MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#910: pioneer/monarch Nvechao wind

Sun Yan is hugging lotus lotus horizontally, is riding the chi dragon, the proceeding rapid flight. 孙炎横抱着莲莲,骑着螭龙,往前疾飞。 Sleepy and deficiency deep in his behind, tight is holding his waist. 又困又乏的冥儿在他的身后,紧紧的抱着他的腰。 Remembered the situation, Sun Yan asks: „Did lotus lotus, what you make a moment ago?” 想起刚才的情形,孙炎问道:“莲莲,你刚才做了什么?” lotus lotus wear bound the Daoist robes of three circles as before, both hands about harassing in the chest front, said: They want to kill us, therefore I with them, am reasonable good because of everyone actually am a good person. You know why that does hide the uncle to do the misdemeanor? Because he is young time, his master leads him to do the misdemeanor, actually he does not want to be the unprincipled person. That Uncle Chunyu, he is very pitiful, when he is young, the evil person killed his family member, he must revenge, studies with a teacher everywhere, revenges anything to be a willing worker for him, but also was the killer, killed is killing on be used to it, actually he was also very good, had......” 莲莲依旧穿着裹了三匝的道袍,双手合扰在胸前,说道:“他们想要杀我们,所以我跟他们讲道理啊,好在大家其实都是好人。你知道那位藏大叔为什么要做坏事吗?因为他小的时候,他的师父就带他做坏事,其实他也不想做坏人的。还有那位淳于大叔,他很可怜的,在他小的时候,恶人杀了他的家人,他要报仇,就到处拜师学艺,为他报仇什么事都肯做,还去做了杀手,杀着杀着就习惯了,其实他本来也是很善良的,还有还有……” Sun Yan thought, was reasonable? Was reasonable to them? 孙炎心想,讲道理?跟他们讲道理? This also? 这也可以? Wanted in eight virtue ponds, waits for Yaoyao Empress and fragrant arrival, has not thought that unexpectedly is the enemy first enters. The Sun Yan left hand hugs lotus lotus, the right hand is taking out the paper, looked at one quietly, what if on this paper said is real, person who that Yaoyao Empress and she leads, does not know when can rush. Moreover, star Yi does not know whether successful escaping, these Buddhist priests and day female. 原本想要在八德池中,等瑶瑶帝姬和香香到来,没有想到居然是敌人更先杀入。孙炎左手搂着莲莲,右手取出纸条,悄悄的看了一眼,如果这张纸条上说的是真的,那瑶瑶帝姬和她所带的人,也不知什么时候才能赶到。另外,星奕也不知道是否成功的逃脱,还有那些僧人和天女。 Regarding the Buddhism, practicing is basic, the magical powers are just the thing that to practice supplements, by having magical skill eminent monk, often has the astonishing knowledge in the Buddhist studies, does not have many methods of self-preservation to powerful enemy. Runs into the demon, usually can only protect by the diamond and arhat of Protector, but looks like Sun Yan this type to belong to a gate obviously, has Buddhism Protector this godhood person, main the responsibility in the Buddhism is also the protection cardinal virtue and Protector eliminates the demon. 对于佛门来说,修行才是根本,神通只不过是修行中附带的东西,是以有道行的高僧,往往在佛学上拥有惊人学识,对上强敌却没有多少自保的手段。遇到魔头,通常都只能靠护法的金刚、罗汉来保护,而像孙炎这种明明属于道门,却拥有“佛门护法”这一神职的人,在佛门中主要的职责也是保护大德、护法除魔。 Also therefore. Eight virtue ponds one broken, regarding these arhats, diamond and war monk, the first duty is the protection does not have the cardinal virtue eminent monk and day female of self-preservation ability leaves. Dies for Protector, is the responsibility of diamond and arhat, publicizing the Buddhist doctrine and salvation all living things is these eminent monk this matters of doing. This like in many gates. Saves the disciples of god department to work to a frazzle outside. The going all out subdue demons eliminate the demon, accumulates karmic virtue for the school, but acquired resources. Actually must these flip through the book to look at the Spiritual Treasure System equal division of standard with the faction in all day, even is the principal factor that the Spiritual Treasure System disciple first obtains, because on the development and prospect of entire school, the Spiritual Treasure System value actually saving the god department must be more important, after all pill of immortality and rune/symbol Lu development. The research and understanding about the world mystery, mostly depend on the Spiritual Treasure System immortal, if must analogy, almost makes the scientist of nuclear bomb, with using nuclear bomb the difference of soldier. 也正因此。八德池一破,对于那些罗汉、金刚、战僧来说,第一任务就是保护没有自保能力的大德高僧和天女离开。为护法而死,是金刚与罗汉的职责,宣扬佛法、救度众生才是那些高僧该做的事。这就像在许多道门。存神系的弟子在外头累死累活。拼命降妖除魔,为门派积累功德,但收集到的资源。却要与派中那些整天翻书看典的灵宝系平分,甚至是灵宝系的弟子优先取得的主因,因为就整个门派的发展和前景来说,灵宝系的价值其实比存神系还要更重要些,毕竟仙丹、符录的发展。对天地奥秘的研究和认识,大多都是靠着灵宝系的仙人,如果非要类比的话,差不多就是造出核弹的科学家,和使用核弹的军人的区别。 In Buddhism cardinal virtue, is equivalent to Spiritual Treasure System immortal in the gate, or is Mortal World scientist. Basically. All Bodhisattvas practice the Bodhisattva from cardinal virtue, first becomes fights the monk, diamond and Protector, then enters the step to become the Bodhisattva, the quantity are not quite many, basically strives the Bodhisattva, the greatly fierce Bodhisattva, is not spatial greatly sees the Bodhisattva and other. These by fighting the monk and diamond card result in the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, is stronger in various Bodhisattva strengths, the magical powers are more, but the position often is not high, in Abelow raises in the mutation in the world , is these magical powers is bigger, but practices the insufficient Bodhisattva, first cannot dominate, falls down the Bodhisattva throne, goes crazy to go crazy, degenerates into the dark Bodhisattva. 佛门中的“大德”,就相当于道门中的灵宝系仙人,又或者是人间界的“科学家”。基本上。所有的菩萨都是从“大德”修行成菩萨的,先成为战僧、金刚、护法,再进阶成菩萨的,数量并不太多,基本上就是大精进菩萨、大勇猛菩萨、不空见菩萨等少数几位。这些由战僧、金刚证得菩萨位的菩萨,在诸菩萨战力更强,神通更多,但地位往往不高,在阿比罗提世界的异变中,也是这些神通更大、但是修行不足的菩萨,最先把持不住,跌下菩萨宝座,发疯发狂,沦为暗菩萨。 „A day in the Buddhism, similarly is also a Bodhisattva, but this Bodhisattva position, has become one of the Immortal World fruit positions, in name this fruit position was still the Buddhism, but in fact, because already with Immortal World fights this godhood merge, by, in the person by Immortal World has held the post. “摩利支天”在佛门中,同样也是菩萨,不过这个菩萨位,已经成为了仙界的果位之一,名义上这一果位仍然属于佛门,但实际上,因为已经跟仙界的“斗姆”这一神职合并,是以,已是由仙界中人来担任。 Sun Yan knew in the heart, the star Yi's duty is to protect these cardinal virtue and day female, goes to the seven treasures tree, pitifully where he does not only know the position of seven treasures tree, suddenly , can only not have fly chaotic flies, matter that can do, only then first is far away from the broken through eight virtue ponds. 孙炎心知,星奕的任务是保护那些大德和天女,前往七宝树,只可惜他并不知道七宝树的位置在哪里,一时间,也就只能没头苍蝇般的乱飞,所能做的事,也就只有先远离被攻破的八德池。 How must be able to find Yaoyao Empress and fragrant, as well as do these enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata the gifted general? 只是,现在到底要如何才能找到瑶瑶帝姬和香香,以及那些进入妙喜树的天兵天将? His headache...... 他一阵头疼…… After entering wonderful camptotheca acuminata, fights, experiences eight virtue ponds by the matter of breaking, although Sun Yan bodies of the five virtue, profound qi is self sufficient, actually also has the fatigue unavoidably, not to mention deep and young. lotus lotus seem like as before the energy full appearance, but she is fighting, could not add on too many busy, most of the time, is riding the dragon or sits the phoenix, was brought to take away. 自进入妙喜树后,一路战斗,又经历八德池被破之事,孙炎虽有五德之身,玄气自足,却也不免生出疲惫感,更不用说冥儿和雏儿。莲莲倒像是依旧精力十足的样子,不过她在战斗中,原本就帮不上太多的忙,大多数时候,也就是骑着龙又或坐着凤,被带来带去。 In the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, everywhere is the celestial mountain holy water, at this moment, these celestial mountain holy water as if are transforming general, gradually turns into the barren mountains and untamed rivers. 妙喜树内,原本到处都是仙山圣水,此刻,这些仙山圣水仿佛正在蜕变一般,逐渐变成穷山恶水。 Sun Yan looked for a pit hole of relative security, he a small stone system beast resembles, the town/subdues in cave entrance, this stone Zhishou looks like is also the black cherry moonlight gives one of his magical treasure, what casts is ninth child dragon jeered wind shape type, only because of ninth dragon child, jeered the wind had waits and sees good the different functions, jeered the wind beast to be like the dog dragon, assumed to sit, pair of claws holds a small circle mirror, this circle mirror called is pioneer/monarch Nvejing, can according to various demons and monsters. 孙炎找了一个相对安全的石洞,他将一座小小的石制兽像,镇在洞口,这石制兽像亦是黑樱月华给他的法宝之一,铸成的是龙之九子中的“嘲风”形样,只因龙之九子中,嘲风有“善观望”的异能,嘲风兽像似犬似龙,呈坐相,双爪捧着一面小小圆镜,这圆镜唤作“辟虐镜”,能够照出各种妖魔鬼怪。 This magical treasure, then calls is pioneer/monarch abuse to jeer wind, puts in cave entrance, can wait and see to act as lookout for them, even if there is uses the imaginary technique or sneaking of escaping technique, can discover. 法宝,便唤作“辟虐嘲风”,置于洞口,便可为他们观望把风,纵有使用幻术又或遁术的潜入者,也能找出。 In the hole, Sun Yan is hugging deep, is hugging young single-handedly, making them rest, in own bosom, in his side, lotus lotus is binding the wool blanket, bending is ordinary with insect, fragrant falling asleep. Bewildered by person kidnapping to wonderful camptotheca acuminata, before his her the person who does not know, encountered a series of fights, unexpectedly can also rest such calmly and steadily, Sun Yan does not know that should say she is the thick nerve, should say that her mentality is good? 洞内,孙炎一手搂着冥儿,一手搂着雏儿,让她们睡在自己怀中,在他的旁边,莲莲裹着毛毯,弯得跟虫儿一般,香香甜甜的睡着。莫名其妙的被人“劫持”到妙喜树,跟着他这个她以前根本不认识的人,遭遇了一连串的战斗,居然还能睡得这么安稳,孙炎不知道该说她是粗神经,还是该说她心态好? Is hugging two mount beauties, he sat in repose with eyes closed a meeting , has the induction suddenly, he opens the eye, looks down, sees only young in bosom, does not know when has gained ground, visits him with that defined eye. At this moment, her eye pupil is clear as if looks like the autumn waters, to be able his face to map general. His say/way gently: Young?” 搂着两个坐骑美眉,他闭目养神了一会,忽的,生出感应,他睁开眼睛,低头看去,只见怀中的雏儿,不知何时已抬起头来,用那明晰的眼睛看着他。此时此刻,她的眼眸清澄得就像是秋水、仿佛能够将他的脸全都映入其中一般。他轻轻的道:“雏儿?” swallow Yinchu in he bosom turns slightly, looks toward periphery, the right hand leaves from his embracing, pulled up conveniently issued the silk: Where is here? How can you here?” 燕引雏在他怀中微微一扭,往周围看去,右手从他的搂抱中脱出,随手撩了一下发丝:“这里是什么地方?你如何会在这里?” Sun Yan said: You are......” 孙炎道:“你是……” Girl slanting looked at his one eyes. 女孩斜斜的睇了他一眼。 In the Sun Yan heart moves: Black cherry elder sister?” 孙炎心中一动:“黑樱姐?” The girl said: Is I!” 女孩道:“是我!” Sun Yan said: What's all this about? Why the black cherry elder sister can you take possession on young?” 孙炎道:“这是怎么回事?为什么黑樱姐你能附身在雏儿身上?” The black cherry moonlight said: „After this issue, replied, you first told me, your here situation how?” 黑樱月华道:“这个问题以后再回答,你先告诉我,你这边情况如何?” Sun Yan doubts, do not understand why the black cherry elder sister can be attached to young, but said to her the situation. 孙炎一阵疑惑,不明白黑樱姐为什么能够附在雏儿身上,但还是把情况跟她说了一遍。 The black cherry moonlight in he bosom hesitates saying: „Were eight virtue ponds broken? Oh, matter that this does not have the means. The virtue protects protection Fokuang of Bodhisattva, although is fierce, but cannot block the broken day crime air/Qi. I think, Yaoyao they can first step arrive in eight virtue ponds, after all her side, led the outstandingly able person different gentleman who is good at calculating, fought the section most the day graduated arm, dubhe and day authority Xingzhu in day that power three star lords were good at deducing to send continually, finally actually the opposite party forestalls. You, can actually from not have non- empty gate to enter actually directly, it seems like it is related with the Great Sage exoteric and esoteric buddhism real secret art of your within the body.” 黑樱月华在他怀中沉吟道:“八德池被破了?唉,这也是没有办法的事。贤护菩萨的守护佛光虽然厉害,但是挡不住破天罪气。我本以为,瑶瑶她们能够先一步到达八德池,毕竟她的身边,带了许多擅长演算的奇人异士,连斗部最善于推演的天衡、天枢、天权三位星主中的天权星主都派了下来,结果却还是对方抢了先。倒是你,竟然能够直接从‘非有非空门’进入,看来跟你体内的大圣显密真诀有关。” Sun Yan is hugging her, said: Black cherry elder sister, day authority Xingzhu is the Chengtian Avenue pledge person.” 孙炎搂着她,道:“黑樱姐,天权星主是承天大道盟的人。” ......( To be continued.(.)) ……(未完待续。(。)) ... ...
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