已经偏离了自己的剑道,直到现在,我才知道原来我是一个这么善良的人。” lotus lotus draws him saying: Doesn't matter, I know you, I understand you. I have long known that you are a good person!” 莲莲拉着他道:“没有关系,还有我知道你,还有我了解你。我早就知道你是一个善良的人!” Unexpectedly some people understand themselves, even far must understand itself, the falling deep pool sword is moved boldly in a complete mess, he cried: Miss felt relieved, from now on I thoroughly rectify misdeeds surely, does not kill a human life absurdly, this is my these years studies an institute about in «Four-dimensional Sword Spectrum» that the same place creates, for it, I do not know that killed many innocent person, I leave the miss it, the miss give to the person of benevolence it, uses it in the correct path, can offset my passing some sins!” 居然有人这么了解自己,甚至远比自己还要了解自己,陷渊剑豪感动得一塌糊涂,他失声痛哭:“姑娘放心,从今往后我必定痛改前非,再也不妄杀一条人命,这是我这些年来将一身所学合在一起创出来的《四维剑谱》,为了它,我不知杀了多少无辜之人,我就把它留给姑娘,姑娘将它送给有善心之人,把它用在正道上,也可以抵销我过往的一些罪孽!” Leaves behind a sword spectrum, cries to go, remembers oneself these year of institutes to do the wicked matter on the way, double is hand-held a cliff, hits by the head hardly three, Sun Yan almost suspected that he must study the labor to hit the mountain dead. 留下一本剑谱,大哭而去,途中想起自己这些年所做恶事,双手扶着一处断崖,以脑袋硬撞三下,以至于孙炎差点怀疑他要学共工撞山而死。 ...... ……
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