MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#911: Absolutely do not speak to her

The black cherry moonlight changes countenance: Where this news you from must come, but really?” 黑樱月华动容:“这个消息你是从哪得来的,可真?” Sun Yan said: Should not be false!” 孙炎道:“应该不假!” The black cherry moonlight said: If, that Yaoyao they have not arrived in eight virtue ponds no wonder! When wonderful camptotheca acuminata livelihood, related day partially is depends on day of authority Xingzhu to survey, if he gets up to some tricks in the technique number, the position will also be following to make a mistake. The romance under his intentional jamming, Yaoyao they even has the possibility instead to leave eight virtue ponds to be getting more and more far. This matter I must completely inform them!” Cherishes one toward him but actually. 黑樱月华道:“如果是真的,那就难怪瑶瑶他们还没有到达八德池!妙喜树内日月,有关天时的部分是靠着天权星主来测算,若他在术数上做些手脚,连带着方位也会跟着出错。言情在他的有意干扰下,瑶瑶他们甚至有可能反离八德池越来越远。此事我必须要尽通知他们!”往他怀中一倒。 Sun Yan said: Black cherry elder sister? Black cherry elder sister?” The girl had rested in his bosom. 孙炎道:“黑樱姐?黑樱姐?”女孩已经在他的怀中睡了过去。 Sun Yan: „......” Do not walk! You have not told me, what making me take to bring in lotus lotus must make? Wants her first this again that? Wants her first that again this? Or this while that? 孙炎:“……”不要走得这么啊!你还没有告诉我,让我把莲莲带进来到底是要做什么啊?是要把她先这个再那个呢?还是要把她先那个再这个?要不就一边这个一边那个? ...... …… In wilderness. 旷野之中。 Several fight the monk to lead one group of day females to run, is pursuing large quantities of corpse demons. 几名战僧带着一群天女奔跑,身后追着大批尸魔。 Seeing with own eyes, the female must then be caught up by the corpse demon for serveral days, dragon Yifeng drops from the clouds suddenly, the chi dragon puts out the dense cold fire, the phoenix pair of claws shows the gray crime air/Qi. 眼见着,这些天女便要被尸魔追上,忽有一龙一凤从天而降,螭龙吐出森森寒火,凤凰双爪透出灰色罪气。 dragon Yifeng acts in harmony, fire chi spits the breath, freezes the corpse demon, the deep phoenix, pair of claws is the hard and huge bone body ripped open the corpse demon air-splitting directly, makes his broken to become Suigu. These corpse demons want to kill to them, but the candle chill/yin cold fire of chi dragon has regional , is their difficult adversaries, before long, killed them unexpectedly most probably, the remaining corpse demons as if are under some order to be the same, disperses instantly. 一龙一凤配合默契,火螭吐息,冻住尸魔,冥凤破空而下,双爪直接将尸魔本是坚硬和庞大的骨身撕开,令其碎成碎骨。那些尸魔想要向它们杀来,但是螭龙的烛阴寒火却是有范围性的,又正好是它们的克星,不一会儿,竟将它们杀了大半,剩下的尸魔仿佛得到某种命令一般,一哄而散。 A youngster led a girl to fall. And fought the monk to recognize this once in eight virtue ponds with the youngster who he and companion fought side-by-side, said: Originally is Donor Sun!” 紧接着,一名少年带着一个女孩落了下来。其中一名战僧认出这名曾在八德池与他和同伴并肩作战的少年,道:“原来是孙施主!” Sun Yan asked: „Can you have to see the star...... the star?” 孙炎问道:“你们可有看到星……星?” That fights the Buddhist monks and Daoist priests: „When we escape from eight virtue ponds, is then separate with the star young Junior Sister, but obtains her news now, hears her in the front accumulation separate people, but these evil spirit pursue too sharply, Donor Sun rushes luckily promptly, otherwise we feared that is defeated in this.” 那名战僧道:“我们逃出八德池时,便与星星小师妹失散,不过现在已经得到了她的消息,听闻她正在前方聚集失散的众人,只是这些妖魔追得太急,幸好孙施主及时赶到,否则我们怕是覆没于此。” Sun Yan said: I and you go together.” Hugs the deep phoenix to conduct the back lotus lotus. Oneself bring to catch fire chi, fights the monk with these, leading the day females to proceed to hurry to together, on the way. He turns head, in the heart has doubts, ponders saying: These corpse demons are somewhat strange!” 孙炎道:“我与你们一同前去。”把莲莲抱到冥凤背上。自己带着火螭,与这几名战僧,带着天女们一起往前赶去,途中。他回过头来,心中疑惑,忖道:“这些尸魔有些古怪!” Resembles so, marched on a road of big regulation, on the way with the cardinal virtue and day female meeting that in several batch of eight virtue ponds escapes. The crowd gathers gradually. A young nun flew, pleasantly surprised say/way: Brother Sun?!” 似这般,赶了一大程的路,途中又与几批八德池中逃出来的大德、天女会合。人群渐渐聚集。一个小尼姑飞了过来,惊喜的道:“孙大哥?!” Sun Yan also relaxes: Star Yi, you are all right well!” 孙炎亦是松了口气:“星奕,你没事就好!” The star Yi young nun said low-spirited: But the buddhist prints the Senior Brother he......” 星奕小尼姑黯然道:“但是梵印师兄他……” Sun Yan knew in the heart, in this case, the sacrifice is the law evades , can only comfort her. On the other hand, raises a series of disasters of the world after Abelow, star Yi now indeed is maturer, that before liked with the young obscene monk who the clairvoyant peeping female student takes a bath and goes to bathroom before, finally the exuviate turned into one to have the courage to have the young nun of acting...... 孙炎心知,在这种情况下,牺牲已经是法避,也只能安慰一下她。话又说回来,经过阿比罗提世界的这一连串劫难,星奕现在的确是比以前成熟了许多,以前那个喜欢用天眼通偷看女生洗澡、上厕所的小淫僧,终于蜕变成了一个有勇气有担当的小尼姑…… An arhat flew. Said: Star Junior Sister, matter cannot be delayed, we hurry to leave here.” 一名罗汉飞了过来。道:“星星师妹,事不宜迟,我们赶紧离开这里。” The star Yi young nun said: Un!” Flies the front, getting everyone to go. 星奕小尼姑道:“嗯!”飞到前方,领着大家前去。 Side Sun Yan, that arhat looks at the background of young nun, the say/way of sigh: Although studies is the same magical powers, the star Junior Sister compared with her Elder Brother, had the responsibility to be many, felt that did not seem like the brother and sister.” 孙炎身边,那名罗汉看着小尼姑的背景,感叹的道:“虽然学的都是一样的神通,星星师妹比起她的那个哥哥,却是有责任得多了,感觉根本就不像是兄妹。” ...... You do not know indeed star is star Yi? 呃……敢情你们不知道“星星”就是“星奕”啊? He looked at one toward the rear area, sees only these to escape from eight virtue ponds. The broken eminent monk and day females have gathered one, as together star Yi toward leading the way, in the heart moves, rides the chi dragon to fly the front: Star...... star! Perhaps the enemies are the ignores we gather intentionally!” 他往后方看了一眼,只见那些从八德池逃出的。残破的高僧、天女都已经聚集到了一处,一同随着星奕往前行去,心中一动,骑着螭龙飞到前方:“星……星!敌人恐怕是故意放任我们聚集在一起!” The star Yi young nun said in a low voice: Brother Sun. Your meaning is......” 星奕小尼姑低声道:“孙大哥。你的意思是……” Sun Yan said: They want to make us lead them to look for the seven treasures tree!” Chasing down of these corpse demons, think now, is really some strange, on the one hand, will fall the person in behind compels extremely tightly, on the other hand. Can use obviously well, the alternation circuitous method, the Buddhist priest and day that female division and slaughter these escape from eight virtue ponds, these people actually have not actually done this, but assumes the potential of semicircle to encircle from the rear area, their goals, the Buddhist priest and day female who are to compel to gather these to escape gather obviously, making star Yi and the others the law put them not to manage. 孙炎道:“他们想让我们带他们去找七宝树!”那些尸魔的追杀,现在想一想,实在是一些古怪,一方面,将落在后头的人逼得极紧,另一方面。明明可以采用好的、穿插迂回的手段,将这些逃出八德池的僧人和天女分割、屠杀,却那些人却没有这样做,而是从后方呈半圆之势围剿,他们的目的,显然就是要迫聚这些逃亡的僧人、天女聚集在一起,让星奕等人法放着他们不管。 star Yi small nun complexion is somewhat pale: Around the seven treasures tree has the void legal community that my master supposes, except for me with a few fellow apprentices, without many people can find it.” 星奕小尼姑脸色有些苍白:“七宝树周围有我师父设下的虚空法界,除了我和少数几位师兄,没有多少人能够将它找到。” Sun Yan said: It seems like they have not known that the exact location of seven treasures tree...... , no, they will catch up with toward here us, might be had found the position of seven treasures tree, but does not want to spend the time to decode, therefore caught up with toward the seven treasures tree you, when the seven treasures tree opened admitted you, they planned that started the general attack while opening of seven treasures tree, captured the seven treasures tree at one fell swoop!” He has known, the star Yi's master cobalt prints the Grandmaster, is actually legal community void conceals in five big void concealed Bodhisattvas, when knows around the seven treasures tree supposed legal community void conceals legal community to be void, the plan of enemy, naturally also surfaced. 孙炎道:“看来他们还不知道七宝树的具体位置……唔,不,他们会将我们往这边赶,也有可能是已经找到了七宝树的位置,但是不想花时间破解,所以把你们往七宝树赶,在七宝树打开接纳你们的时候,他们打算趁着七宝树的开发动总攻,一举攻入七宝树!”他早已知晓,星奕的师父钴印大师,其实就是五大虚空藏菩萨中的法界虚空藏,在知道七宝树周围设下了法界虚空藏的“法界虚空”的时候,敌人的计划,自然也就浮出了水面。 Although the enemy has the broken day crime air/Qi, can decode with ease the virtue protects the Bodhisattva eight protects Fokuang, but the broken day crime air/Qi broken resulted in Fokuang, breaking legal community was void, but in the enemy hand was very possible not to cover the day sword and universe blade type can broken and broken empty the almighty troops, therefore wanted the cardinal virtue eminent monk and day female who used these to escape from eight virtue ponds to make the bait, forcing the seven treasures tree to open. 虽然敌人拥有破天罪气,能够轻松破解掉贤护菩萨的“八护佛光”,但破天罪气破得了佛光,破不了“法界虚空”,而敌人手中很可能没有掩日剑和太虚刀这种能够“破界”、“破虚”的神兵,所以想要利用这些逃出八德池的大德高僧、天女作饵,迫使七宝树打开。 Obviously, as soon as they arrived at the seven treasures tree, the enemy will lead the corpse demon to start to slaughter, by that time, seven treasures tree, if did not open, can only look that here everyone died, if opened, the enemy had the opportunity to seize the chance to enter the seven treasures tree. 显然,一等他们到了七宝树,敌人就会率着尸魔开始屠杀,到那时,七宝树要是不打开,就只能看着这里所有人死去,要是打开,那敌人就有机会趁机杀入七宝树。 The star Yi young nun is pale: Brother Sun, what to do should we?” Her law is putting everyone, no matter, but continues to go to the seven treasures tree, will unable to do well will make the seven treasures tree have the danger. 星奕小尼姑脸色苍白:“孙大哥,我们该怎么办?”她法放着大家不管,但继续前往七宝树,搞不好就会让七宝树也有危险。 Sun Yan said: Does not have too many means that can only continue to proceed!” The opposite party have this approach, can say, clearly knows their ideas, method that is difficult to deal with, or actually the opposite party does not fear them to discover, only if they really can put these strength self-preservation cardinal virtue and day female no matter, whatever these cardinal virtue and day female were slaughtered by the enemy. 孙炎道:“没有太多办法,只能继续往前!”对方有这种做法,可以说,让人明知道他们的主意,都难有应对的手段,或者说,其实对方根本就不怕他们发现,除非他们真的能够放着这些力自保的大德和天女不管,任由这些大德和天女被敌人屠杀。 He continues saying: „The only means that can only make in the team have the person who the ability fights, ahead of time is ready that must die. When the seven treasures tree opens, making them bring up the rear at risk of life, is always keeping off the enemy, until seven treasures tree closure. However as the matter stands. The person who these bring up the rear, basically the person can live.” 他继续道:“唯一的办法,就只能让队伍中有能力战斗的人,提前做好必死的准备。当七宝树打开的时候,让他们拼死断后,始终挡着敌人,直至七宝树关闭。但是这样一来。这些断后的人,基本上人能活。” star Yi clenches teeth saying: I knew, I will remain, brings up the rear with Senior Brother together, my void legal community. Could add on them......” 星奕咬牙道:“我知道了,我会留下来,跟诸位师兄一起断后,我的虚空法界。或许能够帮上他们……” Sun Yan said: Since this, after I will also remain .” 孙炎道:“既然这样,我也会留在后。” star Yi said: But......” 星奕道:“可是……” Sun Yan said: You could rest assured that in my hand has same magical treasure, so long as insisted that the seven treasures tree closure, escapes and no issue.” No matter how said, star Yi is also his little brother...... the Little Sister, his law puts her not to manage. 孙炎道:“你放心,我手中有一样法宝,只要坚持到七宝树关闭,逃出去并没有什么问题。”不管怎么说,星奕也是他的小弟……小妹,他法放着她不管。 Has talked after star Yi, star Yi informs these diamond and war monk, he looks for lotus lotus, prepares to make lotus lotus open after the seven treasures tree. With deep together, enters the seven treasures tree with these cardinal virtue and day female. Although in the hand hides is saving a life magical treasure, but since is remains to bring up the rear, after saving a life magical treasure also can only keep the seven treasures tree heavy closure, can use, but can insist that everyone enters the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, was still an unknown. 与星奕谈完话后,星奕去通知那些金刚、战僧,他则去找莲莲,准备让莲莲在七宝树打开后。与冥儿一同,跟着这些大德和天女进入七宝树。虽然手中藏着救命法宝,但既然是留下来断后,救命法宝也只能留到七宝树重关闭后才能使用,而能不能坚持到所有人都进入妙喜树,也仍然是个未知数。 Will plan to tell lotus the lotus and deep, deep phoenix then startled say/way: Master Elder Brother, I must with you in together......” 将计划告诉莲莲和冥儿,冥凤回头惊道:“主人哥哥,我要跟你在一起……” Sun Yan said: Obedient, I will not have the matter.” 孙炎道:“听话,我不会有事的。” ...... …… Rear distant place, in dense fog. High place. 后方远处,迷雾之中。高处。 Rides the dragon the youngster with while the picture that the young girl of phoenix talked, presented by the image of illusion. 骑龙的少年与乘凤的少女交谈的画面,以幻象的形象呈现出来。 After youth both hands lost/carrying, looks at that to ride the phoenix girl, the face suddenly presently being astonished color: How is this girl...... she can here?” 一个青年双手负后,看着那乘凤女孩,脸庞忽现讶色:“这丫头是……她怎么会在这里?” Boyen and moment god and magnificence Yi and others. Side that youth, their attention on Sun Yan, to the seemingly delicate girl, too many attention, have not heard this youth to see that girl at this moment, startled is astonished. Cannot help but looks one. Moment god main road: Crown prince, who is this girl?” 文博延与分阴神主、正华夷等。在那青年身边,他们的注意力都在孙炎身上,对看上去柔柔弱弱的女孩,并没有太多的注意,此刻听到这青年看着那女孩,既惊且讶。不由得对望一眼。分阴神主道:“太子,这丫头是谁?” This youth, is actually martial Yumo the Emperor Cao Hong heaven son rubs clouds crown prince. 这青年,却是武狱魔帝曹洪天之子摩霄太子。 The Moroccan clouds crown prince lowers the sound, said four characters gently. 摩霄太子压低声音,轻轻的说了四字。 Do Boyen and Yin two change countenance simultaneously...... unexpectedly are she? 文博延与阴名二同时动容……竟然是她? They have not thought that this girl unexpectedly here, moreover unexpectedly with Sun Yan this brat in the same place. 他们怎么也没有想到,这个女孩竟然会在这里,而且居然是跟孙炎这臭小子在一起。 Demon clouds Prince Edward Road: Must ruin the Buddha golden body, must enter the top layer and this world of wonderful camptotheca acuminata void to be. Can mount there person, very few, this girl exactly is one of them, although does not know how she will appear in this place, no matter what, may not make her live, to guard to have the unexpected change.” 魔霄太子道:“要毁掉佛祖金身,必须要进入妙喜树的顶层、此世界虚空之所在。能够登上那里的人,少之又少,这丫头恰恰是其中之一,虽然不知道她怎么会出现在这种地方,但不管怎样,都不可让她活着,以防生出意外变化。” Moment god main road: But so gets down again, she feared that will enter in the seven treasures tree!” 分阴神主道:“但是再这般下去,她怕是会进入七宝树中!” Moroccan clouds Prince Edward Road: Such being the case, we begin now!” 摩霄太子道:“既然如此,我们就现在动手!” Boyen said: But this and our plans are somewhat different!” 文博延道:“但这与我们的计划有些不同!” Say/Way that the moment god coldly: Hinder! Covered the day sword on Sun Yan that boy, in addition, that young nun named star, was the apprentice in legal community void conceals, so long as killed Sun Yan, snatched covered the day sword, seized that young nun again, compelling her to guide, the selfenergy entered the seven treasures woods.” Also looks to the lotus lotus in illusion: Is only, this girl skill somewhat is probably strange, I once triggered the explosion in her side, now looks like, resembles has not caused a damage to her? Is it possible that does she have the indestructible body?” 分阴神主冷冷的道:“妨!掩日剑在孙炎那小子身上,此外,那个叫星星的小尼姑,乃是法界虚空藏的徒弟,只要杀了孙炎,抢了掩日剑,再擒下那小尼姑,逼着她带路,自能进入七宝树林。”又看向幻象中的莲莲:“只是,这丫头本事好像有些古怪,我曾在她身边引发爆炸,现在看来,似是没有给她造成一点伤害?莫非,她也有金刚不坏之身?” Moroccan clouds Prince Edward Road: No, unlike Immortal World Empress, she does not have the indestructible body. But the air/Qi of her report/give Qingling heart and kidney lives, has the equally strange ability, any belt/bring profound qi and attack of astral air/Qi and demon air/Qi, she is affecting to, on a blade, if brings profound qi, cuts on her body, her guard cyanogen will start automatically, that is can counter-balance ten thousand laws the mysterious strengths, but if only ordinary, does not have any unusual strength, too nature level strikes, instead can injure to her. Also therefore, she was not fearing that any killing incurs, but must kill her, average person ordinary strikes, enough!” 摩霄太子道:“不,跟仙界帝姬不同,她并没有金刚不坏之身。但她禀青灵少阴之气而生,有一样奇怪的能力,任何带着玄气、罡气、魔气的攻击,对上她都作用,一把刀上,若是带着玄气,斩在她的身上,她的护身青气就会自动发动,那是能够抵消万法的神秘力量,但如果只是普普通通、不带任何超凡力量的,太质层面的一击,反而能够伤到她。也正因此,她不怕任何的杀招,但要杀她,普通人的普通一击,也都够了!” The moment god and Boyen, magnificence Yi and others were astonished saying: Unexpectedly such matter?” Must know, regarding has not studied any mortal of immortal technique magic arts, can see and contacts, is only the surfaces too nature, too nature does not contain any profound qi, therefore, has not been leading a pious life the mortal, uses profound qi on law and other unusual strengths, but all practicing, first step is contact outer space, in saves the Shinno air/Qi in outer space. Air-to-air profound, in the outer space, then has massive profound qi. 分阴神主、文博延、正华夷等讶道:“竟然还有这样的事?”需知,对于没有学过任何仙术道法的凡人,能够看到的和接触到的,都只是表面的“太质”,“太质”中不含任何玄气,也正因此,未曾修行过的凡人,就法使用玄气等任何超凡的力量,而所有的修行,第一步便是接触“太空”,在“太空”之中存神纳气。空空玄玄,太空之中,便存在着大量玄气 Including outer space law contact, but is the ordinary mortal, even if official apprentice in the gate, can contact outer space, uses profound qi. 连“太空”都法接触的,只不过是普通的凡人,哪怕是道门中的入门弟子,也能够接触“太空”,使用玄气 But any technique law and rune/symbol Lu, magical treasure, is high boundary astral is even mad with profound qi related, the level that can contact is deeper , indicating that practicing and magical powers of that person are higher. 而任何术法、符录、法宝,也都跟玄气甚至是高境界的罡气有关,能够接触到的层面越深,表示那个人的修行和神通越高。 In the fight of immortal and demon, no one will fight like the mortal general, honest, does not lead any profound qi and astral air/Qi and demon air/Qi. From this point, this girl doubts is extremely powerful, because she was equal to that did not fear any almighty troops magical treasure, did not fear killing of any immortal demon incurs. However in turn, she also for small and weak, so long as is ordinary, does not have any unusual strength, too nature level strikes can massacre her, this is signifying, even if has not studied any magic arts, the ordinary mortal, takes the kitchen knife still to be able easily to massacre her. 在仙与魔的战斗中,谁也不会像凡人打架一般,老老实实的,不带任何玄气、罡气、魔气。从这一点来说,这个女孩疑是极其强大的,因为她等于是不怕任何的神兵法宝、不怕任何仙魔的杀招。但是反过来,她也是为弱小的,只要是普普通通,不带任何超凡力量的、太质层面的一击就能够杀掉她,这意谓着就算是一个没有学过任何道法的,普通的凡人,拿着菜刀也能够轻易的杀掉她。 This type violated the strange things of immortals, demons and Buddha three cognition, will appear in world unexpectedly, is really makes them unable to think through truth. 这种完违背了仙、魔、佛三道的认知的古怪事情,竟然会出现在世间,实在是让他们怎么也想不通其中道理。 Boyen sneers saying: In other words, must kill her, is actually simple, does not use any strength, is a simple blade detachment good?” 文博延冷笑道:“也就是说,要杀她,其实简单得很,不使用任何力量,简简单单的一刀劈去就好?” Moroccan clouds Prince Edward Road: Good! However also a little, must pay attention ten million/countless, that is, absolutely...... do not speak to her!” 摩霄太子道:“不错!但是还有一点,千万要注意,那就是,绝对……不要跟她说话!” The moment god knits the brows: Why is this?” 分阴神主皱眉:“这又是为什么?” Moroccan clouds Prince Edward Road: Why do not ask, in brief, must kill her, must the blade cut the mess, do not speak with her, good to listen do not listen...... 摩霄太子道:“不要问为什么,总之,要杀她,就必须刀斩乱麻,千万不要和她说话,好连听都不要听……。” In them behind, the falling deep pool sword goes forward boldly slowly, murderous aura such as the cold wind to wither general and powerful: I go!” The short two characters, as if then have been doomed the end of that girl life, are many a character is the idle talk. 在他们身后,陷渊剑豪缓缓上前,杀气如寒风一般、强大而肃杀:“我去!”短短的两个字,仿佛便已经注定了那个女孩性命的终结,再多一字都是废话。 The moment god and Boyen, magnificence Yi and others looked one...... to have this person, certainly issue! 分阴神主、文博延、正华夷等对望一眼……有此人在,绝问题! Sun Yan and star Yi, several arhats and various diamond, the war monks are protecting the cardinal virtue and day females hurry to the seven treasures woods direction. 孙炎与星奕、数名罗汉、诸金刚、众战僧护着大德与天女们往七宝树林方向赶去。 , The under ground starts to emit massive blood blisters suddenly. 忽的,下方地面开始冒出大量血泡。 Bad!” In Sun Yan heart one startled, here has not arrived at the seven treasures woods, he has not thought, the enemy will start to attack unexpectedly here. Oneself judgment to the enemy actually makes a mistake? “糟了!”孙炎心中一惊,这里还没有到七宝树林,他怎么也没有想到,敌人竟然会在这里开始攻击。自己对敌人的判断竟然出错? Counts the corpse demon to jump out from the place bottom, some enemies kill from the rear area. Then is bang, a person delimits to empty to come, to fall to the people center, the monk's staff sweeps randomly, is the greatly fierce Bodhisattva. The only several arhats go forward at risk of life, block the greatly fierce Bodhisattva, after various diamond and various Zhanseng anxious abruption, lets the cardinal virtue and day females rushes to the front. 数尸魔从地底窜出,又有敌人从后方杀来。紧接着便是“嘭”的一声,一人划空而来,落至众人中央,禅杖乱扫,正是大勇猛菩萨。仅有的几名罗汉拼死上前,挡住大勇猛菩萨,诸金刚、诸战僧急急断后,让大德与天女们赶往前方。 Sun Yan was sincere to cover the day sword, coordinated candle Yin fire chi, added up totals only the corpse demon continually, here, the side brushed, three demons dropped from the clouds, surrounded him. 孙炎挚出掩日剑,配合烛阴火螭,连杀数只尸魔,就在这里,身边刷刷刷,三只魔头从天而降,将他围住。 His cold say/way: Breaks the Xun trigram demon, the illustrious crime demon and a qi demon?” Unexpectedly is under the Moroccan clouds crown prince place the broken high three demons? 他冷然道:“破巽魔、昭罪魔、一炁魔?”竟是摩霄太子座下破亢三魔? [ Because is not good to partition, today only then chapters of these 4000 characters!] [因为不好分段,今天只有这4000字的一章!] ...... To be continued. ……未完待续。
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