MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#909: Everyone has a good heart......

Eight protect Fokuang, although is strong, but cannot block the broken day crime air/Qi the broken profound effect, the enemy of thing both sides has not driven out, south side Kua Fu leads the person to enter. 八护佛光虽强,但是未能挡住破天罪气的破玄之效,以至于东西两面的敌人还没有赶出去,南边夸父就已带人杀入。 star Yi both hands together, governing Fokuang, flutters in the high place, in the heart anxious. lotus lotus is riding the deep phoenix, flies in her side. 星奕双手合什,御着佛光,飘在高处,心中焦急。莲莲骑着冥凤,飞在她的身边。 , From the lotus plumule palace direction, one group of Fokuang shoots up to the sky suddenly, is first suppressing that innumerable corpse demon, although no corpse demon dies because of this Fokuang, becomes is extremely weak, fights the monk to well up on, extinguished one these corpse demons in large numbers, however, big magical powers Kua Fu of serious famine period is killing the four directions as before greatly, and since more corpse demons are braving. 忽的,从莲心殿方向,一团佛光冲天而起,先是压制着那无数尸魔,虽然没有一只尸魔因这佛光而死,却都变得极是虚弱,战僧一涌而上,将这些尸魔灭了一大批,然而,大荒时期的大神通者夸父依旧在大杀四方,且更多的尸魔正在冒起。 , In the lotus plumule palace, transmits Buddha suddenly, then has the true words to resound: Woman presses down firmly Luo Boluo- earthen bowl- suo celebrates!” A child golden body departs, this is the virtue protects in which one of the Bodhisattva virtue to protect to win the child on body to have, golden light hold, the day falls greatly rises, the day and place as if synthesized a body, their sky, turn into the sunshine of blue sky. 忽的,莲心殿内,传来一声佛号,紧接着便有真言响起:“婆捺囉播囉—钵哩—娑贺!”一具孩童金身飞出,这是贤护菩萨的其中一个应身“贤护胜上童具”,金光大盛,天降地升,天与地仿佛合成了一体,他们的上空,变成万里无云的一片晴朗。 A diamond rapid flight comes: Star Junior Sister, eight virtue ponds could not have defended, high and low two have synthesized a body, we must protect the Grandmasters and various who Tiannv are unable to fight rush, leading them to go to the seven treasures forest, outside does not know that also many enemies, need to use your Buddha eye seal and legal community are void!” 一名金刚疾飞而来:“星星师妹,八德池已经守不住了,上下两界已经合成一体,我们要保护诸位无法战斗的大师和诸天女闯出去,带他们前往七宝林,外面不知还有多少敌人,需要用到你的佛眼印和法界虚空!” The star Yi young nun said: I and you go together!” Looks to the one side: lotus lotus elder sister......” 星奕小尼姑道:“我和你们一起去!”看向一旁:“莲莲姐姐……” lotus lotus has not spoken, deep had called out: But master Elder Brother......” 莲莲还未说话,冥儿已叫道:“可是主人哥哥……” The star Yi young nun said: We first escape to the safe place, keeps here words, he must catch up to save us!” She had once fought on the infinite stars scene of carnage with Sun Yan and Hou Fei, luck Xiaoman together, naturally fully realized importance that acts according to the special circumstances. 星奕小尼姑道:“我们先逃到安全的地方,留在这里的话,他还得赶来救我们!”她曾与孙炎、侯斐、吉小曼一同在无限星辰修罗场上战斗过,自然深知事急从权的重要性。 Eight virtue pond divide/allocate make high and low two, two unite, is unsurpassed. Also does not have, was equal to making a connection with the two floors in wonderful camptotheca acuminata. Depends on the virtue to protect the suppression of Bodhisattva Fokuang, Zhuluo Hankin just protected various monk, various Tiannv to break through a tight encirclement, enters on one, however the enemy are too really many. Especially those corpse demon. Resembling is endless, can never kill. All the way, leaves behind everywhere the corpse. 八德池分作上下两界,两界合一,既无上。亦无下,便等于打通了妙喜树中的这上下两层。靠着贤护菩萨佛光的压制,诸罗汉金刚护着诸僧、诸天女杀出重围,进入上一层,然而敌人实在太多。尤其是那些尸魔。似是没完没了,永远杀不完似的。一路上,留下满地尸体。 Suddenly. The rear lotus plumule palace direction, transmits a deafening sound. 忽的。后方莲心殿方向,传来一声震响。 star Yi young nun both hands together, depends on the clairvoyant to look in the future, flows out the tears unconsciously: Virtue protected the teacher's younger brother to be killed by Kua Fu!” 星奕小尼姑双手合什,靠着天眼通往后看去,不觉流出泪来:“贤护师叔被夸父杀了!” Zhuluo Hankin just knew her Buddha eye seal to cultivate/repair rides supremely, in the heart is low-spirited. 诸罗汉金刚知她的佛眼印已修至上乘,心中俱是黯然。 The star Yi young nun actually opens eyes unexpectedly: Had the enemy to come!!!” 星奕小尼姑却蓦地睁眼:“有敌人来了!!!” The people hurry to look in the future. Sees only together the gloomy ray, is pinching the billowing strength air-splitting. 众人赶紧往后看去。只见一道灰暗的光芒,挟着滚滚的力量破空而来。 The star Yi young nun loses the sound said: Greatly fierce Bodhisattva!” 星奕小尼姑失声道:“大勇猛菩萨!” Zhuluo, in various gold/metal elastic centers thump a sound. 诸罗汉、诸金刚心中咯噔一响。 Bang! The billowing gloomy light delimits spatially, but, falls among the day females, the figure is big, hand held crescent moon monk's staff, in angry roaring sound, crescent moon monk's staff chaotic dance. In an instant, then killed more than 20 day females. The corpse flies randomly, color skirt broken dance. A group of diamond arhats are worried to death on, shouted: You walk quickly!” 轰!滚滚的灰暗之光划空而至,落在众天女间,身形高大,手提月牙禅杖,怒吼声中,月牙禅杖乱舞。刹那间,便杀了二十多名天女。尸体乱飞,彩裙碎舞。一批金刚罗汉急杀而上,同时喝道:“你们快走!” The greatly fierce Bodhisattva, is the Bodhisattva say/way fights the monk most. Now had degenerated into the dark Bodhisattva, the absent-minded mourning wisdom, he also has other alternate names, calls is the strict rapid Bodhisattva and swift and violent diamond, the flying speed by far common knight-errant swordsman, if not block him, feared that is no one can escape. 大勇猛菩萨,原本就是菩萨道的最强战僧。如今早已沦为了暗菩萨,失神丧智,他又有其它别称,唤作严迅菩萨、迅猛金刚,飞行速度远胜寻常剑侠,若不将他挡住,怕是无人能逃。 Bang bang bang bang a series of deafening sounds, the numerous fight the monk to go all out to go forward, keeps off the greatly fierce Bodhisattva, strives to run away the time that for Grandmaster and day female. The greatly fierce Bodhisattva including the acoustic shock roar, the crescent moon monk's staff dances the chaotic cloak stick light, the side bloody water soars to the heavens. 砰砰嘭嘭的一连串震响,众战僧拼命上前,强挡大勇猛菩萨,为诸位大师、天女争取逃走的时间。大勇猛菩萨连声震吼,月牙禅杖舞出乱披风般的杖光,身边血水冲天。 The star Yi young nun knew in the heart that remains these war monks who bring up the rear, feared that is no one can live, in heart sad, actually does not dare to stop. Depends on Buddha eye seal, he leads everyone, goes round several interceptions, the under land starts incarnadine, bloody water emit from the place bottom, these blood overspread the land , then emits a piece by piece miserable white bone, innumerable corpse demons from blood to...... 星奕小尼姑心知留下来断后的那些战僧,怕是无人能活,心中难过,却不敢停。靠着佛眼印,他带着大家,绕开几处截杀,下方大地开始染红,一股股血水从地底冒出,这些鲜血铺满了大地,紧接着,便冒出一片片惨白色的骨头,无数尸魔从血中冲起…… ...... …… * * Sun Yan depends on among the mind connection with deep, knows that they have escaped from eight virtue ponds, but has not actually been out of the danger. 孙炎靠着与冥儿之间的心灵连系,知道她们已经逃出八德池,但却并没有摆脱危险。 He rides the dragon rapid flight, pursues in the direction that deep and the others left, all the way, killed did not know many enemies and many corpse demons. 他乘龙疾飞,往冥儿等人离开的方向追去,一路上,杀了不知多少敌人、多少尸魔。 , Side cloud array surges suddenly, appears large numbers of enemies, a youth woman keeps off in his front, sneers saying: You are Sun Yan!” 忽的,身边云阵涌动,现出大批敌人,一个青年女子挡在他的面前,冷笑道:“你就是孙炎!” Sun Yan said: Good! Who are you?” 孙炎道:“不错!你又是谁?” Youth woman cold say/way: This miss is Boyen's daughter writing Zuixuan, snort/hum, escaped by you previous time, this do not want to assign/life time again like that.” 那青年女子冷然道:“本姑娘乃是文博延之女文醉萱,哼,上一次被你逃了,这一次你别想再有那般命好。” Sun Yan called out: Hey, I have not offended you, why can you kill me?” Is because I do grow too gracefully? 孙炎叫道:“喂喂,我又没有得罪你,你为什么非要杀我?”难道是因为我长得太帅? writing Zuixuan sneers saying: Because you can eat, making you live, will eat everyone falls poorly, therefore...... you were dismissed!” severely: Killed him!” 文醉萱冷笑道:“因为你太能吃,让你活下来,会把所有人都吃穷掉,所以……你被开除了!”一声厉喝:“杀了他!” The surrounding enemy flushed immediately. Sun Yan covered a day sword revolution, flashed several people continually, the crotch chi dragon blowout candle chill/yin cold fire, the flame inundated spatially, was actually the frozen penetrating marrow, forcing enemy to draw back the powder. While this opportunity, the Sun Yan governing dragon, instead flushes away toward the article being drunk Xuan, writing Zuixuan scolds one tenderly, offers a sacrifice to a treasure, the unusual brightness pounds loudly to Sun Yan, hits the Sun Yan chest forcefully, Sun Yan spouts a blood, the sword potential non-stop unexpectedly, writing Zuixuan has not thought that he does not draw back instead enters , hurried one to flash toward the side in great surprise, let. 周围敌人立时冲了上来。孙炎掩日剑一转,连闪数人,胯下螭龙喷出烛阴寒火,火光漫空,却是冻彻骨髓,迫使身边敌人退散。趁这机会,孙炎御龙,反往文醉萱冲去,文醉萱娇叱一声,祭出一宝,宝光轰然间砸向孙炎,硬生生击中孙炎胸膛,孙炎喷出一口鲜血,剑势竟是不停,文醉萱没有想到他不退反进,大惊之下,慌忙往侧面一闪,让了开来。 Sun Yan seizes the chance to rush out the tight encirclement, in him behind, writing Zuixuan gets angry: He has been injured, catches up with him, homicide!” 孙炎趁机闯出重围,在他身后,文醉萱怒道:“他已经受了伤,追上他,将他杀了!” These enemy illness/quick pursue on, where can actually catch up with the chi dragon? 那些敌人疾追而上,却又哪里追得上螭龙? The chi dragon looks back, nervous say/way: Master, your wound......” 螭龙回首,紧张的道:“主人,你的伤……” Sun Yan touched the chest, said: All right!” Rubs the hand, in the hand are many a small paper. 孙炎摸了摸胸口,道:“没事!”将手一搓,手中已是多了一张小小纸条。 ...... …… * * At the same time, nine nether world phoenix truncations lotus lotus, flying of dying is running away. 同一时间,九幽冥凤截着莲莲,没命的飞逃。 Their this and Buddhism eminent monk and day female in the same place, the result large quantities of corpse demons appeared, disrupted them, star Yi displayed the Buddhism big magical powers, leading a group of people to jump void, nine nether world phoenixes actually separated too with star Yi, had not carried off by her, now with other person of separate, the direction is more unclear, escaped except for the headless fly randomly, does not know where should go. 她们本与诸位佛门高僧和天女在一起,结果大批尸魔出现,打乱了他们,星奕施展佛门大神通,带着一批人虚空跳跃,九幽冥凤却与星奕隔得太远,未被她带走,现在更是与其他人失散,方向不明,除了无头苍蝇般乱逃,也不知该去哪里。 On the way, nine nether world phoenixes depend on the dark deep broken day crime air/Qi, killed several corpse demons continually, but dark deep broken day crime air/Qi, although has the broken profound effect, but like the candle chill/yin cold fire, does not have the effect of restraint to the corpse demon, rushes, it has panted. 途中,九幽冥凤靠着暗冥破天罪气,连杀了好几只尸魔,只是暗冥破天罪气虽然有破玄之效,但不像烛阴寒火,对尸魔有克制之效,一路闯下来,它已是气喘吁吁。 Pair of claws wields, nine nether world phoenixes massacred a corpse demon, in mountain tomb low-flying, is incapable of escaping again, has to find a place to lay aside. Although lotus lotus can therapy for it, but is unable to recover its energy. 双爪挥动,九幽冥凤又杀掉了一只尸魔,在山陵中低飞,已是无力再逃,不得不找个地方藏起。莲莲虽然能够为它疗伤,但是无法恢复它的体力。 Here has the person!” One group of enemies discover them, more than ten people encircled. “这里有人!”一伙敌人发现她们,十几人围了上来。 Could not escape,” deep phoenix is gasping for breath, you and you first walk......” “逃不掉了,”冥凤喘着气,“你、你先走……” lotus lotus actually jumps down, stretches out the arms protects the deep phoenix after behind, saw that this group of people kill, hurried to call out: Waits for!” 莲莲却是跳了下来,张开双臂将冥凤护在身后,眼看着这伙人杀来,赶紧叫道:“等一下!” One of them is combative: Girl, you could not run away!!!” 其中一人杀气腾腾:“丫头,你跑不掉了!!!” lotus lotus actually visits them, say/way gently: But, why do you want to kill us? Why does everyone want to kill? This world such happy, filled so many beautiful things, so long as there is a love, so long as has good, everyone can be together well ? Even killed us, can you be happy? Do you have joyfully? Slaughtering cannot solve the problem, I believe that you are not the inborn unprincipled people, I believe that you have a good heart......” 莲莲却是看着他们,轻轻的道:“可是,你们为什么要杀我们?大家为什么要杀来杀去?这个世界是这么的美好,充满了这么多美丽的事物,只要有爱,只要心存善良,大家都可以好好相处的,是不是?就算杀了我们,你们又能够幸福吗?你们就有快乐吗?杀戮是不能解决问题的,我相信你们也不是天生的坏人,我相信你们都有一颗善良的心……” ...... …… * * Mounts the clouds and rides the mist, the gust of wind rewinds, Sun Yan is riding the chi dragon, burning with impatience. 腾云驾雾,疾风倒卷,孙炎骑着螭龙,心急如焚。 He has induced the deep crisis, if deep dies here, how he does do right by Hou Fei who died? 他已经感应到了冥儿的危机,如果冥儿死在这里,他怎么对得起死去的侯斐? With among the induction with deep, he compels the chi dragon to pick up the speed, candle Yin fire chi discontentedly honk nan several. 凭着与冥儿之间的感应,他逼着螭龙加快速度,烛阴火螭不满地嘟喃几声。 Rapid flight, front transmitting wail sound suddenly, in his heart has doubts, is thinking accident of? Goes while dragon flying, sees only a gorge, lotus lotus stands there, in her front, more than ten villains has put down the weapon in hand, or wail, confession. In lotus lotus behind, deep has changed the young girl appearance, opens the eye to look at the back of lotus lotus, an inconceivable appearance. 一路疾飞,前方忽的传来哭嚎声,他心中疑惑,想着出了什么事?乘龙飞去,只见一处山峡,莲莲立在那里,在她的前方,十几名凶徒已经放下了手中的兵器,或是哭嚎,或是忏悔。在莲莲身后,冥儿已经变回少女模样,睁大眼睛看着莲莲的背影,一副不可思议的样子。 Has an accident? Does this have an accident? 出了什么事?这又是出了什么事? He flew, sees only lotus lotus to draw one of them, accompanies him to cry: Originally you are so pitiful, even if like this, doing the misdemeanor is still incorrect, in the darkness also has the light, we must see the light in the darkness, not only need see these to harm our people, must see these to help our people.” 他飞了过去,只见莲莲拉着其中一人,陪他落泪:“原来你这么可怜,可就算这样子,做坏事也是不对的,黑暗中也是有光明的,我们要在黑暗中看到光明,不只是要看到那些伤害过我们的人,也要看到那些帮助过我们的人。” That person kisses the ground to cry: I made a mistake, I really made a mistake, I must mediate, I must start to be a good person from now henceforth!” 那人伏地大哭:“我错了,我真的错了,我要做好人,从今以后我要开始做一个好人!” Others kiss the ground: We must mediate!” From now on we will not do the misdemeanor!” Pain, the heart is painful, why I am thought by the person who I harm for these, why I have not thought they are also the poor men?” I damn, I really damn, but I cannot die, I must like lotus lotus miss said that must be used for in the infinite recompensing crime the limited life, I must repay my sin, I must mediate, from now on I must try hard to be a good person!”...... 其他人纷纷伏地:“我们要做好人!”“从现在开始我们再也不做坏事了!”“痛啊,心都是痛的,为什么我从来没有替那些被我伤害的人想一想,为什么我就从来没有想过他们也是可怜人?”“我该死,我真的该死,但是我不能死,我要像莲莲姑娘说的一样,要把有限的生命用来无限的偿罪中,我要偿还我的罪孽,我要做个好人,从现在开始我要努力做一个好人!”…… Sun Yan and swallow Yinchu dumbfounded...... what situation? This what situation? 孙炎与燕引雏目瞪口呆……什么情况?这到底什么情况? He looked at one toward the rear area, does not dare to treat here, rapid flight under: lotus lotus! Deep!” 他往后方看了一眼,不敢在这里多待,疾飞而下:“莲莲!冥儿!” Deep called out: Master Elder Brother!” 冥儿叫道:“主人哥哥!” Sun Yan said: Here is unsafe, we walk!” 孙炎道:“这里不安全,我们走!” lotus lotus said: Waits for, some of my also many words and they said......” 莲莲道:“等一下,我还有很多话和他们说……” Let alone! The chi dragon flew her side, Sun Yan had hugged her. 别说了!螭龙飞过她的身边,孙炎一把将她抱了上来。 The ground, these people cry saying: lotus lotus miss you walks quickly!” You could rest assured that we did not do the misdemeanor!” lotus lotus miss said so many to us, does the misdemeanor again we are not a person, is the dog!” Not is only the dog, even the dog was inferior!” Until today, I truly clear recognizing please oneself, until today I really know that my innermost feelings are to yearn for the light as before, the lotus miss you takes care, we will not do the misdemeanor!”...... 地上,那些人哭道:“莲莲姑娘你快走吧!”“你放心,我们再也不做坏事了!”“莲莲姑娘对我们说了这么多,再做坏事我们就不是人,就是狗!”“岂止是狗,连狗都不如!”“直到今天,我才真正清楚的认请自己,直到今天我才真正的知道我的内心依旧是向往光明的,莲姑娘你保重,我们再也不会做坏事了!”…… Sun Yan: „......” 孙炎:“……” ......( To be continued.(.)) ……(未完待续。(。)) ... ...
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