MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#912: The reinforcements rush

Breaks the Xun trigram demon to sneer saying: Recognizes us unexpectedly?” 破巽魔冷笑道:“竟然认得我们?” According to crime Demonic Path: A little experiences!” 照罪魔道:“有点见识!” Three demons also make a move, three groups of demon air/Qi, assume the marvelous sight respectively, sweeps across from three directions. Sun Yan does not want with their dogfight, the vertical dragon rapid flight, the direct impact high place, another side, the sword of cold ice to raid together air-splitting, what making a move is nine curves ice Sky Sword sends leader magnificence Yi, the hidden place also has the void faint vibration, with the feeling, he knows immediately, is moment god Yin two. 三魔同时出手,三团魔气,各呈奇观,从三个方向席卷而来。孙炎不想与他们缠斗,纵龙疾飞,直冲高处,另一边,一道寒冰之剑破空袭来,出手的正是九曲冰天剑派掌门正华夷,暗处又有虚空隐隐振动,凭着感觉,他马上知道,是分阴神主阴名二。 Sun Yan sets up the knowledge, oneself are one of the people main objectives. 孙炎立知,自己是这些人的主要目标之一。 In an instant, he by Yin counter Yang Wei, walks randomly between the time and time, grasps the surrounding situation. 刹那间,他以“阴逆阳违”,在时间与时间之间游走,把握住周围形势。 The broken high three demons have flushed along with him, breaks demon air/Qi tearing of Xun trigram demon to be void, has the innumerable turbulent flows, the demon air/Qi of illustrious crime demon has, if the shackles, lock his internal energy faintly, demon air/Qi qi of qi demon transforms, strange changeable, the coordination between these three demons are extremely tacit, does not make him have the opportunity that withdraws to run away. 破亢三魔已经随他冲起,破巽魔的魔气撕裂虚空,生出无数涡流,昭罪魔的魔气有若枷锁,隐隐锁定他的气机,一炁魔的魔气一炁幻化,诡异多变,这三魔之间的配合极是默契,根本不让他有脱身逃走的机会。 Let alone also has the magnificence Yi upfront to raid, and Yin two hidden places hide. 更何况还有正华夷的正面袭来,以及阴名二的暗处潜藏。 Even if Remote Antiquity True Person, falls to this aspect can still be said as must die without doubt, only if there is Yaoyao Empress like that diamond not bad skill, but he naturally does not have the indestructible body. 就算是太上真人,落到这种局面也可以说是必死无疑,除非是有瑶瑶帝姬那般金刚不坏的本事,而他当然没有金刚不坏之身。 Meanwhile, he sees, one group compared with the broken high three demon more powerful demon air/Qi, pinches the extremely heavy potential to charge into star Yi, the demon air/Qi is billowing, is a youth who wears the royal crown. So astonishing demon air/Qi, he only saw in two people in the past, one is Emperor martial Yumo, one is attached to Luo Ling demon sovereign ni. Therefore, in an instant, he then understands, this person is martial Yumo the Emperor Cao Hong heaven son rubs clouds. 与此同时,他更看到,一团比破亢三魔更加强大的魔气,挟着万钧之势冲向星奕,魔气滚滚,内中乃是一个戴着王冠的青年。如此惊人的魔气,以往他只在两人身上看到,一个是武狱魔帝,一个是附在骆玲身上的魔皇婗。于是,刹那之间,他便明白过来,此人便是武狱魔帝曹洪天之子摩霄。 star Yi's magical powers, mostly assist the nature, in these diamond arhats, the strength is far from strongly, can make clouds crown prince make a move unexpectedly personally? 星奕的神通,大多是辅助性质,在这些金刚罗汉中,实力谈不上强,竟然要让摩霄太子亲自出手? Sun Yan understands immediately the intention of opposite party...... catches star Yi, robbed to cover the day sword. 孙炎立时明白了对方的意图……擒住星奕,抢夺掩日剑。 Forces or the control is skilled in legal community is void star Yi, with had the covering day sword of effect of broken again, can decode the star Yi's master cobalt to print the Grandmaster the void legal community of around the seven treasures woods supposing. 逼迫或者控制精通“法界虚空”的星奕,再拿上拥有破界之效的掩日剑,便可破解星奕的师父钴印大师在七宝树林周围设下的虚空法界。 star Yi is not the opponent of Moroccan clouds crown prince, is captured surely. 星奕绝不是摩霄太子的对手,必定被擒。 Sun Yan are unable to cope with Yin two, magnificence Yi, to break the Xun trigram demons, the illustrious crime demons and qi demon these five big experts simultaneously. Not to mention the black cherry elder sister forbids him to use the strength of real dragon in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, even if he wants to use, in this case, still has used the Spiritual God clone without enough time, becomes fire cloud Xieshen! 孙炎自己更无法同时对付阴名二、正华夷、破巽魔、昭罪魔、一炁魔这五大高手。且不说黑樱姐禁止他在妙喜树内使用真龙之力,就算他想用,在这种情况下,也已经来不及使用神灵分身,变成“火云邪神”! He must die without doubt. 他已经是必死无疑。 But he actually takes out a flag fast, with the wind an show/unfolds. Then is whiz, his whole person changes to the dust particle, is at the direction that to escape to empty toward star Yi to go. 但他却快速取出一旗,随风一展。紧接着便是“嗖”的一声,他整个人化作微尘,朝星奕所在的方向遁空而去。 Brushes two, with is one group explodes. First two are strikes the demon air/Qi of spatial breaking Xun trigram demon and illustrious crime demon, sends out rupturing magnificence Yi sword of the ice certainly, the sword blade vibrates, loudly deafening sound. Two air/Qi swords, under an imaginary technique of qi demon, split ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, the brilliant multi- colors, the might was big to curl many war monks, however Sun Yan had left their attack range. 刷刷两声,跟着又是一团爆裂。前两声乃是击空的破巽魔和昭罪魔的魔气,发出爆裂的则是正华夷的绝冰之剑,剑身振动,轰然震响。两气一剑,在一炁魔的幻术下,绽出万丈光芒,绚烂多彩,威力大得将众多战僧都卷了进去,然而孙炎早已脱出了他们的攻击范围。 Moment god Yin two come presently in void, he planned, if Sun Yan really can evade magnificence Yi and broken high three demons fatal strikes, with making up the blade, making Sun Yan have not fresh. Finally he has not acted with enough time, only saw that Sun Yan protects in a volume of pennant, changes to a thin rainbow light with the dragon, flees directly, immediately changes countenance: jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag?!” 分阴神主阴名二在虚空中现出身来,他本是打算,万一孙炎真能躲过正华夷和破亢三魔的致命一击,就跟着补刀,让孙炎有死无生。结果他根本还没来得及出手,只看到孙炎在一面小旗的卷护下,连人带龙化作一道细长虹光,直接遁走,立时动容:“玉清微尘遁空旗?!” magnificence Yi, the broken high three demon complexions follow change...... even in front of Golden Immortal, directly can flee jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag? 正华夷、破亢三魔脸色跟着一变……就算是在金仙面前,都可以直接遁走的“玉清微尘遁空旗”? The moment god line of sight sweeps off fast, is one sneers: Courts death!” 分阴神主视线快速扫去,又是一声冷笑:“找死!” Bang! The demon air/Qi explodes, shakes the giant stone quarry. 轰!魔气爆裂,震出巨大石坑。 Actually originally, Sun Yan depends on jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag, although can escape to go immediately, but star Yi braves hardships and dangers, keeps him from so walking away, runs away toward star Yi unexpectedly, acts instantly, holds star Yi. 却原来,孙炎靠着“玉清微尘遁空旗”虽能立时远遁而去,但是星奕涉险,却让他无法就这般一走了之,竟是往星奕遁去,刹那出手,抓住星奕。 Sun Yan acts, then escapes from dust particle the effect leaves, the Moroccan clouds crown prince melts grasps for the palm, a palm rumbles to him. Although depends on that as if to twist time general mysterious giving up study, Sun Yan led star Yi to leave the attack of Moroccan clouds crown prince, but Sun Yan acts, the jade clear dust particle escaping spatial flag also lost the function, but this magical treasure was also ordinary with day seal, the use must gather the energy each time. 孙炎一出手,便从“微尘遁”的效果中脱出,摩霄太子化抓为掌,一掌向他轰来。虽然靠着那仿佛能够扭曲时间一般的神秘绝学,孙炎带着星奕脱出了摩霄太子的攻击,但孙炎出了手,玉清微尘遁空旗也就失了作用,而这法宝又与番天印一般,每次使用都要重新聚集能量。 As the matter stands, Sun Yan that can run away obviously, remained for liberator Yi, therefore Yin two said him courting death! 这样一来,明明能够逃走的孙炎,却为了救星奕而留了下来,故而阴名二说他“找死”! A Moroccan clouds crown prince palm strikes spatially, the ground explodes the gulf, the stone splashing place, splashes the high place, changed to the essence just, four fought the monk to clash, must intercept him, he held the strength to sweep away, bang, the demon air/Qi ruptured, four fought the monk to explode, fell on the ground, hashed meat to become Gang. 摩霄太子一掌击空,地面炸出深坑,土石溅处,溅到高处,化作精刚,四名战僧冲了上来,要将他截住,他掌力横扫,轰的一声,魔气爆裂,四名战僧全都炸了开来,落在地上,碎肉成钢。 Sun Yan knew in the heart of Moroccan clouds crown prince gives up study, in the hearsay does not lose in your father, is the expert of Demonic Path five emperors rank. 孙炎心知,摩霄太子的一身绝学,传闻中丝毫不输于乃父,乃是魔道五帝级别的高手。 The greatly fierce Bodhisattva and Yin two, magnificence Yi, the broken high three demons also all are the powerful enemies, their side Juenan flatters, therefore he leads star Yi then to draw back. star Yi both hands gather, the void jump, withdraws the demon air/Qi of demon clouds crown prince to sweep away reluctantly., Another side distant place, transmits a girl to call out in alarm suddenly, in the heart of Sun Yan also in simultaneously, has the sense of crisis. 大勇猛菩萨、阴名二、正华夷、破亢三魔也全都是强敌,他们这一方绝难讨好,于是他带着星奕便退。星奕双手一合,虚空跳跃,勉强脱开魔霄太子的魔气横扫。忽的,另一边的远处,传来一声女孩惊叫,孙炎的心中亦在同时,生出危机感。 He stands knows this is lotus lotus and deep is in danger, however pulls out goes shortly, everywhere is the corpse demons, although depends on among the feeling with deep, knows their approximate positions, but is unable to see them to have an accident. 他立知这是莲莲和冥儿遇险,然而抽眼看去,到处都是尸魔,虽然靠着与冥儿之间的感觉,知道她们大致的方位,但根本无法看到她们出了什么事。 In heart anxious, suddenly is unable unexpectedly...... 心中焦急,一时间竟是无法…… *** *** Sun Yan only knows oneself and star Yi becomes the priority target of enemy, has not thought, lotus lotus also similarly is the main objective of opposite party. 孙炎只知道自己和星奕成为了敌人的首要目标,却怎么也没有想到,莲莲也同样是对方的主要目标。 He does not certainly know, he analyzed not wrong, the enemy plans from the beginning, indeed planned that rushes to outside them the seven treasures woods, after the seven treasures woods open, then launches the attack. But the opposite party dropped the original plan , because the Moroccan clouds crown prince saw lotus lotus, he did not plan that makes lotus lotus enter the seven treasures woods, making her have the opportunity of escaping. 他当然更不知道,他原本的判断并没有错,敌人一开始的计划,的确是打算把他们赶到七宝树林外,等七宝树林开启后,再发动攻击。而对方之所以放弃了原定的计划,就是因为摩霄太子看到了莲莲,他不打算让莲莲入七宝树林,让她有逃脱的机会。 The attackers of enemy side start, lotus lotus and deep, are facing falling deep pool sword bold chasing down immediately, side them, mainly does not have many battle efficiencies day females, immediately is in danger. Nine nether world phoenix speeds fast, know wonderfully, do not follow the crowd day of girls'school to leave immediately, beyond the illness/quick toward the circle escapes, however falling deep pool sword chases down in them behind, foot treads void, sends out bang bang bang the deafening sound, every step triggers the void disruption, is not unexpectedly slow in nine nether world phoenixes. 敌方的攻击方一发动,莲莲与冥儿,马上就面临着陷渊剑豪的追杀,她们身边,又主要都是没有多少战斗力的天女,立时遇险。九幽冥凤速度飞快,知道不妙,立时从众天女中脱出,往圈外疾逃,然而陷渊剑豪在她们身后追杀,脚踏虚空,发出嘭嘭嘭的震响,每一步都引发虚空碎裂,竟是一点也不慢于九幽冥凤。 The girl and deep phoenix, as well as behind chasing down escape pursue, far away from battlefield. The deep phoenix is actually not able to get rid of the falling deep pool sword to be bold, in wonderful camptotheca acuminata, does not have line or the stellar lines may shuttle back and forth for it. 女孩与冥凤,以及身后的追杀者一逃一追,远离战场。冥凤却是始终无法摆脱陷渊剑豪,妙喜树内,又没有维线又或星线可供它穿梭。 , The falling deep pool sword bold sword air/Qi flings suddenly, the fierce sword air/Qi illness/quick bang comes, nine nether world phoenixes are sideways anxiously anxiously, the sword air/Qi sweeps its wing, deep phoenix miserable snort/hum, plants slantingly, hits on a stone column, turns into the girl appearance, is painful rolls up on the ground. lotus lotus from also follows to plant on the ground, miserable snort/hum. In them behind, the falling deep pool sword bold 32 illness/quick flee on, a sword cuts to lotus lotus, the place of sword falling, light/only exudes azure, although his sword cuts on the girl, is startled girl both hands to cover anxiously, is an effect all does not have, probably what holds is only one group of cotton makes the toy blade that does not have the strength. 忽的,陷渊剑豪剑气一甩,狂烈剑气疾轰而来,九幽冥凤急急侧身,剑气扫中它的翅膀,冥凤惨哼一声,斜栽而下,撞在一根石柱上,变成女孩模样,痛得在地上蜷缩。莲莲自也跟着栽在地上,惨哼一声。在她们身后,陷渊剑豪三两步疾窜而上,一剑斩向莲莲,剑落之处,青光泛起,他这一剑虽然斩在女孩身上,亦惊得女孩双手急掩,却是一点效果皆无,就好像自己持的只是一团棉花所制的玩具刀,全无力道。 Falling deep pool sword bold cold snort/hum, knew in the heart that the Moroccan clouds crown prince has not really spoken incorrectly, although he does not use the sword air/Qi, but he holds the treasured sword, is the profound cold iron makes, itself brings profound qi, so long as has the attack that profound qi and demon air/Qi and astral are mad, will stimulate the protection of air/Qi of this girl azure spirit heart and kidney automatically, cannot injure this girl. Therefore, he moves the big stone in side, holds up high, aims at the girl forehead. Air/Qi even without any astral, is only his own strength, enough pounds the brain fluid to blossom this girl. 陷渊剑豪冷哼一声,心知摩霄太子果然没有说错,他虽已不用剑气,但他所持宝剑,乃是玄寒铁所制,本身就带着玄气,只要是带着玄气、魔气、罡气的攻击,都会自动激发这个女孩青灵少阴之气的保护,根本伤不到这个女孩。于是,他在旁边搬起大石,高高举起,对准女孩脑门。就算不用任何罡气,单凭他自己的力气,也足够将这女孩砸得脑浆开花。 He lowers the head fiercely, the big stone must pound down, actually sees the girl to stand there, raised the head, the miserable appearance, makes him for a while tenderhearted unexpectedly. However he has the feelings quickly hardly, then must with be battered to death this girl vigorously, the girl is actually gaining ground, visits him, say/way gently: „Do you...... know Ainley?” 他猛一低头,大石就要砸下,却见女孩立在那里,抬起头来,楚楚可怜的样子,竟让他一时心软。然而他很快就硬起心肠,便要用大力将这女孩砸死,女孩却是抬着头,看着他,轻轻的道:“你……知道安利吗?” The falling deep pool sword is bold: „?” 陷渊剑豪:“啊?” ...... …… *** *** Under Sun Yan general Yi holds from the Moroccan clouds crown prince rescues, brings her rapid flight. 孙炎将星奕从摩霄太子掌下救出,带着她疾飞。 The chi dragon flings in him behind suddenly, the blowout closes the dark candle Yin fire, the raging flames, is actually the frozen day ties. 螭龙在他身后骤然一甩,喷出瞑晦烛阴之火,烈焰腾腾,却是冻天结地。 Moroccan clouds crown prince cold snort/hum, both hands toward the place empty racket, fine steel raise a layer upon layer, restrains by force to go toward the chi dragon. The Sun Yan spin body wields a sword, bang, to cover the day sword just to crush the essence. 摩霄太子冷哼一声,双手往地虚拍,一层层精钢升起,往螭龙强压而去。孙炎旋身挥剑,轰的一声,以掩日剑将精刚击碎。 Another side, the greatly fierce Bodhisattva has executed many people continually, the side is completely the corpse, the steps goes forward, kills to cardinal virtue and day female. Another side, Yin two, magnificence Yi, the broken high three demon also illness/quick pursue to come, the oath must kill Sun Yan, seizes star Yi. 另一边,大勇猛菩萨已是连毙多人,身边尽是尸体,踏步上前,杀向诸位大德与天女。另一边,阴名二、正华夷、破亢三魔亦疾追而来,誓要杀死孙炎,擒下星奕。 Sun Yan knew in the heart, at this moment oneself can escape with star Yi has been not easy, has saved these cardinal virtue eminent monk and day female without enough time. 孙炎心知,此刻自己与星奕能够逃出已属不易,更已是来不及救下这些大德高僧和天女。 These cardinal virtue eminent monks have also known, this time must die, unexpectedly is in turn, leaps taking advantage of Fokuang, keeps off before them, wants opportunity that gives them to create to run away. However the demon clouds crown prince speed is too fast, to/clashes a booklet, crosses these cardinal virtue eminent monks unexpectedly, kills toward Sun Yan. Sun Yan cannot compel oneself, general Yi will throw in the future, shouts: You first walk!” Rides to catch fire chi, toward the Moroccan clouds crown prince tail-dive on, covered the day fire sharp sword to brush to make noise, in addition chi dragon the fire of Yin candle. With bang one, by the energy of Moroccan clouds crown prince, was also shaken unexpectedly draws back several feet, for all that Sun Yan and chi dragon actually does not feel better very much, throws backward draws back. 这些大德高僧亦已知道,此番必死,竟是反过来,借着佛光腾起,挡在他们面前,想要给他们制造逃走的机会。然而魔霄太子速度实在太快,一冲一折,竟是越过这些大德高僧,往孙炎杀来。孙炎迫不得己,将星奕往后一抛,喝道:“你先走!”骑着火螭,往摩霄太子倒冲而上,掩日火尖剑刷刷作响,再加上螭龙的阴烛之火。随着嘭的一声,以摩霄太子之能,竟也被震退数丈,虽然如此,孙炎与螭龙却也很不好受,向后抛退。 Corpse demon chaotic dance, group murder. Saw, the greatly fierce Bodhisattva must enter cardinal virtue and between the day females, Sun Yan is also helpless, now he is unable to defend oneself, is unable to rescue them. 尸魔乱舞,群凶杀至。眼看着,大勇猛菩萨已经要杀入众大德与众天女之间,孙炎亦是无奈,现在他自身难保,根本无法解救他们。 However during at this moment, is dim, suddenly transmits a thunderclap deafening sound , pulls open the giant gap void, the land was being torn. 然而就在这时,昏暗之中,突然传来霹雳般的一声震响,紧接着,虚空拉开巨大的缺口,连带着大地都被撕裂。 Sun Yan has not seen the big monk, the void gap that from pulls open suddenly the illness/quick jumps, grasped the alone cobalt halberd to intercept the greatly fierce Bodhisattva, the monk's staff and alone cobalt halberd in a short time then intersected over a hundred times, every struck shakes the day to open the cracks in the earth, none blooms in the focus that two people strength bumped into, bang the deafening sound, made the people shunt. 一个孙炎不曾见过的大和尚,从突然拉开的虚空缺口中疾跳而出,手持独钴戟截住大勇猛菩萨,禅杖与独钴戟在极短的时间里便相交了上百次,每一击都震得天开地裂,一道道精光在两人力量相撞的焦点绽放,轰隆震响,令得众人侧避。 Can this monk actually shake with the greatly fierce Bodhisattva directly hardly? Sun Yan from surprised, nearby day female had called out pleasantly surprised: Strives the Bodhisattva greatly!” 这和尚竟然能够跟大勇猛菩萨正面硬撼?孙炎正自惊疑,旁边一名天女已是惊喜叫道:“大精进菩萨!” Strives the Bodhisattva greatly, said that strives Bodhisattva bravely, with the greatly fierce Bodhisattva together, posts for the Buddhism fights the monk most. And, greatly fierce Bodhisattva secret signal strict rapid diamond, in Buddhism brave pineapple first ; Strives Bodhisattva secret signal not to draw back diamond greatly, in Buddhism strength pineapple first. 大精进菩萨,又称“勇精进菩萨”,与大勇猛菩萨一同,并列为佛门最强战僧。其中,大勇猛菩萨密号“严迅金刚”,佛门之中勇波罗密第一;大精进菩萨密号“不退金刚”,佛门之中力波罗密第一。 Both are the Bodhisattvas, appears is actually the diamond. When flatter chu Tathagata falls from the sky, the greatly fierce Bodhisattva receives to fill the air in Abelow proposes world the influence of chaos vicious tendencies, degenerates into the dark Bodhisattva, strives the Bodhisattva actually not to raise the world in Abelow greatly, lucky escaping. 两者都是菩萨,现出的却都是金刚相。阿閦如来陨落之时,大勇猛菩萨受到弥漫在阿比罗提世界的混沌戾气的影响,沦为暗菩萨,大精进菩萨却不在阿比罗提世界,幸运的逃过一劫。 Two assume the diamond the Bodhisattva is evenly matched, fights gloomily, projects on Heaven from the ground, hits void bang bang makes noise. 两位呈金刚相的菩萨势均力敌,直战得地暗天昏,从地上打到天上,直打得虚空嘭嘭作响。 Spatially why without goes to strive the Bodhisattva to appear greatly here, slanting above, the Moroccan clouds crown prince and magnificence Yi are air-splitting. A Moroccan clouds crown prince, Sun Yan is being hard enemy he, adds on magnificence Yi let alone, at this moment wants to keep off to be incapable, wants to draw back inorganic, from danger. Brush! Long golden light, actually flings from void of tearing, simultaneously flings to the Moroccan clouds crown prince and magnificence Yi! 没有空去想大精进菩萨为什么会出现在这里,斜上方,摩霄太子、正华夷已经是破空而来。一个摩霄太子,孙炎已经是难以敌他,更何况还加上一个正华夷,此刻欲挡无力,欲退无机,正自危险之中。刷!一道长长的金光,却从撕裂的虚空中甩出,同时甩向摩霄太子与正华夷! Golden cudgel? The Moroccan clouds crown prince and magnificence Yi do not know in the heart wonderfully, immediately backward vertical. In the void crack, a petite young girl carried the Ru Yi Bang vertical, said with a smile tenderly: Golden boy 1st, did you rush to here?” Vertical goes forward, the golden cudgel towards rubs clouds crown prince pounds randomly. In her behind, some large numbers of gifted generals depart, a group of people, have, if the tide suppresses generally is killing these corpse demons and enemies, Sun Yan sees them obviously, they actually as if do not exist general, along counter all kills along killing. Meanwhile, after thunder clouds, sends first , the volume arrives at the front, cloud array tumbles, will appear large numbers of lei bu soldiers, will protect various cardinal virtue and various Tiannv. 金箍棒?摩霄太子、正华夷心知不妙,立时向后纵起。虚空裂缝中,一个娇小的少女扛着如意金箍棒纵了出来,娇笑道:“金童一号,你怎么也跑到这里了?”纵上前去,金箍棒朝摩霄太子乱砸。在她身后,更有大批天兵天将飞出,其中一批人,有若潮水一般剿杀着那些尸魔和敌人,孙炎明明看到他们,他们却又仿佛不存在一般,正是顺逆皆杀中的“顺杀”。与此同时,一阵雷云后发先至,卷到前方,云阵翻滚,现出大批雷部兵将,将诸大德、诸天女护住。 Sun Yan and cardinal virtue and day females from breaking out of crisis, behind them star Yi has actually been in danger. Actually is Yin two flickers to transfer to side star Yi directly, grasps toward her. 孙炎与大德、天女们方自摆脱危机,他们后边的星奕却已遇险。却是阴名二直接瞬移到星奕身边,往她抓来。 Bang! Together strong supernatural power actually at this time, crazy bang northward two. Yin two anger snort/hum , he if catches this young nun, this strong supernatural power will then hit him, therefore he has to receive the hand fast, jumps, avoids this supernatural power, a group of gifted generals go toward the homicide, forcing him to flicker to move to the distant place. 轰!一道强大神力却在这时,狂轰向阴名二。阴名二怒哼一声,他要是去抓这小尼姑,这股强大神力便会将他击中,于是他不得不快速收手,纵身而起,躲避这股神力,一批天兵天将朝他杀去,迫使他不得不瞬移至远处。 Although star Yi was out of the danger, actually also frightens loses color, falls downward. A form flew, catches her. She looks startled, what sees only catches her is a youngster who wears the armor, drove back Yin by the strength of powerful town/subdues broken day a moment ago two, saves her, is this youngster. 星奕虽然摆脱了危险,却也吓得面无血色,往下掉去。一个身影飞了过来,将她接住。她惊慌看去,只见将她接住的乃是一个身穿盔甲的少年,刚才以强大的镇地破天之力逼退阴名二,救下她的,就是这个少年。 The youngster hug by the princess, hugs this pretty young nun in the bosom, lowers the head looks like: little master too, are you all right?” 少年以公主抱,将这俏丽的小尼姑抱在怀中,低头看来:“小师太,你没事吧?” star Yi cheek slightly red: „, Hasn't been all right...... the donor is?” 星奕脸蛋微红:“没、没事……施主是?” The youngster are smiling: My Nedong Yue Saburo, swings Crown Prince to become, may I ask little master too name in religion?” 少年微笑着:“本人乃东岳三郎、荡成太子,敢问小师太法号?” I called...... the star!” “我叫……星星!” Yaoyao Empress rushes with the gifted general who she leads promptly, a Moroccan clouds crown prince side retreats in defeat again and again. 瑶瑶帝姬与她所率的天兵天将及时赶到,摩霄太子一方节节败退。 Bang, a thunder will run upon magnificence Yi directly, the fight of thunder and ice, triggered bunch of ice flower blasting open, the electric light flashes through together, magnificence Yi spouts the blood, vertical figure, wants to borrow the sword to escape to flee, one batch along killing such as the tornado have curled generally, the cold blade completes an assignment, along killing has curled the place, he is torn to pieces, planted directly, is sent the disciple by these nine curves ice Sky Sword that he brings, is dying dies the remnant remnants. “轰”的一声,一名雷将直接撞上了正华夷,雷与冰的交手,引发了一团团的冰花炸裂,紧接着又是一道电光闪过,正华夷喷出鲜血,纵起身形,想要借剑遁遁走,一批顺杀早已如旋风一般卷过,寒刃交卷,“顺杀”卷过之处,他已支离破碎,直接栽了下去,被他带来的那些九曲冰天剑派弟子,更是死的死残的残。 While this opportunity, Sun Yan anxious vertical, offers a sacrifice to day seal to pound ruthlessly, will be striven the big fierce Bodhisattva who the Bodhisattva ties down to pound the head to blossom greatly, bloody water to explode the powder...... 趁着这个机会,孙炎急纵而起,祭出番天印狠狠一砸,将被大精进菩萨缠住的大勇猛菩萨砸得脑袋开花、血水爆散…… ...... ……
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