MGIAFM :: Volume #10

#907: Also sees the star...... the star?

These monks appear quite suddenly, sends people to heaven, the falling deep pool sword appears boldly general when with magnificence Yi, thousand machines, said that comes comes, even at the Sun Yan eyesight, had not seen in advance they hide where.[ Ads: Home station exchanging website, shorthand method:,], although these seem like all are Buddhists, but Sun Yan has not dared to have slightly negligently, in this wonderful camptotheca acuminata, good and evil difficult minute/share, possibly is the obscene monk wicked Zen under dark Bodhisattva place. 这些武僧出现得颇为突然,与正华夷、千机度人、陷渊剑豪出现时一般,说现身就现身,即便以孙炎的眼力,事前也没有看出他们到底藏在何处。[ads:本站换新网址啦,速记方法:,]虽然这些看上去全是佛门弟子,但是孙炎已是不敢有丝毫大意,在这妙喜树中,善恶难分,也可能是暗菩萨座下的淫僧恶禅。 These monks actually also fill visit him vigilantly, or holds the stick, holds the stick, is a humanity: Whose may I ask this donor to be surnamed anyone, why does the institute come?” 这些武僧却也充满警惕地看着他,或是持杖,或是持棒,为首一人道:“敢问这位施主姓谁名谁,所为何来?” Sun Yan thinks, said in a low voice: lotus lotus...... was inferior that you ask they are the good person or the unprincipled person?” 孙炎想了想,低声道:“莲莲……不如你问问他们是好人还是坏人?” lotus lotus is hugging his waist, pokes head from him behind: This Grandmaster, are you good people?” 莲莲搂着他的腰,从他身后探出头来:“请问这位大师,你们是好人吗?” That is first monk stunned: This poor monk and should fellow apprentices...... be the good people?” 那为首武僧一个错愕:“贫僧和众师兄弟……应该是好人吧?” Did I say your not self-confident appearance what's the matter? 我说你这连自己都不自信的样子是怎么回事? lotus lotus actually relaxes, said: They are the good people!” 莲莲却是松了口气,道:“他们是好人!” Their this saying did you believe? Sun Yan is speechless. 他们这一说你就相信了吗?孙炎无语。 On the other hand, did not think obviously lotus lotus such question really useful, what do I also make her make to do? To complain? 话说回来,明明不觉得莲莲这样子的问话真的有用,我还让她做什么做?就是为了吐槽一下吗? Ok, since lotus lotus said that they are the good person...... 算了,既然莲莲说他们是好人…… He is riding the chi dragon, both hands together: Younger generation or South Sea fall under the gal mountain Yulan Bodhisattva place Putuo Protector, may I ask the Grandmaster given name?” No matter these people are good person unprincipled person, oneself so burst in everywhere after all is not the means that must contact to say with them again. 他骑着螭龙,双手合什:“晚辈还是南海落伽山鱼篮菩萨座下普陀护法,敢问大师名号?”不管这些人到底是“好人”还是“坏人”,自己这般到处乱闯毕竟不是办法,总得跟他们接触一下再说。 During the speeches, he displays the strength of diamond Protector, to indicate oneself Buddhism Protector status. 说话间,他施展金刚护法之力,以表明自己“佛门护法”的身份。 These monks also each other look one, they indeed perceived that on this youngster has the strength of Buddhism Protector, since said and discussed, the Buddhism Protector a duty, similarly in The Legend and Hero, but only had the talents of Spirit Mountain to grant, this person can use the strength of diamond Protector, at least can show that he was in The Legend and Hero the person. 那些武僧亦是彼此对望一眼,他们的确在这少年身上觉察到有佛门护法之力,自“佛道并谈”之后,佛门护法一职,同样是在封神榜上,只是唯有灵山之人才能够赐予,这人能够使用金刚护法之力,至少可以证明他是封神榜中人。 Unlike diamond and arhat. Buddhism Protector does not need to be in the Buddhism the person, so long as there is the heart of protection Buddhist doctrine to be able. 与“金刚”、“罗汉”不同。佛门护法并不需要是佛门中人,只要有保护佛法之心便可。 However at the present in this case, even if the Bodhisattva, they also not necessarily dare to trust. Protecting the law under which Bodhisattva place let alone is only. Naturally, the Goddess of Mercy is one of the folk three big lord revering, unlike other Bodhisattvas, but they can only perceive that on this youngster indeed has the Protector supernatural power of Buddhism, is actually not able to judge that he indeed is under the Goddess of Mercy place. 但是在现在这种情况下,哪怕是菩萨,他们也未必就敢去信任。更别说只是哪位菩萨座下的护法。当然,观音菩萨乃是民间三大主尊之一,又与其他菩萨不同,但他们只能觉察到这少年身上的确是有佛门的护法神力,却无法藉此而判断出他的确是观音座下。 At this moment. Monks behind, suddenly exits a petite person's shadow: Brother Sun?” This sound is pleasantly surprised. 就在这时。众僧身后,忽的转出一个娇小的人影:“孙大哥?”这声音又惊又喜。 Sun Yan looks at this young nun, relaxes, this young nun unexpectedly is star Yi. 孙炎看着这小尼姑,亦是松了口气,这小尼姑竟是星奕。 star Yi wears the pink black clothing, the quick two years have not seen her, are pretty. Although Sun Yan does not know that pretty to her is a good deed. 星奕身穿粉红缁衣,快两年没有看到她,已经是俏丽许多。虽然孙炎不知道“俏丽”对她是不是一件好事。 That is the military Buddhist monks and Daoist priests of head: Junior Sister, do you recognize him?” 那为首的武僧道:“师妹,你认得他?” The star Yi young nun said: He is I in the Immortal World understanding good friend, is under the Goddess of Mercy place Protector.” 星奕小尼姑道:“他是我在仙界认识好友,同时也是观音菩萨座下护法。” Determined the Sun Yan status, these monks also felt relieved. 确定了孙炎的身份,那些武僧亦是放下心来。 ...... …… * * Sun Yan brings lotus lotus, follows catches fire chi and deep phoenix. As the star Yi young nuns and monks disperse the direction of Fokuang to fly toward the distant place. 孙炎带着莲莲,身后跟随着火螭和冥凤。随着星奕小尼姑和众武僧往远处散出佛光的方向飞去。 The star Yi young nun said: Brother Sun, how can you here? Also, hears Brother Hou he......” 星奕小尼姑道:“孙大哥,你怎么会在这里?还有,听说侯大哥他……” Sun Yan is low-spirited: Hou brother had been harmed, kills his, is the present captures the wonderful camptotheca acuminata these evil people!” Comes to look for Empress and fragrant Fairy Maiden matter oneself says, said: Where do we go to now?” 孙炎黯然:“侯兄已经被人所害,杀害他的,就是现在攻入妙喜树的那些恶人!”把自己前来寻找帝姬和香香仙子的事说出,又道:“我们现在去哪里?” star Yi said: Eight virtue ponds!” 星奕道:“八德池!” In their front, Fokuang forms the powerful barrier, however the bottom does not emit the blood blister, in these blood blisters the insect shadow surges, seems trying to corrode the Fokuang barrier unceasingly. They fly into Fokuang. A dignified sound resounds: These two who star, you bring are......” 在他们前方,佛光形成强大的屏障,然而地底不是冒出血泡,这些血泡中虫影涌动,仿佛在不断试图侵蚀佛光屏障。他们飞入佛光之中。一个威严的声音响起:“星星,你带来的这两人是……” Does Sun Yan think...... the star?! 孙炎心想……星星?! The star Yi young nun said: Buddhist prints the Senior Brother, this is under the Goddess of Mercy place Protector Sun Yan Brother Sun, his side is Yaochi Jade Woman lotus lotus elder sister.” 星奕小尼姑道:“梵印师兄,这位是观音菩萨座下护法孙炎孙大哥,他身边这位是瑶池玉女莲莲姐姐。” The front Fokuang rips open an opening. Sun Yan and lotus lotus, as star Yi and monks since, an arhat are riding the elephant together, the left palm raises up, the right hand is raising the monk's staff, keeps off in their front. star Yi young nun introduced: Brother Sun, this is the buddhist prints the Senior Brother. Now has proven to result in the statue arhat.” 前方佛光撕开一线裂口。孙炎、莲莲随着星奕和众武僧一同进入内中,一名罗汉骑着大象,左掌竖起,右手提着禅杖,挡在他们前方。星奕小尼姑介绍道:“孙大哥,这位是梵印师兄。如今已经证得坐象罗汉。” The statue arhat buddhist prints on the statue salutes, said: Originally is Donor Sun, before had hear of young Junior Sisters to mention, why will the donor appear in this?” 坐象罗汉梵印于座象上施礼,道:“原来是孙施主,以前多有听小师妹提及,施主为何会出现在此?” Sun Yan said: I brought to cover the day sword, came to seek has entered the wonderful camptotheca acuminata Your Highness Yaoyao, actually doesn't know her now where?” 孙炎道:“我带着掩日剑,前来寻找已经进入妙喜树的瑶瑶殿下,却不知道她现在何处?” The buddhists print the arhat saying: „Had your highness entered the wonderful camptotheca acuminata? Only pitifully, in the wonderful camptotheca acuminata present one group of confusion, we do not know that at this moment is what situation, is unable to know that Empress is where now. The surroundings everywhere are an enemy, we depend on the virtue to protect the protection of revering, can defend these eight virtue ponds temporarily, does not know when can defend. Eight virtue ponds to a on inevitable location, want to come theoretically, if Empress really entered eight virtue ponds, must go upward, must arrive at these eight virtue pond to come.” 梵印罗汉道:“殿下已经进入了妙喜树?只可惜,妙喜树内现在一团混乱,我们也不知道此刻到底是什么情况,更无法知道帝姬现在身在何处。周围到处都是敌人,我们靠着贤护尊者的保护,才能暂时守住这八德池,也不知能够守得几时。八德池理论上是通往上一层的必经之地,想来,帝姬若是真的入了八德池,要往上一层去,也还是要到这八德池来。” Sun Yan thinks, originally has the virtue to protect the Bodhisattva here, no wonder outside these people are unable to occupy eight virtue ponds all of a sudden. He said: In view of this, but also please let me stay here, to protect eight virtue ponds makes contribution, may wait for your highness here.” 孙炎想,原来有贤护菩萨在这里,难怪外面那些人一下子无法占据八德池。他道:“既如此,还请让我留在这里,为守护八德池尽一份力,同时也可在这里等候殿下。” The buddhists printed the arhat no longer saying that but let make a debut. 梵印罗汉不再多说,只是让出道来。 Sun Yan is getting lotus lotus, brings dragon and phoenix, enters in eight virtue ponds with star Yi together, sees only the front valuable pond to unfold, everywhere the golden lotus, Fuyan is horizontal, lives the colored glaze treasure tree that inserts the day. Many day of females, from the sky fly round , many Buddhist priests, or practice on the lotus, or prepares. Front, a day female flew, say/way virtue protects revering invited Young Master Sun to go to the benevolence palace to discuss.” 孙炎领着莲莲,带着龙凤,与星奕一同进入八德池中,只见前方宝池铺开,处处金莲,佛岩横斜,又生有许多插天的琉璃宝树。许多天女,在空中飞来飞去,又有众多僧人,在莲上或是修行,或是备战。前方,一名天女飞了过来,道“贤护尊者有请孙公子前往佛心殿一谈。” star Yi said: This elder sister, I lead Brother Sun to go well.” 星奕道:“这位姐姐,我带孙大哥去就好。” That day female flies away, star Yi is leading Sun Yan, goes to eight virtue pond midpoints the benevolence palaces. 那名天女飞走,星奕领着孙炎,前往八德池正中央的佛心殿。 ...... …… * * The entire benevolence palace, seems held by a giant red lotus flower, before the palace both sides, the look of wrath, the arhat assumes the prestige. 整个佛心殿,仿佛被一座巨大的红色莲花托着,殿前两侧,金刚怒目,罗汉呈威。 star Yi is getting Sun Yan and lotus lotus enters in the palace, flesh assumes the pink girl to be built on the palace, the left hand holds the treasured vase, the right hand holds the alone stock pestle. Sun Yan knows, this is the virtue protects the Bodhisattva, just like a big Bodhisattva has day female golden body and „” two types of day female golden bodies is angrily common, the virtue protects the golden body of Bodhisattva is female resembles diamond, its image for the yellowish pink female shape, the female shape representative decides virtue, the red represents the mercy, the alone stock pestle of right hand expressed that legal community of reality of wisdom and Arab League character Tathagata, the treasured vase representative of left hand cherishes fifth the wisdom all living things heart, because of its, although is the Bodhisattva, what outside present is the female body diamond, therefore is called as protects the diamond skillfully.”. 星奕领着孙炎与莲莲进入殿中,一名肌肤呈粉红色的女郎立于殿中,左手持宝瓶,右手执独股杵。孙炎知道,这位便是贤护菩萨,正如摩利支大菩萨拥有“天女金身”和“愤怒相”两种天女金身一般,贤护菩萨的金身乃是一座“女像金刚”,其形像为肉色女形,女形代表定德,红色代表慈悲,右手的独股杵表示“如来之实智、‘阿’字之法界”,左手的宝瓶代表爱护众生心地之五智,因其虽为菩萨,外现的乃是女身金刚之相,故又称作“巧护金刚”。 In the Bodhisattvas, the virtue protects the Bodhisattva position too to be not high, and does not have the energy of fight, but actually defends extremely good, virtue protects and protects the name skillfully, is from this. 在众菩萨中,贤护菩萨地位不算太高,且无战斗之能,但却极其善守,“贤护”、“巧护”之名,便是由此而来。 The virtue protects the Bodhisattva to look at Sun Yan and lotus lotus, said: Two sides come from outside, outside the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, what situation now is?” 贤护菩萨看着孙炎和莲莲,道:“两位方从外头进来,妙喜树外,现在到底是什么形势?” Sun Yan said outside tactical situation in detail, said: Now, army zha Leeming king and nine burn Zhou demon to fear that is in this wonderful camptotheca acuminata, does not know many powerful enemy, has the punishment day, altogether the labor and Kua Fu, likely also all entered the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, although a Heavenly Court side, sent out many experts to enter the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, but now position unclear......” 孙炎将外面的战况详细说出,又道:“现在,军吒利明王和九焚纣魔怕是都在这妙喜树中,还有不知多少的强敌,更有刑天、共工、夸父,很可能也全都进入了妙喜树,虽然天庭一方,也派出了许多高手进入妙喜树,但现在位置不明……” The virtue protects the Bodhisattva say/way: Wonderful camptotheca acuminata own system has stopped revolving, Donor Sun should be from does not have ’ the wonderful camptotheca acuminata that non- empty gate enters directly ‚, can therefore find eight virtue ponds quickly, if Empress and others’ or have to come from empty gate, does not know when can come here. This place had usedcolorless string of pearls and eight protects Fokuang eight virtue pond Huzhu, making the enemy not seek, broken can not, but colorless string of pearls does not know that was used what method to decode now by them, entire eight virtue ponds present, is unable to hide again, now only depends on eight to protect Fokuang protection. Outside cannot see the enemy temporarily, but wants to come is not the enemy is not, but is they have a deeper plan, does not know whether eight virtue ponds can defend Empress to command troops to rush?!” 贤护菩萨道:“妙喜树自身的系统已经停止运转,孙施主应该是直接从‘非有非空门’入的妙喜树,所以能够这么快就找到八德池,若是帝姬和其他人是从‘空门’又或‘有门’进来,也不知什么时候才能够到达这里。本座本已用‘无色璎珞’和‘八护佛光’将八德池护住,令敌人寻不到,破不得,但是现在‘无色璎珞’已不知被他们用何种手段破解,整个八德池都已现了出来,无法再藏,现在只靠‘八护佛光’守护。外头暂时看不到敌人,但想来并非敌人不在,而是他们另有更深计划,也不知八德池是否能够守到帝姬率兵赶到?!” Sun Yan said: Enemy whether by way of the wonderful camptotheca acuminata, directly to enter high-level?” 孙炎道:“敌人能否不经由妙喜树,直接进入更高层?” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。) ... ...
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