MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#906: writing Zuixuan

Boyen reaches out him: Joins us, joins our Chengtian Avenue pledge, so long as ruined the Buddha golden body, will have a broader main road to appear before us, we do not need to withstand the deceit and enslaving of Heavenly Court. You may know why army zha Leeming king Hexiang does look like the Bodhisattva to revolt against Heavenly Court? They are to lead us, saves the world who does not understand the true situation, you must become one of us, seeks for the truth of this world, can become the Heavenly Court running dog? I believe that you should be able to make the correct choice.” 文博延向他伸出手:“加入我们,加入我们承天大道盟,只要毁掉了佛祖金身,就会有更加宽广的大道出现在我们面前,我们再也不用承受天庭的欺骗和奴役。你可知道,军吒利明王和香象菩萨为什么要反抗天庭?他们就是要带着我们,拯救不明真相的世人,你是要成为我们中的一员,寻找这个世界的真相,还是要成为天庭的走狗?我相信你应该能够做出正确的选择。” Sun Yan said: Ruined the Buddha golden body, said and discussed, superstition that promoted by striking back primary form, when god demon war, in more than 200 thousand world flying ash smoke, the main world is not extremely steady, reason that has not presented the wide scope the disaster tribulation, depends entirely on to say and discuss that after superstitious maintenance, the Buddha golden body destroyed, does not know that will have many people dead......” 孙炎道:“毁掉了佛祖金身,佛道并谈后升级的天条就会被打回原形,神魔大战时,两百多个中千世界飞灰烟,主世界已经极度不稳,之所以没有出现大范围的天灾地劫,全靠佛道并谈后的天条的维持,佛祖金身一毁,不知道会有多少人死去……” This was the necessary sacrifice,” Boyen said, world was unkind takes the myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing, to open the truth of this world, such sacrifice must, not only need, but also this was the genuine main road. What Heavenly Dao, kills in the benevolent quite wickedly, what universal restoration and leniency, these are Heavenly Court and Buddha are all used to deceive world's excuse, before appearing superstitiously, how could to have what karmic virtue value? How could to have what merit standard? The say/way of immortal, is the genuine brutal say/way, Heavenly Emperor and Buddha cuts off the brutal main road, to forbid to mix Huang Cheng real, for fear that others discover their plots, this world this not superstitious, if they are the days, we should go against heaven's will the conduct, immortal brutal, destroys the Buddhist doctrine, breaks superstitiously, this is the true Heavenly Dao.” “这是必要的牺牲,”文博延道,“天地不仁以万物为刍狗,为了打开这个世界的真相,这样的牺牲是必须的,不但是必须的,而且这才是真正的大道。什么天道在仁、好生恶杀,什么普度众生、慈悲为怀,这些全都是天庭和佛祖用来愚弄世人的借口,天条出现之前,何曾有什么功德值?何曾有什么功过格?长生之道,是真正的无情之道,天帝和佛祖断绝无情大道、禁止混黄成真,就是生怕别人发现他们的阴谋,这世界本无天条,如果他们是天,那我们就更应该逆天行事,仙道无情,毁佛法,断天条,这才是真正的天道。” Sun Yan long implored the one breath: If must take sacrificing the lives of countless person as the price, proves this so-called main road, I rather become the Heavenly Court running dog...... to prevent you!” 孙炎长长的吁出一口气:“如果要以牺牲无数人的性命为代价,来证得这所谓的‘大道’,那我宁愿成为天庭的走狗……阻止你们!” Boyen gets angry snort/hum one, body Zhou Guo the billowing moisture. The moisture rocks, shook the dark blue glare in the Taiyuan level. 文博延怒哼一声,身周裹着滚滚水气。水气晃动,在太元层面晃出深蓝色的强光。 magnificence foreign complexion gloomy and cold, in the hand holds a treasured sword that disperses the cold ice. The sword blade disperses the austere cold air, passes the vault of heaven. 正华夷脸色阴冷,手中持着一支散出寒冰的宝剑。剑身散出肃肃寒气,直透苍穹。 Mechanism/Organization arm that thousand machines send people to heaven. The profound cold pincers of arm head transfer quickly, sends out to shout whistling the thorn to be empty-handed. 千机度人的机关手臂。臂头的玄寒铁钳转得更快,发出呼呼呼的刺空身。 The falling deep pool sword stands boldly as before floating there, the sword has not moved, the person has not moved, to the Sun Yan constriction, actually surpasses other three people. 陷渊剑豪依旧飘立在那里,剑未动,人未动,给孙炎的压迫感,却是超出其他三人。 In them behind, large numbers of enemies support to come slowly. 在他们身后,大批敌人缓缓拥上前来。 Sun Yan is riding the chi dragon, moves to lotus lotus his behind. Let her hold own waist, nine nether world phoenixes fly in his side, pair of claws is passing the dark grey crime air/Qi. He makes to would rather die than surrender, although locates in the hopeless situation, knew perfectly well oneself run away not to be possible to escape, the appearance that actually puts up a last-ditch struggle, the right hand held to transfer the mortal form sword, the left hand actually quietly and touches another sword and black cherry elder sister to his magical treasure. 孙炎骑着螭龙,将莲莲移至他的身后。让她抱着自己的腰,九幽冥凤飞在他的身边,双爪透着暗灰色的罪气。他做出宁死不屈,虽处绝境之中,明知自己已经逃无可逃,却还是垂死挣扎的样子,右手持着转魄剑,左手却悄悄和摸上了另一剑、黑樱姐给他的法宝 If not for there is this magical treasure in the hand, he feared a moment ago will first fake to agree winning over of opposite party, then seizes the chance to act. After all. Facing these four powerful enemies, many subordinates who as well as they lead, even if he turns into fire cloud Xiaosheng. Feared that is also unpleasable, let alone the black cherry elder sister also sealed his external, cannot he use the strength of real dragon. 若不是有这一件法宝在手,他刚才怕是会先假作同意对方的拉拢,再趁机出手。毕竟。面对这四个强敌,以及他们所带的众多手下,就算他变成“火云小圣”。怕是也难以讨好,何况黑樱姐还封了他的外挂,不许他使用真龙之力。 Say/Way that Boyen coldly: We gave you opportunity......” 文博延冷冷的道:“我们给了你机会……” Sun Yan has not waited for him saying that magical treasure pinches, then must offer a sacrifice. At this moment, the mutation breaks out, actually listens to bang, magnificence Yi a disciple exploded behind suddenly, this explodes. The air wave is billowing, then must embezzle magnificence Yi shortly. magnificence foreign actually also worthily are the experts of True Person boundary, immediately responded. The body binds thick ice astral air/Qi, immediately, is only he, although safe/without matter, some disciple actually many people who nine curves ice Sky Sword sends this sudden explodes, coils the fragment, other also give way to traffic in abundance. 孙炎未等他说完,法宝一捏,便要祭出。就在这时,异变突起,却听“轰”的一声,正华夷身后一名弟子突然炸了开来,这一炸。气浪滚滚,眼看着便要将正华夷吞没。正华夷却也不愧是真人境的高手,马上反应过来。身裹玄冰罡气,立时冲起,只是他虽然无事,九曲冰天剑派的众弟子却有许多人被这突如其来的一炸,卷成碎片,其他亦是纷纷避让。 Without thinking so accidentally/surprisingly, Sun Yan then the belt/bring rides to catch fire in an instant chi, proceeds to flush away, the energy of explosion comes to him certainly, fire chi first step spouts the cold fire, cold fire to become Zhui, is offsetting the impact of explosion, nine nether world phoenixes seize the chance to raid, rips open the complementary waves that profound qi explodes by the dark deep broken day crime air/Qi, they rush. 没有想到会有这般意外,孙炎刹那间便带骑着火螭,往前冲去,爆炸的能量向他绝来,火螭先一步喷出寒火,寒火成锥,抵销着爆炸的冲击,九幽冥凤趁机袭来,以暗冥破天罪气撕开玄气爆炸的余波,他们直闯而出。 In the field, everyone does not know why this explosion comes, although Sun Yan files, but simply cannot use with enough time, the explosion has then taken place. Although no one knows why will suddenly present this explosion, but can walks randomly between the time and time he, responded that compared with on other person quickly one steps, immediately realizes this is an opportunity, the gap that explodes from the explosion rushes out directly. 场中,所有人都不知道这次的爆炸到底是因何而来,孙炎虽有备案,但根本没能来得及用出,爆炸便已发生。只是,虽然谁也不知道为何会突然出现这场爆炸,但能够“在时间与时间之间游走”的他,反应又要比其他人快上一步,立刻意识到这是一个机会,直接从爆炸炸出的缺口闯出。 Brush! The sword light delimits the curved shape together the path, raids his behind, the falling deep pool sword of making a move is bold. Sun Yan depends on Yin counter Yang Wei, almost after the explosion starts next time then to make using the judgment that the explosion runs away, responded that can be said as quickly to the extreme. However this falling deep pool sword bold reaction speed, is extremely quick, a sword raids, the sword air/Qi assumes perfectly round spherical, the sword ball diameter three chi (0.33 m), are rolling the sword air/Qi of high density, if were struck by it, only if has Yaoyao Empress such indestructible body, no matter who, feared that must die without doubt. 刷!一道剑光划出弯形的轨迹,直袭他的身后,出手的正是陷渊剑豪。孙炎靠着“阴逆阳违”,几乎在爆炸开始后的下一个时间点便做出利用爆炸逃走的判断,反应可以说是快到极点。然而这陷渊剑豪的反应速度,亦是极快,一剑袭来,剑气呈浑圆球状,剑球直径三尺,内中滚动着高密度的剑气,若是被它击个正着,除非拥有瑶瑶帝姬那样的金刚不坏之身,不管是谁,怕是都必死无疑。 The Sun Yan sword light a finger/refers, the stimulation of movement transfers the effectiveness of mortal form sword in an instant backward, to the sword ball was slow immediately, and starts to rotate slowly. However, refers to moon/month, but toad in the moon revolutions revolutions mortal form, although slows down the speed that the sword ball raided, is actually not able to prevent it chariot advancement as before, this person of sword air/Qi . 孙炎剑光刹那间向后一指,催动转魄剑的效用,冲来的剑球立时慢了许多,并开始缓慢转动。然而,“指月而蟾兔转”的转魄,虽然减缓了剑球袭来的速度,却依旧无法阻止它战车般的推进,此人之剑气,果然了得。 Boyen, thousand machines send people to heaven, although because of sudden explosion, slow a racket, responded quickly. Boyen acts suddenly, profound Shuicheng astral, goes toward the Sun Yan crazy volume, thousand machine sending people to heaven mechanism/organization arm flying high pliers to Sun Yan, the universe level present dragon Qianhu to clamp unexpectedly, cuts toward Sun Yan. Their making a move, although is swift and fierce, but slow a racket, could not have kept up with the speed of candle Yin chi dragon. 文博延、千机度人虽然因为突然出现的爆炸,慢了一拍,却也很快就反应过来。文博延骤然出手,玄水成罡,朝孙炎狂卷而去,千机度人机关手臂凌空钳向孙炎,太虚层面竟出现龙钳虎夹,朝孙炎剪去。只是,他们的出手虽然凌厉,但慢了一拍,就已经跟不上烛阴螭龙的速度。 Nine nether world phoenixes turn head fast, the phoenix howls spouts the dark deep broken day crime air/Qi, the broken day crime air/Qi spurts on the ball of sword air/Qi, will corrode its energy, Sun Yan takes advantage of opportunity will transfer the mortal form sword one to direct toward the side, the dragon pliers tiger clip of bang, in the sword ball counter-attack thousand machines sent people to heaven, the chi dragon will fishtail, moved to 30 degrees corner/horn slantingly, instead from approaching thousand machines sent people to heaven and leads an inorganic gate bank to escape, avoided Boyen's astral water attack. 九幽冥凤快速回头,凤啸中喷出暗冥破天罪气,破天罪气喷在剑气之球上,侵蚀它的能量,孙炎顺势将转魄剑往侧面一引,轰的一声,剑球反击中了千机度人的龙钳虎夹,螭龙摆尾,斜移了三十度角,反从靠近千机度人及其所率无机门一侧飞遁,避开了文博延的罡水攻击。 After thousand machines send people to heaven meet by the dark deep broken day crime air/Qi corrodes the ball of sword air/Qi hardly, in deafening sound loudly, receives unexpectedly reluctantly, his disciple actually reacts radically without enough time, when wants to act, Sun Yan brings nine nether world phoenixes, vertical flies to go, chi dragon Mingfeng acts on the way, instead made use to kill several inorganic disciples. 千机度人硬接被暗冥破天罪气侵蚀后的剑气之球,轰然的震响中,竟也只是勉强接下,他的门人却是根本来不及做出反应,想要出手时,孙炎已经带着九幽冥凤,纵飞而去,途中螭龙冥凤出手,反趁势杀了几名无机门弟子。 Boyen, magnificence Yi, thousand machines send people to heaven to fly into a rage, simultaneous/uniform Qizhui goes, was actually being ridden Sun Yan that flies chi more escapes is farther. 文博延、正华夷、千机度人勃然大怒,齐齐追去,却还是被骑着飞螭的孙炎越逃越远。 In them behind, falling deep pool sword bold cold snort/hum, receives the sword slowly. 在他们身后,陷渊剑豪冷哼一声,缓缓收剑。 Pursues can not, Boyen and others must turn back. magnificence Yinu: Cannot think that so escaped by him unexpectedly!” Although depended on the help of that sudden explosion, but Sun Yan can be so decisive unexpectedly, escapes from their besieging using the gap that the explosion produces, actually also more than he expected. 追之不得,文博延等只得折回。正华夷怒道:“想不到竟然被他就这般逃了!”虽说是靠了那场突然出现的爆炸的帮助,但孙炎竟能如此果断的,利用爆炸产生的缺口逃出他们的围攻,却也大出他的意料。 Thousand machines send people to heaven to knit the brows: A moment ago what's the matter?” 千机度人皱眉道:“刚才是怎么回事?” magnificence Yifei, examined the wreckage of killed these disciples, deliberated, said: Profound astral ruptured the symbol...... some people pasted profound astral to rupture the symbol, these people who I led, all hid in the hidden place a moment ago, along with me appeared together, this profound astral ruptured the symbol is not the tricks that Sun Yan that boy got up. Snort, originally wants to use this boy, draws out Yaoyao Empress and her person, cannot think that escaped by him unexpectedly.” 正华夷飞了下去,查看被炸死的那些弟子的残骸,推敲一番,道:“玄罡爆裂符……有人身上被贴了玄罡爆裂符,我带的这些人,刚才全都藏在暗处,随我一同出现,这玄罡爆裂符不是孙炎那小子做的手脚。哼,本来想利用这小子,把瑶瑶帝姬和她的人引出,想不到竟然就这么被他逃了。” Boyen said: First they met with Xuan said again.” 文博延道:“先与萱儿他们会合再说。” The people fly toward the front mountain valley, enters in the valley, the surroundings appear many 's shadows. A youth woman departs: Father, a moment ago what's the matter? Do not deceive that Sun Yan, just now begins?” 众人往前方的山谷飞去,进入谷中,周围现出更多人影。一个青年女子飞出:“爹,刚才是怎么回事?你们不是要把那孙炎骗进来,方才动手的么?” This female, is actually Boyen's daughter writing Zuixuan, in Heaven was also the famous tendency to domineer, as afterward her father revolted Heavenly Court, escaped Mortal World, did all kinds of evil in the world of mortals, reputation ratio god nyctanthes arbor-tristis demon must in confusion. She wears the big flowered clothes, the face belt/bring mean color, looks at the people. Boyen cold -ly snorted and said: Does not know that is tricks that who gets, making that boy escape.” 这女子,却是文博延的女儿文醉萱,以前在天界也是有名的跋扈,后来随着她的父亲叛出天庭,逃到人间,在下界作恶多端,声名比“神夜花魔”还要狼藉。她身穿大花衣裳,脸带阴狠之色,看着众人。文博延冷哼道:“不知道是谁做的手脚,让那小子逃了。” writing Zuixuan snort/hum, without many words...... 文醉萱哼了一声,没有多话…… *** *** Sun Yan is riding the chi dragon, flies along the ground. 孙炎骑着螭龙,沿着地面飞行。 lotus lotus in his behind, tight is holding his waist. 莲莲在他的身后,紧紧的抱着他的腰。 Nine nether world phoenixes along in his side, periphery intense alert. 九幽冥凤随在他的身边,紧张的戒备周围。 In the Sun Yan heart ponders saying: A moment ago that explosion, what's the matter? Is who is intending to help me?” 孙炎心中忖道:“刚才那爆炸,是怎么回事?是谁在出手帮我?” Even if although does not have that to explode, depends on same magical treasure that the black cherry elder sister delivers, he can still be out of danger safely, but magical treasure this thing, after a reveal over time, second time not necessarily easy-to-use, can first not use, is naturally better, particularly this type may be used, in the group enemy besieges magical treasure that breaks through, these revealed the shape time, the next enemy will also calculate it. 虽然就算没有那爆炸,靠着黑樱姐所送的一样法宝,他也能够平安脱险,但法宝这东西,露过一次相后,第二次未必好用,能够先不使用,自然更好,尤其是这种可用于在群敌围攻中突围的法宝,这一次露了形,下一次敌人就会把它也计算在内。 That explosion time grasps is really good, is in Boyen, that flash that magnificence Yi and the others will soon act, the moment, the attention of enemy not on his body, is all alerting the surroundings early as before, the effect that the explosion causes is so being not necessarily good, late the moment, the experts of enemy side have acted, so long as he tied down by one of them, even if begins the explosion, he is still hard to escape. 只是,那场爆炸时机掌握得实在太好,乃是在文博延、正华夷等人即将出手的那一瞬间,早一刻,敌人的注意力并非全在他的身上,依旧在戒备着周围,爆炸引起的效果未必有那么好,晚一刻,敌方的高手就已经出手,他只要被其中一人缠住,就算再起爆炸,他也难以逃脱。 Helps his person in secret, who is? In his heart has doubts. 暗中助他的人,到底是谁?他心中疑惑。 At this moment, surroundings Fokuang is suddenly abundant, many monks fell...... 就在这时,周围佛光忽盛,众多武僧落了下来…… ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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